welcome year 6

Post on 23-Dec-2021






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Welcome Year 6 – soon to be Year 7

I am Miss Murray Head of Year 7 and in charge of transition. It is my job to ensure you have a smooth and comfortable transition from

primary to secondary school.

So please take a look at this booklet that I have prepared for

you to give you some key information about expectations at

Blessed Trinity and what Secondary school life is like.

Have a look at the pictures on this page it will give you an idea of what Blessed Trinity looks like on the inside including key places

-Theatre – where assemblies take place.

-Canteen – where you eat at break and lunch time.

-Astroturf where P.E lessons can take place.

-Corridors where you will find your way around the building to your different lessons.

-Classrooms – where your lessons will take place.

So, who is who?See the staff structure :

• Form Tutor: Bosco, Assisi, Bernadette, Romero, Peter, Magdalene, Kolbe, Goretti, Clitherow, Calcutta (You will be placed in one of these forms and will have a form tutor that looks after you.)

• Year Leader: Miss Murray

• Assistant Head Teacher attached to Year 7: Ms McCue

• Assistant Head Teacher in charge of pastoral care and behaviour: Mrs Nolan

• Deputy Head Teacher : Mrs Williams

• Head Teacher: Mr Varey

What form will I be in?

You will be placed in to a form, please see the diagram that shows the name of the forms and colours each form has. You will be told your form in the next couple of months. You will have a form tutor that you will see each day where they will go through notices, merits, behaviour, attendance and check on your wellbeing each day.

Each form is represented by a different colour – once you know your form you will then buy a school tie which will have your form colour on so you can be identified as in that form.

What subjects will I study?

• Maths

• English

• Science

• RE

• History

• Geography

• PE

• French

• Spanish

• Computing

• Food Technology

• Technology (Resistant Materials & Electronics)

• Art

• Dance

• Drama

• Music

• DEAR (during form time)

• PSHE (during form time)

You will study lots of different subjects at Blessed Trinity please see the list:

How will I know what lessons to go to and when? – You will have a TIMETABLE.

• See the Timetable at the side – On your first day at Blessed Trinity you will be given a timetable. We have a two week timetable (Week A and Week B). The numbers also mean the lesson you are in such as lesson 1.

• So on this timetable this pupil would be in Science with Miss Smith lesson 1 on a week A. I know this might sound confusing, but we will go through it all together and with your form tutor. We will also have prefects that will help to show you around and just ask anyone. We are there to help!

• Many of you know we also have three floors in school. So any rooms that start with a 3 are on the top floor, 2 are the middle floor and 1 are the ground floor. SOS stands for Spirit of Sport and is where P.E lessons take place.

Planners and Homework • When you start at Blessed Trinity

any homework that you get from your class teacher will be set on ‘Show My Homework’. This is a great app where you can check what homework you have on your phone or I-pad. It will also come up on your parents phone or device as well so they can check that you have completed your homework.

• You will also have a student planner which you can write your homework in as well to keep organised- it is like a diary.

Expectations at Blessed Trinity

• Every single pupil has the right to learn, so we behave appropriately in all lessons to ensure we reach our maximum potential.

• We walk around the building in a calm and safe manner being respectful of one another.

• We have high standards and complete all of our class work and homework.

• We arrive to time to school.

• We wear correct uniform at all times (more on this on next page).

• No mobile phones – If these are seen are heard during the day they will be confiscated and left behind reception for a parent/guardian to collect.

• We have the correct equipment for each day.

Standards of Uniform

We wear correct uniform each day this includes:

- No extreme hair styles or unnatural hair. Pupils must not have their hair shaved any less than a number two.

- No nail varnish/ nail extensions

- No make up including fake eyelashes/ dyed eyebrows

- No Jewellery only a wrist watch.

- Correct school shoes: this must be a full black shoe with no logos/labels . We do this so that everyone is equal. You cannot wear trainers to school.

Please see uniform booklet for further advice or email rkeighley@btrcc.lancs.sch.uk for further details.

Bullying – If it happens, who do you speak to?

• Blessed Trinity has a strict anti-bullying and discrimination policy and provides the mechanisms and staff to ensure that they are resolved.

• Some of these include letting us know if you are concerned about being bullied or someone being bullied. You need to let us know and then we can stop it.

• You can do this by going on to any computer where you can complete an on-line form. There are reporting slips in every classroom and an Anti-Bullying box in Pupil Reception. All reports come to me. You can tell any member of staff who will then let me know and I will sort it.

• I am here to support you and check you are okay so please always come and let me know.

Merits, Rewards and Behaviour

• Merits are given for many things such as: wearing the correct uniform, exceeding expectations, fully prepared to learn and displaying a positive attitude to learning.

• These go towards getting Bronze , Silver , Gold and Platinum Awards and your forms merit total.

• Each week the pupil in each year group with the highest number of merits wins a lunch voucher and queue pass for two. The pupils with the highest number of merits in each form group also wins a prize.

• Every term staff nominate pupils within their subject areas in the Blessed Trinity Achievement Awards where they receive a certificate and subject award badge.

• Staff can also give behaviour points for: not doing your homework, being late, inappropriate behaviour. These can lead to being on report.

The Thumb Print Machine!• At Blessed Trinity we use a special machine where

we can add money to our Thumbs! Yes our Thumbs! This is so that when you are buying anything from the canteen at break or lunch that your money is safely stored on your thumb and that is how you will pay.

• You will go the thumb machine , press your thumb down and then upload your money to your thumb. Then when you want to buy something from the canteen you just use your thumb to pay (how cool is that).

• On your first day at Blessed Trinity we will show you how to do this!

• Money goes on via a machine or by parents sending in a cheque/money to the office or crediting online accounts.

• FSM is automatically paid into your account.

• You won’t need to carry money around.

• Lots of choice Breakfast/Break/Lunch.

Food at Blessed Trinity • Each day you will go for break and lunch in the

canteen you can bring your own packed lunch or buy lunch as school. FSM will have money topped up on their thumb automatically.

• Please see the sample menu of choice at lunch time in the canteen.

• We also have a FREE MAGIC BREAKFAST every morning up in our Café Trinity on floor two. This is from 8.00am-8.35am where we provide breakfast to any pupil free of charge. This includes toast, crumpets, cereals, bagels etc. Please feel free to come to Magic Breakfast to get your day started!

Extra Curricular Activities – Sport

• After school each evening we have lots of extra-curricular activities that you can take part in, here are a couple of a sporting ones:

• Football

• Netball

• Hockey

• Tennis

• Rounders

• Basketball

• Gymnastics

• Trampolining

• Rugby

• Cricket

• Badminton

• Fitness suite

• Running club

Other Extra Curricular Activities We have other Extra Curricular Activities including the following:

• Science – experiments!

• Art

• Music

• Dance

• Drama

• Homework ( every night after school in the library)

• Maths – code breaking, monthly puzzles

School Productions

• Every year our Performing Arts department put together a school show.

• We have performed, Annie, Bugsy Malone, Greece, Oliver and potentially even High school musical!

• This takes place at Burnley Mechanics and is always a sell out!

• Anyone can take part as chorus, characters, dancing, set changes, helping with lighting!

• This could be you next year on stage!

We are a Catholic Community

• We pray during the school day so lets finish of with you learning the school prayer:

For the Creating of the Father

And the Healing of the Son

And the Empowering of the Holy Spirit

We give Thanks


I look forward to you joining Blessed Trinity Year 6 and cannot wait to be your Year Leader. Keep safe and look after yourselves and your families.Miss MurrayHead of Year 7 and Transition

Please check out our school website at www.btrcc.lancs.sch.uk and also check our school twitter page at @BTRCCinfo for more information about Blessed Trinity.

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