west epping uniting churchweppinguca.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/march-25-notices.pdf ·...

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Loving Jesus, we remember how, a long time ago,

The people stood by the road and welcomed you.

We pray that we too will welcome you,

That we will be people who welcome

Goodness and kindness when we see it.

We pray for all people who need our love today:

People who feel that nobody knows

How hard their life is,

People who struggle for enough to live,

And people who are ill or sad.

As many church’s lay out palm leaves to

celebrate Palm Sunday,

We will remember the people and places who need our

care and the love of Jesus today.

We will also remember those people who are trying to


We pray for the leaders at West Epping Uniting Church,

As they try to lay out palm leaves that will guide us

towards learning and growing,

We pray in Christ name. Amen.

(Dorothy McRae-McMahon)

Our Vision: We are people sent to share the love,

hope and compassion of Jesus Christ with

all the world



Last week I was invited by the Friday Discovery group to give a

talk on Tonga. I would describe our session as one of

“Talanoa” with the group. “Talanoa is a generic term referring

to a conversation, chat, sharing of ideas and talking with

someone. It is a term that is shared by Tongans, Samoans,

and Fijians. Talanoa can be formal, as between chiefs and

his or her people, and it can be informal, as between friends

in a kava circle. Talanoa is also used for different purposes; to

teach a skill, to share ideas, to preach, to resolve problems, to

build and maintain relationships, and to gather information.”

Most of our talanoa with the Friday Discovery group was

around the mats and weaving. Many of you are curious

about the mats and kiekie or ta’ovala that I wear around my

waist every Sunday. Here is a quick explanation. A kiekie or

ta’ovala(ta’ovala) symbolises the whole country of Tonga;

when one wears the mat they are wearing the whole country

and tying it themselves. Wherever that person goes they wear

the country to give respect to those individuals and places

they encounter. The kiekie or ta’ovala is a sign of high respect.

We attempted to do some weaving. This was the part I

enjoyed the most because everyone participated. Although

most of the weavers in the group were finding the art very

difficult they were willing to give it a try. At the end I collected

the weavings, others quickly hid there’s, apologising for their

lack of artistic skills and there were some really good weavings

from the men.

Watching the groups effort to weave reminded me of our own

reality in being Multicultural. The strands for weaving

represented the diverse cultures of the Church. In weaving

each strand and learning where they sit well, we need to be

mindful about, which shift is okay. For each strands of the

church it will insensitive, and some strands are shorter and they

need to be strengthen by new ones. The weaver has a long

time to develop their skills. The Friday Discovery groups’

willingness to learn the Tongan weaving is where portion in the

Uniting Church may locate themselves, whilst others are still

deciding. At least we are giving it a try and even though we

are not very good at what it means to be part of a

multicultural Church. We will make mistakes but we have the

vision, we know this is part of us as a pilgrim people, journeying

to meet with Christ who is at the centre of many the strands.

Lofa Anga’aelangi

Sunday 25 March 2018

Welcome 환영합니다

സവ്ാഗതം 欢迎 Ki ora Malo elelei


Remember, the families, and owners of property’s

who have lost their home from the tragic bushfires in

Tathra and the rest of the communities affected by

the fires. Pray they may be helped, strengthened

and restored by the concern and practical care

they are receiving.

We pray for leaders and survivors of abuse in the

church who continues to be part of the

reconciliation process of healing.

Remember all those with special needs today. Pray

for families and friends grieving the loss of loved


Remember this West Epping congregation as we

continue to look forward and seek God’s guidance

in all that we do. Pray for wisdom and willingness to

listen to God’s voice and to be guided by God’s


Let us remember those members of the community,

who are struggling with finances, loss of jobs,

unexpected challenges and those who are trying to

get by each day.

Pray for those who are sick, lonely, and overworked,

may they find rest.

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land upon which we gather, the Wallumedegal people of the

Eora nation and give thanks for their care of the land over many generations.

Sunday Morning Worship

8am & 10am

QWEST ~ Sunday 25 March

in the Cottage at 5pm

Informal worship, good discussion and a meal together.

Discussion: “Abraham” – Jews, Christians and Muslims all

claim Abraham as a significant ancestor. What do these three

faiths have in common and why are they so divided. Is there a

possibility for reconciliation and peace?



Maundy Thursday: Thursday 29

th March – 7.30pm

A reflective service with a celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

Good Friday: Friday 30

th March – 9.00am

Remembering what Jesus did for us on the


Easter Day: Sunday 1

st April – 8.00am and 10.00am

Celebrating Christ’s victory over death.

COTTAGE CRAFTERS ~ Tuesday 27 March

Meet in the cottage at 9.45am for cuppa and

chat. This week please bring a sewing needle,

thread (several colours) and your scissors. If you

have a 'button tin or jar' it would be great if you

could bring that too – to swap and share as we

will be using buttons!

Enquiries: Margaret Wilson 9871 5649

PRAYER GROUP ~ If you would like prayer for

yourself or for others please contact Lois Rees,

Helen Campbell, Annabelle Avern or Rev John

Barr who convene a weekly Prayer Group each

Thursday in the Cottage 12.15-1.00pm. During

this time we pray for all members of the West

Epping Community and for the

needs of others.

New members of the Prayer Group

are always welcome.


The Uniting Church has a strong

tradition of marching for peace and

justice on Palm Sunday, and of

welcoming refugees and defending

the rights and protection of people

seeking asylum in our community.

Our Moderator, Rev Simon Hansford,

will be the key faith speaker for the Sydney event, representing our

Church and speaking about why defending the rights of refugees

and people seeking asylum is a key part of our mission as a church


Today, Palm Sunday, 2pm-4.30pm

Belmore Park (opp Central Station), Hay Street Haymarket (everyone

to meet at Belmore Park and then march to Victoria Park)

ARRUNGA ~ Our next ‘conversation and

afternoon tea’ will be on Tuesday 3 April at 2pm.

All welcome!

Phyll Bliss will be 89 on Thursday 29 April and

some folk will be going to Arrunga to celebrate

with her. If you would like to come, please

contact Lois (9876 1743) or Marg (9876 5842).


Bookings are now open for this Mother’s Day High

Tea on 28 April. This year we are inviting guests to

arrive from 2pm for a great shopping experience

and to purchase Mother’s Day gifts. High Tea will

commence at 3pm. Cost $30pp. No paper

tickets will be issued. Contact Jen Spoor on

0414 230162 or gjspoor@bigpond.com for more

information. Tickets will also be on sale following

some services over the next few weeks.

Thanks in advance for your support.


A collaboration of Northmead Performing Arts High School, The

Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, Charles Sturt University

and Northmead Uniting Church, this art exhibition features the work

of some of Australia’s leading artists. Their engagement with the

Stations of the Cross provides fresh and unexpected insights into the

intersection of the Easter story with our lives today.

Where: Northmead Performing Arts High School,

end of Campbell Street, Northmead.

When: 22 March to 1 April 2018 from 10.00am to 4.00pm

Cost: $2pp


We pray that God’s Grace has encouraged you

to share a gift this Lent to support our brothers

and sisters in Africa, Cambodia and Syria. Please

fill in the donation slip, seal inside the provided

envelope and place in the offering plate. Your

donation will then give opportunities for children

to break the cycle of vulnerability and poverty.

Thank you.


Performance of ‘The Yoemen of the Guard’ is on

Friday 1 June at 8pm. Tickets $27 pp

Order your tickets now from Joan Ross 9873 3713.

Today is PALM SUNDAY, the

day Jesus entered Jerusalem on a

donkey as the crowd cheered

“hosanna” – “deliver us”!

On this most holy day we gather as

one community to worship together.

Following the worship service this

morning we will retire for morning tea ready to commence the

Congregational Meeting in the church promptly at 10.45am.

Please join us for a pot luck lunch following the Congregational


Mark 11:1-7

When they were approaching Jerusalem, at Bethphage and Bethany, near the

Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples and said to them, ‘Go into the village

ahead of you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find tied there a colt that

has never been ridden; untie it and bring it. If anyone says to you, “Why are you

doing this?” just say this, “The Lord needs it and will send it back here

immediately.” ’ They went away and found a colt tied near a door, outside in the

street. As they were untying it, some of the bystanders said to them, ‘What are

you doing, untying the colt?’ They told them what Jesus had said; and they

allowed them to take it. Then they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks

on it; and he sat on it.

Mark 11:8

Many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others

spread leafy branches that they had cut in the fields.

Mark 11:9-11

Then those who went ahead and those who followed were shouting,


Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!

Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David!

Hosanna in the highest heaven!’

Then he entered Jerusalem and went into the temple; and when he had looked

around at everything, as it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the



SUNDAY 29th APRIL The Moderator of the NSW/ACT Synod, Rev Simon

Hansford, will visit West Epping and preach at a

special 9am Together Service. Morning Tea will follow

with an opportunity to meet the moderator and learn

more about the work of the Synod. Please bring a

plate to share at Morning Tea.


SUNDAY 8th APRIL: Rev John Dacey, Community

Minister in Bidwill and Mt Druitt, will

be our guest preacher at 8am and

10am. John will share about the

work of the Bidwill Uniting Church

community in its ministry in a poor

area of Western Sydney. John will

also share about how we can

become involved in this outreach

through activities including Spring in


Last Sunday, 18th March, Rev Sujit Solomon David was

inducted as full-time minister with the CSI Sydney

Congregation in a moving service here in West

Epping. This service also farewelled Rev Vinod Victor

(based in Melbourne) who has been pastoring this

congregation on part-time basis during last three

years. A number of West Epping members, including

Phil Chapple and Rev John Barr, attended this service to offer hospitality and


Rev Sujit David was born and brought up in Bangalore, South India, and has

served as a missionary among tribal and rural people in the state of Maharashtra,

as an evangelist and then as a deacon in the Church of South India Karnataka

Central Diocese. Rev David then served three congregations as a presbyter

(minister) in the same diocese. He and his family (wife, Sonu and two children,

Pranay and Prerana) arrived in Australia on 16th March and are living in South


Rev Sujit David’s appointment is a significant

development in the life and the witness of the CSI

Sydney Congregation. This congregation involves a

range of ministries including a growing youth group

and Sunday School. The CSI Sydney Congregation

worship here in West Epping every week.

We are now being challenged to develop new ways

of working together and to growing as one in God’s

mission in this area. Welcome to Rev Sujit, Sonu,

Pranay and Prerana!

Ministry Team Rev John Barr 0457 879 099 Rev Radhika Sukumar-White (on maternity leave) Tau’alofa Anga’aelangi (Lofa) 0403 283 756

Office Administrator Helen Tattersall 9868 3574 Safe Church Contact Person Erica Harrison 9873 3989

Church Office 35 Orchard St Epping 2121 p: 9868 3574

Office Hours Monday to Thursday 8.30am—3.00pm Friday 8.30am—12.30pm Email weppinguca@gmail.com Website weppinguca.org.au Facebook facebook.com/weppinguniting WEUC Bank Account Westpac BSB 032 081 Account 961263

What’s on this week!

West Epping Uniting Church uses information and news provided by its members, adherents and officers for the

purposes of conducting its pastoral ministry. In the course of that ministry, material published in this bulletin may reach an audience wider than the membership of

the congregation.

Sunday 25 March ~ Palm Sunday celebration,

Together Service, 9am ~ followed by

congregational meeting and lunch

Thursday 29 March ~ Maundy Thursday Service,

7.30pm with Communion

Friday 30 March ~ Good Friday Service, 9am

Sunday 1 April ~ Easter Day, 8am & 10am

Sunday 8 April ~ Guest Preacher Rev John Dacey,

Community Minister in Bidwill and Mt Druitt

Saturday 28 April ~ Steps with Hope High Tea

Sunday 29 April ~ Together Service, 9am

Visit by the Moderator of the Synod Rev Simon


Diary Dates

West Epping Uniting Church is a member of an Ecumenical Covenant

with the Anglican Parish of Epping,

the Catholic Parish of Epping and

Carlingford, Epping Baptist Church and

Epping Uniting Church.

END DAYLIGHT SAVING Sunday 1 April Don’t forget to set your clocks

back one hour before going to

bed on Saturday night,

31 March.

For Pastoral Care needs

please contact:

Rev John Barr 0457 879 099

Serving next Sunday 1 April

Monday 26 March 10.00am English Conversation Classes

Tuesday 27 March 9.30am 10.00am

Men’s Shed at Arrunga Cottage Crafters

Wednesday 28 Mar 9.30am 9.45am

Men’s Shed at Arrunga mainly music

Thursday 30 March Maundy Thursday

9.30am 9.30am 10.00am 12.15pm 7.30pm 9.30pm

Men’s Shed at Arrunga Playgroup Thursday Craft Prayer Group Service—Lord’s Supper CSI

Friday 30 March Good Friday



Service—Remembering what Jesus did for us on the cross CSI

Easter Day Sunday 1 April

8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm

Worship : HC Worship : HC & JAM for children CSI

8.00am 10.00am

Welcomers Ron & Lurline

Watersaon Norman Perry Doreen Davies

Stewards John Planner John Norman

Morris Ross So Young Paik

Ministers Assistant Annabelle Aver Jean Chapple

Communion Assistants

Betty Taylor, John Norman Lurline Waterson

Julie Bullen, Ian West Jean Chapple

Reader June Blunden Jan Williams

Prayer Ministry John Planner Pete McAndrew

Prayers for Others Jan Venn-Brown Jan Venn-Brown

Sound/Computer Bruce Sheldrick Nick Ostle

Flowers Margaret Wilson

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