westminster stories · sabbath retreat, may 6-7 at lake waubesa bible camp, mcfarland before we...

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Issue #547 August 2015

Inside Stories:










Youth News




Prayers and




Calendar of


April 2016 Issue #547

While the liturgical calendar puts us in

Eastertide on the way to Pentecost,

Westminster's calendar has us heading

toward another big date: June 5, the

day we will host the Centennial Cele-

bration. As we move toward that date,

the lectionary passages set a beautiful

overarching theme of important Chris-

tian practices for the faith journey.

That got me thinking about how jour-

ney is such an appropriate word for

Westminster right now. You are on a

journey in time, acutely felt these days

because of the

Centennial Celebration. On June 5

we’ll celebrate the ways God has

been with you for the last one hun-

dred years as well as looking to-

ward the ways God will be with

you in the next one hundred years.

Phase II committee, that has been

meeting to put plans into place for a

stewardship journey in the fall, with

hopes of debt reduction and strate-

gic planning for the building for the

next step of our journey. You’ll hear

more about that in the coming


A note from our Interim

Interim. And of course we’re on an in-

terim journey right now, a journey

you’ve taken before as a congregation,

though each interim unfolds differently

(you can read more about interim

hopes in this newsletter).

Not everyone loves adventures, but even

the most home-body of us is still traveling,

is still on a journey. As we move through

this Eastertide, I invite you to think about

your faith journey and what are the most

important practices and skills that help

you navigate the world and deepen your

relationship with God. Is it a sense of be-

lief even in that which you have not seen

with your eyes? Is it the reminder of God’s

call and grace? Is it listening to the shep-

herd’s voice? Thankfully, as part of the

body of Christ, we do not journey alone—

we have one another for mutual encour-

agement as we seek most faithfully to ful-

fill God’s call for us as individuals and as

a congregation.

Grace and peace for the journey,

Westminster Stories


April 2016


Page 2

Sabbath Retreat, May 6-7 at Lake Waubesa Bible Camp, McFarland

Before we launch into the last push before summer,

take a break and a breath, and join with others for a

Sabbath retreat at Lake Waubesa Bible Camp in

McFarland. We’ll gather at the camp at 5:30pm on

Friday, May 6th have dinner together and begin our

retreat. The camp provides beds and bedding, won-

derful meals, a comfortable meeting space, beautiful

views of the lake, and break from the day to day to-do

lists. We will wrap up our retreat at 3pm on Saturday,

May 7th. The retreat will involve time for reading, or walking, or sitting on benches by the lake, as well

as opportunities for worship, games, and reflection together. All ages are welcome and particularly en-

couraged; this will be appropriate for kids, teens, and adults.

We will have two options for registering: the full retreat 5:30 Friday-3pm Saturday with 3 meals, and 1

night at camp will be $25/person ($75/family), or you can come just for Saturday from 9am-3pm with 1

meal for $10/person ($30/family). Registration will open on April 10th and close on May 1st.

“[Sabbath] is alternative…The alternative on offer is the awareness and practice of the claim that we are

situated on the receiving end of the gifts of God. To be so situated is a staggering option, because we

are accustomed to being on the initiating end of all things. We neither expect nor even want a gift to be

given, so inured are we to accomplishing and achieving and possessing. Thus I have come to think that

the fourth commandment on Sabbath is the most difficult and most urgent of the commandments in our

society, because it summons us to intent and conduct that defies the most elemental requirements of a

commodity-propelled society that specializes in control and entertainment… along with anxiety and vio-

lence.” Walter Brueggemann, Sabbath as Resistance Saying NO to the Culture of Now.

Sabbath retreat

rummage Sale

All hands on deck! The Westminster Rummage Sale really needs you for donations, set up, and the sale

on April 30! You can donate your high-quality, working items between now and Friday, April 29 at

noon. We also need lots of volunteers for set up starting Wednesday afternoon April 27 and going

through clean up of the sale April 30. Please sign up in the narthex before or after church or contact

Ruth Hein to volunteer. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with the Westminster community as

well as the neighborhoods around the church. And all proceeds go to community projects here in Mad-


Issue #547 August 2015 Page 3 Issue #547

April 2016

Sharing a Meal and Stories with the Madinah Community,

April 9th at 5:00pm We will gather with students, teachers, and families

from the Madinah Academy of Madison (the school

that meets in our building) on Saturday, April 9th from 5

-6:30pm. This will be a potluck meal. Please no pork

or gelatin in what you bring to share. You are wel-

come to bring friends and neighbors. We will have a

short presentation from teachers and students to share

what they are learning. In return, Westminster mem-

bers will be sharing a short presentation on what we

do, and answering some of the kid’s questions. This is

a great opportunity for fellowship for all ages. Kids and youth are particularly encouraged to come!

Teaching Seder,

April 17th at 4:30pm The Seder Meal is part of the Jewish observance of the Passover. It is a meal full of symbolism of the

history of the Jewish people from the time of the Exodus

on. As we seek to understand our Jewish neighbors and

their faith, we are offering an opportunity to learn about

the Seder Meal and its stories. Rabbi Jonathan Biatch from

Temple Beth El will be coming on April 17th to lead us in a

Teaching Seder. This will be an opportunity for food, fel-

lowship, and education about the faith and practices of our

Jewish Neighbors. For those who are interested in helping

to prepare the special foods of the Seder we will begin

cooking at 2:30pm on Sunday, April 17th, leading into the

meal at 4:30pm. You are welcome to come when you can. Those staying for the meal will be asked for

a suggested donation of $10 to help cover the cost of the food. This is an event that is appropriate for

those in elementary school and up, our children and youth are particularly encouraged to come.

Sharing a Meal

Page 4

How long, O Lord? the Psalmist cries in Psalm 13. How long, O Lord? the people cry in an interim

period. How long? is the question of the hour around here. How long will the interim be? How long until

there’s a new called and installed pastor? How long?

While there are not actual formulas for interims, once a congregation has an interim in place, the general

timeline is one to two years.

Westminster is in a good place right now, so the Session has moved forward to request the formation of a

PNC (see chart on next page) from the COM at their next meeting on April 7. While interim timelines

shift, here is a general outline of some of the upcoming steps:

April 7 COM: the Session is requesting the COM to approve the formation of a PNC

April 10, 11:30-12:30: Session meeting for the purpose of planning space for congregation-wide

conversations around vision and God’s call for the congregation and the kind of pastor God might

want the congregation to seek.

April 17, 11:30 Deacons meeting: the Deacons will elect one more person to complete the

nominating committee

Mid-April: the nominating committee begins the process of discerning possible members of the PNC

April 25, 7 pm Session: the Session will receive an update from the nominating committee to

determine if it will be possible to call a congregational meeting to elect the PNC

May 15: Pentecost and the tentative goal for Congregational meeting to elect the PNC

May 15 into the summer: the PNC will meet weekly for prayer and to write the MIF, hopefully

posting and starting to hear from applicants over the Fall with interviews potentially into the new

year, with a pastor arriving sometime in 2017, potentially early in the year if that is how the Spirit


Ways you can help the process:

Pray for the congregation

Participate in one of the congregation-wide conversations during May

Pray for the nominating committee

If you are an active part of Westminster’s work and worship and think you might have the gifts that

could help a PNC, consider letting the nominating committee know you might be interested in

serving on the PNC (important gifts for various members of the committee include: discernment,

administration, writing, technological savvy, ability to meet fairly regularly—often weekly—for

roughly 6 to 18 months, organization, intercession)

Pray for the PNC

Pray for the potential ministers

Interim plan

Issue #547 August 2015 Page 5

Interim Acronyms

April 2016

Fairly regularly, pastors get random questions about which people have wondered. I joke that these

are “Stump the Pastor” moments – the Dear Abby questions of theology. I recently got one of those

questions after a funeral, and it got Pastor Kathleen and me thinking that maybe we could do a

Stump the Pastor column in the WPC Stories. If you have questions you would like to submit, feel

free to email them to either of us or the office or write them down and hand them off on a Sunday


The question for this month is about what evidence is there scripturally that we will be reunited with

loved ones in heaven. We talk about this when conversations about death come up. Ministers re-

mind this to families. Even our liturgies for funerals, which are witnesses to the resurrection, include

phrases such as reunion and being together again in God’s kingdom.

This kind of reunion could simply be the experience of all of God’s saints in God’s kingdom, not a

specific “greet you at the gate” kind of a scenario. There are a variety of passages in Scripture that

speak to us being gathered together in heaven, ranging from Abraham breathing his last and then be-

ing gathered to his people (Genesis 25:8) to Jesus telling his disciples of the Father’s many rooms

(John 14:2) to visions of heaven in Revelation of all God’s people gathered around the throne.

There are a few very specific passages, however, that lend to the idea that we will indeed recognize

our loved ones, the most pointed of which is the Transfiguration. That the disciples with Jesus are

able to recognize Moses and Elijah points to some sort of bodily recognition. The same is true with

Jesus having risen from the dead – the startled disciples may not expect to see him and may not rec-

ognize him immediately, but eventually their eyes are opened and they recognize him. We hold on

to this hope when we remind ourselves of the heavenly reunion that is to come when we are all

gathered into God’s kingdom.

COM: Committee on Ministry – a committee of the JKP made up of ruling elders and teaching elders

from various congregation to oversee pastor and parish relations

MIF/PIF: Ministry/Pastor Information Forms – these are the electronic profile forms used that include

four main essay questions, leadership competencies (of the pastor, desired by the church searching),

and statistical data to help the CLC, churches, and ministers make matches

PNC: Pastor Nominating Committee – this is a committee elected by the congregation to complete the

MIF, connect with pastors seeking a call, interview candidates, and eventually present a nomination to

the congregation for your next called/installed pastor


Page 6

Oakwood Worship

Westminster and Covenant offer monthly com-

munion worship at Oakwood-West on second

Wednesdays at 1:30pm. All are welcome to join

us; you do not need to be an Oakwood resident.

We will gather on April 13th and again on May

11th before taking a break for the summer


New Book Study!

“I have learned things in the dark that I could

never have learned in the light, things that have

saved my life over and over again, so that there

is really only one logical conclusion. I need

darkness as much as I need light.” (Barbara

Brown Taylor, Learning to Walk in the Dark).

The Thursday morning group is starting a new

book in April by Barbara Brown Taylor, starting

the discussion with chapter one on Thursday,

April 7 from 9:30 – 11:30. Copies of the church

are available at church ($10 donation, if you

want to reimburse the cost of your copy). If you

can attend the discussion, great! If not, read

along with us, and be part of the conversation

via quotes and discussion on our Westminster

Facebook page.

Education is an important part of our lives and ministry for all ages at Westminster.

9th Hour Adults: “Westminster:

100 & Beyond” “Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of

witnesses…” (Hebrews 12: 1a)

Come April 3-24 from 9-10am for an education

series on the history and stories of our congrega-

tion. We’ll begin on April 3rd with discussion of

how we live into being Presbyterian, both in our

connection to the larger church, and in the day

to day ways we organize our congregation and

understand our faith. On April 10th we’ll discuss

our history and what makes us unique, particu-

larly our long-term interfaith partnerships and

mission endeavors. April 17th will include a dis-

cussion with those members of the congregation

who were part of the Vision Transformation Task

Force in 2011-13 and part of the writing team for

our current Vision Statement. On April 24th Doug

Halls will present on Westminster’s more recent

history, particularly the last decade. All of these

classes are appropriate for long-time members

and those who are interested in joining this con-

gregation. We will be preparing ourselves not

only for the celebration of the Centennial on

June 5th, but also to do the work required for call-

ing a new Pastor to lead us into the next 100


Education Updates

Issue #547 August 2015

Youth news

Page 7 Issue #547 April 2016

Hosting Youth Events We have had several people express interest in

hosting a movie or game night at their home

for the youth to gather. If you would like to

host a youth event please contact Pastor Kath-

leen with the date that works best for you and

we’ll get the word out.

Vacation Bible School, August 22-25 Mark your calendars now! Vacation Bible

School will be held August

22-25 from 5:30-7:45pm.

That much is known. There is

a lot of planning to do to

make it happen. If you would

like to be part of the VBS

Planning Team for 2016 please contact Pastor

Kathleen. We will meet on April 24th and May

22nd following worship, and then again in early

August, before launching into a week of

games, crafts, Bible stories and fun!


9th Hour Kids Our 9th Hour Kids program for ages 3-5th grade is

continuing to gather every Sunday from 9-10am.

New participants are always welcome. The kids

will sing, hear a story, and have a craft or other

activity each week.

Nursery Help Needed

Our kindergarten and preschoolers are joining in

the nursery following the Children’s Message

now and we are in great need of adults who can

come and help during the second half of wor-

ship (as well as people for the whole service).

There is a Bible story and craft or project provid-

ed for each week in the nursery. Please contact

Pastor Kathleen or Sarah in the Church Office.

Page 8


In preparation for our June 5th celebration, The Centennial Celebration Committee would like to invite

as many past staff members as they can find contact information for. Past pictorial directories and peo-

ple’s memories have supplied a pretty extensive list. They have all the ministers and many others. Are

you in contact with anyone who worked at Westminster? Below is a list of those who we don’t have

information for. If you have any contact information, or think of someone that we may not have, please

contact the office.

Christian Education Directors: Marian Bauer, Deborah Freeman,

Pres House Intern: Joe Liverseed

Music Staff: Joe Brachman, Tony Arment, Bev Haimerl, Katie Hodge, Carna Manthey, David DeVen-

ney, Carolyn Pratt, Jean Boehler, Lana Stulken, Todd DeBoer, Linda VanPeursum, Stuart Scharch.

Youth Coordinators: Kristi Flick, Rachel Visintainer, Heather Erickson, Julie Senghore, Justine Hollander

Office Staff: Ruth Niendorf, Lorette Hehenberger, Janet Ross, Charlotte Schultz, Gayle Schwaegerl, Pat

Ampe, Brad Vlasik, Carol Johanning, Janet Hennessey

Custodian: Jim Heberling

Centennial Celebration Mark your calendars – invite your friends and neighbors

June 5, 2016

9:30 Worship: Celebrating God’s Presence at Westminster for the last century and in all that is to come

Picnic Lunch and Celebration to follow at Rennebohm Park

115 North Eau Claire Avenue, Madison, WI 53705

Issue #547 August 2015 Page 9 Issue #547

Worship Volunteer Schedule

April 2016

4/10/2016 Ushers: Rhea Schutz, Lee DeSpain, Richard Appen, Alice Appen

Liturgist: Abe Aberle

Greeters: Dave Granquist, Kathy Granquist

Nursery: Kwiatkowski(s)

4/17/2016 Ushers: Peggy Douma, Ed Cothroll, Doug Kornetzke, Marge Hamann

Liturgist: Juanita Halls

Greeters: Ken Sadeghian, Libby Sadeghian

Nursery: Karen Osborne

4/24/2016 Ushers: Ann Rowley, Paul Bishop, Linda Bishop, Carl Martin

Liturgist: Bud Smith

Greeters: Peggy Douma, Wally Douma

Nursery: Appens

5/1/2016 Ushers: Gay Didriksen, Bob Goller, Dick Zimmer, Peg Zimmer

Liturgist: Hannah Kwiatkowski

Greeters: Marge Hamann, Julie Madden

Nursery: Kwiatkowski(s)

Communion Servers: Dorothy Hujik, Sandy Curran, Bob Klassy, Erin Nass

5/8/2016 Ushers: Julie Madden, Connie Evans, Doug Evans, Ken Sadeghian

Liturgist: Lee DeSpain

Greeters: Maxine Jurrens, Virgil Jurrens

Nursery: Andrea Kenny

5/15/2016 Ushers: Karen Osborne, Jerry Donnell, Ron Behling, Ed Cothroll

Liturgist: Ann Rowley

Greeters: Dorothy Hujik, Kathy Key

Nursery: Carrie Aberle

5/22/2016 Ushers: Dave Granquist, Doug Kornetzke, Judy Graham, Dorothy Hujik

Liturgist: Erin Nass

Greeters: Dale Rohde, Marian Rohde

Nursery: Karen Osborne

Page 10

Worship Committee has posted a section of Worship Reflections on the website and is looking for

review and comments. http://www.westminstermadison.org/worship-reflection/

Education Committee is surveying parents on various options for children and youth education


Stewardship - Bud Smith was elected as the second Session member on the Endowment Committee

Session approved extending the contract with Madinah Academy for the school year 2016-17. They

anticipate growing from 60 to 70 students for that year.

A called meeting is scheduled following worship on April 10th to review our mission statements in

preparation for approval from the Committee on Ministry to for a Pastor Nominating Committee.

Nominating Committee will be working on a slate of candidates to be elected at a congregational

meeting in May (date to be determined).

-Respectfully Submitted; Andrea Kenny, Clerk of Session

Vern & Sally Forsberg

Liba Daub

Betty Fox

the Bush/Gainey family

May Peters

Ruth Peach

Pamela Quin

Pat Marshall

Wade Waggener

Sandy Butler

John Koeppe

the family of Barbara Cumming

Fanny Kwok & Family

the family of Alice Paremski

“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world, but leads us deeper into it.” - Henri M. Nouwen

Praying Through

God’s Word

Please remember these members and friends in prayer:

Session Highlights

Issue #547 August 2015 Page 11

April 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

5 8:30 AM Men’s Bible Study VOTE!

6 12 PM Staff Meeting 7 PM AA Meeting 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal

7 9:30 AM Thursday Group 7 PM Centennial Planning Team

8 5:30 PM DBSA 6:30 PM Shelter Serving

9 5 AM Shelter Serving 5 PM Potluck with Madinah

10 9 AM 9th Hour 10:15 AM Worship 11:30 AM Mission Committee 11:30 AM Session Committee

11 9:30 AM KnitWits @ Jean Ruhde 6:30 PM Steward-ship Committee 7 PM Education Committee 7 PM Worship Committee

12 8:30 AM Men’s Bible Study

13 12 PM Staff Meeting 1:30PM Oakwood Worship 7 PM AA Meeting 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal

14 9:30 AM Thursday Group

15 5:30 PM DBSA


17 9 AM 9th Hour 10:15 AM Worship 11:30 AM Just Bak-ery 11:30 AM Deacons 2:30 PM Teaching Seder Meal Prep 4:30 PM Teaching Seder


19 8:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 1 PM Esther Naomi Circle

20 12 PM Staff Meeting 7 PM AA Meeting 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal

21 9:30 AM Thursday Group 6 PM Mary/Elizabeth Circle

22 5:30 PM DBSA


24 9 AM 9th Hour 10:15 AM Worship 11:30 AM VBS Plan-ning

25 9:30 AM KnitWits @ Connie Detloff 7 PM Session

26 8:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 7 PM Phase II

27 12 PM Staff Meeting 7 PM AA Meeting 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Rummage Sale Prep

28 9:30 AM Thursday Group Rummage Sale Prep

29 5:30 PM DBSA Rummage Sale Prep

30 Rummage Sale!


MAY 8:30 AM Food Pan-try Sunday 9 AM 9th Hour 10:15 AM Worship


3 8:30 AM Men’s Bible Study

4 12 PM Staff Meeting 7 PM AA Meeting NO Choir Re-hearsal

5 9:30 AM Thursday Group

6 5:30 PM DBSA 6:30 PM Movie Night Congregational Retreat

7 Congregational Retreat

April 2016

Search for:




Madison, WI









PERMIT NO. 9 9 6 4100 Nakoma Road

Madison WI 53711

Westminster Mission

Ever seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit, we

strive to follow Jesus Christ by being…

Attentive to the Word,

Faithful to our covenant with God and each

other, and

Diligent in ministering to the needs of the


Call: 608-238-3121

Email: info@westminstermadison.org

Fax: 608-441-7798


We are especially thankful for :

Helpful Onl ine


www.pcusa.org: Presbyterian Church U.S.A.

www.jknox.org: John Knox

Rev. Jessica Scholten, Interim Pastor

Office Hours: by appointment

(cell) 608-512-5864


Rev. Kathleen Owens, Associate Pastor

Office Hours: by appointment

(cell) 608-347-6317


Joe Chrisman, Minister of Music

Home: 288-0872




Worship Service for All:

10:15 AM Sunday

~Child Care all morning~

“Toward a church as generous and just as

God’s grace”. Westminster is a member of the

Covenant Network, welcoming & honoring all!

Visit : covnetpres.org


Sarah Gorke, Office Manager Office hours:

Monday-Thursday / 7:30am-3pm


John Tarr, Administrator Office hours:

Monday-Thursday / 12noon-4pm


Dorothy Blotz, Accompanist dblotz@charter.net

Vern Forsberg, Pastor Emeritus


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