whakatōhea aspirations| psge structure and

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Whakatōhea 2020 Settlement Information PanuiNEWSLET TE R — NOVEMBE R 2020

PITOPITO KŌREROIN THIS ISSUE | Whakatōhea Aspirations | PSGE Structure and Responsibilities — Mana Whenua, Mana Moana, Mana Tangata | Hui-ā-Rohe Dates

Update from our Chair

Kia ora whānau This pānui looks to give you a little more insight into where we are with Settlement, specifically around whānau aspirations and how these have shaped the redress that has been negotiated since the Settlement process started.

Your feedback and input has helped in

understanding what is important to our

Whakatōhea whānau. The trust has then

looked for ways to turn those aspirations

into ideas as well as explore and look

into the right relationships that can

support and enable the Post Settlement

ZUI ReviewSettlement and the EnvironmentWe had an awesome range of speakers for our environmental ZUI. Our taiao is in safe hands with you our Whakatōhea whānau guiding the way. If you haven’t seen it yet, here is a link to the Settlement and the Environment ZUI here.

Next month’s ZUI WHEN Wednesday 25 November 2020

TOPIC Settlement and Cultural Revitalisation

TIME 8pm

WHERE The ZUI will be Live on Facebook. (No links to click on it will be as a live feed to our Facebook page)

Governance Entity (PSGE) achieve your

aspirations. In the following pages you

will get to see what that looks like under

our aspiration to enhance our Mana

Whenua, Mana Moana, Mana Tangata.

Next week our hui-ā-rohe starts in

Tauranga. We would love to see all our

whānau, young and young at heart,

come along to listen, learn and give your

feedback on Settlement. Aside from

learning about the settlement, we see

whānau connecting with whānau,

old school mates reuniting,

whakawhanaungatanga in action.

If you can’t make it and you have whānau

in the rohe give them a ring to let them

know. For those on Facebook you can

watch the broadcast live.

Finally, we recently heard from the

Waitangi Tribunal that the application

for another Urgent Inquiry into the

Whakatōhea negotiations has been

declined. This application was challenging

the Crown’s decision to continue

negotiations with the Whakatōhea

Pre Settlement Claims Trust.

Continue to the next page »

School mates connecting

Update from our Chair – continued

Whakatōhea voted to set up the

Whakatōhea Pre Settlement Claims

Trust (WPCT) and authorised it to

settle on behalf of Whakatōhea in

2016. In 2018 some of our whānau

challenged the mandating process

that set up the WPSCT and an

urgent hearing of the Waitangi

Tribunal was held. The Tribunal

found some crown breaches but

suggested that Whakatōhea should

vote on whether they wanted to

continue the Settlement journey

or not.

The vote indicated a slim majority

wanted to continue negotiations

over a Waitangi Tribunal Hearing.

We were able to use the results of

the vote to convince the Crown that

the only right thing to do was to

allow Whakatōhea to participate in

both processes.

As such, the Waitangi Tribunal

announced in June 2019 that there

will be a North Eastern Bay District

Inquiry for Whakatōhea’s Historical

Claims, and then in September

2019 the Crown announced that

we could continue negotiations

and that they would allow the

Tribunal process to continue after

settlement. This has never before

been allowed as Settlement

normally removes the jurisdiction

of the Waitangi Tribunal.

For Whakatōhea this outcome

is a win-win, the WPCT has the

responsibility to settle our claims

on behalf of Whakatōhea, and the

claimants have the responsibility

to progress our claims through the

Tribunal on behalf of Whakatōhea.

With the Settlement able to

progress in parallel to the Waitangi

Tribunal hearings, we get the best

possible outcome.

Our whakapapa takes us back to Papatūānuku and Ranginui, anchoring us in te taiao (our land and the natural world).

Our ancestor Muriwai stood in awe on the Whakatāne shores while holding down the Mataatua Waka.

While our first tīpuna Tarawa arrived from Hawaiki, swimming to Aotearoa and coming ashore at Paerātā.

There he released two pet fish in a spring which became known as Ōpōtiki-mai-tawhiti (the pets from afar).

With this Settlement Whakatōhea will have the resources to support intergenerational growth of our cultural and economic assets; our people, our whenua, and our moana. The Settlement is grounded in aspirations under Mana Tangata, Mana Moana and Mana Whenua.

Many of your aspirations are anchored in

cultural Revitalisation and the reassertion

of Whakatōheatanga. This is a journey we

can commence as an Iwi as we give effect

to our aspirations under Mana Tangata,

Mana Whenua and Mana Moana.

This Settlement will provide a platform to

transform Ōpōtiki and the lives of those

who whakapapa to Whakatōhea, their

tamariki and mokopuna for generations

to come.

Whakatōhea Aspirations

#Whakatōhea2020Whakatōhea 2020 Settlement Information Panui | November 2020


Connect Whānau

in Digital Space







Healingof Iwi





Micro LoanFacilities










Iwi Wānanga and Trails

Organic FoodProduction

Wakafor each





Taonga from

Te Papa

Co-Governance of DOC lands


Graeme Riesterer


#Whakatōhea2020Whakatōhea 2020 Settlement Information Panui | November 2020

PSGE structure and responsibilities


Kia Rangatira ai ngā uri o Te WhakatōheaTo lift our nation, to grow and invest in the wellbeing of our people.


3 year term – no more than 3 consecutive terms


(6) HAPŪ x 2 SEATS = 12

(4) IWI WIDE = 4 with one of these seats for Rangatahi (18-35)




Matawhānui is about having the vision to steer our people in the right direction.

It’s about strong leadership and having the integrity and wisdom to make a

difference for our people.


Kotahitanga is about Unity and Kinship.

We are all Whakatōhea. The strength of an iwi is through the unity of its membership.


Kaitiakitanga is about guardianship.

We have a duty to care and protect te taiao (our environment) so that te taiao can

nuture and provide for our whānau.


Rangatiratanga is about mana, standing up and taking responsibility.

It’s about making our own way and determining our own future as one Whakatōhea.

MANA WHENUA MANA MOANA MANA TANGATA Establishment of the Whakatōhea

Kaitiaki Forum

The return of whenua totalling 6692ha

Whakatōhea Chapter in the BOP Conservation Management Strategy

Decision-making Framework and Cultural Materials Plan

Right of first refusal over Crown lands and opportunity to purchase properties, including school sites

Reserve Land Development Fund (Opape & Hiwarau)

Statutory acknowledgements over our awa

Return of key cultural sites

5000ha marine space reserved for aquaculture development

Marine and harbour development fund to support resource consent applications and activities around the harbour precinct

Participation in Iwi Fisheries Forum

Development of Iwi Fisheries Plan

Historical Account

Crown Acknowledgments and Crown Apology

Commitments from the Tertiary Education Commission to work with Whakatōhea

Education Endowment Fund

Te Reo Revitalisation Fund

Cultural Revitalisation Fund

Relationship Agreements with Government Agencies includes process of engagement after completion of Waitangi Tribunal report

Reserve Lands Development Fund $5m Cultural Revitalisation Fund $5m

Te Reo Revitalisation Fund $1m Education Endowment Fund $2m Marine and Harbour Development Fund $2

Quantum $85m

TOTAL: $100,000,000 + Interest

MANA WHENUAMana Whenua redress focusses on how we can grow and support Whakatōhea whānau and hapū to enhance kaitiakitanga across the rohe whenua.

The Mana Whenua component of

the Settlement contains a number of

exceptional elements and redress in the

mana whenua space includes;

Establishment of the Whakatōhea

Kaitiaki Forum to focus on the rivers

and catchments in the Whakatōhea

rohe in relation to Whakatōhea

kaitiakitanga and mana whakahaere,

and Te mana o te wai

Whakatōhea Chapter in the BOP

Conservation Management Strategy

Public Conservation Lands

Mechanisms that apply across

our rohe (BOP and East Coast

Conservation Area)

Decision-making framework (over concessions process)

Cultural materials plan (covering take of flora, and possession of dead protected wildlife)

DOC Relationship Agreement

CMS redress will sit alongside, and

support the effectiveness of, the

Whakatōhea Kaitiaki Forum

Rights of First Refusal – Whakatōhea

will get the first opportunity to

purchase Crown property that may

come up for sale

Commercial properties

– On Settlement or Deferred

Selection Properties

Reserve Lands Development Fund

($5m) to support and leverage

land development opportunities on

the Opape Native Reserve and the

Hiwarau Blocks

Statutory Acknowledgements over

our awa

Return of sites from Ōpōtiki District


#Whakatōhea2020Whakatōhea 2020 Settlement Information Panui | November 2020

The return of 6692ha of public conservation lands to Whakatōhea made up of

the following large and smaller blocks;


Waiaua Scenic Reserve 837ha

Waioeka Conservation Area 362ha

Waiotahi Scenic Reserve 262ha

Meremere Hill Scenic Reserve 1000ha

Marawaiwai Scenic Reserve 71ha

Waioeka Conservation Area 1000ha

Pakihi Conservation Area 100ha

Toatoa Scenic Reserve 784ha

Whitikau Scenic Reserve 840ha

Waioeka Gorge 1000ha

Kutarere Recreation Reserve

Dunes Conservation Area

Huntress Creek Conservation Area

Pakihi stream conservation area

Hikutaia Conservation Area

Tukainuka Scenic Reserve

Old Town of Ohiwa

Waioeka Gorge Roadside reserve

Waiotahi conservation area

Tirohanga dunes conservation area

Matekerepu Historic Reserve

Kotare Scenic Reserve

Pataua Island Scientific Reserve

Oroi Scenic Reserve

Matiti, Raetakohia


Kiwikiwi and Te Tawa Flats

Waiotahi Recreational Reserve

Hospital Hill

Huntress Creek Conservation Area

MANA MOANAMana Whenua redress focusses on how we can grow and support Whakatōhea whānau and hapū to enhance kaitiakitanga across the rohe moana.

Redress in the mana moana space


5,000 ha marine space is being

reserved exclusively for Whakatōhea

for aquaculture development. We

have 20 years to get the consents

in place

Marine and harbour development

fund ($2m) will support Whakatōhea

to complete the resource consent

processes and establish a presence

within the harbour precinct

Participation in Iwi Fisheries Forum

Development of Iwi Fisheries Plan

MANA TANGATAMana Tangata redress focusses on how we can grow and support our Whakatōhea whānau and hapū to enhance Whakatōhea identity and culture as well as increase our mana across the rohe.

Historical Account

Crown Apology & Crown


Commitment from Tertiary Education


Education Endowment Fund ($2m)

that will support study and capacity

building for whānau affected by the


Te Reo Revitalisation fund ($1m)

that will help to create programs and

leverage resources for our whānau

to learn Te Reo Māori ensuring that

this taonga is supported for all future

generations. An example of this is the

Tohekura programme

Cultural Revitalisation fund ($5m)

that can be used to support marae

infrastructure upgrades ($500,000

each), hapū research for the Waitangi

Tribunal ($50,000 each) and

supporting hapū to host the Mihi

Marino process ($100,000 each)

Relationship agreements will

provide the basis for our future

relationship with Crown Agencies

which will deliver on the Whakatōhea

Transformation Framework

The principles guiding the relationship

agreements are;

The relationship agreements have a

clause which says they will meet with

us within 12 months of the conclusion

of WAI1750 North-Eastern Bay of

Plenty District Inquiry to discuss the

findings and recommendations of

the report

We have relationship agreements

with the following Crown Agencies;






Oranga Tamariki


Justice Sector (Police, Corrections, Justice)

Culture and Heritage Agencies (MSD, DIA, Heritage NZ, Te Papa, Nga Taonga)




We also have letters of introduction

and letters of commitment from;

Te Arawhiti


#Whakatōhea2020Whakatōhea 2020 Settlement Information Panui | November 2020

The financial redress provided to Whakatōhea as part of the Settlement package is $100m.

Some of the Settlement funds have been

allocated to specific purposes relating

to Mana Tangata, Mana Whenua and

Mana Moana strategies. The allocations

are a minimum to ensure and provide for

immediate attention post settlement.

FINANCIAL SETTLEMENT Reserve Lands Development fund ($5m)

Cultural Revitalisation fund ($5m)

Te Reo Revitalisation fund ($1m)

Education Endowment fund ($2m)

Marine and Harbour development fund ($2m)

The $100 million along with the accrued interest (approximately $4.5m)

will be the responsibility of the Post Settlement Governance Entity,

to manage and invest.

Trustee Profiles – introducing...Audrey Grace-Renata Opape Marae Representative

I Ko Tarakeha te Maunga, Opepe te Awa, Opape te Marae, Ngai Tamahaua te Hapu, Ko Muriwai te Tipuna, Ko Audrey Grace-Renata ahau.

I am very passionate about settling the Whakatōhea Raupatu and Comprehensive Claims with the Crown. Whakatōhea’s future lies with our children and our Mokopuna. If I can help in any way to pave the way for them and all of Whakatōhea Iwi I will do my very best for them. They are our future generation.

Since 2005, I have been the Secretary for the Opape Marae and Urupa Trustees. I am also a Life Member of the New Zealand Māori Wardens Association, a Caregiver and a Cook at Thornton Park Rest Home.

Mana Pirihi Ngāti Ngahere Marae Representative

Ko Matepuritaka te maunga Ko Otara te awa Ko Terere Moari te marae Ko Ngāti Ngahere te hapū Ko Whakatōhea te iwi.

Tēnā koutou, I am the Hapū representative for Ngāti Ngahere. My vocation is Social Work and my qualifications are, Bachelor of Arts – Honours Te Reo Māori, Bachelor of Social Science – Geography, Bachelor of Social Work, Diploma of Teaching (Secondary). Naaku noa Mana Pirihi.


November 2020 Hui-ā-Rohe & Hui-ā-Iwi ScheduleHui-ā-Rohe Tauranga Hui-ā-Rohe Rotorua Hui-ā-Rohe Whakatane

Monday 2nd November 2020

Club Mount Maunganui (Cruise Deck – Upstairs) 45 Kawaka Street Mount Maunganui, Tauranga

6.00pm to 8.00pm Followed by supper

Tuesday 3rd November 2020

Taharangi Marae 26 Tarewa Road Ohinemutu Rotorua

6.00pm to 8.00pm

Wednesday 4th November 2020

Eastbay REAP (Whakaari DS1 – Downstairs) 21 Pyne Street Whakatane

6.00pm to 8.00pm

Hui-ā-Rohe Hamilton Hui-ā-Rohe Auckland Hui-ā-Rohe Wellington

Friday 6th November 2020

Vertical Horizonz Training Centre29 Goodfellow PlaceAvalonHamilton

6.00pm to 8.00pm

Saturday 7th November 2020

Glen Eden Primary School 3 Glenview Road Glen Eden Auckland

10.00am to 12.00pm

Sunday 8th November 2020

Brentwood Hotel 16 Kemp Street Kilbirnie Wellington

10.00am to 12.00pm

Hui-ā-Rohe Hastings Hui-ā-Rohe Gisborne Hui-ā-Iwi Opotiki

Monday 9th November 2020

St Andrews Presbyterian Church Lounge 300 Market Street, South Hastings

6.00pm to 8.00pm

Tuesday 10th November 2020

Te Wananga o Aotearoa Whirikoka Campus (Library – behind the campus) 630 Childers Road, Gisborne

6.00pm to 8.00pm

Saturday 21st November 2020

Opeke Marae 21 Waioeka Pa Road, Waioeka, Opotiki

10.00am to 12.00pm Followed by a light lunch

#Whakatōhea2020Whakatōhea 2020 Settlement Information Panui | November 2020

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