what is genre? a game to help you remember the definitions of literary genre

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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What is GENRE?

A game to help you remember the

definitions of literary genre.

Historical fiction Mystery Science fiction Realistic fiction

Informational Biography Autobiography

Fairy Tale Tall Tale Fable Legend Myth

Verse that uses sounds, rhythm and word choice to convey ideasVerse that uses sounds, rhythm and word choice to convey ideas



Skits, musicals, or plays


Twenty Questions

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

1. What are the 5 main categories?

Fiction Nonfiction Folktale Drama Poetry

2. What is FICTION?

Stories that use characters, settings, and plots to convey events that are not real

3. What are the subgenre of FICTION?

Realistic fiction Historical fiction Science fiction Mystery Fantasy

4. What is NONFICTION?

Writing that uses real people, settings, and plots to convey actual events

5. What are the subgenres of NONFICTION?

Informational Biography Autobiography

6. What does the word “folktale” mean?

An exaggerated story that has been shared over generations by word of mouth to convey a tradition

7. What are the subgenres of FOLKTALE?

Fairy tales Tall tales Fables Legends Myths

8. What is DRAMA?

Skits, musicals,, or plays that use language, song, or dance to convey messages

9. What is POETRY?

Verse that uses sounds, rhythm, and word choice to convey ideas

10. What is “fiction that is set in the past?”

Historical fiction

11. What is “folktale that is usually humorous and usually assumed to be untrue?”

Tall tales

12. What is “nonfiction that is informational writing about real people?”


13. What is “fiction that includes secrets or crimes to be solved?”


14. What is “folktale that is based on a real person or event?”


15. What is “folktale that usually includes magical elements?”

Fairy tales

16. What is “fiction that deals with science or technology?”

Science fiction

17. What is “nonfiction that is a biography of a person written by himself or herself?”


18. What is “folktale that is considered sacred and that attempts to explain how things came to be?”


19. What is “highly imaginative fiction that uses strange or unusual characters, setting and plot?”


20. What is “folktale that teaches a moral or lesson, often including animals as characters?”


Historical fiction Mystery Science fiction Realistic fiction

Informational Biography Autobiography

Fairy Tale Tall Tale Fable Legend Myth

Verse that uses sounds, rhythm and word choice to convey ideasVerse that uses sounds, rhythm and word choice to convey ideas



Skits, musicals, or plays


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