why did changes in religion cause problems in england?

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Why did changes in religion cause problems in England?

What did People believe at the Start of the 16th Century?

• If you died with a dirty Soul you would go to either Purgatory or straight to hell.

• You had to go to Church and get the Priest to clean your Soul.

• If you died with a clean Soul you would go to heaven.

What did People believe at the Start of the 16th Century?

• If you went on a Crusade or a Pilgrimage you could earn time out of Purgatory

• You could buy a special letter from the Pope called an Indulgence which was like a get out of jail for free card but for Purgatory.

The ideas of a German monk called Martin Luther started to change things

• He could read Latin, Greek and Hebrew.• Whilst comparing the Latin Catholic Bible with

the original Greek & Hebrew he found that certain parts were incorrectly translated.

• Luther hung his research on the local Church door in Wittenburg in 1517.

• He disagreed with the Pope and began the protestant religion.

• You Don’t have to go to Church to get your soul cleaned.

• Indulgences were wrong• Read the Bible in your own

language and not Latin.• The Church is too rich.

What did Martin Luther Believe?

A Catholic Church

Catholic Church

Clothes worn by Catholic Priest in 16th Century

Notice the image of Christ

A Protestant Church

Clothes Worn by Protestant Vicars (Priests)

Protestant Altars

What other changes took place in Protestant Churches?

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