why should i limit my sugar intake

Post on 17-Jan-2017






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Table of Contents

Section 1 - Why You Should Limit Your Sugar Intake ……………………….3

Section 2 - Healthy Alternatives to Refined Sugar ……………………………6

Section 3 - Low Sugar Alternatives to Soda ………………………………………9

Section 4 - High Sugar Fruits to Watch …………………………………………..12

Section 5 - The Benefits of Quitting Sugar ……………………………………..15


Why You Should Limit Your Sugar Intake

ugar is one of the most harmful ingredients you can put in your body, but

it’s something many of us eat far too much of. According to the latest stats

from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the average American eats 76.7g

of sugar every day – the equivalent of 19 teaspoons per day. Below we’ll be

discussing five of the main reasons you should limit your consumption of sugar.



1. It Has No Nutritional Value

One of the biggest reasons to avoid refined sugar is that it contains no vitamins,

minerals or antioxidants. These nutrients are found in almost every healthy,

natural food and are essential for your body’s survival. They support all the

internal processes in your body, protect against illness and allow you to perform

at your peak.

Eating too much-refined sugar often stops you getting the vitamins, minerals,

and antioxidants your body needs from your diet and causes nutrient

deficiencies. These nutrient deficiencies can cause you to feel sluggish, affect

how you perform and lead to serious health problems.

2. It Disrupts Your Energy Levels

Sugar enters the bloodstream quickly and causes a rapid surge in energy levels,

followed by a rapid crash. While the initial sugar high may give you a few minutes

of increased energy and focus, the overall impact of these constant fluctuations

in energy caused by eating too much-refined sugar is negative. It makes it very

difficult to concentrate for long periods of time, causes you to become

unproductive and makes you feel lethargic.

3. It Causes Weight Gain

Unlike proteins and fats which take longer to digest and have a satiating effect

on the body, sugar passes through the digestive system very quickly and doesn’t


satisfy your appetite. As a result, you still crave additional after filling up on

refined sugar and are very likely to overeat.

Sugar is also hidden in many foods such as bread, sauces, and sodas. Because it

doesn’t satisfy your appetite in the same way that other foods do, these hidden

sugars add extra calories without you even noticing and cause you to gain


4. It Causes Liver Damage

Many of the refined sugars in foods come in the form of fructose. When you eat

too much fructose, it overloads the liver and causes it to turn fructose into fat.

This then leads to fatty liver disease and many other liver problems which have

a negative impact on your energy levels, digestion and overall health.

5. It Causes Inflammation in The Body

Numerous studies have shown that eating large amounts of refined sugar can

cause excessive inflammation in the body. Not only is this excessive

inflammation painful but it also damages your body’s cells and vital organs, and

can cause permanent health problems.

Inflammation in the body has also been linked with accelerated internal and

external aging. Plus, it is also one of the biggest risk factors for chronic diseases

such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.


Healthy Alternatives to Refined Sugar

ant to kick your sugar habit but still satisfy your sweet tooth? Then

you’re in luck. Below we’ll be discussing five healthy, natural

alternatives to refined sugar. Use them to sweeten your coffee, add extra flavor

to your yogurt or whenever you want to add a touch of sweetness to your dish

without indulging in refined sugar.



1. Stevia

Stevia is one of the most popular natural sweeteners. This herb which comes

from South America is 300 times sweeter than refined sugar. It contains zero

calories, so is a great choice if you’re trying to lose weight. Plus, it has no

glycemic impact, so it’s a perfect refined sugar alternative if you’re diabetic.

Stevia is also very easy to digest which means you won’t suffer from any of the

digestive problems that are often associated with sugar substitutes.

2. Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar is created by heating the sap from coconut palms. Unlike refined

sugar, coconut sugar doesn’t de-stabilize your energy levels, so is ideal if you

want to stay productive and focused during the day. Like stevia, it’s also a great

choice if you suffer from diabetes because it won’t disrupt your blood sugar

levels. Another great thing about coconut sugar is that it supplies your body with

nutrients as it sweetens and is a good source of calcium, iron, potassium and


3. Date Sugar

Date sugar is made by grinding down dehydrated dates into sugar sized granules.

As you’d expect from the production process, it has the same rich and sweet

flavor of fresh dates, and shares all their health benefits. These health benefits

include promoting healthy digestion, strengthening your heart and lowering

your blood pressure. The main negative of date sugar is that it doesn’t melt or

dissolve easily, so it’s not a good choice if you want to sweeten your drinks.


4. Honey

Honey is sweeter than refined sugar and has a much greater range of health

benefits. It contains high levels of vitamins and minerals which support many

vital processes within the body. It also has antibacterial and antifungal

properties so is a perfect sweetener for boosting your immunity. Unlike refined

sugar, honey is also great for your skin and can help make it brighter, smoother

and more radiant. It tastes great in tea and can also be used as a replacement

for sugar in many recipes.

5. Maple Syrup

Maple syrup contains around half the calories of refined sugar and is a much

more nutritious choice. It’s loaded with antioxidants which protect your body’s

cells from damage and reduce the visible signs of aging. Maple syrup is also a

brilliant source of the manganese and zinc which boost your metabolism and

your immune system.

In addition to this, it’s great for your skin and can protect against skin blemishes,

dry skin, and redness. Finally, maple syrup has been shown to protect against a

range of chronic ailments and diseases including arthritis, cancer, diabetes,

inflammatory bowel disease and heart disease.


Low Sugar Alternatives to Soda

oda is one of the biggest sources of hidden sugars in our diet. A single can

of soda contains a staggering 33g of sugar. However, if you’re used to

chugging soda every day, making the transition to drinking just water can be

difficult. That’s why in this section we’re going to be sharing some healthy, low

sugar alternatives to soda that you can enjoy today.



1. Fruit Juice Spritzers

Fruit juice spritzers are a great place to start when quitting soda. They contain

around a third of the sugar that you’ll find in a can of soda (12g of sugar per cup),

taste sweet and are carbonated.

While fruit juice spritzers are probably not something you want to be drinking

every day if you’re cutting back on sugar, they’re still a much better choice than

soda. To prepare a fruit juice spritzer simply combine half a cup of your favorite

fruit juice with half a cup of soda water and enjoy.

2. Green Smoothies

If you choose the right ingredients, you can easily create green smoothies that

contain less than 10g of sugar and still have a subtle sweet taste. The great thing

about green smoothies is that because they’re packed full of fiber, vitamins, and

minerals, any sugar they contain will be released into your bloodstream slowly,

so you won’t experience any of the energy surges and crashes that usually come

with sugar consumption.

To find low sugar green smoothie recipes, simply do a search online and

experiment with the recipes that come up until you find one that you like.

3. Fruit Infused Water

Fruit infused water contains no sugar or calories, so is perfect if you’re on a sugar

detox. It shares the same benefits of standard water and will keep you hydrated,


brighten your skin and enhance your energy levels. However, the fruit infusion

gives it a subtle and sweet flavor, so if you find standard water too bland, give

fruit infused water a try.

To prepare fruit infused water, you’ll need a mason jar and a cup of 2-3 chopped

fruits that you’d like to infuse into the water. Once you have the fruits ready,

place them in the mason jar, fill it with water and then allow it to infuse in the

fridge for at least 24 hours.

4. Fruit Tea

Like fruit infused water, fruit tea contains zero calories and sugar and is just as

healthy as standard water. However, even without any sugar, it has a

surprisingly strong, sweet and satisfying flavor.

There are lots of different fruit teas you can try, and each one has a very

distinctive flavor and offers differing health benefits. Your local store should sell

a wide range of fruit teas, so try a few different teas until you find a favorite.

5. Coffee

Coffee isn’t sweet, but it’s still tasty, hydrating and contains no sugar. If you drink

it instead of soda, you’ll cut out 33g of sugar per day. To ensure that your coffee

contains no sugar, avoid buying it in coffee shops and drink it black or with milk.


High Sugar Fruits to Watch

ruits are often a healthy alternative to refined sugar. They allow you to

indulge your sweet tooth while keeping your sugar intake low and supplying

your body with a range of health-boosting nutrients.

However, certain fruits contain extremely high levels of sugar and can be just as

disruptive to your health as refined sugar when consumed in large quantities.



Here are five high sugar fruits that you should avoid or eat in moderation.

1. Raisins = 98g of Sugar Per Cup

Many people believe raisins are a great healthy alternative to candy, chocolate,

and other sugary treats. While they are natural and contain good levels of fiber

(which promotes healthy digestion and stabilizes your energy levels), the high

levels of sugar and calories in raisins make them something you should avoid

completely or eat very sparingly. They contain a staggering 98g of sugar and 493

calories per cup which is more than you’ll find in most candy and chocolate bars.

2. Figs = 27g of Sugar Per Cup

Figs do have plenty of plus points. They enhance your digestion, help you to

regulate your blood glucose levels, allow you to get more nutrition from your

food and protect against various chronic diseases. Because of their health

benefits, figs aren’t something you need to cut out of your diet completely.

However, eat them in moderation to ensure that you don’t overload on sugar.

3. Mango = 24g of Sugar Per Cup

Mangos are hydrating, refreshing and have an extremely satisfying taste.

They’re also a brilliant source of vitamin A which promotes strong, healthy

vision. To enjoy mangos without eating too much sugar, try mixing a small

amount of mango with yogurt. Even a small amount adds a surprising level of

sweetness to plain yogurt and transforms it into a sweet snack that’s nutritious,

good for you and keeps your sugar levels in check.


4. Grapes = 23g of Sugar Per Cup

Grapes are another high sugar fruit that are often positioned as a healthy choice.

They are one of the richest fruit sources of vitamin C which supports the

production of collagen in your body, helps your wounds to heal and keeps your

skin looking firm and youthful. They also contain high levels of vitamin K which

is a powerful antioxidant that protects your body from dangerous free radicals

and helps your blood to clot.

However, with 23g of sugar in a single cup of grapes, eating too many can negate

all the health benefits they offer. To benefit from all the nutrients grapes,

contain while keeping your sugar consumption under control, eat no more than

a cup of them each week.

5. Sweet Cherries = 18g of Sugar Per Cup

Like many of the fruits on this list, sweet cherries have lots to offer in terms of

health and taste amazing. They’re packed full of powerful antioxidants which

protect your body against various ailments. Plus, they contain lots of melatonin

– a hormone that supports restful, high-quality sleep. However, they do contain

high levels of sugar, so eat them in small amounts to keep your sugar levels low.


The Benefits of Quitting Sugar

ou probably know all about the dangers of refined sugar. It rots your teeth,

increases your risk of chronic disease, causes weight gain and much more.

But quitting refined sugar doesn’t just allow you to avoid these adverse effects,

it also allows you to enjoy a range of benefits. The list below highlights five of

the top benefits you can enjoy by quitting refined sugar.



1. Enhanced Energy Levels

Refined sugar enters your bloodstream almost instantly which causes your

energy levels quickly surge and crash. When you start to eat less refined sugar,

these fluctuations in energy levels will become a thing of the past, and you’ll find

that you generally have much more energy throughout the day. Not only does

this help you feel great but it also makes you much more productive and allows

you to perform all your daily tasks effectively.

2. Younger Looking Skin

One of the biggest negatives of consuming refined sugar is that it damages your

skin in numerous ways.

First, it causes the collagen and elastin in your skin to become inflamed. These

structural proteins help your skin stay firm and youthful looking. When they

constantly become inflamed as a result of regularly eating large amounts of

refined sugar, they become less effective which causes your skin to sag and

wrinkles to form.

Second, the inflammation caused by eating sugar has been shown to aggravate

various skin disorders including acne (a disorder characterized by red pimples

on the skin) and rosacea (a skin disorder characterized by burning and redness).

When you stop eating refined sugar, you’ll also stop damaging your skin in the

ways described above, and you’ll find that it looks much smoother, more vibrant

and youthful.


3. Easier Weight Loss

Sugars pass through the digestive system very quickly, and because of this, foods

that contain high levels of sugar aren’t as satiating as foods that contain minimal

amounts of sugar. This means it’s much easier to overeat and consume large

amounts of calories that lead to weight gain when you’re eating lots of refined


Quitting sugar will mean that you’ll feel much fuller every time you eat and

naturally eat less food. Food cravings will come less often, and because you’re

consuming fewer calories, it will be much easier to lose weight.

4. Better Sleep

The energy surges and crashed caused by eating lots of refined sugar are very

disruptive to your sleep patterns. They make it difficult to sleep and have a

negative impact on your sleep quality when you do manage to fall asleep.

Cutting sugar out of your diet stops it wreaking havoc on your sleep cycles and

allows you to enjoy restful better quality sleep.

5. Stronger Immunity

Numerous studies have shown that refined sugar is a huge contributor to

chronic disease. It causes inflammation in the body, damages your blood vessels

and has a negative impact on your vital organs which leaves you open to a wide

range of ailments, illness, and diseases.


Reducing your intake of refined sugar stops it damaging your body in this way

and allows it to heal. Not only does this make you less susceptible to ailments

that are directly caused by refined sugar but it also boosts your overall


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