winter adls (activities of daily living)

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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Montanans are tough—we have to be to survive. This workshop will focus on three ADLs that are common in the winter: Snow shoveling, Wood chopping, and lifting. Each one of these “functional movements” involve proper technique—perform them correctly, and you’re not only working more efficiently but actually getting great exercise; perform them incorrectly, and you could have a back or shoulder injury in your future. This workshop will focus on correct techniques for these activities, and some supplemental exercises for each. Presented by Neal Andrews, Exercise & Fitness Specialist for Montana University System Wellness.


  • 1. Winter ADLsNeal AndrewsExercise & Fitness Specialist,MUS Wellness

2. ADLActivity of Daily LivingLiftingShovelingChopping 3. Objectives Montanans are toughwe have to be to survive.This workshop will focus on three ADLs that arecommon in the winter. Each one of these functionalmovements involve proper techniqueperformthem correctly, and youre not only working moreefficiently but are getting great exercise; performthem incorrectly, and you could have a back orshoulder injury in your future. This workshop willfocus on correct techniques for these activities, andsome supplemental exercises for each. 4. Lifting Technique Correct Stance. Ready position. Move through hips! Hip mobility is important! Deep Breathing Inhale to get into position Exhale while lifting Spine is a steel beam not a wet noodle No turtles! 5. Lifting Technique 6. Lifting Exercises Deadlift Squats Lunges Rowing (Upper Body Pulling) Core Exercises Planks Cobra Bridges 7. Shoveling Stance Modified Ready position Hips back Hip Mobility is important! Step into scoop Generate movement and power through hips, finish withupper body/shoulders. Hips rotate, not spine Deep Breathing Inhale ready, exhale with scoop. Spine is a steel beam, not a wet noodle! Be ambidextrous! 8. Shoveling Exercises Shoveling Deadlift/Squats/Lunges Pressing exercises Pushups/Chest Press/Overhead Press Core Exercises Side Planks Chops Kayaker 9. Wood ChoppingChopping TechniqueStanceHipsBreathingSpine is a steel beam not a wet noodle 10. Chopping Exercises Sledge Hammers & Tires (Gym Setting) Chops Cable or band Overhead Press Lunges 11. Online Resources @montanamoves (Twitter)

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