workshop infor eam 14th maintenance management conference dubai, dec 18/2008

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Workshop INFOR EAM 14th Maintenance Management Conference Dubai, Dec 18/2008 General overview Infor EAM, market, advantages, customers feed-back


Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Maintenance Management Systems For Today And Tomorrow

Cédric Beltrame, PSO, Datastream ArabiaTahar Klabi, EAM

With the courtesy of “INFOR EAM Centre of Excellence”Jean Benoit Nonque, Bas Beemsterboer

Thursday Dec,18th. 8h30-12h30

2 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Agenda : part 1 presentation, part 2 workshop

3 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

In a glance…

Infor EAM manages… The biggest property development

program in the world 30B$

The longest machine in the world: 27kms and 0.5Mpieces of equipment

The largest private rail vehicles fleet in Europe 5,000 vehicles

The biggest Hospital in Europe 10,000 beds

The biggest African company with 5,000 daily users

The largest desalinated water production company in the world


Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Enterprise Asset Management

Business Challenges

5 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Asset Management Challenges

Improve asset performance to reduce downtime

Extend asset life to avoid new capital purchases

Schedule preventive maintenance to prevent problems

Track equipment according to regulatory guidelines

Implement capital-saving processes such as warranty management and streamlined purchasing

6 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Key PerformanceIndicators

Enterprise Asset Solution - Who is it for ?

PlantfloorEAM Solution

Who is the customer in this case?

The Asset Manager and Maintenance DepartmentOperations, Inspections and Maintenance

Interface to DCS/Scada

Interface to ERP

Finance and AdministrationAll ManagersE-mail

Notification All Users, Employees



Who is the customer in this case?Who is the customer in this case?Who is the customer in this case?Who is the customer in this case?Who is the customer in this case?

Thanks to the technology available to you potentiallyanyone within and without the organization could

be a user or beneficial of strategic information

7 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

From Maintenance to Performance

Asset Performance Management can change past perceptions by changing bottom-line performance.

8 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

What are the main drivers for EAM ?

Capital-intensive industries Process – Energy - Transportation

Regulatory constraints Pharma and Food (FDA) Chemicals (Seveso – EU regulations)

Priority to production and operations Companies where asset availability is linked to the market share or the business

growth Customer service

Services companies having SLA constraints Local collectivities

High risks on the assets Security – Telecoms - Airports

Companies managing assets for their clients Equipment manufacturers Field services (Asset CRM)

Mobility and geo-localization ! Services companies – field services Companies managing largely spread assets and teams

Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Enterprise Asset Management

Key Players

10 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Gartner EAM MQ for 2007/2008

11 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

EAM Market Size

While there are over 200 suppliers of EAM worldwide, the market remains quite concentrated with the top ten companies controlling about two thirds of the total

The top ten EAM/CMMS suppliers include world-class EAM solution providers: MRO Software, SAP, Mincom, IFS, Infor, Indus, Oracle, Lawson, Invensys

and Maximus. The intense M&A activity has finally decided the classic battle for

market dominance between ERP application suites and best-of-breed EAM suppliers ERP suppliers have become the dominant force in the EAM market and will

significantly influence future strategies

The market for software and services in EAM/CMMS will top $1.5 billion in 2006 and grow to over $2.0 billion in 2011

The market for software and services in EAM/CMMS will top $1.5 billion in 2006 and grow to over $2.0 billion in 2011

12 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.


12 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Enterprise Asset Management

13 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

The Solution

Advanced asset and operations management tool

Fully Web-architected solution for access anytime, anywhere

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Web ServicesModular designHosting Industry-specific featuresRapid implementation

“EAM is

an architectural


Pierre Mitchell & Marc McCluskeyAMR Research

14 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Infor EAMEnterprise Edition



Infor EAMBusiness Edition


$20M > $250M

Big Picture: Product Strategy

Infor EAMMP2

Single Plant


Business drivers

Asset Utilization Equipment Performance, Equipment

Availability, Product Quality Cost Control

Labor, Material, Tools Resource Allocation

Skills, Inventory Management, Procurement

Compliance Environmental, Safety, Health

Infor EAM Footprint


Buildings & Facilities

Capital equipment

Process equipment

IT & Telecom

Fleet & Transportation

Road, Rail & pipelines

Assets & Infrastructure PerformanceAnalytics



Call center

Capital projects



maintenanceSales &


managementLabor and contractor

Operations & Analysis

MRO supply chain

SCADAMobile PDAor Laptop



Separate functional departments and personalize user interface

Share data across organizations or restrict access as necessary

Use multi-org security on a single database

Maintain different languages and currencies by organization

Manage time zone differences

18 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Flexible and powerful

Inbox and KPIs Multi-organization Document attachments E-mail notification Export to Excel On-line or Off-line Use Web-architected Zero-footprint Unlimited custom fields Screen designer Ad hoc reporting ASP Hosting

Asset operations management Work orders Preventive maintenance Projects Materials management Compliancy Xml integration to ERP’sPurchasing Warranty Management Linear Assets GIS Integration Reporting Mobile Solutions

Largest installed base of a solution in its classListed in the Leaders Quadrant in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Asset-Intensive Business ApplicationsWide market acceptance

Automated alerts

Messenger – one way tool Sends e-mail/page based on

status changes Fully configurable Allows automatic notification to

customers Allows ability to page technicians

to perform work Can notify vendors of work

requests Email includes URL link back to

originating transaction

Reporting (1)

Cognos Report engine includes graphs

Output as PDF HTML, XLS, TXT and Email

Report builder allows to modify existing reports and create new ones

Reporting (2)

Capability of custom tabs

Any HTML / JSP type page can be linked to existing functions

Reporting (3)

GIS integration


Limited license that allows Home page Create & view Work

Requests Create & view Purchase


Web services (1)

External apps can call Infor EAM com-ponents

Web services (2)

Interaction with external workflow systems

Web services support WSDL and BPEL

Upload utility

Upload utility speeds up implementation

Uploads from Excel worksheets

Error handling included

28 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Infor EAM Mobile Solutions and Data Collection

Communication between the server and handheld products

Remote access to critical data and work processes

Timely and accurate data collectionField-based work orders Inspection points to examine equipment,

processes, and plants

ERP / ESB / Financial integration

Create EAMRequisition

Approve EAMRequisition

CreatePurchase Order

ApprovePurchase Order

Purchase Order

ReceiptsReceiving Report



EAM RequisitionCopy

Purchase OrderCopy





· Parts Requirements· Parts Inventory· Maintenance· Book Labor

· Purchasing· Accounts Payables· General Ledger

SuppliersSuppliers Supplier Master

General Ledger Codes

Cost Codes Cost Codes

30 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Internet XML Integration

31 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Who is Infor EAM Business Edition for?

Companies looking for a quick and Easy EAM Solution New customers with 1 - 3 sites

10 users per site

Companies requiring a web-architected product

Needing more functionality than MP2

Path to grow to an Enterprise Application

32 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

What Language will be available

English French German Dutch Spanish Portuguese Italian Chinese Japanese

33 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Infor EAM Business Edition: Improving Operating Efficiency

Improve uptime Extend asset life Accelerate repairs Eliminate inventory waste Enable economies of scale Maximize warranty recovery Enable best practices Improve decisions with better visibility Reduce energy costs and emissions



PurchasingLabor Management

Mobile ConditionMonitoring


50% reduction in downtime 20-30% savings through

streamlined purchasing Improved availability for additional

1.5M£ annually Reduce downtime from 12% to

3% 6-20% reduction in energy


Typical Results



Asset Sustainability


34 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Moulin de la Marche

Challenge Increased time reaction Limited visibility into factory floor performance Understanding and reducing $1M parts Low adoption rate of existing maintenance system Opportunity to improve decision making and productivity

Solution Infor EAM Business Edition Work management, preventative maintenance Asset performance reporting and KPI’s Integration to ERP Path to a group strategy

Results (Planned) Expect 20% reduction in stock Expand maintenance practices to operation Increased use and productivity due to ease of use Better decision making through improved visibility & reporting

Quick Facts:

Part of a large group “Intermarché”

Food Industry leader

240 employees, 2 sites

Existing MP2 Customer

35 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Who is Infor EAM Enterprise Edition for?

Companies who wants to implement their owns rules and best practices

Large groups or specific requirements Up to 10 000 users

Companies requiring a web-architected product, multi org and multi language capabilities

Needing specific functionalities Have their own project team

36 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Infor EAM: Safety and Compliance




Labor Management


Meet fugitive emission regulations Comply with 21CFR Part 11 Enforce safety procedures Meet reporting requirements

E.g. FAA, GRI, GAAP, OSHA, etc. Ensure service agreements Support security regulations Calibrate to ensure quality

Benefits Achieve full compliance

OHSAS safety certification

Avoid penalties and fines

Efficiency gains

Typical Results


ERP Financials Asset Sustainability

37 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Infor EAM Oil & Gas References

38 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Infor EAM: Improve Transportation Operations




Labor Management


Optimize fleet performance Reduce capital outlays Maximize warranty recovery Achieve economies of scale Gain operation-wide visibility Improve workforce productivity Increase energy efficiency Reduce emissions

Benefits $1M gain annually in warranty


Reduce inventory costs through single virtual garage

$1-2M annual savings

Typical Results


Fleet & Transportation


Asset Sustainability

39 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Pepsi Frito-Lay

Challenge Geographically dispersed operation and asset infrastructure Mechanics have limited access to systems from the field Unique business requirements High cost to administer and maintain IBM Maximo solution Migration from legacy maintenance solution

Solution Infor EAM Enterprise Edition, Fleet, Mobile Work management, inventory, warranty management Meters, inspections, VMRS codes Integration to financial system Partially “self-implemented”

Results Pilot implementation completed Broader roll-out planned Expect $1M-2M savings through use of mobile

Quick Facts:

400 Sites, 350 Technicians

Initial pilot for 6 sites, 18 technicians

Decommissioning of competitive EAM

Private fleet for distribution

40 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

INFOR EAM References Transport Sector – Rail & Transport

41 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Infor EAM Asset Sustainability EditionEAM EE + EAM ASE

Asset Sustainability Edition











Phase IIInfor EAM

ASE 8.3


42 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

The Case for Change: Summary

Objective: “Go Green” Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions Reduce Operating expenses

Current Situation CO2 contributes 63% of greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases promote global warming Energy generation is largest CO2 contributor Regulations are existing or imminent

…doing nothing it is not an option !

Theorem If you can reduce CO2 via reducing energy consumption, and If you can reduce energy consumption via asset management, then You can reduce CO2 via asset management, and You can reduce the energy management operating costs



IR is trapped by gases in the air thus reducing cooling


Infrared Radiation (IR) is given off by Earth

Case for reducing emissions

“Being a good steward of the environment & in our communities, and being an efficient and profitable business, are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are one in the same.”

-- Lee Scott, CEO of Wal-Mart

“Green is Green” -- Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE

“Being a good steward of the environment & in our communities, and being an efficient and profitable business, are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are one in the same.”

-- Lee Scott, CEO of Wal-Mart

“Green is Green” -- Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE

Features & Benefits Infor Enterprise Asset Management Asset Sustainability Edition (EAM ASE) 1/2

43 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

What is EAM ASE? Its software – easy to implement, easy to use, and cost effective. The critical difference? Infor EAM ASE gathers all of our client’s asset information, including production equipment, HVAC units, chillers, boilers, lighting – anything that consumes energy - into one place and provides their staff with the critical knowledge of how and when to maintain, replace or alter those assets based upon how much energy they consume, not simply what date it is on the calendar.What are the benefits? If we can reduce our client’s total energy spend while increasing the performance and uptime of their assets – greater profit for them and a stronger commitment to environmental stewardship infrastructure required to deliver the application.

What is GAS is Global Asset Sustainability— a “best practices” metric for monitoring and improving the operating efficiency of assets (i.e., production equipment, HVAC units, chillers, boilers, lighting – anything that consumes energy). GAS takes the most common sources of manufacturing productivity losses and places them into four categories: Availability, Performance, Quality and Energy Efficiency. In doing so, it distills complex production data into simple, understandable metrics that provide a gauge for measuring true asset efficiency. GAS also forms the foundation for tools that help to improve productivity.

Summary : • If you can reduce CO2 via reducing energy consumption,and• If you can reduce energy consumption via asset management,then• You can reduce CO2 via asset management.Thus, sustaining assets sustains the environment. What if your company could reduce total energy spending by 6% to 11%, provide a demonstrable commitment to environmental sustainability while increasing bottom line profitability all at the same time?

Features & Benefits Infor Enterprise Asset Management Asset Sustainability Edition (EAM ASE) 2/2

44 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Features Benefits

Enterprise Asset Management ensuring the capacity, availability, quality, and asset life extension to support the operating and financial objectives

Energy Integration Program: factoring asset operating performance (Energy consumption) into maintenance strategy and activities. PM intervals established based on optimizing energy consumption.

Optimize the return on assets of a company’s property, plant, and equipment.

Identify, optimize and automate proactive maintenance work comparing both the asset performance and its energy usage across 100% of the enterprise.Deliver all of this with an Industry-leading, marketplace-proven enterprise asset management platform that is scalable for the future with a simplifiedintegration to our client’s existing IT systems

Event Management: alerting of existing asset condition or trend outside of optimum operating parameters for assessment or remediation. Factors all dependent and independent variables into User defined anomaly definition

The system will create an event notifying users of existing asset condition or trend outside of optimum operating parameters for assessment or remediation

CO2 Management: determines the direct and indirect CO2 emissions attributable within the operating asset hierarchy level. CO2 emissions are based on the fuel mix of the energy provider or direct fuel type usage. CO2 emissions are correlated to standard metrics to facilitate mitigation planning, analysis and audit

Reduce overall energy consumption by 6% to 11% that in turn reduces C02 emissions allowing our clients’ Company to promote and validate a “green” marketing initiative

Planning: assessing existing asset configuration (design basis) and performance (energy consumption) for optimization. GAS Index correlation to facilitate financial and operating decision process.

Actively monitor measure and inform our clients of changing energy usage by individual asset and benchmark it against viable options for repair and or replacement based upon the local utility tariffs and Costs

Preconfigured KPIs. Inbox, and Reports: Sustainability Reports (12), GAS index KPIs, FCI KPIs, preconfigured inbox alerts for anomalies, procurement engineering equivalency evaluations, etc

Provide our clients with actionable business intelligence that monitors, measures and summarizes only the critical enterprise asset information they need along with extensive drill-down capabilities

Fugitive Emissions Management: refrigerant tracking and management in accordance with EPA Guidelines; 15% leak rate threshold for comfort cooling and 30% leak rate threshold for refrigeration. Automatic follow up std. W.O generation. EPA reporting.

Store and track fugitive emissions making it easy to identify and report therefore reducing regulatory violations.

45 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Infor EAM: Improve Facility Operations




Labor Management


Optimize facility condition & performance

Maximize warranty recovery Improve workforce productivity Gain operation-wide visibility Achieve economies of scale Reduce energy costs and emissions Improve quality of service Improve customer experience

Benefits 24% workforce productivity gain

10% reduction in energy use

6-20 % energy savings estimated

Inventory and purchasing savings

Typical Results


Asset Sustainability

Buildings & Facilities

Service Requests

46 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Bentley College

Challenge Labor intensive inspection process Strong quality of service emphasis on faculty and student body Protracted repair-to-billing process Significant energy spend

Solution Infor EAM Enterprise Edition Infor EAM Advanced Mobile Infor EAM Asset Sustainability Edition

Results Streamlined inspection and maintenance process Eliminate over 2,000 data entry hours per year 24% increase in trade productivity in 12-month period Expect 10% reduction in energy costs IFMA Award, Sightlines Best Practice Award

Quick Facts

163 acres, 46 buildings, 1.6M sq. ft.

128 full-time staff

140,000 dorm inspection points

30,000 work orders annually

Located in Waltham, MA

"We were able to receive Infor EAM functionality very quickly in a limited amount of time.”

Tom KaneDirector, Facilities Management

“The Infor EAM support for Web services enables the system to be configured to offer role-based functionality, so different people in our organization — and even students — can use the system through intuitive, user-friendly interfaces."

47 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Infor in the FM and Hospitality sector

More than 150 clients in the Facilities Management, 1,400 hospitals and health centers 20 M sq. m² managed through Datastream 7i Flexible solutions allying:

Integration with Finance Integration with Space Management and ESRI Mobility

48 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Mohawk Fine Papers

Challenge Increased competition from offshore manufacturing Limited visibility into factory floor performance and energy use Understanding and reducing $8-10M energy spend annually Low adoption rate of existing maintenance system Opportunity to improve decision making and productivity

Solution Infor EAM Enterprise Edition Work management, preventative maintenance Asset performance reporting and KPI’s Integration to ERP Infor EAM Asset Sustainability Edition (planned)

Results (Planned) Expect 10% reduction in energy costs Standardized maintenance practices Increased use and productivity due to ease of use Better decision making through improved visibility

Quick Facts:

Premium paper manufacturer

Environmentally friendly brand

800 employees, $300M revenue, 3 sites

Leader in stewardship of natural resources

A top consumer of renewable energy

“The goal we set for ourselves for the enterprise asset management system was a reduction in the total amount of energy consumption of 5–10 percent.”

“I haven’t seen a product in years that is as effective and user-friendly as the Infor EAM product”

Paul Stamas, VP of Information Technology, Mohawk Fine Papers

49 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Infor EAM: Manage and Control Energy




Labor Management

Reduce W.A.G.E.S. costs Reduce W.A.G.E.S.-related emissions Link W.A.G.E.S. usage and emissions

to assets Comply with GRI standards Grow revenues in new markets Strengthen brand loyalty Optimize capital investments

Benefits 6-20 % energy savings estimated

$300-400K savings annually

$1M annual savings

Achieve compliance e.g. GRI, FDA

Typical Results


Asset Sustainability

Buildings & Facilities

Fleet & Transportation

50 Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.


EAM is a must-have when assets are identified as critical for the organisations,

Infor EAM covers a large spectrum of vertical markets and industries EAM is often a differentiator in regard to ERP , CRM or SCM

challenges and bring a real added value to business process Flexibility of the solution: easy to configure Pricing highly scalable to the size of the Project

License per concurrent user License per named user Mobile (per device) Business Edition, entreprise Edition and Green (Asset Sustainability

Edition) Technical support

Copyright © 2008 Infor. All rights reserved.

Maintenance Management Systems For Today And Tomorrow

Cédric Beltrame, PSO, Datastream ArabiaTahar Klabi, EAM

With the courtesy of “INFOR EAM Centre of Excellence”Jean Benoit Nonque, Bas Beemsterboer

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