writing a character description - st. mary of the angels431475]writing_a...writing a character...

Post on 26-Jun-2020






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Writing a character description

Use your imagination

On the next page I have written a character description for you. I would like you to read the

description then draw what I have described.

The large creature is as round as beach ball. Hisfluffy fur is as blue as the deep, wide ocean. Drooling and with an open mouth the creature licks its pink mouth with his long red tongue which shows his sharp, yellow teeth.

He’s holding two thick blue arms up above hishead. He has two tiny pointy ears on top of his head. His light blue eyes are round and glisten in the sun. His has two stubby legs.

Time to draw! Read back through the last slide if you can’t remember all of the details!

Don’t peek at the next slide until you’ve finished your drawing. There you will find a picture of what has just been described.

Is this what you


How to write a character description

For this task you will need to either describe one of the characters from Where the Wild Things Are or a character from your own imagination and draw it.

See the next page for mine.

What you need to remember when writing a character description.

• What does it look like? Does it have skin/scales/feathers? Is it a special colour? Is it big/small/medium sized?

• How does it move? (Can it swim, hop, fly, run, jump) Is it fast or slow? Is it gentle or lively?

• What would it be found doing? (Is it hiding, hunting, floating, swinging?)

• What is it’s body like? (Does it have arms, a tail, flippers, horns?)

When writing think of clear simple sentences.

The wild thing has fur. He is wearing a jumper. He has claws and feet.

Then try to make your writing more exciting by adding adjectives.

The wild thing has brown fur. He is wearing an orange and yellow jumper. He has big claws and huge feet.

Now include more detail:

Glistening in the sunlight, a brown mane surrounds the wild thing’s fierce face. Two piercing eyes search for danger as he

dangles from a branch by his sharp claws. He is wearing a yellow and orange striped jumper. Happily, the wild thing licks his lips

which shows his sharp, yellow teeth as he swings from branch to branch looking for food. His scaly legs swing from side to side as

he moves swiftly through the forest.

Have you ever come face to face with this creature?

Now it is your turn:

Describe one of the Wild Things above or think of your own character to draw and describe.

I have included a word bank on the next page to help you.

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