writing an editorial

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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By: Eden Mae SelimAnajean Jandayan


EDITORIAL DEFINEDIs the official stand of the paper on a

relevant development or issue.It is a critical interpretation of

significant events so that readers will be:




Characteristics of a Good Editorial

Interest Brevity Force

Clearness of styleMoral purposeSound reasoning Has the power to influence public opinion

Reddick Spears and Lawshe

Characteristics of a Good Editorial

lead logically to a conclusion

present only one idea avoid wordinesspresent facts and not

mere opinion

•Newspeg- a brief statement about the news event  or issue

Parts of an EditorialIntroduction

Newspeg & ReactionUsually one short paragraph

BodyJustification of the reaction

Two to three short paragraphs

EndingPunch line or clincherSummarizes the editorial stand


Also known as the Editorial Proper or Lead Editorial

The no. 1 editorial usually based on the banner news or on an existing issue that should be discussed right away

An individual commentary of a columnist

A graphic illustration or sketch that, like the top editorial, comments on an important or relevant issue

Sent to the staff by an outsider to complain or appreciate

Sent in by an authority on any topic useful to the reader, especially on values, education or morality

Editorial of Entertainment

Its main aim is to entertain

Mood Editorial

It presents a philosophy rather than an argument

or an explanation

Special Occasion

It explains the significance of a special day.

Editorial ofInterpretation

Explains the significance or meaning of a news event, current idea, condition, or

situation, theory or hypothesis

Editorial ofCriticism

Points out the good or the bad features of a problem or situation

in a news

Editorial ofCommendation,

Appreciation, or Tribute

Praises, commends, or pays tribute to a person or


Editorial ofArgumentation

The editor argues in order to convince or persuade the reader to support his stand

Pooled Editorial

Position of several editors from different schools on a common issue or problem published in their respective school papers

at the same time

Guest Editorial

Opinion sent to the staff by an authority of a

particular topic.

Letter to the Editor

Sent by an outsider to the staff

Sample letter to the editor:

1. Make the editorial interesting enough to read.2. Develop it from one specific, limited idea, phrased in

one sentence, and expand it into the body of the editorial.

3. Have a purpose well in mind which should be accomplished with sufficient data.

4. Organize all data into well-reasoned arguments, with each argument leading up to the conclusion.

5. Peg the lead sentence on a recent relevant news for its impact value.

6. Present both sides of an issue and clarify tricky aspects with a widely understood analogy or with an illustration that makes understanding the information easier.

7.Direct the editorial towards the establishment of a consensus.

8.The writing should be simple, direct, clear, and forceful.

9. It should not carry a double meaning.10.It must reflect clear, logical thinking.11.The subject matter has to be significant.12.The sentences and paragraphs should be

relatively short as much as possible.

An EDITORIAL may start with a …

Simple Sentence

An EDITORIAL may start with a …


An EDITORIAL may start with a …

Striking Statement

An EDITORIAL may start with a …


An EDITORIAL may start with a …


Win the readers’ interest.

Do NOT generalize.

Keep your editorial short.

Do NOT preach, scold, or moralize.

Relate editorials to readers’ lives.

Avoid using the first person POV.

Write simply.

Develop the editorial one idea at a time.

Make sentences and paragraphs short.

Accomplish your purpose.

ChecklistEvaluating your work…


• Are the form and style appropriate for the content and the purpose?

• Does it have a purpose and accomplish that purpose?

• Does it make the reader think?• Does it reflect the writer’s originality

and ingenuity?• Is the writing clear, vigorous, direct

and simple?

Yes No


• Is the diction exact, not ambiguous?• Does the editorial reflect clear,

logical thinking?• Does it give evidence of accurate

knowledge?• Does it sound sincere?• Does the opening sentence employ

the principles used in any good sales letter?

Yes No


• Are the paragraphs comparatively short?

• Is the editorial brief and pointed?• Is the subject matter of significance

to students (or readers)?• Does it have a real or an artificial

news peg?• Does the editorial make its point

without preaching?

Yes No

“If a newspaper were a living thing, as I think it is, its news content may be the lifeblood, the front page may be its face but its editorials – its criticism and commentary – are its very soul. And when the editorials are flabby, complacent or irresponsible, then the newspaper has lost its soul – and also its character.”

- John B. Oakes, New York Times

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