written exercises for 30 day program

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 Written Exercises for 30 Day Program


  • 7/27/2019 Written Exercises for 30 Day Program


    - 1 -

    Who Am I?

    - 2 -

    What Do I Want Out of My Life?

    - 3 -

    These Are My Strengths

  • 7/27/2019 Written Exercises for 30 Day Program


    - 4 -

    These Are My Weaknesses

    - 5 -

    Here Are My Marks Out of Ten For

    These Areas of My Life

    Career /10

    Money /10

    Health /10

    Friends and Family /10

    Significant Other / Romance /10

    Personal Growth /10

    Fun and Recreation /10

    Physical Environment /10

  • 7/27/2019 Written Exercises for 30 Day Program


    - 6 -

    These Are the People (or Things) That

    I Want With Me in My Future

    Here Are the Reasons WHY I Want Them With Me

    - 7 -

    Here Are The Three Words That Best Describe Me

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    - 8 -

    Here Are The Three Words That Best Describe

    The Person That I Want to Become

    - 9 -

    This is What My Ideal Life Looks Like

    - 10 -

    Whats Stops Me From Achieving it Now?

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    - 11 -

    These Are The Things That I Am Afraid of

    That Are Holding Me Back

    - 12 -

    These Are The Things That Currently

    Irritate Me About My Life

    - 13 -

    These Are The Traits That I Had as a Child

    That I Dont Have Now

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    - 14 -

    These Are The Talents or Skills I Have

    That Nobody Really Sees

    - 15 -

    This is The One Thing That I Have

    Learned In The Past Year

    - 16 -

    This is The Person I Most Admire

    These Are The Reasons Why I Admire Them

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    - 17 -

    These Are The Things That

    REALLY Excite Me

    - 18 -

    This Is What I Could Happily Do For Hours Without

    Getting Paid

    These Are The Reasons Why

    I Am Happy Doing It

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    - 19 -

    These Are The Words I Would Like To Have On

    My Tombstone That Described My Life(No more than 25 Words!)

    - 20 -

    These Are The Two Things That I Can Do

    RIGHT NOW To Improve My Life

    - 21 -

    This Is What I WILL Achieve:


    This Week

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    This Month

    This Year

    - 22 -

    This Is How I Will Show My Commitment

    To Achieving Success (To Myself And Others)

    - 23 -

    This Is What I Have Learned About Myself

    From Doing This Exercise

  • 7/27/2019 Written Exercises for 30 Day Program


    Name :

    Signature :

    Date :

  • 7/27/2019 Written Exercises for 30 Day Program


    UPDATEWhy THESE Questions?

    One thing that I purposely missed out in the original version of this

    Workbook was an analysis of WHY I asked myself these questions

    and why you should spend your time answering them yourself.

    I purposely didnt include any analysis as I didnt want people to

    pre-judge what any right answers would be, or be swayed by any

    comments I might make about each one.

    However, Ive decided that some background to them IS a

    valuable tool for youas Im sure that YOU are old enough and

    ugly enough to be able to be honest with yourself when youanswer the questions (you WILL write the answers down wontyou? ).

    What follows are my views on each question in turn. I hope that

    you find it useful.

    1) Who Am I?

    Simple question, right? Bet you still found it difficult to

    answereven though it is a very important question.

    Without a starting point as a reference you will never know how

    to even begin the journey to get to where you are going. Be wary

    of labelling yourself based upon what work you currently do, i.e. - I

    am clerk/housewife/doctor as you are NOT what youroccupation isyou are much more than that. So, what sort ofperson are you if you strip away what job you currently have?

    2) What Do I Want Out Of My Life?

    Yet another simple question to ask yet much more complicated

    to answer.

    How you answer will depend on your current level of thinking.

    Depending on what you believe about yourself your answer will

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    be leaning towards either an aiming of getting away from

    something that is currently in your life (i.e. lots of debt) or aiming

    towards more positive things that build on what you are already

    able to do (i.e. to become the best x I can be).

    I cannot stress highly enough that you should ALWAYS be aimingfor the more positive aspects of what you are aiming for, ratherthan aiming to try to solve a current problem. If your focus is on aproblem then you are more likely to attract more similar

    problems, purely because you are thinking about it all the time!

    Sobe careful what you wish for!

    3) These Are My Strengths

    When I wrote down this question I didnt realize at the time how

    critical it is to your future wealth and success.

    Since I first asked myself this question, I have come to understand

    that your strengths are the KEY to your future success. In fact, I

    would go as far as to say that, unless what you do involves playingto your strengths to some degree, then you are almost guaranteedto fail!

    Successful people do what they are good at welland spend asmuch of their effort as possible doing more of it!

    4) These Are My Weaknesses

    One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you are

    attempting to turn your life around is to focus on improving yourweaknesses!

    I am not suggesting that you forget about them forever, just thatyou spend as much time as possible working on making the most

    of your strengths FIRST!

    Once you are making progress, then you will be in a better position

    to understand whether working on your weaknesses is a good use

    of your time. Sometimes, even though you may think you have a

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    weakness in some area of your life, you may find that it contains

    the seed of a future strength. ButI cannot stress enough how

    important it is to focus on doing what you are already great at

    before you look to make improvements elsewhere.

    5) Here Are My Marks Out of Ten For These Areas of

    My Life

    This is the classic evaluation used by personal coaches so that

    they are able to gauge what you feel about each area of your life.

    There is certainly a valid reason for including it but ONLY as a

    tool for making you think about how happy you are with thedifferent areas. Instead of using this evaluation to look at how you

    can work on your weak areas, use this it as an indicator of whereyou are already strong and look to improve further on those.

    Although many coaches would be mad at me for saying so its

    always harder to motivate yourself to get better at the stuff you arenot so good at, than get better at the stuff you are ALREADY goodat!

    6) These Are the People (or Things) That I Want With

    Me in My Future, and Here Are the Reasons WHY IWant Them With Me

    Notice that I didnt ask How Much Money Do I Want To Earn?

    Just because everyone you can think of tells you that you shouldaim for a monetary figure, I refuse to play that same game

    because other people say I should.

    Dont get me wrong, aiming for money WILL motivate you to

    SOME degree, but in my experience, both first-hand, with

    subscribers, and also clients it is never usually enough to KEEPyou motivated!

    There are many reasons why this is the case (and I havent got the

    space to go into them all here) but it is primarily because of avery crucial point. Happiness. Its a thing that seems to be

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    secondary to most people yet it is a critical factor in keeping you

    inspired, even when things dont go your way.

    Unless you are being inspired by something (or something) that

    fires your enthusiasm, then no amount of money in the world is

    going to keep you going as long as it takes to achieve what youtruly desire in your life.

    As I said, there is certainly more to it than that but if you use the

    sort of people and things you want with you in your future as

    inspiration, then you will certainly have a greater chance ofsuccess.

    7) Here Are The Three Words That Best Describe Me

    Successful people focus their energies on very specific

    thingswhich always have something to do with their strengths.

    By answering this question you are (perhaps for the first time)

    getting yourself to focus on who you are. One word of warning,however, this question should really have read These Are TheThree Positive Words That Best Describe Me!

    Its always easier to think of negative stuff about yourself so, by

    thinking about three POSITIVE qualities, you are not only focusingon what you are good at, you also have to strip it down into ONE

    word each. As you are narrowing your talents even further in this

    way you are really getting to the root of who you are and whatyou excel at the understanding of which is very important.

    8) Here Are The Three Words That Best Describe The

    Person That I Want to Become

    Dont just answer this question as a wish list for talents that yousee in other people.

    Just because someone else excels at something doesnt mean

    that it makes sense for YOU to excel at it! Look to expand uponwhat you are ALREADY good at that you wrote down for question


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    If you are currently quite shy then it wouldnt make sense (at this

    particular time in your development, anyway) to aspire to besomeone you dont currently believe you can be. Sure, you canbuild up to being that outgoing, charismatic leader (theres three

    words for you there!), but if you dont believe that you could beeither of those three then dont put them down!

    You need to always work within the framework of what you

    currently believe about yourself otherwise you will never be ableto remain motivated when obstacles appear in your way.

    9) This Is What My Ideal Life Looks Like

    Yes, this is a similar question to 6), and notice once again theemphasis on LIFE rather than on income? Its easier to aspire to

    income at all costsbut whats the point in being rich if your life iscrap?

    You need to have a picture in your mind of what your ideal life

    looks like, as otherwise, you wont be able to give your mindsomething concrete to focus on. You might think that your ideal lifeis sitting on a beach all day, every day, but I am certain that youwould eventually find that a little boring as your mind MUST have

    some stimulus to keep you happy!

    Youll find that most successful people keep working well past their

    retirement age. Why? Wellits because they enjoy what they doso much that they know they would be bored if they didnt do moreof it!

    I personally am already living parts of my ideal life because I have

    chosen to spend more time with my family every day than most

    men do in a week. For me, its pointless spending all hours away

    from my family working a 100-hour week to earn a fortune, as,without them, I wouldnt feel fulfilment and happiness EVERY day.

    Yes, I know this goes against what everyone else (who is usually

    trying to sell you something about how to make money) tells you. Iwork less because I work from home, and refuse to shut the door

    to my study except when I am on the telephone. This means that I

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    get interruptions, and get less work done but it allows me to be

    involved in the day-to-day goings-on of my family.

    Dont EVER compromise whats important to you, just because

    other people say you should. They are not YOU, and what is right

    for them is probably not right for you, anyway!

    10) What Stops Me From Achieving It Now?

    Again, please dont use this answer to put yourself down, but

    instead use it as a constructive look at what you KNOW youshould be doing but arent.

    I know that you know what you need to do. How do I know this?

    Wellwhatever situation youre in, its not that difficult to work outwhat you SHOULD be doing

    Want to lose weight? - Eat less and eat more healthily

    What to get out of debt? First, stop spending. Second,

    work out a plan to pay back your debt.

    Want a promotion at work? Make more of an effort to dowhat other successful people at your company do (ie get intowork earlier etc)

    Want a better relationship? If the person isnt right for you,

    leave! Want to earn a second income? Stop procrastinating and

    just start taking action based on what other people are doing,and learn on the job instead of waiting for the perfectopportunity.

    Want to get over the fear of public speaking? Find

    somewhere where you can practice in front of small groupsfor free

    Want to write a book? Write 500 words a dayyoull havea book after a year.

    See you KNEW all that already, didnt you? It was just that you

    hadnt really got around to doing it!

    Beating procrastination is a subject that is outside the scope of this

    Workbook but I certainly know ways that you CAN beat it. One ofthem is to just start doing what you SHOULD be doing!

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    11) These Are The Things I Am Afraid Of That Are

    Holding Me Back

    Quite often, you can be your own worst enemy. Fears that mayhave held you back for years might just be imaginary once you

    actual take action on them.

    Once you answer this question look at why you BELIEVE that

    you are afraid of these things. I can guarantee that someone,

    somewhere, has overcome similar fears (of both failure andsuccess) so you CAN get past them.

    Dont look at this question as an excuse to put yourself down just

    ask yourself WHY you are afraid, and, more importantly whatsingle thing can you do as soon as possible that will help youtackle this fear. Take it from me, action has a nice habit of

    squashing fears.

    12) These Are The Things That Currently Irritate Me

    About My Life

    Everywhere I go I see stuff designed to make you think about what

    you want in your life yet, perhaps even more importantly, youshould give some serious thought to what (and who) you DONT

    want in your life!

    The idea is to try to fill your life with as much positive stuff as

    possible, and if you are consistently doing stuff that annoys andirritates you, then it will take up valuable mind space that could beused for more positive things.

    Be honest when you answer this question. If people close to you

    irritate you and are holding you back, then you really need todecide how much time you want to spend with them if they aresucking the life blood out of you! I personally minimize the time I

    spend with some members of my extended family exactly for thisreason.

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    13) These Are The Traits That I Had As A Child That I

    Dont Have Now

    If youve got children of your own youll know why I asked this


    It amazes me how fearless, focused, and driven even my two-

    year-old, Skye is. Shes not afraid to fail. If she gets hurt, she criesa little then tries again without worrying about whether she will failagain.

    When she wants something, she will constantly ask until she gets

    her way, and if that doesnt work she will try any other meansnecessary to get her way whether it is physically pulling, fake

    crying, or just a tantrum.

    Now, I am not asking you to stomp around until you get your own

    way! What I am asking you to consider are the things that you

    used to be able to do as child that you dont do now. It may be thatyou were a confident speaker at school show and tells, or it mightbe that you used to climb the tallest trees without any fear of


    Yet these skills like asking; being confident; and fearless, are

    ALL useful in the adult world too! Im sure that there is something

    that you can find from your childhood that youve now lost becauseyou have grown up.

    14) These Are The Talents or Skills I Have That

    Nobody Really Sees

    Heres where being labelled as your profession can count against


    Are you a doctor who, at weekends, is an amazing artist?Are you a housewife who is amazing at computers?Are you a bank clerk who is a wonderful coach?

    Quite often, your job or career can get in the way of the REAL

    youand the skills and talents you were born with. I firmly believe

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    that we are ALL given these talents for a reason and that reason

    is to make the most of them!

    15) This Is The One Thing That I Have Learned In The

    Last Year

    Often, we are so busy trying to aim for the next goal that we forget

    how far we really have come. Its an all-too-common discussion Ihave with both my clients and subscribers.

    Soits good to look at what have already achieved if nothing

    else to prove to yourself that you CAN get things done. But, if youcant think of anything to put in here then I suggest you startapplying some of what are learning about yourself from this


    16) This Is The Person I Most AdmireAnd These Are

    The Reasons Why I Admire Them

    There is always someone we can aspire to be like, whether it is

    Richard Branson, or just a neighbour.

    The key is not to look at how much they earn, but the skills,

    talents, and mindset, they need to achieve what they have. Eventhough I dont base my personal goals around achieving a specific

    income, I am always ready to share a conversation with someonewho is earning a lot of money.

    Why is that? Wellits not because they earn a lot that interests

    me, its the sort of person they had to become in order to be ableto earn that much! So when you look at the reasons you admiresuch a person, look more at who they are, than what they did to

    become successful.

    17) These Are The Things That REALLY Excite Me

    Isnt it easier to be motivated to do something when you are

    excited about either the outcome, or (even better) the process ofdoing it?

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    The first question I always ask myself when I consider new

    projects is Is this something that excites me now, and that I will

    enjoy doing on a regular basis?. If the answer is Nothen even

    the prospect of a large sum of money for doing it wont persuade

    me to move forward.

    You need to get inspired about what you do on a regular basis,

    otherwise, even with the best intentions in the world, youre not

    going to be able to stay motivated for as long as it turns to createthe life you want.

    18) This Is What I Could Happily Do For Hours Without

    Getting Paid, And These Are The Reasons Why I

    Am Happy Doing It

    The idea with this question is to get you to look at what you

    ALREADY have a talent for, and also why you love to do it.

    There is no magic bullet where success is concerned, but if

    youve read this far, youll understand that WHO you are is more

    important than WHAT you doand part of who you are is yournatural talent.

    Of course, it may not always be as straightforward as findingpeople who are willing to pay you for what you love to do but youMUST have elements of what you find challenging and EASY inanything you do in order for you to be really passionate about it.

    Andonce youre passionate about something there will be no

    stopping you youll find ways to make things happen, trust me

    19) These Are The Words I Would Like To Have On My

    Tombstone That Described My Life

    Its easy to get caught up reacting to what happens to you and

    forget that you are here to LIVE life on your own terms!

    This question will help you focus on what you DO want to achieve

    in your life. The last thing you want to do is look back on your life

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    when you are old, and realize that you wasted most of it doing stuff

    that, quite frankly, was meaningless.

    What do you want to do?

    Where are the places you want to go?

    What sort of person do you want to become?What do you want to achieve?Who do you wish you could be like?

    These are the sorts of questions that should inspire you to really

    think about what those words on your tombstone SHOULD be like.

    Of course, its not a nice thought but its better than actually

    having Here lies Joe Blow, he didnt achieve much for real in afew years time!

    20) These Are The Two Things That I Can Do RIGHT

    NOW To Improve My Life

    Understanding that self-improvement is great is one thingtaking

    action on what you learn is another!

    I am sure that, even before reading this Workbook, you knew of

    two things that you could do immediately that will push you in the

    direction you know that you should be going.

    Now is the time to get them down on paperand even better, take

    action on them! Taking action is one of the most fundamental

    things you can do when you are reaching for a more successful

    life. Even if the action you take doesnt work in the way youintended, you will still have value feedback about what to try in thefuture.

    Im only asking you to do TWO things. Nothing more. Isnt your life

    important enough to just take two steps towards improving?

    21) This Is What I WILL Achieve: Today, This Week,

    This Month, This Year

    This Workbook wouldnt be a workbook unless it gets you to set a

    few challenges for yourself in the future.

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    You should now have a clearer picture about a number of things in

    your life both the good and not so good. You should also have a

    better idea of what you should focus your future energies on.

    I am not asking you to set an immovable task list with thesequestions they are really to document your level of thinking inprogress, so that you will be able to see how far you have comewhen you look back at what you first wrote here.

    Dream a littleand set yourself targets that challenge younot in

    a I should be doing this way but in a more Wouldnt it be great if

    I achieve this way. Your mind loves to attract stuff to you when ithas to stretch itself a little. Dont you finding that finding out newstuff is always more interesting than just re-reading old stuff?

    Soset yourself a few stretching targets for this year. If you

    continue to take action towards them, I guarantee that youll besurprised at what you are able to achieve!

    22) This Is How I Will Show My Commitment To

    Achieving Success (To Myself And Others)

    This is where we might get you a little uncomfortable!

    Even the most motivated people need an occasional kick to keep

    focused (myself included and I am the most focus, positiveperson I know!).

    I made this happen for me by posting on a forum that I wouldnt

    return until I achieved a specific (and very stretching) goal with a

    deadline of one years time. Guess what motivated me to focus on

    this goal? I ended up achieving it within eight monthsas

    always in the back of my mind were the visitors to the forum who I

    knew would be wondering if I would be able to achieve my target!

    One way to use this to your advantage is to find someone to

    become your accountability partner someone with whom you

    can regularly check-in with to update your progress. Its great if its

    someone who understands your business and/or your mindset but just having anyone whom you can become accountable to isthe key.

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    23) This Is What I Have Learned About Myself From

    Doing This Exercise

    As well as learning about yourself from the questions you haveanswered, I hope that we have worked through a few things

    together in this updated section.

    Its easy to read self-improvement books like novelswhen doing

    so wont do you much help at all. In fact, if you DO this, you might

    as well read that novel.

    Its a bit like buying a manual to see how the engine in your car

    works, reading through it once, then throwing it away. Do you think

    you would have much chance of being able to fix that engine a fewweeks later without that manual? The process is EXACTLY the

    same with your mind. Unless you are constantly learning abouthow to fine-tune it then you will soon go back to your bad habits,and literally forget what youve just learned.

    SoI hope that you DID do this very valuable exercise. Ive tried

    my very best to make it as useful, practical, and thought-provokingas possible so that you would find it interesting enough to spend a

    few minutes completing.

    I personally use this Workbook as the foundation for ANY coaching

    that I do as it is valuable for both myself and my client to

    understand a few fundamental things in their lifeand their views

    about how to change them.

    You CAN make huge progress in your life if you make the most of

    what you ALREADY know.

    Lifes too short to spend it wishing that things were different. Its so

    much more fun to challenge yourself with things that inspire andmotivate you. Youll be amazed at what you can achieve if youknow that you are playing to your strengths.

    Please, at least just do those two things that will make the biggest

    change in your life. You deserve to have all of the success andwealth that will begin to come your way once you begin to reallysee how wonderful and talented you REALLY are!

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    Special Report

    10 Ways You Can Achieve the

    Millionaire Mindset

    1) Embrace Change

    Millionaires love change. They love the opportunities that it gives

    to them, because they know that whilst most people are recoilingin horror it gives them a chance to take advantage of the


    I can spot the winners from a mile away. They are the ones thatlook upon a change at work as an opportunity to progress, whilethe losers complain about how upset they are that things arechanging.

    Managers love people who are proactive, positive, and who look

    upon change as a good thing. Change IS scary but you mustaccept that it is inevitable and work with it, rather than against it.


    The more I speak with millionaires and other successful people,

    the more I realize that it is the challenge of change that is one ofthe most inspiring aspects of what they do.

    Its easy to get bored doing the same thing day after day, and

    millionaires seem to get bored more quickly than most people!Successful people are constantly looking to improve the way theydo things, and look at change as part of the process of being whothey are. Do you?

    2) Work On Your Weaknesses First

    Millionaires dont chase the next big thing. They know that,

    unless they get their own house in order they wont be in a

    position to build any sort of successful life.

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    All sportsmen know that unless you train hard and practice you

    wont even be in the race, let alone win it. They know that they can

    always improve if they work on the weakest parts of their game.

    They dont try to be someone theyre not they just concentrate on

    getting the best out what they have already got.

    Most of the time its not what you havent got that holds you back

    its what youve got that isnt being used effectively. Focus on whatyou KNOW that you arent particularly good at (or even afraid of

    doing). Sometimes the answer to your problems is right there, andyou just dont realise it.


    I now totally disagree with some of what I wrote five years agoabout this one! (Ever heard many experts say that?)

    I stand by the first two paragraphs, but, as you would have noticed

    from my updated comments on the questions, I would change the

    last two sentences in the last paragraph!

    I now believe that you will have better results from leveraging your

    strengths first, before you look to rectify your weaknesses. Thereason is that you are guaranteed to achieve more, more quickly, if

    you are doing what you are good at, rather than struggling withwhat you arent so good at.

    3) Think Big

    Millionaires are never satisfied with what they have got. They

    look upon every achievement as a step to an even bigger one.

    They also know that you will never think big enough to challengethem so they take advantage of your small view of the world.

    The road to wealth is littered with those people who had ideas that

    could have made them millionaires, yet they stumbled at the first

    sign of dealing with big numbers. They baulked at putting theirfinances and reputations on the line for the sake of followingthrough with their ideas.

    I am not suggesting that you blindly risk everything to chase your

    dream, but you must understand that there is a relationship

    between risk and reward. If you are good enough then you are

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    good enough at whatever level you decide to reach. Never aim for

    becoming a manager when there is nothing (apart from your own

    beliefs) that can stop you from becoming a director.


    Risk is one of those things that is based entirely upon your view ofyourself and your abilities.

    Take me, for example. I quit my job with debts and a mortgage to

    paybecause I was practically having a breakdown trying tojuggle my (once precious) career, and the care of our severelydisabled son, Connor. Most people wouldnt dare risk everything

    by just quitting their job like I didbut because my reason for

    doing so was greater than my belief in myself at the time I tookthat chance.

    It was the best thing I have ever done, and now my tolerance to

    risk is limited only by my level of belief in myself, rather than thethought that I might not be able to pay my mortgage.

    YOU can easily think bigger than you areand you would STILL

    be thinking below what you are REALLY capable of!

    4) Challenge Assumptions

    Millionaires know that they are only limited by their own

    imagination. They know that, just because something hasnt been

    done before, it doesnt mean that it cant be done. They know thatcreativity and action together are a powerful force.

    How many times have you heard Sorrybut thats the only way

    we can do it or Sorrybut its always been like that? It may have

    been the case but whos to say that something cant be improvedupon or changed entirely? Nothing can be lost by trying a differentwayand everything can be gained.

    Look at what you assume about your life right now. Someone,

    somewhere has been in your situation and made a success of their

    lives. Whatever you think is holding you back will almost certainly

    be a reflection of the limits you assume that you think you can


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    Your beliefs about what you are capable of are perhaps the

    biggest indicators of how successful you will become.

    I know from my own experience that, once I started to believe that

    I COULD do a number of things as well as the gurus out there that my whole outlook changed. If you focus your efforts on lookingfor the reasons WHY instead of the reasons why not then youwill be a lot further ahead of conquering this than you may think!

    5) Be Different

    Millionaires know that lack of originality costs money. Theyknow that unless they constantly push themselves to look at ways

    to innovate and come up with original ideas, they will just fall backinto the chasing pack.

    Sometimes an idea doesnt have to be that original. All it takes is a

    slight improvement, or a new angle for it to be a success. The key

    is to take something that is proven to work, and then look at waysto improve on it, or make it different. Why re-invent the wheel?

    Dont be a corporate robot. There are enough people who are

    frightened to be creative at work already. People are now looking

    for others who can bring something extra to the party. Its easy toreplace someone who just does what is asked of them. Dont makethe mistake of thinking that you are safe if thats all you do.


    If you look back through history you will usually find that it isnt

    the people that invent things that become wealthy, its usually thepeople who run with the idea and make it their own.

    So just because you may feel that something has been done

    already, dont let that put you off. Those ideas are coming into yourhead for a reason. It doesnt always mean that the particular ideais right for you, it might mean that you need to learn from theexperience of exploring it in order for you to become clearer aboutwhat will work better for you in the future.

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    6) Concentrate On Improving One Area At A Time

    Millionaires know that there is always a better way. They know

    that it is better to look at ways to improve on what already worksfirst before starting something completely new. Just because

    something works well doesnt mean that it cant work even better.

    Whatever talents you may have can be improved. When car

    manufacturers design a new car they dont suddenly make

    massive changes to how it works. Firstly, it would be tooexpensive, and secondly, they know that all they need to do is lookat ways of improving its design or performance.

    Instead of thinking that your life could only change by taking a big

    step look at ways that you can improve upon whatever talents

    you already have. Just because other people have made money atNetwork Marketing or Internet Marketing, it doesnt mean that youwould be able to if you didnt have a talent for what is required tobe a success at those businesses.


    As I said earlierthe quickest (and easiest) path to success isframed around what you already find easy to do.

    Making huge life-changing decisions DOES work as a motivator for

    some people, but not for everyone. That is why it makes sense to

    look at enhancing what you already know, and examine closelywhat inspires you to get out of bed in the morning.

    Its easier to be world-class at something if you have a natural

    talent for it. Just ask anybody who plays sports, and they will soontell you that the most talented players seem to make the difficultlook effortless. Thats what YOU are aiming for!

    7) Dont Lie To Yourself

    Millionaires know what they are good at. They know where their

    strengths are and make sure that they use them to their full

    potential wherever possible. Pretending that they have a skill insomething they dont could mean failure.

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    One of the hardest things in life is admitting your limitations.

    Donald Trump now knows that, unless the deals involve real

    estate, it may be better if he steers clear. Microsoft should know bynow that its strengths should remain in the computer environmentinstead of attempting to go too far outside of its area of expertise.

    You CAN be a success and make a good living from it, but you

    must be realistic in assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.Yes, you can learn new skills, and develop a different personality,

    but you will undoubtedly find that your own personal road tosuccess lies where your own unique talents are.


    Things start to go wrong for people when they cut corners. Thanksto the Internet, the possibilities of earning a second income is

    within the reach of many more peoplebut this can also causehuge problems.

    Its easy to get caught up in the hype of believing how easy it is to

    make moneywhen you wont have the slightest chance because

    the methods you may need bear no relation to your abilities. Ofcourseyou CAN learn new skills, but it is certainly harder to staymotivated when you need to do stuff that makes you

    uncomfortable, irrespective of how much money you MAY be ableto earn because of doing so.

    8) Focus On The Short Term But Think Long Term

    Millionaires know that short-term pain means long-term gain.

    They know that if they put the effort in now without any payback,they will be rewarded for their efforts in future. They also know that

    they must have a long-term plan before they start any short-term


    This way of thinking is perhaps the hardest for most people to

    swallow. Too many people have the equation completely thewrong way around they want to be rewarded before they put inthe effort. Approach life in this way and eventually you will find that

    life doesnt work this way.

    If you dont have a plan for where you are goingthen you will

    never know where you want to go, let alone how you are going to

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    get there! Decide what you want out of your lifeand start putting

    the effort in NOW, knowing that you will be rewarded for your

    efforts in the future.


    We live in a world that is measured by value. We pay money forthings that we believe justifies the value we place upon them.

    Its the same where getting along in life is concernedyou need to

    establish your VALUE first, before you can expect a return. Thedays of just expecting a raise in salary just because you have beenin a job one year longer will soon be gone. Whether you work for

    yourself, or work for someone else, unless you give greater value

    than you expect to receive in return then you will soon be leftbehind.

    9) Accept That Its Not Going To Be Easy

    Millionaires know that life isnt easy. They know that there will

    be times that they really want to give up and admit defeat. Despitewhatever setbacks they may face, they also know that as long asthey keep going things will turn around for them if they work hard


    Its easy to give up. Thats why most people do it. Its difficult to

    keep going if you are constantly knocked back, but sometimes thisis the time when a breakthrough can occur and everything fallsinto place. Its how we view our setbacks that shape our lives

    and not the setbacks themselves.

    So you try something and fail miserably. So what? Didnt you learn

    something from the experience? When the going gets tough you

    need to show that you can stand up and be counted. Your life mayhave more ups than downs, but you can still make it a success ifyou learn to roll with the punches.


    Since speaking more in-depth with millionaires, it has highlighted

    how many times they DO fail.

    One expert Internet Marketer told me that, out of ten projects, five

    would fail miserably, three would do OK, and two would do really,

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    really well. You can guess why he is successfulas most


    would give up after failure #1!

    Ive had a number of failures and false-starts in my time, but

    I can

    also say that I have learned a lot about both myself and my

    business because of them. The key with allowing yourself to

    fail in

    this way is to make sure that you dont REPEAT the samemistakes over and over again, which unfortunately, is whatmost

    unsuccessful people do over their lifetime.

    10) Play Life Like A Game

    Millionaires know that life is a challenge. They know that life is

    a game that can be won or lost by how you view it, and not

    by how

    you play it. They challenge themselves to go that little bit

    further just to see if they get more value out of whatever they aredoing.

    Lets assume that we both have the same lives, and the


    experiences. Your life is miserable as hell, yet mine iswonderful.Why? Well, you look upon life as something you just do

    whereas I

    look upon life as a challenge. I know that I make the rules of

    thislife of mine, whereas you look to blame others for yourcurrentsituation.

    Life is as difficult, depressing, miserable, unhappy, and hard


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    you want to make it be. There are many examples of peoplewhohave had success despite having an even worse life than


    Your life either has problems or it has challenges. What are



    Life IS meant to be fun, challenging, and excitingnot


    stressful, and mundane!

    Ive had some seriously bad things happen in my life over the


    five years, yet I am still the most positive member of my

    family! Itseasy to choose to complain about how bad your life is, when,inreality there is probably a lot RIGHT with it! Once you begin


    challenge yourself to achieve greater things then you will

    kissyour old miserable life behind, and be on the path to join theranks of those truly successful people who love what they doand

    get paid well for it!

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