
Post on 15-Jul-2015






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1914-1918:1914-1918:The WorldThe World

at Warat WarBy: Jackie WhiteBy: Jackie White

11th Grade11th GradeU.S. History IIU.S. History II

Learning Objective Students will be able to identify the long

term causes of World War I (The Great War).

K-W-L What do you already know about WWI? What do you want to know more about? What did you learn?

Long Long Term Term

Causes Causes of WWIof WWI

What is Nationalism?

A deep or extreme devotion to one’s own country. It can serve as a force to unify a country. However, it can cause competition between

nations seeking to over power each other.

How did Nationalism Lead to WWI?

By the turn of the 20th century (1890’s) a fierce rivalry developed between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, & France.

What is Imperialism?

A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries especially politically, economically, or socially.

The nations of Europe competed fiercely for colonies in Africa and Asia.

How did Imperialism lead to WWI?

What is Militarism?

glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war.

How did militarism lead to WWI? In the 1890’s a

dangerous arms race began due to the belief that in order to be truly great you needed to have a powerful military.

1910-1914 Increase in Defense


France 10%

Britain 13%

Russia 39%Germany 73%

By 1914 all the Great Powers had large standing armies except for Great Britain, which had the world’s largest navy.

System of Alliances

Agreements between countries to aid or defend each other in event of war/conflict.

By 1907, there were two rival camps in Europe. A dispute between any two rival countries would draw the entire continent into war.

System of Alliances

In 1879, Bismarck formed the Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary. Three years later, Italy joined to form the Triple Alliance.

In 1904, Britain formed an entente or alliance with France and Russia called the Triple Entente.

Alliance Game

System of AlliancesTriple EntenteTriple Entente:: Triple AllianceTriple Alliance::

Great Britain






Two Armed Camps!Allied PowersAllied Powers:: Central PowersCentral Powers::

The Major Players: 1914-17

Nicholas II Nicholas II


George V [Br]George V [Br]

Pres. Poincare [Fr]Pres. Poincare [Fr]

Allied PowersAllied Powers::

Franz Josef [A-H]Franz Josef [A-H]

Wilhelm II [Ger]Wilhelm II [Ger]

Victor Emmanuel Victor Emmanuel II [It]II [It]

Central PowersCentral Powers::

Enver PashaEnver Pasha[Turkey][Turkey]


The Balkan Peninsula, 1914

The“Powder Keg”

of Europe

Assassination of Archduke

Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, visited the Bosnian capital in Sarajevo.

Assassination of Archduke

As his royal entourage drove through the city, a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, stepped from the crowd & shot the Archduke & his wife Sophie.

The Assassin

Gavrilo Princip was a member of the Black Hand, an organization that promoted Serbian nationalism.

Beginning of World War I

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, who was allies with Russia.

Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia

Timeline Activity

Read the following events that led to the outbreak of WWI.

Number each event in order of which happened first, second, third, etc. (1,2, 3)

Europe in 1915

Complete the map activity

The Western Front:

A “War of Attrition”

S o l d i e r s M o b i l i z e d






1 0

1 2

1 4

F r a n c e G e r m a n y R u s s i a B r i t a i n




Europe in 1914


The Schlieffen Plan

WWI began by Germany attacking France by invading through neutral Belgium

What is the Western Front?Two lines of deep trenches developed in France.

Allies on one side & Germans on the other.

Trench Warfare

“no man’s land”- area between opposing trenches

“no man’s land”


A Multi-Front War

Verdun – February, 1916

German offensive. Each side had 500,000 casualties.

The Somme – July, 1916

60,000 British soldiers killed in one day. Over 1,000,000 killed in 5 months.

Opposition to WWI Naturalized citizens:

because they had close ties to their homeland

Socialists: viewed the war as an imperialistic struggle for colonies

Pacifists: believed that all wars are evil

Parents: didn’t want their sons to experience the horrors of warfare & death


Britain emphasized accounts of German aggression in its news reports to the U.S.

Gave the U.S. large orders for war materials and took out large loans from the U.S.

The British Blockade

Britain blocked the German coast to prevent weapons and other military supplies from getting through, however they expanded their definition of contraband to include food.

Germany had difficulty importing food by 1917 famine stalked the country.

750,000 Germans starved to death as a result of the blockade.

Germany’s Response

Counter blockade with German U-Boats (Unterseeboot, German word for submarine) would sink any ship in British waters (not always possible to warn passengers of an attack)

German’s Attack Lusitania

May 7, 1915 Germany U-Boat sank British merchant ship the Lusitania killing 128 Americans.

Germans argued that the liner was carrying ammunitions. (which was true)

Americans were outraged.

The Sinking of the Lusitania

Notice! Travelers intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with formal notice given by the Imperial German Government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain or of any of her allies, are liable to destruction in those waters and that travelers sailing in the war zone on ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk. Imperial German Embassy

The Zimmerman TelegramWhat did Germany intend to begin on February 1 1917?

What did Zimmermann propose if the United States went to war with Germany during WWI?

If this telegram wasn’t intercepted, what do you think might have happened?

Zimmermann Note A telegram from the German foreign

minister to the German ambassador in Mexico that was intercepted and decoded by the British.

Proposed an alliance between Mexico and Germany in the event that the U.S. joined the war on the Allied side.

In return Germany promised to help Mexico gain back the lost territories of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.



Bellwork: Imagine the year is 191. A bitter war is raging in

Europe-a war that has been called a threat to civilization. At home people are urging America to get involved while others are calling for the country to isolate itself and avoid the fight. Do you think America should join the war?

When should the U.S. intervene in the affairs of another country?

When American lives are threatened, how should the government respond?

How would you react if the U.S. entered a World War? Would you volunteer to serve in the military, protest the nation’s involvement, or refuse to go?

American Power Tips the Balance of Power

Main Idea: Why It Matters Now: Terms & Names:

The United States mobilized a large army & navy help the Allies achieve victory.

During World War I, the United States military evolved into the powerful fighting force it remains today.

Eddie RickenbackerSelective Service ActConvoy system American Expeditionary ForceConscientious objectorarmistice

Learning Objective: Understand how U.S. entry & new technologies impact the war and be able to describe the effects of mechanized war.

Woodrow Wilson Declares War “Property can be paid for; the lives of peaceful

and innocent people cannot be. The present German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare against mankind.

…We are glad…to fight… for the ultimate peace of the world and for the liberation of its peoples…The world must be safe for democracy…We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indeminities… It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war…But the right is more precious than peace.”

The YanksAre Coming!

How does the U.S. Raise an Army?

U. S. Army not prepared for.

200,000 men in service few with combat experience

U.S. passed Selective Service Act in 1917 required men to register in order to be randomly selected for military service

24 million men registered3 million were called up2 million went to Europe1.5 million actually saw combat

U.S. Army 1 out of 5 soldiers were

foreign born Most had not attended

high school Trained for 17 hours/day Target practice, bayonet

drills, kitchen duty, grounds maintenance

Real weapons were in short supply so soldiers trained with fake weapons (rocks for and grenades, wooden poles instead of rifles)

How did US Soldiers help win the war?

Allied forces exhausted and demoralized after 2 ½ years of fighting

U.S. troops provided energy and enthusiasm American Expeditionary Force (AEF) arrived

in France as reinforcements but operated as an independent fighting force that helped to stop the German advance led by General John J. Pershing

“dougboys” nickname given to American infantrymen because the belts they wore were polished with pipe clay or dough.

American Troops Offensive

U.S. helped stop the German advance and throw back the GermansAlvin York- famous American war hero, killed 25 Germans with only a revolver and rifle

How did the U.S. Build a Naval Force?

U.S. had to transport men, food, and equipment overseas

U.S. government needed to expand its fleet:

1. Exempted shipyard workers from the draft

2. Created a PR campaign that emphasized the importance of shipyard work

3. Used prefabrication techniques where standardized parts were built elsewhere and assembled in the yard, reducing construction time

4. Government took commercial and private ships and converted them

How did U.S. Navy Help Turns the Tide?

German U-Boat attacks on merchant ships threatened the war effort.

Created the convoy system in which a group of heavily guarded destroyers escorted merchant ships across the Atlantic.

Broke German blockade by cutting shipping losses in half

New New TechnologiesTechnologies

Poison Gas

Machine GunFires ammunition automatically, wiped out waves of attackers. Fired up to 600 rounds per minute

Invented by a German Chemist originally to fertilize farmlands, later used during warfare, caused blinding, blistering, and choking

Krupp’s “Big Bertha” Gun

French Renault Tank

Armored combat vehicle introduced by the British in the Battle of Somme in 1916, slow and clumsy at first.

British Tank at Ypres

The Airplane

First used for reconnaissance (spying) taking pictures behind enemy lines. Later planes began carrying mounted guns and dropping bombsDogfights- individual air combats where pilots sat in open cockpits and shot at each other with pistols

Video The Flying Aces of WWI

Eddie Rickenbacher, US

FrancescoBarraco, It.

Rene PaukFonck, Fr.

Manfred vonRichtoffen, Ger.

[The “Red Baron”]

Willy Coppens deHolthust, Belg.

Eddie “Mick”Mannoch, Br.


Introduced by the Germans in 1914Known as U-Boats from the German word Unterseeboot (Under Sea Boat)Primary weapon was a torpedo, a self-propelled underwater missile, Unrestricted warfare


Curtis-Martin U. S. Aircraft Plant

The Zeppelin



New Hazards of War mechanized warfare- began

during WWI with the introduction of machine guns, tanks, & airplanes led to horrific injuries

“shell shock” soldiers nervous systems were shattered by noisy shelling (Called PTSD today)

New Hazards of War

Trench throat-a painful infection of the gums and throat Trench foot- caused by standing in trenches with wet

socks caused toes to turn blue or red, become numb, and start to rot. Treatment include amputation.

War Is HELL !!

Soldiers with gunshot wounds to the face were helped by a French surgeon who used skin graft techniques to heal wounds, helped found the field of plastic surgery

Doctors learned more about how to treat injuries and wounds, especially fighting infection.

Sacrifices in War

How does war impact veteran’s physical or emotional conditions?

What challenges if any does the soldier face returning to civilian life?

What is the attitude in the community the veteran returns to?

Anticipation Guide

Complete the anticipation guide individually and record your responses on your sheet.

Share one response with a neighbor. Select 2 questions to discuss as a class. Move around the room to indicate level of agreement

with each statement. Discuss as a group the reasons for your decision. Select a spokesperson to share the groups reasoning

with the class.

Wilfred Owen was born in England, on March 18, 1893. He worked as a student teacher at Wyle Cop School while preparing for his matriculation exam for the University of London. After failing to win a scholarship he found work as a teacher of English in the Berlitz School in Bordeaux.

Although he had previously thought of himself as a pacifist, in October 1915 he enlisted in the Artists' Rifles. Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant, he joined the Manchester Regiment in France in January, 1917. While in France Wilfred Owen began writing poems about his war experiences.

Wilfred Owen

In the summer of 1917 Owen suffered from a concussion at the Somme after a shell landed just two yards away. After several days in a bomb crater with the mangled corpse of a fellow officer, Owen was diagnosed as suffering from shell-shock.

While recovering at Craiglockhart War Hospital he met the poet Siegfried Sassoon. Owen showed Sassoon his poetry who advised and encouraged him. So also did another writer at the hospital, Robert Graves. Over the next few months Owen wrote a series of poems, including Anthem for Doomed Youth, Disabled, Dulce et Decorum Est and Strange Meeting. He was urged to return to the front to find more material for his poetry. He returned to the front in September of 1918 and was killed on November 4, 1918, one week before the armistice that ended the war. He was 25 years old.

Disabled by Wilfred Owen

Listen & Watch the video clip of the poem “Disabled” by Wilfred Owen being read.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEeo6tU4jZA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D0vI7VasXE&feature=related Listen and look for answers to the following questions: How does war impact veteran’s physical or emotional conditions?

What challenges if any does the soldier face returning to civilian life?

What is the attitude in the community the veteran returns to?

Disabled by Wilfred Owen Count off by 5’s. All the 1’s to the first stanza, 2’s do the 2nd stanza,

3’s the third stanza, etc. Write on the paper what about the stanza:

Strikes you, moves you, stands out to you? What associations does a specific word or phrase bring? What challenges does he face? What can you observe about the veteran’s physical or emotional

conditions? What challenges if any does the soldier face returning to civilian life? What can you infer about the attitude of the community the veteran

returns to?

Each group can present their stanza to class or groups can rotate around the room to other stanzas and read what other students wrote and add more comments.

Go back to the anticipation guide and you initial reactions. Did you change your original thoughts? Explain why or why not by using information from the poem to support your position.


Write another stanza to the poem or create your own poem about veteran/s experiences during WWI.

The stanza/poem must should refer to one of the following: the veteran/s physical and emotional condition challenges the veteran/s faced in returning to civilian

life the attitude of the community the veteran returned to.

What is the American Red Cross?

Red Cross -American volunteers cared for the sick and wounded

Russia Withdraws 1917 civil unrest in Russia-due to lack of fuel &

food forces the Czar Nicholas II to abdicate his throne & the government to collapse

1917 5.5 million Russian soldiers wounded, killed, or taken prisoner, war weary they refused to fight any longer

1917 Communist leader Vladimir Lenin seized power

1918 Lenin signed a truce with Germany, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, ended war btw them

Collapse of Germany July 1918 The Allies &

Germans clashed at the second Battle of Marne

2 million American troops helped the Allied forces began to advance steadily toward Germany

Central Powers crumbled November 3, 1918 Austria-Hungary surrendered to the Allies

Allied VictoryGermany agreed to a

cease-fire and signed an armistice, or truce, that ended the war.

The armistice is signed on November 11, 1918 at 11:00 am ending World War I

Armistice- agreement to stop fighting

11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour later becomes Veterans Day

World War I Casualties


10,000,000RussiaGermanyAustria-HungaryFranceGreat BritainItalyTurkeyUS

9,000,0009,000,000 Soldiers Soldiers DeadDead

Final Toll of WWI World War I

bloodiest war in history up to that time

9 million military 11 million civilians 20 million injured 10 million refugees Cost $338 billion U.S. lost 48,000

men in battle and 62,000 from disease

The Somme American Cemetary, France

116,516 Americans Died116,516 Americans Died

Opposition to War Effort Conscientious objector-

a person who opposes warfare on moral grounds. “Thou shall not kill.”

3,500 men obtained legal objector exemptions

500 objectors were court marshaled and imprisoned

America in WWI

US entered WWI in 1917, 3 years after the war started

Total war- countries devoted all of their resources to the war effort.

Government took control of the economy, told factories what & how much to produce

Every able bodied civilian was put to work

America in WWI Many goods were

in short supply Rationing- the

limiting of the amounts of goods people can buy imposed by the government when goods are in short supply

Free Speech During Wartime

Should students have the right to find fault with or speak out against the school? Why?

Do students have the right to oppose the school rules? Why?

Should American citizens have the right to find fault with, speak out against, or oppose government actions? Why? What about during wartime?

Espionage & Sedition Acts

June 15, 1917 Congress passed a law the prohibited any attempt to cause insubordination (unwillingness to accept orders from authority) among military personnel or for interfering with military draft or recruitment.

Should citizens be allowed to refuse the military draft? Why or why not?

Espionage & Sedition Acts Congress forbade Americans to use,

“disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language” about the US government, flag, or armed forces during wartime. It also allowed the Postmaster General to refuse to deliver mail to dissenters of government policy.

Do you think the Sedition Act is unconstitutional? (Does it violate the First Amendment right to freedom of speech?) Why or why not?

Schenck v. United States (1919)

Charles Schenck distributed leaflets that called the military draft a, “deed against humanity” & compared the draft to slavery. He urged draftees to assert their rights. Schenck was accused of violating the sedition act (actions or words intended to provoke or incite a rebellion against government authority.) Is he innocent or guilty?

Freedom of Speech During Wartime

Are some limits on freedom of speech necessary or should anyone be allowed to say anything they want whenever they want?

Can you think of any reasonable examples of limitations on freedom of speech at school, during war, etc.?

Espionage & Sedition Acts

Government suppressed anti war activity & censored news about the war

People feared honest reporting about the war would turn people against it

African Americans in WWI

400,000 African Americans served in segregated units and were assigned non combat duties

369th infantry was an all black regiment that saw more fighting than any other regiment

Henry Johnson and Needham Roberts received France’s Croix de Guerre “cross of war”

Women in WWI Could not

enlist Joined the

Army Corps of Nurses

Were denied rank, pay, & benefits

Served as nurses, secretaries, & phone operators

Women & the War

Thousands of women replaced men in factories, offices, & shops

Women built tanks, & munitions, plowed fields, paved streets, and ran hospitals

Supplied troops with food, clothing, & weapons

Propaganda Propaganda- One

sided information designed to persuade to keep up morale and support for the war

In nations throughout Europe, striking, colorful posters urged for support for the war by painting the enemy as monsters and the allies as heroes.

WWI Propaganda Posters

The Allies Meet atThe Allies Meet atVersaillesVersailles

January 18, 1919

The Big Four Woodrow

Wilson US Georges

Clemenceau of France

David Lloyd George of Britain

Vittorio Orlando of Italy

Georges Clemenceau (France)

Determined to disarm and weaken Germany

Punish Germany Occupy both sides

of the Rhine River Germany to pay for

the suffering the war caused

David Lloyd George (Britain)

Wanted to maintain Britain’s naval superiority

Opposed Wilson’s freedom of the seas

Wanted to crush Germany’s navy

Vittorio Orlando (Italy)

Wanted to gain territory in Austria that was secretly promised to Italy in 1915

Woodrow Wilson (US)

Wanted to establish a just and long lasting peace through the implementation of his Fourteen Point Plan

Wilson’s Fourteen Points

The first 4 points were designed to remove the cause of conflict

1. End to secret treaties2. Freedom of the seas3. Free trade4. Reduce size of national armies &

navies5. Adjustment of colonial claims with

fairness toward colonial people

Wilson’s 14 Points

The 6-13 points were specific suggestions for changing borders and creating new nations.

The guiding idea behind these points was self determination

Self determination- allowing people to decide for themselves what type of government they wished to have

Fourteenth Point

“a general association of nations” that would protect “great and small states alike.”

Wilson hoped for an organization that could peacefully negotiate solutions to world conflicts.

League of Nations- an organization that could peacefully negotiate solutions to world conflicts.

Treaty of Versailles

Agreement between Germany & the Allied Powers was signed on June 28, 1919

Ended WWI

Treaty of Versailles Called for the creation of a League of

Nations League of Nations- international

association whose goal would be to keep peace among nations

Representatives from 32 Allied & neutral nations

Germany & Russia were excluded Russia’s early withdrawal from the war &

its revolutionary leadership made it an outcast

Treaty of Versailles Punished Germany!! Germany lost substantial territory Germany had severe military restrictions Article 231 “war guilt clause” Germany had

to accept sole responsibility for causing war Germany had to make reparations (pay for

the cost of the war) to the Allies $33 billion All of Germany’s territory in Africa &

pacific were declared mandates & administered by the League of Nations

Europe Before WWI

Europe After WWI Which Central

Powers nation appears to have lost the most territory?

On which nation’s former land are most of the new countries created?

Creation of New Nations Treaty of Versailles was just one of 5 treaties

negotiated by the Allies Western powers signed separate treaties with each

of the defeated nations: Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, & the Ottoman Empire

Huge land losses for Central Powers Several new countries were created out of the

Austro-Hungarian Empire Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, &

Yugoslavia were recognized as independent nations

Ottoman Empire forced to give up almost all of their former empire

Creation of New Nations Palestine, Iraq, &

Transjordan formerly apart of the Ottoman Empire came under British control

Finland, Estonia, Latvia, & Lithuania formerly apart of Russia became independent nations

Romania & Poland gained Russian territory

Ottoman Empire 1919

Treaty of Versailles OUTCOMES:

“A Peace Built on Quicksand” Did little to build a lasting peace US rejected the treaty, objected League

of Nations (stay out of European affairs) worked out a separate treaty w/ Germany

“war guilt clause” left a legacy of bitterness in Germany

Other countries in African & Asia felt cheated & betrayed because the Allies disregarded their desire for independence

Treaty of Versailles OUTCOMES:

Japan & Italy entered war to gain territory, got less land then they wanted

In a little more then two decades the treaties legacy of bitterness would plunge the world into another catastrophic war


Legacy of World War I in US

U.S. emerges as world’s greatest industrial power

Strengthens U.S. military Expanded power of federal government Movement of African Americans into

northern cities Entrance of 1 million women into the

workforce Intensifies anti-immigrant and anti-radical

sentiments among Americans

Legacy of WWI in Europe

Massive destruction and loss of life in Europe Political instability and violence for decades First Communist state established in Russia Militant fascists seize power in Germany, Italy,

& Spain “It cannot be that two million (Germans) should

have fallen in vain…we demand vengeance!’ Adolf Hitler

COST OF WAR 8.5 million soldiers died 21 million were wounded Civilians died of starvation & disease War cost European countries $338 billion Destroyed acres of farmland, homes,

villages, & towns

How to Prepare for Final Exams Resources: textbook, notes, worksheets,

quizzes, & tests Don’t cram the night before, spread out

studying Stay organized Get a good night’s sleep Have a healthy breakfast Be on Time BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK!!

Mandatory Essay Both the Vienna Settlement & the Treaty

of Versailles were peace treaties that ended significant European and world conflicts.

Describe TWO ways in which these treaties were similar in goals or outcomes.

Describe TWO ways in which theses treaties were different in goals or outcomes.

Explain which of the two treaties resulted in a longer lasting peace.

Decision Makers CONGRESS OF

VIENNA Representatives of the

5 “Great Powers” Prussia, Austria,

Britain, France, & Russia

Led by Klemens von Metternich


32 countries represented

Led by the “Big Four”

David Lloyd George Georges Clemenceau Vittorio Orlando Woodrow Wilson


VIENNA Prevent future

FRENCH aggression

Restore balance of power in Europe

Restore royal families to their thrones


Wilson-achieve a long lasting peace

Clemenceau/George-punish Germany and strip it of its war making power

War Guilt/Reparations CONGRESS OF

VIENNA Fearing revenge

the victorious nations were easy on France


Allies forced Germany to sign articles 231 & 232 (war guilt & reparations)

France was given the Saar coal fields as compensation

Military Restrictions


France was allowed to keep a standing army


Limited the size of Germany’s army to 100,000 soldiers & officers

Prohibited Germany from importing or manufacturing war materials

The building of warships, aircraft, & tanks was forbidden

Territorial Changes CONGRESS OF

VIENNA To balance power, the

weaker countries around France were strengthened/created

Switzerland gained Independence

German Confederation United Kingdom of

the Netherlands


Germany lost its territories in Africa & Asia

Ottoman Empire lands were declared mandates and controlled by Britain

Independent Nations were created Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Austria, Hungary


VIENNA Created an age of

peace in Europe through the Concert of Europe

Diminished the power of France

Increased the power of Britain & Prussia


Left a legacy of bitterness, betrayal, & hatred that would erupt Europe into WWII

The Germans were not allowed to discuss these terms but had to sign/agree to them


WorldWorldWar IWar I

“A Street in Arras”John Singer Sargent, 1918

“Oppy Wood” – John Nash, 1917

“Those Who Have Lost Their Names”

Albin Eggar-Linz, 1914

“Gassed and Wounded”Eric Kennington, 1918

“Paths of Glory”C. R. W. Nevinson, 1917

German Cartoon:“Fit for active service!”, 1918



Australian Poster

American Poster

Financing the War

German Poster

Think of Your Children!Think of Your Children!

WomenWomenand theand the


Financing the War

For Recruitment

Munitions Workers

French Women Factory Workers

German Women Factory Workers

Working in the Fields

A Woman Ambulance Driver

Red Cross Nurses

Women in the Army Auxiliary

Russian Women Soldiers


“Mata Hari” Real Name: Margareetha Geertruide Zelle German Spy!

Turkish Genocide Against Armenians

A Portent of Future Horrors to Come!A Portent of Future Horrors to Come!

Turkish Genocide Against ArmeniansDistricts & Vilayets of Western Armenia in Turkey

1914 1922

Erzerum 215,000 1,500Van 197,000 500Kharbert 204,000 35,000Diarbekir 124,000 3,000Bitlis 220,000 56,000Sivas 225,000 16,800     

Other Armenian-populated Sites in Turkey


Western Anatolia 371,800 27,000Cilicia and Northern Syria 309,000 70,000European Turkey 194,000 163,000Trapizond District 73,390 15,000

Total 2,133,190 387,800

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