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yes 189no 62tot 251

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Amanda Morrell

y Amanda Morrell Duh.

Like · Reply · 5 · 17 hrs

Amanda Morrell

Amanda Morrell And cats.

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Ellen Reuben

y Ellen Reuben yep... Ithaca is a dog town

Like · Reply · 10 · 17 hrs

Wendy Morgan

y Wendy Morgan Sure! On leash



Like · Reply · 7 · 17 hrs

Liz Blakeman

y Liz Blakeman Yes!

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Brian Mayer

n Brian Mayer No

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Jason Woodward

y Jason Woodward Yes.

Like · Reply · 4 · 17 hrs

Eric Silverman

Eric Silverman http://gph.is/1979bpK

Like · Reply · 6 · 17 hrs

Zeek Smith

y Zeek Smith Absolutely.

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Justin Henry

Justin Henry Is there a way to put an area for them to relieve themselves?

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Michelle Striney Podolec

y Michelle Striney Podolec On a leash.

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Brian Fuller

y Brian Fuller Of course.

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Jamal Wilson

y Jamal Wilson Mos def...leashed, poop disposals and a lil dog park where they can get together and hang with other dogs while their owners shop etc..lil a doggy daycare...and it will bring a grooming service to the commons and people will love it...

Like · Reply · 9 · 17 hrs · Edited

Patricia R. Zimmermann

n Patricia R. Zimmermann No

Like · Reply · 4 · 17 hrs

Emily Midge Doyle

n Emily Midge Doyle So I say no, but here's why. I love dogs, and I think they are great...BUT I think so many owners aren't thinking through how hard it is on their dog to be in such a high traffic area. So..that is all. It's nerve wracking for most dogs to be in what is kind of a building locked, non grassy, seemingly nowhere to go place.

Like · Reply · 9 · 17 hrs

Megan Adams Nettleton

y Megan Adams Nettleton Yes

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Hillary Boucher

n Hillary Boucher No, please.

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Anton Burkett

n Anton Burkett Never! Too many people too big of a chance of some lil kid getting their face bit off. Also, dog pee and poop! Yuck!

Like · Reply · 4 · 17 hrs

Jack A Hessmer III

n Jack A Hessmer III Nope.

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Kenda-lee Anne Hice

y Kenda-lee Anne Hice We love doggies.

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Alexandria CrossHare

y Alexandria CrossHare Yes!

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Kristine Anderson Keller

n Kristine Anderson Keller No i don't want to have to worry about my kids walking around d wanting to pet a dog that shouldn't be in a high traffic area or is not comfortable around kids or people in general - I really don't want to worry about me or my kids being attacked by a dog

Like · Reply · 6 · 17 hrs · Edited

Adam Blakeslee

Adam Blakeslee

Image may contain: dog

Like · Reply · 11 · 17 hrs

Melissa Filut-Weiner

n Melissa Filut-Weiner No way.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Patricia Jane

y Patricia Jane Absolutely, on a leash!

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Meredith Collins

y Meredith Collins Yes: On leash, up to date on vaccines.

Like · Reply · 7 · 17 hrs

Doug Moore

y Doug Moore Yes, encourage retailers to have water bowls too

Like · Reply · 4 · 17 hrs

Patrick Luker

Patrick Luker When have they ever been "unallowed"?

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Heidi Elizabeth

y Heidi Elizabeth YES. I've been to cities where dogs are allowed on similar types of shopping areas and it's great. A lot of the businesses keep water dishes outside and it's so sweet.

Like · Reply · 9 · 17 hrs · Edited

Nina Ocasio

y Nina Ocasio YES!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Jonny Tunnell

n Jonny Tunnell if you've ever been bit severely or maybe even not... you'd not want this. IF ppl actually trained their animals to be decent i'd feel differently. its not the dogs i dont trust... its their ppl. allowing dogs on the commons is like putting a super expensive fountain in that a child could (and probably will) harm themselves...

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs · Edited

Betsy Herrington

y Betsy Herrington Yes. And poopy receptacles. And vigilance on those who don't scoop the poop--fine 'em.

Like · Reply · 6 · 17 hrs

Betsy Herrington

y Betsy Herrington Leashed, of course.

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Anthony M. Condo Jr.

y Anthony M. Condo Jr. Considering I like dogs more than I like most people, the answer to this is an obvious and resounding 'yes'.

Like · Reply · 4 · 17 hrs

Lux Ex

y Lux Ex YES.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Danita Butler Fish

n Danita Butler Fish NO

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Lisa Carr Just

y Lisa Carr Just Only on a leash

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

David Shapiro

David Shapiro Currently we don't allow smoking on the commons, but it happens. Whether or not we allow dogs on the commons is less important to me than what we do if established rules are violated.

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

JS Pokrzywinski

y JS Pokrzywinski Yes!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Adrienne Valenti

y Adrienne Valenti Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Choral Edmond-Carlisle Cornell-Bowers

y Choral Edmond-Carlisle Cornell-Bowers Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Sophia Goehner

y Sophia Goehner Yes and skateboards and bikes

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Brynne Sigg

n Brynne Sigg I too love dogs, but my vote would be no. Reason being there are people who don't like to be around them or don't feel safe around them. There are plenty of places in Ithaca to take our dogs.

Like · Reply · 14 · 17 hrs

David Hiner

y David Hiner Yes, on a leash (of course), and a mandatory cleanup policy. If the owner refuses to clean up after their dog they should be fined.

Like · Reply · 6 · 17 hrs

Samuel Schuepbach

n Samuel Schuepbach there is a no bike policy and there is a no Smoking policy neither of them are being enforced , so adding another one sure does not help.

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Robin Merilahti

n Robin Merilahti That's what I was thinking. Who's going to enforce this clean up/on a leash policy?

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

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DE Green

n DE Green No.....

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Liena Pulsts

y Liena Pulsts Yes, as long as they do their business prior to walking the area and if any accident the owners clean it up! People love doggies (me included) :) maybe a designated doggies grassy area too for that umm yeah. And as long as they are people and kid friendly!!!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Tom Beckman

y Tom Beckman Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Kate Lyons

n Kate Lyons No

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Robin Merilahti

n Robin Merilahti Please No, there are plenty of places you can take your dog in the city. Leave one area where no dogs are allowed. I know its hard for Ithacans to believe, but everyone does not loves dogs. They got Stewart Park, wasn't that enough?

Like · Reply · 5 · 17 hrs

Kiersten Hendrix

y Kiersten Hendrix Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Marilyn Thorpe Pettinga

y Marilyn Thorpe Pettinga I believe that dogs would be okay on the Commons ... providing they are up to date on vaccinations and are on a leash. Water dishes are a great idea, Heidi Elizabeth ... as are poop receptacles, Betsy Herrington. I also think the playground area should be unavailable to dogs to prevent unfortunate interactions between dogs and kids.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Kellie Cox

y Kellie Cox Yes!!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Camille Duclos

n Camille Duclos No

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Shannon Dence Phillips

n Shannon Dence Phillips Why would you want to take your dog to the Commons? There is no shade, and the hot ground hurts their paws. Besides, i wouldn't want a dog to step on a heroin needle. :(

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Christine Brouwer Hinman

n Christine Brouwer Hinman No, please don't. Too many people don't understand boundaries with their pets. Just because we love our dogs doesn't mean everyone does.

Like · Reply · 12 · 17 hrs

Alejandro Morgano

y Alejandro Morgano yes please

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Alison Tarplee Coluccio

y Alison Tarplee Coluccio It would definitely increase my traffic on the Commons. There have been a significant number of events that I've had to pass on because at the end of the workday, walking the dog has to be my priority. So even if it's an event really important to me, I can't afford the dog-less time to come - but if she could come too, then we would be there!

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Beezer Clapp

n Beezer Clapp No - I'm a dog lover and owner but the commons has not a single patch of grass or available tree for pee and such. It was not designed with dogs in mind. Think urine stank creep!

Like · Reply · 12 · 17 hrs

Paula Valencia Ariza

y Paula Valencia Ariza Yes!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Hilary Shaw

y Hilary Shaw Yes!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Suzanna Homrighaus

n Suzanna Homrighaus No unless they are service dogs

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Brandon Schneider

y Brandon Schneider Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Kari Martin

y Kari Martin If people can shoot up on the commons then yea, dogs should be fine. 🙄

Like · Reply · 5 · 17 hrs

Michael Hadox

Michael Hadox Glad I wasn't drinking coffee, my monitor would have been soaked.

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Ashley Lynn Welch

Ashley Lynn Welch I You...❤️

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

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Matthew S. Spano

y Matthew S. Spano Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Christine King

y Christine King Small and on leashes and control by owner

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Siera Ellis

y Siera Ellis My two German shepherds are better behaved than any small dog I've ever met. Lol. Just throwing that out there.

Like · Reply · 6 · 6 hrs · Edited

Maureen McCarvill Whitehead

y Maureen McCarvill Whitehead Yes please!!!!!!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Michelle Coon

y Michelle Coon You should allow dogs everywhere ❤️🐕

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Dave Pohl

y Dave Pohl Yes.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Sharleena Swansbrough

y Sharleena Swansbrough Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Kristen McGinnis

y Kristen McGinnis Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Vera Whisman

y Vera Whisman Yes! On leash and zero tolerance for leaving poop. Then complainers and just complainers.

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Caitlin Matthewson

y Caitlin Matthewson Definitely.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Erica Schillbach

y Erica Schillbach YES 😍

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Gay L Huddle

n Gay L Huddle I'm a dog lover from way back........but, please, no dogs on the Commons.....too much trouble to maintain when people do not clean up after their animals and there will be those people.......so, my vote is no.

Like · Reply · 9 · 17 hrs

Gay L Huddle

Gay L Huddle You know that the restrictions and the control will be issues that will NEVER be all resolved......so I would not even get into that.....

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Timo Bentolila

y Timo Bentolila Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Lorraine Sinclaire

y Lorraine Sinclaire yes, but with restrictions: leash and poop pickup laws... responsible adult human behavior if pooch needs leadership/discipline. i am a responsible dog owner, and this is just the regular day-to-day of life with a dog in an urban setting.

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Jim Bouderau

y Jim Bouderau of course.

Like · Reply · 5 · 17 hrs

Vickie Clairmont Rogers

n Vickie Clairmont Rogers No. I sat down there one afternoon with my grandkids while they played on the playground and watched several dogs (why were they there when they're not allowed) pee all over the jungle gym and the material underneath the playground. Kids play on that! It's disgusting and unhygienic and the arrogant dog owners don't care where their dogs go!

Like · Reply · 6 · 17 hrs

Isabel Brumberg

y Isabel Brumberg YES! It works very well in other places with similar downtown set ups! Burlington VT for example!

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Tanya Pietila Case

y Tanya Pietila Case And Charlottesville, VA's downtown mall! Same designer as the commons (as I recall) - and it totally works there too!

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs · Edited

Isabel Brumberg

Isabel Brumberg Sarah Brumberg Adam Brumberg

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Nicole Demotte

y Nicole Demotte Yes with leash & poop bags..

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Jess Krogman

y Jess Krogman Not unless you strictly enforce leash laws & ticketing for people who don't pick up after their animals.

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Shari Thomson Hubbert

y Shari Thomson Hubbert Yes please!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Donna Lucille

n Donna Lucille I hate to say it but I don't think we should.

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Eric Griffith

y Eric Griffith Of course you should. And ticket any @SShole owner that doesn't clean up after them.

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Barb Alexander

y Barb Alexander Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Kathy Zahler

y Kathy Zahler Instead of people? Yes.

Like · Reply · 15 · 17 hrs

Molly Willsallen

y Molly Willsallen Yes! But need areas (gardens) they can access if they need to go. Leash and pick up laws should be enforced.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs · Edited

Mara Lynne

y Mara Lynne YES. YES. YES. YES.

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Chris Dawson

y Chris Dawson On a leash with strictly enforced poop laws.

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Jurden Alexander

n Jurden Alexander nope, whose libel?

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Debralee Strebralee

Debralee Strebralee Who's libel? Liable?

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Peggy Carey

y Peggy Carey On leash, yes and poop-bag stations, I agree. And then I think that stores can decide their own rules on if they want them in their stores. It would help businesses and traffic downtown!

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Jurden Alexander

Jurden Alexander whose going to enforce a leash permit, or should one be required to have a leash permit in order to be able to walk their dog on the commons?

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Erica Schillbach

Erica Schillbach There are cops on the commons on occasion. 90% of dog owners are smart enough to have their dog on a leash. Not a permit, a rule. If not followed, ticketed - but most pet owners are mindful.

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Will Devine

n Will Devine No, but if you do, *please* make sure police are steadily enforcing leash and cleanup laws.

Like · Reply · 4 · 17 hrs

Bryan Keller

y Bryan Keller Yes sir

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Sue Roenke

y Sue Roenke Yes, leashed and responsible, cite/ticketed if not.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Kimberly Anderson

y Kimberly Anderson yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Carol Mitchell

Carol Mitchell Can they not chase the kids playing or jump on a running,please.last Year at a thurs.night concert poor dog in the middle of about150 people,dancing etc. He was getting very agitated.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Trisha Williams

n Trisha Williams I dogs. That being said, not everyone does. The commons isn't a very large area. It seems a relatively confined space if there were many dog owners on the commons at one particular time. Also, you can't pick up urine.❤️

Like · Reply · 5 · 17 hrs

Karen Edelstein

y Karen Edelstein Yes, on leash. Maybe provide bags at each street entrance so there is no question about whether people are expected to clean up after their dogs.

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Laurie Linn

y Laurie Linn Bella votes, YES!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Jennifer Whitaker

n Jennifer Whitaker No. Too much risk. Risk of injury, risk of messes. People don't need any more reasons not to go to the commons. I won't go as much if that is allowed, for sure.

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

James Frichner

y James Frichner Yes please

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Nicole Zulu

Nicole Zulu Like many have said, it may not be a dog friendly place, no shade, lots of traffic, no grass areas to relieve themselves. If so, strict leash and pick up policy needs to be in place that has actual enforcement (and not allowed in the playground area).

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Susan Johnston

y Susan Johnston Yes!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Carolyn Ambrose

y Carolyn Ambrose Yes but they have to be on a leash.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Chance Daugh

y Chance Daugh As long as they're leashed and calm around people and other dogs, and as long as people pick up their messes. But I also know some people who are afraid of dogs so I am conflicted

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Luis Jose Munoz

y Luis Jose Munoz yes please

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Barbara Kasian

n Barbara Kasian NO

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Nicole Middleton

n Nicole Middleton No. People can't clean up after their animals as it is. Not to mention there are restaurants with outdoor dining... I don't want to be eating whilst someone's dog is making a movement.

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs

Shelley Blackler

Shelley Blackler My dog eats with us outdoors all the time...and we eat out a lot.

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Nicole Middleton

Nicole Middleton Yuck

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

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Cassie Jenis

y Cassie Jenis Yes!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Joy Thomas

n Joy Thomas I'm not a dog person, and wouldn't be thrilled to have to contend with dog traffic on the Commons. If it were allowed, yes to strict enforcement of leash and cleanup policies.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

J.J. Bain

y J.J. Bain Of Course

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Jacob Parker Carver

y Jacob Parker Carver Chloe says yes

Image may contain: dog

Like · Reply · 7 · 17 hrs

Claudia Jenkins

n Claudia Jenkins Only service dogs

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs

Kasia Tolwinski

y Kasia Tolwinski Yes!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Chelsea Hummer

y Chelsea Hummer Yes on leash

Like · Reply · 5 · 17 hrs

Evan Carroll

y Evan Carroll YES!!!!!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Elliot Steinfeld

y Elliot Steinfeld Close it down to people it should only be for dogs🐕🐕

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Ana Strachan

y Ana Strachan Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Holly Lambert Nolting

y Holly Lambert Nolting Yes!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Ethan Ritz

y Ethan Ritz yes, this is a class issue - it's difficult for homeless ppl with pets to keep them anywhere else but at their side for long periods of time; a ruling like this does more to exclude Ithaca's homeless population from public spaces than anyone else. good arguments for public space laws like these (also smoking, open can laws) being designed to do this in the first place...

Like · Reply · 7 · 17 hrs

Elisabetta Ciurleo

y Elisabetta Ciurleo Yes! My dog behaves better than some human! 😊

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Benjamin Denson

y Benjamin Denson yEs

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Leanne Arnold

y Leanne Arnold Yes, put up signs saying to clean up after your dog or pay a fine

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Andrew Westphal

n Andrew Westphal Sorry, NO.

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Chuck Raniewicz

y Chuck Raniewicz Definitely!

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Julia Melton

y Julia Melton YES! Most people just walk through with their dogs. There shouldn't be an issue with dogs chasing children as there is a leash law. I also understand the concern of cleaning up after them but it's all concrete! I don't know many dogs that do their busi...See More

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Sam Russell

y Sam Russell Yes

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Jacki Thompson

y Jacki Thompson Didn't you ask us this last year? Answer is still yes for me.

Like · Reply · 17 hrs

Shannon Oakes

Shannon Oakes I didn't bring my dog last time we traveled to Ithaca bc I read that rule. When we got there the Commons was full of dogs anyway 🤔

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Melissa Hall

y Melissa Hall Yes. I'm tired of hearing about it at city council lol.

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs

Silvia Caserta

y Silvia Caserta YES

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Shannon Nicole Operaa

y Shannon Nicole Operaa Yes

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Jessica Brown

y Jessica Brown They're already on the commons. It's great!

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Erica Ciancia Bender

y Erica Ciancia Bender Absolutely!!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Jessica Elkins

y Jessica Elkins Yes! Of course. Seriously they're everywhere else in town anyway. Rules will apply, but it will seem much more friendly a place for the many dog owners of Ithaca. Also consider allowing bicycles please. 😁

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Sally Salminen Bacon

n Sally Salminen Bacon No

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Patrick Campbell

y Patrick Campbell Yes

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Lotsie Cash

y Lotsie Cash YES

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Lisa Kellmurray

y Lisa Kellmurray With strict leash and poop laws. I don't want to have dogs running around and I really don't want to have to be on the lookout for dog poo. But dogs on leashes with responsible owners are welcome.

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs

Julia Hughes

Julia Hughes This is exactly how it should be. Great response.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Norfe J. Pirro

n Norfe J. Pirro No, only crackheads!!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

George Ferrari

n George Ferrari we currently have rules on the Commons about smoking, dogs and bikes, for good reasons and yet everyday I see people not following those rules with very little enforcement, so I would say no as long as you have those rules but they must be enforced to ...See More

Like · Reply · 7 · 16 hrs

Linda Frechette Koenig

y Linda Frechette Koenig Yes!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Steven Wolf

Steven Wolf Leashes and poop scooping must be vigorously enforced or the place will degenerate into concrete desert.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Tanya Pietila Case

y Tanya Pietila Case There is an upscale outdoor shopping area in my old neighborhood in Richmond, VA that is known for allowing dogs. Upscale stores (including Tiffany's) allows certain size breeds inside their stores (There is a "small, medium, large" dog sticker on each...See More

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Tanya Pietila Case

Tanya Pietila Case I will also add, Charlotteville's Downtown Mall in VA is also dog friendly and their thriving atmosphere was also a factor in the development of the "new" Commons, right? (I think they were both designed by the same person back in the day too... ) It's...See More

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Tanya Pietila Case

Tanya Pietila Case http://www.downtowncharlottesville.net/

Downtown Charlottesville

Downtown Business Association of Charlottesville (DBAC) is an association…


Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Sherron Brown

y Sherron Brown Absolutely! Dogs should be allowed on the commons. SERIOUSLY BE VIGILANT AND TICKET THE IRRESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERS!

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs

Brenda Neville

n Brenda Neville No. You can't count on people cleaning up after them, nor can you count on people keeping them leashed. It's just not the place for dogs.

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Lorraine Berry

y Lorraine Berry Yes. Please. Responsible dog owners. Bad dog owners should be punished, but dogs should be allowed.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Scott Mccown

y Scott Mccown Most definitely YES!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Helen Stride

y Helen Stride Yes, with guidelines. Probably leashes unless it's a tiny dog. I know some dogs do well off-leash but some people have had bad experiences with dogs so we should keep them in mind.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Regina DeMauro

n Regina DeMauro I'd prefer not because I don't think that any amount of leash laws and requirements to clean up after the dog will be followed.

Like · Reply · 6 · 16 hrs

David Young

y David Young Yes please

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Jacob Dusseau

Jacob Dusseau http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.../the-10-health-benefits...

The 10 Health Benefits Of Dogs (And One Health Risk)

Whether you're a dog owner or volunteer, hanging out…


Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Dan Taylor

y Dan Taylor Yes, please!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Stacey Murphy

n Stacey Murphy No, for all reasons mentioned here. Love dogs, but not the friendliest environment for them. Leash laws are ok but don't address agitation, peeing, not everyone being unafraid of dogs, etc. There are lots of friendlier-to-dog options around. And ticketing after a kid gets bitten doesn't really take away the being bit in the first place.

Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs · Edited

Steph Bailey

y Steph Bailey I love cats, but definitely YES

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Karen Ambrose

n Karen Ambrose No

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Randy Heffernan

y Randy Heffernan Yes!

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Tara Ciotoli Caiza

n Tara Ciotoli Caiza No. It will deter some young children from using the playground.

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Nicole Schock

Nicole Schock If parents are still taking their kids to the commons they should be worried about the drug hut right on the street not dogs 😂

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Joyce Russell

Joyce Russell Please.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Jana Quandt

y Jana Quandt Yes. Add waste stations and, of course, have strict leash laws.

Like · Reply · 8 · 16 hrs

Kelly O'Leary Blake

y Kelly O'Leary Blake Yes

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Skylar Davenport

y Skylar Davenport Yes!! The South Hill rec trail has a dog bag station to get bags to clean up after your pet. I think adding one of those at the ends of the commons would be great to help people make sure they clean up after their doggos.

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Rebecca Disidoro

y Rebecca Disidoro Yes .... on a leash

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Jolene Almendarez

y Jolene Almendarez Yes. An zero tolerance for non-poop scoopers.

Like · Reply · 5 · 16 hrs

Al Nolan

y Al Nolan Yup and tickets for owners who leave shit behind

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Nicky Koschmann

y Nicky Koschmann Yes why not!

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Jen Ludwig

y Jen Ludwig Yup. Always have:)

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Molly McGriff

y Molly McGriff yes

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Dylan Lyons

y Dylan Lyons DUH

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Hickory O'Brien Lee

y Hickory O'Brien Lee Nope, definitely not. But I'm clearly outvoted here! Lol.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs · Edited

Bernadette Elemi-Schoenwald

y Bernadette Elemi-Schoenwald I'm a dog owner who would love to bring my dogs on the commons and I still think it would be a problem...

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Katie Joy Shaw

y Katie Joy Shaw @kenobi_of_the_finger_lakes says yet!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

David Nutt

y David Nutt Yes.

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Elsa Wright

y Elsa Wright Yes, you allow drug addicts and dealers, dogs are much better behaved...

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Laurie Hemmings

y Laurie Hemmings Yes, please!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Karen Edwards

Karen Edwards Check out the public health effect of dog poop in urban areas (whether it's scooped right away or left for someone to step in on their commute) - lots of research to consider alongside public opinion. Also maybe survey the residents of the commons separately. When they signed on to live there the signs said no dogs allowed. But if you're not going to enforce them, then what's the point of the rules?

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Chris Marx

n Chris Marx With no good place to urinate, seems like a bad idea

Like · Reply · 4 · 16 hrs

Jeffrey Sorrell

y Jeffrey Sorrell Yes..... BUT a lot of things need to be taken into consideration. As it is now whether allowed or not people still bring their dogs on the commons. Do a trial allowing only small dogs. However if the owner has been putting a muzzle on the dog before ha...See More

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Chuck Cooley

y Chuck Cooley Thats a hard yes :)

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Elizabeth Bright

n Elizabeth Bright No too many are not responsible and it's a problem enough on the streets people not cleaning up after them. Last summer I took my granddaughter down after they finished the playground there was a huge pile across the street on state right near the corner. No thanks.

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Tory Jenis

y Tory Jenis Absolutely - I'd go there if we did

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Rich Bernstein

y Rich Bernstein On leashes only

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Adrian Clavel

n Adrian Clavel No

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Bretton James Ochsner

y Bretton James Ochsner Yes and they also have to be licensed and follow common courtesy;)

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Thomas Hoebbel

y Thomas Hoebbel on leash sure...

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Carly Yarosz

y Carly Yarosz Yes!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Elizabeth Bright

Elizabeth Bright Another accident waiting to happen right along with the new fountain. Dogs will be in it then the kids. Kids chasing dogs slip and break their skull open. How much money does the city have for lawsuits.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Laura Free

n Laura Free Nope nope nope.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Randi Millman-Brown

n Randi Millman-Brown Please no. No place to pee as someone mentioned. Sometimes people do not leash their dogs either and to me this is a bad idea. I personally do not want dogs coming sitting near me if I am eating outside.

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Daniel Irving Lisbe

y Daniel Irving Lisbe YESSS!!!

Like · Reply · 6 · 16 hrs

Charlie Ackerman

n Charlie Ackerman No.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Amelia Wood

n Amelia Wood Seems like a lot of work....someone will have to monitor the heck out of people, and pick up the poop that some owners wouldn't. And with a playground on the commons, makes me a little nervous...

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs

Sophia Shine

y Sophia Shine Absolutely! Our dogs are our family members. :)

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Ileana Amaris

n Ileana Amaris Keeping dogs out of the commons will allow the commons to be a cleaner, safer, more people-friendly place to be for everyone.

Like · Reply · 5 · 16 hrs

Wendy Wilcox

n Wendy Wilcox Seems like a lot of oversight. I realistically wonder if the benefit would outweigh the costs. The isn't a constant police presence on the commons to ensure compliance. With the references to other questionable activities occurring on the commons, I wonder if that isn't example enough of how difficult it is to ensure everyone who uses this public space will adhere to a set of rules about dog ownership.

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs

Kai Haskins

y Kai Haskins Yes!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Michelle Artibee

y Michelle Artibee YES.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

David Dylan Gower

y David Dylan Gower Yes, within reason.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Carly Yarosz

Carly Yarosz If we ban dogs, we should maybe think about banning people? I've definitely seen some come out of the bars-or not-and pee right there on the commons. Dogs are allowed everywhere surrounding the commons, how much of a difference is it making in people's lives for a two block radius dog-free zone? Doggy poo bag stations could be helpful maybe.

Like · Reply · 13 · 16 hrs

Tracy Tzivaeris Decker

y Tracy Tzivaeris Decker On leashes, yes.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Jennifer E Oates

y Jennifer E Oates Yes!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Jennifer E Oates

Jennifer E Oates Terry Harbin the drunks piss in the alleys anyhow Stop being a curmudgeon

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Liza Friedman

y Liza Friedman Yes

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Nora Snyder

y Nora Snyder Yes.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Leslie Zolnik

y Leslie Zolnik Yes.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Amber Gilewski

y Amber Gilewski Yes!!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Rachel Anne

y Rachel Anne Dogs on Commons - YES.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Morgen Burns

y Morgen Burns YES!!!!

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs

Vulcan Solus

y Vulcan Solus Yes! End human speciesism!!! I'm pro pup!!!!🐶

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Nav K Cheema

y Nav K Cheema This is Ithaca. Yes.

Like · Reply · 4 · 16 hrs

Lynne Saulsbury

Lynne Saulsbury I'm a yes and no person. Responsible owners will clean up after their animals. I worry about the kids playing where a mess is left. So, signage, free bags/disposal containers and a willingness to ticket owners whenever necessary and I'm in. Oh and leashes at all times (again because of the kids).

Like · Reply · 6 · 16 hrs

Lynne Saulsbury

Lynne Saulsbury Terry Harbin unfortunately, some of the humans coming out of the clubs at night leave this behind!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Heather Dunbar

Heather Dunbar People use their animals for self-expression and for extending their personal space. Lots of people feel cramped in their personal lives and use dogs to "take more" on their behalf. Many pet-owners are not reasonable in judging their animals appropria...See More

Like · Reply · 6 · 15 hrs · Edited

Heather Dunbar

Heather Dunbar My dog has never been on the Commons and it has not impeded her personal style one whit: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154422262670646&set=pb.673965645.-2207520000.1495147512.&type=3&theater

No automatic alt text available.

Heather Dunbar

July 28, 2014 ·

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Melinda Slawson

Melinda Slawson No!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Jessie Jane Hilliker

y Jessie Jane Hilliker Yes! Lynne Saulsbury sums it up quite nicely!

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Kwame Newton

Kwame Newton Zoe A.C. Summer

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Zoe Howland

y Zoe Howland YES

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

A.C. Tierney

y A.C. Tierney This shouldn't even be a question! Yes of course we should. Dogs bring joy and happiness to everyone in their vicinity and are the purest creatures on this earth. Yes . Yes. 1000x's yes.

Like · Reply · 3 · 15 hrs

Kat Kay

y Kat Kay Yes we should. Please. Kim Herbert

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Kim Herbert

y Kim Herbert OF COURSE!!!!!

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Brandon Michaels

Brandon Michaels How about a "commonesque" dog park somewhere else

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Bethany Huey

y Bethany Huey Yes!!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Mary Behrendt

y Mary Behrendt Yes - with provided trash cans and poop bags available.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Mary Behrendt

Mary Behrendt I mean, it's dog pee... It's not gonna be Cayuga Lake...

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Christy Cooper

Christy Cooper Yes and no

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Matt Fellmonster

Matt Fellmonster Too much liability. Unless the dog is licenced with the city? Then licences would help offset cost to city's liability.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Danielle Son

y Danielle Son Why is this in question? Yes!

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Katie Levittan

y Katie Levittan Yes!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Siera Ellis

y Siera Ellis Yes. Yes. Yes!

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Tom Craven

y Tom Craven Yes but if we had a better police presence to enforce codes then maybe this wouldn't be an issue.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Pamela Bleiwas

y Pamela Bleiwas Yes

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Gerry Monaghan

n Gerry Monaghan Dog lover here - happy to have the Commons be dog free.

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs

Melissa Dhundale

y Melissa Dhundale Yes!

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Alex Gi

n Alex Gi NO. And why have this poll again when it was already conducted just some months ago with a NO result?

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs

Dan Merwin

Dan Merwin only if cats (on leash of course) are also allowed

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Peter D Bakija

y Peter D Bakija Yes, please. Strictly enforce leash laws and cleaning up after them, however.

Like · Reply · 5 · 16 hrs

Tyler Hale

Tyler Hale With more piss I think

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Peter D Bakija

Peter D Bakija Uh, rain?

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

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Joyce Carman Lovelace

y Joyce Carman Lovelace Yes!!!!! I thought this had already been decided.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Matthew Johnson

y Matthew Johnson There are a lot of Beasts on the Commons why not Dogs

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Surya Saha

y Surya Saha Yes. On leash and enforce clean up.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Zoe Packman

y Zoe Packman 100% yes. It's a shame to have such a walkable area with nice places to sit and eat outside and not be able to bring along your pup.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Emily Marie Dilger

y Emily Marie Dilger Of course 😊

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Marlo Capoccia

n Marlo Capoccia No

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Sioux O'Connor

y Sioux O'Connor Yes!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Andrejs Ozoliņš

y Andrejs Ozoliņš Yes, in ways that don't cause problems for others. Why are dogs prohibited, anyway? Were they once allowed and became impossibly problematic? Seems to me dogs under full owner control can be responsibly brought almost anywhere, hence commons should be ...See More

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Amanda K. Champion

y Amanda K. Champion Yes!!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Michelle Nickerson

y Michelle Nickerson Yes. AS long as leash laws are strictly enforced. as well as clean up regulations strictly enforced. It's never made sense to me that a dog owner can walk their dog through all of Ithaca and even inside many stores but they must avoid the commons. Even back when there was the dog groomer/store at the end!

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Christine M Uliassi

n Christine M Uliassi No!

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Christine M Uliassi

Christine M Uliassi Or move the toddler playground...while not all dog owners fall into this category, there are some dog owners with no respect for the safety/space of young children. Saying "my dog loves kids" as your dog runs over to lick a child's face is not okay. Even with leash laws, solid no.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs · Edited

Michelle Nickerson

Michelle Nickerson And some parents don't watch their children well enough to avoid this type of encounter. It's up to both parents and dog owners.

Like · Reply · 2 · 12 hrs

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Crystal Lou

y Crystal Lou Yes! Just clean up after the dog and make sure he/she is not aggressive

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Christy Pond

n Christy Pond No

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Sue Perlgut

y Sue Perlgut With strict leash laws and enforced clean up.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Siera Ellis

y Siera Ellis I have some social anxiety but don't feel it when I am with my dogs. I would definitely visit the commons more if I could bring my dog

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Mary Roberts

n Mary Roberts No

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Eric Machan Howd

Eric Machan Howd As long as cats are also allowed.

Like · Reply · 6 · 16 hrs

Vicki Taylor Brous

y Vicki Taylor Brous I guess it depends also on whether or not you want the dog-friendly market to visit and spend in the area. http://www.discoverontariocalifornia.org/.../dog-tourism...

DOG TOURISM - A DOG EAT DOG WORLD | Greater Ontario Visitors and…

To put it simply, millions of dog-owners want to travel…


Like · Reply · 5 · 16 hrs · Edited

Suzanne Burnham

n Suzanne Burnham No place for them to pee or poop.....so no

Like · Reply · 4 · 16 hrs

Steve Hedge

n Steve Hedge I'm gonna say no...judging by the response, allowing dogs on the commons will turn into another dog park. Even if people are picking up poop, they're not hosing down pee. I could see it getting gross really quick.

Like · Reply · 7 · 16 hrs

Steve Hedge

n Steve Hedge There are so many parks and other outdoor spaces available to us in this area that are far better designed to handle and entertain our 4 legged friends...take your dog to a park...with grass...

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs

Sue Perlgut

Sue Perlgut Good point about the pee.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

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Al Iverson

y Al Iverson Yes, please.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Iyanna Dowell

y Iyanna Dowell Yes

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Silvia Medina

y Silvia Medina Yes, please. JUst make sure owners know they will be fined if they are irresponsible.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Lexa Newman Fisher

Lexa Newman Fisher How can that be enforced though-is there enough police to be stationed on The Commons just for the purpose of writing tickets for irresponsible dog owners?

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Bryan Riek

n Bryan Riek . No . There is already too many neglectful owners around the city.👎🏽

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs

Dan Wisniewski

y Dan Wisniewski Absolutely. As long as people are responsible owners, dogs should be allowed to go wherever.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Amy Doonan Cronin

Amy Doonan Cronin But therein lies the problem...

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Gail Zussman

y Gail Zussman Mixed feelings As long as they are well taken care and not running loose - there are people who are uncomfortable around dogs and I believe we need to honor that - though my inclination is no

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs · Edited

Dee Cee Bee

y Dee Cee Bee On leash yes- will they be allowed in stores? That dog Riley whose owner has a store on the Commons is the sweetest #woof🐶

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Richard Harlost

n Richard Harlost Nope.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Tammy Rene Cornell

n Tammy Rene Cornell Why? It is a shopping area, not a park. Dogs aren't allowed in stores, so why would you take one there?

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Patti Nash

y Patti Nash yes

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Joseph Howe

y Joseph Howe Yes

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Emily Catherine

y Emily Catherine Yes

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Nicole Ann

y Nicole Ann Cats. No discrimination

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Amanda Gilvin

y Amanda Gilvin YES

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Joe Sully Sullivan

y Joe Sully Sullivan As long as it doesn't turn into a show.💩

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs

Francesca Merrick

y Francesca Merrick Heck yeah!

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Lexa Newman Fisher

Lexa Newman Fisher The only thing that is bad about allowing dogs on The Commons is the random accident when the dog slips his collar, and jumps all over a kid at the play area . . . Or worse.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Shella Chace

y Shella Chace I don't know why not.

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Elias Shockey

y Elias Shockey Yes. It's the outdoors, I see dogs there anyways. Make lil doggie bag stations

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Alex Pape

y Alex Pape Yes.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Craig Patrick

y Craig Patrick I vote yes.

But at the same time I do forsee urination being a problem. Dogs will be forced to urinate on concrete due to the lack of grass and soil. This is not easily cleaned up and will be left to dry. Once urine starts getting tracked into stores with carpet flooring by foot traffic, businesses will begin to complain when the odor becomes noticeable. ...See More

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Daniel Keough

n Daniel Keough Are dogs allowed at the Shops at Ithaca Mall? If yes, then allow them at the Commons mall. If no, then...no.

Like · Reply · 5 · 16 hrs

Daniel Keough

Daniel Keough I've been bitten and been around several owners that just didn't care to control their animals. For the average person using the Commons, including residents as well as tourists, students families visiting, there is no benefit.

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Marshall McCormick

Marshall McCormick I'm not sure we should be taking cues from the Shops at Ithaca Mall...

Like · Reply · 4 · 15 hrs

Kyra Marsigliano

Kyra Marsigliano I hope everyone is aware that even though the signs say dogs are not allowed, people walk their dogs all the time and no one I've seen ever confronts these people because the dogs have never caused an issue. We have the best vet school in the country and we ought to be a completely dog friendly city

Like · Reply · 11 · 16 hrs

Daniel Keough

Daniel Keough it's different than completely allowing dogs. If fireworks were legal in NYS we would see even more "accidents."

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Kyra Marsigliano

Kyra Marsigliano Or it's like marijuana and will increase visits and revenue?

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

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David J West

y David J West Yes, just like every other Main Street in the world. Ithaca needs to stop being so up-tight.

Like · Reply · 5 · 16 hrs

Indigo SkiesandStars

y Indigo SkiesandStars If we want to encourage a diverse group of people and families in the area, I think accommodation for pets is in order. Maybe if there were waste receptacles and small scattered grass "islands" for dogs to do their business.Of course it's always up to the owners to follow public pet laws..

Like · Reply · 16 hrs

Mark H. Anbinder

Mark H. Anbinder I love the grass "island" idea, but are there hardy grass breeds that stand up to constant "streams"? I know I've got a couple spots where the lawn's never growing back...

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Indigo SkiesandStars

Indigo SkiesandStars That is definitely a concern and something to consider, perhaps some turf is an alternative

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Claudia Sutton

n Claudia Sutton No. More is not necessarily going to work out.

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Ernie Grant

Ernie Grant Isn't there already a dog wondering the commons almost every day?

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Opal Greenway

y Opal Greenway YES!!! Especially if I am going to be here more

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Linda Cimakasky

y Linda Cimakasky My heart says "yes" (my labs would especially enjoy the new water feature!!) but my head says "no" for all the hundreds of reasons already mentioned here ( and the new water feature which could become a big doggy potty! Yuck)

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Joseph Howe

Joseph Howe Terry Harbin, you're starting to concern me with your piss obsession... #NotRKelly #DripDripDrip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sc6NSgTySU...

Dave Chappelle - Piss on You

Lustig und sehenswert bald gibts mehr


Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Tyler Hale

Tyler Hale Saying what we're all thinking

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Casey Bergeron

n Casey Bergeron Perhaps a small dog park near the Commons would be more appropriate.

Like · Reply · 5 · 15 hrs

Kristopher Buchan

Kristopher Buchan Yes!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Katie Daigneau Kelly

n Katie Daigneau Kelly No. Please no. I love dogs, and have fostered more than 25. Earlier commenters make good points that existing laws about no smoking and no bike riding on the Commons are already sparsely enforced. It seems like the only way to successfully have dogs on the Commons would be with lots of money/effort for poo bags and enforcement of clean up... is that really where we want our money going?

Like · Reply · 3 · 15 hrs

Alexis Bortle

Alexis Bortle You don't think the commons are constantly populated enough we wouldn't make everyone accountable for the poo of their dog??

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Katie Daigneau Kelly

Katie Daigneau Kelly Most of the time, yes. But it's not most people who cause the problems. I'm definitely curious to see how it works out, either way.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Jamie Marie Seamans

y Jamie Marie Seamans Yes

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Matthew Wilde

y Matthew Wilde Absolutely

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Emily Davies

y Emily Davies Yes

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Tammy Baker

y Tammy Baker Yes!

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Shelley Blackler

y Shelley Blackler YesYesYesYes. 🐶

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Tori Mize

y Tori Mize Yes!

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Laura Daly

Laura Daly How would that be enforced?

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Rita Downes Townend Boratav

y Rita Downes Townend Boratav Yes! Doggies are good🐶

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Amber Lang

y Amber Lang Yes!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Rebecca Bock Hagen

n Rebecca Bock Hagen Have you seen the NYC sidewalks? I love dogs but there is no where for them to go to the bathroom on the commons.

Like · Reply · 4 · 15 hrs

Alexis Bortle

Alexis Bortle Well obviously don't let them poo on the sidewalk. There are enough people on the commons at any time to make some one accountable.

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Steve Hedge

Steve Hedge But how many times do people realistically call people out in public for things like that? We're much more likely to cast a disapproving look and move on with our day rather than initiate confrontation.

Like · Reply · 3 · 15 hrs

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Todd Herron

y Todd Herron EMPHATICALLY YES... this culture we're fostering of P. C. Regulations is suffocating 😤

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Patrick Young

Patrick Young How are dogs a P.C. Regulation?

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Todd Herron

Todd Herron Simply that local governments need to create ordinances that respectfully meet concerns of both human & animal w/o over regulating/taxing, which other well meaning communities have previously done

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Alexis Bortle

y Alexis Bortle Yes!!!!!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Amber Nicole

n Amber Nicole No

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Sharon Richelle

y Sharon Richelle HELL YEAH

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Santosh Ninan

n Santosh Ninan No.

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Sue Michlovitz

y Sue Michlovitz Dogs are much more pleasant than those who are drunk and who are smokers.

Like · Reply · 3 · 15 hrs

Michael Shaw

y Michael Shaw Only if they are licensed. The last thing we need is illegal alien dogs running wild in the streets.

Like · Reply · 5 · 15 hrs

Kate Krueger

y Kate Krueger Yes. I like walking my dogs, I like walking to The Commons, and I like being able to do both simultaneously. We need as many reasons as possible to encourage foot traffic downtown. If problems are insurmountable then ban them again.

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Mikeal Wood

n Mikeal Wood no, allergy's, feces, dog hair in food, bad owners, people with phobia.

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Kimberly Noftell

y Kimberly Noftell Yes. As long as their owners keep a grip. I was walking past viva not long ago and someone was walking their dog. The dog nipped my hand out of the blue. The owner said " are you okay, he never did that before". Luckily I wasn't hurt, but despite what owners may think - they cannot predict what an animal is capable of at all times.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs · Edited

Doug Treleaven

n Doug Treleaven NO

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Faith Batgirl Brown

y Faith Batgirl Brown Yes!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Kate Springer

n Kate Springer Please don't.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Leo Vincent

n Leo Vincent no please and thank you

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Dylan Frysinger Tuttle

y Dylan Frysinger Tuttle Absolutely. Overregulation leads to sanitized-feeling public spaces. People have a tendency to police each other through simple social norms (#janejacobs). Allowing dogs will likely lead to more activity on the Commons with few negative consequences.

Like · Reply · 5 · 15 hrs

Rob Boss

n Rob Boss Nope

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

David Rutherford

n David Rutherford No. No. No.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Jennifer Ruffing

n Jennifer Ruffing Think of a Manhattan street in high August. That's what the Commons will smell like. It's simply not dog friendly. There will be urine - everywhere, and not all poops can be picked up with no residue. I have dogs, and love dogs, but too many dogs in that area won't even be hygienic for other dogs.

Like · Reply · 4 · 15 hrs

Gordon Franklin Terry Sr.

n Gordon Franklin Terry Sr. No. But if a majority of the people want them, sure.

n They seem to bring their dogs on The Commons enough already. ...See More

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Mikeal Wood

n Mikeal Wood i have 2 dogs, i will also be first to say, they dont belong everywhere.

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Teri Moon Tarshus

y Teri Moon Tarshus Yes please!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Sarah Brumberg

y Sarah Brumberg Yes!!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Brenda Jane Shoemaker

y Brenda Jane Shoemaker Yes with rules alot if work to enforce tag aggressive ones. Poop bags available

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Wendy Stage Seeley

Wendy Stage Seeley its better then a herion house

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Melissa Marion

n Melissa Marion No,

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Zoë Merod

n Zoë Merod There's no way to enforce the owners picking up poop, so then everyone else has to suffer.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Melissa Ayala

y Melissa Ayala Yes

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Gordon Franklin Terry Sr.

Gordon Franklin Terry Sr. Some kid was bit by a dog on The Commons last month and the dog was put under quarantine.

Don't change whatever rule you all ready have in place because people break it anyway.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Samantha Zaharis Rogers

y Samantha Zaharis Rogers Yes please!!!!!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Keenan Patrick Buckley

y Keenan Patrick Buckley Yes. Put trashcans specifically designated for dog poop and have baggies in them so people can pick it up.

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

April Michelle Krueger

y April Michelle Krueger Yes

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Sara Rodbourne

Sara Rodbourne Yes if neutered/spayed, leashed and picked up after.

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Sarah McIlvennie

y Sarah McIlvennie Church street in Burlington allows dogs and it doesn't seem to take away from the ambiance, sanitation or the functionality of the space.

Like · Reply · 5 · 15 hrs

Yang Liu

y Yang Liu yes?

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Shelley Cooper

y Shelley Cooper YES!!!!!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Erica S Brath

y Erica S Brath YES!!!!!!!!!! WTF Ithaca?!!? YES! (I say this with experience living in a place that had a long, brick-paved "commons"—Charlottesville, Va.—that always had many dogs walking or sitting with owners at outside tables ... and not once did I see dog waste....See More

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Evan D. Williams

y Evan D. Williams I don't know why this is being reinterrogated after the DIA's extensive survey (80% of local residents are in favor). Common council was apparently unmoved by the clear public mandate. In my view the Commons is in its essence a pedestrian walkway and t...See More

Like · Reply · 4 · 15 hrs · Edited

Leigh Dezelan

y Leigh Dezelan Yes, but prohibit during festivals.

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Elizabeth Campbell

y Elizabeth Campbell Yes

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Christopher Teitelbaum

n Christopher Teitelbaum Nope. Dogs and leashes take up more room, forcing humans to move around them. They are great until they get into a fight with another dog and have an owner not equipped to deal with the situation. Imagine the uproar when a dog bites a kid near the ...See More

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs · Edited

Dave Davies

Dave Davies Seems perfect now: they are not allowed, but the rule is not enforced, so there's only a couple here and there, and the police don't have to be messing with it, unless there's a problem. My first instinct was to say yes, but imagine 50 or 100 dogs at once, especially if they're a jerk on the leash when there's other dogs around, like mine.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Michelle Nickerson

Michelle Nickerson Right but that's on the owner. You for instance know your dog can be a jerk on a leash. As a responsible dog owner I can only assume your good judgement would tell you not to bring your dog to the commons. While there are always people with poor judgement I do really think most pet owners are responsible enough.

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Dave Davies

Dave Davies That's what made me write that post. Walking on the commons with my dog is not fun, so I don't do it. Then I see a couple of dogs on leashes, "breaking the rule", but otherwise just fine, no crap anywhere, (at least I've seen) seems fine. Maybe I'm just avoiding another chapter in the Rule Book

Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs

San Soth

y San Soth Absolutely! As long as owners are aware that if you don't have a socially friendly dog, do not bring them around crowds of people and children. It is unfair to your dog to place them in a uncomfortable situation and irresponsible of you to create a hostile environment for everyone involved.

Like · Reply · 4 · 15 hrs

LaTawnya Furman

y LaTawnya Furman Yes! Everybody does it anyway. Just make sure leash laws are enforced as well as clean up laws. They do make this clear coat type paint that can be sprayed on walls and what not that repel water, it could help with all of the pee concerns.

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Paula Berman

n Paula Berman No.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Gina Gail Nutt

y Gina Gail Nutt Yes!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Kristen Keryk

y Kristen Keryk Yes!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Beth Brunelle

y Beth Brunelle Yes, but check with other cities to see how they handle dog urine. Even the best dog owner can't pick that up.

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Mark Yowan

Mark Yowan Wouldn't the almost daily rain help with that?

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Llanya Stepanek O'Kane

n Llanya Stepanek O'Kane No

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Randy Hardy

n Randy Hardy Against it.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Suzi Carlsson

n Suzi Carlsson Oh goodness, no.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Alexas Janae Dominique

Alexas Janae Dominique Why aren't they allowed?

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Rachel Smith

n Rachel Smith No

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Jennifer Lauren

y Jennifer Lauren Yes if registered

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Rob Blackmore

y Rob Blackmore Absolutely, just with lots of dog bag dispensers

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Kyle Dake

y Kyle Dake 100% yes no doubt about it

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Rachel Lampert

y Rachel Lampert Yes. On leash and well advertised rules about poop and let the canines and human enjoy the Commons.

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Angelica Christensen

y Angelica Christensen If on a leash, yes.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

David Huland

y David Huland Yes!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Kathleen Halton

y Kathleen Halton Yes, and make a poop bag station - take a bag and leave a bag.

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Adrienne Cook

y Adrienne Cook With leash/stations for poop bags and fines for not cleaning up after yours, yes.

Like · Reply · 4 · 15 hrs

Aurora Golden-Appleton

n Aurora Golden-Appleton Preferably, no.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Shannon Ryan

y Shannon Ryan Yes yes yes!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Martha Theodora Taranto

y Martha Theodora Taranto Yes.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Kaleigh Cwl

n Kaleigh Cwl Nope. Please dont. I forsee it being too difficult to be consistent and I love dogs. I like the idea of a maybe a small dog park nearby though.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Tish Keen

Tish Keen I can't keep track of whether they are or are not.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Brooklyn Burnett

y Brooklyn Burnett ABSOLUTELY

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Cheyenne Cardamone-knewstub

n Cheyenne Cardamone-knewstub Definitely not. Way too crowded with people. Don't think it's practical or safe.

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs

Skye-Anna Nye-Smith

y Skye-Anna Nye-Smith Yes!!!!!!!

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Harrietta Potter

y Harrietta Potter Yes. With leashes and available waste receptacles. It's Ithaca!

Like · Reply · 3 · 15 hrs

Katherine Sholtys

n Katherine Sholtys nope

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Cathy Merwin

n Cathy Merwin No. I don't think it's safe or sanitary.

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Jan Brath

y Jan Brath YES...although I used to bring my shepherd there when I moved here from Philly and had no idea dogs were Prohibited.....and then could not figure out why?????

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Meagan Steele-Holgate

n Meagan Steele-Holgate No

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Lars Burggren

n Lars Burggren If you want poop on the shoe and the smell of dog urine

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Dori Ganetsos

y Dori Ganetsos yes!!!!!!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs

Jessie Shannon

y Jessie Shannon Yes, and skates too.

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Amanda Kennedy

y Amanda Kennedy Yes!!! With waste receptacles.

Like · Reply · 4 · 14 hrs

Jodie Binns

Jodie Binns Only if you think everyone will clean up after their own dog(s)

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Caitlin Clancy

n Caitlin Clancy No

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David Binns

y David Binns Yes, Ask Burlington, VT

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Kaitlin Hascup

n Kaitlin Hascup no

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Tonya Rose

y Tonya Rose Yes. Dogs are cleaner and more well mannered than most people I encounter everyday.

Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs

Kaitlin Hascup

n Kaitlin Hascup it will just fill up with unleashed pitbulls

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Diana Niemi

Diana Niemi That's an ignorant comment. It is a simple yes or no question and if you would like to add a well thought out reason behind It! #stopbullying

Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs · Edited

Marchele Seaton

y Marchele Seaton yes. I've seen many lovey pet and owner scenes on the commons. I walk there every day for exercise. Just came back and there was a young man and his dog loving on each other and all the passersby were smiling. I've even witness a woman with her cat on a leash. It makes for variety if one is sitting and eating and watching people. I wouldn't think you would want the commons to become too sterile.

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs · Edited

Linda J West

y Linda J West In Ca. Dogs are allowed almost everywhere,as long as they're well taken care of...on mother's day there were two dogs sitting under the owners tables at the restaurant..😎😀

Like · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs · Edited

Chloe Spertus

y Chloe Spertus Yes!

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Shaun Whistler

y Shaun Whistler Absolutely

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Heather Campbell

y Heather Campbell Yes!!

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Heather Dunbar

Heather Dunbar How are you going to check for rabies, parvoviris, Brucella canis, canine parainfluenza, herpesvirus, distemper, Toxoplasma gondii and infectious hepatitis vaccinations? These diseases all are transmitted between dogs and some are transmitted to humans...See More

Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs

Peter D Bakija

Peter D Bakija And yet people are free to walk dogs down public streets all the time, and these things no more or less an issue than they would be on the Commons. Why are they *more* of an issue on the Commons? Allowing people to walk dogs on the Commons is not turning the Commons into a wild pack hunting ground. It is turning the Commons into, well, pretty much every other street in town.

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 mins

Nafessha Mohammed

y Nafessha Mohammed Yes by the way u r doing a good job thank u very much

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Michael-Vincent Crea

y Michael-Vincent Crea The Dr. Martin Luther King Commons in the center of Ithaca ought to be open, free, equal & accessible to all o(ur) residents & visitors:

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Margery Pask

n Margery Pask Sorry. Please don't.

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Yvette Burggren

n Yvette Burggren Please, no. I lived in Burlington, VT and stepped on dog poop way too many times.

Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs

Jon Reis

Let justice roll like a mighty river,...See MoreImage may contain: 3 people, people smiling, dog and outdoorLike · Reply · 14 hrs · EditedKrista LynnKrista Lynn YesLike · Reply · 14 hrsAri EvergreenAri Evergreen Yes! Dogs are lovely!Like · Reply · 14 hrsElla VarnElla Varn Noooope. dogs should be allowed to go through the commons, which at this point is pretty much how it goes, unless you turn bank alley into a dog zone". That way people can go get their food or whatever with their pet, but if they want to sit down and ...See More

y Jon Reis Yes. On leash and well advertised rules about poop. Well behaved dogs make people smile and enjoy the IThaca Commons experience. Make Ithaca a Dog Friendly city.! for the sake of TCDOG - The Tompkins County Dog Owners Group

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Aleshia Akers

n Aleshia Akers I'd prefer if people kept their dogs to themselves, not in a public shopping mall. There are designated outdoor areas elsewhere - and people don't even follow the poop rule in the dog park where bags and receptacles are provided...

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Michelle Nickerson

Michelle Nickerson The thing is.... it's not a public shopping mall. It is a pedestrian walkway. Like any other public sidewalk in the city.

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

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Kathleen Downes

y Kathleen Downes No,no,no,

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Samantha Brown

y Samantha Brown Yes

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Tammy Snyder

Tammy Snyder I'm torn. On one hand I'd love to take my dogs for a walk on the commons, but there is not a place for them to relieve themselves. If store owners aren't open to dogs in their stores it would be pointless for me, and I suspect others, who aren't going ...See More

Like · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs

Rich Carver


Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs · Edited

Mary Brett Lorson

y Mary Brett Lorson Yes! We'll expect our neighbors to be responsible.

Like · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs

Al Becker

n Al Becker this is Ithaca you should know better just who do you think will enforce this farce

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Heather Lynn Forbes

Heather Lynn Forbes I don't see why not, as long as they are on a leash. People just need to be responsible and held accountable for knowing their companion and how they behave around other people/children. If we keep trying to ban everything that's beautiful about Ithaca, such as wildlife and even domesticated animals, all we have left is Buildings.

n Like · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs

Todd Kurzweil

Rich Carver Service dogs only, you give people an inch and they take a mile and run with stupid. Lowe's has a service dog only policy and I see it broken daily.

Todd Kurzweil The primary Commons or secondary Commons or both. Time to get rid of the terms Primary and Secondary. Time to change those designations outlined in the ordinance. I'm in favor of dogs on the primary Commons

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Josephine Cohen

n Josephine Cohen Nope. Unfortunately I think some dog owners are not responsible enough. It's not so much the dogs as it is their parents. I have to add, there are other places you can take your doggie, why is the commons so important...because you can't?💩 😔

Like · Reply · 6 · 14 hrs · Edited

Melisa Casano

y Melisa Casano From what I've seen, you'd think they already were allowed :D But, yes, as long as they're on leashes (some people are genuinely freaked out by dogs and have panic attacks if even friendly ones come up to them).

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Leslie Detwiler Setlock

y Leslie Detwiler Setlock Yes, but only on a 6' leash and their human companion has to clean up after them. Actually, apply that rule to the drunks, too, please.

Like · Reply · 7 · 14 hrs

Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence Um... how long should the drunks' leashes be?

Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs

Susan Laratta

Susan Laratta How would you enforce people leaving them outside while they go into a restaurant, bar, etc on a hot day?

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Antonia Jameson Jordan

y Antonia Jameson Jordan Yes, if they are on a short leash and the owners clean up after them.

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Aleshia Akers

n Aleshia Akers Allergies, phobias, risk with young children, owners that don't clean up after them, or owners that don't think their dogs should follow the same boundaries as humans (no, I absolutely don't want your dog to lick or smell me)....a few reasons why they should not be allowed. I live on the commons. Pleaseeeeee don't.

Like · Reply · 4 · 14 hrs

Michael-Vincent Crea

Michael-Vincent Crea While I respect Ur own opinion, plz be informed vis-a-vis NYS service animal law, as fears & allergies are not a basis for denying equal access; there is room & respect for all.

[ https://ag.ny.gov/.../public.../service_animals_brochure.pdf ]

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs · Edited

Aleshia Akers

Aleshia Akers Service animals are well behaved and a valid and legal exception. They don't strike fear as they tend to not bark or bother other humans.

Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs

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Keith Perillo

y Keith Perillo Obviously

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Riz M McCuniverse

y Riz M McCuniverse On a leash? YUP! With poop bags around so "bad dog citizens" have no excuse not to clean up? YEA

Like · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs

Leslie Detwiler Setlock

Leslie Detwiler Setlock Could someone help me understand why the issues such as allergies, phobias, irresponsible owners, etc are different on the Commons vs any street? I'm not arguing that they aren't real and valid reasons to not love dogs being around, but what is the di...See More

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Aleshia Akers

Aleshia Akers I have these concerns on the sidewalk too, but dogs are currently banned on the commons (especially off leash) and it'd be nice to keep it that way.

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Leslie Detwiler Setlock

Leslie Detwiler Setlock So it's more a matter of having a safe space and wanting to keep it that way? I can see that.

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Meredith Zaslowe DePol

n Meredith Zaslowe DePol No! I like that my kids are no longer playing on a commons playground covered in dog pee.

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

K Alice Wood Fox

y K Alice Wood Fox Leashed, sure.

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Tori Knapp

n Tori Knapp Nahhhh

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Christina Dravis

y Christina Dravis Yes! Many of us who would like to enjoy the Commons with our pups are responsible and will ensure they don't misbehave.

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Allison M. Myers

y Allison M. Myers Yes, with the requirement that they be on leashes of no more than six feet at all times (no flexi-leashes) and that owners carry pick-up bags (and prove it if requested) and immediately bag any excrement and dispose of it in the available trash containers. And no dogs in the play area.

Like · Reply · 4 · 14 hrs · Edited

Leslie Mulcahy

y Leslie Mulcahy I second this.

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Gay Nicholson

y Gay Nicholson Yes, on leash. Provide compostable poop bags and disposal bins.

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Mary Berry

n Mary Berry No because the hot pavement can burn their paws. Will you have doggie poop bags available also? Where does the poop go??? I'm a dog owner and don't see it as a good idea. Too close walking quarters too.😂

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Maria DiFrancesco

Maria DiFrancesco Good point. There is a space issue to consider, and during a festival weekend, it could be bad for people and animals.

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Shera D'Elia

y Shera D'Elia Yes. On leash. Come on... this is Ithaca!

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

HappyHeidi Ann

HappyHeidi Ann I miss the old commons

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Jass O'Brady

y Jass O'Brady Yes, allow them. If certain dogs/owners are abusing the privilege the downtown hospitality ambassadors can make and maintain a black list.

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Ellen Mary

Ellen Mary And enforce that how?!?

Like · Reply · 7 mins

Steve Snyder-Hill

y Steve Snyder-Hill yes

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Emma Rose

y Emma Rose Yes!

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Marcia Potter Horn

n Marcia Potter Horn No, I'm sorry but that is not the place for dogs. Not all dog owners are responsible and to assume that is silly. Small children are on the commons playing and you are never sure how animals will react when confronted with children or other animals. I like dogs, we have dogs but large community spaces aren't the place.

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Shirley Kane

n Shirley Kane No no no and no.

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Ben Ortiz

Ben Ortiz

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, meme and text

Like · Reply · 3 · 13 hrs

Eric J. Bastine

Eric J. Bastine I love woofers

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Terry L Rose

y Terry L Rose Not during any events, but for day to day use yes.. And let the officers that are down there all the time issue tickets if you dont clean up

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Beth Anne Lynch

Beth Anne Lynch Omg have any of you "no" people been anywhere else? Dogs usually aren't banned from downtown areas.

Like · Reply · 6 · 13 hrs

Colleen Maher

y Colleen Maher YES. My dog is way more well behaved than most kids

Like · Reply · 3 · 13 hrs · Edited

Roxann Winfield

Roxann Winfield If people would clean up after them.

There are some people in the Binghamton area do not clean up after them.

It ruins the ability to allow children to run around....See More

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Teresa Viza

n Teresa Viza No. They pee where ever. More outdoor restaurant/bar seating, please.

Like · Reply · 3 · 13 hrs

Susan Greener

n Susan Greener I LOOOOVE dogs, I volunteer at SPCA, have had dogs all my life, but see no need for dogs to be everywhere in pubic. Some people are very frightened, children can be unknowing about how to approach a dog. Most of all, dog "parents" are not always attentive and respectful. I vote "no." But thanks for asking.

Like · Reply · 8 · 13 hrs

Sara Ferguson

n Sara Ferguson I'm a dog lover, and I agree with Christine Brouwer Hinman. There are problems already with dogs off leash in downtown neighborhoods. It's not safe for small children, the elderly, or other dogs.

Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs

Ariel Milty

y Ariel Milty Yesss

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Maria DiFrancesco

y Maria DiFrancesco Yes, but if your dog poops, you need to pick it up and dispose of it. And no dogs should be off leash.

Like · Reply · 13 hrs · Edited

Kim Engelhart

y Kim Engelhart Yes, with some common sense regulations.

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Lynda Thompson

n Lynda Thompson No please dont, no green space, owners that won't clean up after them, not fair shop owners to tell people that can't brung them in. The stains and other stuff that would get left be hind would be a nightmare to clean up. One more thing for the DUA to have to take care ofg

Like · Reply · 13 hrs · Edited

Susan Greener

Susan Greener Stupid me,,,I wasn't even thinking about the hot pavement for the dogs. Bringing dogs to crowded festivals is the biggest NO.

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Peter Bury

Peter Bury Not if they smoke...

Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs

Jessica English

y Jessica English Yes!!! On leash and with poop bag stations. I bring my pup to work with me on the Commons and I love having her there.

Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs

Christopher G. Carey

y Christopher G. Carey On a leash, sure. Clean up after them, of course. Some shops friendly to pooches, their choice.

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Justin Barwick

y Justin Barwick Yes

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Kevin Rohmann

n Kevin Rohmann No

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Cindy Massicci

y Cindy Massicci Yes. On leash. Owners clean up after. Drop bins and plastic bags a good idea.

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Reese Cainobelle

n Reese Cainobelle Most likely, these dog owners will want to bring their dogs in to the businesses on the commons too. I vote no as well.

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Cindy Massicci

Cindy Massicci At least think about a six month trial period allowing them......

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Lisa Wheeler

n Lisa Wheeler No. Definitely no.

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Lori Yelensky

y Lori Yelensky yes YES AND YES

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Kelsey Eliot

y Kelsey Eliot Yessssssss!!!!!

Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs

Jacqueline Mayer Puleo

y Jacqueline Mayer Puleo Yes please.

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Dominique Pastorello

y Dominique Pastorello YES. Dogs are generally less of an issue than people. I don't support them being banned from any area.

Like · Reply · 4 · 13 hrs

Taylor Benson

Taylor Benson I agree with this young lady who never checks in with her friends

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Arne van Leuken

y Arne van Leuken Yes-I live downtown and more than once I've been walking my dog , thought of something I wanted to grab on the Commons,and then turned around because I forgot I had my dog with me. It's just one more strike against the commons. Anywhere else I can leave my dog outside while I go into a store.

Like · Reply · 4 · 13 hrs · Edited

Cathy Nahimana

y Cathy Nahimana Yes! Dogs are people too!

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Byron Suber

y Byron Suber Yes yes yes!!!

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Jenna Kendall

n Jenna Kendall No, it really isn't fair to the dogs. Owners drag them down there during overcrowded events and it is super stressful for them.

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Bob Higgins

y Bob Higgins YES

They are better than most of the people

Of course every dog's human should clean up after their dog and ill behaved dogs should have their humans banned (since it is their fault the dog is not well trained and socialized)

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Cheryl Ann Peter

y Cheryl Ann Peter Yes on leash ONLY! and have a huge fine for not picking u p after the dogs..

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Aria Camaione-Lind

Aria Camaione-Lind Leslie LaMontagne Camaione

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Nicole Dauria

n Nicole Dauria No

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Susannah Krysko Reese

Susannah Krysko Reese Nicole!!!! Wah?! Just kidding I know where your coming from, but could their be an exception for cute wiener dogs?!

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Nicole Dauria

Nicole Dauria I'm sorry no exceptions unless you wear your dog!

Like · Reply · 3 · 11 hrs

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Colin Parrish

y Colin Parrish Yes

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Kristal Ozmun

n Kristal Ozmun YES

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

John Andrew Elliott

y John Andrew Elliott Yes

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Traci Nathans-Kelly

n Traci Nathans-Kelly Nope. People don't clean up poop.

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Robert G. Vantine

y Robert G. Vantine Yes, they should have the same opportunity to step on drug needles and use all the facilities on the Commons, provided they can find barking...uhm, parking.

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Tom Myers

n Tom Myers Ithaca needs more public spaces that are dog free. Many people have allergies, anxiety around animals and face it... no one is cleaning up after fido pees. What is the walking surface of the Commons?

Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs

Emma Miller

y Emma Miller Yes yes yes!!! I would much rather have a Commons full of dogs than people.

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Lana Lupo

y Lana Lupo on leashes yes. Muzzles for the aggressive dogs too.

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Joe Delia

Joe Delia How is this even a question?

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Laurie Norell

y Laurie Norell Yeeessss

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Casey Morgan

y Casey Morgan Of course. And cite people if they don't clean up after them or if they allow them to get out of control. My dog is better behaved than most people.

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Imri Leshed

y Imri Leshed YES!!!!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Russ Manley Jr.

y Russ Manley Jr. Allow dogs, not their owners :)

Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs

Rachel Hadley

y Rachel Hadley yes!!!!

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Kitty Xie

Kitty Xie Are you serious

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Sujata Sidhu

y Sujata Sidhu Yes

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

John Gee

y John Gee Absolutely!

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Laura Moulton

n Laura Moulton where will they poop? what if its not cleaned up? what if it is cleaned up but leaves a sloppy mess. I beleive dogs should be allowed in Stewart park ( so much goose poop ) but not on the concrete of the commons. Not to mention the concrete gets hot there is no breeze. so hot and no place to poop.

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Carole Cotts

y Carole Cotts More dogs less herion

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Emily Sabo

y Emily Sabo For sure!

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Kat Jackson

n Kat Jackson No

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Robin Springer

y Robin Springer I live near the beautiful city of Athens, GA. We go to a lovely little restaurant with shady, breezy outdoor seating and - they allow dogs to be in the eating area. So far we have been lucky and we haven't encountered any dogs there, but I will say tha...See More

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Colby McCartney

y Colby McCartney Yes on a leash

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Talia Jean Weindling

y Talia Jean Weindling YES, leash or no leash!

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Mikel Moss

y Mikel Moss Yes

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Megan Vidler

y Megan Vidler Yep!

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Ethan Cramton

y Ethan Cramton Yass

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Samantha Sockness

y Samantha Sockness Yes!

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Colleen McLinn

y Colleen McLinn Sure, why not

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Dana Malcolm

n Dana Malcolm Disaster

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Gavin Keaty

y Gavin Keaty Yes!

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Diane Campbell

y Diane Campbell Yes

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Liz Brown

y Liz Brown yes!

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Laura Wheeler

y Laura Wheeler Yes, why not? I thought Ithaca was all about being liberal? As long as owners clean up just like they all ready do in all towns if you walk your down a side walk or park.🐕

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Jeff Pelto

Jeff Pelto Who will be responsible for cleaning up after these dogs? And who will enforce? Animal control? Who will make sure these dogs have their shots and are licensed?

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Damian Arthur Carr

Damian Arthur Carr Personally I can't stand dogs. They are filthy beasts.. I'm from Ithaca but i now live in Portland, one of t he most dog-friendly cities in the US. People bring their dogs on the train, to the grocery store, to their doctor's office. I've never had any problems with it.

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Laura Sitzman Huizinga

y Laura Sitzman Huizinga YES!

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Mattie Hause

y Mattie Hause Yesss

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Laura Wheeler

y Laura Wheeler The commons is just a quick walk through I don't think owners would on purpose have there dogs poop right in the middle. I have seen worse gross things there. Such a silly question.

Like · Reply · 2 · 12 hrs

Jim Shanks

n Jim Shanks No dogs please!

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Lara J Fields

y Lara J Fields Yes!

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Gretchen Hildreth

y Gretchen Hildreth sure

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Rob Bernard

n Rob Bernard What a horrible idea.

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Kimberly Holmes

y Kimberly Holmes YES.

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Adam Brumberg

y Adam Brumberg Yes 800 times.

Like · Reply · 2 · 12 hrs

Lindsay Liotta Forness

y Lindsay Liotta Forness Yes!

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Joanne Zager

y Joanne Zager Yes

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Kit Sturgeon

Kit Sturgeon Slightly off-topic, but how about cars? #MAGA!

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

John H. Stevens

John H. Stevens Wait, dogs aren't allowed on the Commons? That does not jibe with what I see most days.

Like · Reply · 2 · 12 hrs

Deep Patel

n Deep Patel Definitely not. There are people like me who are deathly afraid of them

Like · Reply · 2 · 12 hrs

Kelly Valdez

y Kelly Valdez Yes!

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Jean Petty Foley

y Jean Petty Foley Yes! On leash with poop bag dispensers.

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs

Sarah Marshall

y Sarah Marshall Yes

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Joe Homza

Joe Homza If you can figure out the enforcement of rules. I wouldn't want to have to walk staring down to avoid poo or have my dog getting attacked by the dogs of bad owners.

Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs · Edited

Renata Wadsworth

y Renata Wadsworth I don't think we'd have more dogs on the commons than we have anywhere else downtown if you lifted the dog ban on the commons. But it is true that dogs and their owners might linger longer on the commons than in other places because it's designed as a ...See More

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Traci TJ

y Traci TJ Yes!!!

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Payal Bowker

y Payal Bowker Yes, please!

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Amanda Anne Abernathy

y Amanda Anne Abernathy YES

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Gillian Allport

y Gillian Allport Yesss

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Deen KC

y Deen KC Of course, dogs have the capacity of 2 year olds... so if we let kids, we should let dogs 😁

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Tom Wilder

y Tom Wilder Yes

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Charisse Oates

y Charisse Oates Absolutely. On leash, of course. And there should be poop bags nearby.

Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs

Kristie Anderson

y Kristie Anderson Yes! One of the reasons I generally avoid the Commons is because I can't bring my dogs with me. So many places in Ithaca are dog friendly. I've always thought it a shame that the Commons are not.

Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs

Danielle Bates

y Danielle Bates Yes to dogs, yes to ample poop bag stations!

Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs

Michael Allinger

n Michael Allinger Short answer, no. Long answer, see Gay L Huddle s comments. I agree with her reasons.

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Binta Wold

y Binta Wold Totally! And while you're at it, legalize ducks and chickens in Ithaca!

Like · Reply · 3 · 11 hrs

Nicole Beckman

y Nicole Beckman Yes!!!

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Ellie O'Connor

y Ellie O'Connor Yes, but on a six foot leash max- no flexi-leashes

Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs

Megan O'Keefe

y Megan O'Keefe Yes!!

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Katherine Lockwood

y Katherine Lockwood Yes, on leashes (NOT the retractable ones), with owners carrying their own poop bags, and stringent ticketing for infractions. Also, no leaving your dog tied up unattended outside stores. This invites trouble. Stores (except where health laws restrict it) should make their own rules about dogs being allowed in.

Like · Reply · 4 · 11 hrs

Justine Francis

y Justine Francis Absolutely with dog poop trash cans !!!

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Megan O'Keefe

y Megan O'Keefe The commons Is like two blocks long....I doubt dog owners are just going to wait until that exact moment for their dog to go to the bathroom. It's really not a big deal. Drunk college kids are far more disruptive and we haven't banned them yet.

Like · Reply · 5 · 11 hrs · Edited

Tony Cassetta

y Tony Cassetta Yes (on leash)

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson is that even a question

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Will LaMorie

y Will LaMorie Yes

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Dan Wheeler

y Dan Wheeler Yes

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Tammy Vyskocil-Koeberle

y Tammy Vyskocil-Koeberle Absolutely! dog friendly towns are the best (Cooperstown, Saratoga, to name a few).

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Zack Schoedel

y Zack Schoedel Yeah

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Troy Yaeger

y Troy Yaeger You have people begging for your money, a place for people to shoot up, and other "stuff" going on at the commons! Those of you who say no dogs.....really? That is the least of the issues on the commons! I'd rather have to walk around a dog than the people pan handling for money!

Like · Reply · 5 · 11 hrs

Steve Hugo

y Steve Hugo Yes! Hundreds of people walk their dogs every day probably twice a day. Imagine that foot traffic and window shoppers. 6 times the foot traffic per person. 😉

Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs

Dwight Myers

y Dwight Myers Yes

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Paul Mikowski

y Paul Mikowski Yes

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Sareanda Marlè Lourdes

y Sareanda Marlè Lourdes fuck yeah! woof! 🐕

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Maureen Fessenden Coats

y Maureen Fessenden Coats Yes!

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Kathleen Tucker

Kathleen Tucker "Out of Towners" come here with their pets and know nothing about the pet ban on the Commons.

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Kate Coffey

y Kate Coffey Yes!

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Kameron Eddy

y Kameron Eddy on a leash, for sure!

Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs

Sarah McDonald

y Sarah McDonald Ryan Vega yes!!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs

Jessica Weston

y Jessica Weston YES

Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Sophie Sidhu

y Sophie Sidhu Yes, but with bag stations and clean-up enforcement!

Like · Reply · 4 · 10 hrs

Robert Superior

Robert Superior Are you volunteering to be cleanup enforcement?

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Eva Smith

y Eva Smith Ithaca PD + fines for non-scoopers could pay for itself!

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

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Chris Monroe

y Chris Monroe YES! Two poop-bag stations, and you're good to go.

Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Chris Cowan

y Chris Cowan yup. leashes and poop bags. encourage people to be there

Like · Reply · 3 · 10 hrs

Ryan Vega

y Ryan Vega yes please!

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Violet Goncarovs

y Violet Goncarovs Yes! With provided poop bags and leash enforcement, I think it could work well. I know when I walk my dog, I window shop and the Commons needs as much foot traffic as it can get.

Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Christine Tanner Fournier

Christine Tanner Fournier They're already there every time I go.

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Kati Peditto

y Kati Peditto Yes!

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Matt Carcella-Sweet

y Matt Carcella-Sweet Absolutely!

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

James Boring

y James Boring YYYEEESSSS!!!!!

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Melody Johnson

n Melody Johnson NO! Bags of dog feces detract from the Commons, some people are deathly afraid of dogs, leashed or not, based on childhood experiences.

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Lauren Marino

y Lauren Marino Yes!!!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Eileen Hagerty

y Eileen Hagerty As long as the owners clean up after their dogs and the dogs are on leash.

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Alesha Alvarez

n Alesha Alvarez I prefer not. But it looks like an overwhelming yes. I worry because my son is very frightened of dogs and we love the commons.

Like · Reply · 4 · 10 hrs

Julia Leigh O'Pold

y Julia Leigh O'Pold Yes!

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Justin Zoll

y Justin Zoll Absolutely yes.

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Scotty Walker

y Scotty Walker Yup

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Lisa Cabral

y Lisa Cabral yes!

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Kathleen Mulligan

y Kathleen Mulligan Yes

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Joe Sammons

n Joe Sammons I own two dogs, love them to pieces, and at Challenge Workforce Solutions, we welcome dogs to work ... but I'm not so sure I'd be in favor of dog, cat or rooster bedlam on the Commons. It's a public place where the rules governing public safety and decorum aren't likely to be followed or enforced evenly ... I'm totally in favor of artistic bedlam -- lets bring back more public art and call it a day!!

Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Kristen Frey Stucky

y Kristen Frey Stucky Yes! With responsible dog owners. Yes!

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Shawn Meyer

y Shawn Meyer YES!!!!

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Jane Hall Fitz-Gibbon

y Jane Hall Fitz-Gibbon Yes

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Rebecca James

y Rebecca James Yes! I'm not a dog owner at the moment but enjoyed Burlington, Vt's more laid back approach to dogs on their version of The Commons.

No automatic alt text available.

Like · Reply · 11 · 10 hrs

Maria Victoria Gaige

y Maria Victoria Gaige yEs!

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Harryette Kim

y Harryette Kim Yes, please!

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Gin Twin

n Gin Twin ouch.... I love dogs....but them on the commons would be a disaster

Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Natasha Thompson

y Natasha Thompson Definitely. Just make sure you have bags and bins for poop easily available and marked to meet accessibility standards.

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Meghan Raboin Fouracre

Meghan Raboin Fouracre They are having a hard time keeping up with this at the dog park...

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Dale Glasser

Dale Glasser That is because the dog park is run by volunteers. On the Commons I assume city workers would replace bags in holders.

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Bonita Hogben

y Bonita Hogben Yes!

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Rebecca Cubitt

y Rebecca Cubitt Yes.

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Annie Halton

n Annie Halton No, no, no!!!

Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Mason Speed

n Mason Speed No. Absolutely not. There are many people with an irrational yet legit fear of dogs and you would be destroying a known safe space.. secondly people do not pick up after their dogs. I love dogs. I really do. We have one ourselves but we are fearful of...See More

Like · Reply · 6 · 10 hrs

Kimberly Kristen Muse

Kimberly Kristen Muse What safe space. We're installing a "safe injection site" for drug addicts next to a playground.

Like · Reply · 7 hrs

Sahara Byrne

y Sahara Byrne Y E S

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Randy Hendrickson

n Randy Hendrickson Nope.

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Cass Medcalf

y Cass Medcalf Yes!

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Olus Boratav

y Olus Boratav off course yes, what kind of a question is this?

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Ellie Biddle

y Ellie Biddle Yes!!!

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Kay Jenney

y Kay Jenney Yes

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Jennifer DeLapp Birkett

n Jennifer DeLapp Birkett No.

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Ellie Biddle

y Ellie Biddle Yes, on leash of course, but yes.

Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs

Amy Lynne

Amy Lynne I live in Syracuse and visited Ithaca last week. I brought my dog with me and we had a lovely walk about town including the commons. Had no idea until seeing comments here that there is a dog ban on the commons. Makes no sense! Responsible dog owners with well behaved dogs should definitely be allowed!

Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs

Robert Superior

Robert Superior That's interesting. Are you volunteering to decide who is responsible and who isn't? Just curious!

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Amy Lynne

Amy Lynne Not volunteering for anything. Just won't come to Ithaca anymore.

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Ritter Dengel

y Ritter Dengel During the summer i would say yes due the massive heat waves that hit Ithaca and keeping dogs in cars while people even do window shopping is a cruel thing to do, However with dogs being allowed on the commons people would be allowed to bring their dog...See More

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Robert Superior

Robert Superior Allow dogs due to heat waves? Because people will leave their dogs in cars? I am not convinced by the argument.

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Fran Speight

Fran Speight Yes

Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Meghan Raboin Fouracre

n Meghan Raboin Fouracre Not on the commons, you would have to up law enforcement on off lead dogs and defecation issues. Poop trash bins would overflow with regular trash and it would be a huge mess. I'm and a super dog person and there are many places to go that the commons is not necessary. Opening up Stewart park to dogs great idea but big NO on the commons from me.

Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs


y Argus Every time you ask this most people say yes and then someone concern trolls about allergies and phobias and such and then the whole thing gets shut down. Of course yes. It's a public street.

Like · Reply · 3 · 9 hrs

Josselyn Tsai

y Josselyn Tsai Yes

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Dale Glasser

y Dale Glasser Yes! I don't shop anymore on the Commons because of that. I had my three pound dog in a "snugli" carrier under my jacket (you could only see her face) and a police officer told me that dogs weren't allowed. That was the last time I shopped on the Commons! Ithaca used to be a much more dog-friendly town.

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Barbara Smith

y Barbara Smith Yes, and trikes.

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Cora Yao

n Cora Yao Please do not allow dogs on the commons.

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Victoria John

n Victoria John No!

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Ed Parrington

n Ed Parrington No

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Emily Carroll

y Emily Carroll Yes!

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Wendy Ward Salomon

n Wendy Ward Salomon Nope

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Hannah Rose Gignoux

y Hannah Rose Gignoux YES

Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs

Hannah Rose Gignoux

Hannah Rose Gignoux Erin Marie

Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs

Hannah Rose Gignoux

Hannah Rose Gignoux Erin open your door it's lockes

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Lorie White

y Lorie White Yes!

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Joey Fasolino

y Joey Fasolino yes!

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Karyn Young

y Karyn Young Absolutely - most cities have dog friendly downtown shops with water bowls and treats for dogs. It always puzzled me that the atmosphere in Ithaca didn't support this?

Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs

Jennifer Wills

n Jennifer Wills I can't believe I'm saying this but I honestly have to say no. I have 2 dogs and am a huge dog/animal lover but I can see disaster striking if this is allowed. Especially at busy times with children. Makes me nervous. Seems unfair to people who are uncomfortable around dogs and irresponsible to put dogs in a potentially stressful situation where they may act out of character.

Like · Reply · 10 · 9 hrs · Edited

William Kay

n William Kay No. It would be nice and convenient but so many attendent issues, as mentioned, waste, unfriendly or unrestrained dogs, people with fears or allergies, ECT. Nice to keep the commons welcoming to everyone at the expense of the ability to have dogs. There are plenty of wonderful places downtown where dogs are welcome.

Like · Reply · 7 · 9 hrs

Mary Schott Williams

n Mary Schott Williams No

Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs

Captainh Andthe Rapalas

n Captainh Andthe Rapalas Why? What is the draw to have dogs on the Commons? It's tough enough on a dog to live in the city in my humble opinion, I know some owners do a great job and others well........" Go shit in the fountain Spot!" Why again?

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Monica Weimer

y Monica Weimer Yes but we should also provide doggie bags and proper receptacles.

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Isobel Duncan

y Isobel Duncan Yes! I am college student and seeing dogs in the commons brings me much joy.

Like · Reply · 9 hrs · Edited

Vrinda Wutevr

Vrinda Wutevr Trina Khatib

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Alex Campbell-Diehl

y Alex Campbell-Diehl Yes! Lucy Karlin It is not the government's job to ban dogs and deprive me of happiness

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Alex Campbell-Diehl

Alex Campbell-Diehl Hannah Simmerman

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Robert Superior

n Robert Superior Please, no. Pretty please? With sugar on top? The dogs are bad enough but dog owners are like smokers - taking up all of the space and saying that you are the problem. Ok, the dog owners won't like that. So, consider that if you're allowing dogs you're allowing any dog and any dog owner - no matter how untrained either may be. It is a great harm to the community. Please, oh please, no. Never. Ever. Please.

Like · Reply · 2 · 9 hrs

Karla Kesel

y Karla Kesel Yes,fine them if they don't clean up after their dog

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Caroline Barth


Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs

Erin Rodriguez

y Erin Rodriguez Absolutely!

Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs

Chuck DePaolo

y Chuck DePaolo Yes.

Like · Reply · 9 hrs

Karen Rodriguez

y Karen Rodriguez Yes. On leash.

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Theresa Bargh

n Theresa Bargh No

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Jesse Koennecke

y Jesse Koennecke Yes

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Jen Agans

y Jen Agans Yes.

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Kelly Barclay

y Kelly Barclay Yes, please.

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Julie Mulks Selman

n Julie Mulks Selman No thank you. I don't want to worry about tripping over said dog or leash.

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Robert Superior

n Robert Superior And... Why keep bringing the same question up? You're hoping that people have changed their minds and will agree to this now? Or you're asking because the dog owners keep bugging you? Yeah. You have to do the democracy thing. I hear you. And part of that is that sometimes you have to make the announcements that some rabid supporters don't want to hear. And dogs in the commons... It's just a bad idea...

Like · Reply · 3 · 8 hrs

Ellen McCollister

n Ellen McCollister Please no. Ithacans aren't always very considerate about cleaning up after their dogs or keeping them on a leash, despite the laws. And if merchants are supposed to benefit, what are the dogs going to do while their owners are allegedly shopping?

Like · Reply · 4 · 8 hrs

Meghan Raboin Fouracre

Meghan Raboin Fouracre Exactly

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Amy Abbott McDonnell

y Amy Abbott McDonnell Yes!

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Brenda Marston

y Brenda Marston Yes and bring back parking meters :-)

Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs

Valerie Evans

n Valerie Evans No, and I have a dog. The commons is for everyone and toddlers are in that group and I remember my toddler almost getting hit by someone's cigarette 13 years ago. Dogs and toddlers would be a disaster. Plus, who will clean up after the dogs?

Like · Reply · 3 · 8 hrs

Chris Ploss

y Chris Ploss Yes, it's really no different than a sidewalk/park. Penalties for failing to clean up should also be strictly enforced.

Like · Reply · 2 · 8 hrs

Mariabeth Andrews

Mariabeth Andrews I thought they were already allowed on The Commons since I see them there everyday. Also did the City start allowing people to smoke on The Commons again or was that never a rule?

Like · Reply · 8 hrs · Edited

Ducson Nguyen

y Ducson Nguyen I don't even like most dogs. all the way. But it's time to lift the ban. If you agree, speak out at the June 21 City Administration Committee meeting. Or email us at council@cityofithaca.org😺

Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs

Kristopher Buchan

Kristopher Buchan Look at that face and tell me that.

Image may contain: dog

Like · Reply · 3 · 8 hrs

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Anika Nfr-Ka Ma'at Daniels-Osaze

n Anika Nfr-Ka Ma'at Daniels-Osaze No!

Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs

Daniel Urda

y Daniel Urda Of course they should. The commons is no different than any other park dogs are allowed in and the concerns of people not picking up after their dogs are totally overblown. The Ithaca dog park is always well kept and is a great example of how responsib...See More

Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs

Lara Green

Lara Green Damn. This thread is a very deep rabbit hole and my only clear takeaway is that conversations about dogs in a common area elicit more powerful reactions than most of our mayor's posts, (about the opioid epidemic or the housing crisis) and that folks ar...See More

Like · Reply · 8 · 8 hrs · Edited

Patty Sipman

y Patty Sipman Yes on leash w free poop bags. Need poop bag dispensers. Raise fee for licensing dogs then make commons dog friendly w poop bag dispensers.

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Kenda-lee Anne Hice

y Kenda-lee Anne Hice More dogs & less opioids and heroin is my vote fur sher.

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Tammy Travis

y Tammy Travis Yes! On a short leash though. P

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Adric Garlick

y Adric Garlick Yes!

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Jim DelRosso

y Jim DelRosso Yes.

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Teresa Wagner Bulatek

n Teresa Wagner Bulatek No, for many of the reasons already stated.

Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Michael-Vincent Crea

Michael-Vincent Crea

Image may contain: dog and hat

Like · Reply · 7 · 7 hrs

Beth Buckles

y Beth Buckles Yes

Like · Reply · 7 hrs

Marcia Nedland

y Marcia Nedland Yes!!!

Like · Reply · 7 hrs

Kimberly Kristen Muse

Kimberly Kristen Muse Anyone can go online and register their dog as 'therapy' or 'service' which makes them able to legally be allowed anywhere. If we are to allow dogs on the commons (which, btw, many shop owners ON THE COMMONS let their dogs roam freely so this doesn't e...See More

Like · Reply · 7 hrs

Shelley Blackler

Shelley Blackler Actually, only service dogs are legal to go anywhere. They are replacing a 'sense' that is damaged in their owner. Emotional support dogs are also service dogs.

Therapy dogs are licensed to comfort others. They do not get to be with their owner at all times.

Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Shelley Blackler

Shelley Blackler I actually find Ithaca surprisingly dog-unfriendly. 😪

Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Rachael Behling

Rachael Behling Can we just open an actual bodega on the commons and have bodega cats named "cat"

Like · Reply · 2 · 7 hrs

Micah Noah Kraus

y Micah Noah Kraus Yes absolutely

Like · Reply · 7 hrs

Thomas Persun

y Thomas Persun Yes I believe as dogs are on a leash and they have done their business prior to coming on the commons

Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Scott McCasland

Scott McCasland Only if all those cameras are used to prosecute people who don't clean up after their dog. Also, not on sunny summer days, the lack of shade and hot bricks are barely tolerable for humans and we are much better adapted to the heat. Better make sure the fountain water is potable too.

Like · Reply · 3 · 6 hrs

Jyl Dowd

n Jyl Dowd No: waste, unfriendly or unrestrained dogs, people with fears or allergies, ECT. Nice to keep the commons welcoming to everyone at the expense of the ability to have dogs. There are plenty of wonderful places downtown where dogs are welcome.

Like · Reply · 3 · 6 hrs · Edited

Caroline Byrne

n Caroline Byrne I'm on the fence, friend I'm with and also voting for says no way.

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Stephanie Piech

y Stephanie Piech Yes

Like · Reply · 5 hrs

Lesli Sagan

Lesli Sagan I'm fine with a 6 month trial. Really, it comes down to whether dog owners are responsible: will they clean waste, control the dogs properly, etc.? If so, fine. If not, then our town isn't ready for that.

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs

Samantha Akers

n Samantha Akers Yo I am so scared of dogs

Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs

Betsy Spencer

y Betsy Spencer Yes.

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs

Gary Edward Rith

y Gary Edward Rith Please allow dogs on leash and enforce it and please enforce the no smoking rule.

Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Sandra Teeter Cook

y Sandra Teeter Cook Definitely. Ithaca has lost a great deal of tourist business due to lack of being dog friendly. Surrounding towns benefit from our negative dog friendly rules and welcome dogs. Let's fix this once and for all.

Like · Reply · 2 hrs

Marge Wolff

y Marge Wolff Yes

Like · Reply · 2 hrs

Joyce E Leonard

y Joyce E Leonard Yes, as long as owners are responsible and clean up after them.

Like · Reply · 2 hrs

Larry Wright

n Larry Wright No.

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Mike Ferdinando

n Mike Ferdinando No.

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Tyler Hawkins

Tyler Hawkins I didn't realize they were not allowed on the commons.

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Tyler Hawkins

y Tyler Hawkins Carytown in Richmond, Virginia has always reminded me of the Commons, except they are dog-friendly. Many stores allow leashed pets inside and employees give them treats and have water bowls at the door. The Commons is such a nice, low-stress area where...See More

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Evan Stewart Eisenberg

y Evan Stewart Eisenberg People take dogs on the commons ALL the time w / o hassle. FINES and TICKETS should be issued if the animal is off leash or relieve themselves.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr · Edited

Clint Swank

Clint Swank What on the Commons could possibly interest a dog? Or a human, for that matter?

Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr

Mark Yowan

y Mark Yowan Sure, people visit their children at Cornell and IC and sometimes bring their pets. When they are walking downtown it doesn't make sense to avoid the commons especially since you can have your dog on all the streets around the commons. Viva brings dog water bowls to customers that sit down with dogs.

Like · Reply · 1 hr · Edited

Sarah Gardner

y Sarah Gardner Yes!

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Julia Cozzarelli

y Julia Cozzarelli Yes, on a leash

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Melissa Hoffman

n Melissa Hoffman No and we should have more dog parks:)🐶

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Diane Hibbett

n Diane Hibbett Okay, aren't you on the commons to shop? If so, what will you do with your dog when you go into the store? The Commons is one street. Walk all you want downtown but just avoid the Commons. I am seeing more dogs in stores . if the shop owners will allow dogs so be it. Maybe that will bring people to the Commons.😍

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Savannah Stevens

y Savannah Stevens 100%!!!

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Crista Shopis

y Crista Shopis Yes please!

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Mariana Saavedra

Mariana Saavedra Perri Gerard-Little we were just talking about this!

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Karen Bedell

y Karen Bedell (Gwen) Sure. On leash. Put up 3 poop bag dispensers and disposal cans.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Shanna Moore

y Shanna Moore Yes! Obviously, they should be leashed and owners should clean up after them.

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Tressa Rae Heffron

y Tressa Rae Heffron With rules, yes!

Like · Reply · 48 mins

Tracy Vosburgh

y Tracy Vosburgh Yes!

Like · Reply · 45 mins

Ann Sullivan

n Ann Sullivan No. No. No. no. No.

Like · Reply · 42 mins

Tim Larkin

y Tim Larkin commons yes stores no

Like · Reply · 36 mins

Nancy Salander Phillips

y Nancy Salander Phillips YES

Like · Reply · 32 mins

Maryrose Savino

y Maryrose Savino Yes on a leash, of course!

Like · Reply · 26 mins

Angelika St.Laurent

y Angelika St.Laurent Yes. Leash and poop bag dispensers and a designated trash can would be nice.

Like · Reply · 25 mins

Stephy Scaglione

y Stephy Scaglione Yes with rules (no harm for injury to city owner risk) dog vaccines required, poop bag stations, and leash laws.

Like · Reply · 20 mins

Eric Hambury

y Eric Hambury On a leash and of course you gotta pick up da poo... but otherwise yes.

Like · Reply · 20 mins

Rachel A Clarkson

n Rachel A Clarkson No

Like · Reply · 20 mins

Gabriel Orgrease

Gabriel Orgrease How about my donkey?

Like · Reply · 15 mins

Donald Dunham

y Donald Dunham Yes

Like · Reply · 13 mins

Ellen Mary

Ellen Mary https://tenor.co/vfQI.gif

Like · Reply · 9 mins

Lauren Ryder

y Lauren Ryder maybe more people would know which stores are on the commons (especially those in the middle we can't see from the street) if they walked by them on their daily dog walks. OF COURSE dogs should be allowed. let's make it easy for everyone to experience ithaca in their daily outings and support local businesses. thanks for asking!

Like · Reply · 6 mins


Ellen Reuben yep... Ithaca is a dog town

Wendy Morgan Sure! On leash

Methodology Myrick Facebook post "Should we allow dogs on the commons?". Posted 5/18/17. Data through 5/19/17 8:00am EDT

There were 709 comments.

Some answers are simple yes/no. Overall this is a sentiment analysis where each response is read and then their opinion has to be judged. Some are pretty obvious.

“I love dogs Allow them”

Some you have to kind of wade through

“Ducson Nguyen I don't even like most dogs. all the way. But it's time to lift the ban.”😺

So if I could not absolutely determine their yes/no opinion, I left it blank.

Others said “yes but….” And had conditions. Common conditions were leashes, leashes non-retractable, licensed, poop bag stations. These were counted as “yes” because no proposals have been made to allow dogs on the commons without those.

Some conditions were a bit more specific and stricter, “eg: spayed/neutered which is not a common condition to allow dogs into a dog park” and therefore not counted.

Many were comments on other people’s comments, so these were not counted unless specifically articulating a pro/con opinion.

Some comments I just could not divine the intent of the poster.

“we allow drunk heroin addicts”

In total there were 252 comments that were clear to this coder in their intent. 189 in the affirmative and 62 in the negative. That’s 75% yes and 25% no.


Limited time frame. Survey limited to friends of the Mayor and their friends who saw their comments or whom it was shared with. Coder bias (I’m Pro-Dog). No correction for coding errors. No correction or calculation of margin of error. Your mileage may vary.

Eric Silverman http://gph.is/1979bpK

Justin Henry Is there a way to put an area for them to relieve themselves?

Michelle Striney Podolec On a leash.

Jamal Wilson Mos def...leashed, poop disposals and a lil dog park where they can get together and hang with other dogs while their owners shop etc..lil a doggy daycare...and it will bring a grooming service to the commons and people will love it...

Like · Reply · 9 · 17 hrs · Edited

Emily Midge Doyle So I say no, but here's why. I love dogs, and I think they are great...BUT I think so many owners aren't thinking through how hard it is on their dog to be in such a high traffic area. So..that is all. It's nerve wracking for most dogs to be in what is kind of a building locked, non grassy, seemingly nowhere to go place.

Anton Burkett Never! Too many people too big of a chance of some lil kid getting their face bit off. Also, dog pee and poop! Yuck!

Kenda-lee Anne Hice We love doggies.

Kristine Anderson Keller No i don't want to have to worry about my kids walking around d wanting to pet a dog that shouldn't be in a high traffic area or is not comfortable around kids or people in general - I really don't want to worry about me or my kids being attacked by a dog

Like · Reply · 6 · 17 hrs · Edited

Melissa Filut-Weiner No way.

Patricia Jane Absolutely, on a leash!

Meredith Collins Yes: On leash, up to date on vaccines.

Doug Moore Yes, encourage retailers to have water bowls too

Patrick Luker When have they ever been "unallowed"?

Heidi Elizabeth YES. I've been to cities where dogs are allowed on similar types of shopping areas and it's great. A lot of the businesses keep water dishes outside and it's so sweet.

Like · Reply · 9 · 17 hrs · Edited

Jonny Tunnell if you've ever been bit severely or maybe even not... you'd not want this. IF ppl actually trained their animals to be decent i'd feel differently. its not the dogs i dont trust... its their ppl. allowing dogs on the commons is like putting a super expensive fountain in that a child could (and probably will) harm themselves...

Like · Reply · 3 · 17 hrs · Edited

Betsy Herrington Yes. And poopy receptacles. And vigilance on those who don't scoop the poop--fine 'em.

Betsy Herrington Leashed, of course.

Anthony M. Condo Jr. Considering I like dogs more than I like most people, the answer to this is an obvious and resounding 'yes'.

David Shapiro Currently we don't allow smoking on the commons, but it happens. Whether or not we allow dogs on the commons is less important to me than what we do if established rules are violated.

Choral Edmond-Carlisle Cornell-Bowers

Choral Edmond-Carlisle Cornell-Bowers Yes

Sophia Goehner Yes and skateboards and bikes

Brynne Sigg I too love dogs, but my vote would be no. Reason being there are people who don't like to be around them or don't feel safe around them. There are plenty of places in Ithaca to take our dogs.

David Hiner Yes, on a leash (of course), and a mandatory cleanup policy. If the owner refuses to clean up after their dog they should be fined.

Samuel Schuepbach there is a no bike policy and there is a no Smoking policy neither of them are being enforced , so adding another one sure does not help.

Robin Merilahti That's what I was thinking. Who's going to enforce this clean up/on a leash policy?

Liena Pulsts Yes, as long as they do their business prior to walking the area and if any accident the owners clean it up! People love doggies (me included) :) maybe a designated doggies grassy area too for that umm yeah. And as long as they are people and kid friendly!!!!

Robin Merilahti Please No, there are plenty of places you can take your dog in the city. Leave one area where no dogs are allowed. I know its hard for Ithacans to believe, but everyone does not loves dogs. They got Stewart Park, wasn't that enough?

Marilyn Thorpe Pettinga I believe that dogs would be okay on the Commons ... providing they are up to date on vaccinations and are on a leash. Water dishes are a great idea, Heidi Elizabeth ... as are poop receptacles, Betsy Herrington. I also think the playground area should be unavailable to dogs to prevent unfortunate interactions between dogs and kids.

Shannon Dence Phillips Why would you want to take your dog to the Commons? There is no shade, and the hot ground hurts their paws. Besides, i wouldn't want a dog to step on a heroin needle. :(

Christine Brouwer Hinman No, please don't. Too many people don't understand boundaries with their pets. Just because we love our dogs doesn't mean everyone does.

Alejandro Morgano yes please

Alison Tarplee Coluccio It would definitely increase my traffic on the Commons. There have been a significant number of events that I've had to pass on because at the end of the workday, walking the dog has to be my priority. So even if it's an event really important to me, I can't afford the dog-less time to come - but if she could come too, then we would be there!

Beezer Clapp No - I'm a dog lover and owner but the commons has not a single patch of grass or available tree for pee and such. It was not designed with dogs in mind. Think urine stank creep!

Suzanna Homrighaus No unless they are service dogs

Kari Martin If people can shoot up on the commons then yea, dogs should be fine. 🙄

Michael Hadox Glad I wasn't drinking coffee, my monitor would have been soaked.

Ashley Lynn Welch I You...❤️

Christine King Small and on leashes and control by owner

Siera Ellis My two German shepherds are better behaved than any small dog I've ever met. Lol. Just throwing that out there.

Maureen McCarvill Whitehead

Maureen McCarvill Whitehead Yes please!!!!!!

Michelle Coon You should allow dogs everywhere ❤️🐕

Vera Whisman Yes! On leash and zero tolerance for leaving poop. Then complainers and just complainers.

Caitlin Matthewson Definitely.

Gay L Huddle I'm a dog lover from way back........but, please, no dogs on the Commons.....too much trouble to maintain when people do not clean up after their animals and there will be those people.......so, my vote is no.

Gay L Huddle You know that the restrictions and the control will be issues that will NEVER be all resolved......so I would not even get into that.....

Lorraine Sinclaire yes, but with restrictions: leash and poop pickup laws... responsible adult human behavior if pooch needs leadership/discipline. i am a responsible dog owner, and this is just the regular day-to-day of life with a dog in an urban setting.

Vickie Clairmont Rogers No. I sat down there one afternoon with my grandkids while they played on the playground and watched several dogs (why were they there when they're not allowed) pee all over the jungle gym and the material underneath the playground. Kids play on that! It's disgusting and unhygienic and the arrogant dog owners don't care where their dogs go!

Isabel Brumberg YES! It works very well in other places with similar downtown set ups! Burlington VT for example!

Tanya Pietila Case And Charlottesville, VA's downtown mall! Same designer as the commons (as I recall) - and it totally works there too!

Like · Reply · 3 · 16 hrs · Edited

Isabel Brumberg Sarah Brumberg Adam Brumberg

Nicole Demotte Yes with leash & poop bags..

Jess Krogman Not unless you strictly enforce leash laws & ticketing for people who don't pick up after their animals.

Shari Thomson Hubbert Yes please!

Donna Lucille I hate to say it but I don't think we should.

Eric Griffith Of course you should. And ticket any @SShole owner that doesn't clean up after them.

Kathy Zahler Instead of people? Yes.

Molly Willsallen Yes! But need areas (gardens) they can access if they need to go. Leash and pick up laws should be enforced.

Mara Lynne YES. YES. YES. YES.

Chris Dawson On a leash with strictly enforced poop laws.

Jurden Alexander nope, whose libel?

Debralee Strebralee Who's libel? Liable?

Peggy Carey On leash, yes and poop-bag stations, I agree. And then I think that stores can decide their own rules on if they want them in their stores. It would help businesses and traffic downtown!

Jurden Alexander whose going to enforce a leash permit, or should one be required to have a leash permit in order to be able to walk their dog on the commons?

Erica Schillbach There are cops on the commons on occasion. 90% of dog owners are smart enough to have their dog on a leash. Not a permit, a rule. If not followed, ticketed - but most pet owners are mindful.

Will Devine No, but if you do, *please* make sure police are steadily enforcing leash and cleanup laws.

Sue Roenke Yes, leashed and responsible, cite/ticketed if not.

Carol Mitchell Can they not chase the kids playing or jump on a running,please.last Year at a thurs.night concert poor dog in the middle of about150 people,dancing etc. He was getting very agitated.

Trisha Williams I dogs. That being said, not everyone does. The commons isn't a very large area. It seems a relatively confined space if there were many dog owners on the commons at one particular time. Also, you can't pick up urine.❤️

Karen Edelstein Yes, on leash. Maybe provide bags at each street entrance so there is no question about whether people are expected to clean up after their dogs.

Jennifer Whitaker No. Too much risk. Risk of injury, risk of messes. People don't need any more reasons not to go to the commons. I won't go as much if that is allowed, for sure.

Nicole Zulu Like many have said, it may not be a dog friendly place, no shade, lots of traffic, no grass areas to relieve themselves. If so, strict leash and pick up policy needs to be in place that has actual enforcement (and not allowed in the playground area).

Carolyn Ambrose Yes but they have to be on a leash.

Chance Daugh As long as they're leashed and calm around people and other dogs, and as long as people pick up their messes. But I also know some people who are afraid of dogs so I am conflicted

Nicole Middleton No. People can't clean up after their animals as it is. Not to mention there are restaurants with outdoor dining... I don't want to be eating whilst someone's dog is making a movement.

Shelley Blackler My dog eats with us outdoors all the time...and we eat out a lot.

Joy Thomas I'm not a dog person, and wouldn't be thrilled to have to contend with dog traffic on the Commons. If it were allowed, yes to strict enforcement of leash and cleanup policies.

Jacob Parker Carver Chloe says yes

Claudia Jenkins Only service dogs

Chelsea Hummer Yes on leash

Elliot Steinfeld Close it down to people it should only be for dogs🐕🐕

Ethan Ritz yes, this is a class issue - it's difficult for homeless ppl with pets to keep them anywhere else but at their side for long periods of time; a ruling like this does more to exclude Ithaca's homeless population from public spaces than anyone else. good arguments for public space laws like these (also smoking, open can laws) being designed to do this in the first place...

Elisabetta Ciurleo Yes! My dog behaves better than some human! 😊

Leanne Arnold Yes, put up signs saying to clean up after your dog or pay a fine

Julia Melton YES! Most people just walk through with their dogs. There shouldn't be an issue with dogs chasing children as there is a leash law. I also understand the concern of cleaning up after them but it's all concrete! I don't know many dogs that do their busi...See More

Jacki Thompson Didn't you ask us this last year? Answer is still yes for me.

Shannon Oakes I didn't bring my dog last time we traveled to Ithaca bc I read that rule. When we got there the Commons was full of dogs anyway 🤔

Melissa Hall Yes. I'm tired of hearing about it at city council lol.

Jessica Brown They're already on the commons. It's great!

Erica Ciancia Bender Absolutely!!

Jessica Elkins Yes! Of course. Seriously they're everywhere else in town anyway. Rules will apply, but it will seem much more friendly a place for the many dog owners of Ithaca. Also consider allowing bicycles please. 😁

Lisa Kellmurray With strict leash and poop laws. I don't want to have dogs running around and I really don't want to have to be on the lookout for dog poo. But dogs on leashes with responsible owners are welcome.

Julia Hughes This is exactly how it should be. Great response.

Norfe J. Pirro No, only crackheads!!!

George Ferrari we currently have rules on the Commons about smoking, dogs and bikes, for good reasons and yet everyday I see people not following those rules with very little enforcement, so I would say no as long as you have those rules but they must be enforced to ...See More

Steven Wolf Leashes and poop scooping must be vigorously enforced or the place will degenerate into concrete desert.

Tanya Pietila Case There is an upscale outdoor shopping area in my old neighborhood in Richmond, VA that is known for allowing dogs. Upscale stores (including Tiffany's) allows certain size breeds inside their stores (There is a "small, medium, large" dog sticker on each...See More

Tanya Pietila Case I will also add, Charlotteville's Downtown Mall in VA is also dog friendly and their thriving atmosphere was also a factor in the development of the "new" Commons, right? (I think they were both designed by the same person back in the day too... ) It's...See More

Tanya Pietila Case http://www.downtowncharlottesville.net/

Downtown Business Association of Charlottesville (DBAC) is an association…


Sherron Brown Absolutely! Dogs should be allowed on the commons. SERIOUSLY BE VIGILANT AND TICKET THE IRRESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERS!

Brenda Neville No. You can't count on people cleaning up after them, nor can you count on people keeping them leashed. It's just not the place for dogs.

Lorraine Berry Yes. Please. Responsible dog owners. Bad dog owners should be punished, but dogs should be allowed.

Scott Mccown Most definitely YES!

Helen Stride Yes, with guidelines. Probably leashes unless it's a tiny dog. I know some dogs do well off-leash but some people have had bad experiences with dogs so we should keep them in mind.

Regina DeMauro I'd prefer not because I don't think that any amount of leash laws and requirements to clean up after the dog will be followed.

Jacob Dusseau http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.../the-10-health-benefits...

The 10 Health Benefits Of Dogs (And One Health Risk)

Whether you're a dog owner or volunteer, hanging out…

Stacey Murphy No, for all reasons mentioned here. Love dogs, but not the friendliest environment for them. Leash laws are ok but don't address agitation, peeing, not everyone being unafraid of dogs, etc. There are lots of friendlier-to-dog options around. And ticketing after a kid gets bitten doesn't really take away the being bit in the first place.

Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs · Edited

Steph Bailey I love cats, but definitely YES

Tara Ciotoli Caiza No. It will deter some young children from using the playground.

Nicole Schock If parents are still taking their kids to the commons they should be worried about the drug hut right on the street not dogs 😂

Jana Quandt Yes. Add waste stations and, of course, have strict leash laws.

Skylar Davenport Yes!! The South Hill rec trail has a dog bag station to get bags to clean up after your pet. I think adding one of those at the ends of the commons would be great to help people make sure they clean up after their doggos.

Rebecca Disidoro Yes .... on a leash

Jolene Almendarez Yes. An zero tolerance for non-poop scoopers.

Al Nolan Yup and tickets for owners who leave shit behind

Nicky Koschmann Yes why not!

Jen Ludwig Yup. Always have:)

Hickory O'Brien Lee Nope, definitely not. But I'm clearly outvoted here! Lol.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs · Edited

Bernadette Elemi-Schoenwald

Bernadette Elemi-Schoenwald I'm a dog owner who would love to bring my dogs on the commons and I still think it would be a problem...

Katie Joy Shaw @kenobi_of_the_finger_lakes says yet!

Elsa Wright Yes, you allow drug addicts and dealers, dogs are much better behaved...

Laurie Hemmings Yes, please!

Karen Edwards Check out the public health effect of dog poop in urban areas (whether it's scooped right away or left for someone to step in on their commute) - lots of research to consider alongside public opinion. Also maybe survey the residents of the commons separately. When they signed on to live there the signs said no dogs allowed. But if you're not going to enforce them, then what's the point of the rules?

Chris Marx With no good place to urinate, seems like a bad idea

Jeffrey Sorrell Yes..... BUT a lot of things need to be taken into consideration. As it is now whether allowed or not people still bring their dogs on the commons. Do a trial allowing only small dogs. However if the owner has been putting a muzzle on the dog before ha...See More

Chuck Cooley Thats a hard yes :)

Elizabeth Bright No too many are not responsible and it's a problem enough on the streets people not cleaning up after them. Last summer I took my granddaughter down after they finished the playground there was a huge pile across the street on state right near the corner. No thanks.

Tory Jenis Absolutely - I'd go there if we did

Rich Bernstein On leashes only

Bretton James Ochsner Yes and they also have to be licensed and follow common courtesy;)

Thomas Hoebbel on leash sure...

Elizabeth Bright Another accident waiting to happen right along with the new fountain. Dogs will be in it then the kids. Kids chasing dogs slip and break their skull open. How much money does the city have for lawsuits.

Randi Millman-Brown Please no. No place to pee as someone mentioned. Sometimes people do not leash their dogs either and to me this is a bad idea. I personally do not want dogs coming sitting near me if I am eating outside.

Amelia Wood Seems like a lot of work....someone will have to monitor the heck out of people, and pick up the poop that some owners wouldn't. And with a playground on the commons, makes me a little nervous...

Sophia Shine Absolutely! Our dogs are our family members. :)

Ileana Amaris Keeping dogs out of the commons will allow the commons to be a cleaner, safer, more people-friendly place to be for everyone.

Wendy Wilcox Seems like a lot of oversight. I realistically wonder if the benefit would outweigh the costs. The isn't a constant police presence on the commons to ensure compliance. With the references to other questionable activities occurring on the commons, I wonder if that isn't example enough of how difficult it is to ensure everyone who uses this public space will adhere to a set of rules about dog ownership.

David Dylan Gower Yes, within reason.

Carly Yarosz If we ban dogs, we should maybe think about banning people? I've definitely seen some come out of the bars-or not-and pee right there on the commons. Dogs are allowed everywhere surrounding the commons, how much of a difference is it making in people's lives for a two block radius dog-free zone? Doggy poo bag stations could be helpful maybe.

Tracy Tzivaeris Decker On leashes, yes.

Jennifer E Oates Terry Harbin the drunks piss in the alleys anyhow Stop being a curmudgeon

Rachel Anne Dogs on Commons - YES.

Vulcan Solus Yes! End human speciesism!!! I'm pro pup!!!!🐶

Nav K Cheema This is Ithaca. Yes.

Lynne Saulsbury I'm a yes and no person. Responsible owners will clean up after their animals. I worry about the kids playing where a mess is left. So, signage, free bags/disposal containers and a willingness to ticket owners whenever necessary and I'm in. Oh and leashes at all times (again because of the kids).

Lynne Saulsbury Terry Harbin unfortunately, some of the humans coming out of the clubs at night leave this behind!!

Heather Dunbar People use their animals for self-expression and for extending their personal space. Lots of people feel cramped in their personal lives and use dogs to "take more" on their behalf. Many pet-owners are not reasonable in judging their animals appropria...See More

Like · Reply · 6 · 15 hrs · Edited

Heather Dunbar My dog has never been on the Commons and it has not impeded her personal style one whit: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154422262670646&set=pb.673965645.-2207520000.1495147512.&type=3&theater

No automatic alt text available.

Jessie Jane Hilliker Yes! Lynne Saulsbury sums it up quite nicely!

Kwame Newton Zoe A.C. Summer

A.C. Tierney This shouldn't even be a question! Yes of course we should. Dogs bring joy and happiness to everyone in their vicinity and are the purest creatures on this earth. Yes . Yes. 1000x's yes.

Kat Kay Yes we should. Please. Kim Herbert

Brandon Michaels How about a "commonesque" dog park somewhere else

Mary Behrendt Yes - with provided trash cans and poop bags available.

Mary Behrendt I mean, it's dog pee... It's not gonna be Cayuga Lake...

Matt Fellmonster Too much liability. Unless the dog is licenced with the city? Then licences would help offset cost to city's liability.

Danielle Son Why is this in question? Yes!

Tom Craven Yes but if we had a better police presence to enforce codes then maybe this wouldn't be an issue.

Gerry Monaghan Dog lover here - happy to have the Commons be dog free.

Alex Gi NO. And why have this poll again when it was already conducted just some months ago with a NO result?

Dan Merwin only if cats (on leash of course) are also allowed

Peter D Bakija Yes, please. Strictly enforce leash laws and cleaning up after them, however.

Tyler Hale With more piss I think

Joyce Carman Lovelace Yes!!!!! I thought this had already been decided.

Matthew Johnson There are a lot of Beasts on the Commons why not Dogs

Surya Saha Yes. On leash and enforce clean up.

Zoe Packman 100% yes. It's a shame to have such a walkable area with nice places to sit and eat outside and not be able to bring along your pup.

Emily Marie Dilger Of course 😊

Andrejs Ozoliņš Yes, in ways that don't cause problems for others. Why are dogs prohibited, anyway? Were they once allowed and became impossibly problematic? Seems to me dogs under full owner control can be responsibly brought almost anywhere, hence commons should be ...See More

Michelle Nickerson Yes. AS long as leash laws are strictly enforced. as well as clean up regulations strictly enforced. It's never made sense to me that a dog owner can walk their dog through all of Ithaca and even inside many stores but they must avoid the commons. Even back when there was the dog groomer/store at the end!

Christine M Uliassi Or move the toddler playground...while not all dog owners fall into this category, there are some dog owners with no respect for the safety/space of young children. Saying "my dog loves kids" as your dog runs over to lick a child's face is not okay. Even with leash laws, solid no.

Michelle Nickerson And some parents don't watch their children well enough to avoid this type of encounter. It's up to both parents and dog owners.

Crystal Lou Yes! Just clean up after the dog and make sure he/she is not aggressive

Sue Perlgut With strict leash laws and enforced clean up.

Siera Ellis I have some social anxiety but don't feel it when I am with my dogs. I would definitely visit the commons more if I could bring my dog

Eric Machan Howd As long as cats are also allowed.

Vicki Taylor Brous I guess it depends also on whether or not you want the dog-friendly market to visit and spend in the area. http://www.discoverontariocalifornia.org/.../dog-tourism...

DOG TOURISM - A DOG EAT DOG WORLD | Greater Ontario Visitors and…

To put it simply, millions of dog-owners want to travel…


Like · Reply · 5 · 16 hrs · Edited

Suzanne Burnham No place for them to pee or poop.....so no

Steve Hedge I'm gonna say no...judging by the response, allowing dogs on the commons will turn into another dog park. Even if people are picking up poop, they're not hosing down pee. I could see it getting gross really quick.

Steve Hedge There are so many parks and other outdoor spaces available to us in this area that are far better designed to handle and entertain our 4 legged friends...take your dog to a park...with grass...

Sue Perlgut Good point about the pee.

Silvia Medina Yes, please. JUst make sure owners know they will be fined if they are irresponsible.

Lexa Newman Fisher How can that be enforced though-is there enough police to be stationed on The Commons just for the purpose of writing tickets for irresponsible dog owners?

Bryan Riek . No . There is already too many neglectful owners around the city.👎🏽

Dan Wisniewski Absolutely. As long as people are responsible owners, dogs should be allowed to go wherever.

Amy Doonan Cronin But therein lies the problem...

Gail Zussman Mixed feelings As long as they are well taken care and not running loose - there are people who are uncomfortable around dogs and I believe we need to honor that - though my inclination is no

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs · Edited

Dee Cee Bee On leash yes- will they be allowed in stores? That dog Riley whose owner has a store on the Commons is the sweetest #woof🐶

Tammy Rene Cornell Why? It is a shopping area, not a park. Dogs aren't allowed in stores, so why would you take one there?

Nicole Ann Cats. No discrimination

Joe Sully Sullivan As long as it doesn't turn into a show.💩

Francesca Merrick Heck yeah!

Lexa Newman Fisher The only thing that is bad about allowing dogs on The Commons is the random accident when the dog slips his collar, and jumps all over a kid at the play area . . . Or worse.

Shella Chace I don't know why not.

Elias Shockey Yes. It's the outdoors, I see dogs there anyways. Make lil doggie bag stations

But at the same time I do forsee urination being a problem. Dogs will be forced to urinate on concrete due to the lack of grass and soil. This is not easily cleaned up and will be left to dry. Once urine starts getting tracked into stores with carpet flooring by foot traffic, businesses will begin to complain when the odor becomes noticeable. ...See More

Daniel Keough Are dogs allowed at the Shops at Ithaca Mall? If yes, then allow them at the Commons mall. If no, then...no.

Daniel Keough I've been bitten and been around several owners that just didn't care to control their animals. For the average person using the Commons, including residents as well as tourists, students families visiting, there is no benefit.

Marshall McCormick I'm not sure we should be taking cues from the Shops at Ithaca Mall...

Kyra Marsigliano I hope everyone is aware that even though the signs say dogs are not allowed, people walk their dogs all the time and no one I've seen ever confronts these people because the dogs have never caused an issue. We have the best vet school in the country and we ought to be a completely dog friendly city

Daniel Keough it's different than completely allowing dogs. If fireworks were legal in NYS we would see even more "accidents."

Kyra Marsigliano Or it's like marijuana and will increase visits and revenue?

David J West Yes, just like every other Main Street in the world. Ithaca needs to stop being so up-tight.

Indigo SkiesandStars If we want to encourage a diverse group of people and families in the area, I think accommodation for pets is in order. Maybe if there were waste receptacles and small scattered grass "islands" for dogs to do their business.Of course it's always up to the owners to follow public pet laws..

Mark H. Anbinder I love the grass "island" idea, but are there hardy grass breeds that stand up to constant "streams"? I know I've got a couple spots where the lawn's never growing back...

Indigo SkiesandStars That is definitely a concern and something to consider, perhaps some turf is an alternative

Claudia Sutton No. More is not necessarily going to work out.

Ernie Grant Isn't there already a dog wondering the commons almost every day?

Opal Greenway YES!!! Especially if I am going to be here more

Linda Cimakasky My heart says "yes" (my labs would especially enjoy the new water feature!!) but my head says "no" for all the hundreds of reasons already mentioned here ( and the new water feature which could become a big doggy potty! Yuck)

Joseph Howe Terry Harbin, you're starting to concern me with your piss obsession... #NotRKelly #DripDripDrip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sc6NSgTySU...

Lustig und sehenswert bald gibts mehr

Tyler Hale Saying what we're all thinking

Casey Bergeron Perhaps a small dog park near the Commons would be more appropriate.

Katie Daigneau Kelly No. Please no. I love dogs, and have fostered more than 25. Earlier commenters make good points that existing laws about no smoking and no bike riding on the Commons are already sparsely enforced. It seems like the only way to successfully have dogs on the Commons would be with lots of money/effort for poo bags and enforcement of clean up... is that really where we want our money going?

Alexis Bortle You don't think the commons are constantly populated enough we wouldn't make everyone accountable for the poo of their dog??

Katie Daigneau Kelly Most of the time, yes. But it's not most people who cause the problems. I'm definitely curious to see how it works out, either way.

Shelley Blackler YesYesYesYes. 🐶

Laura Daly How would that be enforced?

Rita Downes Townend Boratav

Rita Downes Townend Boratav Yes! Doggies are good🐶

Rebecca Bock Hagen Have you seen the NYC sidewalks? I love dogs but there is no where for them to go to the bathroom on the commons.

Alexis Bortle Well obviously don't let them poo on the sidewalk. There are enough people on the commons at any time to make some one accountable.

Steve Hedge But how many times do people realistically call people out in public for things like that? We're much more likely to cast a disapproving look and move on with our day rather than initiate confrontation.

Todd Herron EMPHATICALLY YES... this culture we're fostering of P. C. Regulations is suffocating 😤

Patrick Young How are dogs a P.C. Regulation?

Todd Herron Simply that local governments need to create ordinances that respectfully meet concerns of both human & animal w/o over regulating/taxing, which other well meaning communities have previously done

Sue Michlovitz Dogs are much more pleasant than those who are drunk and who are smokers.

Michael Shaw Only if they are licensed. The last thing we need is illegal alien dogs running wild in the streets.

Kate Krueger Yes. I like walking my dogs, I like walking to The Commons, and I like being able to do both simultaneously. We need as many reasons as possible to encourage foot traffic downtown. If problems are insurmountable then ban them again.

Mikeal Wood no, allergy's, feces, dog hair in food, bad owners, people with phobia.

Kimberly Noftell Yes. As long as their owners keep a grip. I was walking past viva not long ago and someone was walking their dog. The dog nipped my hand out of the blue. The owner said " are you okay, he never did that before". Luckily I wasn't hurt, but despite what owners may think - they cannot predict what an animal is capable of at all times.

Leo Vincent no please and thank you

Dylan Frysinger Tuttle Absolutely. Overregulation leads to sanitized-feeling public spaces. People have a tendency to police each other through simple social norms (#janejacobs). Allowing dogs will likely lead to more activity on the Commons with few negative consequences.

David Rutherford No. No. No.

Jennifer Ruffing Think of a Manhattan street in high August. That's what the Commons will smell like. It's simply not dog friendly. There will be urine - everywhere, and not all poops can be picked up with no residue. I have dogs, and love dogs, but too many dogs in that area won't even be hygienic for other dogs.

Gordon Franklin Terry Sr. No. But if a majority of the people want them, sure.

They seem to bring their dogs on The Commons enough already. ...See More

Mikeal Wood i have 2 dogs, i will also be first to say, they dont belong everywhere.

Teri Moon Tarshus Yes please!

Brenda Jane Shoemaker Yes with rules alot if work to enforce tag aggressive ones. Poop bags available

Wendy Stage Seeley its better then a herion house

Zoë Merod There's no way to enforce the owners picking up poop, so then everyone else has to suffer.

Gordon Franklin Terry Sr. Some kid was bit by a dog on The Commons last month and the dog was put under quarantine.

Don't change whatever rule you all ready have in place because people break it anyway.

Samantha Zaharis Rogers Yes please!!!!!

Keenan Patrick Buckley Yes. Put trashcans specifically designated for dog poop and have baggies in them so people can pick it up.

Sara Rodbourne Yes if neutered/spayed, leashed and picked up after.

Sarah McIlvennie Church street in Burlington allows dogs and it doesn't seem to take away from the ambiance, sanitation or the functionality of the space.

Erica S Brath YES!!!!!!!!!! WTF Ithaca?!!? YES! (I say this with experience living in a place that had a long, brick-paved "commons"—Charlottesville, Va.—that always had many dogs walking or sitting with owners at outside tables ... and not once did I see dog waste....See More

Evan D. Williams I don't know why this is being reinterrogated after the DIA's extensive survey (80% of local residents are in favor). Common council was apparently unmoved by the clear public mandate. In my view the Commons is in its essence a pedestrian walkway and t...See More

Like · Reply · 4 · 15 hrs · Edited

Leigh Dezelan Yes, but prohibit during festivals.

Christopher Teitelbaum Nope. Dogs and leashes take up more room, forcing humans to move around them. They are great until they get into a fight with another dog and have an owner not equipped to deal with the situation. Imagine the uproar when a dog bites a kid near the ...See More

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs · Edited

Dave Davies Seems perfect now: they are not allowed, but the rule is not enforced, so there's only a couple here and there, and the police don't have to be messing with it, unless there's a problem. My first instinct was to say yes, but imagine 50 or 100 dogs at once, especially if they're a jerk on the leash when there's other dogs around, like mine.

Michelle Nickerson Right but that's on the owner. You for instance know your dog can be a jerk on a leash. As a responsible dog owner I can only assume your good judgement would tell you not to bring your dog to the commons. While there are always people with poor judgement I do really think most pet owners are responsible enough.

Dave Davies That's what made me write that post. Walking on the commons with my dog is not fun, so I don't do it. Then I see a couple of dogs on leashes, "breaking the rule", but otherwise just fine, no crap anywhere, (at least I've seen) seems fine. Maybe I'm just avoiding another chapter in the Rule Book

San Soth Absolutely! As long as owners are aware that if you don't have a socially friendly dog, do not bring them around crowds of people and children. It is unfair to your dog to place them in a uncomfortable situation and irresponsible of you to create a hostile environment for everyone involved.

LaTawnya Furman Yes! Everybody does it anyway. Just make sure leash laws are enforced as well as clean up laws. They do make this clear coat type paint that can be sprayed on walls and what not that repel water, it could help with all of the pee concerns.

Beth Brunelle Yes, but check with other cities to see how they handle dog urine. Even the best dog owner can't pick that up.

Mark Yowan Wouldn't the almost daily rain help with that?

Suzi Carlsson Oh goodness, no.

Alexas Janae Dominique Why aren't they allowed?

Jennifer Lauren Yes if registered

Rob Blackmore Absolutely, just with lots of dog bag dispensers

Kyle Dake 100% yes no doubt about it

Rachel Lampert Yes. On leash and well advertised rules about poop and let the canines and human enjoy the Commons.

Angelica Christensen If on a leash, yes.

Kathleen Halton Yes, and make a poop bag station - take a bag and leave a bag.

Adrienne Cook With leash/stations for poop bags and fines for not cleaning up after yours, yes.

Aurora Golden-Appleton Preferably, no.

Martha Theodora Taranto Yes.

Kaleigh Cwl Nope. Please dont. I forsee it being too difficult to be consistent and I love dogs. I like the idea of a maybe a small dog park nearby though.

Tish Keen I can't keep track of whether they are or are not.

Brooklyn Burnett ABSOLUTELY

Cheyenne Cardamone-knewstub

Cheyenne Cardamone-knewstub Definitely not. Way too crowded with people. Don't think it's practical or safe.

Skye-Anna Nye-Smith Yes!!!!!!!

Harrietta Potter Yes. With leashes and available waste receptacles. It's Ithaca!

Cathy Merwin No. I don't think it's safe or sanitary.

Jan Brath YES...although I used to bring my shepherd there when I moved here from Philly and had no idea dogs were Prohibited.....and then could not figure out why?????

Lars Burggren If you want poop on the shoe and the smell of dog urine

Jessie Shannon Yes, and skates too.

Amanda Kennedy Yes!!! With waste receptacles.

Jodie Binns Only if you think everyone will clean up after their own dog(s)

David Binns Yes, Ask Burlington, VT

Tonya Rose Yes. Dogs are cleaner and more well mannered than most people I encounter everyday.

Kaitlin Hascup it will just fill up with unleashed pitbulls

Diana Niemi That's an ignorant comment. It is a simple yes or no question and if you would like to add a well thought out reason behind It! #stopbullying

Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs · Edited

Marchele Seaton yes. I've seen many lovey pet and owner scenes on the commons. I walk there every day for exercise. Just came back and there was a young man and his dog loving on each other and all the passersby were smiling. I've even witness a woman with her cat on a leash. It makes for variety if one is sitting and eating and watching people. I wouldn't think you would want the commons to become too sterile.

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs · Edited

Linda J West In Ca. Dogs are allowed almost everywhere,as long as they're well taken care of...on mother's day there were two dogs sitting under the owners tables at the restaurant..😎😀

Like · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs · Edited

Heather Dunbar How are you going to check for rabies, parvoviris, Brucella canis, canine parainfluenza, herpesvirus, distemper, Toxoplasma gondii and infectious hepatitis vaccinations? These diseases all are transmitted between dogs and some are transmitted to humans...See More

Peter D Bakija And yet people are free to walk dogs down public streets all the time, and these things no more or less an issue than they would be on the Commons. Why are they *more* of an issue on the Commons? Allowing people to walk dogs on the Commons is not turning the Commons into a wild pack hunting ground. It is turning the Commons into, well, pretty much every other street in town.

Nafessha Mohammed Yes by the way u r doing a good job thank u very much

Michael-Vincent Crea The Dr. Martin Luther King Commons in the center of Ithaca ought to be open, free, equal & accessible to all o(ur) residents & visitors:

Margery Pask Sorry. Please don't.

Yvette Burggren Please, no. I lived in Burlington, VT and stepped on dog poop way too many times.

Let justice roll like a mighty river,...See MoreImage may contain: 3 people, people smiling, dog and outdoorLike · Reply · 14 hrs · Edited

Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Ari Evergreen Yes! Dogs are lovely!Like · Reply · 14 hrs

Ella Varn Noooope. dogs should be allowed to go through the commons, which at this point is pretty much how it goes, unless you turn bank alley into a dog zone". That way people can go get their food or whatever with their pet, but if they want to sit down and ...See More

Jon Reis Yes. On leash and well advertised rules about poop. Well behaved dogs make people smile and enjoy the IThaca Commons experience. Make Ithaca a Dog Friendly city.! for the sake of TCDOG - The Tompkins County Dog Owners Group

Aleshia Akers I'd prefer if people kept their dogs to themselves, not in a public shopping mall. There are designated outdoor areas elsewhere - and people don't even follow the poop rule in the dog park where bags and receptacles are provided...

Michelle Nickerson The thing is.... it's not a public shopping mall. It is a pedestrian walkway. Like any other public sidewalk in the city.

Tammy Snyder I'm torn. On one hand I'd love to take my dogs for a walk on the commons, but there is not a place for them to relieve themselves. If store owners aren't open to dogs in their stores it would be pointless for me, and I suspect others, who aren't going ...See More

Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs · Edited

Mary Brett Lorson Yes! We'll expect our neighbors to be responsible.

Al Becker this is Ithaca you should know better just who do you think will enforce this farce

Heather Lynn Forbes I don't see why not, as long as they are on a leash. People just need to be responsible and held accountable for knowing their companion and how they behave around other people/children. If we keep trying to ban everything that's beautiful about Ithaca, such as wildlife and even domesticated animals, all we have left is Buildings.

Rich Carver Service dogs only, you give people an inch and they take a mile and run with stupid. Lowe's has a service dog only policy and I see it broken daily.

Todd Kurzweil The primary Commons or secondary Commons or both. Time to get rid of the terms Primary and Secondary. Time to change those designations outlined in the ordinance. I'm in favor of dogs on the primary Commons

Josephine Cohen Nope. Unfortunately I think some dog owners are not responsible enough. It's not so much the dogs as it is their parents. I have to add, there are other places you can take your doggie, why is the commons so important...because you can't?💩 😔

Like · Reply · 6 · 14 hrs · Edited

Melisa Casano From what I've seen, you'd think they already were allowed :D But, yes, as long as they're on leashes (some people are genuinely freaked out by dogs and have panic attacks if even friendly ones come up to them).

Leslie Detwiler Setlock Yes, but only on a 6' leash and their human companion has to clean up after them. Actually, apply that rule to the drunks, too, please.

Mark Lawrence Um... how long should the drunks' leashes be?

Susan Laratta How would you enforce people leaving them outside while they go into a restaurant, bar, etc on a hot day?

Antonia Jameson Jordan Yes, if they are on a short leash and the owners clean up after them.

Aleshia Akers Allergies, phobias, risk with young children, owners that don't clean up after them, or owners that don't think their dogs should follow the same boundaries as humans (no, I absolutely don't want your dog to lick or smell me)....a few reasons why they should not be allowed. I live on the commons. Pleaseeeeee don't.

Michael-Vincent Crea While I respect Ur own opinion, plz be informed vis-a-vis NYS service animal law, as fears & allergies are not a basis for denying equal access; there is room & respect for all.

[ https://ag.ny.gov/.../public.../service_animals_brochure.pdf ]

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs · Edited

Aleshia Akers Service animals are well behaved and a valid and legal exception. They don't strike fear as they tend to not bark or bother other humans.

Riz M McCuniverse On a leash? YUP! With poop bags around so "bad dog citizens" have no excuse not to clean up? YEA

Leslie Detwiler Setlock Could someone help me understand why the issues such as allergies, phobias, irresponsible owners, etc are different on the Commons vs any street? I'm not arguing that they aren't real and valid reasons to not love dogs being around, but what is the di...See More

Aleshia Akers I have these concerns on the sidewalk too, but dogs are currently banned on the commons (especially off leash) and it'd be nice to keep it that way.

Leslie Detwiler Setlock So it's more a matter of having a safe space and wanting to keep it that way? I can see that.

Meredith Zaslowe DePol No! I like that my kids are no longer playing on a commons playground covered in dog pee.

K Alice Wood Fox Leashed, sure.

Christina Dravis Yes! Many of us who would like to enjoy the Commons with our pups are responsible and will ensure they don't misbehave.

Allison M. Myers Yes, with the requirement that they be on leashes of no more than six feet at all times (no flexi-leashes) and that owners carry pick-up bags (and prove it if requested) and immediately bag any excrement and dispose of it in the available trash containers. And no dogs in the play area.

Like · Reply · 4 · 14 hrs · Edited

Gay Nicholson Yes, on leash. Provide compostable poop bags and disposal bins.

Mary Berry No because the hot pavement can burn their paws. Will you have doggie poop bags available also? Where does the poop go??? I'm a dog owner and don't see it as a good idea. Too close walking quarters too.😂

Maria DiFrancesco Good point. There is a space issue to consider, and during a festival weekend, it could be bad for people and animals.

Shera D'Elia Yes. On leash. Come on... this is Ithaca!

HappyHeidi Ann I miss the old commons

Jass O'Brady Yes, allow them. If certain dogs/owners are abusing the privilege the downtown hospitality ambassadors can make and maintain a black list.

Ellen Mary And enforce that how?!?

Marcia Potter Horn No, I'm sorry but that is not the place for dogs. Not all dog owners are responsible and to assume that is silly. Small children are on the commons playing and you are never sure how animals will react when confronted with children or other animals. I like dogs, we have dogs but large community spaces aren't the place.

Shirley Kane No no no and no.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, meme and text

Terry L Rose Not during any events, but for day to day use yes.. And let the officers that are down there all the time issue tickets if you dont clean up

Beth Anne Lynch Omg have any of you "no" people been anywhere else? Dogs usually aren't banned from downtown areas.

Colleen Maher YES. My dog is way more well behaved than most kids

Like · Reply · 3 · 13 hrs · Edited

Roxann Winfield If people would clean up after them.

There are some people in the Binghamton area do not clean up after them.

It ruins the ability to allow children to run around....See More

Teresa Viza No. They pee where ever. More outdoor restaurant/bar seating, please.

Susan Greener I LOOOOVE dogs, I volunteer at SPCA, have had dogs all my life, but see no need for dogs to be everywhere in pubic. Some people are very frightened, children can be unknowing about how to approach a dog. Most of all, dog "parents" are not always attentive and respectful. I vote "no." But thanks for asking.

Sara Ferguson I'm a dog lover, and I agree with Christine Brouwer Hinman. There are problems already with dogs off leash in downtown neighborhoods. It's not safe for small children, the elderly, or other dogs.

Maria DiFrancesco Yes, but if your dog poops, you need to pick it up and dispose of it. And no dogs should be off leash.

Kim Engelhart Yes, with some common sense regulations.

Lynda Thompson No please dont, no green space, owners that won't clean up after them, not fair shop owners to tell people that can't brung them in. The stains and other stuff that would get left be hind would be a nightmare to clean up. One more thing for the DUA to have to take care ofg

Susan Greener Stupid me,,,I wasn't even thinking about the hot pavement for the dogs. Bringing dogs to crowded festivals is the biggest NO.

Peter Bury Not if they smoke...

Jessica English Yes!!! On leash and with poop bag stations. I bring my pup to work with me on the Commons and I love having her there.

Christopher G. Carey On a leash, sure. Clean up after them, of course. Some shops friendly to pooches, their choice.

Cindy Massicci Yes. On leash. Owners clean up after. Drop bins and plastic bags a good idea.

Reese Cainobelle Most likely, these dog owners will want to bring their dogs in to the businesses on the commons too. I vote no as well.

Cindy Massicci At least think about a six month trial period allowing them......

Lisa Wheeler No. Definitely no.

Lori Yelensky yes YES AND YES

Jacqueline Mayer Puleo Yes please.

Dominique Pastorello YES. Dogs are generally less of an issue than people. I don't support them being banned from any area.

Taylor Benson I agree with this young lady who never checks in with her friends

Arne van Leuken Yes-I live downtown and more than once I've been walking my dog , thought of something I wanted to grab on the Commons,and then turned around because I forgot I had my dog with me. It's just one more strike against the commons. Anywhere else I can leave my dog outside while I go into a store.

Like · Reply · 4 · 13 hrs · Edited

Cathy Nahimana Yes! Dogs are people too!

Jenna Kendall No, it really isn't fair to the dogs. Owners drag them down there during overcrowded events and it is super stressful for them.

They are better than most of the people

Of course every dog's human should clean up after their dog and ill behaved dogs should have their humans banned (since it is their fault the dog is not well trained and socialized)

Cheryl Ann Peter Yes on leash ONLY! and have a huge fine for not picking u p after the dogs..

Aria Camaione-Lind Leslie LaMontagne Camaione

Susannah Krysko Reese Nicole!!!! Wah?! Just kidding I know where your coming from, but could their be an exception for cute wiener dogs?!

Nicole Dauria I'm sorry no exceptions unless you wear your dog!

Traci Nathans-Kelly Nope. People don't clean up poop.

Robert G. Vantine Yes, they should have the same opportunity to step on drug needles and use all the facilities on the Commons, provided they can find barking...uhm, parking.

Tom Myers Ithaca needs more public spaces that are dog free. Many people have allergies, anxiety around animals and face it... no one is cleaning up after fido pees. What is the walking surface of the Commons?

Emma Miller Yes yes yes!!! I would much rather have a Commons full of dogs than people.

Lana Lupo on leashes yes. Muzzles for the aggressive dogs too.

Joe Delia How is this even a question?

Casey Morgan Of course. And cite people if they don't clean up after them or if they allow them to get out of control. My dog is better behaved than most people.

Russ Manley Jr. Allow dogs, not their owners :)

Laura Moulton where will they poop? what if its not cleaned up? what if it is cleaned up but leaves a sloppy mess. I beleive dogs should be allowed in Stewart park ( so much goose poop ) but not on the concrete of the commons. Not to mention the concrete gets hot there is no breeze. so hot and no place to poop.

Carole Cotts More dogs less herion

Robin Springer I live near the beautiful city of Athens, GA. We go to a lovely little restaurant with shady, breezy outdoor seating and - they allow dogs to be in the eating area. So far we have been lucky and we haven't encountered any dogs there, but I will say tha...See More

Colby McCartney Yes on a leash

Talia Jean Weindling YES, leash or no leash!

Colleen McLinn Sure, why not

Laura Wheeler Yes, why not? I thought Ithaca was all about being liberal? As long as owners clean up just like they all ready do in all towns if you walk your down a side walk or park.🐕

Jeff Pelto Who will be responsible for cleaning up after these dogs? And who will enforce? Animal control? Who will make sure these dogs have their shots and are licensed?

Damian Arthur Carr Personally I can't stand dogs. They are filthy beasts.. I'm from Ithaca but i now live in Portland, one of t he most dog-friendly cities in the US. People bring their dogs on the train, to the grocery store, to their doctor's office. I've never had any problems with it.

Laura Wheeler The commons is just a quick walk through I don't think owners would on purpose have there dogs poop right in the middle. I have seen worse gross things there. Such a silly question.

Rob Bernard What a horrible idea.

Adam Brumberg Yes 800 times.

Kit Sturgeon Slightly off-topic, but how about cars? #MAGA!

John H. Stevens Wait, dogs aren't allowed on the Commons? That does not jibe with what I see most days.

Deep Patel Definitely not. There are people like me who are deathly afraid of them

Jean Petty Foley Yes! On leash with poop bag dispensers.

Joe Homza If you can figure out the enforcement of rules. I wouldn't want to have to walk staring down to avoid poo or have my dog getting attacked by the dogs of bad owners.

Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs · Edited

Renata Wadsworth I don't think we'd have more dogs on the commons than we have anywhere else downtown if you lifted the dog ban on the commons. But it is true that dogs and their owners might linger longer on the commons than in other places because it's designed as a ...See More

Amanda Anne Abernathy YES

Deen KC Of course, dogs have the capacity of 2 year olds... so if we let kids, we should let dogs 😁

Charisse Oates Absolutely. On leash, of course. And there should be poop bags nearby.

Kristie Anderson Yes! One of the reasons I generally avoid the Commons is because I can't bring my dogs with me. So many places in Ithaca are dog friendly. I've always thought it a shame that the Commons are not.

Danielle Bates Yes to dogs, yes to ample poop bag stations!

Michael Allinger Short answer, no. Long answer, see Gay L Huddle s comments. I agree with her reasons.

Binta Wold Totally! And while you're at it, legalize ducks and chickens in Ithaca!

Ellie O'Connor Yes, but on a six foot leash max- no flexi-leashes

Katherine Lockwood Yes, on leashes (NOT the retractable ones), with owners carrying their own poop bags, and stringent ticketing for infractions. Also, no leaving your dog tied up unattended outside stores. This invites trouble. Stores (except where health laws restrict it) should make their own rules about dogs being allowed in.

Justine Francis Absolutely with dog poop trash cans !!!

Megan O'Keefe The commons Is like two blocks long....I doubt dog owners are just going to wait until that exact moment for their dog to go to the bathroom. It's really not a big deal. Drunk college kids are far more disruptive and we haven't banned them yet.

Like · Reply · 5 · 11 hrs · Edited

Rachel Carson is that even a question

Tammy Vyskocil-Koeberle Absolutely! dog friendly towns are the best (Cooperstown, Saratoga, to name a few).

Troy Yaeger You have people begging for your money, a place for people to shoot up, and other "stuff" going on at the commons! Those of you who say no dogs.....really? That is the least of the issues on the commons! I'd rather have to walk around a dog than the people pan handling for money!

Steve Hugo Yes! Hundreds of people walk their dogs every day probably twice a day. Imagine that foot traffic and window shoppers. 6 times the foot traffic per person. 😉

Sareanda Marlè Lourdes fuck yeah! woof! 🐕

Maureen Fessenden Coats Yes!

Kathleen Tucker "Out of Towners" come here with their pets and know nothing about the pet ban on the Commons.

Kameron Eddy on a leash, for sure!

Sarah McDonald Ryan Vega yes!!!

Sophie Sidhu Yes, but with bag stations and clean-up enforcement!

Robert Superior Are you volunteering to be cleanup enforcement?

Eva Smith Ithaca PD + fines for non-scoopers could pay for itself!

Chris Monroe YES! Two poop-bag stations, and you're good to go.

Chris Cowan yup. leashes and poop bags. encourage people to be there

Violet Goncarovs Yes! With provided poop bags and leash enforcement, I think it could work well. I know when I walk my dog, I window shop and the Commons needs as much foot traffic as it can get.

Christine Tanner Fournier They're already there every time I go.

Matt Carcella-Sweet Absolutely!

James Boring YYYEEESSSS!!!!!

Melody Johnson NO! Bags of dog feces detract from the Commons, some people are deathly afraid of dogs, leashed or not, based on childhood experiences.

Eileen Hagerty As long as the owners clean up after their dogs and the dogs are on leash.

Alesha Alvarez I prefer not. But it looks like an overwhelming yes. I worry because my son is very frightened of dogs and we love the commons.

Joe Sammons I own two dogs, love them to pieces, and at Challenge Workforce Solutions, we welcome dogs to work ... but I'm not so sure I'd be in favor of dog, cat or rooster bedlam on the Commons. It's a public place where the rules governing public safety and decorum aren't likely to be followed or enforced evenly ... I'm totally in favor of artistic bedlam -- lets bring back more public art and call it a day!!

Kristen Frey Stucky Yes! With responsible dog owners. Yes!

Rebecca James Yes! I'm not a dog owner at the moment but enjoyed Burlington, Vt's more laid back approach to dogs on their version of The Commons.

No automatic alt text available.

Gin Twin ouch.... I love dogs....but them on the commons would be a disaster

Natasha Thompson Definitely. Just make sure you have bags and bins for poop easily available and marked to meet accessibility standards.

Meghan Raboin Fouracre They are having a hard time keeping up with this at the dog park...

Dale Glasser That is because the dog park is run by volunteers. On the Commons I assume city workers would replace bags in holders.

Mason Speed No. Absolutely not. There are many people with an irrational yet legit fear of dogs and you would be destroying a known safe space.. secondly people do not pick up after their dogs. I love dogs. I really do. We have one ourselves but we are fearful of...See More

Kimberly Kristen Muse What safe space. We're installing a "safe injection site" for drug addicts next to a playground.

Olus Boratav off course yes, what kind of a question is this?

Ellie Biddle Yes, on leash of course, but yes.

Amy Lynne I live in Syracuse and visited Ithaca last week. I brought my dog with me and we had a lovely walk about town including the commons. Had no idea until seeing comments here that there is a dog ban on the commons. Makes no sense! Responsible dog owners with well behaved dogs should definitely be allowed!

Robert Superior That's interesting. Are you volunteering to decide who is responsible and who isn't? Just curious!

Amy Lynne Not volunteering for anything. Just won't come to Ithaca anymore.

Ritter Dengel During the summer i would say yes due the massive heat waves that hit Ithaca and keeping dogs in cars while people even do window shopping is a cruel thing to do, However with dogs being allowed on the commons people would be allowed to bring their dog...See More

Robert Superior Allow dogs due to heat waves? Because people will leave their dogs in cars? I am not convinced by the argument.

Meghan Raboin Fouracre Not on the commons, you would have to up law enforcement on off lead dogs and defecation issues. Poop trash bins would overflow with regular trash and it would be a huge mess. I'm and a super dog person and there are many places to go that the commons is not necessary. Opening up Stewart park to dogs great idea but big NO on the commons from me.

Argus Every time you ask this most people say yes and then someone concern trolls about allergies and phobias and such and then the whole thing gets shut down. Of course yes. It's a public street.

Dale Glasser Yes! I don't shop anymore on the Commons because of that. I had my three pound dog in a "snugli" carrier under my jacket (you could only see her face) and a police officer told me that dogs weren't allowed. That was the last time I shopped on the Commons! Ithaca used to be a much more dog-friendly town.

Barbara Smith Yes, and trikes.

Cora Yao Please do not allow dogs on the commons.

Hannah Rose Gignoux Erin Marie

Hannah Rose Gignoux Erin open your door it's lockes

Karyn Young Absolutely - most cities have dog friendly downtown shops with water bowls and treats for dogs. It always puzzled me that the atmosphere in Ithaca didn't support this?

Jennifer Wills I can't believe I'm saying this but I honestly have to say no. I have 2 dogs and am a huge dog/animal lover but I can see disaster striking if this is allowed. Especially at busy times with children. Makes me nervous. Seems unfair to people who are uncomfortable around dogs and irresponsible to put dogs in a potentially stressful situation where they may act out of character.

Like · Reply · 10 · 9 hrs · Edited

William Kay No. It would be nice and convenient but so many attendent issues, as mentioned, waste, unfriendly or unrestrained dogs, people with fears or allergies, ECT. Nice to keep the commons welcoming to everyone at the expense of the ability to have dogs. There are plenty of wonderful places downtown where dogs are welcome.

Captainh Andthe Rapalas Why? What is the draw to have dogs on the Commons? It's tough enough on a dog to live in the city in my humble opinion, I know some owners do a great job and others well........" Go shit in the fountain Spot!" Why again?

Monica Weimer Yes but we should also provide doggie bags and proper receptacles.

Isobel Duncan Yes! I am college student and seeing dogs in the commons brings me much joy.

Alex Campbell-Diehl Yes! Lucy Karlin It is not the government's job to ban dogs and deprive me of happiness

Alex Campbell-Diehl Hannah Simmerman

Robert Superior Please, no. Pretty please? With sugar on top? The dogs are bad enough but dog owners are like smokers - taking up all of the space and saying that you are the problem. Ok, the dog owners won't like that. So, consider that if you're allowing dogs you're allowing any dog and any dog owner - no matter how untrained either may be. It is a great harm to the community. Please, oh please, no. Never. Ever. Please.

Karla Kesel Yes,fine them if they don't clean up after their dog


Karen Rodriguez Yes. On leash.

Julie Mulks Selman No thank you. I don't want to worry about tripping over said dog or leash.

Robert Superior And... Why keep bringing the same question up? You're hoping that people have changed their minds and will agree to this now? Or you're asking because the dog owners keep bugging you? Yeah. You have to do the democracy thing. I hear you. And part of that is that sometimes you have to make the announcements that some rabid supporters don't want to hear. And dogs in the commons... It's just a bad idea...

Ellen McCollister Please no. Ithacans aren't always very considerate about cleaning up after their dogs or keeping them on a leash, despite the laws. And if merchants are supposed to benefit, what are the dogs going to do while their owners are allegedly shopping?

Meghan Raboin Fouracre Exactly

Brenda Marston Yes and bring back parking meters :-)

Valerie Evans No, and I have a dog. The commons is for everyone and toddlers are in that group and I remember my toddler almost getting hit by someone's cigarette 13 years ago. Dogs and toddlers would be a disaster. Plus, who will clean up after the dogs?

Chris Ploss Yes, it's really no different than a sidewalk/park. Penalties for failing to clean up should also be strictly enforced.

Mariabeth Andrews I thought they were already allowed on The Commons since I see them there everyday. Also did the City start allowing people to smoke on The Commons again or was that never a rule?

Ducson Nguyen I don't even like most dogs. all the way. But it's time to lift the ban. If you agree, speak out at the June 21 City Administration Committee meeting. Or email us at council@cityofithaca.org😺

Kristopher Buchan Look at that face and tell me that.

Anika Nfr-Ka Ma'at Daniels-Osaze

Anika Nfr-Ka Ma'at Daniels-Osaze No!

Daniel Urda Of course they should. The commons is no different than any other park dogs are allowed in and the concerns of people not picking up after their dogs are totally overblown. The Ithaca dog park is always well kept and is a great example of how responsib...See More

Lara Green Damn. This thread is a very deep rabbit hole and my only clear takeaway is that conversations about dogs in a common area elicit more powerful reactions than most of our mayor's posts, (about the opioid epidemic or the housing crisis) and that folks ar...See More

Patty Sipman Yes on leash w free poop bags. Need poop bag dispensers. Raise fee for licensing dogs then make commons dog friendly w poop bag dispensers.

Kenda-lee Anne Hice More dogs & less opioids and heroin is my vote fur sher.

Tammy Travis Yes! On a short leash though. P

Teresa Wagner Bulatek No, for many of the reasons already stated.

Image may contain: dog and hat

Kimberly Kristen Muse Anyone can go online and register their dog as 'therapy' or 'service' which makes them able to legally be allowed anywhere. If we are to allow dogs on the commons (which, btw, many shop owners ON THE COMMONS let their dogs roam freely so this doesn't e...See More

Shelley Blackler Actually, only service dogs are legal to go anywhere. They are replacing a 'sense' that is damaged in their owner. Emotional support dogs are also service dogs.

Therapy dogs are licensed to comfort others. They do not get to be with their owner at all times.

Shelley Blackler I actually find Ithaca surprisingly dog-unfriendly. 😪

Rachael Behling Can we just open an actual bodega on the commons and have bodega cats named "cat"

Micah Noah Kraus Yes absolutely

Thomas Persun Yes I believe as dogs are on a leash and they have done their business prior to coming on the commons

Scott McCasland Only if all those cameras are used to prosecute people who don't clean up after their dog. Also, not on sunny summer days, the lack of shade and hot bricks are barely tolerable for humans and we are much better adapted to the heat. Better make sure the fountain water is potable too.

Jyl Dowd No: waste, unfriendly or unrestrained dogs, people with fears or allergies, ECT. Nice to keep the commons welcoming to everyone at the expense of the ability to have dogs. There are plenty of wonderful places downtown where dogs are welcome.

Caroline Byrne I'm on the fence, friend I'm with and also voting for says no way.

Lesli Sagan I'm fine with a 6 month trial. Really, it comes down to whether dog owners are responsible: will they clean waste, control the dogs properly, etc.? If so, fine. If not, then our town isn't ready for that.

Samantha Akers Yo I am so scared of dogs

Gary Edward Rith Please allow dogs on leash and enforce it and please enforce the no smoking rule.

Sandra Teeter Cook Definitely. Ithaca has lost a great deal of tourist business due to lack of being dog friendly. Surrounding towns benefit from our negative dog friendly rules and welcome dogs. Let's fix this once and for all.

Joyce E Leonard Yes, as long as owners are responsible and clean up after them.

Tyler Hawkins I didn't realize they were not allowed on the commons.

Tyler Hawkins Carytown in Richmond, Virginia has always reminded me of the Commons, except they are dog-friendly. Many stores allow leashed pets inside and employees give them treats and have water bowls at the door. The Commons is such a nice, low-stress area where...See More

Evan Stewart Eisenberg People take dogs on the commons ALL the time w / o hassle. FINES and TICKETS should be issued if the animal is off leash or relieve themselves.

Clint Swank What on the Commons could possibly interest a dog? Or a human, for that matter?

Mark Yowan Sure, people visit their children at Cornell and IC and sometimes bring their pets. When they are walking downtown it doesn't make sense to avoid the commons especially since you can have your dog on all the streets around the commons. Viva brings dog water bowls to customers that sit down with dogs.

Julia Cozzarelli Yes, on a leash

Melissa Hoffman No and we should have more dog parks:)🐶

Diane Hibbett Okay, aren't you on the commons to shop? If so, what will you do with your dog when you go into the store? The Commons is one street. Walk all you want downtown but just avoid the Commons. I am seeing more dogs in stores . if the shop owners will allow dogs so be it. Maybe that will bring people to the Commons.😍

Mariana Saavedra Perri Gerard-Little we were just talking about this!

Karen Bedell (Gwen) Sure. On leash. Put up 3 poop bag dispensers and disposal cans.

Shanna Moore Yes! Obviously, they should be leashed and owners should clean up after them.

Tressa Rae Heffron With rules, yes!

Ann Sullivan No. No. No. no. No.

Tim Larkin commons yes stores no

Maryrose Savino Yes on a leash, of course!

Angelika St.Laurent Yes. Leash and poop bag dispensers and a designated trash can would be nice.

Stephy Scaglione Yes with rules (no harm for injury to city owner risk) dog vaccines required, poop bag stations, and leash laws.

Eric Hambury On a leash and of course you gotta pick up da poo... but otherwise yes.

Gabriel Orgrease How about my donkey?

Ellen Mary https://tenor.co/vfQI.gif

Lauren Ryder maybe more people would know which stores are on the commons (especially those in the middle we can't see from the street) if they walked by them on their daily dog walks. OF COURSE dogs should be allowed. let's make it easy for everyone to experience ithaca in their daily outings and support local businesses. thanks for asking!

Jamal Wilson Mos def...leashed, poop disposals and a lil dog park where they can get together and hang with other dogs while their owners shop etc..lil a doggy daycare...and it will bring a grooming service to the commons and people will love it...

Emily Midge Doyle So I say no, but here's why. I love dogs, and I think they are great...BUT I think so many owners aren't thinking through how hard it is on their dog to be in such a high traffic area. So..that is all. It's nerve wracking for most dogs to be in what is kind of a building locked, non grassy, seemingly nowhere to go place.

Kristine Anderson Keller No i don't want to have to worry about my kids walking around d wanting to pet a dog that shouldn't be in a high traffic area or is not comfortable around kids or people in general - I really don't want to worry about me or my kids being attacked by a dog

Heidi Elizabeth YES. I've been to cities where dogs are allowed on similar types of shopping areas and it's great. A lot of the businesses keep water dishes outside and it's so sweet.

Jonny Tunnell if you've ever been bit severely or maybe even not... you'd not want this. IF ppl actually trained their animals to be decent i'd feel differently. its not the dogs i dont trust... its their ppl. allowing dogs on the commons is like putting a super expensive fountain in that a child could (and probably will) harm themselves...

David Shapiro Currently we don't allow smoking on the commons, but it happens. Whether or not we allow dogs on the commons is less important to me than what we do if established rules are violated.

Brynne Sigg I too love dogs, but my vote would be no. Reason being there are people who don't like to be around them or don't feel safe around them. There are plenty of places in Ithaca to take our dogs.

Liena Pulsts Yes, as long as they do their business prior to walking the area and if any accident the owners clean it up! People love doggies (me included) :) maybe a designated doggies grassy area too for that umm yeah. And as long as they are people and kid friendly!!!!

Robin Merilahti Please No, there are plenty of places you can take your dog in the city. Leave one area where no dogs are allowed. I know its hard for Ithacans to believe, but everyone does not loves dogs. They got Stewart Park, wasn't that enough?

Marilyn Thorpe Pettinga I believe that dogs would be okay on the Commons ... providing they are up to date on vaccinations and are on a leash. Water dishes are a great idea, Heidi Elizabeth ... as are poop receptacles, Betsy Herrington. I also think the playground area should be unavailable to dogs to prevent unfortunate interactions between dogs and kids.

Shannon Dence Phillips Why would you want to take your dog to the Commons? There is no shade, and the hot ground hurts their paws. Besides, i wouldn't want a dog to step on a heroin needle. :(

Alison Tarplee Coluccio It would definitely increase my traffic on the Commons. There have been a significant number of events that I've had to pass on because at the end of the workday, walking the dog has to be my priority. So even if it's an event really important to me, I can't afford the dog-less time to come - but if she could come too, then we would be there!

Beezer Clapp No - I'm a dog lover and owner but the commons has not a single patch of grass or available tree for pee and such. It was not designed with dogs in mind. Think urine stank creep!

Gay L Huddle I'm a dog lover from way back........but, please, no dogs on the Commons.....too much trouble to maintain when people do not clean up after their animals and there will be those people.......so, my vote is no.

Lorraine Sinclaire yes, but with restrictions: leash and poop pickup laws... responsible adult human behavior if pooch needs leadership/discipline. i am a responsible dog owner, and this is just the regular day-to-day of life with a dog in an urban setting.

Vickie Clairmont Rogers No. I sat down there one afternoon with my grandkids while they played on the playground and watched several dogs (why were they there when they're not allowed) pee all over the jungle gym and the material underneath the playground. Kids play on that! It's disgusting and unhygienic and the arrogant dog owners don't care where their dogs go!

Peggy Carey On leash, yes and poop-bag stations, I agree. And then I think that stores can decide their own rules on if they want them in their stores. It would help businesses and traffic downtown!

Erica Schillbach There are cops on the commons on occasion. 90% of dog owners are smart enough to have their dog on a leash. Not a permit, a rule. If not followed, ticketed - but most pet owners are mindful.

Carol Mitchell Can they not chase the kids playing or jump on a running,please.last Year at a thurs.night concert poor dog in the middle of about150 people,dancing etc. He was getting very agitated.

Trisha Williams I dogs. That being said, not everyone does. The commons isn't a very large area. It seems a relatively confined space if there were many dog owners on the commons at one particular time. Also, you can't pick up urine.❤️

Jennifer Whitaker No. Too much risk. Risk of injury, risk of messes. People don't need any more reasons not to go to the commons. I won't go as much if that is allowed, for sure.

Nicole Zulu Like many have said, it may not be a dog friendly place, no shade, lots of traffic, no grass areas to relieve themselves. If so, strict leash and pick up policy needs to be in place that has actual enforcement (and not allowed in the playground area).

Chance Daugh As long as they're leashed and calm around people and other dogs, and as long as people pick up their messes. But I also know some people who are afraid of dogs so I am conflicted

Nicole Middleton No. People can't clean up after their animals as it is. Not to mention there are restaurants with outdoor dining... I don't want to be eating whilst someone's dog is making a movement.

Joy Thomas I'm not a dog person, and wouldn't be thrilled to have to contend with dog traffic on the Commons. If it were allowed, yes to strict enforcement of leash and cleanup policies.

Ethan Ritz yes, this is a class issue - it's difficult for homeless ppl with pets to keep them anywhere else but at their side for long periods of time; a ruling like this does more to exclude Ithaca's homeless population from public spaces than anyone else. good arguments for public space laws like these (also smoking, open can laws) being designed to do this in the first place...

Julia Melton YES! Most people just walk through with their dogs. There shouldn't be an issue with dogs chasing children as there is a leash law. I also understand the concern of cleaning up after them but it's all concrete! I don't know many dogs that do their busi...See More

Jessica Elkins Yes! Of course. Seriously they're everywhere else in town anyway. Rules will apply, but it will seem much more friendly a place for the many dog owners of Ithaca. Also consider allowing bicycles please. 😁

Lisa Kellmurray With strict leash and poop laws. I don't want to have dogs running around and I really don't want to have to be on the lookout for dog poo. But dogs on leashes with responsible owners are welcome.

George Ferrari we currently have rules on the Commons about smoking, dogs and bikes, for good reasons and yet everyday I see people not following those rules with very little enforcement, so I would say no as long as you have those rules but they must be enforced to ...See More

Tanya Pietila Case There is an upscale outdoor shopping area in my old neighborhood in Richmond, VA that is known for allowing dogs. Upscale stores (including Tiffany's) allows certain size breeds inside their stores (There is a "small, medium, large" dog sticker on each...See More

Tanya Pietila Case I will also add, Charlotteville's Downtown Mall in VA is also dog friendly and their thriving atmosphere was also a factor in the development of the "new" Commons, right? (I think they were both designed by the same person back in the day too... ) It's...See More

Helen Stride Yes, with guidelines. Probably leashes unless it's a tiny dog. I know some dogs do well off-leash but some people have had bad experiences with dogs so we should keep them in mind.

Stacey Murphy No, for all reasons mentioned here. Love dogs, but not the friendliest environment for them. Leash laws are ok but don't address agitation, peeing, not everyone being unafraid of dogs, etc. There are lots of friendlier-to-dog options around. And ticketing after a kid gets bitten doesn't really take away the being bit in the first place.

Skylar Davenport Yes!! The South Hill rec trail has a dog bag station to get bags to clean up after your pet. I think adding one of those at the ends of the commons would be great to help people make sure they clean up after their doggos.

Karen Edwards Check out the public health effect of dog poop in urban areas (whether it's scooped right away or left for someone to step in on their commute) - lots of research to consider alongside public opinion. Also maybe survey the residents of the commons separately. When they signed on to live there the signs said no dogs allowed. But if you're not going to enforce them, then what's the point of the rules?

Jeffrey Sorrell Yes..... BUT a lot of things need to be taken into consideration. As it is now whether allowed or not people still bring their dogs on the commons. Do a trial allowing only small dogs. However if the owner has been putting a muzzle on the dog before ha...See More

Elizabeth Bright No too many are not responsible and it's a problem enough on the streets people not cleaning up after them. Last summer I took my granddaughter down after they finished the playground there was a huge pile across the street on state right near the corner. No thanks.

Elizabeth Bright Another accident waiting to happen right along with the new fountain. Dogs will be in it then the kids. Kids chasing dogs slip and break their skull open. How much money does the city have for lawsuits.

Randi Millman-Brown Please no. No place to pee as someone mentioned. Sometimes people do not leash their dogs either and to me this is a bad idea. I personally do not want dogs coming sitting near me if I am eating outside.

Amelia Wood Seems like a lot of work....someone will have to monitor the heck out of people, and pick up the poop that some owners wouldn't. And with a playground on the commons, makes me a little nervous...

Wendy Wilcox Seems like a lot of oversight. I realistically wonder if the benefit would outweigh the costs. The isn't a constant police presence on the commons to ensure compliance. With the references to other questionable activities occurring on the commons, I wonder if that isn't example enough of how difficult it is to ensure everyone who uses this public space will adhere to a set of rules about dog ownership.

Carly Yarosz If we ban dogs, we should maybe think about banning people? I've definitely seen some come out of the bars-or not-and pee right there on the commons. Dogs are allowed everywhere surrounding the commons, how much of a difference is it making in people's lives for a two block radius dog-free zone? Doggy poo bag stations could be helpful maybe.

Lynne Saulsbury I'm a yes and no person. Responsible owners will clean up after their animals. I worry about the kids playing where a mess is left. So, signage, free bags/disposal containers and a willingness to ticket owners whenever necessary and I'm in. Oh and leashes at all times (again because of the kids).

Heather Dunbar People use their animals for self-expression and for extending their personal space. Lots of people feel cramped in their personal lives and use dogs to "take more" on their behalf. Many pet-owners are not reasonable in judging their animals appropria...See More

Heather Dunbar My dog has never been on the Commons and it has not impeded her personal style one whit: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154422262670646&set=pb.673965645.-2207520000.1495147512.&type=3&theater

A.C. Tierney This shouldn't even be a question! Yes of course we should. Dogs bring joy and happiness to everyone in their vicinity and are the purest creatures on this earth. Yes . Yes. 1000x's yes.

Andrejs Ozoliņš Yes, in ways that don't cause problems for others. Why are dogs prohibited, anyway? Were they once allowed and became impossibly problematic? Seems to me dogs under full owner control can be responsibly brought almost anywhere, hence commons should be ...See More

Michelle Nickerson Yes. AS long as leash laws are strictly enforced. as well as clean up regulations strictly enforced. It's never made sense to me that a dog owner can walk their dog through all of Ithaca and even inside many stores but they must avoid the commons. Even back when there was the dog groomer/store at the end!

Christine M Uliassi Or move the toddler playground...while not all dog owners fall into this category, there are some dog owners with no respect for the safety/space of young children. Saying "my dog loves kids" as your dog runs over to lick a child's face is not okay. Even with leash laws, solid no.

Vicki Taylor Brous I guess it depends also on whether or not you want the dog-friendly market to visit and spend in the area. http://www.discoverontariocalifornia.org/.../dog-tourism...

Steve Hedge I'm gonna say no...judging by the response, allowing dogs on the commons will turn into another dog park. Even if people are picking up poop, they're not hosing down pee. I could see it getting gross really quick.

Steve Hedge There are so many parks and other outdoor spaces available to us in this area that are far better designed to handle and entertain our 4 legged friends...take your dog to a park...with grass...

Lexa Newman Fisher How can that be enforced though-is there enough police to be stationed on The Commons just for the purpose of writing tickets for irresponsible dog owners?

Gail Zussman Mixed feelings As long as they are well taken care and not running loose - there are people who are uncomfortable around dogs and I believe we need to honor that - though my inclination is no

Lexa Newman Fisher The only thing that is bad about allowing dogs on The Commons is the random accident when the dog slips his collar, and jumps all over a kid at the play area . . . Or worse.

But at the same time I do forsee urination being a problem. Dogs will be forced to urinate on concrete due to the lack of grass and soil. This is not easily cleaned up and will be left to dry. Once urine starts getting tracked into stores with carpet flooring by foot traffic, businesses will begin to complain when the odor becomes noticeable. ...See More

Daniel Keough I've been bitten and been around several owners that just didn't care to control their animals. For the average person using the Commons, including residents as well as tourists, students families visiting, there is no benefit.

Kyra Marsigliano I hope everyone is aware that even though the signs say dogs are not allowed, people walk their dogs all the time and no one I've seen ever confronts these people because the dogs have never caused an issue. We have the best vet school in the country and we ought to be a completely dog friendly city

Indigo SkiesandStars If we want to encourage a diverse group of people and families in the area, I think accommodation for pets is in order. Maybe if there were waste receptacles and small scattered grass "islands" for dogs to do their business.Of course it's always up to the owners to follow public pet laws..

Mark H. Anbinder I love the grass "island" idea, but are there hardy grass breeds that stand up to constant "streams"? I know I've got a couple spots where the lawn's never growing back...

Linda Cimakasky My heart says "yes" (my labs would especially enjoy the new water feature!!) but my head says "no" for all the hundreds of reasons already mentioned here ( and the new water feature which could become a big doggy potty! Yuck)

Katie Daigneau Kelly No. Please no. I love dogs, and have fostered more than 25. Earlier commenters make good points that existing laws about no smoking and no bike riding on the Commons are already sparsely enforced. It seems like the only way to successfully have dogs on the Commons would be with lots of money/effort for poo bags and enforcement of clean up... is that really where we want our money going?

Steve Hedge But how many times do people realistically call people out in public for things like that? We're much more likely to cast a disapproving look and move on with our day rather than initiate confrontation.

Todd Herron Simply that local governments need to create ordinances that respectfully meet concerns of both human & animal w/o over regulating/taxing, which other well meaning communities have previously done

Kate Krueger Yes. I like walking my dogs, I like walking to The Commons, and I like being able to do both simultaneously. We need as many reasons as possible to encourage foot traffic downtown. If problems are insurmountable then ban them again.

Kimberly Noftell Yes. As long as their owners keep a grip. I was walking past viva not long ago and someone was walking their dog. The dog nipped my hand out of the blue. The owner said " are you okay, he never did that before". Luckily I wasn't hurt, but despite what owners may think - they cannot predict what an animal is capable of at all times.

Dylan Frysinger Tuttle Absolutely. Overregulation leads to sanitized-feeling public spaces. People have a tendency to police each other through simple social norms (#janejacobs). Allowing dogs will likely lead to more activity on the Commons with few negative consequences.

Jennifer Ruffing Think of a Manhattan street in high August. That's what the Commons will smell like. It's simply not dog friendly. There will be urine - everywhere, and not all poops can be picked up with no residue. I have dogs, and love dogs, but too many dogs in that area won't even be hygienic for other dogs.

Erica S Brath YES!!!!!!!!!! WTF Ithaca?!!? YES! (I say this with experience living in a place that had a long, brick-paved "commons"—Charlottesville, Va.—that always had many dogs walking or sitting with owners at outside tables ... and not once did I see dog waste....See More

Evan D. Williams I don't know why this is being reinterrogated after the DIA's extensive survey (80% of local residents are in favor). Common council was apparently unmoved by the clear public mandate. In my view the Commons is in its essence a pedestrian walkway and t...See More

Christopher Teitelbaum Nope. Dogs and leashes take up more room, forcing humans to move around them. They are great until they get into a fight with another dog and have an owner not equipped to deal with the situation. Imagine the uproar when a dog bites a kid near the ...See More

Dave Davies Seems perfect now: they are not allowed, but the rule is not enforced, so there's only a couple here and there, and the police don't have to be messing with it, unless there's a problem. My first instinct was to say yes, but imagine 50 or 100 dogs at once, especially if they're a jerk on the leash when there's other dogs around, like mine.

Michelle Nickerson Right but that's on the owner. You for instance know your dog can be a jerk on a leash. As a responsible dog owner I can only assume your good judgement would tell you not to bring your dog to the commons. While there are always people with poor judgement I do really think most pet owners are responsible enough.

Dave Davies That's what made me write that post. Walking on the commons with my dog is not fun, so I don't do it. Then I see a couple of dogs on leashes, "breaking the rule", but otherwise just fine, no crap anywhere, (at least I've seen) seems fine. Maybe I'm just avoiding another chapter in the Rule Book

San Soth Absolutely! As long as owners are aware that if you don't have a socially friendly dog, do not bring them around crowds of people and children. It is unfair to your dog to place them in a uncomfortable situation and irresponsible of you to create a hostile environment for everyone involved.

LaTawnya Furman Yes! Everybody does it anyway. Just make sure leash laws are enforced as well as clean up laws. They do make this clear coat type paint that can be sprayed on walls and what not that repel water, it could help with all of the pee concerns.

Marchele Seaton yes. I've seen many lovey pet and owner scenes on the commons. I walk there every day for exercise. Just came back and there was a young man and his dog loving on each other and all the passersby were smiling. I've even witness a woman with her cat on a leash. It makes for variety if one is sitting and eating and watching people. I wouldn't think you would want the commons to become too sterile.

Linda J West In Ca. Dogs are allowed almost everywhere,as long as they're well taken care of...on mother's day there were two dogs sitting under the owners tables at the restaurant..😎😀

Heather Dunbar How are you going to check for rabies, parvoviris, Brucella canis, canine parainfluenza, herpesvirus, distemper, Toxoplasma gondii and infectious hepatitis vaccinations? These diseases all are transmitted between dogs and some are transmitted to humans...See More

Peter D Bakija And yet people are free to walk dogs down public streets all the time, and these things no more or less an issue than they would be on the Commons. Why are they *more* of an issue on the Commons? Allowing people to walk dogs on the Commons is not turning the Commons into a wild pack hunting ground. It is turning the Commons into, well, pretty much every other street in town.

Ella Varn Noooope. dogs should be allowed to go through the commons, which at this point is pretty much how it goes, unless you turn bank alley into a dog zone". That way people can go get their food or whatever with their pet, but if they want to sit down and ...See More

Jon Reis Yes. On leash and well advertised rules about poop. Well behaved dogs make people smile and enjoy the IThaca Commons experience. Make Ithaca a Dog Friendly city.! for the sake of TCDOG - The Tompkins County Dog Owners Group

Aleshia Akers I'd prefer if people kept their dogs to themselves, not in a public shopping mall. There are designated outdoor areas elsewhere - and people don't even follow the poop rule in the dog park where bags and receptacles are provided...

Tammy Snyder I'm torn. On one hand I'd love to take my dogs for a walk on the commons, but there is not a place for them to relieve themselves. If store owners aren't open to dogs in their stores it would be pointless for me, and I suspect others, who aren't going ...See More

Heather Lynn Forbes I don't see why not, as long as they are on a leash. People just need to be responsible and held accountable for knowing their companion and how they behave around other people/children. If we keep trying to ban everything that's beautiful about Ithaca, such as wildlife and even domesticated animals, all we have left is Buildings.

Todd Kurzweil The primary Commons or secondary Commons or both. Time to get rid of the terms Primary and Secondary. Time to change those designations outlined in the ordinance. I'm in favor of dogs on the primary Commons

Josephine Cohen Nope. Unfortunately I think some dog owners are not responsible enough. It's not so much the dogs as it is their parents. I have to add, there are other places you can take your doggie, why is the commons so important...because you can't?💩 😔

Melisa Casano From what I've seen, you'd think they already were allowed :D But, yes, as long as they're on leashes (some people are genuinely freaked out by dogs and have panic attacks if even friendly ones come up to them).

Aleshia Akers Allergies, phobias, risk with young children, owners that don't clean up after them, or owners that don't think their dogs should follow the same boundaries as humans (no, I absolutely don't want your dog to lick or smell me)....a few reasons why they should not be allowed. I live on the commons. Pleaseeeeee don't.

Michael-Vincent Crea While I respect Ur own opinion, plz be informed vis-a-vis NYS service animal law, as fears & allergies are not a basis for denying equal access; there is room & respect for all.

Leslie Detwiler Setlock Could someone help me understand why the issues such as allergies, phobias, irresponsible owners, etc are different on the Commons vs any street? I'm not arguing that they aren't real and valid reasons to not love dogs being around, but what is the di...See More

Allison M. Myers Yes, with the requirement that they be on leashes of no more than six feet at all times (no flexi-leashes) and that owners carry pick-up bags (and prove it if requested) and immediately bag any excrement and dispose of it in the available trash containers. And no dogs in the play area.

Mary Berry No because the hot pavement can burn their paws. Will you have doggie poop bags available also? Where does the poop go??? I'm a dog owner and don't see it as a good idea. Too close walking quarters too.😂

Marcia Potter Horn No, I'm sorry but that is not the place for dogs. Not all dog owners are responsible and to assume that is silly. Small children are on the commons playing and you are never sure how animals will react when confronted with children or other animals. I like dogs, we have dogs but large community spaces aren't the place.

Susan Greener I LOOOOVE dogs, I volunteer at SPCA, have had dogs all my life, but see no need for dogs to be everywhere in pubic. Some people are very frightened, children can be unknowing about how to approach a dog. Most of all, dog "parents" are not always attentive and respectful. I vote "no." But thanks for asking.

Sara Ferguson I'm a dog lover, and I agree with Christine Brouwer Hinman. There are problems already with dogs off leash in downtown neighborhoods. It's not safe for small children, the elderly, or other dogs.

Lynda Thompson No please dont, no green space, owners that won't clean up after them, not fair shop owners to tell people that can't brung them in. The stains and other stuff that would get left be hind would be a nightmare to clean up. One more thing for the DUA to have to take care ofg

Arne van Leuken Yes-I live downtown and more than once I've been walking my dog , thought of something I wanted to grab on the Commons,and then turned around because I forgot I had my dog with me. It's just one more strike against the commons. Anywhere else I can leave my dog outside while I go into a store.

Of course every dog's human should clean up after their dog and ill behaved dogs should have their humans banned (since it is their fault the dog is not well trained and socialized)

Robert G. Vantine Yes, they should have the same opportunity to step on drug needles and use all the facilities on the Commons, provided they can find barking...uhm, parking.

Tom Myers Ithaca needs more public spaces that are dog free. Many people have allergies, anxiety around animals and face it... no one is cleaning up after fido pees. What is the walking surface of the Commons?

Laura Moulton where will they poop? what if its not cleaned up? what if it is cleaned up but leaves a sloppy mess. I beleive dogs should be allowed in Stewart park ( so much goose poop ) but not on the concrete of the commons. Not to mention the concrete gets hot there is no breeze. so hot and no place to poop.

Robin Springer I live near the beautiful city of Athens, GA. We go to a lovely little restaurant with shady, breezy outdoor seating and - they allow dogs to be in the eating area. So far we have been lucky and we haven't encountered any dogs there, but I will say tha...See More

Laura Wheeler Yes, why not? I thought Ithaca was all about being liberal? As long as owners clean up just like they all ready do in all towns if you walk your down a side walk or park.🐕

Damian Arthur Carr Personally I can't stand dogs. They are filthy beasts.. I'm from Ithaca but i now live in Portland, one of t he most dog-friendly cities in the US. People bring their dogs on the train, to the grocery store, to their doctor's office. I've never had any problems with it.

Laura Wheeler The commons is just a quick walk through I don't think owners would on purpose have there dogs poop right in the middle. I have seen worse gross things there. Such a silly question.

Joe Homza If you can figure out the enforcement of rules. I wouldn't want to have to walk staring down to avoid poo or have my dog getting attacked by the dogs of bad owners.

Renata Wadsworth I don't think we'd have more dogs on the commons than we have anywhere else downtown if you lifted the dog ban on the commons. But it is true that dogs and their owners might linger longer on the commons than in other places because it's designed as a ...See More

Kristie Anderson Yes! One of the reasons I generally avoid the Commons is because I can't bring my dogs with me. So many places in Ithaca are dog friendly. I've always thought it a shame that the Commons are not.

Katherine Lockwood Yes, on leashes (NOT the retractable ones), with owners carrying their own poop bags, and stringent ticketing for infractions. Also, no leaving your dog tied up unattended outside stores. This invites trouble. Stores (except where health laws restrict it) should make their own rules about dogs being allowed in.

Megan O'Keefe The commons Is like two blocks long....I doubt dog owners are just going to wait until that exact moment for their dog to go to the bathroom. It's really not a big deal. Drunk college kids are far more disruptive and we haven't banned them yet.

Troy Yaeger You have people begging for your money, a place for people to shoot up, and other "stuff" going on at the commons! Those of you who say no dogs.....really? That is the least of the issues on the commons! I'd rather have to walk around a dog than the people pan handling for money!

Violet Goncarovs Yes! With provided poop bags and leash enforcement, I think it could work well. I know when I walk my dog, I window shop and the Commons needs as much foot traffic as it can get.

Joe Sammons I own two dogs, love them to pieces, and at Challenge Workforce Solutions, we welcome dogs to work ... but I'm not so sure I'd be in favor of dog, cat or rooster bedlam on the Commons. It's a public place where the rules governing public safety and decorum aren't likely to be followed or enforced evenly ... I'm totally in favor of artistic bedlam -- lets bring back more public art and call it a day!!

Mason Speed No. Absolutely not. There are many people with an irrational yet legit fear of dogs and you would be destroying a known safe space.. secondly people do not pick up after their dogs. I love dogs. I really do. We have one ourselves but we are fearful of...See More

Amy Lynne I live in Syracuse and visited Ithaca last week. I brought my dog with me and we had a lovely walk about town including the commons. Had no idea until seeing comments here that there is a dog ban on the commons. Makes no sense! Responsible dog owners with well behaved dogs should definitely be allowed!

Ritter Dengel During the summer i would say yes due the massive heat waves that hit Ithaca and keeping dogs in cars while people even do window shopping is a cruel thing to do, However with dogs being allowed on the commons people would be allowed to bring their dog...See More

Meghan Raboin Fouracre Not on the commons, you would have to up law enforcement on off lead dogs and defecation issues. Poop trash bins would overflow with regular trash and it would be a huge mess. I'm and a super dog person and there are many places to go that the commons is not necessary. Opening up Stewart park to dogs great idea but big NO on the commons from me.

Argus Every time you ask this most people say yes and then someone concern trolls about allergies and phobias and such and then the whole thing gets shut down. Of course yes. It's a public street.

Dale Glasser Yes! I don't shop anymore on the Commons because of that. I had my three pound dog in a "snugli" carrier under my jacket (you could only see her face) and a police officer told me that dogs weren't allowed. That was the last time I shopped on the Commons! Ithaca used to be a much more dog-friendly town.

Karyn Young Absolutely - most cities have dog friendly downtown shops with water bowls and treats for dogs. It always puzzled me that the atmosphere in Ithaca didn't support this?

Jennifer Wills I can't believe I'm saying this but I honestly have to say no. I have 2 dogs and am a huge dog/animal lover but I can see disaster striking if this is allowed. Especially at busy times with children. Makes me nervous. Seems unfair to people who are uncomfortable around dogs and irresponsible to put dogs in a potentially stressful situation where they may act out of character.

William Kay No. It would be nice and convenient but so many attendent issues, as mentioned, waste, unfriendly or unrestrained dogs, people with fears or allergies, ECT. Nice to keep the commons welcoming to everyone at the expense of the ability to have dogs. There are plenty of wonderful places downtown where dogs are welcome.

Captainh Andthe Rapalas Why? What is the draw to have dogs on the Commons? It's tough enough on a dog to live in the city in my humble opinion, I know some owners do a great job and others well........" Go shit in the fountain Spot!" Why again?

Robert Superior Please, no. Pretty please? With sugar on top? The dogs are bad enough but dog owners are like smokers - taking up all of the space and saying that you are the problem. Ok, the dog owners won't like that. So, consider that if you're allowing dogs you're allowing any dog and any dog owner - no matter how untrained either may be. It is a great harm to the community. Please, oh please, no. Never. Ever. Please.

Robert Superior And... Why keep bringing the same question up? You're hoping that people have changed their minds and will agree to this now? Or you're asking because the dog owners keep bugging you? Yeah. You have to do the democracy thing. I hear you. And part of that is that sometimes you have to make the announcements that some rabid supporters don't want to hear. And dogs in the commons... It's just a bad idea...

Ellen McCollister Please no. Ithacans aren't always very considerate about cleaning up after their dogs or keeping them on a leash, despite the laws. And if merchants are supposed to benefit, what are the dogs going to do while their owners are allegedly shopping?

Valerie Evans No, and I have a dog. The commons is for everyone and toddlers are in that group and I remember my toddler almost getting hit by someone's cigarette 13 years ago. Dogs and toddlers would be a disaster. Plus, who will clean up after the dogs?

Mariabeth Andrews I thought they were already allowed on The Commons since I see them there everyday. Also did the City start allowing people to smoke on The Commons again or was that never a rule?

Ducson Nguyen I don't even like most dogs. all the way. But it's time to lift the ban. If you agree, speak out at the June 21 City Administration Committee meeting. Or email us at council@cityofithaca.org😺

Daniel Urda Of course they should. The commons is no different than any other park dogs are allowed in and the concerns of people not picking up after their dogs are totally overblown. The Ithaca dog park is always well kept and is a great example of how responsib...See More

Lara Green Damn. This thread is a very deep rabbit hole and my only clear takeaway is that conversations about dogs in a common area elicit more powerful reactions than most of our mayor's posts, (about the opioid epidemic or the housing crisis) and that folks ar...See More

Kimberly Kristen Muse Anyone can go online and register their dog as 'therapy' or 'service' which makes them able to legally be allowed anywhere. If we are to allow dogs on the commons (which, btw, many shop owners ON THE COMMONS let their dogs roam freely so this doesn't e...See More

Shelley Blackler Actually, only service dogs are legal to go anywhere. They are replacing a 'sense' that is damaged in their owner. Emotional support dogs are also service dogs.

Scott McCasland Only if all those cameras are used to prosecute people who don't clean up after their dog. Also, not on sunny summer days, the lack of shade and hot bricks are barely tolerable for humans and we are much better adapted to the heat. Better make sure the fountain water is potable too.

Jyl Dowd No: waste, unfriendly or unrestrained dogs, people with fears or allergies, ECT. Nice to keep the commons welcoming to everyone at the expense of the ability to have dogs. There are plenty of wonderful places downtown where dogs are welcome.

Lesli Sagan I'm fine with a 6 month trial. Really, it comes down to whether dog owners are responsible: will they clean waste, control the dogs properly, etc.? If so, fine. If not, then our town isn't ready for that.

Sandra Teeter Cook Definitely. Ithaca has lost a great deal of tourist business due to lack of being dog friendly. Surrounding towns benefit from our negative dog friendly rules and welcome dogs. Let's fix this once and for all.

Tyler Hawkins Carytown in Richmond, Virginia has always reminded me of the Commons, except they are dog-friendly. Many stores allow leashed pets inside and employees give them treats and have water bowls at the door. The Commons is such a nice, low-stress area where...See More

Mark Yowan Sure, people visit their children at Cornell and IC and sometimes bring their pets. When they are walking downtown it doesn't make sense to avoid the commons especially since you can have your dog on all the streets around the commons. Viva brings dog water bowls to customers that sit down with dogs.

Diane Hibbett Okay, aren't you on the commons to shop? If so, what will you do with your dog when you go into the store? The Commons is one street. Walk all you want downtown but just avoid the Commons. I am seeing more dogs in stores . if the shop owners will allow dogs so be it. Maybe that will bring people to the Commons.😍

Lauren Ryder maybe more people would know which stores are on the commons (especially those in the middle we can't see from the street) if they walked by them on their daily dog walks. OF COURSE dogs should be allowed. let's make it easy for everyone to experience ithaca in their daily outings and support local businesses. thanks for asking!

Emily Midge Doyle So I say no, but here's why. I love dogs, and I think they are great...BUT I think so many owners aren't thinking through how hard it is on their dog to be in such a high traffic area. So..that is all. It's nerve wracking for most dogs to be in what is kind of a building locked, non grassy, seemingly nowhere to go place.

Kristine Anderson Keller No i don't want to have to worry about my kids walking around d wanting to pet a dog that shouldn't be in a high traffic area or is not comfortable around kids or people in general - I really don't want to worry about me or my kids being attacked by a dog

Jonny Tunnell if you've ever been bit severely or maybe even not... you'd not want this. IF ppl actually trained their animals to be decent i'd feel differently. its not the dogs i dont trust... its their ppl. allowing dogs on the commons is like putting a super expensive fountain in that a child could (and probably will) harm themselves...

Liena Pulsts Yes, as long as they do their business prior to walking the area and if any accident the owners clean it up! People love doggies (me included) :) maybe a designated doggies grassy area too for that umm yeah. And as long as they are people and kid friendly!!!!

Marilyn Thorpe Pettinga I believe that dogs would be okay on the Commons ... providing they are up to date on vaccinations and are on a leash. Water dishes are a great idea, Heidi Elizabeth ... as are poop receptacles, Betsy Herrington. I also think the playground area should be unavailable to dogs to prevent unfortunate interactions between dogs and kids.

Alison Tarplee Coluccio It would definitely increase my traffic on the Commons. There have been a significant number of events that I've had to pass on because at the end of the workday, walking the dog has to be my priority. So even if it's an event really important to me, I can't afford the dog-less time to come - but if she could come too, then we would be there!

Vickie Clairmont Rogers No. I sat down there one afternoon with my grandkids while they played on the playground and watched several dogs (why were they there when they're not allowed) pee all over the jungle gym and the material underneath the playground. Kids play on that! It's disgusting and unhygienic and the arrogant dog owners don't care where their dogs go!

Ethan Ritz yes, this is a class issue - it's difficult for homeless ppl with pets to keep them anywhere else but at their side for long periods of time; a ruling like this does more to exclude Ithaca's homeless population from public spaces than anyone else. good arguments for public space laws like these (also smoking, open can laws) being designed to do this in the first place...

Julia Melton YES! Most people just walk through with their dogs. There shouldn't be an issue with dogs chasing children as there is a leash law. I also understand the concern of cleaning up after them but it's all concrete! I don't know many dogs that do their busi...See More

George Ferrari we currently have rules on the Commons about smoking, dogs and bikes, for good reasons and yet everyday I see people not following those rules with very little enforcement, so I would say no as long as you have those rules but they must be enforced to ...See More

Tanya Pietila Case There is an upscale outdoor shopping area in my old neighborhood in Richmond, VA that is known for allowing dogs. Upscale stores (including Tiffany's) allows certain size breeds inside their stores (There is a "small, medium, large" dog sticker on each...See More

Tanya Pietila Case I will also add, Charlotteville's Downtown Mall in VA is also dog friendly and their thriving atmosphere was also a factor in the development of the "new" Commons, right? (I think they were both designed by the same person back in the day too... ) It's...See More

Stacey Murphy No, for all reasons mentioned here. Love dogs, but not the friendliest environment for them. Leash laws are ok but don't address agitation, peeing, not everyone being unafraid of dogs, etc. There are lots of friendlier-to-dog options around. And ticketing after a kid gets bitten doesn't really take away the being bit in the first place.

Karen Edwards Check out the public health effect of dog poop in urban areas (whether it's scooped right away or left for someone to step in on their commute) - lots of research to consider alongside public opinion. Also maybe survey the residents of the commons separately. When they signed on to live there the signs said no dogs allowed. But if you're not going to enforce them, then what's the point of the rules?

Jeffrey Sorrell Yes..... BUT a lot of things need to be taken into consideration. As it is now whether allowed or not people still bring their dogs on the commons. Do a trial allowing only small dogs. However if the owner has been putting a muzzle on the dog before ha...See More

Elizabeth Bright No too many are not responsible and it's a problem enough on the streets people not cleaning up after them. Last summer I took my granddaughter down after they finished the playground there was a huge pile across the street on state right near the corner. No thanks.

Wendy Wilcox Seems like a lot of oversight. I realistically wonder if the benefit would outweigh the costs. The isn't a constant police presence on the commons to ensure compliance. With the references to other questionable activities occurring on the commons, I wonder if that isn't example enough of how difficult it is to ensure everyone who uses this public space will adhere to a set of rules about dog ownership.

Carly Yarosz If we ban dogs, we should maybe think about banning people? I've definitely seen some come out of the bars-or not-and pee right there on the commons. Dogs are allowed everywhere surrounding the commons, how much of a difference is it making in people's lives for a two block radius dog-free zone? Doggy poo bag stations could be helpful maybe.

Lynne Saulsbury I'm a yes and no person. Responsible owners will clean up after their animals. I worry about the kids playing where a mess is left. So, signage, free bags/disposal containers and a willingness to ticket owners whenever necessary and I'm in. Oh and leashes at all times (again because of the kids).

Heather Dunbar People use their animals for self-expression and for extending their personal space. Lots of people feel cramped in their personal lives and use dogs to "take more" on their behalf. Many pet-owners are not reasonable in judging their animals appropria...See More

Andrejs Ozoliņš Yes, in ways that don't cause problems for others. Why are dogs prohibited, anyway? Were they once allowed and became impossibly problematic? Seems to me dogs under full owner control can be responsibly brought almost anywhere, hence commons should be ...See More

Michelle Nickerson Yes. AS long as leash laws are strictly enforced. as well as clean up regulations strictly enforced. It's never made sense to me that a dog owner can walk their dog through all of Ithaca and even inside many stores but they must avoid the commons. Even back when there was the dog groomer/store at the end!

Christine M Uliassi Or move the toddler playground...while not all dog owners fall into this category, there are some dog owners with no respect for the safety/space of young children. Saying "my dog loves kids" as your dog runs over to lick a child's face is not okay. Even with leash laws, solid no.

But at the same time I do forsee urination being a problem. Dogs will be forced to urinate on concrete due to the lack of grass and soil. This is not easily cleaned up and will be left to dry. Once urine starts getting tracked into stores with carpet flooring by foot traffic, businesses will begin to complain when the odor becomes noticeable. ...See More

Kyra Marsigliano I hope everyone is aware that even though the signs say dogs are not allowed, people walk their dogs all the time and no one I've seen ever confronts these people because the dogs have never caused an issue. We have the best vet school in the country and we ought to be a completely dog friendly city

Indigo SkiesandStars If we want to encourage a diverse group of people and families in the area, I think accommodation for pets is in order. Maybe if there were waste receptacles and small scattered grass "islands" for dogs to do their business.Of course it's always up to the owners to follow public pet laws..

Katie Daigneau Kelly No. Please no. I love dogs, and have fostered more than 25. Earlier commenters make good points that existing laws about no smoking and no bike riding on the Commons are already sparsely enforced. It seems like the only way to successfully have dogs on the Commons would be with lots of money/effort for poo bags and enforcement of clean up... is that really where we want our money going?

Kimberly Noftell Yes. As long as their owners keep a grip. I was walking past viva not long ago and someone was walking their dog. The dog nipped my hand out of the blue. The owner said " are you okay, he never did that before". Luckily I wasn't hurt, but despite what owners may think - they cannot predict what an animal is capable of at all times.

Dylan Frysinger Tuttle Absolutely. Overregulation leads to sanitized-feeling public spaces. People have a tendency to police each other through simple social norms (#janejacobs). Allowing dogs will likely lead to more activity on the Commons with few negative consequences.

Jennifer Ruffing Think of a Manhattan street in high August. That's what the Commons will smell like. It's simply not dog friendly. There will be urine - everywhere, and not all poops can be picked up with no residue. I have dogs, and love dogs, but too many dogs in that area won't even be hygienic for other dogs.

Erica S Brath YES!!!!!!!!!! WTF Ithaca?!!? YES! (I say this with experience living in a place that had a long, brick-paved "commons"—Charlottesville, Va.—that always had many dogs walking or sitting with owners at outside tables ... and not once did I see dog waste....See More

Evan D. Williams I don't know why this is being reinterrogated after the DIA's extensive survey (80% of local residents are in favor). Common council was apparently unmoved by the clear public mandate. In my view the Commons is in its essence a pedestrian walkway and t...See More

Christopher Teitelbaum Nope. Dogs and leashes take up more room, forcing humans to move around them. They are great until they get into a fight with another dog and have an owner not equipped to deal with the situation. Imagine the uproar when a dog bites a kid near the ...See More

Dave Davies Seems perfect now: they are not allowed, but the rule is not enforced, so there's only a couple here and there, and the police don't have to be messing with it, unless there's a problem. My first instinct was to say yes, but imagine 50 or 100 dogs at once, especially if they're a jerk on the leash when there's other dogs around, like mine.

Michelle Nickerson Right but that's on the owner. You for instance know your dog can be a jerk on a leash. As a responsible dog owner I can only assume your good judgement would tell you not to bring your dog to the commons. While there are always people with poor judgement I do really think most pet owners are responsible enough.

Dave Davies That's what made me write that post. Walking on the commons with my dog is not fun, so I don't do it. Then I see a couple of dogs on leashes, "breaking the rule", but otherwise just fine, no crap anywhere, (at least I've seen) seems fine. Maybe I'm just avoiding another chapter in the Rule Book

San Soth Absolutely! As long as owners are aware that if you don't have a socially friendly dog, do not bring them around crowds of people and children. It is unfair to your dog to place them in a uncomfortable situation and irresponsible of you to create a hostile environment for everyone involved.

Marchele Seaton yes. I've seen many lovey pet and owner scenes on the commons. I walk there every day for exercise. Just came back and there was a young man and his dog loving on each other and all the passersby were smiling. I've even witness a woman with her cat on a leash. It makes for variety if one is sitting and eating and watching people. I wouldn't think you would want the commons to become too sterile.

Heather Dunbar How are you going to check for rabies, parvoviris, Brucella canis, canine parainfluenza, herpesvirus, distemper, Toxoplasma gondii and infectious hepatitis vaccinations? These diseases all are transmitted between dogs and some are transmitted to humans...See More

Peter D Bakija And yet people are free to walk dogs down public streets all the time, and these things no more or less an issue than they would be on the Commons. Why are they *more* of an issue on the Commons? Allowing people to walk dogs on the Commons is not turning the Commons into a wild pack hunting ground. It is turning the Commons into, well, pretty much every other street in town.

Ella Varn Noooope. dogs should be allowed to go through the commons, which at this point is pretty much how it goes, unless you turn bank alley into a dog zone". That way people can go get their food or whatever with their pet, but if they want to sit down and ...See More

Tammy Snyder I'm torn. On one hand I'd love to take my dogs for a walk on the commons, but there is not a place for them to relieve themselves. If store owners aren't open to dogs in their stores it would be pointless for me, and I suspect others, who aren't going ...See More

Heather Lynn Forbes I don't see why not, as long as they are on a leash. People just need to be responsible and held accountable for knowing their companion and how they behave around other people/children. If we keep trying to ban everything that's beautiful about Ithaca, such as wildlife and even domesticated animals, all we have left is Buildings.

Josephine Cohen Nope. Unfortunately I think some dog owners are not responsible enough. It's not so much the dogs as it is their parents. I have to add, there are other places you can take your doggie, why is the commons so important...because you can't?💩 😔

Aleshia Akers Allergies, phobias, risk with young children, owners that don't clean up after them, or owners that don't think their dogs should follow the same boundaries as humans (no, I absolutely don't want your dog to lick or smell me)....a few reasons why they should not be allowed. I live on the commons. Pleaseeeeee don't.

Leslie Detwiler Setlock Could someone help me understand why the issues such as allergies, phobias, irresponsible owners, etc are different on the Commons vs any street? I'm not arguing that they aren't real and valid reasons to not love dogs being around, but what is the di...See More

Allison M. Myers Yes, with the requirement that they be on leashes of no more than six feet at all times (no flexi-leashes) and that owners carry pick-up bags (and prove it if requested) and immediately bag any excrement and dispose of it in the available trash containers. And no dogs in the play area.

Marcia Potter Horn No, I'm sorry but that is not the place for dogs. Not all dog owners are responsible and to assume that is silly. Small children are on the commons playing and you are never sure how animals will react when confronted with children or other animals. I like dogs, we have dogs but large community spaces aren't the place.

Susan Greener I LOOOOVE dogs, I volunteer at SPCA, have had dogs all my life, but see no need for dogs to be everywhere in pubic. Some people are very frightened, children can be unknowing about how to approach a dog. Most of all, dog "parents" are not always attentive and respectful. I vote "no." But thanks for asking.

Lynda Thompson No please dont, no green space, owners that won't clean up after them, not fair shop owners to tell people that can't brung them in. The stains and other stuff that would get left be hind would be a nightmare to clean up. One more thing for the DUA to have to take care ofg

Arne van Leuken Yes-I live downtown and more than once I've been walking my dog , thought of something I wanted to grab on the Commons,and then turned around because I forgot I had my dog with me. It's just one more strike against the commons. Anywhere else I can leave my dog outside while I go into a store.

Laura Moulton where will they poop? what if its not cleaned up? what if it is cleaned up but leaves a sloppy mess. I beleive dogs should be allowed in Stewart park ( so much goose poop ) but not on the concrete of the commons. Not to mention the concrete gets hot there is no breeze. so hot and no place to poop.

Robin Springer I live near the beautiful city of Athens, GA. We go to a lovely little restaurant with shady, breezy outdoor seating and - they allow dogs to be in the eating area. So far we have been lucky and we haven't encountered any dogs there, but I will say tha...See More

Damian Arthur Carr Personally I can't stand dogs. They are filthy beasts.. I'm from Ithaca but i now live in Portland, one of t he most dog-friendly cities in the US. People bring their dogs on the train, to the grocery store, to their doctor's office. I've never had any problems with it.

Renata Wadsworth I don't think we'd have more dogs on the commons than we have anywhere else downtown if you lifted the dog ban on the commons. But it is true that dogs and their owners might linger longer on the commons than in other places because it's designed as a ...See More

Katherine Lockwood Yes, on leashes (NOT the retractable ones), with owners carrying their own poop bags, and stringent ticketing for infractions. Also, no leaving your dog tied up unattended outside stores. This invites trouble. Stores (except where health laws restrict it) should make their own rules about dogs being allowed in.

Troy Yaeger You have people begging for your money, a place for people to shoot up, and other "stuff" going on at the commons! Those of you who say no dogs.....really? That is the least of the issues on the commons! I'd rather have to walk around a dog than the people pan handling for money!

Joe Sammons I own two dogs, love them to pieces, and at Challenge Workforce Solutions, we welcome dogs to work ... but I'm not so sure I'd be in favor of dog, cat or rooster bedlam on the Commons. It's a public place where the rules governing public safety and decorum aren't likely to be followed or enforced evenly ... I'm totally in favor of artistic bedlam -- lets bring back more public art and call it a day!!

Mason Speed No. Absolutely not. There are many people with an irrational yet legit fear of dogs and you would be destroying a known safe space.. secondly people do not pick up after their dogs. I love dogs. I really do. We have one ourselves but we are fearful of...See More

Amy Lynne I live in Syracuse and visited Ithaca last week. I brought my dog with me and we had a lovely walk about town including the commons. Had no idea until seeing comments here that there is a dog ban on the commons. Makes no sense! Responsible dog owners with well behaved dogs should definitely be allowed!

Ritter Dengel During the summer i would say yes due the massive heat waves that hit Ithaca and keeping dogs in cars while people even do window shopping is a cruel thing to do, However with dogs being allowed on the commons people would be allowed to bring their dog...See More

Meghan Raboin Fouracre Not on the commons, you would have to up law enforcement on off lead dogs and defecation issues. Poop trash bins would overflow with regular trash and it would be a huge mess. I'm and a super dog person and there are many places to go that the commons is not necessary. Opening up Stewart park to dogs great idea but big NO on the commons from me.

Dale Glasser Yes! I don't shop anymore on the Commons because of that. I had my three pound dog in a "snugli" carrier under my jacket (you could only see her face) and a police officer told me that dogs weren't allowed. That was the last time I shopped on the Commons! Ithaca used to be a much more dog-friendly town.

Jennifer Wills I can't believe I'm saying this but I honestly have to say no. I have 2 dogs and am a huge dog/animal lover but I can see disaster striking if this is allowed. Especially at busy times with children. Makes me nervous. Seems unfair to people who are uncomfortable around dogs and irresponsible to put dogs in a potentially stressful situation where they may act out of character.

William Kay No. It would be nice and convenient but so many attendent issues, as mentioned, waste, unfriendly or unrestrained dogs, people with fears or allergies, ECT. Nice to keep the commons welcoming to everyone at the expense of the ability to have dogs. There are plenty of wonderful places downtown where dogs are welcome.

Robert Superior Please, no. Pretty please? With sugar on top? The dogs are bad enough but dog owners are like smokers - taking up all of the space and saying that you are the problem. Ok, the dog owners won't like that. So, consider that if you're allowing dogs you're allowing any dog and any dog owner - no matter how untrained either may be. It is a great harm to the community. Please, oh please, no. Never. Ever. Please.

Robert Superior And... Why keep bringing the same question up? You're hoping that people have changed their minds and will agree to this now? Or you're asking because the dog owners keep bugging you? Yeah. You have to do the democracy thing. I hear you. And part of that is that sometimes you have to make the announcements that some rabid supporters don't want to hear. And dogs in the commons... It's just a bad idea...

Ellen McCollister Please no. Ithacans aren't always very considerate about cleaning up after their dogs or keeping them on a leash, despite the laws. And if merchants are supposed to benefit, what are the dogs going to do while their owners are allegedly shopping?

Daniel Urda Of course they should. The commons is no different than any other park dogs are allowed in and the concerns of people not picking up after their dogs are totally overblown. The Ithaca dog park is always well kept and is a great example of how responsib...See More

Lara Green Damn. This thread is a very deep rabbit hole and my only clear takeaway is that conversations about dogs in a common area elicit more powerful reactions than most of our mayor's posts, (about the opioid epidemic or the housing crisis) and that folks ar...See More

Kimberly Kristen Muse Anyone can go online and register their dog as 'therapy' or 'service' which makes them able to legally be allowed anywhere. If we are to allow dogs on the commons (which, btw, many shop owners ON THE COMMONS let their dogs roam freely so this doesn't e...See More

Scott McCasland Only if all those cameras are used to prosecute people who don't clean up after their dog. Also, not on sunny summer days, the lack of shade and hot bricks are barely tolerable for humans and we are much better adapted to the heat. Better make sure the fountain water is potable too.

Tyler Hawkins Carytown in Richmond, Virginia has always reminded me of the Commons, except they are dog-friendly. Many stores allow leashed pets inside and employees give them treats and have water bowls at the door. The Commons is such a nice, low-stress area where...See More

Mark Yowan Sure, people visit their children at Cornell and IC and sometimes bring their pets. When they are walking downtown it doesn't make sense to avoid the commons especially since you can have your dog on all the streets around the commons. Viva brings dog water bowls to customers that sit down with dogs.

Diane Hibbett Okay, aren't you on the commons to shop? If so, what will you do with your dog when you go into the store? The Commons is one street. Walk all you want downtown but just avoid the Commons. I am seeing more dogs in stores . if the shop owners will allow dogs so be it. Maybe that will bring people to the Commons.😍

Lauren Ryder maybe more people would know which stores are on the commons (especially those in the middle we can't see from the street) if they walked by them on their daily dog walks. OF COURSE dogs should be allowed. let's make it easy for everyone to experience ithaca in their daily outings and support local businesses. thanks for asking!

Marilyn Thorpe Pettinga I believe that dogs would be okay on the Commons ... providing they are up to date on vaccinations and are on a leash. Water dishes are a great idea, Heidi Elizabeth ... as are poop receptacles, Betsy Herrington. I also think the playground area should be unavailable to dogs to prevent unfortunate interactions between dogs and kids.

Alison Tarplee Coluccio It would definitely increase my traffic on the Commons. There have been a significant number of events that I've had to pass on because at the end of the workday, walking the dog has to be my priority. So even if it's an event really important to me, I can't afford the dog-less time to come - but if she could come too, then we would be there!

Vickie Clairmont Rogers No. I sat down there one afternoon with my grandkids while they played on the playground and watched several dogs (why were they there when they're not allowed) pee all over the jungle gym and the material underneath the playground. Kids play on that! It's disgusting and unhygienic and the arrogant dog owners don't care where their dogs go!

Ethan Ritz yes, this is a class issue - it's difficult for homeless ppl with pets to keep them anywhere else but at their side for long periods of time; a ruling like this does more to exclude Ithaca's homeless population from public spaces than anyone else. good arguments for public space laws like these (also smoking, open can laws) being designed to do this in the first place...

Karen Edwards Check out the public health effect of dog poop in urban areas (whether it's scooped right away or left for someone to step in on their commute) - lots of research to consider alongside public opinion. Also maybe survey the residents of the commons separately. When they signed on to live there the signs said no dogs allowed. But if you're not going to enforce them, then what's the point of the rules?

Wendy Wilcox Seems like a lot of oversight. I realistically wonder if the benefit would outweigh the costs. The isn't a constant police presence on the commons to ensure compliance. With the references to other questionable activities occurring on the commons, I wonder if that isn't example enough of how difficult it is to ensure everyone who uses this public space will adhere to a set of rules about dog ownership.

Carly Yarosz If we ban dogs, we should maybe think about banning people? I've definitely seen some come out of the bars-or not-and pee right there on the commons. Dogs are allowed everywhere surrounding the commons, how much of a difference is it making in people's lives for a two block radius dog-free zone? Doggy poo bag stations could be helpful maybe.

Katie Daigneau Kelly No. Please no. I love dogs, and have fostered more than 25. Earlier commenters make good points that existing laws about no smoking and no bike riding on the Commons are already sparsely enforced. It seems like the only way to successfully have dogs on the Commons would be with lots of money/effort for poo bags and enforcement of clean up... is that really where we want our money going?

Marchele Seaton yes. I've seen many lovey pet and owner scenes on the commons. I walk there every day for exercise. Just came back and there was a young man and his dog loving on each other and all the passersby were smiling. I've even witness a woman with her cat on a leash. It makes for variety if one is sitting and eating and watching people. I wouldn't think you would want the commons to become too sterile.

Peter D Bakija And yet people are free to walk dogs down public streets all the time, and these things no more or less an issue than they would be on the Commons. Why are they *more* of an issue on the Commons? Allowing people to walk dogs on the Commons is not turning the Commons into a wild pack hunting ground. It is turning the Commons into, well, pretty much every other street in town.

Joe Sammons I own two dogs, love them to pieces, and at Challenge Workforce Solutions, we welcome dogs to work ... but I'm not so sure I'd be in favor of dog, cat or rooster bedlam on the Commons. It's a public place where the rules governing public safety and decorum aren't likely to be followed or enforced evenly ... I'm totally in favor of artistic bedlam -- lets bring back more public art and call it a day!!

Meghan Raboin Fouracre Not on the commons, you would have to up law enforcement on off lead dogs and defecation issues. Poop trash bins would overflow with regular trash and it would be a huge mess. I'm and a super dog person and there are many places to go that the commons is not necessary. Opening up Stewart park to dogs great idea but big NO on the commons from me.

Jennifer Wills I can't believe I'm saying this but I honestly have to say no. I have 2 dogs and am a huge dog/animal lover but I can see disaster striking if this is allowed. Especially at busy times with children. Makes me nervous. Seems unfair to people who are uncomfortable around dogs and irresponsible to put dogs in a potentially stressful situation where they may act out of character.

Robert Superior Please, no. Pretty please? With sugar on top? The dogs are bad enough but dog owners are like smokers - taking up all of the space and saying that you are the problem. Ok, the dog owners won't like that. So, consider that if you're allowing dogs you're allowing any dog and any dog owner - no matter how untrained either may be. It is a great harm to the community. Please, oh please, no. Never. Ever. Please.

Robert Superior And... Why keep bringing the same question up? You're hoping that people have changed their minds and will agree to this now? Or you're asking because the dog owners keep bugging you? Yeah. You have to do the democracy thing. I hear you. And part of that is that sometimes you have to make the announcements that some rabid supporters don't want to hear. And dogs in the commons... It's just a bad idea...

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