ycn gap submission

Post on 29-Jul-2016






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Jumanah Aliyah Nessa


Jumanah Nessa

The Brief

The Gap Message:“American Optimism is our attitude. Casual style is our aesthetic. Clean and confident, comfortable and accessible, classic and modern... Gap embraces a youthful, infectious spirit and the freedom to express individual style.” - GapInc.com

The Outcome:Create a series of interactive, fashion photography pieces, representing Gap’s 1969 Denim tone of voice. I will present these on Instagram.

Aim:Create a social media campaign which educates 25-35 year olds about the benefits of Gap denim.

The ConceptThe overall theme of my campaign is “Your Gap”.

My concept is to create an interactive advertising campaign using Instagram as the main social media outlet. This will be a fashion photography based piece and will be kept minimalistic to keep with Gap’s tone of voice.

I intend to show how all people can ‘rock’ denim in any environment by including images of different races and cultural backgrounds.

This really shows Gap’s diversity and equality, which is exactly what Gap stands for. This really captures Gap’s “tone of voice”.

I plan to add a QR code and a hashtag. This will increase customers as people like to be a part of trends and so if “#yourGap” became popular it would make people want to go out and purchase Gap Denim so they could get involved.

There could also be further incentives such as, when you share a photo with the hashtag “#yourGap” and the Gap Instagram handle @Gap you could be entered into a competion to win a free pair of jeans.

Primary ImageryCredit: Model: Mohini Pandya, Tunde Osunmakinde

ResearchHere I have included my primary research.I decided to take a first person approach to my images to make the campaign more personal. This was quite difficult at first as I had to direct the models as to what angles and positions to take, however after a bit of experimenting I believe I created quite effective images.

I also looked into how I would actually attract potential customers to the Instagram page. Instagram’s demographic is mainly between 25-35 year olds already which is exactly the age range targeted by Gap. Also Instagram now has a sponsered post feature as well as the explore page, where people do not have to be following the account to be directed to their page, these posts will appear automatically within a persons timeline.

Furthermore, as Facebook now owns Instagram there is a lot of promotion of Instagram on Facebook’s site. I believe this promotion would easily attract viewers and combined with the QR code, would most definately attract more Gap customers.

I also looked into Gap’s previous social media campaigns and have noticed they are extremely minimalistic. I have kept this theme throughout my photographs and intend to follow this through to my final outcomes.

I have also created prototypes as to how my designs would look presented on Instagram.

Overall, I found this project quite challenging at first, I found the set guidelines to be too restrictive, however, after understanding the limitations more I realised there really wasn’t that much restriction in regards to the actual design.

I have tried to capture Gap’s “American optimism” attitude within my pieces so they fit well with Gap’s already established modern, laid-back image. I did this as I wanted my campaign to work harmoniously with the apparel, for example we can see Gap does not use bright, child-like colours and so if I were to create a campaign using these colours it would not be visually appealing and would negatively affect Gap’s reputation. Therefore, I have stuck to their minimalist and urban style.

I believe the extensive research I undertook allowed me to understand what Gap is truly about, their ethos and also enabled me to create more fitting pieces that worked well with their ‘tone of voice’, as well as the Gap products.

In conclusion I have thoroughly enjoyed working on this brief, regardless of the limitations and struggles I had, I believe I have overall created an effective, successful and purposeful advertising campaign, which informs customers as well as directs and encourages them to get involved and encourages them to purchase Gap denim.

Final Outcome & Evaluation

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