your choice

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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What makes people succeedWhat keeps you away from your dreamsHow you can be more motivatedHow you can change

What makes some people successful?

We all share the same brain, however, some people achieved to be really successful in their lives. How they managed that and can you

do the same with your life?

The answer is that some of us have managed to control their mental state. Meaning that they can control their body, their face, their voice and eventually their mind. They don't only know on WHAT to focus,

but mostly HOW to focus.How to focus means how you process things that happen to you how your translate them into your reality and most affective HOW

you VALUE those things

What keeps you

down? We can do whatever we want. Neuroscience has prove that our brains are extremely adobtable and flexible. If we train our brain we can

change our mentality, we can create habits, we can built our reality. It is possible. It is. But then WHY?

The way we will live our lives depents on what we will accept as reality. Reality is how we translate our experiences based on how we value things through our belief system. We can do things based on who we think we are, in which society we live, how have we been

grown up and from whom we are influenced. So, If you are not in the direction you want,take a look around you.

How you can be motivated Belief System, is how you have been raised, in which society you live in, what your parents have told you and how you see yourself. That means belief system is a very strong dynamic system that cannot easily be changed. BUT, do you want to live a life as your culture,

you society or your parents want you to live? If not, you MUST change, NOW!

If you change your belief system, you will value things differently, you will have different thought and different emotions, so you will make

different choices that will be more productive and effectivive for you. But HOW, you can change your belief system?

Change  the story

Think about what you want to be in life. Don't limit yourself. Write it down and try to be as specific and clear as possible. Your brain is like a computer, the more specific you are, the

more it will come with ideas and solutions. Trying to change is not easy. People are twice motivated to do things to avoid pain

than to do things to gain plesure. But think about this: IS YOUR LIFE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT.Untill when you will

make up excuses??

Give your self the power to grow, trust your brain power, train it everyday.

If there's not a way MAKE a way.

Your Life-Your Choice In this life we get what we put our attention on.

What we are asking ourselves we take the proportionate answer. If you ask yourself "WHY it always happens to me"

your brain will reply "Because you suck". But if you ask "HOW, I will fix this?" your brain will help you with the answer.

Success is finding everyday pleasure in your life and challenge yourself to grow. Failure is focusing on negativity no matter

how good the things are.

Do you really want to wake up on your late 9os and regret about the life your didn't

live? No matter how difficult your life is you ALWAYS have a choice.

Use it or Lose it

Linda Mata

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