your non-profit funding/capital campaign non-profit funding or...

Post on 05-Oct-2020






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Your Non-Profit Funding/Capital Campaign VideoA Molly Media Studios Approach

A primer on how we will produce your own, unique Communications Video to augment your Capital Campaign.

This pamphlet was produced by Molly Media Studios - for you.

Presenting Your Organization

Most non-profits struggle to survive. Organizations spend enormous energy into their Capital Campaigns. The constant struggle to fund activities requires creativity, ingenuity, and sometimes broad strokes of inspiration.

For so many organizations, funding presents a real problem. Funding is short, opportunities are rare, and committees are hard to convince. Face it, getting funding for your non-profit or other organization is a daunting task.

And your search for funding never stops. You need your funding year after year.

One of the daunting tasks about filling out funding applications is trying to describe accurately and succinctly just what your organization sets out to do. What is your vision? What are your goals? How do you accomplish your work? Who do you work with? And in sum, why do you exist?

At Molly Media Studios, we understand your need to present your organization in the best possible light.

A great Communications Video goes a long way in communicating your ideas, image and information - your story - to your potential funders.

Getting your message out to your potential funders is critical. Engaging their curiosity and appealing to their senses is an ideal way to promote your organization.

At Molly Media Studios, we put you at the centre of every corporate communications video. Your ideas. Your image. Your message. Your story.

top left production still: The Boreal Forest Instruction Video; client: Ministry of Natural Resources

to right production still: The Boreal Forest Instruction Video; client: Ministry of Natural Resources

Why use video?

Video appeals to the emotions of your potential funders in ways that text cannot.

Effective uses of music, text, voiceover, editing, transitions, graphics and animations can all combine to produce a compelling, emotionally charged message.

According to Imagine Canada (, 48% of Canadian Non-Profits have difficulty obtaining funding from other organizations, including government. This problem is reported most frequently among organizations working in the areas of Health, Arts and Culture, Social Services, and Law, Advocacy and Politics.

Obviously, overcoming barriers to funding is critical for many of us.

Why Does Video Work?Properly crafted, video can go a long way in appealing to your potential funders.

The combination of various media elements, expertly crafted and creatively edited, will strongly affect the emotions of your viewers. This affective quality of video can be very advantageous

for your non-profit or corporate capital campaign.

What you see and hear in a good video goes much deeper than what you might read. Explaining, in words, that you have a distinct and clear effect upon a given population is hard. Showing that you have this effect upon people, with video, is much more gratifying for the potential viewing funder. It also allows the viewer to sit back, relax and accept your message in a comfortable manner.

Appealing to the SensesWe communicate most effectively when we appeal to the five senses.

When we can see, smell, taste, hear, and feel “something” we become more engaged and connected to our audience. Appealing to these senses is crucial to your fundraising message.

The specific elements you incorporate into your video will have a lot to do with how well you appeal to your viewers’ senses. Choosing the right music sets the tone for your video. Excellent quality voiceovers, produced by professional voiceover artists, add tremendously to the overall feeling the viewer is left with. Exceptional

colour grading will enhance the video’s aesthetic appeal.

A competent video production company will be able to combine these disparate elements into a coherent whole that will help you stand out. And standing out from other applicants is just what you need.

YOUR Point of ViewExpertly crafted, video presents YOUR message to your viewers. Your ideas. Your image. Your information. Your story.

Developing and crafting video for your capital fundraising campaign can go a long way in securing you the funding you need. Of course, your video is not your whole fundraising application, but it is an excellent addition to your other support materials.

top left production still: About the Sault Communications Video; client: City of Sault Ste Marie

to right production still: About the Sault Communications Video; client: City of Sault Ste Marie

Introducing Molly Media Studios

Molly Media Studios is a Video Production company, serving Corporate clients in Sault Ste. Marie and Northern Ontario.

Our excellent quality, creative and memorable corporate communication videos get your ideas, image and information - your story - across to your viewers.

Our professionally produced voiceovers and rights-appropriate musical selections, combined with our full 1080 High-Definition video, work together to create a powerful effect upon your viewers.

To date, we have worked with numerous non-profits to craft memorable corporate communication videos for their fundraising campaigns. Our deep understanding of how to craft compelling stories ensures that your message is not only effective, but affective, too.

Exceed. Excite. Excel.Our tagline. Our mantra. Our way of working. Exceed your expectations. Excite your senses. Excel at everything we do.

Our communication videos, designed with the corporate and non-profit client in mind, begin and end with you. We work with you to craft your communication video to your specific fundraising needs.

At Molly Media Studios, we understand your fundraising challenges, and are ready to help you overcome them creatively, effectively and compellingly.

The Needs Analysis WorksheetOur in-house designed Needs Analysis Worksheet is the first step in developing your video.

Our Needs Analysis Worksheet has been designed with you in mind, considering the challenges presented during the course of our work with previous clients.

Over the course of time, we found that many clients have had difficulty pre-visioning their potential communication video. Even more importantly, we found that many of us have difficulty communicating creative ideas and feelings to others.

Presented with these difficulties, our Creative Team brainstormed, researched and discussed different ways to help our clients communicate their desires more effectively.

The result of these deliberations was the drafting of our Needs Analysis Worksheet.

Designed with you in mind, the Needs Analysis Worksheet uses a combination of creative brainstorming techniques controlled to help you bring forth your own input, your own ideas, and your own desires to the table.

The Needs Analysis Worksheet, then, provides a road-map for the Creative Team at Molly Media Studios to craft your capital campaign or fundraising video to perfection.

top left production still: Scholarships & Bursaries Capital Campaign Video; client: Algoma University Foundation

top right production still: About the Sault Communications Video; client: City of Sault Ste Marie

Case Study: Best Start Hubs Capital CampaignWhen we were sub-contracted by Fuzednotions Creative Studio to produce a marketing video for Best Start Hubs in Sault Ste. Marie, which would also serve for their current Capital Campaign, we were presented with the problem of illustrating not only the daily activities taking place at the various Hub locations around the Sault, but also to show how they partner with other agencies to provide services to their clients.

Best Start Hubs is an organization that works with families to provide early-childhood programs that look to the welfare of not just the child, but the family as a whole.

There are five Hub locations around the Sault, and they each offer different programs and partner with different agencies.

Presenting Best Start Hubs in a five-minute communication

video that showcases all their various functions and areas of activity would be impossible. Instead, we had to make choices about which Hubs we would be shooting, which programs and community partnerships we would showcase, and which employee experts to interview.

During the critical Pre-Production phase of development, we used our own in-house designed Needs Analysis Worksheets to tease out creative ideas from five different employees and board members. We worked the staff of both Fuzednotions and Best Start Hubs, together to elicit creative ideas during this phase of development.

The result of this effort was that our Needs Analysis Worksheet was rich in creative detail and visionary outlook. This preliminary work, during the Pre-Production phase of development, helped determine shots, angles and perspectives for the actual Production phase.

This Needs Analysis Worksheet, rich in details and creative ideas, then became our roadmap for the Post-Production phase. During this phase we used this roadmap for incorporating original, creative ideas -- generated by the organization themselves -- into the finalized campaign video. And of course, the resulting Video then

became an essential element of their marketing efforts, too.

You can see their finalized video in our player on our website homepage. Follow this link:

top left production still: Best Start Hubs Capital Campaign Video; client: Fuzednotions Creative Studio

top right production still: Best Start Hubs Capital Campaign Video; client: Fuzednotions Creative Studio

bottom centre production still: Best Start Hubs Capital Campaign Video; client: Fuzednotions Creative Studio

Case Study: ARCH Capital CampaignThe Algoma Residential Community Hospice (ARCH) presented us with a completely different set of opportunities.

ARCH Hospice is an end-of-life residential facility serving clients in the twilight of their lives.

For ARCH, one difficult problem always presented itself: potential residents are too infirm to visit the facility before deciding whether or not to take up residence.

In order to present their residence to potential residents, ARCH needed a video that not only presented the physical space, but also the feeling that permeated daily living in the facility.

Incredibly important to this discussion is how ARCH operates. Residents are assured of a quiet and restorative end-of-life facility, where sunlight floods the rooms and residents are wheeled out, upon their request, to sit amongst the birdfeeders. Everything about ARCH implies compassionate care.

The facility itself is beautifully erected from light colored stone and wood, with windows that stretch to the ceiling in the main

sitting room and look out onto the forest in the back. The facility is adorned with splendid artwork and creative details, many of which have been donated by residents and family members. An aura of respect and compassion permeate every inch of this facility, and the staff and volunteers reinforce these ideals in the course of their daily work.

During the initial Pre-Production phase of development, the Creative Team at Molly Media Studios met with staff, volunteers and family members, interviewing them as to their impressions of the place. We were primarily concerned with learning as much as possible about how the people involved at ARCH daily viewed the facility. Their impressions and visions were essential to our understanding of the place.

The final video we produced for ARCH takes as many of these viewpoints we heard into account. Our voiceover text was written considering all we had heard and seen and felt ourselves. Our own impressions of the facility were very strong, helping a lot with the final feeling of this particular video.

The Voiceover Artist we worked with had a lot to do with the overall affective impact of this particular video. So did the choice of music. Every choice made in producing the final video was made with the client in mind. Most importantly, we needed to keep in mind what role this video was going to have in the daily workings of the Hospice.

Helen Ross, Executive Director of ARCH, sums up their impression of working on this Video with Molly Media Studios: “We were very satisfied with the video produced by Molly Media Studios for the hospice. They put a great deal of thought into incorporating all the requests made by staff. The photography was beautiful and the overall presentation captured the essence of hospice care. It was a pleasure to deal with friendly professionals who were respectful of our special needs for confidentiality, resident and family privacy and still were able to provide an artistic presentation.”

You can see their finalized video in our player on our website homepage. Follow this link:

top left production still: Hospice Communication Video, client: Algoma Residential Community Hospice

top right production still: Hospice Communication Video, client: Algoma Residential Community Hospice

Case Study: Algoma University Foundation Capital Campaign

Algoma University has recently constructed a major capital campaign, “Essential Elements: The Campaign for Algoma University.”

This major undertaking is the University’s main fundraising campaign, designed to raise $6 Million for upcoming projects.

One of these major projects is the creation of the Fine Arts and Musical Education (FAME) Centre.

Located in downtown Sault Ste. Marie, the FAME Centre intends to bring together several different creative educational paths under the same roof. It is designed to foster communication and collaboration among the different creative departments at the University.

This is a huge coup for the City of Sault Ste. Marie.

Bringing the University’s creative departments under one roof in the centre of the city allows residents, businesses and other organizations to benefit from their presence. Not only will the students themselves

add to the downtown creative community, but their presence in the city centre will add to the vibrancy of this already changing and growing region of the city.

At Molly Media Studios, we worked initially with the Foundation Office team to identify the main theme of the prospective video, as well as supporting arguments to hold up our assertions that development of the FAME Centre was a boon to the city’s downtown core.

Using our own in-house designed Needs Analysis Worksheet, we worked to identify key defining characteristics of the Essential Elements campaign. We then worked to identify critical arguments to support our claim that situating the FAME Centre in the Sault downtown core would be good for the city, overall. Once these different prongs of our arguments were identified, it became clear who we needed to interview, where we needed to shoot, and what kind of overall feeling this corporate capital campaign video should have.

We decided to use the University’s own wealth of creative people for our talent. We decided that we

would use musical selections performed by local student classical musicians, to emphasize the contributions these students make to the community. We also decided to incorporate interview footage with Brian Curran, the Campaign Chair, to explore in detail various advantages to the community as a result of development of the FAME Centre.

During all phases of development, we used already-established marketing materials designed by the University’s Foundation Office to guide our design of text animations and colour choices. These materials were primary sources for the finalized voiceover text and graphical elements.

At the end of production, Mallory Kent, Campaign Development Coordinator, had this to say about the committee’s reaction to our work: “I held a movie premiere yesterday for our campaign video and the feedback was GREAT! Everyone really liked it!”

You can see their finalized Capital Campaign video in our player on our website homepage. Follow this link:

top left production still: BioSciences Centre Capital Campaign Video, client: Algoma University Foundation

top right production still: FAME Centre Capital Campaign Video, client: Algoma University Foundation

Telling A Tale

A great video tells the story you want your funders to hear.

It may be a tale of opportunity, where you show the viewer how much you have to offer. It may be a tale of growth, where you show the viewer how much your programming has accomplished. It may be a tale of

security, where you show the viewer the stability of your philosophies.

Whatever story you need to tell, your corporate or non-profit capital campaign video from Molly Media Studios offers a richer viewpoint, thereby securing your position in your viewers mind.

At Molly Media Studios, we put you at the centre of our all our video productions. Working with our own Needs Analysis Worksheet designed with the corporate video client in mind, our Creative Team will help tease out your

ideas, your vision, your desires.

In essence, the structure of your story.

Let’s figure out how we can help you achieve your communication goals.

Contact us.

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