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Founder and CEO of Your WELLthy Life™ and Passion Secrets Magazine,

Dream Warrior Jenni Parker Brown

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How to How to Create A Desire StatementCreate A Desire Statement

That Works.That Works.Copyright Jenni Parker Brown 2012

There is a blue-print for creating the circumstances that support your desires. If you follow that blue-print, and you practise it every day, the universe will tilt on its axis to serve your commands.

1. It begins with a creating a desire statement (an intention) of something you want.

2. We must clarify what beliefs we carry around that subject, consciously and subconsciously, and silence any inner, doubting voices.

3. Then, we have to release the desire and let it go. Yes, I know that seems like a paradox but it's actually in the releasing of it that it can manifest!

The purpose of the Desire Statement is to support you in giving attention, energy and focus to your desires. It teaches you how to 'language' desires so they feel good. The clarity and the 'feel-good' emotions are then the magnet to set the universal cogs in motion.

Language is one of the most powerful engines of manifestation, so words, tone and the emotions they evoke, are crucial.

The key to crafting a powerful Desire Statement is: it needs to be

TRUE for you.

I recommend the formula:

"I love how it feels knowing...."

Using this sentence allows you to state your desire in a way that makes it ring true for you. When it is true for you, your vibration rises.

A Desire Statement defines your individual vision of success and happiness It's a kind of 'hologram' of data launched out into the quantum soup or Universal Creative Power.

This vision is a tool, a “mental short-cut,” that we can use during our everyday lives and our meditation and/or visualization sessions, to access Universal Creative Power with immediate effect.

With practice and focus we can manifest virtually instantaneous results.

1. First we have to know what it is we really want. Clarity is essential.

2. Then we have to craft the statement of desire. This is best done on paper; it 'stabilises' the desire.

The act of writing on paper is like writing to your soul. So find a place where you won't be disturbed and take some time to feel focused and relaxed. When writing the Desire Statement, be mindful of your language .

You must make statements that will prevent any doubt arising around that desire. For example, say you want to be a best-selling romance author. Write your statement in the present tense and in the first person.

Instead of saying, “I will become a best-selling romance author” (which may trigger feelings of being far from competent at even getting a publisher) dive in with your senses and express what you know you'll feel like when you've accomplished your desire.

For example..“I love how it feels when I think of becoming a best-selling romance author.” Or,

“I love envisioning my future website, which will feature dozens of my romance novels.”

These statements are true for you! They don’t permit doubt to enter and they allow you to pay attention to the emotions created by the desire―which is the ultimate goal of the exercise.

Aside from making the Desire Statement, there is another way we can give attention to your desire – simply by spending time imagining it!

Use all of your senses in your vision. Wallow in it, fantasize! As children we do this naturally but then it is conditioned out of many of us.

Don't be afraid to dream big.

'Divine will 'wants what you want and no dream is ever too big for god!

There are many great leaders to support that.

The very best way of creating a desire statement is to write it as if it was a present chapter of your life. Rather than just pad out your goals, be creative about everything that's happening around the projected outcome. In fact, be creative, full stop! Many years ago, I painted a lady on a white Spanish horse, long before I had one. Now, when I look at the painting, I see my profile and my beloved unicorn in the field outside.

First, brainstorm a list of possible limiting beliefs.

Sit down with a pad of paper, and write down everything that comes to mind when you think of the desire you’re wanting to manifest. Just be spontaneous. Don't hold back!

Using the example of “I want to be wealthy”, write down all the “Buts” that come up for you:

“I want to be wealthy BUT..............”

Fill your page until you run out of buts.

Another easy way of unearthing a limiting belief is to go back to your past. Identify someone who played a dominant role in your upbringing - this person could have been a parent, a teacher, a relative, a neighbour, a family friend … anyone who had influence over you as a child.

Ask yourself, “What would he/she tell me about being wealthy?”

Now write down all the possible disadvantages of you achieving your goals.

Until now you've been concentrating on seeing and feeling all of the benefits of your success. But actually we must go deeper into the implications of your desires to see where the limiting beliefs lie.

So, next, write down some possible disadvantages of fulfilling your dream. This may seem really hard at first ,but once you get going, you'll actually find a whole flow of thoughts which will show you the way to the limiting beliefs. For example... let's take a nice positive desire statement.“I am thrilled that I've doubled my income this year from my business”

Now find all of the disadvantages.. these may infer..

I'll pay more tax on it.I'll have to get better at accounting. I'll never be able do that!I'll have to stop giving excuses about not doing xxxxxI'll lose this tax advantage...I'll no longer be entitled to.....xxxxxI won't feel at ease with the different choices I'll have to make..So and so is going to ask me for some of it...So and so is going to judge/dislike me/be jealous..

Ok, I know it sounds weird, why would there be disadvantages in being wealthy? Well there aren't, but nevertheless, we carry around both the 'buts' and the barriers in our subconscious mind. By bringing them to the light of day, we can recognise them as simply the false concepts that they are, and deal with them by focusing on each one and taking an action step on it.

For example, we could begin by doing smart accounts, in advance of earning vast income. Or in buying luxuious gifts for so and so, or doing some research on the fiscal implications of doubling your income.

Language is one of the most powerful attraction (or not) tools that we have. And a very effective way of getting rid of a limiting belief is to re-frame it into a positive belief.

So let’s say your belief about yourself is “I’m just not the kind of person who makes a lot of money.” It’s kind of a nebulous, 'applies-to-all-situations' kind of belief. So it holds you back, perfectly, from getting what you want.

Re-frame this limiting belief by writing, “I am the kind of person who makes money easily and effortlessly. I live a very abundant life, simply because I AM the kind of person to whom financial well-being flows”.

This is an exercise to keep personal and private with yourself, because most other people will automatically have a counter-balancing perception that they project on to you, if you're openly vocal with your desires.

However, in order for you to have no inner conflict about this, you must feel aligned in thought, word and deed when talking to others. So use the language of intention and openness when conveying your desires. Use words that allow possibility to flow around them, all the time.

This means eliminating complaining about anything at all. It means being mindful of the monkey-mind chatter that tends to put us on 'auto-speak'. Speaking our dreams may shock other people and you must have the courage of your convictions to do this consistently.

So launch those desires, tie them upon the winds and the trees, see them, live them and let them go!

Blowing Dream Warrior dust on them...Jenni P

10 Ways to Eat your Way to WELLth!

By Jenni Parker Brown

I am often asked how I have kept the same dancer's body for 30 years, how I am never sick, can carry heavy horse grain sacks and can run up mountains.

A trained sports instructor and dancer, former owner of a highly successful organic food business, daily fitness routine and healthy nutrition are but a part of the formula. One of my most effective secrets is 'The Art of The Table'.

The art of the table is unfortunately a dying culture in this epoch of instant and packet everything (even so-called health foods!) But it is one to which I directly attribute my superlative health. We are what we eat yes, but we are, equally, what we think about what we eat! Here are my top ten tips for eating your way to WELLth or... WELLthy Mind, WELLthy Body!

1. Eat natural, organic, free-range and seasonal foods that are indigenous to your area. Find the combinations of foods that optimise your health and stop dieting! Eat foods that have had the minimum processing, as fresh as possible!

2. Eat only things that are grown in the earth, on bushes, trees, in the sea or happily running around a farmyard with TLC. (Yes I was a veggie but it didn't suit my physiology).

3. Prepare food mindfully, with the intention of love, nourishment and sharing. Remember, everything vibrates with energy so imbue what you eat with life-enhancing virtues. What could be more important! Bless your dinner before eating!

4. Make of your plate an artist's palette! Unleash your creative skill in the presentation of any dishes, even the simplest snack. The eyes will feast upon the ingredients and render them a feast for your palette. No skimping!

5. Take time not to eat, but to dine. We need time to prepare, eat, savour, digest and rest. Meals and snacks in front of the computer are taboo. This is like putting inanimate gunge into your precious body. Stop it!!!

6. Make of your table an alter. Pretty linen, cotton serviettes and arranged cutlery are as quick to put on the table as packets, paper and plastic.A table is a shrine to the sacred nutrition you cherish yourself with so garnish with candles, flowers, leaves, fruit, little objects of artistic interest.

7. Eat less food and drink more water! We all eat more than is necessary. When you eat small portions, you can anything you like! Water is life itself, so carry it around with you all day. I eat 2 meals and a few healthy snacks but I do not deny myself treats when I want them.

8. Eat as much raw as you can. At least 60% of your regimen, but be sensible about your climate and energy needs. In snowy altitudes, raw green smoothies may give you less pleasure than nourishing soups. It's easier to Iove salads in warm climates! I add raw foods to my cooked foods (yes I know some say its taboo but it works for me!)

9. Love your body and listen to it. If you really listen to it, it will tell you when it's had enough food! Wean yourself off poisons like white sugar, saturated fats and monosodium glutomate. Learn about the nutrients you need every day and get them in!

10. The person in the mirror every day will tell you if you're getting it right so listen and most of all keep telling that person how young and amazing they are. Repeat daily!

Added to these 10 tips, there is one very powerful dynamic for improving health and fitness. It is gratitude. There is never a day that goes by without me giving thanks for my vibrant health and I know beyond a doubt that this appreciation keeps on expanding into lasting youthfulness.

There really is no one regimen and routine that suits all people. Nutrition is a science that we should all learn! But it is also a culture of social sharing and a fine art of deliberate creation. The more we feel good, the higher the vibrations that attract abundance, so Let's Get WELLthy!

How to Vanquish Your 5 Dream-demons Demon No 1 SIC!

The first Dream Demon is the Sabotaging Inner Critic. This demon is the omni-present shadow who is always looking over your shoulder, whispering just beneath your hearing, all the reasons why you're not ever going to get what it is you want. SIC says things like:

'What You? Rich and Famous? Don't make me laugh! You're far too small/untalented/inadequate/unworthy/afraid/stupid/tired/poor/inept/fat/pathetic....' or,

'They will laugh at you'

'You can't'

'It's impossible'

'You've got too much else to do!'

'You're too old!'

'You can't afford it'

This dream-demon has probably been following you around for such a long time you didn't even notice it slip into your space and tint your rosy dream visions with streaks of toxic grey. The demon appears when you're right on the brink of achieving something bright, momentous, promising, exciting and either, the demon wreaks havoc with your good intentions and affirmations, circumstances become highly complex or life just falls apart.

Maybe there are let-downs, or things don't evolve in the way that they seemed to promise. Maybe you get poorly or have a slight accident or lose a contract. Maybe someone will take issue with your developments or even oppose your wishes. What seemed so bright and glittery for such a long time will seem like a pathetic idea when the Dream-demon gets hold of it and drenches it in scorn. The Dream-demon is so stealthy and sinister, that you might even start believing that you had made a huge mistake in ever believing that your vision was possible.

SIC carries the weight of ancient disapproval, either the judgements carried around from the darker scriptures of Judao-Christianity , possibly from the separation of racism or the controlling voices of 'authority ' - our parents and governments. Many of us have grown up in a patriarchal ruling environment where disapproval or punishment were the automatic result of daring to show one's essence (which holds the keys to our dreams). We all know the strict codes of conformity that run throughout our culture and strangle many a genius idea. Or it may just be that the knocks of life itself, have been the compounding element.

This is the SIC that comes from the inside of us. When something seems to go mightily 'wrong' in our life, we usually mentally beat ourselves up and make confirmations to our subconscious about what it was that went wrong, making sure we don't repeat it ever again.

The ancient Japanese martial art of Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. By doing Aikido with your SIC demon, you can transform the nagging, irritating Sabotaging Inner Critic that holds you back from being your greatest, into an ally.

First, acknowledge it, stop trying to shut its voice out. As with anything that we resist, the voice will persist and get louder until its made its point and got its own way. The trick to grasp here, is that the SIC voice is elusive. If you sit down and invite the demon in, it'll be nowhere to be found. It's hiding, awaiting it's chance to pounce. Because it stalks your breakthroughs and tried to sabotage them. You have to get yourself to the brink of a success step, for it to steal up unawares, and slide back into your party incognito.

So, the time to turn and look the demon in the face is actually when you're dancing on the ceiling in celebration of imminent change. Just when you're ringing your friends and family to announce the good news or make a positive change in your life, just take a few moments to contain the exhilaration, go where you'll not be disturbed and invite the demon in. Call its bluff. Go within, and eke it out for that's where it lurks. Call it forth, name it and write it down. Maybe it's the 'You're-not-good-enough demon', or the 'You're-too-old demon'. Name it on paper and write to it.

'Dear Dream-demon., now that there's really super project about to happen I want a few words...'

Now, send it love.

Tell it that you know it's hovering about nearby, that you understand its game and are having none of it. Tell it that you really appreciate its point of view, and thank it for trying to 'save' you from happiness but you are determined and already pre-set for happiness.

Take any possible threat , bring it right out into the light of day and love it into nothingness. This is the only way to rid the demons; love them and they will frizzle up and whisk away in a puff of dream dust.

Nothing can resist the power of love, and our demons are no exception. In fact it is highly possible that they will come out of hiding with a treasure chest of insights of how we can improve on our vision, dream or goal. There may indeed be something even better in store than we had hoped for.

The more thrilling the dream, the harder SIC will work to undo it, if we're not mindful and 'heartful' of the meddling.

So wait for the up-swell of jubilation or enthusiasm about an upcoming, thrilling evolution or event, but don't wait until SIC wrecks your hard-earned satisfaction.

Acknowledge the shadow side of all life briefly and compassionately, hug it and love it for showing you how much you're committed to your dream and what steps you need to take next.

I love you. Now go away!

Copyright Jenni Parker Brown

Har'Money Affirmations Wealthy Is as WELLthy ™ Does

Copyright Jenni Parker-Brown

I am already immensely wealthy and, through stillness I daily open portals to this evidence.

I understand that giving excellent value to the world harnesses the powerful law of consequence That which I offer is returned to me manifold

All the information I could possibly need for learning about allowing affluence is available to me easily and immediately.

My success lies between being paid handsomely for my skills and knowing that the true prosperity lies in the exchange between the value I give and the abundance I receive.

I am clear that in order to access a flow of abundance, I am responsible for making the changes in my daily life. I can always improve what I have created.

I can picture money flowing like a tide throughoutthe world and I can easily imagine the spring-tide of my enjoyment as I surf the crest of luxury and Comfort.

The multitude of opportunities in the world indicate the boundless abundance. I have but to reach out and touch.

I am best serving myself and humanity when I fulfill my purpose doing exactly what I love.

Click on the music on the opposite page and take a few minutes to absorb these visualisations of abundance.

Abundance is for sharing so share this cornucopia of abundance wisdom with those you

care about now!

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