youth development training

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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The Youth Leadership / Service-

Learning Initiative of the

Minneapolis Public School's

Community Education Department.

Everyday Leaders

“Service Learning can be defined as a teaching method where guided or classroom learning is deepened through service to others in a process that provides structured time for reflection on service experience and demonstration of the skills and knowledge acquired.”

Cathryn Berger Kaye

“Service Learning is a teaching and learning approach that integrates community service with academic standards to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strength communities”

National Commission on Service Learning

“Service learning is a method of teaching through which students apply newly acquired academic skills and knowledge to address real-life needs in their communities.”

Alliance of Service-Learning Education Reform, 1993

As an after-school program option:• Allows freedom in the service-learning process

• Encourages students to make connections within their communities• Gives students opportunities to serve• Promotes individual and group problem-solving skills• Empowers students to become activators instead of victims

How it has evolved:

•Exclusively Service-Learning Focused

•Pointed recruitment of facilitators

• Development of a job description

•Pointed two-part training for facilitators

•Diverse array of facilitator supports:

• Curriculum

• Website

• E-mail Updates

• Consistent communication

• Extra trainings and meeting opportunities

8 Essential Youth Needs in Youth Development

1. Youth feel physically and emotionally safe.

2. Youth are active participants and experience a sense of belonging and ownership.

3. Youth develop self worth.

4. Youth discover self.

5. Youth develop quality relationships with peers and adults.

6. Youth discuss conflicting values and form their own.

7. Youth feel pride and accountability that comes from mastery.

8. Youth expand their capacity to enjoy life and know that success is possible.

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