zechariah's song 23 dec 2012

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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Sunday Sermon by Jory Leong on 23 Dec 2012


1. Mary’s Song (Magnificat) Luke 1:48-55

2. Zechariah’s Song (Benedictus) Luke 1:67-80

3. The Angels’ Song (Gloria in Excelsis) Luke 2:14

4. Simeon’s Song (Nunc Dimittis) Luke 2:29-32

Luke 1:67-79

Background to Zechariah’s Song

• Israel was ruled by pagan Roman empire

• Elderly priest Zechariah & his wife, Elizabeth

• 20,000 priests - descendants of Aaron

• Priests divided into groups to serve in the temple 2 weeks in a year

• Angel of God appeared to Zechariah

• Angel said Elizabeth will bear a son, to be named John

Background to Zechariah’s Song

• Zechariah replied with unbelief - received 9

months of mute training

• On 8th day of John’s birth, friends &

relatives gathered to circumcise the baby

• Elizabeth wanted to name the child ‘John’

• Relatives asked Zechariah

• Zechariah wrote the name ‘John’ on a tablet

• Immediately Zechariah could speak again &

begun to praise God with a song

Luke 1:67-79

1. Horn of Salvation – God’s Salvation

2. Rising Sun – God’s Sunrise

Jesus the Messiah

has arrived

“There are 256 names given in the Bible for the Lord Jesus Christ, and I suppose this was because He was infinitely beyond all that any one name could express.”

1. Horn of Salvation

– God’s Salvation

v. 69 “He has raised

up a horn of

salvation for us in

the house of his

servant David”

Horns of the Altar

1. Horn of Salvation

– God’s Salvation

v. 69 “He has raised

up a horn of

salvation for us in

the house of his

servant David”

Horns of the Altar


(Lev 17:11, Heb 9:22)

1. Horn of Salvation

– God’s Salvation

v. 69 “He has raised

up a horn of

salvation for us in

the house of his

servant David”

Horns of the Altar


(Lev 17:11, Heb 9:22)

Horns of an Animal

Strength & Victory

(Psalm 18:2, 92:9-10)

1. Horn of Salvation

– God’s Salvation

Jesus came to…

redeem (Luke 1:68)

save (Luke 1:71)

rescue (Luke 1:74)

forgive (Luke 1:77)

“The missionary can stoop to the lowly condition of the heathen slaves but he cannot set them free. He can die with them in their chains; but he cannot break the fetters. But Jesus not only visited His people, but He has redeemed them.”

Dec 1987 – Jan 1988

Smokey Mountain - Tondo, Manila

“The missionary can stoop to the lowly condition of the heathen slaves but he cannot set them free. He can die with them in their chains; but he cannot break the fetters. But Jesus not only visited His people, but He has redeemed them.”

2. Rising Sun

– God’s Sunrise

v.78-79 “because of the

tender mercy of our God,

by which the rising sun

will come to us from

heaven to shine on

those living in darkness

and in the shadow of

death, to guide our feet

into the path of peace”

KJV “dayspring”

MSG “God’s sunrise”

NLT “morning light”

RSV “day shall dawn”

Jesus is the Rising Sun God’s Sunrise for us!

“Jesus has come, not as a blaze which will soon die down, but as a light which will last our day, yea, last for ever.… The visits of God are like the dayspring, because they end our darkness. The dayspring banishes the night… When the Lord visits us, it is as the dayspring, because he brings us hope of greater glory yet to come.”

Jesus is the Horn of Salvation... God’s Salvation for us!

Jesus is the Rising Sun... God’s Sunrise for us!

“Born that man no more may die

Born to raise the sons of earth

Born to give them second birth”

“Light and life to all He brings

Risen with healing in His wings”

Jesus is God’s Salvation for us!

Jesus is God’s Sunrise for us!

A time to stop, reflect and wait A time to re-live the Christmas story A time to welcome Jesus into our lives A time to change Are our hearts ready?

Jesus is the Horn of Salvation... God’s Salvation for us!

Jesus is the Rising Sun... God’s Sunrise for us!

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