an analysis of addition and subtraction word problems in

An Analysis of Addition and Subtraction Word Problems in Mathematics Textbooks Used in Malaysian Primary School  Classrooms Parmjit Singh, University of Technology MARA Malaysia !  [email protected] .my " Teoh Sian Hoon University of Technology MARA Malaysia Mathematic s textbooks are integral in most classroom# based teaching and learning as both teachers and $u$ils use them as a source of mathemati cal learning% This study embarked on a mission to uncover the ty$es of &ord $roblems associated &ith addition and subtraction available in the text books used in Malaysian Prima ry Schools% 'irstly it examines the distribution of (( categories of addition and subtraction &ord $roblems based on )an de Walle*s +(,,-. model and secondly it analyses $u$ils* achievem ent in accordance &ith these categories% The findings revealed that the textbooks did not ade/uately distrib ute or re$resent all the (( categories of &ord $roblems and analysis of the $u$ils* scores based on tests made u$ of /uestions re$resenting the various categorie s suggested a relationshi$ &ith the distributions of the ty$es of  $roblems% Background 0n almost every sub1e ct area at nearly every grade level students and teache rs of mathe matics are ex$ect ed to use a textbook as a resource +Amit 2 'reid 34435 6luth 3447.%Textbooks $lay a very im$ortant $art in the teaching and learning $rocess in schools as the textbooks $rovide an im$ortant foundation for teachers in assisting $u$ils to learn mathematics +Ministry of 8ducation 3449.% Currently in Malaysia all textbooks are  $rovided free for $u$ils in government schools% These textbooks are &ritten by a team of &riters &orking for a number of $ublishers and can be considered the best according to the s$ecifications outlined by the Ministry of 8ducation% 0n 3449 and 344: the Ministry of 8ducation $ublished ne& mathematics textbooks for Primary ( and Primary 3 &hile the $ublication of the ne& textbooks for Primary 9 Primary : Primary 7 and Primary ; occurre d from 3447 to 344-% These textbooks are the basis of school instruct ion and the $rimary source of information for schools and teachers% This is because the $roblems set as exercises in these textbooks are almost al&ays assig ned as home&ork for the $u$ils and act as a $lat form for discussion of mathemati cal conce$ts among $u$ils and teachers% The assignments of these exercises as home&ork for $u$ils* conce$tual develo$ment are sourced from these textb ooks by most teache rs +Porte r 'loden 'reeman Schmi dt 2 Sch&i lle (,--.% Schmidt Mcknight and Rai<en +(,,=. have described in general t erms the role of textbooks as >bridges bet&een the &orlds of $lan and intenti ons and of classr oom activities sha$ed in $art by those $lans and inten tions ? +$% 79.% 0n short one could say that textboo ks may $lay a significan t role in the attem$ t to achiev e an inte nded learning outcome for classroom teaching and for most $u$ils they $rovide the ground&ork for the content to be learned as &ell as the conce$tual understanding that $u$ils construct during class activities +Amit 2 'reid 34435 Porter et al% (,--.% )arious researchers +e%g% 'an 2 6aeley 34445 'an 2 @an 344=5 'reeman 2 Porter (,-,5 Stodolsky (,-,5 @an 2 'an 344;. have investigated from different $ers$ectives the &ays mathematics teachers use textbo oks in the ir cla ssroom set tin gs% 'ree man and Port er*s +(,-,. stu dy foc used on tex tbook usa ge by elementary teachers based on the content taught and textbook content &hile other studies +@an 2 'an 344;5 and 'an 2@an 344=. com$ared American Chinese and Singa$orean school textbooks% Schmidt Mcknight and Rai<en +(,,=. analysed textbooks based on de$th#of#content#coverage in the textbooks used in the United States and in other countries% Stodolsky +(,-,. studied the use and influence of textbooks in classroom learning and teaching% She $ro$osed that the use and influence of textbooks should be analy<ed &ith res$ect to to$ics content and its com$arison &ith literature on a similar to$ic% lkun and Toluk +3449. analy<ed the content of school

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An Analysis of Addition and Subtraction Word Problems in

Mathematics Textbooks Used in Malaysian Primary School Classrooms

Parmjit Singh, University of Technology MARA Malaysia ! [email protected]"

Teoh Sian Hoon University of Technology MARA Malaysia

Mathematics textbooks are integral in most classroom#based teaching and learning as both teachers and $u$ils use them as a source of

mathematical learning% This study embarked on a mission to uncover the ty$es of &ord $roblems associated &ith addition and subtractionavailable in the text books used in Malaysian Primary Schools% 'irstly it examines the distribution of (( categories of addition and subtraction

&ord $roblems based on )an de Walle*s +(,,-. model and secondly it analyses $u$ils* achievement in accordance &ith these categories% Thefindings revealed that the textbooks did not ade/uately distribute or re$resent all the (( categories of &ord $roblems and analysis of the $u$ils*scores based on tests made u$ of /uestions re$resenting the various categories suggested a relationshi$ &ith the distributions of the ty$es of



0n almost every sub1ect area at nearly every grade level students and teachers of mathematics are ex$ected to

use a textbook as a resource +Amit 2 'reid 34435 6luth 3447.%Textbooks $lay a very im$ortant $art in the

teaching and learning $rocess in schools as the textbooks $rovide an im$ortant foundation for teachers in

assisting $u$ils to learn mathematics +Ministry of 8ducation 3449.% Currently in Malaysia all textbooks are

 $rovided free for $u$ils in government schools% These textbooks are &ritten by a team of &riters &orking for anumber of $ublishers and can be considered the best according to the s$ecifications outlined by the Ministry of

8ducation% 0n 3449 and 344: the Ministry of 8ducation $ublished ne& mathematics textbooks for Primary ( and

Primary 3 &hile the $ublication of the ne& textbooks for Primary 9 Primary : Primary 7 and Primary ;

occurred from 3447 to 344-% These textbooks are the basis of school instruction and the $rimary source of

information for schools and teachers% This is because the $roblems set as exercises in these textbooks are almost

al&ays assigned as home&ork for the $u$ils and act as a $latform for discussion of mathematical conce$ts

among $u$ils and teachers% The assignments of these exercises as home&ork for $u$ils* conce$tual develo$ment

are sourced from these textbooks by most teachers +Porter 'loden 'reeman Schmidt 2 Sch&ille (,--.%

Schmidt Mcknight and Rai<en +(,,=. have described in general terms the role of textbooks as >bridges bet&een

the &orlds of $lan and intentions and of classroom activities sha$ed in $art by those $lans and intentions? +$%

79.% 0n short one could say that textbooks may $lay a significant role in the attem$t to achieve an intended

learning outcome for classroom teaching and for most $u$ils they $rovide the ground&ork for the content to be

learned as &ell as the conce$tual understanding that $u$ils construct during class activities +Amit 2 'reid 34435

Porter et al% (,--.%)arious researchers +e%g% 'an 2 6aeley 34445 'an 2 @an 344=5 'reeman 2 Porter (,-,5 Stodolsky

(,-,5 @an 2 'an 344;. have investigated from different $ers$ectives the &ays mathematics teachers use

textbooks in their classroom settings% 'reeman and Porter*s +(,-,. study focused on textbook usage by

elementary teachers based on the content taught and textbook content &hile other studies +@an 2 'an 344;5 and

'an 2@an 344=. com$ared American Chinese and Singa$orean school textbooks% Schmidt Mcknight and

Rai<en +(,,=. analysed textbooks based on de$th#of#content#coverage in the textbooks used in the United States

and in other countries% Stodolsky +(,-,. studied the use and influence of textbooks in classroom learning and

teaching% She $ro$osed that the use and influence of textbooks should be analy<ed &ith res$ect to to$ics content

and its com$arison &ith literature on a similar to$ic% lkun and Toluk +3449. analy<ed the content of school

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mathematics textbooks in Turkey% Their study found that textbooks did not ade/uately re$resent all ty$es of

addition and subtraction $roblems and students &ere less successful on the $roblem ty$es underre$resented in

textbooks% 0n echoing this line of investigation this current research investigated the distribution of &ord

 $roblems in the to$ical context of addition and subtraction in Malaysian Primary School textbooks% 0t is

significant to highlight that one of the main thrusts of the Primary Mathematics curriculum in Malaysia is to

develo$ basic com$utation skills com$rising the four o$erators of addition subtraction multi$lication and

division% The usage of the o$erators of addition and subtraction are introduced as early as Primary one in

Malaysia schools &ith the ob1ective to develo$ com$utation skills and the ability to use these skills in solving&ord $roblems% 'urthermore the curriculum also $laces em$hasis on $roblem solving communication

mathematical reasoning and mathematical connections and re$resentations +Curriculum Bevelo$ment Centre


The investigation re$orted in this $a$er studied the distribution of &ord $roblems related to the o$erations

of addition and subtraction in Malaysian $rimary school mathematics textbooks% Solving &ord $roblems

embodying additive structures is an im$ortant as$ect of the ne& curriculum for $rimary and secondary Schools

in Malaysia% The term &ord $roblem* is often used to refer to any mathematical exercise for $u$ils stated in a

&ay that enhances a&areness of the semantic structure of the $roblem in con1unction &ith the numerical

re$resentation% According to Car$enter Moses and Debout +(,--. it is essential for the $u$il to think about and

analy<e a &ord $roblem before making an attem$t to solve it% This is because as stated by 6rulik and Rudrick

+(,-3. the &ord $roblem is a situation &hich demands resolution and that there is no easy a$$roach to solving it%

0n this sense for exam$le carefully chosen &ord#$roblems can $rovide a rich context for learning addition and

subtraction conce$ts +Ereer (,,=.%

The term >additive structures? covers $roblems involving addition and subtraction o$erations andkno&ledge of addition and subtraction conce$ts and skills is a $rere/uisite for almost all $rimary school

mathematics to$ics% Substantial research +Car$enter Moser 2 Debout (,--5 Clements (,,,5 Peterson 'ennema

2 Car$enter (,-,. has investigated and found that $u$ils* conce$tions of &ord $roblems demanding addition

and subtraction &ere often vague% 'or young $u$ils it is not easy to model $roblem situations mathematically%

Pu$ils &ho have difficulties &ith reading com$utation or both are likely to encounter difficulties &hen

attem$ting to solve &ord $roblems +Fitendra 2 Gin (,,=.% They are unable to com$rehend the semantics of the

&ord $roblems and this affects the translation into mathematical symbolism% The cure for the >0 can*t do &ord

 $roblems? syndrome &ould a$$ear to be ade/uate instruction in using mathematics as a language for $roblem

solving in the curriculum +Parm1it 344;.%

Table (

Categorizing Additive and Subtractive Word Problems Using Van De Walles !"##$% &odel 

SHoCategor y 0nformation Problem

(% FRU  'oin (esult


Iani has (3 flo&ers in the basket% Sarah gave her = more% Io& many flo&ers

does Iani have altogetherJ

3% FCU  'oin C+ange


 Had<irah had - mangoes% 'arah gave her some more% Ho& Had<irah has (7

mangoes% Io& many did 'arah give herJ

9% F0U  'oin ,nitial


Tasha had some s&eets% Aisha gave her , more% Ho& Tasha has 34 s&eets% Io&

many s&eets did Tasha have at firstJ

:% SRU Separate (esult


A<har bought (3 $encils% Ie gave 7 $encils to Ran1it% Io& many $encils does

A<har have no&J

7% SCU Separate C+ange


Ialim catches (- fishes% Ie gave some to Ali% Ho& Ialim has = fishes left% Io&

many did he give to AliJ

;% S0U Separate ,nitial


Anis baked some cookies% She gave ; to Chong% Ho& Anis has (3 cookies left%

Io& many cookies did Anis bake at firstJ=% CBU Compare



Binesh has (9 balloons and Kina has : balloons% Io& many more balloons does

Binesh have than KinaJ

-% CKU Compare arger


Mira read ; storybooks% Alya read (3 storybooks more than Mira% Io& many

storybooks did Alya readJ

,% CSU Compare Smaller


A<man has : stam$s fe&er than Kim% Kim has (= stam$s% Io& many stam$s does

A<man haveJ

(4% PWU  Part/*+ole W+ole


Siti has (9 small teddy bears and ; big teddy bears% Io& many teddy bears does

she have altogetherJ

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((% PPU  Part/*+ole Part


Mimi bought (- a$$les from the su$ermarket% (9 of them are red and the rest are

green% Io& many green a$$les did Mimi buyJ

Some &riters have argued that from a structural $ers$ective there are (( different categories of /uestions

in the form of &ord $roblems for addition and subtraction o$erations +Peterson 'ennema 2 Car$enter (,-,5

)an de Walle (,,-.% Although out&ardly similar /uestions in the (( categories +see Table (. can vary greatly in

difficulty for $u$ils +lkun 2 Toluk 34495 Peterson 'ennema 2 Car$enter (,-,.% While solving different &ord $roblems $u$ils are not only challenged to com$rehend relationshi$s bet&een language and mathematical

 $rocesses but also to ex$erience sense making and mathemati<ation of realities +Ereer (,,=5 Reusser 2 Stebler

(,,=5 Wyndhamn 2 Sal1o (,,=.%

Parm1it*s +344;. study of $u$ils* achievement in addition and subtraction &ord $roblems used )an de

Walle*s model% Ie re$orted that many $u$ils found /uestions in the CBU CSU and PPU categories +refer to

Table (. as difficult based on their lo& scores% Although one might ex$ect $u$ils to be able to contextuali<e

 $roblems that relate to real#&orld settings often they are unable to move bet&een the semantic structures to the

associated mathematical symbolisms because of the mismatch bet&een their theoretical kno&ledge and &hat

they have ex$erienced in the mathematics classroom%

A study by lkun and Toluk +3449. utili<ing )an Be Walle*s model found that the textbooks used in

 $rimary schools in Turkey did not ade/uately re$resent all ty$es of addition and subtraction $roblems% The FCU

F0U SCU S0U CBU CKU and CSU categories &ere under#re$resented% They further argued that this

unsystematic distribution of &ord $roblems categories may $revent $u$ils from develo$ing a rich re$ertoire of

the addition and subtraction conce$ts in the categories that are under#re$resented%

The Purpose of the Study

Doth textbooks and &ord $roblems occu$y an im$ortant $osition in the teaching and learning $rocess and as

Dall and Cohen +(,,;. $ointed out >curriculum materials could contribute to $rofessional $ractice if they &ere

created &ith closer attention to $rocesses of curriculum enactment? +$% =.% Taking into consideration the

im$ortance of mathematics textbooks used in classrooms cou$led &ith the difficulty $u$ils face in solving &ord

 $roblems es$ecially in the conce$ts of additive structures this research &as designed to analy<e the content of

additive structures in textbooks used in Malaysian $rimary schools%

Researchers +Riley Ereeno and Ieller (,-95 )an de Walle (,,-. have modeled addition and subtraction

 $roblems into categories based on the kind of relationshi$s involved% The classification by Riley et% al% +(,-9.

model &as based on the classification of Change +3 ty$es. Combine +; ty$es. and Com$are +; ty$es.

com$rising (: categories% While )an de Walle*s +(,,-. model &as classified into Foin $roblems +9 ty$es.Se$arate Problems +9 ty$es. Part # Part # Whole ProblemsLcom$are $roblems +3 ty$es. and Com$are or 8/uali<e

Problems +9 ty$es. com$rising (( categories% 'rom these t&o models Riley et% al% +(,-9. (: categories model

seemed more extensive than )an Be Walle*s (( categories% This &as because $roblems such as the follo&ing

&ere not addressed in )an Be Walle*s model% Doth these models com$rise similar categories using different

names% Io&ever )an de Walle*s model seemed not able to re$resent the follo&ing three ty$es in his category

(% There &ere : a$$les in the basket% T&o more a$$les &ere added% Ho& there is the same number of

a$$les as oranges in the basket% Io& many oranges are in the basketJ

3% There &ere (3 a$$les in the basket% 7 of them &ere removed so there &ould be the same number of

a$$les as oranges in the basket% Io& many oranges &ere in the basketJ

9% There &ere some boys in the team% 'our of them sat do&n so each girl &ould have a $artner% There are =

girls in the team% Io& many boys are in the teamJ

0n general both )an de Walle*s model and Riley et% al*s% model &ere similar besides the absence of the three

ty$es of $roblems sho&n above from the latter% Io&ever this study ado$ted the former model because it &as

easier to analy<e the content of a textbook based on (( categories com$ared to the (: categories of the latter%

Secondly as this study focused on Primary ( and Primary 3 textbooks the ty$es of $roblems as sho&n above

&ere not included at this level +$rimary ( and Primary 3. based on the Malaysian mathematics syllabus%

According to )an de Walle*s model there are (( different categories of $roblems in addition and

subtraction5 out of &hich four re/uire addition &hile seven re/uire subtraction% Therefore the intention of this

t&o#fold study &as to analy<e

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(% The distribution of the ty$es of &ord $roblems &ith regards to addition and subtraction conce$ts

available in textbooks used in Malaysian schools in Primary ( and Primary 3 using )an de Walle*s +(,,-.


3% Pu$ils* relative achievement on &ord $roblems in these (( different categories%

0f textbooks $lay an im$ortant role in the teaching and learning of mathematics is it $ossible that $u$ils*conce$tual understanding of addition and subtraction is inhibited due to inade/uate o$$ortunities $rovided to

ex$erience these different ty$es of $roblems as a result of imbalance in their school textbooksJ 'urthermore is it

 $ossible that $u$ils are facing these difficulties because they are not ex$osed to certain ty$es of $roblems in their

classroom learningJ Nuestions such as these dra& attention to the need to investigate &hich of the categories

cause most difficulty for $u$ils and &hy%

Together &ith these textbooks there &ere also activity books &hich &ere to su$$lement the textbooks% 0n

other &ords at each level a textbook and t&o activity books &ere su$$osed to be used in the teaching and

learning $rocess in the Malaysian $rimary mathematics classroom%

To be noted that these textbooks used in this study &ere $ublished in the 8nglish language adhering to the

 $olicy of teaching Mathematics and Science in 8nglish since early 3449% Io&ever this $olicy has been reversed

in August 344, &here effective from 34(3 the teaching of mathematics and science &ill be reverted back to

Dahasa Malaysia the national language% The 8ducation Ministry is in the $rocess of translating all the math

 books into Dahasa Malaysia% Although the $olicy has been reversed the content of the books remains the same%

0n vie& of this this $a$er is not affected &ith the reversal of the $olicy%


T&o modes of methodological analysis &ere utili<ed for this research% 'irst document analysis &as used in

analy<ing the distribution of the ty$e of &ord $roblem categories involving addition and subtraction o$erations in

Primary ( and Primary 3 textbooks together &ith the accom$anying activity books for each grade% 'or $ur$oses

of com$arative analysis commercial texts +or &orkbooks. from an established $ublisher &ere also analy<ed%

These texts &ere analy<ed according to the benchmark of the eleven ty$es of standard &ord $roblems as sho&n

in Table ( modeled by )an de Walle +(,,-.% The researcher inde$endently categori<ed each $roblem in these

textbooks in accordance &ith the given categories% 0n ensuring the validity of the analysis inter#rater member

check &as also undertaken to determine the accuracy of the analysis% 0nter#rater member check is a $rocess

&hereby another rater other than the researcher is asked to verify the $roblem in accordance to the category% All

&ord $roblems that could be solved using addition and subtraction of natural numbers &ere included &hile

symbolic ex$ressions such as >- O = J? and $hrases such as >9 less than (4J? &ere excluded%

Secondly an achievement test &as administered to 943 $u$ils from Primary ( and Primary 3 in order to

/uantify the $u$ils* achievements according to the eleven categories% The sam$les com$rised ((; and (-; $u$ils

from Primary ( and Primary 3 classes res$ectively &ith ages ranging from seven to nine years% The actual

schools in &hich the students &ere located &ere selected randomly from five urban schools in a district in the

state of Selangor Malaysia% nce the schools had been selected the $u$ils &ere selected from the >to$? classes

for each of the res$ective grades the aim being to measure their understanding of &ord $roblems in each of the

(( )an de Wall categories% These $u$ils &ere selected from the to$ classes because the researchers &ant the

content kno&ledge to be the main issue in this study instead of the language if the &eaker $u$ils &ere to be

selected% An instrument &as constructed in &hich the $roblems &ere ada$ted from the (( categories +see Table

(.% There &ere (( $roblems in this instrument &ith one re$resentative $roblem for each category% Pu$ils*

res$onses &ere categori<ed based on the follo&ing :#$oint scale 9 Q All correct5 3 Q MinorLcarelessLsilly

error+s.5 ( Q Some attem$t but unlikely to lead to a solution5 4 Q Ho attem$t

Table 3

 Distribution o- Word Problems in t+e &alaysian Primary " 0e1tboo) and t+e Commercially/Publis+ed

Wor)boo) FR 






















Primary (School Textbook +. 37%-

7%3 ;%3 9,%3 9%( 9%( 7%3 3%( 4 -%9 3%(

Primary ( Commercial &orkbook +. 37 3 3 3: : 7 7 = (( (( 7

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 Distribution o- Word Problems in t+e Primary " 0e1tboo) and in t+e Commercially/Publis+ed Wor)boo)2 across

t+e "" Categories

This section details the distribution of &ord $roblems in textbooks used in schools across the (( categories for

each of the res$ective levels% Table 3 sho&s the distribution of &ord $roblems according to categories found in

the Malaysian Primary ( mathematics textbook +together &ith activity books.% 0t indicates that in the Primary (

textbook the SRU category had the highest re$resentation +9,%3 of all $roblems. follo&ed by the FRU

category +37%- of all $roblems.% The other categories &ere relatively s$eaking infre/uently re$resented

+ranging from 4 to -%9. Q a $roblem in the CSU category &as not to be found in the Primary ( text%

 3igure "a% Percentage of distribution of &ord

 $roblems in the Primary ( School textbook 

 3igure "b% Percentage of distribution of &ord $roblems

in the Primary ( commercial &orkbook%

As sho&n in 'igure (b the commercially#$ublished text had reasonably similar re$resentations &ith FRU

+37. having the highest re$resentation and SRU +3:. the next highest% Io&ever categories such as CKU+=. CSU +((. and PWU +((. have a much higher re$resentation than in the text used in the schools%

Clearly in both texts the em$hasis is on SRU and FRU /uestions% Io&ever the more abstract categories such as

CKU CSU and PWU receive greater attention in the commercially#$ublished text% 'igures (a and (b sho& the

distributions in a bar chart%

Figure 1c. Percentage of correct answers in the test according to the eleven categories

among Primary 1 pupils

 Primary " Pupils Ac+ievements on 4uestions in t+e "" Categories

'igure (c indicates the $ercentage of correct res$onses obtained by Primary ( $u$ils for the /uestions in the ((

categories% The highest scores &ere obtained for categories FRU +,:%- correct. follo&ed by PWU +-(. CKU

+=9%9. and S0U +7;.% The categories &hich $osed the greatest difficulty for the $u$ils &ere F0U +,%7. CSU+(:%;. FCU +33%:. and CBU +39%3.% 0t is to be noted that the four categories for &hich $u$ils gave the most

correct res$onses &ere FRU S0U CKU and PWU and each of these involved the o$eration of addition% The

/uestions for other seven categories &hich involved the o$eration of subtraction &ere not as &ell ans&ered%

Table 9

 Distribution o- Word Problems in t+e &alaysian Primary 5 Sc+ool 0e1tboo) !P5S0% and Commercially/

 Publis+ed Wor)boo) !P5CPW%


P3ST 9(%




4 37%








4 (%; (7%




P3CPW (7%


9 4 3:%




4 4 ;%








 Distribution o- Word Problems in t+e Primary 5 0e1tboo) and t+e Commercially/Publis+ed Wor)boo) across

t+e "" Categories

Table 9 sho&s the distribution of the categories for /uestions in the Primary 3 mathematics textbook used in

schools% 0t indicates that in the Primary 3 textbook the FRU category had the highest re$resentation +9(%9 of all

 $roblems. follo&ed by the SRU category +37%4 of all $roblems. and the PWU category +(7%;.% The other

categories &ere relatively s$eaking infre/uently re$resented +ranging from 4 to =%- re$resentation there

 being no $roblem in either the F0U or the CKU categories.%

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 3igure 5a .  of distribution of &ord $roblems in

the Primary 3 school textbook%

 3igure 3b% of distribution of &ord $roblems in the

Primary 3 commercially#$ublished book .

'igure 3b sho&s the distribution of the categories in the commercially#$roduced book% The highestre$resentations are for the PWU +3=%9. SRU +3:%3. FRU +(7%3. and CSU +(3%(. categories% There &ere no

 $roblems in the F0U S0U and CBU categories% Clearly 'igures 3a and 3b the em$hasis in both of these books is

on $roblems in the FRU SRU and PWU categories%

 Primary 5 Pupils Ac+ievements According to t+e "" Categories

'igure 3c sho&s the $ercentage of correct res$onses obtained by Primary 3 $u$ils for the /uestions in each of the

(( categories% Nuestions that &ere ans&ered correctly most fre/uently &ere in the FRU +-=%;%- correct. PWU

+=7%9. SCU +=4%7. CKU +;=%=9. and SRU +;;%=. categories% The most difficult /uestions &ere in the

CBU +37%3 correct. CSU +94%(. FCU +9(%-. F0U +97. and S0U +9;%7. categories% Three of the four

categories for &hich correct res$onses &ere most fre/uently &ere in the FRU CKU and PWU categories &hich

involved the o$eration of addition% The /uestions in the seven >subtraction? categories &ere less likely to be

ans&ered correctly% Com$arison across the categories for Primary ( and Primary 3 indicated that results tended

to be similar es$ecially for /uestions in the FRU PWU and CKU categories%

 3igure 5c.  Percentage of correct ans&ers according to the (( categories among Primary 3 $u$ils%

 Analyses o- Arte-acts6 Pupils Wor) 7ased on Computations in Wor)s+eets

This section analyses $u$ils* +Primary ( and Primary 3. incorrect res$onses% The data from the &orksheets based

on $u$ils* com$utations suggested that $u$ils tended to utili<e the o$eration of addition instead of subtraction

&hen they faced obstacles in modeling the situation% The follo&ing exam$les from $u$ils* &ork exem$lify this


0tem 9

0as+a +ad some s*eets. Ais+a gave +er # more. 8o* 0as+a +as 59 s*eets.

 :o* many s*eets did 0as+a +ave at -irst;

 Pupils Computation6

0tem 7

 :alim catc+es "$ -is+es. :e gave some to Ali. :alim +as < -is+es le-t.

 :o* many did +e give to Ali;

 Pupils Computation6 

0tem =

 Dines+ +as "= balloons and ina +as > balloons. :o* many more balloons does Dines+ +ave t+an ina;

 Pupils Computation6 

0tem ,

 Azman +as > stamps -e*er t+an im. im +as "< stamps. :o* many stamps does Azman +ave;

 Pupils Computation6 

0tem ((

 &imi boug+t "$ apples -rom t+e supermar)et. "= o- t+em are red and t+e rest are green. :o* many green apples did &imi buy;

 Pupils Computation6


These five items indicate that both Malaysian Primary ( and Primary 3 $u$ils used the addition o$eration instead

of subtraction to solve the given $roblems% 'or exam$le the res$onse sho&n for 0tem 9 seems to indicate that the

 $u$il did not com$rehend the relationshi$ bet&een the /uantities , and 34% The &ord $roblem stated that > Ais+a

 gave +er one more?% Pu$ils might have inter$reted the &ord >more? as addition% The recognition and a$$lication

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of key &ords during the com$utational $rocess might have $layed a role in $u$ils* faulty reasoning thus leading

to incorrect res$onses%

Similarly for 0tems 7 and = the key &ords > gave? and >more? $robably influenced $u$ils &hen modeling

the situation% The &ord > gave? in 0tem 7 might have been inter$reted as becoming more as &hich might have

misled them into using the addition o$eration% The ma1ority of the students &ho obtained an incorrect res$onse

gave the ans&er 37 &hich is the sum of (- and = or = and (-% Again in item = the &ord > more? again seems to

have triggered the $u$ils to add (9 to : &hich e/uals (=%

The $robable reason that young children are confused is $robably because during their first year at schoolchildren are told by their teachers that you get more by 1oining or adding or getting or finding etc% and

you get less by taking a&ay or se$arating or giving a&ay or losing or finding the difference bet&een

+Coombs and Iarcourt (,-; $% xxvii.% According to Kean Clements and Bel Cam$o +(,,4. analysis the

confusion &hich young children ex$erience &ith /uestions &hich s$ecifically contain the &ords more and

less often carries over to /uestions involving giving taking finding losing etc% and /uestions in &hich t&o

sets are combined or com$ared% They tend to a$$ly to such /uestions the same kind of strategies that they a$$ly

to /uestions &hich contain more and less%

 (elations+ip bet*een t+e Category o- Word Problems and Problem Di--iculty

According to Tables 3 and 9 the FRU and SRU categories had the highest re$resentation in the Primary ( and

Primary 3 textbooks% Hot sur$risingly $u$ils in both these levels obtained a high $ercentage of success rates of

,:%- and -=%; in both these categories &ith Primary ( $u$ils doing better than their counter$arts in Primary3%

Although the FRU category is highly re$resented in textbooks and activity books it &as found that both

Primary ( and Primary 3 $u$ils failed to res$ond correctly in this category% nly :=%: and ;;%= of Primary (

and Primary 3 $u$ils res$ectably ans&ered this /uestion correctly% Category had the lo&est re$resentation in the

 $rimary mathematics textbooks% According to 'igures (a and (b this category &as unre$resented +4. for

Primary ( and under#re$resented +(%; . for Primary 3% The results from $u$ils* achievement &ere also

unsatisfactory &ith only (:%; and 94%( of Primary ( and Primary 3 $u$ils res$onding correctly to the

/uestion in this category%

Table : sho&s a strong statistically significant correlation +r   4%-7 p ! 4%4(. bet&een corres$onding item

facilities for Primary ( and Primary 3 $u$ils% This means that if a /uestion in a certain category &as ans&ered

correctly by Primary ( students then it &as also tended to be ans&ered correctly by Primary 3 $u$ils% Kike&ise

a /uestion ans&ered $oorly by Primary ( $u$ils tended to be ans&ered $oorly by Primary 3 $u$ils%

There &as also a strong statistically significant correlation + r 4%-; p ! 4%4(. bet&een the distribution

categories of &ord $roblems bet&een Primary ( and Primary 3 school textbooks% This indicated for exam$lethat &here there &as a high $ercentage for a $articular category in the Primary ( text the same &ould be likely to

 be true in the Primary 3 text% A similar statement &ould be true if >high? &ere to be re$laced &ith >lo&%? A

moderately statistically significant correlation +r   4%;:  p ! 4%47. existed bet&een scores item facilities for

Primary 3 $u$ils and the distribution of &ord $roblem categories in the Primary 3 school text% This suggested

that if a certain category &as &ell re$resented in the Primary 3 textbook then the $u$ils tended to ans&er the

/uestion from that category correctly%% Similarly if a certain category &as unre$resented or $oorly re$resented

in the Primary 3 textbook then the $u$ils tended to ans&er the /uestion from that category incorrectly%

0nterestingly though there &as no statistically significant correlation +r   4%9; p " 4%47. bet&een scores item

facilities for Primary ( $u$ils and the distribution of &ord $roblem categories in the Primary ( school text%

Table :

Correlations &atri1 bet*een Pupils Scores and distribution o- Word Problems in Primary " and Primary 5


Primary ( Primary 3 Text Primary ( Text Primary 3

Primary ( score Pearson Correlation ( %-:=+. %97- %;(9+.

Sig% +3#tailed. %44( %3-4 %4:7

 H (( (( ((

Primary 3 score Pearson Correlation ( %74- %;:(+.

Sig% +3#tailed. %((( %49:

 H (( ((

Bist%Text Primary (

Pearson Correlation( %-;9+.

Sig% +3#tailed. %44(

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 H ((

Bist%Text Primary 3

Pearson Correlation(

Sig% +3#tailed.

 H ((

Correlation is significant at the 4%4( level +3#tailed.%

Correlation is significant at the 4%47 level +3#tailed.%

Discussion and Conclusions

Textbooks $lay a crucial role in the Malaysian mathematics teaching and learning $rocess in schools% The t&o

im$ortant $edagogic functions as succinctly $ut by )an Bormolen +(,-; cited in Fohnson 3447. are the

curricular and conce$tual $ers$ectives% The former relates to the $rogression of learning materials &hile the latter

relates to the conce$tual develo$ment of learners% The role of textbooks in the t&in $rocesses of teaching and

learning mathematics has received increasing attention over the last t&o decades at least%

As mentioned earlier the study that has been summari<ed &as a t&o#fold study% The distribution of &ord

 $roblem categories found in Malaysian $rimary schools mathematics textbooks based on )an de Walle*s +(,,-.

(( model &as identified and $u$ils* achievement on /uestions re$resenting the various categories &ere

com$ared% Also a com$arison of the school textbooks &ith similar commercially#$ublished &orkbooks &as

carried out%8ntries in Table 7 indicate that the &ord $roblem categories based on )an de Walle*s model &ere not

systematically distributed throughout the Primary ( and Primary 3 mathematics textbooks% Three of the

categories namely FRU +3-%;. SRU +93%(. and PWU +(3. &ere &ell re$resented but other categories &ere

either under#re$resented or not re$resented at all 0n terms of $u$ils* achievements across the categories the

findings of this study &ere similar to that obtained by Parm1it +344;.% Analyses indicated that $u$ils in Primary (

and Primary 3 ex$erienced difficulties &ith com$rehending /uestions in categories FCU +3=%(. F0U +33%9.

CBU +3:%3. CSU +33%:. and PPU +:9%;.% There are at least t&o reasons that might have been res$onsible

for this%

Table 7

 Distribution o- Word Problems and Pupils Ac+ievement across t+e "" Categories

Categories Pr ( Pr 3 Mean Pr ( Pr 3 Mean(%

FRU 37%- 9(%9 3-%; ,:%- -=%; ,(%3


FCU 7%3 9%( :%3 33%: 9(%- 3=%(


F0U ;%3 4 9%( ,%7 97%4 33%9


SRU 9,%3 37%4 93%( :=%: ;;%= 7=%(


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SCU 9%( 9%( 9%( :3%3 =4%7 7;%:


S0U 9%( :%= 9%, 7(%3 7;%7 79%,


CBU 7%3 =%- ;%7 39%3 37%3 3:%3


CKU 3%( 4 (%( =9%9 ;=%= =4%7


CSU 4 (%; 4%- (:%; 94%( 33%:


PWU -%9 (7%; (3%4 -(%4 =7%9 =-%3


PPU 3%( =%- 7%4 9-%- :-%: :9%;

Category ( : and (4 &ith highest distribution5 Category ( : - and (4 utili<ing addition o$erations

'irst the com$arison bet&een the textbook analysis and $u$ils* achievements indicated that that $u$ils

 $erformed least &ell on /uestions in categories that &ere under#re$resented or not re$resented at all in the school

textbooks% n the other hand the students tended to do &ell on /uestions for categories +e%g% FRU SRU and

PWU. that &ere &ell re$resented in the text%

The assum$tions here is that /uestions in those categories that &ere &ell#re$resented in the textbooks

tended to be correctly ans&ered because $u$ils had considerable ex$erience in solving such $roblems in their

schools* mathematics classrooms%

The second $oint is that four of these eleven categories in the )an de Walle model involve the o$eration of

addition but the other seven categories involve the o$eration of subtraction% The /uestions for the four categories+&ith the success rate in $arenthesis. involving the o$erations of addition &ere as follo&s

FRU +,(%3.

 :ani +as "5 -lo*ers in t+e bas)et. Sara+ gave +er < more. :o* many -lo*ers does :ani +ave altoget+er;

 8umber sentence6 "5 < BBB 

The o$eration needed to solve this $roblem is addition%

S0U +79%,.

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7/27/2019 An Analysis of Addition and Subtraction Word Problems In 10/12

 Anis ba)ed some coo)ies. S+e gave to C+ong. 8o* Anis +as "5 coo)ies le-t. :o* many coo)ies did Anis ba)e

at -irst;

 8umber sentence6 BBB "5

The o$eration needed to solve this $roblem is addition%

CKU +=4%7.

 &ira read storyboo)s. Alya read "5 storyboo)s more t+an &ira. :o* many storyboo)s did Alya read; 8umber sentence6 "5 BBB 

The o$eration needed to solve this $roblem is addition%

PWU +=-%3.

Siti +as "= small teddy bears and big teddy bears. :o* many teddy bears does s+e +ave altoget+er;

 8umber sentence6 "= BBB 

The o$eration needed to solve this $roblem is addition%

The success rate obtained by $u$ils in the test &ere higher in these four categories +,(%3 79%, =4%7 and

=-%3. than the scores in the other categories +e%g% 3=%( 33%97=%( 7;%: 79%, 3:%3 33%: and

:9%;.% There is a strong $ossibility that the high scores obtained for these four categories involving addition

might not be linked to $u$ils* ability in modeling the situation but rather through guessing% This is because from

these four categories it can be said that S0U +79%,. and CKU +=4%7. involve a higher order $roblem#solving

skill as com$ared to that re/uired for the com$utation of SRU or F0U and yet the $u$ils obtained a higher

 $ercentage success rate in the former categories &hen com$ared to the latter% These $u$ils might have com$uted

the numbers utili<ing addition o$erations in deriving the ans&ers% 0t may not have been based on their conce$tual

understanding in modeling the situations% This may be because the first arithmetic o$eration that $u$ils learn in

early mathematics after counting is addition and $u$ils tend to fall back on their $rior ex$erience of construction

&hich they are familiar &ith in modeling the situation% This study suggests that &hen $u$ils face difficulties in

com$rehending $roblems they fall back on the o$eration &ith &hich they are most familiar namely addition%

They tend to commit to the o$eration of addition if there is a barrier that $revents them from com$rehending or

contextuali<ing the given $roblem% This &as /uite $revalent &hen these $u$ils obtained a much higher success

rate in CKU +=4%7. as com$ared to CSU +33%:. though it involves similar contexts &ith differences in terms of

>more? and > -e*er?2 &here the former category involves the o$eration of addition and the latter subtraction%

Another category that concurs &ith this line of reasoning is the analysis of S0U as com$ared to FCU or F0U% 'rom

the $roblems given S0U re/uires a higher thinking mode of contextuali<ation as com$ared to FCU or F0U% @et

the success rate obtained by $u$ils on the former is much higher +79%,. as com$ared to the latter +3=%( and

33%9.% 0n other &ords the more difficult category +S0U. &hich re/uires the o$eration of addition $roduced a

higher success rate as com$ared to the less difficult categories +FCU and F0U. &hich $roduced a lo&er success

rate% 0n this res$ect a /ualitative study ought to be undertaken in assessing $u$ils* construction of kno&ledge

 based on their conce$tual advances in Malaysian settings%

The three categories +FRU SRU and PWU. that are most fre/uently re$resented in the $rimary school

textbooks seem to re$resent the lo&est cognitive $rocess needed for the solution as com$ared to the other

categories +es$ecially CBU CKU and CSU. &hich are under#re$resented or not#re$resented at all% The lexicon in

the semantic structure such as E-e*er? and >more? in the latter categories +CKU and CSU. re/uire a higher#order

cognitive o$eration in order to com$rehend and contextuali<e the $roblems as com$ared &ith the other

categories% The inability of $u$ils to com$rehend and contextuali<e the $roblems com$ounded &ith the lexicon

used might be the root of the difficulties that the $u$ils ex$erienced% The failure of many $u$ils to ans&er

correctly some of the $roblems es$ecially those for categories CBU CSU and PPU a$$ears to have been due to

their lack of ex$erience &ith certain situations rather than &ith any difficulty &ith o$erating on numbers

+Parm1it 344;.%Word $roblems &hich start &ith unkno&ns are relatively difficult for young $u$ils +Peterson 'ennema 2

Car$enter (,-,. since they find it difficult to model the $roblem situations mathematically% Textbooks often

include only a fe& of these categories of &ord $roblems thus limiting children*s ability to learn the o$erations

meaningfully +Ereer (,,=5 Peterson 'ennema 2 Car$enter (,-,.% That kind of conclusion concurs &ith the

findings of this study &ith Primary ( and Primary 3 $u$ils and their textbooks in Malaysian schools%

Doth textbooks and &ord $roblems occu$y an im$ortant $osition in the teaching and learning $rocess and

as $ointed earlier by Dall and Cohen +(,,;. >curriculum materials could contribute to $rofessional $ractice if

they &ere created &ith closer attention to $rocesses of curriculum enactment? +$% =.% This sim$ly means that

there is a $ossibility that the $u$ils* inability to solve difficult $roblems may be due to the fact that they have not

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obtained ade/uate ex$osure to or ex$erience &orking &ith these $roblems in their classroom learning% The

 $resum$tion here is that an analysis of textbooks is a necessary but not sufficient condition to understand &hat

really ha$$ens in actual classroom teaching +'an 2 hu 3444.% When categories of &ord $roblems have been

rarely ex$erienced by $u$ils then the $u$ils can be forgiven for having difficulty >translating? the $roblems into

mathematically correct statements if all of a sudden they are asked to solve them% This can result in the $u$ils*

conce$tual develo$ment in addition and subtraction being inhibited%

!ducational "mplications

The first im$lication is that $u$ils* ability to link addition and subtraction &ith additive and subtractive &ord

 $roblem situations develo$s slo&ly throughout $u$ils* early stages of mathematics learning +Ereer (,,=5

Munirah 34475 Parm1it 344: 344;5 Wyndhamn (,,=.% 0t is likely that this shortcoming might be directly

linked to the inade/uate balance of content in the mathematics textbooks used in classroom teaching% The result

of this research indicates that Primary ( and Primary 3 textbooks $ublished by the Ministry of 8ducation since

3449 +in stages. used in Malaysian classroom teaching do not ade/uately re$resent the totality of different

categories for addition and subtraction &ord $roblem /uestions &hich have been &ell#researched in the literature%

Kess ex$osure to these ty$es of $roblems might be one reason that many $u$ils* faced difficulties in these

conce$ts% 0n vie& of this textbooks develo$ers should consider including more of the different ty$es of $roblems

in textbooks%

Secondly the distribution of the &ord $roblem categories in the textbooks has not been systematically

 based on research findings% 0n the Malaysian Primary ( and Primary 3 textbooks there is an over em$hasis on

certain categories &hile other categories are hardly re$resented or indeed not re$resented at all% The 8ducationMinistry should em$hasi<e the need for textbook &riters to take into account the findings of research out$uts%

0t is recommended that in#de$th research study be carried out by the Ministry of 8ducation on the content

ade/uacy of current mathematics textbooks used in classrooms es$ecially for the early $rimary grades% This is

necessary because at this stage $u$ils are being ex$osed and becoming familiar to &ord $roblems% Carefully

chosen &ord#$roblems can $rovide a rich context for learning mathematical conce$ts +Ereer (,,=.% Secondly at

these early grades $u$ils &ho have trouble &ith fundamental mathematical conce$ts &ill be likely to continue

having $roblems &ith mathematics throughout their schooling life% Struggling $u$ils can /uickly cultivate a

strong negative attitude to&ards mathematics% 'urther research is clearly essential to ex$lore ho& kno&ledge of

children*s learning of mathematics can be a$$lied to the design of instruction via textbooks to bridge that ga$

that still exists bet&een teachers* teaching and children*s learning in mathematics%


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