an analysis of english reading texts for seventh...


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(A Descriptive Analysis Study)




NIM. 21160140000036








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Page 3: AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH READING TEXTS FOR SEVENTH … · 2020. 8. 28. · Buku teks Bahasa Inggris terbitan Yudhistira telah





(A Descriptive Analysis Study)


Completed in Partial Requirement for Completion of Master’s Degree at English Department,

Faculty of Tarbiya and Educational Sciences

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta



NIM. 21160140000036


Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd.

19631010 199103 2 003





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Page 5: AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH READING TEXTS FOR SEVENTH … · 2020. 8. 28. · Buku teks Bahasa Inggris terbitan Yudhistira telah



Fithiawati. An Analysis of English Reading Texts for Seventh Grade of Junior High

School (A Descriptive Analysis Study), 2020.

The objective of the study was to analyze the quality and the relevance of the

English reading textbooks published by Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai to what

is obligated to be obtained by students based on 2013 curriculum. Moreover, this study to

show the appropriateness of English reading textbooks by Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga

Serangkai as the main sources in the English teaching and learning process. It was

analyzed based on the aspect of contents, aspect of presentation, aspect of language use

and readability and aspect of relation between chapters suggested by Book Center,

Ministry of Education and Culture. This research presented in qualitative and descriptive

approach. It used a content analysis design. The instrument which used in this study were

checklists. There were four checklists which were applied to answer the research


The findings of the study were the English textbooks published by Erlangga

compatible with the aspect of contents, presentations, language usage and readability, and

relevance between chapters. The English textbook published by Yudhistira had compatible

with the aspect of contents, language use and readability. But it did not have compatible

with the aspect of presentation because there was a mismatch between the illustration and

the material in it. Furthermore, the English textbook by Tiga Serangkai had compatible

with the aspect of presentation, language use and readability, and relation between chapters

but it did not have compatible with the aspect of content based on Book Center, Ministry

of Education and Culture.

Keywords: English Reading, English Textbooks, Descriptive Analysis.

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Fithiawati. Analisis Teks Bacaan Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP Kelas VII (Studi

Analisis Deskriptif), 2020.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas dan relevansi buku teks bacaan

Bahasa Inggris terbitan Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai dengan apa yang wajib

diperoleh siswa berdasarkan kurikulum 2013. Selain itu, penelitian ini untuk

menunjukkkan kesesuaian buku teks bacaan Bahasa Inggris terbitan Erlangga, Yudhistira,

dan Tiga Serangkai sebagai sumber utama dalam proses belajar mengajar Bahasa Inggris.

Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan aspek isi, aspek penyajian, aspek penggunaan dan

keterbacaan, dan aspek keterkaitan antar bab yang dikemukakan oleh Pusat Perbukuan,

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Penelitian ini disajikan dengan pendekatan

kualitatif dan deskriptif. Ini menggunakan desain analisis konten. Instrument yang

digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ceklis. Ada empat ceklis yang digunakan untuk

menjawab pertanyaan penelitian.

Temuan penelitian ini adalah buku teks Bahasa Inggris terbitan Erlangga sesuai

dengan aspek isi, penyajian, pengunaan dan keterbacaan Bahasa, serta relevansi antar bab.

Buku teks Bahasa Inggris terbitan Yudhistira telah sesuai dengan aspek isi, penggunaan

dan keterbacaan bahasa. Tapi tidak sesuai dengan aspek penyajian karena terdapat

ketidaksesuaian antara judul bab dengan bahasan materi di dalamnya. Dan buku teks

bahasa Inggris terbitan Tiga serangkai sudah sesuai dengan aspek penyajian, penggunaan

dan keterbacaan bahasa, serta keterkaitan antar bab tetapi tidak sesuai dengan aspek isi

berdasarkan Pusat Perbukuan, Mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Kata Kunci: Membaca Bahasa Inggris, Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris, Analisis


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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and Merciful

Praised be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given mercy and blessing to the

writer in finishing this Thesis. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad

SAW, his family, his companion, and his adherence .

This Thesis is presented to Graduate Program of English Education, the Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Educational Sciences Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta as

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M.Pd. in the Departement of

English Education.

In this occasion, I would like to thank to my beloved parents H. A. Kaelani(Alm.)

and Hj. Siti Julfah, my husband (Eghi Likman Nurhakim, S.Si.), my first daughter

(Ashalina Zaina Nurhakim) who give me the support to fulfill this Thesis.

Furthermore, the writer also would like to address her great honor and attitude to her

advisor (Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd.) Who has sacrificed her energy and valuable time for the

writer to give consultations with full of help, care guidance, and valuable advices during

the writer arranging this Thesis. The deepest gratitude and respect are also dedicated to the

examiners Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd., Dr. Alek, M.Pd., and Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd., whose

suggestions and critical remarks have enable the writer to refine this thesis and who had

given constructive corrections and suggestions until this thesis become better.

The writer’s sincere gratitude also goes to:

1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., the dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences.

2. Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd., the Head of Magister Program of English Education.

3. All lecturers and staff in Magister Program of English Education.

4. Dr. Ahmad Sofyan, M.Pd.

5. Sobari, S.Ag., the Headmaster of SMP Plus El Wafa, Bekasi.

6. The teachers at SMP Plus El Wafa and SDIT El Wafa, Bekasi.

7. My friends in Magister Program of English Education Year 2016 who motivated the

writer in finishing this Thesis.

8. To any other people whose are named cannot be mentioned one for their

contribution to the writer during finishing her Thesis.

The writer admits that her writing is still far from being perfect, therefore she hopes

some suggestions and criticizes from the reader for this thesis and it will be so valuable for

her and for a better thing in the future.

Jakarta, August 19th 2020

The Writer

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COVER PAGE .......................................................................................................... i

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................................ ii

APPROVAL OF ADVISOR .................................................................................... iii

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ...................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ v

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... vii

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. viii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF APPEENDICES ....................................................................................... x

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................................. 1

B. Focus and Sub-focus of the Research .......................................... 7

C. Research Questions ..................................................................... 7

D. Objective of the Study ................................................................. 7

E. Significance of the Study ............................................................ 8

CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................... 9

A. English Reading ......................................................................... 9

1. The Understanding of English Reading ................................ 9

2. Purpose of English Reading .................................................. 11

3. Process of English Reading................................................... 13

B. Reading English Textbook ......................................................... 20

C. English Reading Textbook based on 2013 Curriculum ............. 27

D. The Book Center, Ministry of Education and Culture ............... 32

E. Previous Related Studies............................................................. 34

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................. 37

A. Research Method and Design ..................................................... 37

B. Research Setting ......................................................................... 37

C. Data Sources .............................................................................. 37

D. Unit of Analysis ......................................................................... 38

E. Research Instrument.................................................................... 39

F. Data Collecting Procedures ......................................................... 41

G. Data Analysis Procedures ........................................................... 41

H. Trustworthiness ........................................................................... 42


A. Research Finding ........................................................................ 44

B. Discussion .................................................................................. 77

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................................... 84

A. Conclusion ................................................................................. 84

B. Suggestion .................................................................................. 86

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 87

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Figure 3.1 Bright: An English Course for SMP/MTs Grade VII .......................... 42

Figure 3.2 Interactive English 1 for Junior High School Year VII ........................ 43

Figure 3.3 Passport to the World: A Fun and Easy English Book

for Grade VII of Junior High Schools ................................................. 43

Figure 4.1 The Example of Reading Text by Erlangga ........................................ 75

Figure 4.2 The Example of Reading Text by Yudhistira ...................................... 75

Figure 4.3 The Example of Reading Text by Tiga Serangkai .............................. 75

Figure 4.4 Illustrations in Chapter 9 Erlangga ...................................................... 77

Figure 4.5 Illustrations in Chapter 10 Erlangga .................................................... 77

Figure 4.6 Illustrations in Chapter 11 Erlangga .................................................... 78

Figure 4.7 Illustrations in Unit 4 Yudhistira ......................................................... 78

Figure 4.8 Illustrations in Unit 5 Yudhistira ......................................................... 79

Figure 4.9 Illustrations in Unit 6 Yudhistira ......................................................... 79

Figure 4.10 Illustrations in Chapter 6 Tiga Serangkai ............................................ 80

Figure 4.11 Illustrations in Chapter 8 Tiga Serangkai ............................................ 80

Figure 4.12 Speech act in Erlangga textbook ......................................................... 82

Figure 4.13 Speech act in Yudhistira textbook ....................................................... 82

Figure 4.14 The illustration showing culture in English ......................................... 82

Figure 4.15 The illustration of technology based on Erlangga ................................ 83

Figure 4.16 The illustration of technology based on Yudhistira ............................ 84

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Table 3.1 Aspects of Contents ............................................................................. 45

Table 3.2 Aspects of Presentation ....................................................................... 45

Table 3.3 Aspects of Language Use and Readability ........................................... 46

Table 3.4 Aspects of the Relation between Chapters .......................................... 46

Table 4.1 The English Syllabus based on 2013 Curriculum ............................... 59

Table 4.2 The English Reading texts in the textbooks ........................................ 61

Table 4.3 Kinds of Descriptive Texts based on Syllabus .................................... 62

Table 4.4 The Arrangement of English Reading Texts ....................................... 64

Table 4.5 The Purpose of Learning Materials ..................................................... 67

Table 4.6 The Preface of the Textbooks .............................................................. 72

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Appendix 1 Surat Penelitian ............................................................................ 88

Appendix 2 2013 Curriculum .......................................................................... 89

Appendix 3 English Syllabus for 7th Grade ..................................................... 103

Appendix 4 Checklist by Book Center Ministry of Education and Culture ..... 112

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A. Background of the Study

Textbook is the media most often used in the teaching and learning process. It can be

interpreted as a store of knowledge about various aspects of life that have been prepared in

terms of the completeness of the material and the way it is presented. It is also as a tool for

students to obtain clear material concept. As Richard (2001, p. 15) stated that textbooks are

used in a variety of ways in language program. For example, a reading textbook might

form the basis of a reading skills course, which provides a set of reading texts and

exercises for skill practice. English textbooks not only contain reading skills but also other

language skills such as listening, writing, and speaking. And it also contains language

components such as grammar and vocabulary.

Textbooks are rightly viewed as teaching aids. This is just one of many possible

learning materials as it helps teachers and students achieve learning goals. As stated at the

Ministry of Education and Culture (2005, p. 2) textbook is the main source in teaching and

learning process that used in the school because it is arranged based on the education

national standard. So, textbook can be used as guideline in teaching and learning process

that used by the teachers and students. It is used if it can do a better job than other

available teaching materials. Teachers find significant advantages in textbooks that are

important to study. This usually encapsulates a large amount of valuable information

traditionally associated with a particular course. Texts can provide the same source as

copies are usually owned by each student. Yulianto (2019, p. 82) stated the use of

textbooks is prepared in relation to certain organizations in accordance with the Ministry of

Education and Culture’s program. In educational studies, the use of textbooks is planned

and programmed as an essential resource. The ability of students to follow textbooks is

very important because textbooks play an important role not only in determining learning

goals and plans but also in helping class activities by presenting and arranging content

according to the curriculum, and in making learning. The learning process is more

attractive to students.

Furthermore, textbooks play an important role in the learning process. By using

textbooks, teachers find it easy to deliver subject matter. Because textbooks are used as

learning sources, teachers must be more selective in choosing good textbooks according to

learning objectives. Learning objectives must also be adjusted to the curriculum applied.

Therefore, it is very important to select textbooks periodically to select appropriate

teaching materials. A good textbook not only can be understood by the students but also

must be in accordance with the learning objectives. English textbook is one of media as

printed materials. It is common medium used by teachers to teach their students.

Actually, English teachers are sometimes still confused about which book to use as a

source of material in the teaching and learning process because there are so many English

textbooks published by publishers. Therefore, most English teachers can choose one or two

textbooks based on their intuition. They intuitively think that the textbooks used are

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suitable for their students without conscious reasoning or learning. They sometimes choose

specific English textbooks to make a profit. They will benefit from publishers selling

textbooks to their students. So, this case will cause problems for the students. The

problems may occur if the English textbook is not suitable for them. Perhaps, they are too

complicated or too easy for students. As a result, textbooks are not easy enough to read and

difficult to understand or boring for them. Students are not necessarily able to understand

the reading text so they cannot find what the main idea is. Therefore, teachers need to

analyze English textbooks first, before deciding to use them as media in the teaching and

learning process.

There are four language skills and several language components in English textbooks.

To narrow down the research, this study will focus on analyzing the reading text. Reading

is one of the four language skills. It is an important language because it provides an

understanding of the main and supporting ideas of written language. By reading, students

can also enrich their vocabulary. Saleh (2002, p. 12) stated that reading comprehension is a

process of understanding the main ideas and supporting written language.

English has become a global language and plays an important role in several fields

such as technology, arts, international relations, education, economics, etc. Being able to

communicate using English can be one of the determinants of a country’s success in

dealing with this globalization era. Given the importance of English, the Indonesian

government places English as a compulsory subject in schools and is a subject that

determines students in their graduation. English has been taught from elementary to senior

high school. English subjects include four language skills, namely listening, speaking,

reading, and writing that students need to master.

Regarding the four language skills above, reading is an interesting subject to study in

research. Many researchers are interested in learning about reading which is in line with

the process of understanding reading texts, teacher strategies in teaching reading,

evaluating reading texts, and assessing reading texts. Reading is one of the most important

skills students need to master as it allows them to understand what is being told in the text.

Students need to have good reading skills to acquire knowledge and learn new information.

It is one of the English language skills that students should master when they are learning

English. Therefore, students must learn reading and other skills if they want to master


As Nunan (2003, p. 68) stated that reading is a fluent process where in constructing

meaning, readers must combine information from the texts with their own background

knowledge. It is related with Alyousef (2005, p. 144) stated that reading can be seen as an

‘interactive’ process between the reader and the text which leads to automatic reading or

fluency. It can be understood that reading is about understanding the written text. It is a

complex activity that involves perception and thought. According to Grabe (2009, p. 8)

defines reading as the complex ability to extract, construct meaning from text. In short,

reading is generally defined as the process of identifying written or printed text to

understand its meaning. In fact, students find it difficult to understand text in English. This

shows that students have difficulty understanding the reading text.

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Reading consists of two related process, word recognition and comprehension. Word

recognition refers to the process of understanding how written symbol correspondent to

spoken language. It is assumed that reading is not a passive skill because it takes a long

time to practice. Reader understands increases based on how they do it. This means that if

the readers who read the better their understanding. Most students have difficulties reading

English texts because the way they read is not in accordance with their writing.

In learning to read text, there are several obstacles faced by students or readers in

understanding the text. The first problem is related to the decoding process. This is also

known as sounding the words. Decoding is when students or readers can use the sound of

the letters to sound written language. It is common for novice readers to have difficulty

when they encounter new or unfamiliar terms, but usually decoding becomes easier with

phonic instructions and repeated practice by reading aloud. If readers continue to struggle,

there may be certain learning difficulties, or physical disabilities that prevent them from

seeing letters or hearing sounds in spoken language.

Furthermore, there is a lot going on in reading. From letter and word recognition to

understand meaning at the phrase, sentence and paragraph level. When a newbie reader

comes across vocabulary they do not know or do not recognize due to accurate decoding,

they are likely to miss it. The blanker in a line of text, the harder it is to make the meaning

and task of reading more challenging and frustrating. That is why poor comprehension can

occur when students struggle with decoding, have limited vocabulary, or try to read text at

a level that is too high. Then, the more students read, the more they come across unfamiliar

terms. Quite often the context in which these new words are found gives children all the

clues they need to guess their meaning. As students develop their vocabulary, they

recognize more words by sight and reading speed.

Not only in learning English reading texts, in setting up English reading texts,

problems were also found. There are several problems teaching reading. First, the problem

of teaching reading is the teacher’s strategy. As a conveyor of material, teachers must have

many strategies in teaching so that students can understand the meaning and are motivated

to learn. Then in the teaching and learning process there must be material for

teaching/learning. Teachers usually use material sources. Teaching materials are one of the

main components that must be prepared by teachers before teaching. Nunan (1991, p. 208)

classified material into two types, namely material produced commercially and material

developed by teachers. One of the most popular sources of material used in teaching and

learning is textbooks.

As a language learning, English is likely only studied by Indonesian students in class.

As a result, English textbooks are the only way students have access to the classroom

language. Sahiruddin (2013, p. 12) the Ministry also provides English textbooks for

teachers and students. Most teachers often use textbooks as primary resource books for

instructional ideas and activities and provide guidance on what they do. Garinger (2002, p.

16) points out that textbook can serve multiple purposes for teachers: as a core source, as a

source of supplementary material, as inspiration for classroom activities, even as a

curriculum itself. As the main teaching materials, English textbook in English as foreign

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language (EFL) classes play very important role in facilitating language acquisition in the


Sorohiti (2005, p. 16) stated that in many non-English speaking countries, textbooks

have become the only source necessary for an effective language teaching program on

most of the materials used in the teaching and learning process. There are two main

reasons why textbook are used. First of all, for teachers, developing material on their own

is a very difficult and demanding job. There are many considerations to consider during

development. The second reason is that teaching itself is quite time consuming. So, the

teachers may not have time to develop new material.

A textbook can be used as provider of learning materials and the guideline of the

teaching and learning process in order to reach its goals. To understand learning materials

especially from textbook is not an easy task. There are many learning materials that can be

taken from textbooks. One of the materials most often provided in textbooks is genres/

type of text presented in reading, because the main objective of the teaching and learning

process is understanding as a starting point for learning how to understand contents of the


Mukundan, et.all. (2011, p. 290) stated textbooks often play an important role in

language teaching. Textbooks are one of the mists used media in the language learning

process in the classroom. Besides being flexible, textbooks are also easy to find and the

subject matter is neatly arranged in one book for one semester or one academic year.

Moreover, Brown (2001) stated that after a thorough investigation of the textbook using

several consistent evaluation procedures; it will be done by selecting the textbook that best

fits all of the stated criteria established by the teacher. Although there is already a textbook

assessment team from the government, teachers must also have the ability to assess

textbooks to be used in the teaching and learning process. In delivering subject matter,

teachers are not only fixated on one learning resource. As Sheldon stated that by evaluating

textbooks, the teacher can help educators identify specific strengths and weaknesses in

textbooks that have been used (Cited in Lawrence, 2011, p. 50).

However, McGrath (2002, p. 45) stated if teachers are under considerable pressure to

teach a particular syllabus using a book specifically written for that purpose, it is still

necessary to evaluate the textbook. Actually teachers of English are sometimes still

confused about which book to use as source of material in the teaching and learning

process because there are so many English textbooks published. Therefore, most English

teachers can choose one or two textbooks based on their intuition. They think intuitively

that the textbooks used are suitable for their students without realizing reason or study.

Textbooks are mandatory reference books for use in schools that contain learning

materials in the context of increasing faith and piety, character and personality, the ability

to master science and technology, sensitivity, and aesthetic abilities, physical and health

potential which are compiled based on National Education Standards. Textbooks are the

main learning resources for achieving Basic Competencies and Core Competencies.

(Government Regulation Number 32 of 2013 concerning National Education Standards,

Article 1 Paragraph 23). Textbooks at the primary and secondary education levels are

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assessed for their feasibility first by book center before being used by educators and/or

students as a source in an education unit. Book center is a unit of the Echelon Institution II

under the research and development agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture. It is

related with the regulation of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Number 1 of 2012,

Article 736. This unit is in charge of evaluating each textbook that will be used in each

school. In the assessment, there are several standards that are set regarding aspects of

content, presentation, language use and readability, and relation between chapters.

Content appropriateness is one of the most important components because it concerns

the content / material in textbooks and is one of the standards that must be met in

textbooks. The suitability of the content according to the indicators also cannot be

separated from the influence of language use. Language is a communication tool for

conveying ideas of material in textbooks. The use of good and correct language will make

it easier for students to absorb the content / material in the book.

The Ministry of Education states that the textbooks they publish are based on national

education standards (Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional, 2005, p. 2). It means that the

Ministry of Education has prepared textbooks well, so that these textbooks can facilitate

students to study independently. The more students learn independently using textbooks,

the more knowledge they gain and more educated people are born. Therefore, textbooks

can become indicators of a developing society.

Muslich (2010, p. 292) states that in terms of content eligibility, there are three

indicators that must be considered, namely (1) the suitability of the material description

with the Core Competencies (KI) and Basic Competencies (KD) contained in the

curriculum of the relevant subjects; (2) Accuracy of material; (3) learning support

materials. In terms of language feasibility, there are also three indicators that must be

considered, namely (1) the suitability of language use with the level of student

development; (2) use of communicative language; (3) the use of language fulfills the

requirements for clutter and flow of thought integration.

Muslich (2010, p. 38) revealed that outstanding textbooks were found such as: (1)

there are textbooks that are not in accordance with the curriculum message; (2) there is a

textbook containing the subject matter (a kind of summary); (3) there are textbooks with

very technical descriptions; (4) there are textbooks that do not match the message of the

student's mindset; (5) there is an inappropriate text book. There are many kinds of

commercial textbooks and there also many kinds of book publishers. Every book publisher

has advantages and disadvantages. In addition, careful selection of textbooks is important

because textbooks have a dominant role in the success of foreign language learning.

Textbooks are used as guidelines by teachers to meet students’ needs, especially in reading

comprehension. Therefore, the influence of inappropriate textbook selection can lead to

low student achievement because there is no match between textbooks and students’

reading ability levels.

As Richards (2001, p. 249) stated that the advantages of textbook are (1) providing

structure and a syllabus for a program; (2) helping standardized instruction; (3)

maintaining quality; (4) providing a variety of learning resources; (5) being efficient; (6)

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providing effective language models and input; (7) training teachers; and (8) being visually


Apart from textbooks published by the Ministry of education and culture, there are

also many books published by local publishers such as Erlangga. Yudhistira, and Tiga

Serangkai. The three books are often used by teachers as reference material in teaching

English. An English textbook published by Erlangga entitle Bright An English: Course for

junior high school students. It is written by Nur Zaida. It has twelve chapters and consists

of 171 pages. Next, the English textbook published by Yudhistira has the title Interactive

English 1. It is written by Kenneth and Rina. It has eight units and consists of 171 pages.

Then, the English textbook published by Tiga Serangkai has the title Passport to the

world: A fun and easy English book for grade VII of Junior high school. It is written by

Djatmika, et.all. it has ten chapters and consist of 240 pages. Here, the teacher should

select the appropriate commercial materials which are suitable for the goal and objectives

of the teaching and learning process. From those three different textbook publishers, the

writer analyzed the English reading text for the seventh grade of junior high school.

The teaching English in Junior high school is as compulsory subject. Based on the

curriculum 2013, the objective of teaching reading for the seventh grade of Junior High

School students is to enable students to identify the specific information from the text,

vocabularies, and structure of the text. Based on the syllabus, the seventh-grade students

should able to understand the descriptive text.

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to

describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Descriptive text has its own rules in

writing, including in the structure or composition of which must be written in order. The

structures of descriptive text are identification and description. In identification, this

section in the first paragraph - the goal is to identify something to be described or

depicted. Next is description. This section in the second paragraph and so on - contains the

properties inherent in something that you already introduced to the reader in the first

paragraph. Emilia and Christie (2013, p. 1) argued that learning descriptive genre is

essential in order student can describe vivid and proper information. In learning descriptive

genre, students can use textbooks, as it plays a key role in teaching and learning process.

Brown (2001, p. 309) stated that textbooks are one type of text, abook for use in an

educational curriculum. While analysis refers to a process which leads to an objective,

verifiable description. Thus, textbook analysis can be defined as a thorough investigation

of textbooks using some kind of consistent evaluation procedure to identifying the

particular strengths and shortcomings in textbooks already in use (Sheldon, 1988, in

Lawrence, 2011). Also, the information obtained from the analysis of textbook is of utmost

importance not only for understanding the merits and appropriateness of the current

textbook but also for the effectiveness of language Textbooks act as sources of ideas and

activities. They play an important role in making the leap from intentions and plans to

classrom activities. While classroom activity specifically refers to a reasonably unified set

of student behaviour, limited in time, preceded by some direction from the teacher, with a

particular objective (Brown, 2001).

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In Indonesian context, the English textbook should provide a good example of

descriptive texts for students to get a good understanding of what the descriptive genre is.

Beck, McKeown, & Worthy (1995) argued that students’ success in school depends to a

great extent on their understanding of the texts, and this understanding is influenced by a

variety of features that characterize the nature of text (Cited in Presnyakova, 2005, p.8). In

descriptive text there is the language feature that should be understood by the students. The

language features of descriptive text are: specific participant, the use of the adjective, the

use of simple present tense, and action verb. These language features sometimes make the

students confuse to differentiate in using it in the sentences.

SMP Plus El – Wafa is one of the private schools in Bekasi. This school is in the Bina

Sejahtera Islamic education foundation. This school just opened this year. Previously the

level of elementary had been established for seven years. This school just have grade seven

which consist of 38 students. For new school, there are still a lot of things that need to be

tidied up, one of which is the selection of the right textbooks. Finding textbooks that fit the

curriculum targets and student needs will help improve the quality of the school.

Based on the problem above, to have wider understanding about the quality of

textbooks based on the quality of its content. And the differences of English text which

served by different book publisher, it will have different display and contents because

every book publisher has his own objective in publish the book. So, this study discussed

about an analysis of the English reading text for seventh grade of Junior high school

B. Focus and Sub-focus of the Research

Based on the background of the study, the focus of the study is the analysis of English

reading texts from three different book publishers. And Sub focus of the study to discover

whether the English reading text for seventh grade of Junior High School can meet the

aspect of contents, aspect of presentation, aspect of language use and readability and

aspect of relation between chapters suggested by Pusat Perbukuan, Ministry of National

Education and Culture.

C. Research Questions

Based on the focus and sub-focus of the research, the writer formulated the research

question as follows:

1. What were the aspect of content found in Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai


2. Does the presentation of Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai textbooks meet the


3. Do the English textbooks published by Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai

meet the aspect of language usage and readability?

4. Is the material presented in Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai textbooks

related to one another?

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D. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to analyze the English reading texts for seventh grade of

Junior High School published by Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai based on the

aspect of contents, aspect of presentation, aspect of language use and readability and

aspect of relation between chapters suggested by Pusat Perbukuan, Ministry of National

Education and Culture.

E. Significance of the Study

The significant of the study is expected to give recommendation to English teacher

and students to use good and right material of English textbooks related to the students’

need in learning process. To be more specific, this study hopefully can be seen practically

and academically as follow:

1. Practically

a. The stakeholders of state of junior high schools generally can judge or choose any

kind of textbooks for students in English teaching and learning process. To make the

teaching and learning process effective based on the objective of learning.

b. The authors and publisher of textbooks can make some betterment or evaluation.

Specifically in arranging the materials based on the curriculum implemented and the

student needs.

c. The syllabus designers, experienced and inexperienced teachers, materials developers

and educational authorities can evaluate and investigate the newly-published

textbooks in order to realize new ways to improve the quality of materials and revise

their contents.

2. Academically

This study could be a reference for other researchers who want to conduct further

research on this field. This study is expected as additional information in analyzing and

consideration in choosing the textbook whether the English textbooks published by

Ministry of Education and Culture or from other publishers.

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A. Research Method and Design

This research was presented in qualitative and descriptive approach. Researcher used

a content analysis design. In line with Creswell’s view (2005), it concludes developing a

description of an individual or setting, analyzing the data for themes or categories, and

finally making an interpretation or drawing conclusion about its meaning personally and

theoretically to answer research questions (p. 510).

Cohen (2007) simply defines content analysis as process of summarizing and

reporting data and written data/ the main contents of data and their messages (p. 475).

Wallen and Fraenkel (2001) say that content analysis is an analysis of the written or visual

contents of a document. Besides, it is a research tool used to determine the presence of

certain words or concept within texts or sets of texts.

This study is concerned with analyzing the English reading text from three different

textbook publishers. With the quality of English textbook (based on aspect of contents,

aspect of presentation, aspect of language use and readability, also aspect of relation

between chapters) suggested by book center of Ministry of Education and Culture.

B. Research Setting

The setting of the research consisted of place, time, and condition. The research was

conducted at SMP Plus EL Wafa. This school located at Kepuh Village, Bekasi district.

This school has just opened for the 7th

grade of junior high school in the 2020 – 2021

school years. There were 28 students in the seventh grade. 15 students were girls and 13

students were boys. This research was conducted to assist the school in selecting

appropriate textbooks in accordance with the learning objectives of the applicable

curriculum. It also supported by the content, appearance, language use, and relationship

between chapters that are added in the assessment.

C. Data Sources

The data and source of data of this research are the English reading texts which are

adopted from English textbooks published by Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai.

The textbooks chose because of the practicality, usability and the purpose of the study

itself. In terms of practicality, the textbook has been chosen because it was not difficult to

find and contain data sources to be used in the study. In terms of usability, the textbook

was widely used in real teaching situation by grade seven students who have learned

English using curriculum 2013 in Indonesian Junior High Schools. While in terms of the

study’s purpose, the textbook has been chosen in order to analyze the English reading

texts provided in this textbook meets its criteria.

The analysis of the study specifically focused on selected reading passages

categorized as Descriptive text. The Descriptive texts have been chosen because this kind

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of text is stated in the syllabus of seven grade junior high school based on the 2013

curriculum. Hence, it is believed that learning the Descriptive genre through Descriptive

texts is important in providing students who learn English, the basic knowledge of


Based on the 2013 curriculum that stated in Core Competence or Kompetensi Inti (KI)

and Basic Competence or Kompetensi Dasar (KD), the students of seven grade of junior

high school should comprehend social function, schematic structure and linguistic features

of simple spoken and written Descriptive text about persons, animals, object, (KD 3.7).

D. Unit of Analysis

The analysis unit for this research was three English textbooks published by Erlangga,

Yudhistira, and Tiga serangkai for seven grade students of Junior high school. Here are

titles of three books:

1. Indonesia. Erlangga. (2016). Bright: An English Course for SMP/MTs Grade VII

related to 2013 curriculum. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Figure 3.1 Bright: An English Course for Junior High School Students Grade VII

2. Indonesia. Yudhistira. (2017). Interactive English 1 for Junior High School Year VII

related to 2013 curriculum revised in 2016. Jakarta: Yudhistira.

Figure 3.2 Interactive English 1 for Junior High School Year VII

Title : Bright: An English Course for Junior

High School Students

Author : Nur Zaida

Editor : Yunia Widiastuti, E. Tiyas Utami,

Dwi Wahyu Priyanto

Publication : 2016

Publisher : Erlangga

Grade : VII

Pages : 171

Chapters : 12

Title : Interactive English 1 for Junior

High School Year VII

Author : Rina Dwi Indriastuty, S.S., M.Hum.

Contributing : Asep Mahdi, S.S.

author Kenneth W. Ament, B.S. ChE

Editor : Eko Marsudiono, S.Pd.

Publication : 2017

Publisher : Yudhistira

Grade : VII

Pages : 171

Chapters/Unit : 8

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3. Indonesia. Tiga Serangkai. (2019). Passport to the World: A Fun and Easy English

Book for Grade VII of Junior High Schools related to 2013 curriculum revised edition.

Figure 3.3 Passport to the World: A Fun and Easy English Book for Grade VII

E. Research Instrument

The key instrument of this research is the researcher herself and also supported by the

textbook’s assessment rubric based on Pusat Perbukuan, Ministry of Education and

Culture. The instrument which used in this study were checklists. There were four

checklists which were applied to answer the research questions. In order to get the

findings, the researcher adopted from Pusat Perbukuan, Ministry of Education and


Table 3.1

Aspects of Content

No. Aspects of Content

1. The conformity between reading materials and curriculum

2. Kind of genres found in the reading materials

3. The arrangement of reading materials based on the level of difficulty

4. Reading tasks which are given to develop students’ ability

5. The reading material which are supporting life skills

6. The reading materials which are consider about the aspects of gender, religion

and race

Title : Passport to the World: A Fun and Easy

English Book for Grade VII of Junior

High Schools.

Author : Djatmika, Agus Dwi Priyanto,

Ida Kusuma Dewi

Editor : Ahmad Thomy H.

Publication : 2019

Publisher : Tiga Serangkai

Grade : VII

Pages : 240

Chapters : 10

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Table 3.2

Aspects of Presentation

No. Aspect of Presentation

1. Learning purpose which stated explicitly and lead to mastery of

Communication competence.

2. The presentation of each chapter reflects the logical path and coherence.

3. The presentation of each chapter arranged from easy to difficult materials.

4. The conformity between tasks and materials.

5. The presentation of each chapter engaging students to communicate using

English actively.

6. The presentation of each chapter supporting students to be interested in

English subject.

7. The presentation of each chapter supporting students to reflect and

Evaluate their self.

Table 3.3

Aspects of Language Use and Readability

Table 4.4

Aspects of the Relation between Chapters

No. Aspects of the relation between chapters

1. The relevancy between the materials with education purposes

2. The relevancy between the materials with the development of knowledge,

technology and arts.

3. The relationship between materials in the textbook.

4. The relationship between materials, and anatomy, norms/ ethics and the

Completeness of a textbook.

No. Aspects of language use and readability

1. The standard of English language use according to the language rules.

2. The use of English which is appropriate with needs of communication


3. The presentation of paragraphs which are presented effectively by

Considering coherences and cohesiveness.

4. The use of illustrations which are functional and relevant with the


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F. Data Collecting Procedures

The technique to collect the data in this study is by using documentation and the

reading texts available on the three English textbooks for grade seven of Junior High

School students published by Erlangga, Yudhistira and Tiga Serangkai. And the steps of

collecting data are as follows:

1. Preliminary Study.

The first step of collecting data, the researcher conducted the preliminary study by

asking three English teachers in different school related to the English book that is used as

a source of Material. From this step, the researcher got the information that they used the

English book from Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai.

2. Analysis.

The second step the researcher takes to collect the data is by analyzing the English

syllabus for Junior High School student, the competence that students must obtain, the

materials which should be taught for junior high school students grade VII, and the

competence that should be master by students after learning English in Junior high school

students which are stated in 2013 curriculum English syllabus.

After analyzing the 2013 curriculum, the researcher then analyze the English textbook

published by Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai for junior high school grade VII.

The analysis of three different book publishers conducted to know the quality of the

textbook from all aspects. The analysis is conducted by outlining the content of three

different English Textbooks.

After making the outline, the researcher analyzed the content of English reading texts

from three different publishers using the textbook assessment rubric provided by Pusat

Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education and Culture.

3. Drawing conclusion

The last step the researcher takes in this research is drawing conclusion based on the

analysis which has been conducted.

G. Data Analysis Procedures

The technique which used in collecting the data is document analysis. The researcher

did the following steps:

1. The researcher overviewed the contents of the textbook especially the English

reading text. Then selected the English reading texts from three different textbooks.

2. The researcher read 2013 curriculum English syllabus for junior high school.

Identify the objective of the lesson, the basic competence, text genre, social function,

linguistic features that should be taught to the students.

3. The researcher compares the materials from three different book publishers with the

syllabus of 2013 curriculum.

4. The researcher evaluated the textbooks by using checklist suggested by Pusat

Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education and Culture. Last, the data of the

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textbook were collected by analyzing the English reading text based on the aspects

of quality English textbook suggested by Book Center, Ministry of Education and


H. Trustworthiness

This research was a qualitative research which has rich description. The data were

presented in the form of written text. To ensure the data valid and reliable, it should be

perused and scanned based on its characteristics in a qualitative paradigm. According to

Licoln and Guba (as Cited by ELo.S, 2014) had proposed four alternatives for assessing

the trustworthiness of qualitative research. Those were:

1. Credibility

To address the credibility of the data, the researcher triangulated the sources. To make

the data credible, the data collected from three English textbooks published by Erlangga,

Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai. It can be said that the researcher had triangulate the

sources. Then, the researcher also triangulated the method of the study by doing

preliminary research. It did to get the information about the English textbooks used in the

school. After that, the researcher used checklist and document the texts based on the

checklist that have designed based on the book center of Ministry of Education and


2. Transferability

This research procedure can be transferred to other studies. The researcher included

data analysis documents that were used to produce answers to research questions. All data

analysis documents are stored and can be accessed by anyone who requests them.

Researchers provide the ability for other researchers to transfer conclusions from

investigations to other cases or repeat the procedures applied in this study. To make the

readers have a deep understanding with the present study, the researcher will content the

reader with enough information about the content od the study, the analysis unit, and the

author position during the research process as the considerations for the readers to decide

the study result which can be used in the future research.

The content of this study were the English textbooks published by Erlangga,

Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai. The researcher position in this research as the English

teacher who analyzed the content of the textbooks from three different publishers in order

to know its quality and to decide the suitable textbooks used in teaching and learning

process. The result of analysis showed that the English textbooks published by Erlangga

and Yudhistira had compatible with the curriculum in the aspect of contents while the

English textbook published by Tiga Serangkai had not compatible with the aspect of

content because there were some irrelevant texts with the objective of learning.

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3. Dependability

The dependability of this research can be seen from the consistency of the result if this

study is done in different time, different researchers, and different kinds of analysis. In

order to address dependability, the researcher elaborated the process of data gathering and

the steps to analyze and drawing the conclusion of the research in detail. Therefore, the

other researchers will get the same result.

4. Confirmability

The researcher documented all procedures of the data and checked all the data of the

research for several times. Here, the researcher attached all collected documents to make

sure that the research findings were result of the experiences and ideas of the informants,

not the preferences of the researcher. The researchers also integrated all the data gotten

with different techniques.

The researcher of this research confirms that this study is also influenced by the

subjective point of view of the researcher because the researcher is a key instrument in this

qualitative study. Then, the researcher point of view is allowed as long as it is related to the

study and it is based on the data got through the analysis process. The subjectivity of the

research should be considered by the readers or by future researchers because the finding

may be different when they do the future research.

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A. Conclusions

This study aims to discover whether the reading material in Erlangga, Yudhistira, anad

Tiga Serangkai textbook could meet the aspects of a qualified English textbook. The

reading materials has been analyzed based on aspect of contents, aspect of presentation,

aspect of language usage and readability, also aspect of relation between chapters. Based

on the aim, there are several conclusions that can be drawn.

The first conclusion is regarding to the contents of Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga

Serangkai textbook. Dealing with aspect of contents of the textbook, there are some points

to analyze. Those points are the conformity between reading materials and curriculum, kind

of genres found in the reading materials, the arrangement of reading materials based on the

level of difficulty, reading tasks which are given to develop students’ ability, the reading

material which are supporting life skills and the reading materials which consider the

aspects of gender, religion and race. Actually, almost all the points of aspect of contents

had already fulfilled by Erlangga, and Yudhistira textbook. While the English textbook by

Tiga Serangkai still need the improvement in the aspect of content.

The second conclusion is regarding to the presentation of Erlangga, Yudhistira, and

Tiga Serangkai textbooks. Dealing with the aspect of presentation of the textbook, there are

some points to analyze. Those points are learning purpose which stated explicitly and lead

to the mastery of communicative competence, the presentation of each chapter which

reflected the logical path and coherence, the presentation of each chapter which arranged

from easy to difficult materials, conformity between tasks and materials, the presentation of

each chapter engaging students to communicate using English actively, the presentation of

each chapter supporting students to be interested in English subject and the presentation of

each chapter supporting students to reflect and evaluate their self. Based on the findings, all

the points of aspect of presentation had already fulfilled by Erlangga, and Tiga Serangkai

textbooks. While the English textbook published by Yudhistira does not presented the

chapter based on the logical path and coherence.

The third conclusion is regarding to the language usage and readability of Erlangga,

Yudhistira, anad Tiga Serangkai textbooks. Dealing with the aspect of language usage and

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readability of the textbook, there are some points to analyze. Those points are the standard

of English language usage according to the language rules, the usage of English which is

appropriate with the needs of communication learning, the presentation of paragraphs

which are presented effectively by considering coherences and cohesiveness and the usage

of illustrations which are functional and relevant with the materials. Based on the findings,

all the points of aspect of language use and readability had been already fulfilled by

Erlangga and Tiga Serangkai textbook. While the English textbook published by Yudhistira

does not use the relevant illustration with the materials.

Furthermore, the fourth conclusion is regarding to the relation among chapters of

Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai textbook. Dealing with the aspect of relation

among chapters of the textbook, there are some points to analyze. Those points are the

relevancy between the materials with education purposes, the relevancy between the

materials and the development of knowledge, technology and arts, the relationship among

materials, and anatomy, norms/ ethics and the completeness of a textbook. Based on the

data findings, the researcher concluded that the English textbooks published by Erlangga

and Yudhistira have compatible with the aspect relation between chapter while the English

textbook published by Tiga Serangkai does not presented the material which showed of

developing knowledge and technology.

In conclusion, it can be asserted that the reading materials presented in Erlangga and

Yudhistira textbook have the relevant content with the syllabus of 2013 curriculum while

the English textbook published by Tiga Serangkai minus one descriptive text of things.

Then, the English textbook published by Erlangga and Tiga Serangkai have the standard of

presentation related to the Book Center of Ministry of Education and Culture. While the

English textbook published by Yudhistira less on logical path and coherence. Moreover, in

the aspect of language usage and readability, the English textbook published by Erlangga

and Tiga Serangkai have compatible with this aspect. While the English textbook published

by Yudhistira does not relate the illustration with the materials. The last about the relation

between chapter. The English textbook published by Erlangga and Yudhistira have relevant

materials in each chapter while the English textbook published by Tiga Serangkai has a

chapter which does not connect with the other and it does not presented the text which

showing about developing technology and art.

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B. Suggestions

Dealing with the result of the study, some suggestions are given in this part. The

suggestions are directed to the authors who compose and arrange the reading texts in the

English textbook published by Erlangga, Yudhistira, and Tiga Serangkai, the teachers

who have been using or will use the reading materials in the textbook and also the

researchers who are interested in the same field of study. The suggestions are:

The authors who composed and arranged the reading material in English textbooks

published by Tiga Serangkai; Because of some non-conformities found in these textbook,

the authors of the textbook should look at the 2013 curriculum. Competence and

criteria of qualified English textbook suggested by Book Center, Ministry of Education

and Culture. It will give the reading materials published by Tiga Serangkai textbook

become more suitable both for the teacher who uses it as a tool in teaching and learning

process and learners who use it as guidance in learning.

Next, The teachers who have been using or will use Tiga Serangkai textbook; they

should be more selective in choosing English textbook. They have to be capable in

analyzing textbook which will be used in English teaching and learning process.

However, Tiga Serangkai textbook still can be used in the class, but teacher should use an

additional textbook as a complimentary one to overcome the non-conformities of Tiga

Serangkai textbook.

Other researchers; The future researchers may conduct a research in the same field,

for example by focusing on the presentation of other skills in the Erlangga, Yudhistira,

and Tiga Serangkai textbook. It could be concerned with the listening, speaking or writing


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