an integrated effective fragment—polarizable continuum ... · density functional self-consistent...

Chemistry Publications Chemistry 3-2002 An Integrated Effective Fragment—Polarizable Continuum Approach to Solvation: eory and Application to Glycine Pradipta Bandyopadhyay Iowa State University Mark S. Gordon Iowa State University, [email protected] Benedea Mennucci Universita di Pisa Jacopo Tomasi Universita di Pisa Follow this and additional works at: hp:// Part of the Chemistry Commons e complete bibliographic information for this item can be found at hp:// chem_pubs/392. For information on how to cite this item, please visit hp:// howtocite.html. is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Chemistry at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chemistry Publications by an authorized administrator of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected].

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Page 1: An Integrated Effective Fragment—Polarizable Continuum ... · Density functional self-consistent quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics theory for linear and nonlinear molecular

Chemistry Publications Chemistry


An Integrated Effective Fragment—PolarizableContinuum Approach to Solvation: Theory andApplication to GlycinePradipta BandyopadhyayIowa State University

Mark S. GordonIowa State University, [email protected]

Benedetta MennucciUniversita di Pisa

Jacopo TomasiUniversita di Pisa

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Page 2: An Integrated Effective Fragment—Polarizable Continuum ... · Density functional self-consistent quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics theory for linear and nonlinear molecular

An Integrated Effective Fragment—Polarizable Continuum Approach toSolvation: Theory and Application to Glycine

AbstractA new discrete/continuum solvation model has been developed by combining the effective fragment potential(EFP) for the discrete part and the polarizable continuum model (PCM) for the continuum part. Theusefulness of this model is demonstrated by applying it to the calculation of the relative energies of the neutraland zwitterionic forms of glycine. These calculations were performed by treating glycine with ab initiowavefunctions. Water clusters were treated with bothab initio and EFP methods for comparison purposes, and theeffect of the continuum was accounted for by the PCM model. The energy barrier connecting the zwitterionicand neutral three-water clusters was also examined. The computationally efficient EFP/PCM model givesresults that are in close agreement with the much more expensive full ab initio/PCM calculation. The use ofmethods that account for electron correlation is necessary to obtain accurate relative energies for the isomersof glycine.

KeywordsAb initio calculations, Polyelectrolytes, Electron correlation calculations, Wave functions


CommentsThe following article appeared in Journal of Chemical Physics 116 (2002): 5023, and may be found atdoi:10.1063/1.1433503.

RightsCopyright 2002 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Anyother use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics

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Page 3: An Integrated Effective Fragment—Polarizable Continuum ... · Density functional self-consistent quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics theory for linear and nonlinear molecular

An integrated effective fragment—polarizable continuum approach to solvation: Theoryand application to glycinePradipta Bandyopadhyay, Mark S. Gordon, Benedetta Mennucci, and Jacopo Tomasi Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 116, 5023 (2002); doi: 10.1063/1.1433503 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Benchmarking the multipole shielding polarizability/reaction field approach to solvation against QM/MM:Applications to the shielding constants of N-methylacetamide J. Chem. Phys. 134, 044514 (2011); 10.1063/1.3546033 Density functional self-consistent quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics theory for linear and nonlinearmolecular properties: Applications to solvated water and formaldehyde J. Chem. Phys. 126, 154112 (2007); 10.1063/1.2711182 Second-harmonic generation of solvated molecules using multiconfigurational self-consistent-field quadraticresponse theory and the polarizable continuum model J. Chem. Phys. 123, 144117 (2005); 10.1063/1.2055180 Response theory in the multipole reaction field model for equilibrium and nonequilibrium solvation: Exact theoryand the second order polarization propagator approximation J. Chem. Phys. 119, 3849 (2003); 10.1063/1.1587131 Solvation and reorganization energies in polarizable molecular and continuum solvents J. Chem. Phys. 106, 2372 (1997); 10.1063/1.473790

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Page 4: An Integrated Effective Fragment—Polarizable Continuum ... · Density functional self-consistent quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics theory for linear and nonlinear molecular

An integrated effective fragment—polarizable continuum approachto solvation: Theory and application to glycine

Pradipta Bandyopadhyaya) and Mark S. Gordonb)

Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50010

Benedetta Mennucci and Jacopo TomasiDipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale, Universita di Pisa, Via Risorgimento 35, 56126 Pisa, Italy

~Received 24 September 2001; accepted 14 November 2001!

A new discrete/continuum solvation model has been developed by combining the effective fragmentpotential~EFP! for the discrete part and the polarizable continuum model~PCM! for the continuumpart. The usefulness of this model is demonstrated by applying it to the calculation of the relativeenergies of the neutral and zwitterionic forms of glycine. These calculations were performed bytreating glycine withab initio wave functions. Water clusters were treated with bothab initio andEFP methods for comparison purposes, and the effect of the continuum was accounted for by thePCM model. The energy barrier connecting the zwitterionic and neutral three-water clusters wasalso examined. The computationally efficient EFP/PCM model gives results that are in closeagreement with the much more expensive fullab initio/PCM calculation. The use of methods thataccount for electron correlation is necessary to obtain accurate relative energies for the isomers ofglycine. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.@DOI: 10.1063/1.1433503#


The modeling of solvation in chemical and biologicalsciences is an active field of research, even though the his-tory of the literature on solvation is quite old. This suggeststhe importance and difficulty in developing an accurate andgeneral solvation model. Most solvation models used inquantum chemistry are based on a continuum approach, inwhich the solvent is treated as a structureless medium.1

These models solve Poisson’s equation numerically or ana-lytically depending upon the complexity of the electrostaticproblem.2 Continuum models have been quite successful inmodeling solvation, though they are very sensitive to thechoice of the parameters, such as the shape of the cavity usedto embed the solute. The major drawback of continuum mod-els is that the explicit structure of the solvent is largely ne-glected. This may be an important consideration when theinteraction between the solute and the solvent is strong, as isthe case when solvent–solvent or solvent–solute pairs canform hydrogen bonds. An alternative solvation approach is totreat solvent molecules explicitly. In such a model, the inter-molecular interactions are explicitly accounted for. However,because of the presence of numerous minima in the configu-ration space, it is critical to adequately sample this spaceusing such methods as molecular dynamics3 or MonteCarlo.4 This can be a time-consuming procedure, dependingon the complexity of the intermolecular potential. When thesolvent molecules are calculated using quantum mechanics,this approach is generally limited to the study of small mo-lecular clusters.

A more general approach to modeling solvation is to

combine an explicit treatment of a modest number of solventmolecules with a continuum to model the bulk. Such a com-bined method might be successful, even in cases where thesolvent and the solute are strongly bound. Moreover, thestructure of the solvent around the solute can provide insightinto the solvation process. For these reasons the developmentof discrete/continuum solvation models is gainingpopularity.5 The major problem associated with such modelsis the quality and cost of the discrete part of the system.Since it is generally not possible to use many expensive ex-plicit quantum mechanical solvent molecules, accurate yetinexpensive potentials are necessary. The effective fragmentpotential ~EFP! method developed over the last few years6

has been shown to possess both of these desirable character-istics. Because of its accuracy and firm foundation in quan-tum mechanics, this model gives results almost as good asthe double zeta plus polarization restricted Hartree–Fock~RHF! method with a fraction of the computational cost. Inaddition, the EFP model can be improved systematically verymuch like quantum chemical methods.

We have recently7 developed and illustrated the EFP/continuum approach using a simple Onsager method for thecontinuum. In general, however, it is desirable to interfacethe EFP Hamiltonian with more sophisticated continuummethods, in order to consistently obtain more reliable results.For this reason, in the present work an interface between theEFP method and the polarizable continuum model~PCM! ispresented. This method is referred to as EFP/PCM. The ac-curate and successful PCM approach was originally devel-oped in 1981,8 revised in 1995,9 and largely reformulated in1998.10 The common aspect maintained in all these formula-tions is that the Poisson equation is solved using a boundaryelement method~BEM! with the apparent surface charge~ASC! approach. More details of PCM are given in the meth-

a!Present address: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University ofCalifornia, San Francisco, CA 94143.

b!Electronic mail: [email protected]


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Page 5: An Integrated Effective Fragment—Polarizable Continuum ... · Density functional self-consistent quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics theory for linear and nonlinear molecular

odology section, where the most recent version of thismodel, the integral equation formalism~IEF!,10 is exploited.

However, before using any discrete/continuum model, itis necessary to articulate several points. The first question is,how many discrete solvent molecules are needed in a calcu-lation to adequately represent the intermolecular interac-tions? One possibility is to represent the first solvation shellwith discrete solvent molecules. However, the first solvationshell is generally not well defined. Moreover, the presence ofseveral low-energy structures, even with a small number ofdiscrete solvent molecules, makes it necessary to use someglobal optimization technique to get at least a representativenumber of isomers. It is also necessary to consider the en-tropic contributions from the different isomers. Since theEFP part of the EFP/PCM model provides the internal en-ergy, while PCM provides the free energy of solvation, acomparison between the different structures must be donevery carefully.

To illustrate the points made in the previous paragraph,in this paper the EFP/PCM model is applied to the questionof relative stabilities of the neutral and zwitterionic forms ofglycine, the simplest amino acid, using two different clustersizes.

This paper is organized as follows: In Sec. II we presentthe theoretical and computational methods. In Sec. III, de-tails of the calculation for glycine are described. Section IVconsists of results and discussions. Conclusions and sum-mary are presented in Sec. V.


Detailed descriptions of the EFP and PCM methods aregiven in several papers.6,8–10Hence, in the present paper wepresent only brief descriptions of the two methods in Sec.II A. The working equations of the EFP/PCM model are pre-sented in Sec. II B.

A. The effective fragment potential „EFP… method

The EFP method was developed to represent weak inter-molecular interactions between a quantum mechanical solutemolecule and a solvent molecule represented by an effectivefragment potential. Interactions among the different frag-ments are also included in the model. These interactions areevaluated by considering the fundamental intermolecular in-teractions. In the case of solute–fragment interactions, one-electron terms are added to theab initio Hamiltonian of thesolute, representing electrostatic~Coulombic!, polarization,and exchange-repulsion plus charge-transfer interactions. Forthe mth fragment molecule, the effective fragment potentialis given by

Vel~m,s!5 (k51



l 51



1 (m51


Vmrep~m,s!, ~1!

where s represents the electronic coordinates. The threeterms on the right-hand side of Eq.~1! represent the Cou-lomb, polarization, and exchange-repulsion plus charge

transfer interactions, respectively. The electrostatic potentialis expressed in terms of the distributed multipolar analysis~DMA !11 of the solvent charge distributions.K in the firstterm of Eq.~1! is the number of expansion points~e.g., eachatom center and bond midpoint in water!. Each expansion iscarried through octopole terms at each point. The entire ex-pansion is multiplied by a distant-dependent cutoff term toaccount for overlapping charge densities. The exchange re-pulsion plus charge transfer interactions are modeled bysimple Gaussian functions located at the fragment centers,denoted bym in the third term of Eq.~1!, whereM is thenumber of expansion centers~each atom center and the cen-ter of mass of water!. The polarization of the solvent mol-ecules by the electric field of the solute molecules@the sec-ond term in Eq. ~1!# is treated self-consistently. In thisprocess the dipole polarizability tensor of the solvent mol-ecules is expanded into its component bond and lone pairlocalized orbital dipole polarizability tensors centered at thecentroids of theL localized valence molecular orbitals.12

B. Polarizable continuum model „PCM…

The PCM describes the solvent effects on quantum me-chanical solutes by treating the solvent as a continuum. Thismethod is based on the fact that the reaction potential gen-erated in the solvent by the presence of a solute charge den-sity can be described, at any point in the space, in terms of anapparent surface charge~ASC! distribution spread over thesolute cavity surface. These ASC distributions can be calcu-lated from the total electrostatic potentialF tot , which hascontributionsFg from the solute charge distribution andFs

from the ASC distribution.Fs accounts for the self-polarization of the ASCs and necessitates an iterative calcu-lation:

F tot5Fg1Fs. ~2!

The solvent electrostatic potential can be calculated by inte-grating the ASCs over the solute cavity as shown in Eq.~3!,

Fs~r !5E s~s!

ur2sud2s, ~3!

wheres ands(s) denote the cavity surface and the ASCs atthe cavity surface, respectively. The notationd2s in Eq. ~3!indicates a two-dimensional surface integral.

In the practical implementation of the PCM method, thesolute is embedded in a cavity formed by interlockingspheres centered on atoms and atomic groups. The cavitysurface is partitioned into small areas, called tessera. Thecontinuous ASC distribution is represented by discrete pointcharges placed in each tessera. The solvent potential is de-termined as a summation over the potentials coming from thediscrete charges, as shown in Eq.~4!,

Fs~r !5(k




wheres(sk) is the value of the ASC distribution at a repre-sentative pointsk within the tesserak and ak is the area ofthe tesserak. Note thats(s) represents the continuous ASC,

5024 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 116, No. 12, 22 March 2002 Bandyopadhyay et al.

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while $q% represents the finite set of point charges~each ofthese placed in each tessera!, i.e., the discrete representationof the ASC used in the calculation. ASC chargesq can bedetermined either iteratively or by a matrix inversionprocedure,9 which considers the iterations implicitly. Thematrix equation is shown below:

Dq52b, ~5!

where the vectorq collects the ASC in each tessera andbcontains the solute electrostatic potential. TheD matrix de-pends on the solute cavity partition~position and area of thetesserae! and on the solvent dielectric constant; detailed ex-pressions for the components ofD can be found in Ref. 10.

Once the calculation ofFs is completed, it is introducedinto the Schro¨dinger equation of the solute system,

~H01Fs!uC8&5E8uC8&, ~6!

whereH0 is the gas phase Hamiltonian andC8 andE8 arethe final wave function and the energy, respectively, in thepresence of the solvent. It can be shown9 that the variationalminimization of Eq.~6! leads to the following free energyquantity:




2 (i

S qie^C8u


ur2si uuC8&



ur2si uuC8& D , ~7!

where the last two terms on the right-hand side represent theinteractions between the electronic part of the solute chargedensity and the ASC due to the polarization of the solvent@generated by the electronic (qi

e) and nuclear (qiN) parts of

the solute#. Index i runs over all tesserae andsi are the po-sitions of the ASCs. The addition of the solute nuclear con-tribution to Eq.~7! gives the following equation:




ur2si uuC8&


2 (i




uRm2si u1VNN , ~8!

where the second and third terms of Eq.~7! are collected intothe second term of Eq.~8!. The third term represents theinteraction between the nuclear charges of the solute and theASC due to the electronic and nuclear part of the solute. Thelast term denotes the nuclear repulsion energy.

The second and third terms of Eq.~8! can be written as




2 (iE g~r !qi~s!

ur2sudr , ~9!


g~r !5gN~r !1r~r !



Zmd~Rm2r !1(mn

Pmnxm~r !xn~r !

is the solute charge distribution.Zm denote the nuclearcharges,Rm denote the positions of the nuclei,Pmn is anelement of the density matrix,$xm% is the basis set used inthe ab initio calculation. Equation~9! gives all solute–solvent interaction terms.

Because of the linear nature of the electrostatic equation,it is possible to write Eq.~9! as




2 (iE g~r !@qi




2~Uee1UeN1UNe1UNN!, ~10!

where we have divided both the solute charge distributionand the ASC into electronic and nuclear parts. The first indexof U on the right-hand side of Eq.~10! refers to the compo-nent ofg, the second one to the component of the ASC. Forinstance,UNe implies the interaction between the solutenuclear charges and ASC due to the electronic part of thesolute. Equation~10! is the starting point for the derivationof the equations of the EFP/PCM model. However, first it isuseful to write each of the terms of Eq.~10! in a differentmanner for later use, in order to be consistent with the nota-tion of Cammi and Tomasi.9 First we expressUee as

Uee5tr PX~P!, ~11a!

whereP is the density matrix andX has matrix elements:


Vmni qi

e .

Vmni is an electrostatic potential matrix element in the AO

basis,qie is the ASC due to the electronic part of the solute,

and i runs over all tessera points. In a similar manner,

UeN5tr PJ, ~11b!

with small Jmn5( iVmni qi

N , whereqiN is the ASC due to the

nuclear part of the solute:

UNe5tr PY, ~11c!

with Ymn5( iViNqi

e , whereViN is the electrostatic potential

of the nuclei charges, and finally,



N . ~11d!

Using the above notation, Eq.~8! can be rewritten as

G5@ tr Ph1 12 PG~P!#

1 12 @ tr PX~P!1tr PJ1tr PY1UNN#1VNN . ~12!

The terms in the first set of square brackets denote the usualmatrix expression for the electronic energyin vacuo. h andG~P! are the matrix representations of the one-electron andtwo-electron operators used in Hartree–Fock theory. Thenext four terms inside the second set of square brackets cor-respond to the second and third terms of Eq.~8!.

C. EFPÕPCM model

Before deriving the EFP/PCM equations, it is necessaryto consider the additional terms arising from the effective

5025J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 116, No. 12, 22 March 2002 An effective fragment–polarizable continuum approach to solvation

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fragments. First, there are two sources of charge distributionfrom the fragments, the Coulomb part, and the polarizationpart. The Coulomb part of the EFP is described by the dis-tributed multipoles, which will contribute to the ASC. Forthe polarization part, the induced dipole moments of thefragments will contribute to the ASC. Since the Coulombcontribution does not depend on theab initio density, theapparent surface charges due to the Coulomb contributioncan be calculated before initiating the SCF process. On thecontrary, the ASCs due to the polarization contribution to theEFP depend on theab initio density. Hence, these have to becalculated during the SCF process. Last, the apparent surfacecharges, once produced, can polarize the fragments. So, theelectric field that generates the induced dipole moment in the

fragments has a contribution from the apparent surfacecharges in addition to the contributions from the other termsin the EFP. In the following, the working equations of theEFP/PCM model are derived. The summations in the follow-ing equations are over all tessera points on the cavity surface.Recall that in the EFP/PCM approach the molecular cavity isobtained in terms of a generalized solute represented by thesolute itself plus the solvent molecules introduced by theEFP model; the technique exploited is completely equivalentto that formulated for the standard PCM/solute-onlycalculations.2

The solute~ab initio1EFP!–PCM solvent interactionenergy can be written as an extension of Eq.~10!,




2 ( E ~ge1gN1gstatEFP1gpol



ur2sudr , ~13!

wheregstatEFP andgpol

EFP are the charge distributions of the elec-trostatic part~static multipoles! and polarization part~in-duced dipoles! of the fragments, andqstat

EFP and qpolEFP are the

ASC due to the electrostatic and polarization part of the frag-ments, respectively. The electrostatic component of the freeenergy of the solute~ab initio1EFP!–solvent system can bewritten in a manner similar to Eq.~8!,

G5F ^C8uH01 (k51



l 51


Vlpol1 (






8 G1( qstat


ur2r i uuC8&

1( qpolEFP^C8u


ur2r i uuC8&1


2 ( qstatEFPVstat



2 ( qpolEFPVpol

EFP1( qstatEFPVpol

EFP1( qNVstatEFP

1( qNVpolEFP, ~14!

where all terms within the square brackets are due to the EFPand PCM methods separately along with the gas phase terms.H0 is the gas phase Hamiltonian.Vk

Elec, Vlpol , andVm

rep arethe operators for the electrostatic, polarization, and repulsionterms of the fragments. The next four terms are defined inEq. ~10!. VNN

8 5VNN1VNF1VFF, whereVNF andVFF are theab initio nuclei–fragment and fragment–fragment interac-tions, respectively. The remaining terms are due to the cou-pling between the fragment and the continuum and are ex-plained in the next paragraph.

The first two of these terms contain the interactions be-tween the electronic part of theab initio charge density and

the ASC due to the static multipoles (qstatEFP) and the induced

dipoles (qpolEFP) of the fragments.V in the remaining terms

denotes the electrostatic potential; the subscript and super-script in each of these terms indicates the source of the po-tential. For instance,Vstat

EFP is the electrostatic part of the EFP.The first three of these terms represent the~a! interactionsbetween the static multipoles of the fragments and the ASCdue to these static multipoles (qstat

EFPVstatEFP), ~b! induced dipole

of the fragments and the ASC due to the induced dipole ofthe fragments (qpol

EFPVpolEFP), and ~c! interaction between the

induced dipoles of the fragments and ASC due to the staticmultipoles of the fragments (qstat

EFPVpolEFP). The last two terms

are the interactions between the ASC due to the nuclearcharges of theab initio part with the static multipoles of thefragments and with the induced dipoles of the fragments,respectively. Note that the self-interaction terms~for whichthe source of electrostatic potential and ASCs are the same,e.g.,qpol

EFPVpolFP) are preceded by a factor of1

2, while the otherterms have a factor of 1. This is because both of the twoequivalent terms are included in the latter. For example, for

the term 12qstat

EFPVpolEFP there is an equivalent term12qpol


and these two terms are combined to formqstatEFPVpol

EFP.Equation~14! can also be written in a manner similar to

Eq. ~12!:

G5@ tr Ph̃1 12 PG̃~P!1VNN1 1

2 UNN#1tr P~JstatEFP1Jpol


1 12 ~Ustat,stat1Upol,pol!1Upol,stat1Ustat,N1Upol,N , ~15!

whereh̃5h1J1Y andG̃(P)5G(P)1X(P) @see Eq.~12!#.All terms inside the square brackets occur in Eq.~12! and aredefined there. All other terms are due to the coupling be-tween the EFP and PCM methods. The two contributionsto J are (Jstat


Vmne and (Jpol


e . Vmne

5^mu1/ur2si uun&, the electrostatic potential integrals in theatomic orbital basis. Equation~15! can be written as

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G5~ tr Ph̃81 12 PG̃~P!!1VNN1 1


1 12 ~Ustat,stat1Upol,pol!1Upol,stat1Ustat,N1Upol,N,



EFP. All but the first two terms of Eq.~16! are additive, i.e., they can be evaluated after the deter-mination of the wave function. Note that the induced dipoleof the fragments depends on the wave function. However,since this is a second-order effect, the variation of the in-duced dipoles with respect to the wave function parametersis not considered.

From Eq. ~16!, by using the stationary conditiondG50 for an arbitrary variation of the molecular orbital~withthe normalization of the wave function!, one can obtain thematrix HF-like equation:

F8C5SCE8, ~17!

whereF85h̃1G̃. Equation~17! is the final working equa-tion of the EFP/PCM model. These equations have beencoded and implemented in the electronic structure codeGAMESS.13


A. Preliminary discussion

Glycine, the simplest amino acid, has been studiedwidely in aqueous solution with both supermolecule-continuum and continuum only calculations. In thesupermolecule-continuum calculations, previous works ex-plored several different choices for the discrete part. Rzepaet al.14 used 7 and 15 discrete water molecules and foundthat AM1 and PM3 semiempirical methods give a poor esti-mate of the neutral~N!-zwitterion~Z! energy difference. Thiswas attributed to the poor parameterization of the nitrogenatom. Tortondaet al.15 used one discrete water molecule intheir HF and MP2 calculation and concluded that addition ofone water does not favor the zwitterion formation in solu-tion. Jensen and Gordon16 concluded that at the MP2 level oftheory, two water molecules are sufficient to stabilize a zwit-terionic local minimum, with the neutral isomer still lower inenergy. Bandyopadhyay and Gordon used eight water mol-ecules to illustrate the EFP/Onsager model.7 However, inmost of the previous works, the configuration space of thediscrete waters was not adequately sampled. This is a seriousissue considering the existence of a number of structures thathave similar energies.

There have also been several continuum only calcula-tions at the Hartree–Fock~HF!, density functional theory~DFT!, and MP2 levels of theory.17 Tomasiet al.,17~a! usingHF with small basis sets, showed that electrostatic solute–solvent interactions can stabilize the zwitterionic form withrespect to the neutral one. Many different continuum modelshave been applied to the same system with different results.The most recent ones, however, seem to confirm that the useof an accurate solvation model~including solvent effects onboth the electronic and geometrical description of the solute!

and of a correlated quantum mechanical method are neces-sary to obtain closer agreement with the experimental resultthat the free energy of the processZ(aq)→N(aq) is 7.3kcal/mol.18 On the other hand, in the supermolecule-continuum calculation, it is not clear what number of discretewater molecules is needed to converge to the experimentalresults.

It is therefore interesting that in a recent paper, Kassabet al. employed19 the continuum model of Claverie andco-workers20 using the electrostatic potential derived fromdensity functional theory~B3LYP/6-31G* ! to calculate theenergy difference betweenN and Z using both unhydratedand trihydrated species. These authors found that for the un-hydrated species, both the enthalpy and the free energy havethe wrong signs, i.e., they favorN. On the other hand withthe trihydrated structures they found a free energy differenceof 5.4 kcal/mol, close to the experimental value of 7.3 kcal/mol favoringZ. Of course, this close agreement with experi-ment with just three water molecules raises two questions.

~1! Does the three water cluster system provide con-verged results? That is, will the results change if we usemore waters and sample the structures carefully?

~2! Are the cluster structures used for a comparison be-tweenN andZ, the lowest-energy structures for bothN andZclusters? If not, the reported relative energy difference be-tween these two clusters must be called into question.

Because of the importance of understanding the role ofclusters of waters in stabilizing the zwitterion, we have in-vestigated both the above-mentioned questions in this work.The first step in this study was to calculate the glycine(H2O!3

system, systematically sampling the configuration space, inorder to determine if there are structures with lower energiesthan those found by Kassabet al. Then to understand theeffect of cluster size on the relative energies, clusters witheight water molecules~in which the first solvation shell isessentially filled! were investigated. The configuration spaceof the eight water cluster was sampled using the Monte Carlosimulated annealing~MCSA! method.21

The three three-water structures considered by Kassabet al., the cis-Z cluster ~CZ!, the transition state structure~TS!, and thecis-N ~CN! are shown in Figs. 1~a!, 1~b!, and1~c!, respectively. Thetrans-N cluster ~TN! found in thepresent work is shown in Fig. 1~d!.

CN is the neutral structure used by Kassabet al. to de-termine theN-Z energy difference. However, at the RHF/6-3111G~d,p! level of theory, TN is 6.5 kcal/mol lower inenergy than thecis isomer. On the other hand, there does notappear to be aZ(H2O!3 isomer that is lower than the struc-ture considered by Kassabet al. The reaction path connect-ing the two neutral clusters, CN and TN, is discussed below.

For the eight water clusters, the Monte Carlo simulatedannealing method detects several structures close in energy.As discussed in detail below, once the configuration spacesare adequately sampled, it is found that the clusters contain-ing three and eight waters, each surrounded by a continuum,give similar results for the relative energies.

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B. Details of the calculations

Three-water cluster: First, full geometry optimizationswere performed on the CN and CZ structures found byKassabet al., including the transition state connecting them.The next step was to determine the lowest-energy structureon the N(H2O)3 potential energy surface. In addition, thebarrier connectingZ(H2O)3 with the N(H2O)3 lowest-energy structure was determined by locating the saddlepoints connecting these structures. All stationary points werecharacterized by calculating the Hessian matrix of energy

second derivatives and determining the number of imaginaryfrequencies. Minimum energy path~MEP!22 calculationswere used to confirm the minima connected by each saddlepoint. All of these calculations were performed at the RHF/6-3111G~d,p! level of theory, with discrete water moleculestreated both quantum mechanically and by the EFP method.To assess the effect of the continuum, each cluster wasplaced in a cavity using PCM to calculate energies at thecluster optimized geometries. The effect of correlation on thestationary points was taken into account by reoptimizing allthe structures using second-order Møller–Plesset~MP2! per-turbation theory.23

8-water cluster: The Monte Carlo simulated annealingmethod including the minimization approach of Li andScheraga24 was used to determine the low-energy structuresof theN(H2O)8 andZ(H2O)8 clusters using EFP water. Boththe ab initio glycine molecule and the EFP waters weremoved during the MC process. For the water molecules, bothsingle fragment movement and multifragment movementswere tried during the MC process.

The energy difference between a bare cluster and thecluster embedded in the continuum is defined as thesolva-tion energyof the cluster. Note that only the electrostatic partof the solvation energy was considered in the present work.

The zero-point energies~ZPE! for all the structures arecalculated in this work using both EFP andab initio waters.Note that the ZPE corrections are very similar for structureswith EFP and withab initio waters. The maximum differencein DZPE between the EFP andab initio results is only 1.2kcal/mol.

All the calculations were performed using theGAMESS

program package.13


The optimized structures of CZ and CN and the transi-tion state connecting them are shown in Fig. 1. Structures1~a! and 1~b! are the same as those found by Kassabet al.,except for the orientation of the water labeled X in the figure.However, the different orientation of water X does notchange the relative energies of these species. The relativeenergies presented in Table I, are exactly the same as thosereported by Kassabet al. at the HF/6-3111G~d,p! level oftheory. Table I also shows the relative energies of these threestructures calculated with EFP waters and the effect of thecontinuum on these structures obtained using bothab initio1PCM and EFP/PCM methods.

It is seen in Table I that CN is more stable than CZ by9.1 kcal/mol~ab initio! and 9.0 kcal/mol~EFP!. Note that thezero-point vibrational energy~ZPE! favors CN by about 2kcal/mol relative to CZ. The transition state connecting themis located at 15.6~15.8! kcal/mol higher energy than CN attheab initio ~EFP! level of theory. So the EFP calculation isin excellent agreement with the more expensiveab initiocalculation. The effect of the continuum was determined bysingle-point PCM calculations on these three cluster struc-tures. The relative energies in bulk solution are indicated inparentheses in Table I, and the solvation energies are given insquare brackets. The continuum has a profound effect on theZ cluster, as can be seen by the large solvation energy of 27.5

FIG. 1. ~Color! Optimized structures of~a! cis-zwitterion cluster;~b! tran-sition state;~c! cis-neutral cluster;~d! trans-neutral cluster; with three wa-ters at the RHF/6-3111G~d,p! level with effective fragment waters. Sym-bol X in ~a! and~b! represent the water molecule with a different orientationthan that of Kassabet al. ~see the text for more information!.

5028 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 116, No. 12, 22 March 2002 Bandyopadhyay et al.

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Page 10: An Integrated Effective Fragment—Polarizable Continuum ... · Density functional self-consistent quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics theory for linear and nonlinear molecular

kcal/mol compared with 13.8 kcal/mol for theN cluster. Thecorresponding EFP values are 28.0 and 12.0 kcal/mol, inexcellent agreement with theab initio results. This large dif-ferential solvation energy changes the relative CN and CZstabilities. In bulk solution, CZ is more stable than CN by4.6 ~6.9! kcal/mol at theab initio ~EFP! level. Kassabet al.found this value to be 5.4 kcal/mol~after adding thermal andentropic contributions! using the continuum model of Cla-verie. They compared this value favorably with the experi-mental free energy of 7.3 kcal/mol for the processZ(aq)→N(aq). However, as discussed below, CN is not thelowest-energy structure ofN(H2O)3 , so the actual energyand free-energy differences for three-water clusters, with andwithout the continuum, must be reevaluated. Now, it is inter-esting that for bare glycine,cis is the lowest-energy neutralstructure in the continuum according to Tortondaet al., whilein the gas phasetrans is the lowest-energy neutralstructure.15 Apparently, the relative energies reverse whenneutral glycine is placed in a three-water cluster.

The most stable structure ofN(H2O)3 , as determined byperforming Monte Carlo simulations starting from severaldifferent geometries and glycine isomers, is shown in Fig.1~d!. In this structure, the O–H group istranswith respect tothe NH2 group. The three waters form a hydrogen bondednetwork involving the oxygen of the carbonyl group and thehydrogen of the hydroxyl group, and each water moleculeacts simultaneously as proton acceptor and a proton donor.This structure, TN, is more stable thancis-N(H2O!3, CN, by6.5 kcal/mol at the RHF/6-3111G~d,p! level of theory. So,the proper comparison betweenZ andN in aqueous solution,if one is using three water clusters, should include the struc-ture shown in Fig. 1~d!. Even with three waters, the existenceof several isomers ofN(H2O)3 makes the determination of

the lowest-energy structure complicated. However, we areconfident that TN is one of the lowest-energy structures.

Table II shows the energy difference between CN andTN at the EFP, RHF/6-3111G~d,p!, and MP2/6-3111G~d,p! levels of theory. The effect of bulk solvent is alsoshown for the EFP and HF structures. The HF and EFP meth-ods predict TN to be more stable than CN by 6.5 and 5.7kcal/mol, respectively. More importantly, the neutral cluster~TN! is more stable than the zwitterion cluster~CZ! by 15.6~14.7! kcal/mol at the HF~EFP! level of theory. As notedabove, the ZPE correlation favors TN relative to CZ by;2kcal/mol. The PCM continuum stabilizes TN more than CZ,but even so, TN is more stable than CZ in solution by 2.2kcal/mol ~2.6 kcal/mol using EFP waters!. So, the continuumdoes not stabilize the zwitterion relative to the neutral three-water cluster sufficiently to make the zwitterion the globalminimum at the Hartree–Fock or EFP levels of theory.

Next, consider how the relative energies change whenthe three structures are optimized in solution using the PCMmodel. The optimizations were performed at the RHF/6-31G~d! level of theory, because it was found that with diffusefunctions on all atoms and polarization functions on hydro-gens, the optimizations do not converge. Once the optimiza-tion was completed, single-point RHF/6-3111G~d,p! ener-gies were calculated, and the results are given in Table II. Atthis level of theory, CZ and TN are essentially isoenergetic,and both are more than 6 kcal/mol more stable than thecis-Ncluster. The results are consistent with those quoted aboveand shown in Table II: The continuum preferentially stabi-lizes the zwitterion, and this effect is amplified when thegeometry is optimized in the presence of the continuum.

To determine the effect of correlation on these threethree-water clusters, they were reoptimized as the MP2/6-31

TABLE I. Relative RHF/6-3111G~d,p! energies~in kcal/mol! of cis-N(H2O)3, cis-Z(H2O)3, and the tran-sition state connecting them. Values in parentheses refer to PCM calculations while those in square bracketsgive PCM solvation free energies of each molecular system.D~ZPE! refers to the difference in vibrationalzero-point energies for cluster calculations.

Structure Method of calculationAb initio ~continuum!

@solvation energy# D~ZPE!EFP~continuum!@solvation energy# D~ZPE!

CN 0.0 ~0.0! @13.8# 0.2 0.0~0.0! @12.0# 0.0TS 15.6~9.5! @19.9# 22.0 15.8~6.8! @21.0# 21.8CZ 9.1 ~24.6! @27.5# 1.7 9.0~26.9! @28.0# 2.9

TABLE II. Relative RHF/6-3111G~d,p! and MP2/6-3111G~d,p! energies amongcis-N(H2O)3 ,trans-N(H2O)3 andZ(H2O)3 ~in kcal/mol!. The numbers in square brackets are obtained by optimizing thesethree clusters in the PCM continuum with the 6-31G~d! basis set and then calculating the energies with the6-3111G~d,p! basis set.




RHF/6-3111G~d,p!~EFP waters! 5.7/5.6a~9.5! 14.7/17.4a~2.6! 15.9RHF/6-3111G~d,p!~Full quantum! 6.5/6.9a~6.8! @6.5# 15.6/17.7a~2.2! @0.2# 14.1MP2/6-3111G~d,p!~Full quantum! 3.4/3.8a~4.4! 4.3/5.7a~25.4! 18.8

aIncluding D~ZPE!.

5029J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 116, No. 12, 22 March 2002 An effective fragment–polarizable continuum approach to solvation

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11G~d,p! level. The results are shown in Table II. As ex-pected, there is a significant correlation effect, since MP2preferentially stabilizes the zwitterion, reducing the TN-CZenergy difference from 15.6 kcal/mol at the HF level oftheory to 4.3 kcal/mol when correlation is included. Even so,the neutral structure is still favored in the absence of thecontinuum. To assess the combined effects of correlation andbulk, MP21PCM calculations have been performed usingthe algorithm of Cammiet al.25 As shown in Table II, CZ isnow more stable than TN by 5.4 kcal/mol. So, a quantitativecalculation of the energy difference between theN and Zclusters requires a correlated level of electronic structuretheory.

8-water case:The lowest-energy structures found forN(H2O)8 and Z(H2O)8 are shown in Figs. 2~a! and 2~b!,respectively, and their relative energies at the EFP and HFlevel and with the PCM model are shown in Table III. WithEFP waters, theZ cluster is more stable by 3.8 kcal/molwhile full quantum calculation at the RHF level makes theZcluster more stale by 1.2 kcal/mol. However, including vi-brational zero-point energies reverses the energy ordering,leaving the neutral species slightly more stable. Adding PCMwith EFP waters and with the full quantum cluster makes theZ cluster more stable by 1.2 and 0.2 kcal/mol, respectively.These results suggest that at the HF level these two clusters

are essentially isoenergetic, with the EFP and allab initioresults once again in good agreement with each other. MP2calculations on these clusters again illustrate the importanceof electron correlation. As for the three water clusters, thezwitterion is preferentially stabilized, with the Z cluster now11.2 kcal/mol lower in energy than the N cluster. Since theMC simulations were not exhaustive, the basis set may notbe converged, and since the continuum effect was not presentduring the simulations, these results cannot be considered tobe quantitative. However, they do emphasize the importanceof electron correlation.

Note that the energy difference between TN and CZthree-water clusters~after geometry optimization in solution!is the same as the energy difference between TN and CZwith eight-water clusters~with single-point PCM calcula-tions!. The very similar difference~0.2 kcal/mol favoringN!is certainly fortuitous. However, these values are likely to besimilar even when the eight-water cluster is optimized in

FIG. 2. ~Color! Optimized structures of~a! N(H2O)8 , ~b! Z(H2O)8 , with a RHF/6-3111G~d,p! level with effective fragment waters.

FIG. 3. Schematic reaction path connectingcis-neutral cluster to thetrans-neutral cluster at the RHF/6-3111G~d,p! level with effective fragment wa-ters. All structures are shown in Fig. 4.

TABLE III. Relative energies of the lowest energyN-~H2O!8 andZ-(H2O)8

based on RHF/6-3111G~d,p! structures.

Structure RHF1EFP~PCM!Full quantumRHF~PCM! MP2/6-3111G~d,p!

N(H2O)8 0.0/0.0a~0.0! 0.00/0.0a~0.0! 0.0Z(H2O)8 23.8/0.3a~21.2! 21.2/2.1a~20.2! 211.2

aIncluding D~ZPE!.

5030 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 116, No. 12, 22 March 2002 Bandyopadhyay et al.

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solution, since the continuum has a small effect on the eightwater clusters.

Estimate of the CN↔TN barrier: One possible reactionpath connecting CN and TN is shown in Fig. 3 with thecorresponding structures and energies shown in Fig. 4 andTable IV, respectively. There appear to be three local minimaon this path~EQ1, EQ2, EQ3!, so there must be four saddlepoints connecting CN and TN. The orientations of the threewaters do not change significantly upon going from CN toEQ2 vis TS1 and TS2. However, there are substantialchanges in the orientations of the three waters between EQ2and EQ3. From EQ3 to TN, the orientation of waters remains

almost unchanged. All transition states have been found andverified by minimum energy paths, except the one connect-ing EQ2 to EQ3. There is one transition state structure be-tween EQ2 and EQ3 with an energy that is 3.0 kcal/molabove EQ2. A minimum energy path calculation startingfrom this HF TS~denoted TS’ in Table IV! goes to EQ3 inone direction and to a new structure, EQ2’, in the reversedirection. The structure of EQ2’ is very close to that of EQ2.A linear least motion~LLM ! path calculation connectingEQ2 and EQ28 suggests that the upper bound to this TS isabout 2 kcal/mol. The EFP and HF potential energy profiles~Table IV! are in excellent agreement with each other and

FIG. 4. ~Color! Structures of the stationary points shown in Fig. 3.~a! CN ~cis-neutral cluster!, ~b! TS1,~c! EQ1,~d! TS2,~e! EQ2,~f! TS8, ~g! EQ3,~h! TS3,~i! TN ~trans-neutral cluster!.

TABLE IV. Relative energies of the stationary points connecting CN and TN. Numbers in parentheses show therelative energies in the presence of the PCM continuum; the numbers within square brackets show the PCMsolvation energies.

Structure MethodRHF ~PCM! EFP~PCM! MP2

Cis-N(H2O)3 0.0/0.0a ~0.0! @13.8# 0.0/0.0a ~0.0! @12.0# 0.0/0.0a

TS1 13.2/11.3a ~12.0! @14.8# 13.0/11.2a ~8.5! @16.7# 16.2/15.2a

EQ1 1.4/0.8a ~0.0! @15.2# 1.5/1.2a ~3.5! @17.1# 3.3/2.8a

TS2 4.4/2.5a ~4.0! @14.2# 4.5/3.0a ~0.6! @15.9# 6.9/5.2a

EQ2 21.0/21.6a ~21.5! @14.2# 21.1/21.3a ~25.0! @16.1# 1.1/0.4a

TS8 2.0/0.7a ~1.07! @14,7# 2.9/1.7a ~21.2! @16.0#EQ3 25.3/25.7a ~25.5! @14.0# 24.4/24.2a ~28.2! @15.8# 22.5/22.9a

TS3 23.8/24.0a ~23.8 @13.8# 22.7/22.3a ~26.6! @15.7#Trans-N(H2O)3 26.5/26.9a ~26.8! @14.1# 25.7/25.6a ~29.5! @16.6# 23.4/23.8a

aIncluding D~ZPE!.

5031J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 116, No. 12, 22 March 2002 An effective fragment–polarizable continuum approach to solvation

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suggest that the first step~TS1! is the overall bottleneck, withall other stationary points being much lower in energy. Thecontinuum has only a small effect on this profile, because thesolvation energies of the structures are similar. The numbersin square brackets are the solvation energies.

Finally, all the structures were reoptimized at the MP2level of theory. The TS3 transition state was not found at theMP2 level of theory. This may mean that this structure andEQ3 are no longer stationary points on the MP2 potentialenergy surface. MP2 energies for this reaction path areshown in Table IV. The results of the calculations suggestthat on the glycine13-water cluster potential energy surface,only Z is significantly influenced by electron correlation.Kassabet al. came to a similar conclusion.


A unifying model for solvation, which treats the systemof interest in three layers, quantum solute, explicit solventmolecules~described by the EFP method! and the bulk sol-vent as continuum~described by the PCM! has been devel-oped. This model, EPM/PCM, calculates solvation energiesthat are in good agreement with the computationally moredemanding full quantum calculations. The usefulness of theEFP/PCM model is illustrated by~a! calculating the energydifference between the neutral and zwitterionic forms of gly-cine, the simplest amino acid, with two different clustersizes, three waters, and eight waters and~b! by calculatingthe energy barrier in going fromcis-N(H2O)3 totrans-N(H2O)3 for the three-water case.

A proper identification of the lowest-energy structures ofthe clusters is key to obtaining reliable energetics in asupermolecule-continuum calculation. For several discretewater molecules, global optimization techniques like MonteCarlo simulated annealing can play a very important role indetermining low lying structures. With the lowest-energystructures, the three-water and eight-water clusters give simi-lar results when embedded in the continuum. Geometry op-timization of the cluster structures in the continuum for thethree-water case makes the result even closer to the eight-water case, where the first solvation shell is essentially filledand the continuum has a smaller effect. For the neutral zwit-terion equilibrium, the use of a correlated level of electronicstructure theory is necessary to produce results in agreementwith the experiment.

Stationary points connecting cis-N(H2O)3 andtrans-N(H2O)3 were determined with EFP, RHF, and MP2levels of theory using the 6-3111G~d,p! basis set. The firststep of this reaction path is the rate determining one, withother barriers much lower. A bulk solvent has little effect on

this reaction path since the solvation energies of the struc-tures are similar.


The authors would like to thank Professor X. Song andProfessor R. Cammi for helpful discussions. This work wassupported by a Department of Defense software development~CHSSI! grant. The calculations were performed in part onan IBM Power3 cluster provided by IBM Shared UniversityResearch and Department of Energy grants, and in part at theMaui High Performance Computation Center under a DoDGrand Challenge grant.

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