an-noor march 2014

3 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435 Editorial Holidays By: Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Patel Sahib Your teenage son attends school. You pay his fees, buy his uniform, provide him with his text books and stationery, arrange for his transport and give him whatever else is necessary for his education. However, your son is not truly dedicated to studying. His main purpose of attending school is to enjoy the few exciting excursions arranged by the school each year. Hence in his school life he “lives” from one excursion to the next. This is what motivates him. It is his objective. He eagerly awaits the excursion and plans for the next excursion before the first is over. If the excursion is cancelled for any reason, he is dejected and depressed. Like any sensible father, you are very disappointed. Your son should have been dedicated to his studies. The excursions are secondary and “by the way.” If no excursion was undertaken, it is not a

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3 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435


HolidaysBy: Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Patel Sahib

Your teenage son attends school. You pay his fees, buy his uniform, provide him with his text books and stationery, arrange for his transport and give him whatever else is necessary for his education. However, your son is not truly dedicated to studying. His main purpose of attending school is to enjoy the few exciting excursions arranged by the school each year. Hence in his school life he “lives” from one excursion to the next. This is what motivates him. It is his objective. He eagerly awaits the excursion and plans for the next excursion before the first is over. If the excursion is cancelled for any reason, he is dejected and depressed.

Like any sensible father, you are very disappointed. Your son should have been dedicated to his studies. The excursions are secondary and “by the way.” If no excursion was undertaken, it is not a serious issue. Studying diligently and obtaining a good pass should have been the main concern. You feel your son has “let you down.” We are also in the “school” of this world to “study” – to learn to recognize our Creator, become His true servants and gain His pleasure. This is our main focus of life. This is our motivation, objective and wherein we experience

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4 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

real pleasure. Everything else is secondary. Thus the “excursions” – the occasional little breaks to freshen the mind – are entirely secondary. They should not be given primary importance or become the driving factor in our lives.


Unfortunately with the Western culture eroding into our way of life, the “excursions” — the elaborate holidays — have become an aspect of primary focus. Generally people no more take a holiday to “take a break.” Instead the holiday has become the objective. Many people need to take a break after the holiday. Nevertheless, much time is spent planning one’s holidays. Budgets are allocated for it. While on holiday “where we will spend the next holiday” is discussed. Thus we generally live from holiday to holiday. Every effort is made to ensure that the next holiday is more fun-filled and exciting than the previous one. If the holiday does not materialize, the person is dejected. Alas, this is not the life that a true Mu’min leads.

Making holidays a high priority in life and generally chasing fun and entertainment are in fact the ideals of a “religion” termed “hedonism.” In Philosophy, hedonism is defined as “the doctrine that pleasure is the sole or chief good in life and that the pursuit of it is the ideal aim of conduct (Encarta Encyclopedia).” In simple terms a hedonist is

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5 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

one who worships his desires and makes chasing fun his object in life. This is exactly what Allah Ta’ala has denounced in the Holy Qur’an in the words: “Have you seen the one who takes his desires as his deity and (as a result) Allah caused him to deviate despite knowledge (45:23).” Indeed no Mu’min will claim to be a hedonist in belief. Yet in practice by and large we follow in the footsteps of the hedonistic West. The cornerstones of Western society are “make money” and “have fun.” Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam) has taught the very opposite – the crux of which is that do not chase the world but spend your life in striving for the comforts, luxuries, fun and pleasure of Jannah.


Apparently it would seem that the one who follows the teachings of Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu-

Alaihi-Wasallam) and spends his life striving for the Hereafter would have no pleasure in this world. There is nothing further from the truth. In fact only those who dedicate themselves to Allah Ta’ala taste true pleasure. Hazrat Ibrahim-bin-Adham (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) used to say: “By Allah we experience such pleasure in worship that, if the kings had known about it, they would have tried to snatch it with their swords.” It is for this very reason that they have no need to chase the artificial and superficial fun of material things, nor do they get depressed due to not having some

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6 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

petty material pleasures. On the contrary, the fun worshippers not only get depressed but also become suicidal. It is part of their belief that “avoidance of pain should be the main concern … and suicide is by far the most efficacious way of avoiding pain (Encarta Encyclopedia).”  Inna- lillahi-wa-inna-ilayhi-raajioon! Allah forbid!

Just as no Muslim will claim to be a hedonist in belief, likewise he will never believe in suicide being a way of avoiding pain. A Mu’min certainly believes in life after death and knows that there is unimaginable pain and suffering for one who commits suicide. Yet, due to imitating the hedonistic lifestyle and to some degree making worldly pleasure the purpose of life, some Muslims also become depressed and even suicidal when their desired worldly pleasure is not acquired.

Indeed, Islam has given leeway for a person to occasionally “take a break” from ones normal schedule of work. The object is to take some rest and refresh the mind so that one could return to one’s primary objective (Deen) with renewed enthusiasm and vigour. Hence in taking some rest one will never compromise one’s Deen. Compromising one’s objective for some trivial fleeting pleasure will be like a person who for the pleasure of some warmth makes a bonfire with all the money that he has earned. This would be very tragic indeed.

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7 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435


In order to ensure that one’s “break” does not break the back of one’s Deen or break the morality and Imaan of one’s family, the following are some guidelines which should be adhered to:

Refrain from all venues of Fitnah. Even being in the vicinity of the popular public beaches, parks, “shoppertainment” centres and other such venues where hoards of naked people wearing scraps of clothing prance around, is extremely detrimental to one’s Imaan.

The same applies to beachfront hotels, holiday resorts and the like. Exposing oneself and one’s family to all the nudity, music and other Fitnas at these venues seriously damages every one’s Hayaa (shame and modesty) though one may not actively be a part of the Fitnas taking place.

Do not degrade the Islamic garb (the beard, kurta / cloak, Niqaab) by attending any such venues where drinking, nudity and other Haraam activities take place. These are places which should not be attended by any Muslim, let alone a Muslim who is conscious enough to adopt the Islamic garb.

Remember that you are only taking a break from your normal daily schedule, not from Deen. Therefore, Salaah, recitation of the Holy Qur’an,

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Zikr and other Deeni-activities should not stop. Instead it should increase since one is free from many other daily chores.

Any place where immorality abounds attracts the wrath of Allah Ta’ala. This is clearly mentioned in the Ahadith. Incidents such as tsunamis, earthquakes and other similar catastrophes in the recent past were a clear manifestation of the Ahadith. A common factor was the prevalence of much immorality in the affected areas. When the punishment of Allah Ta’ala descends, the innocent are also affected with the guilty, though in the Hereafter they will be separated from the criminals. Thus places where the naked hordes roam around – on the beachfront, resorts and other similar places – must be strictly avoided.

Always bear in mind that true pleasure only lies in obedience to Allah Ta’ala. In disobedience lies torment and agony – even though one may be in the lap of luxury on the most “exotic holiday.” May Allah Ta’ala grant us the taste and true pleasure of Deen in this world and grant us the eternal holiday of Jannah. Aameen.

TAFSEER( C o m m e n t a r y o f t h e H o l y

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9 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

Q u r ’ a n )By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

SURAH AL-BAQARAHNote: This part of Tafseer is the remaining portion of Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer and hence connected with the previous chapter of Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer.

VERSE – 75


Do you still fancy that they will believe you, although a group of them used to hear the word of Allah, and then, after having understood it, used to distort it knowingly? Verse 75

The Muslims used to take great pains in trying to make the Jews accept Islam. Having recounted so many stories of the perversity of the Jews, the Holy Qur’an points out to the Muslims that they cannot expect such a people to be sensible, and asks them not to worry much about them. For, some of the Jews have been committing an even more heinous sin – they used to change and distort the Word of Allah Ta’ala in spite of knowing the ignominy of such a

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deed. So, the Holy Qur’an wants the Muslims to realize that men who are so enslaved to their desires and so shameless in their pursuit of evil, cannot be expected to listen to anyone.

The “Word of Allah” mentioned in the verse refers to the Torah which the Jews had “heard” from the prophets, and the distortion pertains to the changes made in the words themselves or in the sense or in both; or it refers to the words of Allah Ta’ala which the seventy men had heard directly on the Mount Tur, (Sinai) where they had gone to seek divine confirmation of what Sayyidna Musa (Moses

Alaihis- Salaam) had been telling and the distortion pertains to their declaration before their people that Allah Ta’ala had promised to forgive them if they could not act upon certain commandments.

The Jews who were the contemporaries of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam) may not have themselves been involved in some of these transgressions, but since they did not abhor the misdeeds of their forefathers, they are to be considered as their counterparts.

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11 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

o And when they meet those who believe, they say, “We believe.” But when some of them meet others in private, they say, “Do you tell them what Allah has disclosed to you so that they may thereby argue against you before your Lord? Have you, then, no sense?” Verse 76

Some of the Jews, seeing the growing power of the Muslims in Madinah and around it, pretended to have accepted Islam. In order to assure the Muslims of their sincerity and to win their favour, these hypocrites would now and then disclose to them that the Torah itself had given out the good tidings of the coming of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam) and mentioned the Holy Qur’an. But when they met other Jews who openly declared their adherence to Judaism, they would admit that they were only trying to deceive the Muslims, and were otherwise quite loyal to their own faith. On such occasions, those of the other group used to reprimand them for revealing to the Muslims what they themselves were trying to keep concealed, for a knowledge of the relevant verses of the Torah could be very useful for the Muslims in order to defeat the Jews in their argument.

(To be continued, Insha-Allah)

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12 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

Tas-heelul Ahadeeth

Translation: Sayyidna Amr-bin-Abi-Salamah (Radhiyallahu-anhu)

narrates: ‘I was a young boy in the care of Hazrat

Rasulullah (Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam) [because his mother

later married Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu- Alaihi-Wasallam)].

My hand was moving about in the plate.’ (He was not

eating from the side nearest to him. He was eating

from all sides and they were sharing the plate).

Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam) said: ‘O lad!

Take the name of Allah Ta’ala, eat with your right

hand and eat from the side nearest to you.’ (Bukhari,


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Commentary: Children are a great gift from Allah Ta’ala and,

therefore, have certain rights over us. Proper Islamic training and education is amongst their most important rights.

Children have other rights over their parents besides a proper Islamic training and education. Some of these rights are that:

They be given good Islamic/Muslim names. Their parents are responsible for their maintenance

(food, clothing, shelter etc.) They should be sternly reprimanded for their

mistakes. They should not be abused, neither physically nor



Say Bismillah before eating. Eat with the right hand. If you are sharing a plate with others, eat from the

side closest to you. Teach others, especially your children, correct

Islamic etiquettes and manners. Reprimand them for their mistakes. Do not physically or emotionally abuse them.

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14 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

Seerat-e-PaakNabi ’s Love for Children

By: Hazrat Maulana Abu Talhah Muhammad Izharul Hasan Mahmood Sahib

Translated By: Hazrat Mufti Afzal Husain Elias Sahib LOVE SHOWN TOWARDS

CHILDREN IN GENERAL Who should I show most kindness too?

A man came into the court of Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam) and asked, “Who is most deserving of my kindness?” Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi-

Wasallam), “Your mother!” The man asked, “Thereafter who deserves my kindness?” Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi-

Wasallam), “Your mother!” He again asked, “Thereafter who deserves my kindness?” For the third time Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam), “Your mother!” When asked for the fourth time, Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi-

Wasallam) said, “Your father!” (Bukhari)

The blessing of showing kindness to one’s parents:

On one occasion Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu- Alaihi-

Wasallam) explained the blessing one can achieve by serving one’s parents by means of an amazing incident:

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Amongst the people gone by, there were three people travelling when suddenly they were afflicted by a heavy down pour of rain. They ran towards a cave in a nearby mountain to seek refuge from the rain. Whilst inside the cave, a boulder rolled over and covered the mouth of the cave causing them to be trapped within. They first experienced one difficulty in the form of rain, now they had an added woe.

Now to get out of this situation they had no avenue but to turn to Allah Ta’ala and ask him for salvation. It was decided that each one will supplicate to Allah Ta’ala presenting one such action done in his life solely for the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. So this is what they did.

The first person supplicated thus: “O Allah Ta’ala you are well aware that I had aged parents and young children. Every day I would take our goats out to graze as this was our means of sustenance. It was my habit that when I would return in the evening, after having milked the goats, I would first present the milk to my parents. Only after they would drink I would give my children to drink.

One day, I went out a distance to graze the goats and, therefore, returned home very late. By this time, I brought the milk to my parents but found them fast asleep. I felt it inappropriate to wake them up and neither did I like to give anyone to drink of the milk before neither did I like to give anyone to drink of the milk before them. I, therefore, stood at their head side intending to give them the milk as soon as they awoke. On the other hand the children were crying at my feet

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out of hunger, but I refused to give them any milk before my parents. In this way the entire night passed until daybreak.

“O Allah Ta’ala you know very well that this at (of showing kindness to my parents) was done solely for your pleasure, therefore, remove this difficulty from us.”

His supplication was accepted to the extent that the boulder moved enough for them to be able to see the skyline and breathe more easily. In similar manner, the other two also supplicated presenting their deeds until they were granted salvation and freed from the cave. (The supplication of the first was in connection with parents, therefore, it was mentioned here. The supplication of the other two could be found in Bukhari Shareef under the chapter Kitaabul-Aadaab and in Muslim Shareef under the chapter Kitaabuzhikri wad-duaai wat-toubah)

Dear children, the service towards parents has great reward. It becomes a means of salvation in this world and in the Hereafter. It is also a means of earning the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala and great rewards in the Hereafter. Therefore, we should all make it binding upon ourselves we will serve our parents in accordance with the commands of Allah Ta’ala and the practice of Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam) so that Allah Ta’ala becomes pleased with us and we can attain success in this world and in the Hereafter. We ask Allah Ta’ala to give us the ability to practice. Aameen

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17 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

(To be continued, Insha Allah)ADVICES


HAZRAT RASULULLAH From the teachings and advices of Faqeehul-Ummat, Hazrat

Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)

Compiled by: Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Kashmiri (Daamat- Barakatuhum)

(Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Some Incidents ofHazrat Gangohi (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)

The narrator of 'Arwaah-e-Thalaathah', Ameer Shah Khan Sahib (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi), once mentioned to Hazrat Maulana Gangohi (Rahmatullahi- Alaihi), "I was once in a Masjid in Hijaz (Arabia) where a Buzurg was seated with some people around him. The Buzurg addressed a newcomer and said to him, ‘Mister, there is an image in your heart.’ The man lowered his gaze in embarrassment. The Buzurg described the whole image to him. ‘Her nose is like this, her eyes are like that and her forehead is

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shaped like this.’ When he described the entire appearance that was in his heart, the man then explained to the Buzrug, ‘When I was young, I fell deeply in love with a beautiful girl and on account of this I was left in great anxiety. I only get some satisfaction when I close my eyes and visualize her beauty.’

Hazrat (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) did not comment on this incident. A few days later, Ameer Shah Khan Sahib came to Hazrat and related the same story again. Hazrat made no comment. After several days, he narrated the story for the third time. Now, Hazrat Maulana Gangohi (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) broke the silence and said, ‘Mia Ameer Shah Khan, has your memory become weak?’ Mia Ameer Shah Khan replied, ‘Why do you ask this question Hazrat?’ Hazrat Gangohi (Rahmatullahi- Alaihi) replied, ‘You have mentioned this story many times.’ Ameer Shah Khan Sahib then said, ‘No Hazrat, my memory has not become weak. When I narrated the story the first time, it was on this day and

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date and many people were sitting in the Majlis. A certain person was sitting there and another was sitting here. The second time was on so and so date. Many people were in the Majlis. The reason I related this story repeatedly, was to hear something from you.’”

Hazrat Gangohi (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) then spoke, “This is not surprising at all. That unfortunate person had to close his eyes to imagine someone. For many years, I had such a contact with Hazrat Haaji Imdaadullah Sahib (Rahmatullahi- Alaihi) that even my sitting or standing would not be carried out without his permission whereas Hazrat Haaji Sahib (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) was living in Makkah-Mukarramah and I was living in Gangoh. Thereafter, for so many years I had this same contact with Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem Sallallahu-Alaihi- Wasallam, that I would not make any movement without his Mashwarah." Then Hazrat became silent. After a while, he said, "Shall I continue?" He then remained silent. He did not mention

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what had transpired thereafter. On another occasion someone inquired, "What happened thereafter?" Hazrat (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)

replied, "Then I achieved the state of Ihsaan.

(Ihsaan is the condition of perpetually visualizing Allah Tabaraka-wa-Ta’ala before you).

(To be concluded, Insha-Allah)


Statements and Anecdotes of Faqeehul-Ummat Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi Sahib ..

Compiled By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Farooq Meeruti Sahib Daamat- Barakatuhum

What is the Bid’ah (innovation) in constructing Mihraabs in the Masjids

Once on a journey, in which Hazrat Maulana Maseehullah Khan Sahib (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) and I were together, a person posed this question:Q: Is it correct to perform Salah in the Mihraab?Hazrat Mufti Sahib: I do not know this mas’alah nor have I researched it.

Hazrat Maulana Maseehullah Khan Sahib (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) looked and said in surprise, “Don’t

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you know the mas’alah?” Hazrat Mufti Sahib: Yes. I do not know it.

I then explained the reason for not knowing it and said, “In the Mutoon (primer Fiqhi texts) it has been recorded from Hazrat Imam Abu-Haneefah (Rahmatullahi- Alaihi) that performing Salah in the Mihraab is Makrooh (abominable). The latter Fuqahaa (Islamic jurists) have given two reasons:

1. The posture of the Imam is not clearly visible.2. This resembles the Jews and Christians.However, Shaikh Ibnul-Humaam Sahib

(Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) has refuted both these reasons. He says that firstly it is not necessary that the Imam be visible to Muqtadees (followers). There are situations where the Imam is not visible to the Muqtadees but they recognize the postures of the Imam through his Takbeers, and this is correct. If it was a condition that the Imam be visible to the Muqtadees then the Salah of those who cannot see the Imam should be invalid.

Shaikh Ibnul-Humaam Sahib (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)

has further refuted this by writing that if the Mihraab is built similar to the Mihraab of a particular Masjid (a Masjid in Kufa which he referred to) then the actions of the Imam will be visible. (Hence, this itself is no basis for the impermissibility).

Secondly, he says that this is not in resemblance with the Jews or Christians because their leaders stand on a raised platform and in our circumstance the Imam stands on the same level. Furthermore, their leaders face the congregation, and in our circumstance the Imam faces the

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Qiblah.If one says that there is a resemblance, then

there are so many actions that are prescribed by Shari`ah as well as Jewish or Christian law. Therefore, resemblance is not a factor that always prohibits actions. They eat and drink and we eat and drink.

Some Fuqahaa (Islamic jurists) have written that the Mihraab is not part of the Masjid. A question could arise that if a Mu`takif (person sitting in I`tikaaf) enters the Mihraab then his I`tikaaf is supposed to be rendered invalid, whereas this is not the case.

Some Fuqahaa have said that the Mihraab of a certain Masjid in Kufa has been built on land expropriated unjustly. Therefore, it is Makrooh to perform Salah in the Mihraab. The question that arises in this situation is what difference does the Mihraab make because it is Makrooh to perform Salah on any expropriated land?

Our Fuqahaa are not known to be so naive that they will rule the performing of Salah in a Mihraab as Makrooh on account of a specific Masjid’s Mihraab being built on expropriated land. This will mean that if the Mihraab is built with the Masjid then it will not be Makrooh to perform Salah in it.

In the light of the above, I cannot understand the entire discussion.Maulana Maseehullah Sahib: Well, is this the meaning of you not knowing the mas’alah?Hazrat Mufti Sahib: Yes.

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23 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

Maulana Maseehullah Sahib: Constructing a Mihraab is a Bid`ah (innovation) and the word Mihraab is a Bid`ah.Hazrat Mufti Sahib: The word Mihraab appears in the Holy Qur’aan: (Whenever Hazrat Zakariyya Alaihis-Salaam entered the Mihraab) [3:37]. In another verse Allah Ta’ala says:

(Standing in prayer in the Mihraab) [3: 39]. So the word Mihraab is not a Bid`ah.

Another point is that how can it be called a Bid`ah when the constructing of Mihraabs started in the era of the Sahaabah (Raziyallahu-Anhum) and Taabi`een and nobody objected to it. The practices of Sahaabah (Raziyallahu- Anhum) are a proof in Shari`ah. Therefore, the construction of a Mihraab cannot be termed a Bid`ah.

It is also mentioned that the first person to construct a Mihraab was Hazrat Umar-bin-Abdul-Azeez (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi) who is regarded as the first Mujaddid (reformer) in Islam. This would mean that he had initiated the first Bid`ah! (i.e. it is not possible to attribute a Bid`ah to a Mujaddid since the Mujaddid removes the Bid`aat – Translator)

Thus, this issue is very confusing.(For more details refer to Fatawaa-e-Mahmoodiyyah, vol

6, pg 161/162) (To be continued, Insha-Allah)


Potions for the HeartA Translation of Dawa-e-Dill

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24 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

By: Hazrat Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqashbandi Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum

Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR

Become a sincere and active Aalim

Imam Shafi’e meets Imam Maalik When I showed him my hand, it was

bare; nothing was written on it. He said, “There is nothing written on your hand!” I replied that I had neither pen nor paper, so I was using a piece of straw on my hand in order to get the essence of the Ahadith that were being dictated. Upon hearing this, Imaam Maalik (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) was annoyed, and said that writing like this was against the etiquette of Ahadith. I told him that I was just passing the piece of straw over my hand as an outward action, and that inwardly, I was writing them on my heart. He said, “If it is really true that you were writing them on your heart, then recite a few of them to me.” I recited all the one hundred and twenty seven Ahadith to him, together with their chains of narration, in the exact same order as he had dictated them. Imam Maalik (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) was overjoyed. He said, “Young man! Please be my guest”. I replied I was ready to be his guest.

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25 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435

We went to his house. His daughters, were all scholars of Islam, and had committed the Holy Qur’an and Ahadith to memory. They were very pious, and lived a life of purity.

It is said that they would participate in Imaam Maalik’s (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) class in Masjid-e-Nabawi from behind a screen. Their level of ‘Ilm was so high that many times, when a student would make a mistake while reciting a Hadith, they would strike a stick with another, and Imaam Maalik (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) would realize that the student had committed an error.

He went inside the house and told his daughters that an “Aalim was to be a guest in the house, who was very fond of Ilm. They took great care with the dinner that was to be served, laid out my bed and prayer mat, and placed a water jug in my room for ablution.

I ate and lay down to rest, and joined Imaam

Maalik (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) in the Masjid for the morning prayers. When, I returned to the house after Ishraaq. Imaam Maalik (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) told me, “My daughters have put forward a complaint about you. They told me, “Father, you said this is a pious and good man,

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but we have a complaint against him.”

THE DAUGHTERS’ COMPLAINT“Firstly, the food we cooked and sent to him

would have sufficed many men. Masha-Allah Ta’ala, this guest himself finished all the food and sent the dishes back so clean that we did not even need to wash them!”


Today, the people of this world say, “If you make your child an Aalim, where will he get his daily bread from. He will die of starvation, as he will have no source of income!”

Tell me, have you heard of any practicing Aalim or Hafiz dying of thirst or starvation? There is no example of such a thing. I have asked this same question in various countries of the world, but no one could provide me with even one instance of such a person. On the other hand, we know of MBBS and PHD doctors reaching a desperate stage in their old age and dying of starvation. So which is the career with the greater sustenance? The career of acquiring Ilm!

(To be Concluded, Insha-Allah)

Family Bond

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27 March 2014 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1435


By: Hazrat Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullaah Mukhtaar SahibTranslated by: Jenab Rafiq Abdurrahmaan Sahib

(Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Courage and bravery Again, while on his deathbed, the Noble Rasul (Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam), decided to dispatch the army of Usamah. The Sahabah were hesitant. They requested Sayyidna Hazrat Abu-Bakr Siddeeq (Raziyallahu-Anhu) to defer its dispatch so that they may be at hand to meet any contingency. However, he turned down their plea and made it clear to them that he would abide by the decision of the Noble Rasul (Sallallahu-alaihi-Wasallam), no matter what happened.

Likewise, he was firm and resolute against those who refused to pay Zakah. He did not care if anyone opposed him. He asserted, “By Allah Ta’ala, if they refuse to give so much as a camel’s rope that they were giving to the Noble Rasul (Sallallahu-alaihi-

Wasallam), I will fight them for it.” Courage in upholding truth is Jihad of a high order.1 A person who is martyred for the cause of executing the command of Allah Ta’ala, and for the espousal of Truth, is called 1 Abu Daawuud, Tirmidhii, Ibn Maajah.

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the Chief of Martyrs.1 The Noble Rasul (Sallallahu-alaihi-

Wasallam), urged his Sahabah, (Raziyallahu-anhum), not to be deterred by anyone when advocating the truth and elevating the words of Allah Ta’ala.2 Allah Ta’ala has eulogized such people.3

Once, Shaikh Al-lz-bin-Abdus-Salaam said to the king of Egypt, Najm-u-din Ayyoob in the presence of a huge assembly: “O Ayyoob, tell us what will be your reply in His assembly when Allah Ta’ala asks you why is it that, although We established you as king over Egypt, you allowed wine to be sold there?” the king queried, “Is it so?” The Shaikh confirmed that wine was being at a certain premises, and evil was being committed in a certain place. The king said that he knew the criminal from the time of his father. The Shaikh said, “Then you are of those who will say we found our forefathers on a special path and we are only following in their footsteps”.4 This statement had its effect, and the king forthwith ordered that the business be closed.

(To be continued, Insha-Allah)

Great Personality

1 Haakim2 Muslim3 Surah Ahzaab, 33:394 Surah Zukh-ruf, 43:23

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Rahimahullahu Ta’ala

By: Hazrat Allamah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Salihi Dimashqi Shafi’i Rahmatullahi-Alaihi

(Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Hazrat Imam Sahib’s jurisprudential skill in the light of the other Imams

10. Hazrat Yazeed-Ibn-Harun (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

Imam Saymari again narrates that Tameem-Ibn- Muntasir said: “I was in the company of Hazrat Yazeed-Ibn- Harun (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) when coincidentally; mention of Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah Sahib (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) was made. One person started hurling defamatory words against Hazrat Imam Sahib (Rahmatullahi-alaihi). Hazrat Yazeed-Ibn-Harun (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) kept his head lowered for quite some time and only when the people told him, “May Allah Ta’ala have mercy upon you”, he submitted: “Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) was a very pious man. He is innocent of all the allegations leveled against him. He was a man who denounced the world. He was a truthful Aalim and Hafiz and Ahadith of his times. Every one of his contemporaries I have come across submits that they haven’t seen a Faqih (jurist) greater than Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi).”

11. Hazrat Fadl-Ibn-Dukain (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

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Khateeb narrates that Hafiz Abu Nu’aim Fadl- Ibn-Dukain (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) said: “Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) was a man who plunged deep down into religious law.”

12. Hazrat Abdullah-Ibn-Dawud Kharibi (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

Khateeb narrates that Hazrat Abdullah-Ibn- Dawud Kharibi (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) said: “It is compulsory upon the Muslims to make Du’aa for Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) in their Salah”. He, thereafter, mentioned the preservation by Imam Sahib (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) of the Sunnah and Fiqh.

Khateeb narrates that Nasr-Ibn-Ali said: “I heard Abdullah-Ibn-Dawud Kharibi (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) saying: “In regards to Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi), there are two groups of people; one group in jealous and the other is ignorant of his virtues. According to me, the ignorant group is better than the jealous.”

13. Hazrat Nasr-Ibn-Ali (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)

Sayrami narrates that Hazrat Nasr-Ibn-Ali (Rahmatullahi-alaihi) said: “The person who wishes to extricate himself from blindness and ignorance and wishes to attain the sweetness of Fiqh, should study the books of Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi-alaihi)”.

(To be continued, Insha-Allah)

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Letters to the Editor

Trade without usuryDear Editor,

A large number of men and women of our Muslim community are doing a roaring trade in so many goods and items at shops, markets and homes. They are earning good amount as well as goodwill. However, many persons of our business fraternity are indulging in usury heedlessly, that is, they are taking and giving interest: Ribaa in their dealings which is strictly prohibited in the Islamic Shari’ah. We request, through your esteemed journal, to all such persons who are taking or giving interest: Ribaa while entering into any financial or business transaction and dealings, to avoid taking or giving any amount as interest: Ribaa, and trade with each other honestly and without earning interest on dealings and savings as indulging in usury brings an economic catastrophe to the Muslim community and eradicates blessing: Barakah from the business and the trade. Moreover, this interest-based trade is causing sudden unemployment and shut down when such kind of business collapses under the interest.Abdul Haleem Khan & Nazeer Ahmad ZargarLalchowk Srinagar

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Attention Pleasee The esteemed readers of AN-NOOR may feel free to send their letters on email address as follows:

[email protected]


Fayyaz Ahmad Zaroo

Khanqah-MajlisSubdue your anger

The central theme of the sacred and reformative Khanqah-Majlis, that was held on 02 February 2014 at Khanqah-e-Mahmoodiyyah of Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora, was the negative effects of the anger on such a person who submit to the dictates of his or her anger and then goes for a revenge. While addressing the well-attended gathering of Saalikeen in Khanqah-e-Mahmoodiyyah, the spiritual Master-cum-esteemed rector of Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi Daamat-Barakatuhum, said that true Muslims do not lose their self-control in anger and they do not

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express their anger through violence. “Subdue and suppress your anger as forgiving people their mistakes and short-comings is a quality that ranks very high in human morals, and a true Muslim wishes to have his or her ranks elevated in this world and in Hereafter,” Hazrat Sahib advised. “However, a true Muslim must express his or her anger, within limits set by the Islamic jurists, on seeing insolence, ridiculousness etc. to the Islamic Shari’ah,” Hazrat Sahib added. The Majlis was concluded with Du’aa.

Road AccidentHazrat Sahib injured in a tragic accident

On March 10, 2014 Monday, the esteemed rector of Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi Daamat-Barakatuhum, was injured in a tragic road accident at Nussu Bandipora curve early morning when a speeding Sumo vehicle hit the Alto car on the front in which Hazrat Maulana Sahib was returning from Srinagar. The driver of the car, Jenab Iqbal Sahib, and Maulana Fayyaz Ahmad Qasmi Sahib who was in the back seat of the car when the accident happened, also received hits and blows.

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Hazrat Maulana Sahib is receiving treatment at the Raheemiyyah Campus Bandipora and is recovering from the injury slowly. There is a rush of people at the Raheemiyyah Campus inquiring after Hazrat Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum.