an overview of economic operations and glitches of shgs (self-help groups) in karnataka- a case...

South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 ) Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd An overview of Economic operations and glitches of SHGs (Self-help groups) in Karnataka- A case study of Davangere district *Kavitha.S 1 Abstract: The current study is an effort to study the role and performance of SHGs in promoting women's empowerment in DavangereDistrict of Karnataka. The broad objective of the study is to examine the functioning of SHGs and examine the socio-economic benefits derived by the members. Filed survey is conducted to extract information through structured questionnaires. In addition, information was also collected through discussions and interviews with local NGOs (Non- Government organization) and government's grass roots level workers (Anganwadi workers, supervisors). For the purpose of study 222 SHGs have taken from Davangere(DVG) district. In thisdistrict1998 SHG members have been interviewed. The study reveals that SHG program benefited in terms of socio-economic development though, some of the loopholes are there in the system. Introduction: Women empowerment is a buzz word in today‟s era. India is trying to empower women from many decades. In spite of intensive efforts, empowerment of women and poverty remained as it is. Poverty is the major problem and widespread in India. India has identified, third of the world‟s poor 2 . According to new data, 29.8% of the population is in the poverty line in the year of 2009-10, as compared to 37.2% in 2004-05. To eliminate poverty and to empower women from grass root GOI (Government of India) introduced many of the programs among them SHG is found to be the sturdier with the less effort. It is the strong key for an economic empowerment from scratch. Since, development is needed from base level. If base is strong easy for stronger economic development. In recent days SHG is playing very important role in empowering 1 *Kavitha.S ,Assistant Professor,Manipal Academy,Bangalore 2

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The current study is an effort to study the role and performance of SHGs in promoting women'sempowerment in DavangereDistrict of Karnataka. The broad objective of the study is to examinethe functioning of SHGs and examine the socio-economic benefits derived by the members.Filed survey is conducted to extract information through structured questionnaires. In addition,information was also collected through discussions and interviews with local NGOs (Non-Government organization) and government's grass roots level workers (Anganwadi workers,supervisors). For the purpose of study 222 SHGs have taken from Davangere(DVG) district. Inthisdistrict1998 SHG members have been interviewed. The study reveals that SHG programbenefited in terms of socio-economic development though, some of the loopholes are there in thesystem.


  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    An overview of Economic operations and glitches of SHGs (Self-help groups) in Karnataka- A case study of

    Davangere district

    *Kavitha.S 1


    The current study is an effort to study the role and performance of SHGs in promoting women's

    empowerment in DavangereDistrict of Karnataka. The broad objective of the study is to examine

    the functioning of SHGs and examine the socio-economic benefits derived by the members.

    Filed survey is conducted to extract information through structured questionnaires. In addition,

    information was also collected through discussions and interviews with local NGOs (Non-

    Government organization) and government's grass roots level workers (Anganwadi workers,

    supervisors). For the purpose of study 222 SHGs have taken from Davangere(DVG) district. In

    thisdistrict1998 SHG members have been interviewed. The study reveals that SHG program

    benefited in terms of socio-economic development though, some of the loopholes are there in the



    Women empowerment is a buzz word in todays era. India is trying to empower women from

    many decades. In spite of intensive efforts, empowerment of women and poverty remained as it

    is. Poverty is the major problem and widespread in India. India has identified, third of the

    worlds poor2. According to new data, 29.8% of the population is in the poverty line in the year

    of 2009-10, as compared to 37.2% in 2004-05. To eliminate poverty and to empower women

    from grass root GOI (Government of India) introduced many of the programs among them SHG

    is found to be the sturdier with the less effort. It is the strong key for an economic empowerment

    from scratch. Since, development is needed from base level. If base is strong easy for stronger

    economic development. In recent days SHG is playing very important role in empowering

    1 *Kavitha.S ,Assistant Professor,Manipal Academy,Bangalore


  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    women in India. This paper focuses upon overview of socio-economic development in

    Davangeredistrict of Karnataka and giving clear idea about exact working environment of SHGs

    in Davangere district.

    I this paper is divided into three sections. In the first section we shall discuss theconcept of Self-

    Help Groups (SHGs) as an instrument of economic empowerment,

    II In section secondwe shall present the progress of the SHG through group and individual

    economic activities in Davangeredistrict.

    III Finally, in section third we shall discuss about problems faced by SHGs to conduct

    economic activities.

    Concept of SHG:

    SHG is a group of 10-15 people who are from the same socioeconomic background, come

    together to solve their socio-economic problems. Main purpose of the group is to do savings and

    lending through savings pool to the needy.

    The concept of SHG is based on the following principles:

    Self-help accompanied with sharedsupport can be a powerful vehicle for the poor in their

    socioeconomic development;

    Participative approach is used for more response and efficient;

    Not only credit support is given, along with this, other services like training, subsidized

    loans from the bank, marketing supports are available.

    Poor will have an account with the bank for banking.

    Formation of a common fund by contributing small savings on a regular basis

    Lithe democratic system of working;

    Lending is done mainly on faith with a simple documentation and without anysecurity

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Amounts lent are small, repeated and for short period;

    Nonpayments are occasional mainly due to group pressure

    Periodic meetings should be held.

    For each activity accountability is maintained

    Leader of the SHG made rotation basis

    I Self-help groups as an instrument of economic empowerment

    SHGprogram ispresently being promoted as a crucialline for concurrently addressing both

    poverty extenuation and womens enablement. Before 1990s, credit schemes for women were

    almost insignificant. There were certain misapprehension about the poor people that they need

    loan at subsidized rates of interest on soft terms, they lack skills, capacity to save, credit

    worthiness and therefore are not bankable. However, the experiences of SHGs reveal that rural

    poor are reallycompetent managers of credit and finance. Accessibility of apt and adequate credit

    is important for them in their economic initiatives rather than sponsorships. Erstwhile

    government efforts through several poverty alleviation schemesfor self-employment by

    providing credit and subsidy received little success. Massive success has taken place by SHG

    concerned to women empowerment.

    Chart 1: Milestones and outcomes of SHGs

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Main motto of SHG formation is to be the creation of an employment.It can be in a group or

    individually. Once when they start earnings they will become an independent financially and

    day by day their earning capacity goes up. The movement when they are becoming financially

    strong life style changes and improves their standard of living. Gradually they start helping their

    family financially. Altogether it takes women in to economic empowerment. Due to above

    developments stronger self-reliance takes place among women. As a whole it contributes in to

    poverty eradication up to certain level.

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    II. Group and individual economic activities of SHGs and its benefits

    SHG concept is worldwide famous because of economic activities conducted by people who are

    involved in that. Major purpose of the program is to, women should be self-employed and

    dependency should be eliminated. At the same time women started to take advantage of the

    same and government has given support in the form of conducting training for them, marketing

    support, financial support etc., so that entrepreneurial activities can be started. This part mainly

    focuses upon number of groups and individual are doing income generating activities, nature of

    economic activities, and quantum of benefits towards, their family due to SHG program.

    Group and Individual economic activities and their benefits:

    Group and Individual economic activities: The increase in income is a result of the

    changes in the occupational shift and employment of SHG members. A significant

    proportion of the respondents who were formerly housewives and employed marginally

    in household economic activities have taken up full time economic activities which yield

    additional employment and income. An examination in the study area reveals that there

    is significant occupational mobility in respect of the respondents, as a result of being a

    self-help group member of Stree Shakti program. Economic activity can be done either

    in the group or individual. But Stree Shakti program stresses more upon group economic

    activities than individual economic activities because of 2 reasons. Those are, in the

    group synergy can be created. It means productivity will be more, in group activity than

    individual. Another one is Easy to distribute responsibilities. Since, many members

    work for the same, different members are given different responsibilities. So work can

    be distributed very easily. And for a group economic activity (EA) easy to get subsidized

    loan than individual EA.

    Sample Size: For the purpose of survey DVG district of Karnataka is taken and 222

    SHGs have been chosen. And opinion collected by the leaders of the sample size is

    taken for analysis and interpretation.

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Table 1.1: Sample size of respondents in Davangeredistrict Districts Total Number

    of SHGs

    5% Sample

    size of SHGs

    Total Number

    of SHG


    5% Sample

    size of SHG


    1 Davangere 4434 222 66600 3330

    Source: Davangere CDPO

    The table No. 1.1 explains about Sample size of respondents in Davangeredistrict. In DVG there are

    4434 SHGs respectively as on 31st March 2011. Since SHG number is too huge, 5% of the SHGs and SHG

    members are taken in to account for the purpose of filed survey. So, 222 SHGs and 3330 SHG members

    from DVG is taken into account for the purpose of study and to draw meaningful conclusion.

    Table 1.2: SHG is doing any entrepreneurial activity DVG district

    Entrepreneurial activity DVG

    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Yes 16 7%

    No 206 93%

    Total 222 100%

    Source: Field survey

    Above table explicates about group economic activity of SHG-DVG. Only 16(7%) SHGs are

    doing group economic activity out of 222 SHGs. Remaining 206 (93%) SHGs are doing

    individual economic activities. In DVG it has been observed that those who are doing group

    economic activity are belonging to Muslim community.

    Graph 1.1: SHG is doing any entrepreneurial activity DVG district

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Though above mentioned benefits are there, members are not ready to do EA in the group. Very

    countable SHGs are doing group EA. It has been revealed in the survey that, SHG members are

    more comfortable to do individual entrepreneurial activity than group since, lack of cooperation

    among the members

    Source of Investment:

    Table 1.3: Source of Investments for group economic activity DVG district

    Source of Investments DVG

    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Retained earnings 16 100%

    Bank loan 8 50%

    Total 16* **

    Source: Field survey

    Note: * out of 222 SHGs only 16 SHG are doing group economic activities. ** It is a multi-

    response question so percentage is does not equaling to 100%



    Yes No

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Above table explains about source of investment for group economic activity DVG. As it has

    been realized, in the above table that, in DVG only 16 groups are doing group economic

    activities out of 222 SHGs. for the purpose of economic activities all 16(100%) SHGs have taken

    financial assistance from retained earnings of SHGs and out of 16 SHGs, 8(50%) SHGs have

    taken from bank also. It means these have taken from SHG as well as from bank.

    Graph 1.2: Source of Investments DVG district

    From the observation of the DVG it has been found that, for all SHG members retained earnings

    is the primary source of finance and bank is secondary source of finance. Since, getting loan

    from SHG is very easy and convenient. At the same time, now a days banks are also coming

    forward to give more and more loans due to less non-performing assets (NPA) from SHG loans.



    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Retained earnings

    Bank loan

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Table 1.4: Agree to SHG program has contributed in the improvement in household income

    DVG district

    Improvement in the household



    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Yes 207 93%

    No 15 7%

    Total 222 100%

    Source: Field survey

    Above table explains about SHG program role in improving household income of members-

    DVG. Basic intention of getting in to SHG is to improve socio-economic status of the members.

    Here purpose has been served because 207(93%) SHGs are saying that SHG program has

    improved their household income. But 15 (7%) respondents said that, they are not benefited

    through SHG program. It has been observed at the time of survey that those who had given

    negative feedback about SHG program are not given any loan from the banks and lot of internal

    problems in the group.

    Graph 1.3: Agree to SHG program has contributed in the improvement in household income

    DVG district

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Earning money give an economic independence to a women to do purchase or to spend money

    according to her own interest, requirements of children and their family. Further, it supplements

    the income and improves the standard of living. In Davangere district it has been discovered that,

    due to SHG, household income has improved and financial benefits members have got. And it

    has been revealed in the study area that, members financially contribute to their household


    Individual Entrepreneurial Activities (IEA): in IEA, members are doing income

    generating activities independently and activities which are chosen by themselves. These

    activities are done by members depending upon their convenient, availability of

    materials, transportation, fund and their capability. In the study area most of the

    members are doing individual entrepreneurial activities. So, researcher emphasized

    more on IEA in the study area of DVG district.

    Yes, 93%

    No, 7%

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Table 1.5 : Number of SHG members engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities in DVG district.


    5% sample

    size of SHGs

    5% sample size

    of SHG


    Members doing




    DVG 222 3330 1998 60.00%

    Source: Field survey

    Above table clarifies about members doing individual entrepreneurial activities in DVG districts. There

    are 3330 SHG members in 222 SHGs of DVG. Out of these, 1998(60%) SHG members are doing

    As it has been discussed in the above, most of the members in DVG district is doing individual

    EA because of various reasons. Only countable SHGs are doing group EA due to lack of

    cooperation and mutual understating among members. These are the below reasons are given by

    the members to start IEA.

    1. More comfortable

    2. No time restriction

    3. Choosing their own EA

    4. No domination by others.

    5. Entire income can be enjoyed

    6. Family members can also be included for EA

    7. Getting Substitution is easy etc.,

    8. They can keep changing their EA very often with the gaps

    9. More convenient

    Individual economic activities of members: if economic activities are done in a group

    large investments are done, because loan is taken on group basis. So, availability of fund

    is also large. But in the case of IEA, individual loan is given and quantum will be very

    less. So, members are restricted to do only small investment oriented businesses. no

    high technology oriented business are found in the study area due to low capacity of

    investment, lack of knowledge and no risk bearing capacity of members.

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Table 1.6: Name of individual entrepreneurial activities done by members-DVG district

    Name of Entrepreneurial



    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Trading 400 20%

    Manufacturing 239 12%

    Processing 80 4%

    Service oriented 40 2%

    Agricultural production 50 3%

    Animal husbandry 1189 60%

    Total 1998 100%

    Source: Field survey

    Above table explains about details of IEA DVG. 1189(60%) members are doing animal

    husbandry. In DVG most of the members are doing animal husbandry since it is convenient for

    them along with their household work. 400 (20%) and 239 (12%) members responded for trading

    and manufacturing. Rest all responded for processing, agricultural production and service

    oriented by 80(4%), 50(3%) and 40(2%) members.

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Graph 1.4: name of individual entrepreneurial activities done by members-DVG district










    Service oriented

    Agricultural production

    Animal husbandary

    0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Nature of activities: Nature of activities consists of seasonal and off seasonal. Seasonal

    activities are done only in certain seasons. But off seasonal activities are done

    irrespective of any season.

    Table 1.7: nature of individual entrepreneurial activities done by members-DVG district

    Nature of




    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Seasonal 99 5%

    Off seasonal 1899 95%

    Total 1998 100%

    Source: Field survey

    Above table explains about nature of EA- DVG. Out of 1998 members 1899(95%) are doing off

    seasonal and 99(5%) members are doing seasonal based economic activities.

    Graph 1.5: nature of individual entrepreneurial activities done by members-DVG district














    Seasonal Off seasonal

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    In Davangere district most of the SHG members doing off seasonal activities so that they can

    continue the activities without any interruption. Animal husbandry, trading, processing, service

    oriented and few agricultural production are off seasonal activities. Only few manufacturing and

    processing activities are done seasonal basis, those are pappads, pickles, noodles, processing of

    paddy and aracanet, etc.

    Portion of profit from IEA: members do income generating activities to get profit out

    of it. After joining SHG, members started to contribute financially towards their family.

    In olden days, it has been considered only male members are bread earning members.

    But now even women also started earn for their family members. Through this,

    members have been proved, they are independent economically and they can also look

    after their family in the absence of male members.

    Table 1.8: Profit from individual entrepreneurial activities DVG district

    Profit DVG

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Below 10% 460 23%

    10%-20% 1419 71%

    20%-30% 60 3%

    30%-40% 40 2%

    more than 40% 20 1%

    Total 1998 100%

    Source: Field survey

    Above table explicates about profit percentage through EA- DVG. In DVG 1419(71%)

    respondents are getting 10%-20% profit from their entrepreneurial activities and this is the

    majority chunk. 460(23%), 60 (3%), 40 (2%), and 20 (1%) members get below 10%, 20%-30%,

    30%-40% and more than 40% of profit.

    Graph 1.6: Profit from individual entrepreneurial activities DVG district

    Most of the members, in Davangere district getting profit between 10%-20% from their income

    generating activities. Since, members do IEA at a lower capability and cannot keep higher



    3% 2%1%

    Below 10%




    more than 40%

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    margin due to stiff competition among members. In the study area it has been stated by

    members that, they are looking after at least 20%-25% of household expenditure.

    Sales and distribution activities of SHGs: members have to sell their products and

    services in some particular place. In the study area goods and services are sold either in

    local market or city market. And distribution of the products and services are done either

    through directly by them or through middle mans.

    Table 1.9: location of sales of individual entrepreneurs- DVG district

    Location of sales DVG

    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Local 1199 60%

    City 799 40%

    Total 1998 100%

    Source: Field survey

    Above table explains about the place, where goods and services of SHGs members sold DVG.

    Out of 1998 members, 1199(60%) members sell their products and services in the local market.

    Rest all 799(40%) members sell in city market.

    Graph 1.7: location of sales of individual entrepreneurs- DVG district

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Table 1.10: Channel of distribution of individual entrepreneurs -DVG district

    Channel of



    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Direct selling 1738 87%

    Middle man 260 13%

    Total 1998 100%

    Source: Field survey

    Above table explains about channel of distribution of goods and DVG

    1738(87%) members sell their products and services directly by themselves. Another 260(13%)

    members sell through middle man. In some of the remote villages milk diaries are not available

    so they handover milk to middleman and few of the manufactured products like pappad, pickels

    are sold in a bulk to middle mans.

    Graph 1.8: Channel of distribution of individual entrepreneurs -DVG district

    Local, 60%

    City, 40%

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    III Problems faced by SHGs

    This part emphases on problems which are faced by the SHGs. In the study area 3 different

    major problems which are faced by SHGs have been identified. Those are Financial, operations

    and marketing related issues. In the study area respondents revealed various financial,

    operational and marketing problems by giving single and multi-responses for each problems.

    Problems faced by SHGs :

    Major problems of SHGs: In the filed survey, researcher got to know various problems

    faced by SHGs. Due to that many SHGs suffering a lot and they are not coming forward

    to do entrepreneurial activities. These problems are applicable for group and individual

    entrepreneurial activities. Main problems are finance, marketing and operational related


    Table 1.11: Problems faced by SHG DVG district














    Direct selling Middle man

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    problems faced by SHG No. of

    Respondents Percentage

    Financial 138 71%

    Marketing 45 23%

    Operational 100 52%

    Total 193* **

    Source: Field survey

    Note: *total falls short of 222 as only 193 respondents are facing one or the other problems. **it

    is a multi-response question so percentage does not equal to 100%

    Above table explains about various problems which are faced by SHG members - DVG.

    193(89%) respondents are facing one or the other issues out of 222 respondents. 3 major

    problems which are faced by SHGs are Financial, Marketing and operational. Among these 3,

    financial problem has to be found is the major as 138(71%) respondents expressed. Second and

    third major problems faced by respondents are 100(52%) operational and 45(23%) marketing.

    Graph 1.9: Problems faced by SHG DVG district

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Among these problems biggest problem is to be found financial, second biggest operational and

    thirdly marketing issues. Many SHGs have become sick SHGs due to these problems.

    Government of Karnataka should take necessary steps to eradicate these issues. Otherwise it is

    very difficult for SHGs to continue their group and individual economic activities and these are

    the hindering factors for the growth of SHG. Financial problem is the major issue for any of the

    SHGs, since members join SHGs to get financial support. Due to that many finance related

    issues can be seen the study area. And second largest problem is to be operational. In

    operational co-operation is very much required. But in the SHGs due to ego and mismatches in

    the opinion they are not able to run SHG properly. Last biggest problem is marketing. Due to

    marketing issues many SHGs and members not interested to do high technical income generating


    Financial problems: As mentioned earlier major problem of the SHG is finance

    problems. Finance is one of the most important rudiments and it is considered to be

    blood for the survival of SHGs. many financial issues which are attached to shortage of

    fund, internal lending issues, bank lending issues, rate of interest issues , government










    Financial Marketing Operational

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    support issues etc., These below are the finance problems which are faced by the


    Table 1.12: Finance related issues SHG has DVG district

    Shortage of fund, Inadequate support from bank, inadequate support from government, higher

    rate of interest from SHG, Discrimination in lending, Bribe to banker to obtain subsidized loan

    Finance related issues DVG

    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Shortage of fund 74 54%

    Inadequate support from bank 69 50%

    Inadequate support from government 53 38%

    Higher rate of interest from SHG 8 5%

    Higher rate of interest from bank 30 22%

    Discrimination in lending 14 10%

    Bribe to banker to obtain subsidized loan 122 88%

    Total 138* *

    Source: Field survey

    *Note: total falls short of 222 as only 138 SHGs are facing one or the other finance related issues

    and it is multi response question.

    Above table explains about financial problems faced by SHGs-DVG. Out of 222 SHGs, 138

    SHGs are facing financial problems of one or the other. Totally 62% of the sample size facing

    financial related issues in DVG. Many of the SHGs are not performing aptly due to these

    financial glitches. Though, government has brought many financial benefits and cheaper loan

    without collateral security for the benefit of SHGs. Bankers are not encouraging and they ask

    for a bribe to sanction loan. For DVG respondents, bribe to banker to obtain subsidized loan

    emerged as the single biggest problem. 122(88%) SHGs stated their biggest problem is, they are

    not able to take subsidized loan. Other major problems included shortage of funds and

    inadequate support from bank as stated by 74(54%) and 69(50%) SHGs. About 53(38%),

    30(22%), 14(10%), DVG respondents stated their problem is to be inadequate support from

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    government, higher rate of interest from bank, discrimination in lending, while 8(5%)SHGs

    stated it to be higher rate of interest from bank.

    Graph 1.10: Finance related issues SHG has DVG district

    Shortage of fund, Inadequate support from bank, inadequate support from government, higher

    rate of interest from SHG, Higher rate of interest from bank, Discrimination in lending, Bribe to

    banker to obtain subsidized loan these financial problems are identified by the researcher at the

    time of survey. Except higher rate of interest from SHGs and discrimination in lending, rest all

    financial related issues found to be the major. Among all financial issues, bribe to bankers to get

    subsidized loan is to be found very critical financial problem. SHG members expressed that there

    are many people involved in collecting bribe. Subsidized loan has to sanction through taluk

    panchayat. So, before moving SHG file, bribe is asked by the middle mans. If members agree

    to give, then only file is moved and sanctioned. Otherwise due to many reasons their file will

    gets rejected.

    Operational problems: SHG is group activity. It means it should run in a group. When

    it is a group, unity is very important for long term survival. Unity exists only when there








    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Shortage of fund

    Inadequate support from bank

    Inadequate support from government

    Higher rate of interest from SHG

    Higher rate of interest from bank

    Discrimination in lending

    Bribe to banker to obtain subsidized loan

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    is cooperation, mutual understanding among members. When lack of cooperation among

    members it can be one of the strong reason for coming down size of members in SHGs.

    because managing SHG demands lot of managerial skill among leaders. All members

    required managerial skills. Since, all members are going to become leaders on rotational

    basis. These below are the few operational issues which are faced by SHGs.

    Table 1.13: Operational related problem SHG has DVG district

    Operational related problem DVG

    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Lack of managerial skills 85 85%

    Non-cooperation of SHG member 93 93%

    Lack of time to manage SHG and family 35 35%

    Lack of support from family members 33 33%

    Total 100* **

    Source: Field survey

    *Note: total falls short of 222 as only 100 SHGs are facing one or the other operational related

    issues and **it is multi response question so percentage does not equaling to 100%.

    Above table explains about operational problems faced by SHGs-DVG. 45% of the sample size

    in the district is facing operational related issues. Major problems are non-cooperation among

    members and lack of managerial skills as 93(93%) and 85(85%) SHGs stated. This is one of

    main reason for not doing group entrepreneurial activity and some members leave SHGs when

    they cannot adjust with remaining members. Weekly once all members should meet for smooth

    functioning of SHG and to discuss current status of SHG. Sometimes it does not happen

    regularly because of problem to manage SHG and family and noncooperation of family

    members. 35(35%) and 33(33%) responded they are not able to manage family and SHG and

    lack of support also from family members. With many of the SHGs, operating of SHG part is

    not done effectively due to above operational issues.

    Graph 1.11: Operational related problem SHG has DVG district

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Operational problem is found to be the second major problem in the study area. Lack of

    managerial skills, Non-cooperation of SHG member, Lack of time to manage SHG and family,

    Lack of support from family members these are the operational problems found in the survey.

    Major problem is to be found in the district is lack of cooperation among members. Due to self-

    esteem always members feel they are great and other should listen to them. Others are also

    expect the same, due disparities in their opinion, clatters will start at last it ends up in doing

    nothing. Second largest operational problem in the district is lack of managerial skills among

    leaders. Many leaders are lacking in managing crisis. They are not trained to manage the crisis.

    CDPO has to give proper training on the same.

    Marketing Problems: SHG members are doing income generating activities (IGA)

    individually and in a group. IGAs are mainly manufacturing, processing, servicing, and










    Lack of managerial skills Non-cooperation of SHG member

    Lack of time to manage SHG and family

    Lack of support from family members

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    trading etc. to do these activities many marketing concerned problems faced by SHGs,

    due to these, they are not capable to compete in the modern era. These are the below

    marketing problems faced by members.

    Table 1.14: Marketing related problems SHG has DVG district

    Marketing related problems DVG

    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Lack of marketing skills 33 73%

    Competition 24 53%

    Lack of training 21 47%

    Low technology 19 42%

    Intermediaries 18 39%

    Lack of promotional activity 1 3%

    Lack of government support 13 28%

    Total 45* **

    Source: Field survey

    *Note: total falls short of 222 as only 45 SHGs are facing one or the other marketing related

    issues and **it is multi response question so percentage does not equaling to 100%.

    Above table explains about marketing problems faced by SHGs-DVG. 20% of the sample size is

    facing marketing related issues. Some of the SHG members are not showing interest to do

    income generating activity due to many marketing problems. Within their capability, whatever

    can be done, only that kind of activities are done by the SHG members. They are interested to

    do many innovative EA. These marketing problems are not allowing them go further forward to

    do innovative things. For DVG respondents, the most critical marketing-related problem of is

    lack of marketing skills as 33(73%) SHGs stated. Competition, lack of training and low

    technology were quoted by 24 (53%), 21(47%) and 19(42%), SHGs, while intermediaries and

    lack of government support were quoted by 18(39%) and 13(28%) SHGs.

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Graph 1.12: Marketing related problems SHG has DVG district

    Problem of Managing SHG and personal life: women role is responsible role in the

    family. All works have to be done systematically to avoid interruptions. At the same

    time when she is connected to outside world, her job extends to other responsibilities

    also. In the group all members are women and they have to perform dual role. One is

    managing the household work and at the same time joining in SHG activities. While

    managing both, sometimes it can be difficult for them to manage both. If members are

    competitive enough then, no problem. If they are not competitive enough to manage

    both and family members are not cooperative at the same time. They may find

    managing it difficult.








    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Lack of marketing skills


    Lack of training

    Low technology


    Lack of promotional activity

    Lack of government support

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Table 1.15: Face any problem in managing SHG and personal life DVG district

    problem in managing SHG DVG

    No. of Respondents Percentage

    Not at all 153 69%

    A little bit 15 7%

    Moderate 43 19%

    Yes, a lot 11 5%

    Total 222 100%

    Source: Field survey

    Above table enlightens about problems to manage SHG-DVG. Most of the respondents in DVG

    said they can manage without any difficulty but few SHGs stated it is difficult for them to

    manage both. The majority of the DVG respondents constituting 153(69%) stated that they dont

    face any problem in managing SHG and personal life. Those who, stating moderate, a little bit

    and a lot constituted 43(19%), 15(7%) and 11(5%), respondents.

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    Graph 1.13: Face any problem in managing SHG and personal life DVG district

    In Davangere SHG it has been found that, majority of the SHGs are able to manage SHG and

    their family. It shows their capability. But few SHGs expressed that, they find difficulty to

    manage both. Due to lack of motivation and cooperation from family members.


    It is evident from the present study that the Stree Shakti program in Davangere districts has been

    influential in the economic, political, social/cultural, personal and familial empowerment of

    members through micro financing. The thrift and credit activities of members got enhanced. It

    has played a noteworthy role in releasing them from the clutches of deceitful money lenders.

    Micro enterprises have also been able to open up avenues for the economic empowerment of

    women. In spite of the different constraints and challenges, the SHG program has the potential to





    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Not at all

    A little bit


    Yes, a lot

  • South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS) ISSN:2349-7858 (Volume 2 Issue 1 )

    Published By:Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd

    transform the entire economy of the State. It can be concluded that the economic activities of

    Self Help Group are quite successful No doubt that the SHGs movement in India has been

    working in the right direction, but it is necessary to further empowerment of women in social,

    economic, cultural and political for the interest of the family in particular and the nation in



    1. 2. Survey data from Davangere districts of Karnataka, India