ana martinoli - social media for recruiting


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Ana Martinoli


• Hello, name, what I teach• We will be discussing and analyzing

implementation and use of social networks in recruitment process

• How you, as human resource manager, can use facebook, twitter, linkedin… what is the best way to use them, put them to work, in order to reach potential employees, future employees

• The process of human resource recruitment changed, relationshiop between employees and potential employers changed aswell – we, as a company, have to put ourselves more outside, more outhere, we have to reach for the employees and to convince them to come and to work for us.

• Also, huge offer in the employement market makes the recrruitment process more difficult – how to choose the best ones

• Lets see the movie and then we can discuss it, the changes and social networks use in more details

• What can we conclude from this movie?• Where is HR today?

Social Media in Recruiting is The New Black

• “Success in social networking is the defining element of the best-practice recruitment marketing portfolio in 2010.”

• Your performance, as a company, in social network landscape will pretty much define your success in the market

HR = The New Marketers

• “In 2009, brand management isn't about what you say you are, it's about who you are, and this is what makes HR the new Marketing.”

• Perception of your brand, values you stand for, depends on HR aswell, so HR is some sort of PR aimed at potential employees, not customers.

• We have to take care about our reputation, our image, values our company stand for, in order to reach for the best potential employees outhere

• Social networks work for us in two ways:• - make our brand more understandable – mission

statement, goals, vision…• - make best potential employees reachable, help us

to make the research of the market more thorough, help us to choose the best ones

Discussion Topics

• Social media landscape and users – how many social networks are there, what are their

shortcomings and potentials, what are their strong and weak points from the recruitment

process point of view, how many users each network has, whats the profile of average user

of social networks, demographics of users… id like to know whats your experience with social

networks… if you were hr manager of some cultural institution, how would you use each

social network, would you use them at all…

• Recruiting uses for social media – how to behave, if you’re a HR manager in the social

network landscape

• Detail and analysis for top social recruiting sites

• Social media and recruitment solutions

Today’s Reality

“Companies resist social media engagement for the same reason people resist authentic, loving relationships – a fear of intimacy.”

Shannon Paul, Blogger & New Media PR Consultant

• Here we introduced one word that usually is not so common in human resource practice – intimacy

• HR process is usually cold, calculated, theres a distance between HR managers and potential employees

• Social networks seems to succesfully bridge that gap – they make employers and employees closer then ever before

Some Excuses Fears• The Unknown – social networks are new tool in media landscape and

theres a probability that in the beginning we wont be using it the proper way, most effective way. What if our message is not clear enough, what if we missed the target group, what is I don’t appear serious enough, professional enough…

• Time consuming – social network is a channel, tool which has to be updated regularly, in which you have to project, transfer your whole image…

• Security risks – will my profile and my information be safe enough, • Can’t control the message – in new media landscape users are proactive,

they can change media content, they can give it completely new meaning. • Negative comments/feedback – be prepare to deal with negative

comments. Be open, answer in real time, don’t avoid debate, use it to make your company even more open and approachable

• Candidates Expect Interaction – be up to date.

Engage Your Brand Ambassadors

Your employees are your company’s brand ambassadors!Current Employees

• 3 out of 4 Americans use social technology

• Social Networking is the 4th most popular online activity *research, email…

• 2/3 of the Internet population visits social networks

Potential Employees

• 5 hrs/week = average time Job seekers use social media

The world of social media

• Recruitment process need to follow changes in media landscape

• Audience – future employees – are interactive• Focus and orientation or each network is

different as is level of audience participation and audience needs

The World of Social Media

As you can see, the online social media space is dynamic and complex. Some of these sites no longer exist, while even more have emerged in too many, in fact, to fit in this space.† The point of this image is that it is impossible to be highly involved in all these places. And attempting to have a presence on all these sites can be time consuming and counterproductive (a new site can pop up in moments, so donít be intimidated when a client asks you about a site youíve never heard of). It is critical that you define your strategy, determine where your audience is and decide where you want to participate.† Next we look at which sites matter most to your audience in order to focus our efforts (Facebook, Twitter, main sites we focus on).

What I love about this slide is that it gives some scale to social media. By the time I present this, some of these sites may not be around and 100 more may have been added. Social media is dynamic. Not all of these sites matter equally ñ or at all ñ to your ideal audience. But it is an excellent illustration of why people think that social media is larger than life ñ certainly the print world doesnít look like this anymore. The other important thing about this slide is the center ñ called the conversation.The conversation is critically important to social media ñ that, in many ways, is what gives social media its power. Don’t be afraid to communicate with your future employees

• In the next slide we will see different types of engagement with social networks – how people engage with social networks, whats the level of their engagement

• What kind of social network user are you? How do you engage? Is your level of participation changed during the years?

• Every aspect of the engagement is important for HR process – as HR manager you need to motivate, make job worth applying to, get to know your future employees better

How Are People Using Social Media?

• Medium engagement – higher user involvement, you share your opinion, you take active participation, you affect communication, reshaping it

• High engagement – user is producer, you create new content

• Highest engagement – creating new spaces, new values, new participative communities

How Are People Using Social Media?

Connecting personally/ professionallySharing informationConducting businessPosting videos/photosSourcing business leadsPublishing blogsWriting reviewsAnswering polls/surveysResearching information

Different social networks for different use

Connecting on a personal or professional level ñ Tweetups / Virtual reunionsSharing information ñ Intuit blog/community is great exampleConducting business ñ Dell ñ their Twitter page has brought in millions

through coupon codesPosting videos or photos ñ YouTube ñ Burger King, CareerBuilder, Employer

videosUsing as a Customer Relationship Management tool ñ SalesForce, while not

necessarily social media acts as one in companies which use itWriting and publishing blogs ñ HuffingtonPost, Mashable, TMZ, Sethís Blog,

CNN, OíReily, FreakonomicsWriting reviews – cNetRunning polls and surveys – FacebookResearch

Who Is Using Social Media?

Use by Age Group76% of 15-24 year olds68% of 25-34 year olds65% of 35-44 year olds64% of 45-55 year olds60% of 55 and over

Who is Using Social Media?

Social media is a global phenomenon:73% of all Internet users have at least one social media account71% of social media users are in N.A.

Internet users have an active social media account grew 4% between November 2007 and June 2008. Current estimates show more than 100 million persons in the United States alone are active in at least one social media network.

The growth of social media in other markets around the world is showing significant gains as well. The Middle East & Africa is the fastest growing social media market, with 27% growth since November 2008, followed closely by both Europe and Latin America with 20% growth, respectively, and Asia Pacific at 16%.

Which Networks Matter and Who’s Using Them?

Trends in Social MediaConsumer use and perceptions

•Social networks are more popularthan email2 •36% of online users think more positively about companies that blog1

•17% feel more positively about companies on soc net•20% want more communication from brands6

•69% of online users read blogsand write product reviews1

•19% read RSS feeds and tag internet content1

Corporate response

• 48% of marketing/PR professionals increased social media spend in 20093

• 85% of businesses participating in social media are blogging1

•77% of Fortune 500 use some sort of social media tool5

• 44% report social media as “very important” to business/marketing strategy5

• Company’s presence in social networks is expected and can seriously affect the impression your employees have of you, your brand, job you offer

• Social networks give human face to your company

• Brands can be impersonal, cold, distant

Why Participate in Social Media?• It Promotes Credibility:

– Brands are defined by the experiences and opinions of consumers, not necessarily what the brand seeks to convey – discerning consumer – word of mouth or word of mouse

– 43% of online persons trust information posted by people they know over other sources

– Buy-in from brand evangelists who can passionately endorse a message within their networks can prove extremely influential

• It Generates Valuable Consumer Feedback– Social networks provide the opportunity to interact with consumers, asking and

answer questions

• It’s Expected– People demand authenticity and responsiveness from brands

Why Use Social Media for Recruiting?

• Develop new, passive talent streams as you prepare for recovery • Strengthen employment branding

– Engage talent in open, personal dialogue– Improve employee advocacy and

engagement– Create more meaningful relationships with talent– Proactively recruit talent who is passionate about your brand

• Target your ideal candidate based on user generated information• Promote your company and industry

– Drive traffic to your company brand page and/or career site

Social Recruiting Sites and Strategy

Which Networks Matter and Who ís Using Them?

Study by Anderson Analytics: 75% said Facebook was their most valuable

network. 30% said LinkedIn was their most valuable

network. 12% said Twitter was their most valuable


Facebook is clearly the largest and most influential social network. They have 250 million users worldwide and about 50% of them return to the site each month and most of that 50% returns to the site multiple times a day.

MySpace has about 125 million users, this site is very focused on music and entertainment and the demographic tends to be much younger than on Facebook.

LinkedIn is a professional network with over 43 million users worldwide and the average income of a user is $109k, this is a strong site with this niche audience (hard to believe that 43 million is niche, but in this world it is).

Twitter has been the growth story of 2009. Weíll talk more about this in a few minutes.

There are plusses and minuses to all of these sites, but Twitter seems to elicit the most controversial discussion ñ people love it or hate it.

Ok, who is using the sites Ö in short, everyone. This is a mass mediumÖeven the Queen of England has a YouTube channel!

Why Use Social Media for Recruiting?

Branding ñ Allows people to get to know your brand and understand what your company is about. IS NOT ABOUT DRIVING EOI

Open dialogue ñ the perfect venue for finding out what talent really wants and thinks about you as an employer. Use their insights to improve your brand and even recruitment

Unwanted communication ñ Respond to or delete unwanted communication so you can drive the conversations and be in the know about what people are saying about your company.

Employees- show employees that you care about what people think about you as an employer and that you care about your employees ñ then let your employees tell their stories about you as an employer

Relationships ñ talking and engaging with candidates helps to create a community and then when you need to recruit, followers and fans will be more willing to speak with you or refer other individuals

Status ñ because of the communication, you can always find out where your brand stands and you can track the sites to learn what people are resonating with in order to tweak your communications

LinkedIn• Business-oriented social networking site used mainly for professional networking• Network of 43 million professionals in 170 industries and 200 countries• 11.7M unique visitors in May 2009, over double UV traffic of May 2008• Opportunities for companies: profile, groups and questions• 1 in 20 U.S. users is a recruiter, headhunter, or HR professional• Pre-defined reputation for recruitment


People use the site to write recommendations and stay in contact with peers and professional contacts

Traffic and members have grown, but largely in conjunction with the job market contracting

Companies should monitor and maintain their profile here, as anyone with a company email address can edit it

339,000 professional groups exist today ñ from college alumni, to professional networking, to company employee groups

Job results are ranked by relevance, so if it posted by someone who is connected to one of your contacts, it comes up higher in results

Jobs that allow you to apply within LinkedIn display an ìexclusiveî icon, vs. those also posted on other corporate sites or job boards

Recently added applications like TripIt, Reading List, RSS import, and several others to compete with social networks

Linked In: Recruitment Dimension Analysis

MySpace: Good for Music, Lags in Other Areas

•Social networking site with user- submitted network of personal profiles, groups, photos and music

• Averages 65 million U.S.users– 27% age 12-17; 46% age 18-34–Users tend to be less affluent and have no college degree - youngsters

• 10% traffic referred from Facebook, more than Yahoo and Google• Not a fit for all clients, but existing Facebook branding can be used

• Ideal for certain brands and individuals in entertainment and music

• MySpace lags behind Facebook in site upgrades and social tools

• Facebook and Twitter are both growing extremely fast, while MySpaceís relevance is limited to entertainment, music and some video, photos are emphasized less on MySpace, with only recent upgrades to mimic FB being made ñ emphasis is really on music

• Features like privacy settings, chat, and the ad interface on the site are just some of the ways MySpace has lagged behind or yet to evolve the platform to compete with Facebook; user interface is busy and distracting with little limit on how disturbing an ad can be (flash, pop-ups)

• Ad targeting for musicians: by 1,100 interest categories (Music), genre in each category (Bands/Artists), and specifics in the category (Maroon 5, Linkin Park); for businesses: by location, age, gender, education level (9.4 Million College Students), relationship status, parental status (90 Thousand Expecting Moms) and lifestyle (2.9 Million Sports Fans, 4.2 Million Fitness Buffs, 13.5 Million Movie Lovers, 3.5 Million Book Readers)

MySpace: Recruitment Dimension Analysis


Poor Fair



• 40 million+ users

• Average age 31

• 51% of members make more than $60k

• 55% College or Grad School educated

• 47% Male / 53% Female

• 76% Caucasian / 13% African American / 7% Hispanic

Twitter Demographics vs. Internet Universe

* High index of younger, female users* Higher concentration of African American internet users than average * High index of users with children under 2 years old * Site attracts a less affluent audience * High index of college graduates * Typical user is a hyper-consumer of information 60% new registrants do not return within one month4

40% retention rate, Facebook 70%4

Twitter traffic has increased by just over 10 times in one year, in last few months that traffic has slowed

Media coverage fueled influx in new registrants and pushed it to 25th most visited site, platform is not for everyone, 6 out of every 10 new users do not return within the first month (not mainstream yet)

Twitter was developed for quick exchanges of information in a crowdsourcing environment, unlike traditional social networks like Facebook/MySpace, it requires users to communicate in a short message format ñ one that is preferred by people who consume large amounts of information and band with other users in groups (this is why 10% users create most of the activity and 1% of the user group comprise 35% of visitor traffic)

Over 10% of Twitter traffic comes from FB ñ more so a reason to use FB as an anchor for social media strategy and use Twitter as another outlet for info shared on FB to give online users more choice on how to interact with your brand

As defined by, addicts (30+ visits/mo.), passers-by (1 visit/mo.), regulars (1-30 visits/mo.)

How can Twitter improve your business?

• Market research• Authority, Transparency• Trust, Brand Awareness, Image• Knowledge, Product Awareness• Customer Service, Socialize• Web presence, Faster than RSS• Track Conversations, Monitor who is talking about you• Promote products/events, Engage with your customers• Manage internal/external communication• Poll/Survey, Resolve issues• Become a thought leader• Offer advice

The point of twitter changes depending on who's tweeting...

• Why companies should tweet?

• * Reveal the human side of the company, give it a personality• * Provide useful information that people wont get anywhere

else (or - as quickly)• * Respond to comments, requests, feedback, complaints in

REAL TIME• * Have a platform for announcing news, competition, games,

events• * New business leads

Twitter: Recruitment Dimension Analysis

Good Poor

Fair Poor

Twitter: Keys to Maximizing• Balance promotional, personal and conversational tweets

• Be a “real person” reflecting a real voice and authenticity

• Be interesting, informative and entertaining – filter info, don’t spam

• Regularly promote/highlight others (they’ll likely reciprocate)

• Share links of interest to candidates & potential candidates

• Tailor conversations to your targeted recruits – be aware about your readers/followers, who are they, what they’re looking for…

• Link to videos & photos on Career Website or Facebook Fan page – network with Facebook for better results

• Post photos from “a day in your life” (Twitpics, etc.)

• Last and least - link to your job postings


• * Focus on quality tweets over quantity• * ENgage with your network. Genuine engagement with your network of

followers is the best way to get new followers• * Use free tools and websites to manage/track messages and reputation• * Twitter is public - Don't tell confidential stuff and carry on personal

conversations from the company account• * Don't always make it about you, your product or service - people will

unfollow you.• * Automate the process - use

Will Twitter..

• * Replace your website? No.• * Cut your marketing budget?• * Broadcasting? Yes.• * Building brand and image? Yes.• * Improve customer relations? Yes.

Facebook Site Visitors and Activity• 2nd most trafficked website in the world!• 300 million users worldwide; 75 million users in the US• 50% of users return daily, spend an average of 1 hour active on site• Users targeted by information they provide in their profile

• 17 million users are ages 18-24,16 million users are ages 25-34• 21 million users (and growing) age 35+

• 1 million new users each day• HUGE potential for employees, having in mind FB possibilities which we will mention later and numbers, popularity of website…• Over 2 million career-related groups

Facebook - Most Engaging Page on the Web

Letís talk more specifically about how employers are using Facebook today.

We have over 270 clients advertising on Facebook with us and the list is growing Guaranteed advanced targeting, placement and impressions.Targeting includes: Geography, Age Range, Gender, Industry Categories created specifically for CareerBuilder clients, Keyword(s),

College/University, College Major and/or Year of School. CareerBuilder tests products on Facebook before launch


• 300 million+ users

• Average age 27

• 58% of members make more than $60k

• 43% College or Grad School educated

• 46% Male / 54% Female

• 78% Caucasian / 11% African American

Facebook: Recruitment Dimension Analysis

Good Good


Personified Social Media Offerings* We help companies leverage Social Media and use it as part of their branding and recruitment strategy

* Facebook advertising with advanced bi-weekly reporting: one customer gains 80% of fans from ads* Twitter integration and cross-posting for jobs* Proactively manage and protect your brand on major social media sites

Guidelines: Keep It SimpleTwitter Policy:• Be professional, kind, discreet, authentic. Represent us well. Remember you

can’t control it once you hit “update”.

Blogging Policy:• Be professional.

Social Media Policy:• DAXKO encourages team members to be active in social media as a

representative of our company. Only three rules – be real, add value and don’t say anything that would embarrass your mom. If your mom has low standards, then don’t say anything you wouldn’t want to see on the front page of USA Today. Simple enough.

Social Media Brand Management Benefits

• Help with lack of time or resources to build and maintain presence• Develop new, passive talent streams

•Want to prepare for recovery•Need to target a specific type of candidate

• Promote your company and industry• Strengthen your employment branding

– Engage talent in an open dialogue with the company– Eliminate unwanted communications, protect brand– Improve employee advocacy and engagement– Create more meaningful relationships with talent– Proactively track employer status