analysing my results

Analysing my results The first question on my survey was asking the public which gender they are, as 80% of the people I asked were female I will cater more for the female needs in the newspaper and I believe the article on Dogs trust will attract females as they are generally more caring and nurturing. The rest of my newspaper will cater for both sexes. The second question I asked my audience was which age group did they fall into, half of my

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Post on 22-May-2015




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Page 1: Analysing my results

Analysing my results

The first question on my survey was asking the public which gender they are, as 80% of the people I asked were female I will cater more for the female needs in the newspaper and I believe the article on Dogs

trust will attract females as they are generally more caring and nurturing. The rest of my newspaper will cater for both sexes.

The second question I asked my audience was which age group did they fall into, half of my audience were 18-24 but this is because I asked some of my classmates to fill in my survey, the other half are adults and this is who I will be aiming my newspaper at.

Page 2: Analysing my results

As 100% of the people I asked are employed I will not include any job ads in my newspaper as this would not be relevant to my audience.

As 40% of the people I asked don’t read newspapers I will try to make my newspaper interesting and therefore change their mind and persuade them to read my newspaper and enjoy it.

Page 3: Analysing my results

This question is asking people how many newspapers on average a week they would read, the people I asked have mostly answered 1-3 as they are a younger audience and probably don’t read newspapers that often. The people who answered 4-7 would be the older people who answered the survey.

I have asked the question which types of newspaper do you prefer, I have asked this because I need to decide if I am creating a broadsheet or a tabloid newspaper. As the results suggest 70% prefer tabloid I will create a tabloid newspaper, however it will not

contain stories about celebrities and scandals on the front as 30% have said they prefer broadsheet I will include more informative stories.

Page 4: Analysing my results

This question is asking which aspects of a newspaper people would like to see, as you can see news and celebrities were the most popular however as I would prefer to write informative articles and not advertise celebrities I will include more news stories. I will also include an aspect about sport as for a Manchester newspaper football is iconic of Manchester and therefore should be included.

This question focuses on the house style of my newspaper as I need to decide which colours I should use, as black white red and blue got the most votes I will use these a lot on my newspaper. I will also use small bits of orange and yellow.

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This question focuses on the layout of my newspaper which is an important aspect, as 80% would like to see a balance of pictures and text I will take this into account when creating my newspaper and will not make the newspaper text heavy or picture heavy but make them balanced.

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This question is asking how much would a person pay for a newspaper, as 40% have answered 0-50p I will price my newspaper at 50p.