analysis of wantedanalytics and overstackflow

What’s the Next Wave for Staffing? It is clear that analytics, data and information play a clear role in finding qualified individuals to fit the job description for companies. As staffing moves to the next wave of being app based (Poachable, based on the Tinder model) using analytics, data and information; Will staffing still be around? Or will it be staffing companies sitting on their phones all day fitting the client’s needs? Below is an analysis of two software platforms: the first is understanding the market to build and develop business cases while following the traditional model of manually finding candidates, whereas the other does something very similar to what the mobile apps do but only for IT candidates (passive and active seekers) Question: Will mobile apps stir up the business industry, as it will allow for individuals to seek jobs outside of their current jobs w/o needing to disclose their looking passively, posting their resume on-line, or needing to go on-line to find other jobs at their current job? For Resourceful Information: Here is the WantedAnalytics and OverStackFlow research WantedAnalytics: Social Meida Integration: Uses LinkedIn,, Zoominfo, IT Swoop*, TalentBin, Indeed (Not associated to these social media sites) Seekers: Active vs. Passive Shows the difficulty of level to find candidates or match companies: Green to Red, light blue versus dark blue. I.E- Network System Admin is difficult to find candidates in X city vs. Y city Narrows down by requirement of skillset: I.E VPN (Virtual Privacy Network); this information is scaled on a 10-year analysis Shows a virtual candidate rolodex from all the social media and job posting sites to directly communicate to, using common job titles, skills, etc Talent Requirements: Shows title, position opening OR shows other jobs on what jobs they have open. Additionally shows historical hiring of the last four years of who they hired (drill down to find past employees that worked for x company, who may be a passive or active seeker) Reports: Ability to access reports on all the findings on a position, this can help to build a business case to the hiring manager on what

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Page 1: Analysis of WantedAnalytics and overstackflow

What’s the Next Wave for Staffing?It is clear that analytics, data and information play a clear role in finding qualified individuals to fit the job description for companies. As staffing moves to the next wave of being app based (Poachable, based on the Tinder model) using analytics, data and information; Will staffing still be around? Or will it be staffing companies sitting on their phones all day fitting the client’s needs?

Below is an analysis of two software platforms: the first is understanding the market to build and develop business cases while following the traditional model of manually finding candidates, whereas the other does something very similar to what the mobile apps do but only for IT candidates (passive and active seekers)

Question: Will mobile apps stir up the business industry, as it will allow for individuals to seek jobs outside of their current jobs w/o needing to disclose their looking passively, posting their resume on-line, or needing to go on-line to find other jobs at their current job?

For Resourceful Information: Here is the WantedAnalytics and OverStackFlow research

WantedAnalytics:Social Meida Integration: Uses LinkedIn,, Zoominfo, IT Swoop*, TalentBin, Indeed (Not associated to these social media sites)Seekers: Active vs. Passive Shows the difficulty of level to find candidates or match companies: Green to Red, light blue versus dark blue. I.E- Network System Admin is difficult to find candidates in X city vs. Y cityNarrows down by requirement of skillset: I.E VPN (Virtual Privacy Network); this information is scaled on a 10-year analysisShows a virtual candidate rolodex from all the social media and job posting sites to directly communicate to, using common job titles, skills, etcTalent Requirements:Shows title, position opening OR shows other jobs on what jobs they have open.Additionally shows historical hiring of the last four years of who they hired (drill down to find past employees that worked for x company, who may be a passive or active seeker)Reports:Ability to access reports on all the findings on a position, this can help to build a business case to the hiring manager on what difficulties they may already be experiencing and finding an angle on how company x can help

WantedAnalytics is attractive because it can build in business cases and finding regional and national target regions to find candidates (but doesn’t decipher if candidates are passive or actively seeking, using valuable company time and money)

Page 2: Analysis of WantedAnalytics and overstackflow

Figure 1 allows recruiter to search nationwide/worldwide for talent

Figure 2 Great for building business cases and understanding what companies are seeking for candidates

OverStackFlow: Used by over 30 million users monthly by active and passive IT candidates***Company Page: Free

Page 3: Analysis of WantedAnalytics and overstackflow

Job listing: Monthly, 3-month and one-year optionsThe software: Candidate Search Access all profiles of developers to message them and know your messaging active or passive job seekers to minimize on wasting time talking to people (connected to Github, OpenSource) Candidates search gives you exclusive access to Stack Overflow’s talent community, an invite-only database of developers who have opted in to be contacted by employers (the active job seekers), and accessing over 173,000 developer profiles from around the world. Ability to manage candidate pipeline using custom-built applicant tracking system/use ownHow to drill-down to target the right people for results: Option to broaden or narrow the search:Filters to find developers by location, education, work experience, skills, etcIdentify active candidates vs. wasting time reaching passive ones Ability to write own search queries using Boolean search operators (And, Or, Not)Affordable: 1 seat is 5,000 annually, there are two other options: 1-month ($1k) and 6-month ($3K) OverStackFlow is attractive because shows the difference between passive and active, targets regions of available talent with the skills/talent meeting the requirements

Figure 3 On the left show the available talent to source individuals from and on the right shows the ease of targeting the group of users/candidates needed

Page 4: Analysis of WantedAnalytics and overstackflow

Figure 4 Searched the United States for an SQL Server Database Admin, in the search options I removed remote and internship as well as students. I left it at active job seekers, the result is 54; the active seekers (17)

After reviewing both softwares: WantedAnalytics and OverStackFlow, the best option is OverStackFlow. It will allow the recruiters to get as close to the right candidates as possible without much labor, work, and wasted time. Unlike WantedAnalytics which would be best used for bringing in business requirements providing the difficulty of finding the right candidates for the job, based on various variables (region, skill level, etc) and not disclosing the report but providing the facts to the HR manager to use for conversation.

WantedAnalytics would cause a lot of filtering and drawing conclusions, whereas OverStackFlow places people/candidates in front of the recruiter.