analyzing music video

Analyzing Music Videos

Upload: charlotte24english

Post on 15-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Analyzing music video

Analyzing Music Videos

Page 2: Analyzing music video

Pixie LottKiss the Stars

Page 3: Analyzing music video

Pixie Lotts video ‘Kiss the Stars’ is effective as the shots are constantly changing. This interests the audience as it keeps them engaged into the video as they want to see what is going to happen next. The bright colours used in the background also grab our attention.

There are many different shot types used in this video, but the main ones are close ups of the artist herself, and medium and long shots. The close ups tend to be of the artist herself, giving a seductive look and smiling which makes us feel involved in the video. The medium and long shots are of the artist dancing.

Mise-en-Scene: The main background colour is black but with many bright lights being projected in different shapes and patterns. It is meant to look as if it is in space as Pixie uses the lyrics ‘in space’ and ‘youll be my spaceman’. This explains the weird backlighting used in the video. The artists clothing is very minimal. She is wearing tight bodysuits, or tight leather leggins and tight tops. There are no props used, as the main focus in this video is of the artist and the lyrics in which she is singing.

Each shot literally is a few seconds long.

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Jessie JDomino

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Jessie J’s video ‘Domino’ is very similar to Pixie Lotts. This proves that videos of the same genres have similar features.

The background is constantly changing to different patterns with black being the main color. The background has moving objects on it and it looks as if it is supposed to look like wallpaper.

The main shot types used are close ups and long shots of the artist. This shows us who is the main feature in the video.

Many different outfits are used in this video, all of them however are tight fitted and minimal clothing is worn throughout.

Seductive make up is worn on the artist, such as the dark smoky eyes and red lipstick. Stockings are also worn which show the seductive look.

Each shot literally lasts a few seconds. This could be because the song is very upbeat, and therefore the video needs to keep up with this.

There are many props used in this video, such as a sofa chair, a mask, a hat, a red plastic chair and an oversized watch and ring. These props could represent the artist as an individual and that she has her own individual style.