ancient ayurvedic drug removes tooth with no blood or pain

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Post on 02-Mar-2016




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Ancient Ayurvedic Drug Removes Tooth With No Blood or Pain


  • Ancient Ayurvedic Drug Removes Tooth With

    No Blood or Pain

    A photograph of Rattan Singh's father and his assistant,

    who were traditional dentists and Ayurvedic practitioners,

    on the streets of the Gumat bazaar in Jammu city.

  • A family in the northern Indian city of Jammu has the recipe for

    a rare drug that can painlessly remove a tooth without

    anesthesia or surgery. As part of an ancient medical heritage,

    the family has been using this drug for centuries, passing down

    the recipe for generations. Rattan Singh, who works in a small

    clinic on a side street of the Gumat Bazaar in Jammu city, is one

    of the recipe holders.

    On a cold January day, Vijay Kumar, age 67, came into Singhs

    clinic with an aching tooth. Singh applied his concoction soaked

    in cotton to the area around the tooth, and within a minute,

    had it removed.

    There was no bleeding and no pain. I didnt even know what

    happened, Kumar said.

    The drug is transparent like water but smells very strong.

    According to Singh it can catch fire like gasoline. He hasnt

    made the drug himself; what he has was made by his

    grandfather, and he still has about a quart of it left.

  • Singhs father and grandfather left him and his four brothers,

    who also have clinics on the same street, with four remedies

    older than 100 years, which they are still using. While Singh is

    still a traditional dentist, his brothers have become dental

    mechanics, certified by the government.

    Others do possess this drug, but they keep it a secret, Singh

    said. He only uses it when a customer requests it, saying he

    believes it affected his now-deceased fathers eyesight.


    Singh and his brothers are part of a community of Bhat Sikhs or

    Bhatras, a community whose ancestors were scholars and

    priests who lived on the now dry Saraswati River between India

    and Pakistan.

    Brahmin in origin, they became followers of Guru Nanak, who is

    the grandfather of the Sikh religion. One of Guru Nanaks

    followers, ruler Raj Shivnabh, had a grandson who became a

    poet and scholar. He was called Bhat Rai, or the Raj of poets

    for his literary skill, and the name Bhatras evolved from Bhat

  • Rai. Bhat means bard in Sanskrit, and the Bhat Sikhs are Sikh

    bards or scholars.

    Today the Bhatras can still be seen in the narrow lanes of the

    Gumat Bazaar, sitting at small tables with acrylic teeth and old

    dentures on display to attract clients.

    Singh said his father, who came to the region when it was still

    ruled by a king, also used to practice this way.

    He would sit in the public junction and offer his services to

    people. Slowly people came to know about him, and we are

    carrying forward that legacy, he said, showing an old leaflet

    that his father used to publicize his services.

    Affordable Dental Care

    While they mostly work in the open street, dont wear

    protective gloves, and some of their tools look like they belong

    in a carpenters shop, many people still come to them because

    they are affordable and effective.

  • I had a client in Delhi. He told another high-ranking officer

    from Maharashtra [a coastal state about 700 miles southwest

    of Delhi], and he came all the way looking for me in this lane in

    Jammu, Singh said.

    To remove an aching tooth, Singh charged a woman only 120

    rupees ($2).

    Another woman approached Singh to wire her daughters

    teeth. I went to a private [modern dentist] clinic, she said.

    They asked me for 21,000 rupees ($350). Singh charged 800

    rupees ($13) for the same job.

    Unfortunately for Singh, this means he cant make a living from

    his practice.

    My father told me not to cheat anyone, so I cant charge them

    exorbitant amounts of money, he said. Since I cannot charge

    extra, I cannot survive practicing this only.

  • He has started a small electronics business and survives by

    renting property in the main market nearby.

    And it looks as though the practice of traditional dentistry will

    not be carried on in his family much longer.

    Singhs brothers have already given up the practice and his

    children arent interested in practicing traditional dentistry

    either. His apathy toward his medicinal heritage is also

    apparent, he says he doesnt want to practice anymore and

    wants to find a new career in another industry.

    But until then, he is a living testament of the power of

    traditional healing.

  • A Bhatra practices on the road side in Gumat

    bazaar area of the northern city of Jammu, India.

  • Rattan Singh sits with his client, Vijay Kumar, after removing

    Kumar's tooth

    at his clinic near the Gumat bazaar in the north Indian city of


  • The table of a Bhatra dentist on a roadside in the Gumat

    bazaar area of the northern city of Jammu in India.

  • Rattan Singh, a traditional dentist in the northern city of

    Jammu, holds a

    bottle with a rare drug prepared almost a century ago by his


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