ancient egyptian architecture by james munroe

Ancient Egyptian Architecture by James Munroe

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Page 1: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe

Ancient Egyptian Architecture by James Munroe

Page 2: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe
Page 3: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe


Pyramids were made to remember the pharos. There are 8 pyramids in Egypt that are called the step pyramid of Djoser that is made by king Djoser, the great pyramid that is the largest and made king Khufu, the bent pyramid made by king Snefru, the red pyramid which is the first true pyramid which means its flat on every side) made by king Snefru as well, the pyramid of khafre which means “the home of the sphinx” made by obviously king khafre,

Some of the kings made ( and by the way by “the kings made” I mean his

slaves and workers made) big holes in the ground

beside the pyramid for the kings boats so they can

sail across the sky.

Page 4: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe

Pyramids (continue)

The pyramid of Menkaure which is the last of the great pyramids, and last but not least the Maidum pyramid made by king Snefru. Giza is the city where most of the pyramids where built. Almost all of the pyramids had a room were pharaoh layed. The pyramids where put together with big blocks that were made from

dried mud and straw

Page 5: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe

Pyramids ( continues)

was also put together from cut limestone to make it flat besides the Step pyramid. Then it would be scrubbed and polished with rocks and water. After that it would be painted so that’s the steps to make your own pyramid.

Page 6: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe
Page 7: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe


The most famous sphinx in Egypt is the quite large Giza sphinx the sphinx was built by king Khafre. The sphinx has a lions.

Page 8: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe

Sphinx (cont)

The sphinx is more a statue then a building but it is the same size if not bigger then most of the buildings in Egypt. The sphinx has a legend, the legend is if you want to pass you most answer a riddle and if you fail you will get eaten by the sphinx. The riddle is “ what has the same voice and yet starts with 4 legs, then 2 legs, and ends with 3. the answer a man, he starts at a baby that crawls, then goes to a man on 2 legs, then an old man the uses a cane.

Page 9: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe

House Ancient Egyptian houses

were made out of sun dried bricks made from straw and mud to make the bricks the people would make a square or rectangle molding for the mud and straw to harden. A anicent egyptian home was huge. They had flat roofs, the people would usually turing the evening would set on the roofs so they can wacth the sunset and the evenig breeze.

Page 10: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe


The Valley Of The kings was an under ground building where the pharaohs had their tombs. Some of the kings that have their tombs in the valley of the kings are king TUT a.k.a king Tutankhamen and king Ramesses the great.

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The Valley Of The Kings is also is were the pharaohs kept there clothes, jewelry, gold, and perishes items. The “Valley” is very guarded. The tomb was the gate way to the 2nd world according to myth.

Mummification was a way to preserve the body. The coffin was usually made of solid gold.

Page 12: Ancient Egyptian Architecture By James Munroe


I liked researching ancient Egyptian architecture because it was fun finding out interesting facts that I did not know about. For example I didn’t know that the Sphinx has a riddle to pass it. I think that most of ancient Egyptian architecture is pretty cool because it was made out of dry mud and straw. I also think it would be pretty cool to live in ancient Egypt for a while because it was sunny all the time, you could make your own house out of mud and, you buy everything with grain, but eventually I would miss in door plumbing, TV, air conditioning, and my XBOX 360.