ancient indian learning system gurukul system

The ancient Indian learning system Gurukul system

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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  2. 2. Gurukulam has existed since the Vedic age. The Shastriji Maharaj Dharamjivan dasji Swami is the pioneer of Modern Vedic Gurukul system
  3. 3. Gurukul System is an ancient Indianconcept of education, wherein theparticipants get knowledge, by residingwith his teacher as part of his family. GURU refers to the Teacher or the master.
  4. 4. Self Control Development of character Social Awareness Integral development of personality Propagationof purity Preservation of knowledge and culture
  5. 5. Asit was the only system of learning known in india at the time, most of the shishyas gained their education through this medium. Theshishyas received knowledge in all subjects. They got a practical and in depth look into life.
  6. 6. Children from all classes of society livedunder the gurukul roof as brothers. Along with practical knowledge they alsoreceived knowledge on various aspectsof life. They were taught impeccable mannersand values that life is based on.
  7. 7. They were taught respect for elders,mothers, fathers and teacher. The children were taught to live withmeagre material things and no fancy,pretentious object. The gurukul was a comprehensivelearning center.
  8. 8. ROLE OF GURU
  9. 9. Gu-Invisible,i.e. God, `ru - visibleThe scriptures say that Brahma the creator Vishnu the preserver Siva the destroyerDestroys the effects of bad karmaEternal relationshipResponsible for attain moksha (liberation)Preserves the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the disciple.
  10. 10. Indian culture puts special emphasis onthe guru-disciple relationship.Real guru is one who has attained Self-realization.If a person sincerely seeksenlightenment,-God sees that he gets a true guru.
  11. 11. Mind remains stable in sorrow Free from passion, fear and angerStable mindFree from desire, selfishness, egoism `I-ness, attachment and greed. He is full of pure love, compassion andmercy.For genuine desire for spiritual progress.
  12. 12. BRAHMACHARYABRAHMA,(shortened from brahman), theCHARYA, absolute,which meanseternal, "to follow" supreme God- head.
  13. 13. It is one of the four stages of life It is an educational period of 1420 years During this time traditional vedic sciences religious texts Vedas and Upanishads
  14. 14. VEDAS
  15. 15. In compiling the Vedic mantras,VED VYASA edited them into fourbooks,VED VYASA the Rig-Veda,the Yajur-Veda,the Sama-Veda andthe Atharva-Veda.The Vedas are a large body of textsoriginating in ancient India.Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, thetexts constitutes the oldest layer ofSanskrit literature and the oldestscriptures of Hinduism.
  16. 16. The Rigveda, containing hymns to be recited by the hot;The Yajurveda,containing formulas to be recited by the adhvaryu or officiating priest;
  17. 17. The Samaveda, containing formulas to be sung by the udgtThe Atharvaveda,a collection of spells andincantations, apotropaic charms and speculative hymns.
  18. 18. Born: 476AD Patliputra in Magadha (now Patna) Mathematician-Astronomer
  19. 19. It includeso Arithmetico Algebrao Plane trigonometry ando Spherical trigonometry
  20. 20. Approximation of Place value system and zero Astronomy
  21. 21. Birth : c. 370 BCETaxila or SouthIndia Professor at theUniversity ofTakshila Identifiedas Kautilya orVishnu Gupta
  22. 22. principles of politics Arthashastra deals in detail with thequalities and disciplines required for awise and virtuous king.
  23. 23. Indian way of life 17chapters, 455 sutras the dos and donts of running a kingdom