ancient technology part 2 comp jan 2012

34 your mind is a muscle... use it or lose it FYB Welcome to the second part of a fully illustrated e-book examining the advanced technologies of the Illuminati Super Wealthy families in the Ancient World: PART TWO: by Chris Everard (© 2012)

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PART TWO:by Chris Everard( 2012)

Welcome to the second part of a fully illustrated e-book examining the advanced technologies of the Illuminati Super Wealthy families in the Ancient World:

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directed by CHRIS EVERARD

My book STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA is available from my brand new AMAZON USA WEBSTORE... and also available from:

In this second part of my e-book about ancient technology I explore the practicalities of capturing and storing electricity in the ancient world and analyse the Dendereh 'light bulb' carvings... German researchers, inspired by Erich Von Daniken, are way ahead of the pack when it comes to analysing the Dendereh light bulbs and postulating on their use as a light bulb. However, what you will read below is my estimation that the 'light bulb' is not an innocent device to illuminate the night - but an Energy Beam Generator which could either be some kind of weapon, or might actually be a cathode ray tube designed to see images of the Ogdoad Gods in the spirit world - rather like a psychic TV set. ! There is plenty of evidence which supports my assumption, and, as there is no evidence to contradict it, and all the materials to build such devices were in common use in Egypt, I have constructed some computer-aided three dimensional models which illustrate what these Dendereh 'light bulb' devices could be...

Usually, only one subterranean crypt at Dendereh is open to the public. The crypt which contains the 'light bulb' carving is only one of thirteen crypts. This will come as a revelation to most people who visit the site - as people only know of the famous 'light bulb' crypt. There are more crypts. Many more.THE ENIGMA CHANNEL has been fully updated with online 24-7 FULL SCREEN Virtual HD Documentaries - nearly 600 of them - You can scan the playhead back & forth, and watch any show at any time of the day or night - Watch CHRIS EVERARD present GODS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD next week -

SPIRITWORLDVolume 3Because Google Inc. and YouTube have used my films as I advertising vehicles, superimposing adverts for burger bars and other businesses which I do not, and never shall, condone, I have forbidden YouTube to exploit my films. My new film will therefore NOT be on YouTube. Please support Enigma Motion Pictures and order from

businesses which I do not, and never shall, condone, I have forbidden YouTube to exploit my films. My new film will therefore NOT be on YouTube. Please support Enigma Motion Pictures and order from www.SpiritWorldDVD.compage 003

The Dendereh Death Ray... ! Beneath the Temple of Hathor at Dendereh there are inscriptions depicting a bulblike object which some have suggested is reminiscent of a "Crookes tube". Inside the "bulbs" a snake forms a wavy line from a lotus flower. A "wire" leads to a small box on which a god is kneeling. Beside the bulb stands a two-armed djed pillar, which is connected to the snake... ! A Crookes tube is an early experimental electrical discharge tube, invented by English physicist William Crookes and others around 1869-1875,in which cathode rays, which are streams of electrons, were discovered. The Crookes Tube was coated with phosphorous - and Sir William Crookes stunned and entertained audiences with the dim glow of green and blue Crookes Tubes. The Crookes Tube technology became the basis for TELEVISION and were used as 'Cathode Ray Tubes' and 'Cathode Ray Guns' for at least the first 40 years of Television technology. ! The shape and general idea behind a Crookes Tube/ Ray Gun has been with us for a very long time - and William Crookes must have been aware of the illustrations of Dendereh published at the time he developed his tubes and other scientists were also developing their own versions of these types of devices. Of the two types of 'bulb' we see at Dendereh, BOTH these designs became adopted by scientists who a/. had a fascination with magic and b/. had a fascination with psychic powers and the existence of the 'Ether'.

However, most of these crypts are permanently closed. The boss of the Dendereh monument confirmed with me that there are similar carvings, with 'light bulbs' and strange apparatus carved into the walls of the crypts which are presently closed to the public. At the moment, there are at least six sealed underground chambers and crypts which I personally know of, plus other chambers hidden in double walls. I have filmed what I can of them, shining torches into the small hatches which are currently blocked with hardboard and chicken wire. There is no light, no air and no steps down into these ignored crypts - and in March 2012 I return to Egypt to film these crypts in 3D HD video - along with, hopefully, an arranged access to the 100,000 or so un-displayed artefacts in the vaults of the Cairo Museum. The infamous 'light bulb' relief carving in the crypt at Dendereh has caught the imagination of many intelligent people and confounded traditional archaeologists. I recently visited the crypt three times with two qualified Egyptologists and first of all focussed my attention on the hieroglyphic inscriptions which reside close to the panels that feature the 'light bulbs'. I filmed the inscriptions, the 'light bulbs' and accompanying carvings using 2K HD photography. Both the Egyptologists on my team confirmed that this was mostly Old Kingdom script mixed with symbols which were unknown to them and I have been referred to interview a professor of hieroglyphics who lives not far from Dendereh in order to verify the inscriptions. My interview with this specialist shall be reported on the Enigma Channel and within the pages of Feed Your Brain Magazine. For the time being, the hieroglyphic inscriptions surrounding the infamous 'light bulb' panels are a complete mystery...

The German 'Light Bulb' Theory...There is already in existence an extensive German book concerning the inscriptions; written by Wolfgang Waitkus, entitled 'The texts in the lower crypts of the Hathor temples of Dendera: their statements for the function and meaning of these areas' - catchy title! A German to English translation will be published with illustrated extracts in future issues of Feed Your Brain Magazine. There is also J. Dmichen's, Baugeschichte des Dendera-Tempels, published in Strassburg in 1877. There is also Bolko Stern's work published in 1896 entitled gyptische Kulturgeschichte - ISBN 978-3826219085.

The mysterious devices carved into the panels of the crypt walls at Dendereh

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Sir William Crookes' tubes were a development of the Geissler tubes. These tubes basically consist of a partially evacuated glass container of various shapes, with two metal electrodes, one at either end. When a high voltage is applied between the electrodes, cathode rays (electrons) travel in straight lines from the cathode to the anode. The anode, in the most common designs, is placed at the same point we see the 'Djed'. These tubes were used by Crookes, Johann Hittorf, Juliusz Plcker, Eugen Goldstein, Heinrich Hertz, Philipp Lenard and others to discover the properties of cathode rays, culminating in J. J. Thomson's 1897 identification of cathode rays as negatively-charged particles, which were later named 'electrons'. ! Wilhelm Rntgen discovered X-rays using the Crookes tube in 1895... And Nikola Tesla devised a DEATH RAY for Her Majesty's government based on the Crookes design...

The mysterious devices carved into the panels of the crypt walls at Dendereh were therefore known to the intellgentsia of the 1800s. These are important publications, some of which carried drawings of the carved panels. These books appeared at exactly the same time that the brilliant engineer, Mr Nikola Tesla, in the United States, began developing systems which harnessed the atmospheric electrostatic energy discussed in part one of this book and also developed a grid network which proved that the planet produced telluric energy and was also a global conductor of energy. It was also at the same time of the early works discussing Dendereh that glass vacuum tubes, similar in shape to those found on the walls of the Dendereh crypt, were being developed...

From our modern era, we have Mr Erich Von Daniken who awakened hundreds of thousands of people to the Dendereh crypt with the publication of The Eyes of the Sphinx (pp. 171-173). It is in this book that Erich Von Dniken speculates rather forcibly that the wavy/spiral snake in the centre is a filament, and that the device is essentially a 'light bulb'. He states that the Djed pillar is an insulator, as it does indeed resemble very closely ceramic insulators which are in use worldwide today. However, not wishing to dampen Mr Von Daniken's excellent enthusiasm, I have to say that he makes the very silly mistake of identifying the humanoidamphibian being overseeing the scene as "a monkey with the sharpened knives symbolizing the danger that awaits those who do not understand the device". Since Mr Von Daniken's publications, some very clever engineers have made models resembling the 'light bulb' device at Dendereh and managed to get it working.

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The Ancient Batteries...In part one of this investigation, I asserted that the most likely contents of the Ark of the Covenant was a series of interconnected Leiden Jars (left) which are capable of discharging ompressive sparks of electricity which are collected from the atmosphere. Leiden Jars are built using materials which would have been freely available to the ancient Egyptians. An alternative theory is that the so called 'Baghdad Batteries' discovered amongst stored artefacts in the vaults of the Baghdad Museum prior to the breakout of world war two might have been the power source for the Dendereh 'light bulb'. This is, in fact, what Mr Von Daniken believes and has demonstrated the theory, with a model of a Dendereh 'light bulb' and a Baghdad Battery on television numerous times. The so called Baghdad Batteries do in fact produce a small charge - usually between 0.5 of a volt. The inner iron cylinder and rod are, however, not made of really efficient materials for the creation of large amounts of electricity - and the bitumen stopper would have had to be perforated to allow oxygen to touch the surface of the acidic liquid (probably vinegar) held inside. I have no doubt whatsoever that the Baghdad Batteries are indeed batteries - but literally thousands of them would have to be connected in parallel in order to power serious drilling and sawing tools. The 0.3 to 0.5 volts typically created by the various experiments performed with these littlle jars would indeed light a very thin light bulb filament - but the light would have been extremely dim, unless vast numbers of these batteries were interconnected. Whilst it is indeed possible that thousands of Baghdad batteries were mass manufactured in the ancient world, I feel that it is Leiden Jars which hold the key to having access to impressive and potentially fatal bursts of electricity... Ancient Bomb Blasts... Why do I say 'fatal'? Because the accumulated electrostatic charge which can be collected via a series of Leiden Jaars could conceivable create humanmade lightning which would blast not only people, but mud-brick buildings and possibly even solid rock to pieces. To do this, one would have to have a kind of 'lens' connected to a cable which focussed this immense electrical force. So, what proof do I have that the Pharaohs had some kind of 'death ray' or potentially explosive electrical device? The evidence can be clearly seen at the birthplace of the Ark of the Covenant - Mount Sinai. It was on Mount Sinai that Moses received the blueprints for the Ark, which was filled with the mysterious substance known as 'manna' and had two cherubim placed on it's lid which, as I have previously discussed, were discharge contacts which could give anyone who placed their hand between them a nasty electrical shock. We know that there was more than just one singular Ark. The designs of the Ark we see carved on the wall of Karnak temple in Luxor differs somewhat to the 'traditional' Moses design. Over thousands of years, it is not inconceivable to imagine that many, many Arks were manufactured and the technology was improved.

Baghdad Batteries... ! These objects suggest that this region of ancient Iraq, whose civilizations gave us writing and the wheel, may also have invented electric cells two thousand years before such devices were well known. ! Though most archaeologists agree the devices are batteries, there is much conjecture as to how they could have been used. How could ancient Persian science have grasped the principles of electricity and arrived at this knowledge? Perhaps they did not. Many inventions are conceived before the underlying principles are properly understood.

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At Tel-Armana the rays of the sun were worshipped. Inscriptions tell us that the priests there worshipped the power of the rays - that fuelled Life itself. Every schoolboy knows that most objects can be singed and sometimes set alight with the simple aid of a magnifying glass. According to British author Robert Temple, the Pharaohs had lenses which could have been used to create a never-ending source of fire and heat: "The earliest actual lenses which I have located are crystal ones dating from the 4th Dynasty of Old Kingdom Egypt, circa 2500 BC. These are to be found in the Cairo Museum and two are in the Louvre in Paris. But archaeological evidence showing that they must have been around at least 700 years earlier has recently been excavated at Abydos in Upper Egypt. A tomb of a Pre-Dynastic king there has yielded an ivory knife handle bearing a microscopic carving which could only have been done under considerable magnification (and of course can only be seen with a strong magnifying glass today). Thus, we know that magnification technology was in use in Egypt in 3300 BC. I reproduce both photos and drawings of this crucial evidence"

The outer tomb enclosure of the boy-king Tutankhamun, discovered by Howard Carter at the Valley of the Kings very much resembles a large-scale version of an Ark. The exterior of King Tut's tomb enclosure is heavily decorated with the so called Djed Pillar - which looks, as I have said earlier, exactly (and I mean EXACTLY) like a modern insulator (I should say that there are some experimental batteries which also resemble the Djed pillar).

I will be hosting an expedition to Mount Sinai in 2012 or 2013 - and it is here, strewn across the light-coloured desert sand that we see evidence of some catastrophic power source being used at the site. Many, many square acres of small stones which have been blackened with soot are strewn all around - so many that they hide the sand beneath them. There are millions of these blackened stones. The site looks like some fantastically hot event happened which incinerated the outer 1 millimetre of all the stones in the area. It is unlikely to have been caused by any natural event - there are no signs of a meteor impact - which would be the only natural heat source which would have been able to cook these millions of stones. The area is flat and does not look anything like a volcanic area or a lava flow. Beneath the black layer of soot, the stones are normal. This site, rarely visited, is one of the greatest archaeological conundrums. The stones seem to be uniformly distributed across the desert floor. It would take a heat source of at least 600 degrees centigrade to combust the outer layer of these stones - and that would have to be done over a considerable length of time, possibly applying direct flame or heat onto the surface of each stone in order to replicate the effect.Alan Alfords excellent book contains photos of the mysterious burned landscape in the Sinai desert.


Some large boulders in the area have also been blackened by some impressive and hugely hot source of power. Another anomaly is that satellite photographs of Mount Sinai reveal huge white areas on the desert ground - almost as if some corrosive liquid, such as hydrochloric or sulphuric acid has been leaked all over the landscape. Some kind of calcitic reaction seems to have happened, leaving the area with large areas of black incinerated stones and boulders, punctuated with flow-marks of a mysterious liquid which calcified and whitened the ground.

The Garden of Eden and the Tower of Babel are said to have been sited in the ancient land of Iraq. Iran and Iraq were known to Europeans as 'Persia'. It was here that the Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Chaldean communities lived and exchanged their knowledge, magical spells, superstitions and inventions. Persia was a fusion of the technologies absorbed from the two great empires which it sat between. There were physical real-world technologies being developed (such as lenses, gears and the wheel) and also this was a rich land full of psychic technologies (crystals, scrying mirrors, psychic lenses and talismans). ! To the east, there was China, and it's advanced use of alchemy (Gunpowder was actually a discovery made by Chinese alchemists when trying to create the 'secret fire' or 'elixir of life'). And to the west, there was the empire of the Pharaohs and Greeks. Ancient Iraq was therefore a country where great ideas and inventions had fused together to create the Assyrian Empire which flourished with cylinderseal printing, sculpture, irrigated farming, iron and copper metallurgy, exploitation of coal and oils, machinery, medicine, astronomy, mathematics, porcelain, silk, and wine making.

Even more alarming, is the ancient archaeological site not so far away in Sudan which looks like an entire mountain top was blasted away in some catastrophic event. The mountain of Jebel Barkal in Sudan is the site of a desert community who lived and worked there, separated from the larger Sudanese connibations at least 3,000 years ago. The site has ruins of peculiar linear chambers and vats. They built their houses in the foothills of a mountain, out on a desert plain - rather like the present day Los Alamos laboratory. The Egyptian Illuminati conquered northern Sudan (known as the 'land of the Nubian Kush') around 1504 BC, and they claimed mount Barkal was the birthplace of the ram headed god Amun. Jebel Barkal, is a small tabletop mountain perched near the Nile River. Jebel Barkal rises barely 320 feet above the surrounding desert but is distinguished by one prominent feature: a pinnacle jutting out from its south-western cliff face. If your imagination is keen enough, the pinnacle might resemble a crowned pharaoh. There are lines of small kneeheight megalithic stones in the desert stand below the pinnacle and the ruins of a full scale temple in the orthodox Egyptian style, with a central avenue flanked by columns...


Mount Barkal seems to have had a unique importance for the Pharaohnic elite beneath the Jebel Barkal cliff the Egyptians constructed a major town. The settlement which grew up around it was called Napata, which became the southernmost town in the Pharaohs' African empire.

The ancient cylinder seals of Iraq are really the true birth of printing, as the process was capable of creating large numbers of printed tablets. No wonder this area is known as the 'crucible of mankind'. No wonder the present-day demonically inspired New World Order families have transformed it into a toxic wasteland. ! The sands of Iraq probably hold the richest archaeological treasures known to man - and we will now have to suffer depleted uranium dust in the arrid deserts in order to probe the dunes and discover Iraq's amazing heritage... European universities have, for more than 90 years, been sponsoring archaeological digs in Iraq... !

Jebel Barkal's most distinctive feature is the colossal free-standing pinnacle on the south corner of its cliff, and this was tipped with gold and electrum at one time - possibly fashioned into a Cobra. The project would have taken many tons of precious metals and a large team of metallurgists, engineers and architects to achieve. The 75m stone is still there today - the electrum and gold sheath long ago stolen - and it is the only outcrop of natural stone which has ever been sheathed in gold-electrum in the ancient world. The obvious question is 'why'? The archeaological evidence all points to this being a 'laboratory' of some kind - as the entire top of the mountain has been blown away and fine black soot covers the flat top. There are giant scars so it might have been hit by an asteroid - but where is the impact crater? The top surface is rather like walking on a black sooty skateboard park - it has been blackened and blasted with something so powerful and hot that the upper 6 inches of crust has been baked into a smooth covering which has collapsed into a uniform, undulating black surface.JEBEL BARKAL looks very, very different from the air; Something very very strange has happened here - it is a feature which only myself and Alan Alford ever speak of - why is the top of the Barkal sacred mountain black and encrusted with soot? At the moment, my research is suggesting that the pinnacle pictured above was sheathed in electrum and that the entire mountain itself was used as some kind of conductor of electricity - it is obvious that some kind of fire/heat was produced in the process and this has cremated the top of the mountain.

Just before the second world war, a German man took over a top job curating the artefacts at Baghdad museum, and he brought to the attention of the media some otherwise innocent looking little clay jars from ancient Iraq...

There is no doubt in my mind that Mount Barkel is very definitely the place


From all the remarkable and impressive items on display and in storage, it was these little jars which most fascinated German archaeologist Wilhelm Konig. The pots had an earthenware exterior and a metal two-part core. The exact dating of these jars is unclear. It is not possible to carbon date any inorganic material. The exterior of the jar is similar to pots and jars found in the Sassanian period (circa AD 225 640), which marks the end of the ancient and the beginning of the more scientific medieval era. The jars have been mass produced, as there are at least 15 known examples - and therefore the technology and the design of these jars must have been known about for a long time. " On the 1980 British Television series Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World, Egyptologist Arne Eggebrecht used a recreation of the battery, filled with grape juice, to produce half a volt of electricity, demonstrating for the programme that the battery could electroplate a silver statuette in two hours, using a gold cyanide solution. Eggebrecht speculated that museums could contain many items mislabelled as gold when they are merely electroplated.

There is no doubt in my mind that Mount Barkel is very definitely the place where we find incontroverticle evidence of some catastrophic experiment - some giant release of energy - and the electrum cladding of the outcrop of rock may have been done so that huge atmospheric electrostatic forces could be collected in a series of many, many Arks - and that one day, some catastrophic explosion occurred. Another explanation is that the Electrum-sheathed 75metre high obelisk stone was some kind of 'discharge electrode' and that huge numbers of Leyden Jars had been stored in Arks on the summit and that somehow an accident occurred which blasted the top of the mountain away and incinerated the remaining stones into a soot. The evidence is all there for us to see - and Biblical accounts of the construction of the Ark of the Covenant and it's remarkable electric powers took place in mountainous areas - far away from where this hazardous ancient technology could endanger inhabitants of towns an cities. After a long and detailed survey of the evidence, I would like to say that Jebel Barkel is perhaps the site where some 'death ray' weapon was developed in ancient times - and that this was an ambition of not only the Egyptian elite, but there are charred and cooked areas of desert to be found in India too where some artificial heat source was used to incinerate stone. This ancient technology was possibly also imported into Europe, as there are stones melted by colossal heat which are found in an area of France known as Sainte Suzanne.

My assertion that 'death rays' were weapons known n ancient times is based on the very simple historical observation that scientific progress always accelerates when a war is at hand - and the Pharaohs were constantly invading other countries... And, of course, we must reference the legends of ancient wars employing powerful bombs, flying machines and 'death rays' written in the Indian Vedic texts (see side panel text for more detail). At Harvard University, there is a two foot tall sandstone dome which was excavated from Jebel Barkel - it looks like an elaborately carved missile warhead which has a trapdoor into which some explosive material could have been placed. The official inscription is that it is a cocoon into which cult objects were placed.

page 010 FeedYourBrainMagazine.comThe evidence is all around us - and these sites where charred and blackened stones are to found - and even instances where desert sand has been turned to glass - have never been satisfactorily explained by any geologists. The damage is far too great to have been created by the little Baghdad Batteries which we have discussed during our investigation - I feel it is only mass electrical discharge technology, such as Leiden Jars, or Van der Graaf generator type technology - which possibly had enough accumulated power to ignite explosive compounds (perhaps this is the mysterious 'manna' placed inside the Ark), which could have the force and heat to blow the top of a mountain to smithereens... For all intends and purposes, Jebel Barkel was the 'Area 51' of the ancient world, where explosive technologies were developed for the Pharaohnic elite. It was placed farthest away from the northern cities of Tanis and Cairo, because the illuminati realised that they were developing a technology so powerful it could blast the top of a mountain away or incinerate several square acres of desert. The Duke, the Ark and the Spies of Her Majesty... A brilliant Rastafarian historian, Mr Steve Bedford, who I have known for many years sat me down one day at Goldsmiths College in London and told me of the intrigue and secret machinations of Buckingham Palace, Her Majesty's Intelligence Sevices, the Duke of Edinburgh and the diplomatic tog-o-war which has played out secretly between the British Foreign Office and the Imperial Family of Emperor Haile Selassie in Ethiopia - which is the current repository for the Ark, that is at the moment guarded under lock and key at Axum. It is widely alleged in the Rastafari movement that there are several Arks of the Covenant - and that Buckingham Palace have been negotiating (and in some cases stealing) Arks from various ancient sites since the time that Napoleon returned from Egypt. Who are the Rastas? The Rastafari movement is a Life-Guide inspirational movement which first became recognised internationally on the British island of Jamaica in the 1930s. The population of Jamaica is predominantly African people who were brought to the Caribbean by the British illuminati slave traders.

The ancient pectoral pictured above belonged to Tutankhamun, and the yellow scarab is carved from Libyan Desert Glass.

Blessed are the bredren and sistren whose sacred mission is to!protect and reverence!the Ark of the Covenant. Blessed is the Holy!Land Ethiopia. Blessed. Jah Rastafari. Protection. Rasta!

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page 011 Chris Everard 2010 - www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.comThe Rastafari movement in Jamaica is many thousands and thousands of miles from Ethiopia - but it is this African nation (neighbour to Egypt), which is at the centre of the Rastafari belief system. Rastafarians worship Emperor Haile Selassie I, who ruled Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. The Rasta movement considered him as 'God incarnate, the Second Advent, or the reincarnation of Jesus'. The Rastafari movement encompasses themes such as the spiritual use of cannabis and the rejection of western society, which they call Babylon (from the metaphorical 'Babylon' of the Christian New Testament). Rastas proclaim that Africa is a spiritual homeland which is called "Zion" and it is the original birthplace of mankind. For Rastas, the foremost important place within Africa is Axum in Ethiopia - the exact site where the Ark of the Covenant is meant to be stored today in the crypt of an orthodox Christian church, which is situated next to a large obelisk.

Rasta scholar, Mr Steve Bedford, told me that the Ark currently stored in Ethiopia is one of several Arks - and that diplomatic negotiations were launched in the 1940s to try and move all known existing Arks to a vault in the Bank of England in Threadneedle Street in London. Africa was being over run by NAZI explorers and the British Foreign Office offered to keep the Ark from NAZI hands. Of course, this is an evil ploy, as the NAZI war machine was managed and funded by British-Bavarian Prince Charlie Coburg. The diplomatic mission to Ethiopia claimed that the Arks would be safer on British soil. Allegedly, the Duke of Edinburgh loaned his support to the idea of moving the Arks. Steve Bedford says that the Ark presently at Axum was closely studied in situ by specialists from the British Museum, who were accompanied by spies working for MI6. This examination allegedly happened during the late 1960s. Mr Bedford says that it was during these visits that a replica was secretly switched - and the original Ark is now somewhere in Britain - possibly at Aldermaston or some other British military scientific facility. Other Arks have also been sought by Her Majesty's Intelligence Service, and Mr Bedford said that from time to time his contacts in Zimbabwe and the Caribbean have reported rumours that the international Rastafari community have from time to time been asked to hand over Arks which were placed in their safekeeping on behalf of the Ethiopian orthodox church and the Imperial Family of the Emperor. Just like George Lucas portrays in his films, the Ark of the Covenant has very much always been sought by the illuminati.


The LIZARD KINGS?One cannot investigate the possible technologies depicted in the Dendereh crypt, without discussing the overbearing presence of the peculiar creature who is overseeing the use of the 'light bulb'. This amphibian-humanoid being which stands to the right of the devices is very clearly NOT a monkey or a baboon which is the unfortunate and erroneous assumption of textbook Egyptologists and Mr Von Daniken. I have photographed baboons in the ceiling carvings of Dendereh and here present comparison photographs; the head of the creature carved into the walls of the Dendereh crypt is very definitely a FROG. It's body is that of a humanoid - and whilst the round hip joint motif is shared in carvings of baboons at Dendereh, the stance is different and very 'human'. Not only that, the creature is taking an active interest in the 'light bulb' device. I have invested many many man-hours investigating the carving of the infamous 'light bulb' and one of the cast-iron assertions shared by myself and experienced, qualified Egyptologists is that the creature is an Amphibian-headed humanoid and NOT a baboon. This bipedal creature is very obviously one of the members of the eight OGDOAD Creator Gods - four of which were human males with the heads of frogs - which is EXACTLY what the figure is, standing next to the Dendereh 'light bulb'. You can see several TV reports on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL with myself and my Egyptologist team investigating and discussing these carvings -

I asked two of the Egyptologists on my team if they thought the creature was an amphibian-humanoid such as that described in the Ogdoad Creation Myths and both, once alerted to the striking facial features of the creature agreed that all interpretations of this being a monkey or a baboon are 100% incorrect.

The Light Bulb Theory;

So, let us now investigate the possible uses of the 'light bulb'. What we can say straight away is that the devices carved on the walls, without stretching the imagination at all, very much look like light bulbs and has therefore been described as such by many authors for many, many years. The devices are pivoted on top of a Djed pillar (or an object which looks very similar to a Djed). And there are human arms depicted which 'cradle' the nose of the 'light bulb' rather like the aiming sight found on canons and rifles. The devices are portable, and are attached to boxes via a cable.


However, no book I have in my large library of Egyptology manuscripts has mentioned the fact that the devices appear in different versions. The first version is on a chamber wall, carved into the wall at a height of about 13 feet. This version shows a similar 'light bulb' but has a straight 'cigar shape' rather like a neon tube lamp. It is about five feet in length, held at one end just as we see with the 'light bulbs' in the crypt carvings. It has the same 'cable' connected to one end and the people holding it are portrayed in the same stance with one foot advanced ahead of the other. As my photograph shows, throughout the centuries these carvings have been 'censored' by way of people chipping away at the carvings. This phenomenon can easily be seen when visiting the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Here we see that the phallus which once stood proud from the male figures painted onto the tomb walls have been chipped away and removed. It is clearly a form of ancient censorship and my Egyptologist team agree that this is censorship from the Muslim invaders who settled and took control of the Egyptian sites.

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The cigar shaped 'light bulb' has similarly been defaced, as if some ancient faction has attempted to censor it's existence from the historical record. It seems to have a 'filament' inside the neon tube envelope. What can be heartily agreed on is that in both design examples, the snakespiral shaped filament is attached to a connector at the base of the 'light bulb' which resembles the sacred blue lily of the Nile. This lily motif on the 'connector' is apparent in the 'neon tube' carving and also in the panels of the crypt which show the more traditional shaped 'light bulb'. The lily is also featured in adjacent carvings pointing upwards and an erectile serpent is seen emanating and hovering above the open petals of the lily. The apparent existence of several versions of these devices points us to the common sense conclusion that the device went through several stages of development. The placement of the 'neon tube' version high up on a groundlevel chamber wall could indicate that this chamber was only accessible to people who would be initiated into the existence of this technology. Each of the Dendereh side chambers resembles the dimension of the 'Holy of Holy' chambers which we see at nearly every temple site - and this makes Dendereh rather unique, as it is telling us that this was a network of initiatory chambers, built atop a labrynth of crypts and that the central subject of initiation was the description of these 'light bulb' devices.

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page 014 Chris Everard - Feed Your Brain Magazine.comThe most common hypothesis so far promoted by researchers is that the snakespiral filament was somehow fed with an energy, electricity, water or some other substance, via the cable which we see attached to the lily-shaped connector. This cable lays on the floor and terminates in a box, whose proportions, again, are conducive with it being some kind of battery. It's proportions, when compared with the human holding the 'light bulb' device is similar to the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant. We know the approximate dimensions of the Ark from the Biblical blueprint given to Moses by Mr. God Almighty. When we compare the human holding the 'light bulb' device with the dimensions of the box to which the cable is connected, we can safely assume that the box resembles the dimensions of the Ark. We next come to the strange postures of the people depicted in the Dendereh crypt carvings; In one example, the device is being held at the connector end and balanced on the head of a person kneeling on the box to which the device is connected. A cushion is seen resting on the head of the person, who balances the device. The pose is often associated with the symbol EVIDENCE OF DEATH for 'air' - though this might be fanciful New Age historical conjecture. RAYS IN THE ANCIENT The relative proportions in this carving seem to suggest that the person who DESERTS OF NORTH has the device rested on their head is of small stature - possibly a child, teenager AFRICA.... or dwarf - and that the Ogdoad Amphibian-humanoid is at least two feet taller An article published on than the Pharaoh we see holding the object. This would make the Ogdoad July 10, 1999, by Giles around 8 feet tall (2 metres 20cm). And it would make the height of the other Wright, in the British science magazine New humans in the scene not more than 4 feet tall. Beneath the 'light bulb' two Scientist alerted me to people in a pose of kneeling meditation grip eachother's forearms and stare into vast areas of the Libyan eachother's eyes. This suggests that they are in some way speaking to eachother, desert which had been or in some joint activity - possibly meditating. Their proximity to the device in baked by intense heat. I one of the murals suggests that they are somehow interacting with the device. had already researched If these devices are some kind of Ray Gun, then the couple seated beneath the effects of atom bomb the device may have been performing some kind of adjustment of trajectory explosions in desert areas - and the nuclear whilst it was being fired by the Pharaoh who holds it.scientists investigating the sites of test blasts had widely reported that the desert sands had been melted to form sheets of glass. In Soviet China, Chinese scientists have conducted atomic tests near Lob Nor Lake in the Gobi Desert, which have created large areas covered with vitrified sand. However, apart from post nuclear blasts, the Gobi desert has a number of other areas of vitrified sand which have been known for thousands of years to the local people...

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presents dozens of in-depth documentaries about subjects which are ignored by the mainstream media. 24-7.


" The New Scientist article which explores the vitrified desert of Libya was called "The Riddle of the Sands", and the phenomenon is now known as Libyan Desert Glass, or 'LDG'. In the case of Libya - which was encroached and partially dominated by traders and rulers from Egypt there is a deeper element to the mystery, and that is that the Libyan glass is the purest natural silica glass ever found on planet earth! Over a thousand tonnes of it are strewn across hundreds of kilometres of the Libyan desert. Chunks weighing as much as 50lb each can still be found. Local people throughout the centuries have fashioned knives and jewellery from this desert glass. It looks like a giant green wine bottle has been smashed and strewn across the dunes by some massive heat source. When fresh, the area would have most likely resembled flat, undulating areas of glass, following the topology of the dunes. There is simply no way that these vitrified areas of desert are a natural phenomenon. Melting sand into glass especially over vast areas - would take magnitudes of energy which today only a nuclear bomb can replicate....

If we apply Occam's Razor to the puzzle, then we can easily surmise; A human, dressed like one of the elite, possibly a Pharaoh, is holding a large 'light bulb' shaped apparatus, which is supported partly by a child, who cushions the device on their head. The devices are being aimed by the Pharaoh. Two people beneath sit beneath it and a 'firing sight' is indicated on some of the devices with two human arms. The posture and poses of the people indicate the possibility that they are in a state of trance or meditation or communication. The device is connected to a cable which in turn is connected to a box which is commensurate with the size of a standard power generator and/or the Ark of the Covenant. The 'light bulb' object seems to be around 6 - 9 feet in length and seems to be transparent. An object which is similar to a modern day insulator partly supports the device - it very very closely resembles the Djed pillar which is a cult object and it's name means 'stability' or 'equilibrium' or 'balance'. The device on the right mural at Dendereh is pointing at a large Frog-headed humanoid which is wielding two sacrificial knives. The frog headed humanoid is looking directly at the end surface of the device. The device's resemblance to a large scale electric light bulb has been noted by many authors, especially in Germany, since the 1800s and was known to researchers developing Crookes Tubes and other similar inventions. Evidence of massive discharges of explosive and/or electrical energy can be found at Mount Sinai and in the Sudanese Egyptian-controlled province of Jebel Barkel - and it is here that an obelisk-shaped outcrop of stone was sheathed in the same material - electrum which was used to cover the capstones of pyramids and obelisks throughout Egypt. Beyond the above hypothesis, archaeologists, Egyptologists and fringe authors disagree on virtually every aspect of the Dendereh carvings. For example, archaeologists argue that every single one of the individual elements of the light bulb murals can be found in numerous examples all over Egypt. This is not absolutely true. The Djed Pillar which partly supports the device is a mainstay of Egyptian symbolism - however, whilst it does appear in various forms - the form of the Djed in the Dendereh crypt is unique - in that one example has arms outstretched from it's flanks and these arms intercept and sit inside the 'glass' envelope of the light bulb. I have seen Djeds in different proportions, I have seen them carved into the base of diorite black stone sarcophagi in the Louvre in Paris, I have seen the Djed decorate the outside of King Tutankhamun's outer tomb enclosure, I have seen Djeds painted with the addition of a pair of human eyes - but I have NEVER seen human arms extending from the Djed - only at Dendereh does this peculiar and strange image exist. Another conundrum is that the Djed does not appear in all the versions of the carving - so this suggests that the Djed was detachable from the 'light bulb'. At the temple of Habu, I have photographed a Djed which is thin and very very long and flexible, it drapes on the ground and the head of the Djed is being held by a Queen who seems to be speaking into it like a microphone!

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It is clear that the technology had something to do with Egypt, as there is a yellow-green type glass found in the Egyptian deserts too that were discovered in 1932 when Patrick Clayton, a member of the Egyptian Geological Survey, was driving among the dunes of the Saad Plateau desert in the south-west of Egypt - not far from the previously mentioned Jebel Barkal site. Patrick Clayton heard his tyres crunch on large pieces of marvelously clear glass very similar to the vitrified dunes of Libya. Several magazine articles over the years have postulated that the desert glass dunes are the result of a meteorite impact. An article entitled "Dating the Libyan Desert Silica-Glass" appeared in the British journal Nature (no. 170) in 1952: " ... flakes of Libyan glass were submitted to Egyptologists in Cairo, who regarded them as 'late Neolithic or pre-dynastic' in origin (that's about 4,000+ years ago)". Ancient texts from India and Palestine claim that some extremely hot and dangerous 'bomb' was apparent in ancient times; Then the Lord rained down fire and tar from heaven upon Sodom and Gomorrah, and utterly destroyed them. Genesis 19:24 "

It is only common sense to expect certain objects to be shaped like the common Djed - such as we have many objects in today's world shaped like another, but do a completely a different function - such as clocks, teapots, cups, mugs, kettles, cooking pots and baskets which take on the form of ducks, geese, post boxes, houses, cows and all kinds of other objects. In short, the 'light bulb theory' has quite a lot of merit - but has failed to take into account the role of the diminutive people seated under the 'light bulb' and has generally misidentified the frog-headed humanoid. The portrayals are not consistent, and this could possibly mean that we are dealing with a stylised, symbolic portrayal of a technology which perhaps we are yet to rediscover in the sands of Egypt... It first has to be said that the assumptions above, whilst based on straight forward observation, may have some alternatives - such as the idea that the snake is not inside the light bulb but it could easily be a monicker, or hieroglyph which is on the exterior surface of the light bulb. If this is the case, then it dashes the various light bulb theories, as the snake could not act as a filament if it was on the exterior surface. The snake shaped 'filament' of the bulb could be a symbol representing a flow of energy, or the flow of a substance and not be a physical object at all. Mr. Wael Borham, one of the brilliant Egyptologists who joined my team recently, has stated that a snake, usually depicted in a vertical fashion, or a snake with human legs and/or arms is almost invariably a symbol used to describe some 'spirit' or 'demon' - and that the snakes carved into the walls and ceilings of Dendereh show entities from the spiritworld.

After much deliberation and close-up HD photography of these carvings, I have concluded that the scene is not 100% representational art - but a stylised diagram. Yes, a diagram. A blueprint... And this blueprint continues in a series of carved panel right around the walls of the crypt presently open to the public - and also continues in the crypts which are closed off to the public. In an electrical diagram, shorthand symbols drawn in 2-D are used to represent objects which are true 3D shapes. An electrical diagram also represents components whose scales are not relative to each other - for example, a transistor is shown as a rectangle and is drawn at about the same size as a capacitor which is much larger. Only to someone who has learned the electrical symbology does any circuit diagram begin to make sense. In a nutshell, this is what I believe we are seeing at Dendereh - the carvings do their best to show the essential elements and connections and the stance of the operators - but are, in actual fact, diagrams of devices and therefore much of the detail is missing, or has been expressed in symbols much the same as a modern circuit diagram.

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This would mean that the outstretched arms extending from the Djed Pillar are not actually appendages of the Djed but are part of the diagram - possibly showing that this is the place where someone using the apparatus would place I believe that Occam's Razor, applied to the their arms, or is the location of a component, or, as I previously postulated, some archaeological evidence, kind of aiming device. proves that we are There is copious archaeological evidence to suggest that many murals dealing with an carved and painted in the temples of Egypt are stylized diagrams of pieces of unavoidable fact - and equipment. Just five feet along the wall from the 'light bulbs', we see a human that is that in Iraq, holding from an outstretched arm a 'box' onto which there have been carved Egypt, India and Libya some very electronic-looking hieroglyphs which do not commonly appear in some kind of Death Ray or Super Bomb was used temples. Again, we see the mysterious chipping away of the surface of this 'box' during battles. We see almost as if ancient people wished to censor the characteristics or function of evidence in Syria too, this apparatus. where the palaces of Alongside this, we see several representations of the Sistrum - which is Atchana have been generally believed to be a rattle used in rituals. One of my Egyptologists said cremated to their very that the Sistrum or Sistra is used to attract 'spirits and demons', or some 'psychic core. Thick stone walls which had an adobe brick force'. I visited the Louvre Museum in Paris and photographed at close quarters in-fill show signs of the excellent copper Sistrums in their collection. They feature a handle carved having been baked - like with the head of Hathor who is the Goddess of Magic. However, the sistrums I in a potter's kiln. Mud photographed, made entirely of copper and a few with elements made from and lime wall plaster had glass, looked like some highly stylised antenna - like those popular on 1950s TV been vitrified into a dull sets. glass, and even basaltslabs had actually melted. " If you stray away from my ancient Death Ray hypothesis, then the only sensible other alternatives are meteorite impacts (which makes no sense as the buildings in question would have been pulverised), or the weird phenomenon of spontaneous natural nuclear fission. " It is widely accepted that the molten metal core at the centre of our planet is somehow a reactive process, where the sustained heat is due to natural nuclear fission - created when radioactive ores deep in the mantle rock fizzle and cook eachother. At Gabon, in Africa, there is evidence of such a natural nuclear reactor being found close to the surface crust...

In support of my hypothesis that many carved murals and paintings in ancient Egypt are diagramatical and show the flow of some kind of energy, I would like to point the attention of you, good reader, to the many hundreds of depictions of the Pharaohs 'pouring' water from one receptacle to another. At the Valley of the Kings, I photographed tomb murals which showed multiple, parallel wavy lines of energy - and the official explanation is that this is 'water'. However, when water is poured, the force of gravity means the flow is always downwards. In many murals I photographed the 'water' spurting upwards in unnatural trajectories before reaching its receptacle. At several of the Valley Tombs, this 'water' - which is depicted as thin wavy lines - flows in all kinds of strange directions and serpents are depicted with multiple lines of this 'water' emanating from them. It is these Tomb murals which have galvanised my thought process and seem to strongly suggest that the wavy lines are some kind of energy and this energy is associated with serpents.

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Once you view these murals with the idea that this is a diagram showing a


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Once you view these murals with the idea that this is a diagram showing a form of energy rather than water - then the scenes take on a much more cohesive French scientists believe and logical meaning - what, I believe we are seeing, is a stylised diagram that self-sustaining showing flows of electrical or static energy. The wavy lines often terminate in a nuclear chain reactions jar - and we know from part one of this investigation that Leiden Jars could have occurred in Gabon easily have been manufactured using materials in the ancient world. We also in the distant past. The know that in ancient Iraq, batteries made from earthenware jars can generate evidence of this electricity and were manufactured in large numbers (see later). phenomenon was discovered in 1972 at The wavy lines of energy could be an arty illustration of electrostatic force, Oklo, Gabon, Africa, by or magnetism. These multiple wavy lines are not conducive with any natural French physicist Francis flow of water. Perrin. Oklo is the only known location for this in All in all, my analysis of these murals has concluded that they are the world and consists of diagramatical - usually showing components and devices in a simplistic series 16 sites at which selfof symbols, with the operators carved or painted in a much more realistic way. sustaining nuclear fission The multiple wavy lines emanating from the serpents at the tombs of the reactions took place Valley of the Kings seem to imply an omnipresent force or energy - an energy approximately 1.7 billion which perhaps comes from an invisible realm such as the 'underworld'. In some years ago, and ran for a cases the wavy lines are showing the energy being projected out of the serpents, few hundred thousand years, averaging 100 kW or possibly being absorbed by them. The linear depictions of this energy which of power output during have generally been described as 'water' invariably terminate in jars, or that time. This is a terminate in boxes whose dimensions are commensurate with the Ark of the fascinating discovery, as Covenant.Vedic and ancient Indian mythologies claim mankind did actually walk the planet 1.7billion years ago - and, as we have seen in previous issues of Feed Your Brain Magazine, there are several artefacts which look man-made which date from millions and millions of years ago.

The Mythological View... The following quote is taken from Wikipedia; "The generally accepted view of Egyptologists is that the Dendereh 'light bulb' relief is a mythological depiction of a djed pillar and a lotus flower, spawning a snake within some kind of bubble, representing aspects of Egyptian mythology". That sounds sort of plausible until you realise that there are no commonly known hieroglyphs which show 'bubbles'! It is yet another example of disinformation spread by online encyclopaedias. The mythological explanations commonly published online take no account of the strange frog-headed humanoid - or why the people are resting the 'light bulb' on their head. The mythological explanations, also forget to incorporate or explain the various Sistra rattles and boxes and other apparatus carved alongside the 'light bulbs'. And the mythological interpretations of the murals also fail to explain why these strange devices are rarely seen at other temples.

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Our twice annual expeditions to EGYPT take the worry out of the experience, as we have our own English speaking Egyptologists, our own English speaking drivers and even our own English speaking Hot Air Balloon pilot! We will have our own Egyptologist guides every hour of every day. CHRIS EVERARD has arranged access to previously closed temples, sacred lakes and also crypts. Our next expeditions to Egypt take place in MARCH & OCTOBER 2012. The MARCH Expedition is already getting full - so if you read this in February, then I suggest you contact us and book a place for OCTOBER 2012. Please book your place by visiting The Enigma Channel Cyberstore: Click TOURS for more information.

The Storage Crypt Hypothesis... The textbook Egyptologists tell us that these subterranean crypts at Dendereh are nothing more than storage places for very sacred cult objects. Fair enough - but I would immediately point out that some of the openings to these crypts are half way up walls where no stairs are provided - and that the access hatches are so small, with double turns on the entryway steps, that any cult objects kept in these crypts must have been very very small indeed. It seems that accessibility to these crypts has been deliberately designed to hinder easy entry. I have had the back breaking task of getting in and out of the crypt three times in just the last couple of weeks and the thought of keeping objects in there like an underground cupboard is lacking complete and utter common sense. The quality, artistry and sheer detail of the carvings in the crypts is staggeringly better than any of the carvings on the ground level walls. The crypt carving uses a wonderful three or four-level relief technique which makes the elements in the diagram stick out with unreal clarity when compared to the rather shallow carving technique used in the upstairs chambers and the famous Dendereh Zodiac. The crypts are long and narrow - the 'light bulbs' are also long and narrow and it seems logical to me that if these crypts were actually store rooms then it is these devices themselves which were stored there - and the carvings on the wall are not only blueprints but also a kind of instruction manual. Applying the aforementioned Occam's Razor, where the most obvious solution is usually the correct solution, I would say we are dealing with a group of crypts and chambers whose original existence was concealed from public knowledge by carefully carved 'plug doors' which would have been camouflaged with the surrounding carvings on the walls and floors. Take a look at my photos, and you will see that if carved panels had been provided, then the entrances could have been hidden from detection. The crypts are uniformly narrow - and the ceiling is very very low. There is not sufficient space for a ritual, unless the participants sat on the floor in single file, which is highly unlikely. The inaccessibility of the entrance hatches suggests that the crypts were designed to be rarely visited. This is in keeping with the notion that they are storage chambers - but why oh why would so much time and effort be invested in producing highly detailed carvings which no one would ever see? I assume - after spending considerable time and effort pondering the situation - that only one, two or perhaps a maximum of three people were ever allowed to enter these crypts and the rich, powerful, deep and impressive 'blueprints' were intended only for high initiated people to see.

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I want to now draw your attention to my photographs of the devices carved into the upper wall of one of the ground floor chambers. These versions of the devices still retain a great deal of colour. The skin of the Ogdoad creature is blue - which is the commonly used colouring for all the bodies of the Gods. Gods were blue in ancient Egypt (just like we see with Krishna in ancient India) and mortal people were coloured brown or off-white. The cable is coloured in an ornate alternating design. Whilst there are differences in each of the representations of the 'light bulbs', everything, so far, points to this being a set of diagrams showing some kind of technology which is squirting or projecting an energy or substance from the afixed cable into the 'light bulb' - and that this substance may be using the snake spiral-helix element as some kind of medium. Whatever is being projected or spewed from the connected cable is attracting the interest of an Ogdoad amphibian-humanoid god, who is pictured surveying the device and it's operators in several versions of the scene.

My book, STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA, is now available on AMAZON USA and also available from AMAZON UK - we ship internationally - and I thank all my readers for making STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA such a success - it is a book which explores more than just the world of natural hallucinogens - it unveils magical rituals, hypno-gogic trance techniques and presents hard evidence that the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt ingested Cocaine and Tobacco from the Americas.

page 021 Chris Everard

The Dendereh Death Ray... ! Beneath the Temple of Hathor at Dendereh there are inscriptions depicting a bulb-like object which some have suggested is reminiscent of a "Crookes tube". Inside the "bulbs" a snake forms a wavy line from a lotus flower. A "wire" leads to a small box on which a god is kneeling. Beside the bulb stands a two-armed djed pillar, which is connected to the snake... A Crookes tube is an early experimental electrical discharge tube, invented by English physicist William Crookes and others around 1869-1875, in which cathode rays, which are streams of electrons, were discovered. The Crookes Tube was coated with phosphorous - and Sir William Crookes stunned and entertained audiences with the dim glow of green and blue Crookes Tubes. The Crookes Tube technology became the basis for TELEVISION and were used as 'Cathode Ray Tubes' and 'Cathode Ray Guns' for at least the first 40 years of Television technology. The shape and general idea behind a Crookes Tube/Ray Gun has been with us for a very long time - and William Crookes must have been aware of the illustrations of Dendereh published at the time he developed his tubes - and other scientists were also developing their own versions of these types of devices. Of the two types of 'bulb' we see at Dendereh, BOTH these designs became adopted by scientists who a/. had a fascination with magic and b/. had a fascination with psychic powers and the existence of the 'Ether'.

The Ogdoad... Rarely, if ever, mentioned by other authors, the Ogdoad have been the subject of in-depth investigations by myself for three years. They are partly reptilian and have an important role in the creation of the world. We must assume that this technology has something to do with either attracting, entertaining, repelling or projecting an image of the Ogdoad, or in some way interacting with the Ogdoad's 'body'. Why would an Ogdoad god be standing next to one of these devices? The Ogdoad are the 'Supreme Beings' of ancient Egypt - their combined willpower induced the creation of Re, the first dry mound, the first flower and spurned the 'egg of life' to give forth Humankind and all animal life. The Ogdoad are not just gods - they are the proginators and creators of gods. These scenes therefore present us with the question - is the male Ogdoad god standing next to the devices actually meant to be physical, or is it a carving showing that an apparition of an Ogdoad can somehow be projected out of the 'light bulb'. Whatever the answer, the 'light bulb' devices are not mentioned in the known Creation Myths which feature the Ogdoad. The options I have investigated regarding the Ogdoad are thus; a/. it is a physical creature which is illustrated taking part in the operation of the device, b/. the Ogdoad is a 'ghost' and that the appearance of this ghost has somehow been produced by the 'light bulb' device, d/. the Ogdoad god is actually a projected image coming from the device or e/. the Ogdoad is shown appearing in spirit form, weilding sacrificial knives, giving his blessing to the device. Abdul, my Muslim Egyptologist who joined my team during the last expedition did some enquiries with a local imam who has remembered some of the oral histories of the Middle East. In Islamic tradition, there is a legend that the Ogdoads were physical beings and that they lived in Saudi Arabia.

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Sir William Crookes' tubes were a development of the Geissler tubes. These tubes basically consist of a partially evacuated glass container of various shapes, with two metal electrodes, one at either end. When a high voltage is applied between the electrodes, cathode rays (electrons) travel in straight lines from the cathode to the anode. The anode, in the most common designs, is placed at the same point we see the 'Djed'. These tubes were used by Crookes, Johann Hittorf, Juliusz Plcker, Eugen Goldstein, Heinrich Hertz, Philipp Lenard and others to discover the properties of cathode rays, culminating in J. J. Thomson's 1897 identification of cathode rays as negatively-charged particles, which were later named 'electrons'. " Wilhelm Rntgen discovered X-rays using the Crookes tube in 1895... And Nikola Tesla devised a DEATH RAY for Her Majesty's government based on the Crookes design...

The Image of the Gods... My thoughts began to ponder if the image of the Ogdoad was actually a projected image. This would require some lens or focus aparatus - and perhaps this is what the symbol for the outstretched arms above the Djed are indicating. This hypothesis neatly explains that the 'light bulb' is not actually an envelope of thin glass, but is a beam of light - like the beam from a flashlight, or cinema projector. A flashlight beam often creates a beam a similar shape to the 'light bulb'. This hypothesis would explain and side step the issue that ancient Egyptians had not perfected how to make very thin and transparent glass - the fiance and glass artefacts I photographed at the Luxor Museum a couple of weeks ago do not seem to have the finesse or transparency of light bulb glass which is very very thin. However, of course, it would be stupid to overlook the important aspect that shards of such a very fine and thin glass are unlikely to be found intact in the desert sands after thousands of years. If we look upon the carvings as a diagram of a pool of light emanating from the lily-shaped 'connector', then we can dispose of the notion that the 'light bulb' is a physical bubble of glass. The light beam could be created from the lilyshaped 'connector' - which might actually be an oil lamp burning olive oil which is fed via the 'cable' which is actually a pipe. in both instances, we would get a resulting beam of light being shone in the direction of the Ogdoad who holds two ceremonial ritual knives and has an expression of contentment (see photo). If a painted image of the Ogdoad were applied to a piece of glass and put in the path of the light, then one would be able to project an image of the Ogdoad and this is a very plausible idea - but would require the use of a lens. By all historical accounts, the history of lenses goes back a very long way and lenses were definitely known and studied by scientists working for the Pharaohs. The Electric Hypothesis... Superbly smooth and accurately drilled boreholes in solid slate and quartz, multiple deep saw marks in solid granite and perfectly smooth giant doorways made from diorite can be seen all over Egypt - each and every one of these artefacts suggests that a power source - most likely similar to the electrical capacity of the Ark of the Covenant - was somehow used. The notion that the ancient Egyptians had some kind of power source has been postulated by Egyptologists for many, many years. In a work written by Bruno Kolbe, Francis ed Legge and Joseph Skellon, entitled, "An Introduction to Electricity" (published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trbner, in 1908 - 429 pages), we see on page 391 a most interesting translation of a hieroglyph;

"[...] high poles covered with copper plates and with gilded tops were erected 'to break the stones coming from on high'"This translated script, in one sentence, describes the aforementioned tall poles fitted on the front of all the major temples in Egypt, and makes a presumed reference to some force, passed through the 'copper plates' and the 'gilded pole tops', which had the ability to split stone.

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Crookes tubes are cold cathode tubes, meaning that they do not have a heated filament in them that releases electrons like the later electronic vacuum tubes usually do. Instead, electrons are generated by the ionization of the residual air by a high DC voltage (from a few kilovolts to about 100 kilovolts) applied between the electrodes, usually by an induction coil (a "Ruhmkorff coil"). The Crookes tubes require a small amount of air in them to function, from about 10 !6 to 5#10!8 atmosphere (7#10!4 - 4#10!5 torr or 0.1 - 0.005 pascal). ! When high voltage is applied to the tube, the electric field accelerates the small number of electrically charged ions always present in the gas, created by natural processes like radioactivity. These collide with other gas molecules, knocking electrons off them and creating more positive ions in a chain reaction. All the positive ions are attracted to the cathode or negative electrode. When they strike it, they knock large numbers of electrons out of the surface of the metal, which in turn are repelled by the cathode and attracted to the anode or positive electrode. These are the cathode rays.

The Death Ray Hypothesis... I shall now return to the hypothesis that the heat damage we see at Mount Sinai and on Jebel Barkel were the result of a 'death ray' or some 'electro-heat-bomb' - a device which could store and then massively discharge lightning. As I pointed out earlier, a vast force has incinerated boulders and rocks - and there are similar sites worldwide which show that ancient man had some kind of 'super weapon'. I believe, after studying patents of Mr Nikola Tesla, that his 'death rays', that he designed to be powered with electricity collected from the atmosphere, are not a new idea - and that Mr Tesla was inspired by legendary accounts of such devices in religious books during his childhood... and that it might be no coincidence that Nikola Tesla formulated his Death Ray device just at the time when several books were published showing diagrams of the Dendereh crypts... The Ogdoad creature is weilding knives - killing devices in their own right looking benevolently at the Death Ray weilded by the Pharaohnic elite. The appearance of the Ogdoad with sacrificial knives was described by Mr Wael on my team ( a fully qualified Egyptologist with 20 years of experience and who first visited the Dendereh crypt when he was a student at Sohaag University) as a "symbol of power over the 'dark forces' - that the Ogdoad's stance with the knives was showing that the scene is connected with making contact, or channelling, some black magical power...". Read on... Let us presume that the devices are powered from electro static charge and lightning. Is there evidence for this hypothesis? Oh yes. The surface of our planet is hit by 100 lightning strikes per second or 3.6 trillion per year. A single bolt can power 150 million light bulbs. Lightning rarely occurs in Egypt - but a single bolt delivers so much power, that harnessed rarely, it would provide enough electrical force to charge 10,000 large batteries. Lightning, therefore, has vast potential as an energy source, and this fact has been known since ancient times, when lightning conductors and devices designed to collect lightning were attached to King Solomon's temple. It was inside Solomon's temple that an Ark of the Covenant was stored. Lightnin is totally renewable, which is a definite advantage, and it is readily available in the Tropics. The idea of harnessing this vast reserve of natural energy and storing it is immensely appealing. However, there are several problems with trying to harness the tremendous energy of lightning bolts. The first is that lightning is highly unpredictable - one would have to make a device which naturally collects or attracts lightning bolts and this, perhaps was the intention of the giant obelisks which we see at Aswan and the 'stone of the south' in Baalbek. We know that Biblical accounts claim that rods designed to attract lightning were installed at the first temple of King Solomon. A lightning bolt delivers its energy all at once, which would require huge, robust batteries, power-smoothers and capacitors. Harnessing and then releasing at will - perhaps as giant arc of lightning emanating from an obelisk tip or polished metal ball (such as we see in Tesla's laboratory), would confer great reknown on any Pharaoh who wielded this impressive and dangerous force. It is this technological feat which ancient texts tell us was a subject of investigation by King Solomon. His inspiration could possibly have come from the ancient epic of Gilgamesh. Legends say that Gilgamesh had equipped the temple of Uruk with a lightning rod to catch the 'blessing of heaven'; they considered lightning to be a force that 'transforms us into gods'.

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X-Ray Weapon... ! When the voltage applied to a Crookes tube is high enough, around 5,000 volts or greater, it can accelerate the electrons to a fast enough velocity to create X-rays when they hit the anode or the glass wall of the tube. A voltage such as this would have been available via the Leiden Jar apparatus which, I believe, was incased inside the Ark. A high voltage jolt would also have been available via capturing lightning bolts. ! The fast electrons emit X-rays when their path is bent sharply as they pass near the high electric charge of an atom's nucleus, a process called bremsstrahlung, or they knock an atom's inner electrons into a higher energy level, and these in turn emit Xrays as they return to their former energy level, a process called X-ray fluorescence. Tesla's skin suffered greatly from the result of these XRays - and it was immediately apparent that these X-Rays had a damaging effect on the human organism. ! Researchers such as Ivan Pulyui had noticed that X-Rays could make foggy marks on nearby unexposed photographic plates. This inspired Tesla's X-Ray photography experiments, which proved that a beam of X-Rays shot at a distance through a person and captured on photographic material could produce a curious effect - like looking 'through' the body. It is this quality of 'looking through' people and objects which was called the 'Evil Eye' in ancient times.

Lightning is dangerous. It causes brush fires and must be channelled and controlled carefully, otherwise, the energy would simply blow out and burn up any systems designed to capture it. This is what I believe happened at Jebel Barkel and at Mount Sinai - and - remember, biblical texts confirm that Mount Sinai was the place where the first Ark was constructed. Lightning is so powerful that it would overload all but the most sophisticated and heavy-duty systems. A more manageable form of electricity freely available from Nature is electrostatic force. And Nikola Tesla closely investigated the amount of energy which could be harvested from the sky...

Tesla's Dendereh Death Ray... Nikola Tesla was an inventor, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. He was able to read and speak several languages and this gave him the advantage of being able to read foreign published patents and build his own (often improved) laboratory rigs which very often resulted in further discoveries regarding electricity, electrostatic forces, currents, voltages and the transmission of energy through the Earth's crust & atmosphere. Tesla was way ahead of his time. His natural flair for 'thinking outside the box' was employed by Edison, and it was Tesla who is responsible for improving many of Edison's most famous inventions - including the Edison Light Bulb. It is inconceivable to think that the published rumours about ancient light bulbs carved into walls of ancient Egypt would not have found the ears of Edison who was the inventor of the light bulb. Tesla worked for Edison and they lived at the same time in which news of the Dendereh 'light bulbs' was published in newspapers. Tesla was a celibate who dedicated every waking hour to research, he never married and was a great animal lover, breeding pigeons and becoming a vegetarian in later life. He was deeply interested in the lifeforce-energy of the human organism and where it went after death. He attended seances of the day and expressed an interest in lifeforms on other planets. He was most certainly a spiritualist...

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He was a soft spoken very well mannered man, his inventions often 're-wrote the book' on fundamental principles of electronics and triggered entire new industries. For all intends and purposes, Nikola Tesla was the Steve Jobs of his day - and his 'Tesla Coil' allowed modest currents of electricity to be boosted to vast voltages. Tesla is best known for his investigations into electromagnetism - and it was this invisible electro-magnetic force, powered by a friction-based electrostatic generator which was the driving idea behind several large scale electrical experiments he conducted in Colarado. Tesla was a naturilzed American citizen, born near the town of Gospi!, in modern-day Croatia. A museum dedicated to him is open to this day in Belgrade and a portrait of him is on the 100 dinara bank note, Serbian and German coins. His father was a priest called Milutin Tesla, so there can be no doubt that Tesla read of the electrical properties of the Ark of the Covenant. When I began to compare Tesla's devices for harnessing atmospheric form of electricity with the blueprints of the Ark of the Covenant, I realised that he had been inspired by the legends of the Ark, and, I very much suspect that Tesla was aware of the properties of Electrum on the Egyptian obelisks and pyramid capstones. Tesla's career overlapped that of Doctor Siemens who, as you may recall, successfully demonstrated that there was a build-up of static force at the summit of the Great Pyramid - an annecdotal experiment which, no doubt, being a fluent speaker of German, Nikola Tesla would have known about. For much of his life, Tesla excelled at investigating and harnessing forces which are invisible to the naked eye. In April 1887, Tesla began investigating what would later be called X-rays using his own single terminal vacuum tube. Tesla's X ray research had been triggered by the inventions of Sir William Crooks and his version of 'Geissler tubes'. Like Tesla, Crookes was no ordinary scientist - Crookes was a member of the Golden Dawn occult society, a fellow of the Royal Society and also president of the Society for Psychical Research. Like Tesla, Crookes was fascinated by the spiritworld - Crookes had an affair with a young medium in London, whilst Tesla was to later claim that he had been having conversations with the dead Mark Twain many years after the death of the author. Tesla's early X-ray tubes had no target electrode. The device operated by emitting electrons from the single electrode through a combination of field electron emission and thermionic emission - Tesla experimented with both Crookes Tubes and Geissler Tubes - when we compare the designs with the carvings at Dendereh, we can see a striking resemblance. Even the place where the Djed pillar supports the 'tube' is matched in Crookes' designs. Tesla thought 'Big', and eventually announced; " ... a world system for the transmission of electrical energy without wires that depends upon the electrical conductivity of planet earth... ". Tesla's design involved a high-power ultraviolet beam shot into the sky and used to form a vertical ionized channel in the air directly above the transmitterreceiver stations.

Tesla offered his death ray to the British government for $3,000,000 and promised to make the British Isles invulnerable within three months.# Tesla also approached the Soviet Union too. During these negotiations, Tesla became convinced that the US government were spying into his hotel room. His patent was to use a gigantic electrostatic generator powered by one of his turbines to accelerate tiny particles of liquid mercury until they became a stream of super highpowered bullets of several million volts each.# He also had an ionizing and direct current version lined up too.

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Proof that Teslas Death Ray device was developed by Soviet Russia has been established by Colonel Tom Bearden, who refers to the May 2, 1977 issue of AVIATION WEEK, which displays a picture of a Soviet particle beam weapon, which is almost a carbon copy of the diagram in Tesla's 1937 patent application. Tesla had been working on Death Ray devices for over 30 years. At the age of 81, during a luncheon in his honour, Tesla said; [concerning the Death Ray, ] ...But it is not an experiment.... I have built, demonstrated and used it. Only a little time will pass before I can give it to the world."

The same concept is used in taser electrolaser & electroshock weapons and the Pentagon have a version which can disable vehicles. During the making of the film Men In Black, the actor Will Smith confirmed that the CIA demonstrated a device to him which could power a portable radio from a distance of about 6 feet just by pointing the device at the radio - this is definitely a modern application of Tesla's technology and proves that a directed beam of electricity in the air can be achieved with a portable device.

In 1899, Tesla began research in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in a lab located near Foote Ave. and Kiowa St., where he would have room for his high-voltage, high-frequency experiments. Upon his arrival, he told reporters that he was conducting wireless telegraphy experiments transmitting signals from Pikes Peak to Paris. Tesla's diary contains explanations of his experiments concerning the ionosphere and the ground's 'telluric currents' via 'transverse waves' and 'longitudinal waves'. In other words, Tesla was absorbing power from the electro magnetic 'leys' which intersect at places where stone circles, cathedrals and pyramids are commonly found. There is no doubt in my mind that Tesla was constructing devices which would harness and sympathetically draw energy from the ionosphere and conduct it via the earth's crust. At his lab, Tesla proved that the earth was a conductor, and he produced artificial lightning (with discharges consisting of millions of volts, and lightning bolts up to 135 feet long). Without question, his Colorado laboratory was designed to investigate atmospheric electricity, observing lightning signals via his receivers. Tesla transmitted extremely low frequencies through the ground as well as between the Earth's surface and the KennellyHeaviside layer. Tesla made mathematical calculations and computations based on his experiments and discovered that the resonant frequency of the Earth was approximately 8 hertz (Hz). In the 1950s, researchers confirmed that the resonant frequency of the Earth's ionospheric cavity was in this range (later named the Schumann resonance).

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A major breakthrough was the discovery of the 'Tesla effect' - which employs a special type of electrical conduction (that is, the movement of energy through space and matter; not just the production of a voltage across a conductor). Tesla sent electrostatic forces through natural media and transferred electrical energy to a wireless receiver. By focussing the beam of this broadcasted electricity, it was postulated that buildings and people could be burnt to death, or at least incapacitated. All this was achieved through the investigation and observation of natural energy sources inside the earth's crust and in the sky - these forces would have been as equally available to the ancient Egyptians as they were to Nikola Tesla.

The Psychic Projector Hypothesis... My most favoured hypothesis is that the devices at Dendereh are tools which enable images of the spiritworld to be projected and, at the same time, are used as a communication device between the Pharaoh and the Ogdoad gods. After all, they resemble a Crookes Cathode Ray Tube - and it was this tube which was used to project the world's first electronic image. Crookes was the president of the Society for Psychical Research and a great supporter of the widespread view that planet earth and all objects and people on it were bathed and interpenetrated by the Ether - which stretched far out into space. The Ether was a constant in scientific thinking of the day and was very much associated with the unseen realm of the Spiritworld. Since the earliest days of the invention of the camera, scientists such as Crookes and Tesla had been working with psychics, attempting to capture on film some kind of image which would confirm the existence of the spiritworld. Crookes was no different and corresponded frequently with Sir Oliver Lodge who wrote the Ether of Space.

Crookes was a member of the Golden Dawn and would have witnessed the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and discussed spirit invocation with the other members. Everything, as I describe in my film SPIRITWORLD was focussed on communication with spirits using the latest advancements in technology... If you think this is a crazy idea - then please think again. Nikola Tesla not only pondered this very concept but claimed that his transceiver devices had made contact with invisible beings possibly on other planets, or possibly residing in the spiritworld.

At the Colorado Springs lab, Tesla generated eerie amounts of electrostatic force, lightning bolts more than 20 feet long and observed all kinds of magnetic and levitational effects. Not surprisingly, after bouncing signals off the surface of the Moon, strange signals began to be heard on the laboratory receivers. It was generally unclear if these 'messages' were coming from the paranormal dimension, or possibly from other planets. Tesla gave thought to both possibilities.

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Dumped Technology... ! Crookes tubes were unreliable and temperamental. Both the energy and the quantity of cathode rays produced depended on the pressure of residual gas in the tube. Over time the gas was absorbed by the walls of the tube, reducing the pressure. This reduced the amount of cathode rays produced and caused the voltage across the tube to increase, creating 'harder' more energetic cathode rays. Soon the pressure got so low the tube stopped working entirely. ! Could this be how the technology was somehow 'lost' over time? The Dendereh Tubes just stopped working. The technology was not understood, and left dormant as Sudanese and Greek invaders took over parts of Egypt. ! We know that Penicillin was used in the ancient world - especially in Egypt - but somehow this miraculous antibiotic made from mould was lost in antiquity - perhaps the laboratories were invaded and over run? It took us thousands of years to rediscover Penicillin.

He later decided these unusual signals may have been evidence of extraterrestrial radio wave communications coming from Venus or Mars. He noticed repetitive signals from his receiver which were substantially different from the signals he had noted from storms and earth noise. Specifically, he later recalled that the signals appeared in groups of one, two, three, and four clicks together - like an alien version of Morse Code. Tesla publicly remarked, in all seriousness, that his inventions could be used to talk with other planets. One of his proposed projects was a "Teslascope", which is a radio transceiver for interplanetary communication.

Is the Dendereh 'Light Bulb' A Weapon?

Slowly but surely, all of Tesla's research began to focus on weapons development. Tesla lived through two great wars, and must have been financially interested in the contracts being offered by the Pentagon and Whitehall. The high-static, electromagnetic systems he had developed steered him down the road of utilising the technology for transmitting electricity in an invisible beam - this beam of energy, as I explained earlier - had the potential of killing anything in it's path. The notes which survive from his laboratory, which are now on show at the Tesla Museum in Belgrade that Tesla's letters ignited a flurry of meetings at Whitehall in London. Within two years of the end of the first world war, Tesla was deep in negotiations with the United Kingdom government. The project was marked as 'Above Top Secret' and a code name 'TeleForce' was assigned to Tesla's Death Ray in the War Ministry. The descriptions in his notes indicate that it would have resembled the 'light bulb' at Dendereh. Tesla continued this line of research for another seventeen years. For nearly two decades he pursued and perfected ways of broadcasting electricity in a beam, shone like a lamp, into the sky and also projected i