andes pleasant valley the keyhole cubs will have home unit...

Pace Two OATMCTrJi MOUNTAIN NEWS MwgaretviUe, N. Y., Friday, Jahuarjr 10; 1958 ANN IV ERSA RY SALE CABLE’S CATTLE MARKET ROXBURY, N. Y. Friday, January 10 COMMISSION ON ALL LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WILL BE 2% 11 A. M.—We will start selling new merchandise from THE LIBERTY REMNANT MAN and other small articles. 1 :30 P. M.—We will start selling cattle. Several con- signments have already been OMisigned for this sale. We also expect some nice first-calf heifers. Bring in your beef or calves or any other cattle yOu wish to sell. To Get the Most for Your Cattle Ship to Cable’s M. C. C A K £ Terms: Cash Roxbury 3601 Friday, January 17 We have consigned the entire herd of Olia Lambert of Neversink 21 - Head of Holsteins - 21 17 cows, 3 heifers, 1 service bull. This is a real good dairy with size and real producers. They would not be for sale but Mr. Lambert has just had a stroke. Charter No. 7678 Reserve District No. 2 BKPOBT OF CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF ROXBURY IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK AT THE C1.0SE OF BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 81, 1957 Published in response to call made by Conlptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection ______________ $ 279,045.91 United States Government obligaticHis, direct and guaranteed Obligations of States and political subdivisions___ drtentures- Other bonds, notes, and Corporate stocks (including $4,500.00 stodc of Fed^al R eserve B a n k ) _____________________________________ Loans and discounts____________________________________ Bank premises ovmed $700, furniture and fixtures $9,317__ 573(304.33 155,130.04 295,486.43 4,500.00 822,987.49 10,017.00 TOTAL ASSETS __ -$2,140,471.20 I^BniTTIES Donand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora- tions Time deposits of ir Deposits of United States savings) tips and c(»ix>rations (including postal Dcfigsits Other dt of States and political subdivisimis__: __________ »its (certified and cashier’s cdiedcs, etc.) _____ ■AL DEPOSITS _________________ $1,958,920.12 ■Creditors Group life Ins. Prem. on Loans __________ : ___ 631,879.02 ,217,912.99 16,387.86 88,023.10 4,717.15 245.33 Andes TOTAL-LIABILrriES CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 'Capital Stock: Qxnmon stock, total par $75,000.00______ Surplus _______ Undivided profits _ Jteserves __________ ___ $1,959,165.45 _$ 75,000.00 _ 75,000.00 _ 29,805.75 1,500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 181,305.75 TOTAL XJABUJTIES and CAPITAL ACCOUNTS_$2,140,471.20 MEMORANDA ..Assets {hedged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes ___________________ _________________$ 240,000.00 I, Virgil E. Taylor, President of the above-named bank, do solonnly swear that the above stat^ent is true to the best of my ■knowledge and belief. VIRGIL K TAYLOR, President Correct—Attest: HARRISON C. MORSE RALPH S. IVES F. LEIGHTON ENDERLIN IMre^ois State of New York, County of Delaware, ss: Sworn to and subscribe before me this 6th day of January, 1958, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. UNDON B. MORSE, Notary Public My commission expires March 30, 1959. C harter No. 11243 Reserve District No. 2 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF ANDES OF ANDIS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK AT THE CIX)SE OF BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 31, 1957 Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection ______________ $ 257,137.31 United States Government obligatimis, direct and guaranteed ----------------------------------------------------------- 508,393.50 Obligations of States and political subdivisions--------------- 136,603.17 Corporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve b a n k ) -------------- ---------------------------------------- 3,000.00 Loans and discounts (including $38.67 overdrafts)_______ 647,064.21 Furniture and fixtures ____ ____________ ________________ 3,175.00 T O T A L A S S i r r S ------------------------------------------------ $1,555,373.19 T.TA«TT.rmi!H Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora- tions _________________ ^------- -------------------------------- $ 531,521.15 Time deposits of individuals, psirtnerships and corporations 623,119.95 Deposits of United States (Soveminent (including postal savings) ^ _________________________ _______________ 17,611.07 Deposits of States and pc^tical subdivisions------------------ 216,485.37 O ther deposits (certified and cashier’s, chedcs, etc.)_U— 5,269.00 TOTAL DEPOSITS ___________ ______$1,394,006.54 Other liabilities --------- --------------- ---------------------------------- 467.29 TOTAL LIABILITIES — ------------------------ --------- -$1,394,473.83 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common stock, total par $40,000.00_______ _________ $ 40,000.00 S u r p l u s -----------------------------:------------------------------------------ 60,000.00 . U ndivided p r o f i t s ______________________________________ 60,704.05 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred stock)— ' 195.31 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS..------------------------ - 160,899.36 TOTAL LIABILITIES and CAPITAL ACCOUNTS-$l,555,373.19 MEMORANDA Assests pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for o th e r p u r p o s e s --------------------------------------------- -------- $ 244,935.66 I, M. M. Wright, <3^hier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statranent is true to the best of my knowledge .and belief. M. M. WRIGHT, C^ashier Correct—A ttest: C. L. DIC3CSON J. M. MABLE E. M. DTCKER Directors S tate of New York, (bounty of Delaware, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of January, 1958, and I heretqr certify that, I am not an officer or director of this bank. VIOLET B. ATTKEN, Notary Public My commission expires March 30, 1958. Andes, Jan. 7 Mr. and Mrs. John Babel spent from Tuesday imtil Friday in New York dty. Mrs. Cora EUiott of Hamden spent over the New Year holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Corbin Bouton. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Gladstone, Mrs. Edna Gladstone £ind daugh- ter, Carol, were New Year’s guests of her father, D. J. Bresee, on the Ouleout. Postmaster and M rs. Bruce (Thamplain were New Year’s guests of- their son and daughter- in-law, M r. and M rs. Richard Champlain, and family at Frank- lin. Donald Haussler of Rochester spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dedcer. Mrs. Clara Meeker was taken to Delhi hosiatal Thursday by Jester’s ambulance. Attended Funeral of Rdative Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dickson, Donald Dickson and- daughter, Janet, attended the funeral of their nephew and cousin, Glen Reinhardt, at Central Islip, L. L, on Monday. WelcMue Mrs. Sanford The Fireman’s auxiliary m et on Friday evening, Dec. 27, at the fire hall. Mrs. George Sanford was welcomed into the organiza- tion. Mrs. Bruce VanSteenburg ana Mrs. Lany Tweedie served refreshments. Miss Elizabeth Luce of Delhi was the guest speaker at the Methodist church on Sunday morning. M iss Luce and her mother were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gardner. Martin Hyzer will preach at the morning service on Sunday, Jan. 12 . Mrs. Mildred Sperling of Hal; cottville spent Sunday with her brother eind sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. (Horbin Bouton, and feunily. Marjorie RusseU, Mrs. Ernest Russell and M rs. Alex Hilson were Friday evening guests of Mrs. William Hisman. M r. and Mrs. August. Spader and children of Kingston were re- cent guests of her parents, Mr.; and Mrs. Frank Dibble. JohnD ickson of Poughkeepsie spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dick- son. ' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woodin and sons, Douglas and Melvin, and Mrs. Frank Miller were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold M iller on New Year’s. M r. and M rs. Gtordon (Towan and daughter, Linda, Ed Ctowan and Mrs. Irene Reside were New Year’s guests of Miss NeU Dowie at Delhi. * . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibble en- tertained on New Year’s day their and daughter»-M?. and Mrs. Willis Tremper, and Mr. M d Mrs. Andrew Gterdner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruff and Mrs. Reginald Ruff'attended the funeral of Marvin Schloss at Cim- nonsville Tuesday. Safir New Oranddaog^ter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Emer- son visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Jenks, and feinuly at MorrisviUe on Sunday. Mre. Emerson re- mained for a few days to help care for their new granddaughter, bom Dec. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gray and family of Fall Clove spent New Year’s day with her brother-in- law and sister, M r. and M rs. Glen Cole, and family. Mrs. Vera Bloodgood was a pa- tient at M argaretville hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Geu^iner and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibble attended the Kenyon - Truesdell wedding in Delhi on Dec. 29. Mrs. Theresa Samuels of Bing- hamton is spending 10 days with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Samuels. M rs. T. W. M iller received wwd on Sunday of the death of her brother-in-law, E. W. Hughes, of Los Angeles, Calif. M iss Ann W right spent last week with friends in Pittsburgh. David Hyzer underwent an emergency operation for appendi- citis at the Delhi hospital Tues- day, Dec. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C ^ut, Miss Elizabeth Crawford of Delhi and Mrs. N etta W agstaff were New Year’s guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller. Mr. • and Mrs. W illiam Davis made a business trip to Albany on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie I^onard and son of Binghamton spent New Ye£u:’s with her brother, Robert Frisbee. Mrs. Zenko died suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Victor Kovba, on Sunday. The forum of the United Pres- byterian church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hisman Monday evening. The program was in charge of RVE Wright and a film strip on the special object of the year “Yes" was shown. Pleasant Valley Wakeman Fund $199 The committee for the memorial fund for Dr. C. L. Wakeman re- ports that the total amount donated was $213.85. Exi)enses amounted to $12.23 for printing and $2.37 for postage, a total of $14.60. The balance of $199.25 Jias been sent to the Read Memorial Hospital, Inc., of Hancock, where it is to be used toward the pur- chase and installation of a nurses’ call system in memory of Dr. Wakeman. The committee wishes to express its thanks to everyone who has made a donation, says Bruce E. Champlin, speaking for the committee. Home Unit Plans ColoredTrayWork Pleasant Valley, Jan. 6. — The Pleasant Valley Home Demonstra- tion imit will meet with Mrs. Amanda Fletcher Thursday, Jan. 16, at 10:30, for a lesson on colored alimiinum trays. Menibers will need the following items: An artist’s paint brush, carbon paper, scotch tape, small scissors and a razor blade. A card party will be held at the Pleasant Valley Community hall Saturday evening, Jan. ll. M rs. Lou Shaver and Dot Shaver and daughter, Susan, were at Walton Saturday. Eddie Hotchkiss and daughter, Dixie, of Downsville were Sunday guests of Mrs. Lou Shaver. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bramley of Bainbridge visited M rs. Lou Shaver Siuiday on their way back from the Margaretville hospital, where they had visited her brother, Maurice Davis, who had undergone a hernia operation. >Mr. and Mrs. John E c k ^ and daughters, Diana and Sally, of Scotch mountain were New Year’s day guests of her parents, and Mrs. George Firment. Miss Gloria Van Steenburg of Andes visited the Misses Nancy, Joaime and Shirley Firment Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hall and children of Margaretville visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Marshall, Sunday. 'Mrs. Jim Fairbaim of Millbrook visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mis- ner Saturday. Forrest Mayer spent Saturday with his grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Albert All, at Andes. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Christian and son, John, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis at Middletown and friends at W arwick and Unionyille, N. Y., and Vernon, N. J., Saturday. Marcus C^iristian left Sunday evening for a few weeks’ visit in South Carolina and Florida. James Meddler of Hankins was a weekend guest at the Hwood home. Miss Judy Beers, who is office manager at Grant’s store in Utica, has been spending a few days with her parents. Attended Llddle Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liddle, Donald Liddle, Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Fowler and Agnes Emerson attended the fimeral of Lynn liddle, a former resident of the valley at Delhi Friday eiftemoon. Had New Year’s Party" Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hochholzer entertained 35 friends, at a New Year’s eve party at their home Tuesday evening. Droiald and BiU Elwood and Robert ^ g g s of East Meadows, L. I., sp6pt the weekend at the Elwood home. Fred Stansberry, who is em- ployed at Greenwich Village, spent a few days with his brother-in- law and sister, M r. and M rs. Macon Smith. Mrs. Doris Shaver, a former resident of the valley, tmderwent a «major (^ration at the Mar- garetville hospital Tuesday. She is gaining. Mr. and *Mrs. C. M. Gary of Irvington, N. J., spent Monday with Mrs. Ella Elwood, bringing their daughter, Harriett, back to school. Mrs. John Morse of Kdly Cor- ners arrived at the Weldon Morse home Friday to spend some time. Leo Morse of Roxbury spent Friday night with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Morse. M r. and Mrs. Andrew Dowie entertained the following at a New Year’s dinner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dowie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darling and two sons and Mr. and Mrs. William Darling of Fall Clove and Mr. and Mrs. Spick Tuttle and daughter, Carol. Sports By Norm Maender (Dn Jan. 3 Margaretville lost a non-league game to Andes, 53-52. 'MCS got off to a slow start trail- ing by eight to 10 points all through the first half. At the half, Andes was leading, 27-19. MCZS came back by scoring 33 points in the last half but could not overcome the first and second quarter defidt. (5ene Snyder, Norm Maender and Roy George led the losers in scoring with 19, 12 and 9 points, respectively. The’Junior Varsity started slow- ly in the first half, but came back in the third and fourth quarters to take a four-point lead in the last seconds to win, 42-38. Bert Fedrbaim was high scorer for MCS with 13 points. HalcottviUe By William E. Griffin HalcottviUe, Jan. 6 Ward E. Roberts has recovered from his recent illness for which he spent several days in the Mar- garetville hospital. Mrs. Nelson B. Kelly returned to her home here Sunday after slowly recovering, from a serious heart operation. She was sched- uled to return before Christmas but a mild setback caused a delay. Clharles Hughes returned last week from a short vacation with friends in Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Numann and son, William, of East Rochester returned home Sunday afternoon after spending a ten-day vacation at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Numann of Denver and Mr. and Mrs. 'Wiliam E. Grif- fin of HalcottviUe. Miss Ruth Ann Griffin, who has been spend- ing the holiday vacation at the home of her parents, also returned to her studies at Oneonta State Teachers college. Gary Wickham and Ronald Stahl of the Broome Technical sdiool, who have been spending holiday vacations at their homes here, returned Sunday afternoon. The Keyhole Editor:Nathalie Dubovedt Typists: Loretta Finch, Nathalie DuboVeck, Lois Barnhart Advisor: Mrs. Harvey Lawrence Events of Interrat By Pat Frey Jan. 11: Volleyball playday at Delhi, 9:30 a. m. to 1 p. m. Jan. 15: Roller skating in the gym for kindergarten through grade six from 7 to 8:15 p. m. and for grades seven through 12 frran 8:15 to 9:30 p. m. Jan. 17: Basketball game with Delhi at Margaretville at 7 pan. Roving Interrogator By Loretta Finch Question: W hat was the most prized gift you iweived for CJhrist- mas? Answers: Muriel Scott, a dock radio. Judy Fronckowiak: A beautiful gift for my hopeless hope chest. Janet Beland: I got the red bow but not what should go with tt. Sandy Stange: A ra&o and a wonderful trip to the dty. Lis Sanford: A turkey diimer, delicious. C^arol Fredenburgh: My new bulky sweater. M i^ Ck)nnell: A chest which was used by the surgeon-general of the Army of the West at the time of Custer.- Mr. McGorrill: A pair of gold cuff links from the sophomore class. Jim Trowbridge: Twenty dol- lars from the Chamber of Coni- merce for playing Santa Claus. Joe Duggem: Santa didn’t like me. I didn’t get /Uiything! A Birthday Surpii$e A surprise birthday party ^was given Mrs. William R. O’Kelly of Plank Road, Kingston, on Thurs- day, ,iran. 2, the day before her b ii^d ^, when a number of rela- tives gathered at her home be- fore noon laden \ii^ fOod and gifts. It was a conQ>lete surprise. A lunch was.served consisting of salads, fried chicken, homemade rolls, birthday ' cakes and ice cream and was enjoyed by alL Pictures were ^taken, the gifts were opened and the afternoon was spent visiting and reminis- cing. , Mrs. O’Kelly is the former <^ra- lie Haynes, daughter of the late John and Louise Baker Haynes and was bom and brought up in Dry Brook. Guests f«m the Dry Brook area were Mr. and Mrs. Orson H s^es, John D^ Haynes, Mrs. Nathan Haynes, Mrs. Gwen Crumling, JVlrs. John Asher and M rs. W illiam McCXunber. Other guests were Mrs. John Robinson of Arkville, Mrs. Garold Johnson of Halcott Center, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liddle of Andes, Mr. and Mrs. Carliton Finch and daughter, Debrfi, of High Falls, John Flood of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson of Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rowe £ihd daughter, Candace, of W est Hurley, Mrs. Judson Haynes, Miss Louise Haynes, John O’Kelly Cubs Will Have Charter Review Fleischmanns, Jan. 7.—A pack charter review meeting for the new committee £md leaders of Cub Scout Padc 31 will be held on Wednesday evening, Jan. 15, at 8 o’dock at the' home of Dr. and Mrs. W illiam Cohen. Douglas Moore of W alton will be present to explain and dari^y responsibilities and duties of the various members. All interested persohs are in- vited. and William R. OTCelly of Plank Road. APPLIANCES GAS SERVICE TATTS Home Appliance Center HOTFOINT - KELVINATOR W lilrlpool-W estiii^onse Dryers and W ashers C<HnmerclaI K efrigeratton Omod Gorge, N. Y. TeL 4S91 C!onway Bros. Pyrofftx Om Service Gas Space Beaten Phoenicia, N. Y. Phone S41S Tanks ft Ap^ianoes Available for bnmediate Installation AUTO BODY REPAISS PLUMBING AND HEATING LEN-RAY BODY SHOP AUTO BODY and FEan>ERS REPAIRED C<miplete Collision Service Boit,Glas8 Installattwis A^BKVIULE T d. Blarg. 2172 Storey Plumbing & H ating PLUMBING and HEATINa CONTRACTOR General Motors-Delco Heat Main Street - Margaretvffle 08S7 DE lCD-IEIIl AUTOUOBILB DEALER SKI EQUIPMENT Senior Interview By Carol Fredenburgh On May 7, 1939, at M argaret- ville hospital a son, (3iene, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Snyder Jr. CSenel is six feet tall, has bliie eyes and brown hair. He works in Bussy*s on Saturdays. If you have attended any plays or as- somblies at school you may have seen Gene. He is our stage mana- ger. C5ene has participated in base- ball, basketball smd soccer. He has been in Hie fall play and also a member of his dass coimdl.. After he graduates he would like to be a draftsman at IBM, Mena Jan. 13-17 Monday: Sloppy Joes on bun, fruit salad, potato chips, gin- gerbread with whipped cream, m ilk. Oeam of diicken soup. Tuesday: 3oup, cold cut sandwich, molded grapefruit salad, choco- late pudding, milk. Vegetable soup. Wednesday: Spanish rice, bread and butter, lettuce wedge, choice of fruit, milk. Beef noodle soup. Thursday: Hot pork sandwich, but- tered green beans, pear salad, white cake, milk. Chidcen rice soup. Friday; Baked macaroni and cheese, buttered peas, Parker- house roUs and butter, ice cream, milk. C3am chowder soup. Kelly Comers By Mrs. Ralph Felter Kelly Comers, Jan. 7 Mr. and Mrs. William Hoyt of Hensonville and Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Hoyt of Prattsville were Sun- day guests of their mother, Mrs. Anna Hoyt. Mrs. John Morse went Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Morse near Andes. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ck>nine of Andes and Mrs. Jennie Stahl of HalcottviUe were New Year’s din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Valk. M r. and M rs. W illiam Valk visited his brother-in-law and sis- tar, Mr. and Mrs. William Krom, at (Thichester recently. Roxbury Creamery Is Handling Bulk Milk Roxbury, Jan. 6.—Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Higgins and Raymond Johnston w6re at Dunellen, N. J., Dec. 27 and brought back the bulk tank truck for the Delaware County Dciiries creamery. The creamery is prepared to give bulk- tank services to farmers have put in bulk handling facilities. Plan Show For March Of Dilnes Big Indian, Jan. 7.—Mrs. Elea- nor Eignor has been selected as chairman of the annual polio drive fqr Big Indian and Oliverea. She has selected for her committee: ]\to. Laura Aley, Mrs. Catherine (ireenberg and Mrs. Margo Balm- er. A stage show will be held Jan. 15 at the Onteora central school 8 p. m. for this benefit. Con- tributions w ill be accepted of paintings, glassware, lamps, china, new or used for an auction on Jan. 22 at 8 P- Jn. at the parish halL A member of the committee will knock at your door for the mother's march on the 31st to collect folders and/or donations. RUSSELL ARCHIBALD CO. CADILLAC Authorized Sales and S i^ ce firestone tires 97 TMTidii Str^ DEim TeL 100 DUDY SKI SHOP Sid and Boot Rentals Henke Boots - Sim Valley Paricas and Pants Northland Skis and Imported Sweaters Goggles - Ski Racks - M ittens PINE HILXi TEL. S856 AUTOMOBILE DEALER TIRES If It’s Aat«Hnotlve Try Us Fbst CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE HETBOHLS, INC. 126 M ain S t DELHI Phone 276 A & B TIRE SERVICE, INC. Serving Delaware County Ask Your Local Garage to Send Us Yonr Tires RECAVPING - VULCANIZING Authorized Goodyear Dealer Wholesale-Retail Delhi TeL 394 AUTOMOBILE DEALER SEE GEORGE MEISTER At OLD CAPITOL MOTORS Kingston’s Only Ford Dealer 800 Broadway Phone Federal 8-7800 Home Phcme: Phoentda Overland 8-4481 ONEONTA TRACTOR SALES Hardy Hanson, Prop. Used WD Model 45 AlHs Chalmers 2 Allis Chalmers WC - 2 John Deere Mod^ B Case Model DC and Modcd C U ^ Forage Harvesters 180 East St. ONEONTA TeL SS80 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS JAMES S. FORD & SON AAA Towing Ihapeotioa Station General Repairs on All Makes of Cars Gas St Electrio Wdding »CaU Us When Yon Have Car Tronbl^’ Shandaken Phone PhMoicIa 8474 RONEY EQUIPMENT CO. Allis Chalmers Tractors and Power Units Wright Power Saws Sales & Service New St Used Machines Andes, N. Y.r-ToL 2821 FARM MACHINERY ROSA FARM SALES M assey^Harris Fargnsoa Minneapolis Moline Case Terra track New Hidland Farm Matdilnery Wrigfat Power Saws Upper Main DELHI TeL 414 R. H. LEWIS & SON, INC. GMC TRUCKS Sales - Parts - Service S Meredith D<dhi TeL 188 WELL DRILLING Swtt^ to H L. FRANCE & SON FUEL OIL - KEROSENE For Service Call HeatingOU Pine HiU 2261 FURNITURE Artesian well drilling All Work Gnaranteed L. VANLOAN p. O. Box 42, Hlghmonnt, N. Y. Phone Pine Hill 8041 4, 4>/i, 6, 8-In. W ells WOMEN’S APPAREL FASHIONS IN FURNITURE CatHcdlowRd Roscoe, N. Y. TeL 28828 E I L E E N ’S The Right Style at the Right Price Open Friday and Satarday Nights Until 9 Phoenicia Phone 7343 CARPETING RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Colonial City Carpet Co., Inc. ORIENTALS. l^OADLOOM, DOMESTICS CARFETINO OF ALL KINDS Cmnplete Rng InstallatiMi and Repairing 184 N. Front St. Kingston, N. Y. TeL 6261 COLONIAL BOOK SHOP BOOKS Religions Goods - Statuary - Pictures - Gifts Rosaries - Missals - Greeting Cards Prayer Books 268 Wan St., Kingston, N. Y. Opp. St. Jos^h’a Cl^ardi. TeL Kingston 5447 ELECTRIC MOTORS SLIP COVERS P. J. GALLAGHER A Complete Sto<& of ELtOTRIO MOTORS for An Purposes BELTS PULLEYS No Job Too Large—or Too Small Commerclal-Indnatrial Dmneetlc Motors Reoalred nail Rewoond 17 SPRING _______________ KmnsTnw m it For Expert Custom Itlade SLIP (C overs and draperies THE KINGSTON YARDSTICK Silks, Cottons, Woolens, U ^olstery Fabrics 42 N. Front St. Kingston, N. Y. TeL 5252 MEN’S CLOTHING SPORTING GOODS—TOYS A. W. MOLLOTT Arrow Sliirts McGregor l^rtm ear Itlanory and Dobbs Hats W orsted Tex Clothes 802 WaU St. Klngstim TeL 1780 ELSTON SPORT SHOP Toys Games - Sporting Ctoods Bit^es - Radios - Electrical Appliances Victor - RECORDS - Columbia 260 Fair St. Kingston, N. Y. Phone 821 MEN’S WEAR TRAVEL BUREAU FLANAGANS Men’s and Boys’ Oofldng and Furnishings “Eveiytlilng for Dad and the Lad” H art Schaftner Marx Ss Thnley Clothing Dress Sntts <or Rent 8S1 W an St. mngstcMi. N. Y. Tc^ 900 Greenwald’s Travel Service “Over 50 Years of Service” Tonrs, Cruises, H otd Reservations Steamship - Alrilne TiiAets 286 Fair St. Kingston, N. Y. Phone 816

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Page 1: Andes Pleasant Valley The Keyhole Cubs Will Have Home Unit · Spader and children of Kingston were re ... Diana

Pace Two OATMCTrJi MOUNTAIN NEWS MwgaretviUe, N. Y., Friday, Jahuarjr 10; 1958



F r i d a y , J a n u a r y 1 0


11 A. M.—We will start selling new merchandise from THE LIBERTY REMNANT MAN and other small articles.

1 :30 P. M.—We will start selling cattle. Several con­signments have already been OMisigned for this sale. We also expect some nice first-calf heifers. Bring in your beef or calves or any other cattle yOu wish to sell.

To Get the Most for Your Cattle Ship to Cable’s

M. C. CAK£Terms: Cash Roxbury 3601

Friday, January 17We have consigned the entire herd of Olia Lambert

of Neversink

21 - Head of Holsteins - 21

17 cows, 3 heifers, 1 service bull. This is a real good dairy with size and real producers. They would not be for sale but Mr. Lambert has just had a stroke.

C h arte r No. 7678 R eserve D is tric t No. 2B KPOBT O F CONDITION O F TH E


A T TH E C 1.0SE O F BU SIN ESS ON DECEM BER 81, 1957 P ublished in response to call m ade by C onlptro ller o f th e C urrency,

under Section 5211, U. S. R evised S ta tu te s

ASSETSC ash, balances w ith o th er banks, including reserve balance,

and cash item s in process of collection______________ $ 279,045.91U nited S ta te s G overnm ent obligaticHis, d irec t and

guaran teedO bligations of S ta te s and political subdivisions___

d rte n tu re s -O th e r bonds, notes, and C orporate stocks (including $4,500.00 stodc of F e d ^ a l

R eserve B a n k ) _____________________________________Loans and discounts____________________________________B ank prem ises ovmed $700, fu rn itu re and fix tures $9,317__



TOTAL A S S E T S __ -$2,140,471.20I^BniTTIES

D o n an d deposits of individuals, partnersh ips, and corpora­tions

T im e deposits o f ir D eposits of U nited S ta te s

s a v in g s )

tips and c(»ix>rations (including postal

D cfigsits O th e r d t

o f S ta te s and political subdivisim is__:__________» its (certified and cash ier’s cdiedcs, e tc .)_____■AL D E P O S IT S _________________ $1,958,920.12

■C red ito rs G roup l i f e Ins. P rem . on Loans__________:___







'C ap ita l S tock :Q xnm on stock, to ta l p a r $75,000.00______

S u r p lu s _______U ndivided p r o f i t s_Jtese rv es __________

___ $1,959,165.45

_$ 75,000.00 _ 75,000.00 _ 29,805.75




..Assets {hedged o r assigned to secure liab ilities and fo ro th e r p u rp o s e s___________________ _________________$ 240,000.00I, V irgil E. Taylor, P residen t of th e above-nam ed bank, do

so lonn ly sw ear th a t th e above s t a t ^ e n t is tru e to th e b est of m y ■knowledge and belief. V IR G IL K TAYLOR, P residen t


IM re^o isS ta te of New York, County of D elaw are, ss:

Sw orn to and su b sc rib e before m e th is 6 th day of January , 1958, and I hereby certify th a t I am not an officer o r d irec to r of th is bank.

U N D O N B. MORSE, N o tary Public My commission expires M arch 30, 1959.

C h arte r No. 11243 R eserve D istric t No. 2REPO RT O F CONDITION O F TH E



P ublished in response to call m ade by C om ptro ller of th e Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised S ta tu te s

ASSETSC ash, balances w ith o ther banks, including reserve balance,

and cash item s in process of collection______________ $ 257,137.31U nited S ta te s G overnm ent obligatim is, d irec t and

guaran teed ----------------------------------------------------------- 508,393.50O bligations o f S ta te s and political subdivisions--------------- 136,603.17C orporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of Federal

R eserve b a n k ) -------------- ---------------------------------------- 3,000.00Loans and discounts (including $38.67 o v erd rafts)_______ 647,064.21F u rn itu re and fix tu res____ ____________ ________________ 3,175.00

TOTAL A S S ir rS ------------------------------------------------ $1,555,373.19T.TA«TT.rmi!H

D em and deposits of individuals, partnersh ips, and corpora­tions _________________ ^------- --------------------------------$ 531,521.15

Tim e deposits o f individuals, psirtnerships and corporations 623,119.95 D eposits of U nited S ta te s (Sovem inent (including postal

savings) ^_________________________ _______________ 17,611.07D eposits of S ta te s and pc^ tical subdivisions------------------ 216,485.37O th e r deposits (certified and cashier’s, chedcs, etc.)_U— 5,269.00

TOTAL D E P O S IT S ___________ ______$1,394,006.54O th er l ia b ilit ie s ------------------------ ---------------------------------- 467.29

TOTAL LIA B ILIT IES — ------------------------ --------- -$1,394,473.83CAPITAL ACCOUNTS

C ap ital S tock:Common stock, to ta l p a r $40,000.00________________ $ 40,000.00

S u r p lu s -----------------------------:------------------------------------------ 60,000.00. Undivided p ro f i ts ______________________________________ 60,704.05

R eserves (and re tirem en t account fo r p referred sto ck )— ' 195.31

TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS..------------------------- 160,899.36


A ssests pledged o r assigned to secure liab ilities and fo ro th e r p u rp o s e s --------------------------------------------- -------- $ 244,935.66I, M. M. W right, <3^hier o f th e above-nam ed bank, do solem nly

sw ear th a t th e above s ta tran en t is tru e to th e best of m y knowledge .and belief. M. M. W RIGHT, C^ashier

C orrect—A tte s t: C. L. DIC3CSON J . M. M ABLE E. M. DTCKER

D irecto rsS ta te o f N ew York, (bounty o f D elaw are, ss:

Sw orn to and subscribed before m e th is 3 rd day of January , 1958, a n d I heretqr certify th a t, I am n o t an officer o r d irec to r of th is bank.

V IO LET B. ATTKEN, N o ta ry Public M y com m ission expires M arch 30, 1958.

Andes, Jan . 7M r. and M rs. John B abel spen t

from Tuesday im til F rid ay in New Y ork d ty .

M rs. C ora EU iott of H am den spen t over th e N ew Y ear holiday w ith M r. and M rs. Corbin B outon.

M r. and M rs. W alter G ladstone, M rs. E dna G ladstone £ind daugh­te r, C arol, w ere New Y ear’s guests of h e r fa th e r, D. J . Bresee, on th e O uleout.

P ostm aster and M rs. Bruce (Thamplain w ere New Y ear’s guests of- th e ir son and daugh ter- in-law , M r. and M rs. R ichard Cham plain, and fam ily a t F ran k ­lin.

D onald H aussler of R ochester spen t la s t w eek a t th e hom e of M r. and M rs. Edw in D edcer.

M rs. C lara M eeker w as taken to D elhi h o siatal T hursday by Je s te r’s am bulance.

A ttended F u n era l of R d ativ eM r. and M rs. C. L. Dickson,

Donald D ickson and- daughter, Jan e t, a ttended th e funeral of th e ir nephew and cousin, Glen R einhardt, a t C en tra l Islip , L. L, on M onday.

W elcMue M rs. SanfordThe F irem an’s auxiliary m e t on

F riday evening, Dec. 27, a t th e fire hall. M rs. George Sanford w as welcom ed in to th e organiza­tion. M rs. B ruce V anSteenburg ana M rs. L a n y Tw eedie served refreshm ents.

M iss E lizabeth Luce of Delhi w as th e guest speaker a t the M ethodist church on Sunday m orning. M iss Luce and her m other w ere dinner guests of M r. and M rs. A ndrew G ardner.

M artin H yzer w ill preach a t th e m orning service on Sunday, Jan . 12.

M rs. M ildred Sperling of H al; co ttv ille spen t Sunday w ith h e r b ro th e r eind sister-in-law , M r. and M rs. (Horbin Bouton, and feunily.

M arjorie RusseU, M rs. E rn est R ussell and M rs. A lex H ilson w ere F rid ay evening guests of M rs. W illiam H ism an.

M r. and M rs. A u g u st. Spader and children of K ingston w ere re ­cen t guests of h e r paren ts, Mr.; and M rs. F ran k Dibble.

JohnD ickson of Poughkeepsie spen t th e w eekend w ith his p a r­en ts, M r. and M rs. D onald D ick­son. '

M r. and M rs. Floyd W oodin and sons, D ouglas and M elvin, and M rs. F ra n k M iller w ere dinner guests of M r. and M rs. H arold M iller on N ew Y ear’s.

M r. and M rs. Gtordon (Towan and daughter, L inda, E d Ctowan and M rs. Iren e R eside w ere N ew Y ear’s guests o f M iss NeU Dowie a t D elhi. *. M r. and M rs. F ran k D ibble en ­te rta in ed on New Y ear’s day th e ir

• and daughter»-M ?. and M rs. W illis Trem per, and M r. M d M rs. A ndrew Gterdner.

M r. and M rs. F red R uff and M rs. R eginald R u ff'a tte n d e d th e funera l of M arvin Schloss a t Cim- nonsville Tuesday.

Safir N ew O randdaog^terM r. and M rs. L aw rence E m er­

son v isited th e ir son-in-law and daughter, M r. and M rs. E lm ore Jenks, and feinuly a t M orrisviUe on Sunday. M re. E m erson re ­m ained fo r a few days to help care fo r th e ir new granddaughter, bom Dec. 28.

M r. and M rs. P au l G ray and fam ily of F a ll C love spen t New Y ear’s day w ith h e r bro ther-in - law and s iste r, M r. and M rs. Glen Cole, and fam ily.

M rs. V era Bloodgood w as a pa­tie n t a t M argaretv ille hosp ita l la s t week.

M r. and M rs. A ndrew Geu^iner and M r. and M rs. F ran k D ibble a ttended th e Kenyon - T ruesdell wedding in D elhi on Dec. 29.

M rs. T heresa Sam uels of B ing­ham ton is spending 10 days w ith h e r son and daughter-in-law , M r. and M rs. E a rl Sam uels.

M rs. T. W . M iller received w w d on Sunday of the death of her brother-in-law , E. W . H ughes, of Los Angeles, Calif.

M iss Ann W right spen t la s t week w ith friends in P ittsbu rgh .

D avid H yzer underw ent an em ergency operation fo r appendi­c itis a t the D elhi hosp ital Tues­day, Dec. 31.

M r. and M rs. E dw ard C ^ u t, M iss E lizabeth C raw ford of Delhi and M rs. N e tta W agstaff w ere New Y ear’s guests of M r. and M rs. Roy M iller.

M r. • and Mrs. W illiam D avis m ade a business tr ip to A lbany on M onday.

M r. and M rs. Leslie I^ o n a rd and son of B ingham ton spen t New Ye£u:’s w ith h e r b ro ther, R obert F risbee.

M rs. Zenko died suddenly a t th e hom e of h e r daughter, M rs. V ictor Kovba, on Sunday.

T he forum of th e U nited P res­b y terian church w as held a t the hom e of M r. and M rs. W illiam H ism an M onday evening. The p rogram w as in charge of RVE W right and a film s trip on th e special ob ject of th e y ear “Yes" w as shown.

Pleasant V alley

W akem an Fund $199T he com m ittee fo r th e m em orial

fund fo r D r. C. L. W akem an re ­po rts th a t th e to ta l am ount donated w as $213.85. Exi)enses am ounted to $12.23 fo r p rin ting and $2.37 fo r postage, a to ta l of $14.60. T he balance of $199.25 Jias been sen t to th e R ead M em orial H ospital, Inc., of H ancock, w here it is to be used tow ard th e pu r­chase and in sta lla tion of a nurses’ call system in m em ory of D r. W akem an. T he com m ittee w ishes to express its th an k s to everyone who has m ade a donation, says B ruce E . C ham plin, speaking for th e com m ittee.

Home Unit Plans ColoredTrayWork

P leasan t V alley, Jan . 6. — T he P leasan t V alley H om e D em onstra­tion im it w ill m eet w ith M rs. A m anda F le tch e r Thursday, Jan . 16, a t 10:30, fo r a lesson on colored alim iinum tray s. M enibers w ill need th e following item s: An a r tis t’s p a in t brush, carbon paper, scotch tape, sm all scissors and a razo r blade.

A card p a rty w ill be held a t th e P leasan t V alley C om m unity ha ll S a tu rday evening, Jan . l l .

M rs. Lou S haver and D ot Shaver and daughter, Susan, w ere a t W alton S aturday .

Eddie H otchkiss and daughter, Dixie, o f Downsville w ere Sunday guests of M rs. Lou Shaver.

M r. and M rs. R ay B ram ley of B ainbridge v isited M rs. Lou Shaver Siuiday on th e ir w ay back from th e M argaretv ille hospital, w here they had visited her b ro ther, M aurice Davis, who had undergone a hern ia operation.

>Mr. and M rs. John E c k ^ and daughters, D iana and Sally, of Scotch m ountain w ere N ew Y ear’s day guests of h e r paren ts, and M rs. G eorge F irm ent.

Miss G loria V an S teenburg of A ndes visited th e M isses N ancy, Joaim e and S hirley F irm en t Sun­day afternoon.

M r. and M rs. A rth u r H all and children of M argaretv ille v isited h e r b ro ther-in-law and siste r, M r. and M rs. A1 M arshall, Sunday.

'M rs. Jim F a irb a im of M illbrook v isited M r. and M rs. R obert M is- n e r S aturday.

F o rre st M ayer spen t S atu rday w ith his g randparen ts, D r. and M rs. A lbert All, a t Andes.

M r. and M rs. M arcus C hristian and son, John, visited M r. and M rs. E rn est D avis a t M iddletown and friends a t W arw ick and Unionyille, N. Y., and Vernon, N . J ., S aturday.

M arcus C^iristian le ft Sunday evening fo r a few w eeks’ v isit in South C arolina and F lorida.

Jam es M eddler of H ankins w as a w eekend guest a t th e H w ood home.

M iss Judy Beers, w ho is office m anager a t G ran t’s s to re in U tica, has been spending a few days w ith h e r paren ts.

A ttended Llddle F u n era l■ M r. and M rs. Thom as Liddle,

D onald Liddle, M r. and M rs. Les­lie Fow ler and Agnes Em erson a ttended th e fim eral of Lynn lid d le , a fo rm er resid en t of the valley a t D elhi F rid ay eiftem oon.

H ad N ew Y ear’s P a r ty "M r. and M rs. Joe H ochholzer

en te rta in ed 35 friends, a t a New Y ear’s eve p a rty a t th e ir hom e Tuesday evening.

Droiald and BiU Elwood and R obert ^ g g s of E a st M eadows, L. I., sp6pt th e w eekend a t the Elwood home.

F red S tansberry , w ho is em ­ployed a t G reenwich V illage, spen t a few days w ith his bro ther-in - law and siste r, M r. and M rs. M acon Sm ith.

M rs. D oris Shaver, a form er resid en t of th e valley, tm derw ent a «m ajor ( ^ r a t io n a t th e M ar­g are tv ille hosp ital Tuesday. She is gaining.

M r. and * M rs. C. M. G ary of Irv ing ton , N . J., spent M onday w ith M rs. E lla Elwood, bringing th e ir daughter, H a rrie tt, back to school.

M rs. John M orse o f K d ly Cor­n e rs a rrived a t th e W eldon M orse home F rid ay to spend some tim e.

Leo M orse of R oxbury spent F rid ay n igh t w ith his b ro th e r and sister-in-law , M r. and M rs. W eldon M orse.

M r. and M rs. A ndrew Dowie en te rta in ed th e follow ing a t a N ew Y ear’s d inner Sunday: M r. and M rs. R ussell Dowie, M r. and M rs. R obert D arling and tw o sons and M r. and M rs. W illiam D arling of F a ll Clove and M r. and M rs. Spick T u ttle and daughter, Carol.

S portsB y N orm M aender

(Dn Jan . 3 M argaretv ille lo st a non-league gam e to Andes, 53-52. 'M CS go t off to a slow s ta r t tra il­ing by eigh t to 10 poin ts a ll th rough th e f ir s t half. A t th e h alf, A ndes w as leading, 27-19. MCZS cam e back by scoring 33 poin ts in th e la s t h a lf b u t could n o t overcom e th e f irs t and second q u a rte r d e fid t. (5ene Snyder, N orm M aender and Roy George led th e losers in scoring w ith 19, 12 and 9 points, respectively.

T he’Ju n io r V arsity s ta r te d slow­ly in th e f ir s t half, b u t cam e back in th e th ird and fo u rth q u arte rs to ta k e a four-point lead in th e la s t seconds to w in, 42-38. B ert F edrbaim w as high sco rer fo r MCS w ith 13 points.

HalcottviUeB y W illiam E . G riffin

H alcottviU e, Jan . 6W ard E. R oberts has recovered

from his recen t illness fo r w hich he spen t several days in the M ar­garetv ille hospital.

M rs. Nelson B. K elly re tu rn ed to h e r home here Sunday a fte r slowly recovering , from a serious h e a rt operation. She w as sched­u led to re tu rn before C hristm as b u t a m ild setback caused a delay.

Clharles H ughes re tu rn ed la s t w eek from a sh o rt vacation w ith friends in Hancock.

M r. and M rs. G uy N um ann and son, W illiam , of E a s t R ochester re tu rn ed hom e Sunday afternoon a fte r spending a ten -day vacation a t th e hom e of th e ir paren ts, M r. and M rs. F red N um ann o f D enver and M r. and M rs. 'W iliam E . G rif­fin of HalcottviU e. M iss R uth Ann G riffin, w ho has been spend­ing th e holiday vacation a t the hom e of her paren ts, also re tu rn ed to h e r studies a t O neonta S ta te T eachers college.

G ary W ickham and R onald S tah l o f th e B room e Technical sdiool, w ho have been spending holiday vacations a t th e ir homes here, re tu rn e d Sunday afternoon.

The KeyholeE d ito r:N atha lie D ubovedt T ypists: L o re tta Finch, N athalie

DuboVeck, Lois B arn h art A dvisor: M rs. H arvey Law rence

E ven ts of In te rra tB y P a t F rey

Jan . 11: V olleyball playday a t D elhi, 9:30 a. m . to 1 p. m .

Jan . 15: R oller skating in th e gym fo r k indergarten th rough grade six from 7 to 8:15 p. m . and fo r grades seven th rough 12 frran 8:15 to 9:30 p. m .

Jan . 17: B asketball gam e w ith D elhi a t M argaretv ille a t 7 pan.

Roving In te rro g a to rB y L o re tta F inch

Q uestion: W hat w as th e m ost prized g ift you iw eiv ed fo r CJhrist- m as?

A nsw ers:M uriel Scott, a d o c k radio.Judy Fronckow iak: A beau tifu l

g ift fo r m y hopeless hope chest.J a n e t B eland: I go t th e red bow

b u t n o t w h a t should go w ith tt.Sandy S tange: A ra& o and a

w onderful tr ip to th e d ty .Lis Sanford: A tu rk ey diim er,

delicious.C^arol F redenburgh: My new

bulky sw eater.M i^ Ck)nnell: A chest w hich

w as used by th e surgeon-general o f th e A rm y of th e W est a t th e tim e of C uster.-

M r. M cG orrill: A p a ir of gold cuff links from th e sophom ore class.

J im Trow bridge: T w enty dol­la rs from th e C ham ber of Coni- m erce fo r playing S a n ta C laus.

Jo e Duggem: S an ta didn’t like m e. I didn’t g e t /Uiything!

A B irthday Surpii$eA surprise b irth d ay p a rty ^was

given M rs. W illiam R. O’K elly of P lan k Road, K ingston, on T hurs­day, ,iran. 2, th e day before h e r b i i ^ d ^ , w hen a num ber of re la ­tives gathered a t h e r hom e be­fore noon laden \ i i ^ fOod and gifts. I t w as a conQ>lete surprise. A lunch w rv ed consisting of salads, fried chicken, hom em ade rolls, b irthday ' cakes and ice cream and w as enjoyed by alL P ic tu res w ere ^taken, th e g ifts w ere opened and th e afternoon w as spen t visiting and rem inis­cing., M rs. O’K elly is th e fo rm er < ^ra- lie H aynes, daugh ter o f th e la te

John and Louise B aker H aynes and w as bom and brought up in D ry Brook. G uests f « m th e D ry B rook a re a w ere M r. and M rs. O rson H s ^ e s , John D ̂ H aynes, M rs. N athan H aynes, M rs. Gwen C rum ling, JVlrs. John A sher and M rs. W illiam McCXunber. O th e r guests w ere M rs. John Robinson of A rkville, M rs. G arold Johnson of H alco tt C enter, M r. and M rs. Thom as Liddle of Andes, M r. and M rs. C arliton F inch and daughter, Debrfi, o f H igh F alls, John Flood o f K ingston, M r. and M rs. E dw ard C arson of H urley, M r. and M rs. M illard Rowe, M r. and M rs. Allen Rowe £ihd daugh ter, C andace, of W est H urley, M rs. Judson H aynes, M iss Louise H aynes, John O’K elly

Cubs W ill H ave C harter Review

Fleischm anns, Jan . 7.—A pack c h a rte r review m eeting fo r th e new com m ittee £md leaders of Cub Scout P ad c 31 w ill be held on W ednesday evening, Jan . 15, a t 8 o’d o c k a t the' hom e of D r. and M rs. W illiam Cohen.

D ouglas M oore of W alton w ill be p resen t to explain and d a ri^ y responsibilities and du ties of th e various m em bers.

A ll in te rested persohs a re in­v ited.

and W illiam R. OTCelly o f P lan k R oad.


TATTS Home Appliance CenterH O TFO IN T - KELVINATOR

W lilrlpoo l-W estiii^onse D ryers and W ashers C<HnmerclaI K efrigeratton

O m od Gorge, N . Y. TeL 4S91

C!onway Bros.Pyrofftx O m Service G as Space B eaten

Phoenicia, N . Y. Phone S41S

T anks f t A p^ianoes A vailable fo r bnm ediate In sta lla tio n



C<miplete Collision Service B o it,G la s8 In sta lla ttw is

A^BKVIULE T d . B larg. 2172

Storey Plumbing & H atingPLUM BING and H E A T IN a

CONTRACTOR G eneral M otors-D elco H eat

M ain S tree t - M argaretvffle • 08S7



S enior In terv iew B y C arol F redenburgh

On M ay 7, 1939, a t M argaret­v ille hosp ital a son, (3iene, w as born to M r. and M rs. C harles A. Snyder J r .

CSenel is six fee t ta ll, h as bliie eyes and brow n ha ir. H e w orks in Bussy*s on S atu rdays. I f you have a ttended any plays o r as- som blies a t school you m ay have seen Gene. H e is ou r s tage m ana­ger.

C5ene has partic ip a ted in base­ball, baske tba ll smd soccer. H e h as been in Hie fa ll p lay and also a m em ber of h is d a ss coim dl..

A fte r he g raduates he would like to be a d raftsm an a t IBM ,

M ena Jan . 13-17

M onday: Sloppy Joes on bun, fru it salad, p o ta to chips, gin­gerbread w ith w hipped cream , m ilk. O e a m of d iicken soup.

T uesday: 3oup, cold cu t sandw ich, m olded g rap e fru it salad, choco­la te pudding, m ilk. V egetable soup.

W ednesday: Spanish rice, b read and b u tte r, le ttu ce wedge, choice of fru it, m ilk. B eef noodle soup.

T hursday: H ot pork sandw ich, b u t­te red g reen beans, p ear salad, w hite cake, m ilk. C hidcen rice soup.

F rid ay ; B aked m acaroni and cheese, b u tte red peas, P a rk e r- house roUs and b u tte r, ice cream , m ilk. C3am chow der soup.

Kelly ComersB y M rs. R alph F e lte r

K elly C om ers, Jan . 7 M r. and M rs. W illiam H oyt of

H ensonville and M r. and M rs. Al­b e rt H oyt of P ra ttsv ille w ere Sun­day guests of th e ir m other, M rs. A nna H oyt.

M rs. John M orse w ent F riday to v isit M r. and M rs. W eldon M orse n ear Andes.

M r. and M rs. J a y Ck>nine of Andes and M rs. Jennie S tah l of H alcottviU e w ere N ew Y ear’s din­n e r guests of M r. and M rs. W il­liam V alk.

M r. and M rs. W illiam V alk v isited h is b ro ther-in-law and sis- ta r, M r. and M rs. W illiam K rom , a t (Thichester recently .

R oxbury C ream ery Is H andling Bulk M ilk

R oxbury, Jan . 6.—M r. and M rs. Lew is H iggins and R aym ond Johnston w 6re a t D unellen, N . J ., Dec. 27 and b rough t back th e bu lk ta n k tru c k fo r th e D elaw are C ounty Dciiries cream ery. The cream ery is p repared to give bulk- ta n k services to fa rm ers have p u t in bulk handling facilities.

P lan Show For M arch O f Dilnes

B ig Indian, Jan . 7.—M rs. E lea­no r E ignor has been selected as chairm an of th e annual polio drive fqr B ig Indian and O liverea. She has selected fo r h e r com m ittee: ] \to . L au ra Aley, M rs. C atherine (ireenberg and M rs. M argo Balm - er.

A stage show w ill be held Jan . 15 a t th e O nteora cen tra l school

8 p. m . fo r th is benefit. Con­tribu tions w ill be accepted of paintings, glassw are, lam ps, china, new o r used fo r an auction on Jan . 22 a t 8 P- Jn. a t th e parish halL A m em ber of th e com m ittee w ill knock a t your door fo r th e m o th er's m arch on th e 31st to collect fo lders a n d /o r donations.


A uthorized Sales and S i ^ c ef i r e s t o n e t ir e s

97 TMTidii Str^ D E im TeL 100

DUDY SKI SHOPS id and B oot R en tals

H enke B oots - Sim V alley Paricas and P a n ts N orth land S kis and Im ported Sw eaters

Goggles - Ski R acks - M ittens PINE HILXi TEL. S856


I f I t ’s Aat«Hnotlve T ry U s F b s t


HETBOHLS, INC.126 M ain S t D EL H I Phone 276

A & B TIRE SERVICE, INC.Serving D elaw are County

A sk Your Local G arage to Send U s Yonr T ires RECAVPING - VULCANIZING

A uthorized G oodyear D ealer W holesale-R etail D elhi TeL 394



A t OLD CA PITOL M OTORS K ingston’s O nly F o rd D ealer

800 B roadw ay Phone F ed era l 8-7800H om e Phcme: P h o en td a O verland 8-4481


U sed W D M odel 45 AlHs C halm ers 2 A llis C halm ers W C - 2 John D eere M od^ B

C ase M odel DC and Modcd C U ^ F o rage H arveste rs

180 E a s t S t. ONEONTA TeL SS80


JAMES S. FORD & SONAAA Tow ing Ihapeotioa S ta tion

G eneral R epairs on A ll M akes of C ars G as St E lec trio W dding

»CaU U s W hen Yon H ave C ar T ro n b l^ ’ S handaken Phone PhM oicIa 8474

RONEY EQUIPMENT CO.A llis C halm ers T rac to rs and Pow er U nits

W righ t Pow er Saw s Sales & Service N ew St Used M achines

Andes, N . Y .r-ToL 2821


ROSA FARM SALESM assey^H arris — F argnsoa

M inneapolis M oline — C ase T erra tra c k N ew H idland F a rm M atdilnery

W rigfat P ow er Saw s U pper M ain D EL H I TeL 414


‘ Sales - P a rts - Service

S M eredith D<dhi TeL 188



F o r Service C all

H eatingO U P ine HiU 2261


Ar t e s i a n w e l l d r il l in g

A ll W ork G naranteed

L. VANLOANp . O. Box 42, H lghm onnt, N . Y.

Phone P ine H ill 8041 4, 4>/i, 6, 8-In. W ells



FU R N ITU R E C atH cdlow R d Roscoe, N . Y.

TeL 28828

E I L E E N ’ SThe R ig h t S ty le a t th e R ig h t P rice

Open F rid ay and S a ta rd ay N ights U ntil 9

Phoenicia Phone 7343


Colonial City Carpet Co., Inc.ORIENTALS. l^O A D L O O M , DOM ESTICS

C ARFETINO O F A LL K INDS Cm nplete R ng Insta lla tiM i and R epairing

184 N . F ro n t S t. K ingston, N . Y. TeL 6261


R eligions Goods - S ta tu a ry - P ic tu res - G ifts R osaries - M issals - G reeting C ards

P ray e r Books 268 W an S t., K ingston, N . Y.

Opp. S t. J o s ^ h ’a C l^ardi. TeL K ingston 5447


P. J. GALLAGHERA C om plete Sto<& o f E L tO T R IO M OTORS

fo r A n Purposes B ELTS PULLEYS

N o Jo b Too L arge—o r Too Sm all C om m erclal-Indnatrial D m neetlc M otors

R eoalred nail Rewoond 17 SPRIN G _______________ K m n s T n w m it

F o r E x p ert C ustom Itlade

S L IP (Co v e r s and d r a p e r i e s

THE KINGSTON YARDSTICKSilks, C ottons, W oolens, U ^ o ls te ry F ab rics 42 N . F ro n t S t. K ingston, N . Y. TeL 5252


A. W. MOLLOTTA rrow S liirts • M cG regor l ^ r t m e a r

Itlanory and Dobbs H ats W o rsted Tex C lothes

802 W aU S t. K lngstim TeL 1780

ELSTON SPORT SHOPToys • G am es - S porting Ctoods

B i t ^ e s - R adios - E lec trica l A ppliances V ictor - RECORDS - Colum bia

260 F a ir S t. K ingston, N . Y. Phone 821


FLANAGANSM en’s and Boys’ O ofldng and F urnish ings

“E v e iy tlilng fo r D ad and th e L ad” H a rt S chaftner M arx Ss Thnley C lothing

D ress S n tts <or R en t 8S1 W an S t. mngstcMi. N . Y. T c^ 900

Greenwald’s Travel Service“O ver 50 Y ears of Service”

Tonrs, C ruises, H o td R eservations Steam ship - A lrilne T iiA ets

286 F a ir S t. K ingston, N . Y. Phone 816