Page 1: Andes Pleasant Valley The Keyhole Cubs Will Have Home Unit · Spader and children of Kingston were re ... Diana

Pace Two OATMCTrJi MOUNTAIN NEWS MwgaretviUe, N. Y., Friday, Jahuarjr 10; 1958



F r i d a y , J a n u a r y 1 0


11 A. M.—We will start selling new merchandise from THE LIBERTY REMNANT MAN and other small articles.

1 :30 P. M.—We will start selling cattle. Several con­signments have already been OMisigned for this sale. We also expect some nice first-calf heifers. Bring in your beef or calves or any other cattle yOu wish to sell.

To Get the Most for Your Cattle Ship to Cable’s

M. C. CAK£Terms: Cash Roxbury 3601

Friday, January 17We have consigned the entire herd of Olia Lambert

of Neversink

21 - Head of Holsteins - 21

17 cows, 3 heifers, 1 service bull. This is a real good dairy with size and real producers. They would not be for sale but Mr. Lambert has just had a stroke.

C h arte r No. 7678 R eserve D is tric t No. 2B KPOBT O F CONDITION O F TH E


A T TH E C 1.0SE O F BU SIN ESS ON DECEM BER 81, 1957 P ublished in response to call m ade by C onlptro ller o f th e C urrency,

under Section 5211, U. S. R evised S ta tu te s

ASSETSC ash, balances w ith o th er banks, including reserve balance,

and cash item s in process of collection______________ $ 279,045.91U nited S ta te s G overnm ent obligaticHis, d irec t and

guaran teedO bligations of S ta te s and political subdivisions___

d rte n tu re s -O th e r bonds, notes, and C orporate stocks (including $4,500.00 stodc of F e d ^ a l

R eserve B a n k ) _____________________________________Loans and discounts____________________________________B ank prem ises ovmed $700, fu rn itu re and fix tures $9,317__



TOTAL A S S E T S __ -$2,140,471.20I^BniTTIES

D o n an d deposits of individuals, partnersh ips, and corpora­tions

T im e deposits o f ir D eposits of U nited S ta te s

s a v in g s )

tips and c(»ix>rations (including postal

D cfigsits O th e r d t

o f S ta te s and political subdivisim is__:__________» its (certified and cash ier’s cdiedcs, e tc .)_____■AL D E P O S IT S _________________ $1,958,920.12

■C red ito rs G roup l i f e Ins. P rem . on Loans__________:___







'C ap ita l S tock :Q xnm on stock, to ta l p a r $75,000.00______

S u r p lu s _______U ndivided p r o f i t s_Jtese rv es __________

___ $1,959,165.45

_$ 75,000.00 _ 75,000.00 _ 29,805.75




..Assets {hedged o r assigned to secure liab ilities and fo ro th e r p u rp o s e s___________________ _________________$ 240,000.00I, V irgil E. Taylor, P residen t of th e above-nam ed bank, do

so lonn ly sw ear th a t th e above s t a t ^ e n t is tru e to th e b est of m y ■knowledge and belief. V IR G IL K TAYLOR, P residen t


IM re^o isS ta te of New York, County of D elaw are, ss:

Sw orn to and su b sc rib e before m e th is 6 th day of January , 1958, and I hereby certify th a t I am not an officer o r d irec to r of th is bank.

U N D O N B. MORSE, N o tary Public My commission expires M arch 30, 1959.

C h arte r No. 11243 R eserve D istric t No. 2REPO RT O F CONDITION O F TH E



P ublished in response to call m ade by C om ptro ller of th e Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised S ta tu te s

ASSETSC ash, balances w ith o ther banks, including reserve balance,

and cash item s in process of collection______________ $ 257,137.31U nited S ta te s G overnm ent obligatim is, d irec t and

guaran teed ----------------------------------------------------------- 508,393.50O bligations o f S ta te s and political subdivisions--------------- 136,603.17C orporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of Federal

R eserve b a n k ) -------------- ---------------------------------------- 3,000.00Loans and discounts (including $38.67 o v erd rafts)_______ 647,064.21F u rn itu re and fix tu res____ ____________ ________________ 3,175.00

TOTAL A S S ir rS ------------------------------------------------ $1,555,373.19T.TA«TT.rmi!H

D em and deposits of individuals, partnersh ips, and corpora­tions _________________ ^------- --------------------------------$ 531,521.15

Tim e deposits o f individuals, psirtnerships and corporations 623,119.95 D eposits of U nited S ta te s (Sovem inent (including postal

savings) ^_________________________ _______________ 17,611.07D eposits of S ta te s and pc^ tical subdivisions------------------ 216,485.37O th e r deposits (certified and cashier’s, chedcs, etc.)_U— 5,269.00

TOTAL D E P O S IT S ___________ ______$1,394,006.54O th er l ia b ilit ie s ------------------------ ---------------------------------- 467.29

TOTAL LIA B ILIT IES — ------------------------ --------- -$1,394,473.83CAPITAL ACCOUNTS

C ap ital S tock:Common stock, to ta l p a r $40,000.00________________ $ 40,000.00

S u r p lu s -----------------------------:------------------------------------------ 60,000.00. Undivided p ro f i ts ______________________________________ 60,704.05

R eserves (and re tirem en t account fo r p referred sto ck )— ' 195.31

TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS..------------------------- 160,899.36


A ssests pledged o r assigned to secure liab ilities and fo ro th e r p u rp o s e s --------------------------------------------- -------- $ 244,935.66I, M. M. W right, <3^hier o f th e above-nam ed bank, do solem nly

sw ear th a t th e above s ta tran en t is tru e to th e best of m y knowledge .and belief. M. M. W RIGHT, C^ashier

C orrect—A tte s t: C. L. DIC3CSON J . M. M ABLE E. M. DTCKER

D irecto rsS ta te o f N ew York, (bounty o f D elaw are, ss:

Sw orn to and subscribed before m e th is 3 rd day of January , 1958, a n d I heretqr certify th a t, I am n o t an officer o r d irec to r of th is bank.

V IO LET B. ATTKEN, N o ta ry Public M y com m ission expires M arch 30, 1958.

Andes, Jan . 7M r. and M rs. John B abel spen t

from Tuesday im til F rid ay in New Y ork d ty .

M rs. C ora EU iott of H am den spen t over th e N ew Y ear holiday w ith M r. and M rs. Corbin B outon.

M r. and M rs. W alter G ladstone, M rs. E dna G ladstone £ind daugh­te r, C arol, w ere New Y ear’s guests of h e r fa th e r, D. J . Bresee, on th e O uleout.

P ostm aster and M rs. Bruce (Thamplain w ere New Y ear’s guests of- th e ir son and daugh ter- in-law , M r. and M rs. R ichard Cham plain, and fam ily a t F ran k ­lin.

D onald H aussler of R ochester spen t la s t w eek a t th e hom e of M r. and M rs. Edw in D edcer.

M rs. C lara M eeker w as taken to D elhi h o siatal T hursday by Je s te r’s am bulance.

A ttended F u n era l of R d ativ eM r. and M rs. C. L. Dickson,

Donald D ickson and- daughter, Jan e t, a ttended th e funeral of th e ir nephew and cousin, Glen R einhardt, a t C en tra l Islip , L. L, on M onday.

W elcMue M rs. SanfordThe F irem an’s auxiliary m e t on

F riday evening, Dec. 27, a t th e fire hall. M rs. George Sanford w as welcom ed in to th e organiza­tion. M rs. B ruce V anSteenburg ana M rs. L a n y Tw eedie served refreshm ents.

M iss E lizabeth Luce of Delhi w as th e guest speaker a t the M ethodist church on Sunday m orning. M iss Luce and her m other w ere dinner guests of M r. and M rs. A ndrew G ardner.

M artin H yzer w ill preach a t th e m orning service on Sunday, Jan . 12.

M rs. M ildred Sperling of H al; co ttv ille spen t Sunday w ith h e r b ro th e r eind sister-in-law , M r. and M rs. (Horbin Bouton, and feunily.

M arjorie RusseU, M rs. E rn est R ussell and M rs. A lex H ilson w ere F rid ay evening guests of M rs. W illiam H ism an.

M r. and M rs. A u g u st. Spader and children of K ingston w ere re ­cen t guests of h e r paren ts, Mr.; and M rs. F ran k Dibble.

JohnD ickson of Poughkeepsie spen t th e w eekend w ith his p a r­en ts, M r. and M rs. D onald D ick­son. '

M r. and M rs. Floyd W oodin and sons, D ouglas and M elvin, and M rs. F ra n k M iller w ere dinner guests of M r. and M rs. H arold M iller on N ew Y ear’s.

M r. and M rs. Gtordon (Towan and daughter, L inda, E d Ctowan and M rs. Iren e R eside w ere N ew Y ear’s guests o f M iss NeU Dowie a t D elhi. *. M r. and M rs. F ran k D ibble en ­te rta in ed on New Y ear’s day th e ir

• and daughter»-M ?. and M rs. W illis Trem per, and M r. M d M rs. A ndrew Gterdner.

M r. and M rs. F red R uff and M rs. R eginald R u ff'a tte n d e d th e funera l of M arvin Schloss a t Cim- nonsville Tuesday.

Safir N ew O randdaog^terM r. and M rs. L aw rence E m er­

son v isited th e ir son-in-law and daughter, M r. and M rs. E lm ore Jenks, and feinuly a t M orrisviUe on Sunday. M re. E m erson re ­m ained fo r a few days to help care fo r th e ir new granddaughter, bom Dec. 28.

M r. and M rs. P au l G ray and fam ily of F a ll C love spen t New Y ear’s day w ith h e r bro ther-in - law and s iste r, M r. and M rs. Glen Cole, and fam ily.

M rs. V era Bloodgood w as a pa­tie n t a t M argaretv ille hosp ita l la s t week.

M r. and M rs. A ndrew Geu^iner and M r. and M rs. F ran k D ibble a ttended th e Kenyon - T ruesdell wedding in D elhi on Dec. 29.

M rs. T heresa Sam uels of B ing­ham ton is spending 10 days w ith h e r son and daughter-in-law , M r. and M rs. E a rl Sam uels.

M rs. T. W . M iller received w w d on Sunday of the death of her brother-in-law , E. W . H ughes, of Los Angeles, Calif.

M iss Ann W right spen t la s t week w ith friends in P ittsbu rgh .

D avid H yzer underw ent an em ergency operation fo r appendi­c itis a t the D elhi hosp ital Tues­day, Dec. 31.

M r. and M rs. E dw ard C ^ u t, M iss E lizabeth C raw ford of Delhi and M rs. N e tta W agstaff w ere New Y ear’s guests of M r. and M rs. Roy M iller.

M r. • and Mrs. W illiam D avis m ade a business tr ip to A lbany on M onday.

M r. and M rs. Leslie I^ o n a rd and son of B ingham ton spen t New Ye£u:’s w ith h e r b ro ther, R obert F risbee.

M rs. Zenko died suddenly a t th e hom e of h e r daughter, M rs. V ictor Kovba, on Sunday.

T he forum of th e U nited P res­b y terian church w as held a t the hom e of M r. and M rs. W illiam H ism an M onday evening. The p rogram w as in charge of RVE W right and a film s trip on th e special ob ject of th e y ear “Yes" w as shown.

Pleasant V alley

W akem an Fund $199T he com m ittee fo r th e m em orial

fund fo r D r. C. L. W akem an re ­po rts th a t th e to ta l am ount donated w as $213.85. Exi)enses am ounted to $12.23 fo r p rin ting and $2.37 fo r postage, a to ta l of $14.60. T he balance of $199.25 Jias been sen t to th e R ead M em orial H ospital, Inc., of H ancock, w here it is to be used tow ard th e pu r­chase and in sta lla tion of a nurses’ call system in m em ory of D r. W akem an. T he com m ittee w ishes to express its th an k s to everyone who has m ade a donation, says B ruce E . C ham plin, speaking for th e com m ittee.

Home Unit Plans ColoredTrayWork

P leasan t V alley, Jan . 6. — T he P leasan t V alley H om e D em onstra­tion im it w ill m eet w ith M rs. A m anda F le tch e r Thursday, Jan . 16, a t 10:30, fo r a lesson on colored alim iinum tray s. M enibers w ill need th e following item s: An a r tis t’s p a in t brush, carbon paper, scotch tape, sm all scissors and a razo r blade.

A card p a rty w ill be held a t th e P leasan t V alley C om m unity ha ll S a tu rday evening, Jan . l l .

M rs. Lou S haver and D ot Shaver and daughter, Susan, w ere a t W alton S aturday .

Eddie H otchkiss and daughter, Dixie, o f Downsville w ere Sunday guests of M rs. Lou Shaver.

M r. and M rs. R ay B ram ley of B ainbridge v isited M rs. Lou Shaver Siuiday on th e ir w ay back from th e M argaretv ille hospital, w here they had visited her b ro ther, M aurice Davis, who had undergone a hern ia operation.

>Mr. and M rs. John E c k ^ and daughters, D iana and Sally, of Scotch m ountain w ere N ew Y ear’s day guests of h e r paren ts, and M rs. G eorge F irm ent.

Miss G loria V an S teenburg of A ndes visited th e M isses N ancy, Joaim e and S hirley F irm en t Sun­day afternoon.

M r. and M rs. A rth u r H all and children of M argaretv ille v isited h e r b ro ther-in-law and siste r, M r. and M rs. A1 M arshall, Sunday.

'M rs. Jim F a irb a im of M illbrook v isited M r. and M rs. R obert M is- n e r S aturday.

F o rre st M ayer spen t S atu rday w ith his g randparen ts, D r. and M rs. A lbert All, a t Andes.

M r. and M rs. M arcus C hristian and son, John, visited M r. and M rs. E rn est D avis a t M iddletown and friends a t W arw ick and Unionyille, N. Y., and Vernon, N . J ., S aturday.

M arcus C^iristian le ft Sunday evening fo r a few w eeks’ v isit in South C arolina and F lorida.

Jam es M eddler of H ankins w as a w eekend guest a t th e H w ood home.

M iss Judy Beers, w ho is office m anager a t G ran t’s s to re in U tica, has been spending a few days w ith h e r paren ts.

A ttended Llddle F u n era l■ M r. and M rs. Thom as Liddle,

D onald Liddle, M r. and M rs. Les­lie Fow ler and Agnes Em erson a ttended th e fim eral of Lynn lid d le , a fo rm er resid en t of the valley a t D elhi F rid ay eiftem oon.

H ad N ew Y ear’s P a r ty "M r. and M rs. Joe H ochholzer

en te rta in ed 35 friends, a t a New Y ear’s eve p a rty a t th e ir hom e Tuesday evening.

Droiald and BiU Elwood and R obert ^ g g s of E a st M eadows, L. I., sp6pt th e w eekend a t the Elwood home.

F red S tansberry , w ho is em ­ployed a t G reenwich V illage, spen t a few days w ith his bro ther-in - law and siste r, M r. and M rs. M acon Sm ith.

M rs. D oris Shaver, a form er resid en t of th e valley, tm derw ent a «m ajor ( ^ r a t io n a t th e M ar­g are tv ille hosp ital Tuesday. She is gaining.

M r. and * M rs. C. M. G ary of Irv ing ton , N . J., spent M onday w ith M rs. E lla Elwood, bringing th e ir daughter, H a rrie tt, back to school.

M rs. John M orse o f K d ly Cor­n e rs a rrived a t th e W eldon M orse home F rid ay to spend some tim e.

Leo M orse of R oxbury spent F rid ay n igh t w ith his b ro th e r and sister-in-law , M r. and M rs. W eldon M orse.

M r. and M rs. A ndrew Dowie en te rta in ed th e follow ing a t a N ew Y ear’s d inner Sunday: M r. and M rs. R ussell Dowie, M r. and M rs. R obert D arling and tw o sons and M r. and M rs. W illiam D arling of F a ll Clove and M r. and M rs. Spick T u ttle and daughter, Carol.

S portsB y N orm M aender

(Dn Jan . 3 M argaretv ille lo st a non-league gam e to Andes, 53-52. 'M CS go t off to a slow s ta r t tra il­ing by eigh t to 10 poin ts a ll th rough th e f ir s t half. A t th e h alf, A ndes w as leading, 27-19. MCZS cam e back by scoring 33 poin ts in th e la s t h a lf b u t could n o t overcom e th e f irs t and second q u a rte r d e fid t. (5ene Snyder, N orm M aender and Roy George led th e losers in scoring w ith 19, 12 and 9 points, respectively.

T he’Ju n io r V arsity s ta r te d slow­ly in th e f ir s t half, b u t cam e back in th e th ird and fo u rth q u arte rs to ta k e a four-point lead in th e la s t seconds to w in, 42-38. B ert F edrbaim w as high sco rer fo r MCS w ith 13 points.

HalcottviUeB y W illiam E . G riffin

H alcottviU e, Jan . 6W ard E. R oberts has recovered

from his recen t illness fo r w hich he spen t several days in the M ar­garetv ille hospital.

M rs. Nelson B. K elly re tu rn ed to h e r home here Sunday a fte r slowly recovering , from a serious h e a rt operation. She w as sched­u led to re tu rn before C hristm as b u t a m ild setback caused a delay.

Clharles H ughes re tu rn ed la s t w eek from a sh o rt vacation w ith friends in Hancock.

M r. and M rs. G uy N um ann and son, W illiam , of E a s t R ochester re tu rn ed hom e Sunday afternoon a fte r spending a ten -day vacation a t th e hom e of th e ir paren ts, M r. and M rs. F red N um ann o f D enver and M r. and M rs. 'W iliam E . G rif­fin of HalcottviU e. M iss R uth Ann G riffin, w ho has been spend­ing th e holiday vacation a t the hom e of her paren ts, also re tu rn ed to h e r studies a t O neonta S ta te T eachers college.

G ary W ickham and R onald S tah l o f th e B room e Technical sdiool, w ho have been spending holiday vacations a t th e ir homes here, re tu rn e d Sunday afternoon.

The KeyholeE d ito r:N atha lie D ubovedt T ypists: L o re tta Finch, N athalie

DuboVeck, Lois B arn h art A dvisor: M rs. H arvey Law rence

E ven ts of In te rra tB y P a t F rey

Jan . 11: V olleyball playday a t D elhi, 9:30 a. m . to 1 p. m .

Jan . 15: R oller skating in th e gym fo r k indergarten th rough grade six from 7 to 8:15 p. m . and fo r grades seven th rough 12 frran 8:15 to 9:30 p. m .

Jan . 17: B asketball gam e w ith D elhi a t M argaretv ille a t 7 pan.

Roving In te rro g a to rB y L o re tta F inch

Q uestion: W hat w as th e m ost prized g ift you iw eiv ed fo r CJhrist- m as?

A nsw ers:M uriel Scott, a d o c k radio.Judy Fronckow iak: A beau tifu l

g ift fo r m y hopeless hope chest.J a n e t B eland: I go t th e red bow

b u t n o t w h a t should go w ith tt.Sandy S tange: A ra& o and a

w onderful tr ip to th e d ty .Lis Sanford: A tu rk ey diim er,

delicious.C^arol F redenburgh: My new

bulky sw eater.M i^ Ck)nnell: A chest w hich

w as used by th e surgeon-general o f th e A rm y of th e W est a t th e tim e of C uster.-

M r. M cG orrill: A p a ir of gold cuff links from th e sophom ore class.

J im Trow bridge: T w enty dol­la rs from th e C ham ber of Coni- m erce fo r playing S a n ta C laus.

Jo e Duggem: S an ta didn’t like m e. I didn’t g e t /Uiything!

A B irthday Surpii$eA surprise b irth d ay p a rty ^was

given M rs. W illiam R. O’K elly of P lan k Road, K ingston, on T hurs­day, ,iran. 2, th e day before h e r b i i ^ d ^ , w hen a num ber of re la ­tives gathered a t h e r hom e be­fore noon laden \ i i ^ fOod and gifts. I t w as a conQ>lete surprise. A lunch w rv ed consisting of salads, fried chicken, hom em ade rolls, b irthday ' cakes and ice cream and w as enjoyed by alL P ic tu res w ere ^taken, th e g ifts w ere opened and th e afternoon w as spen t visiting and rem inis­cing., M rs. O’K elly is th e fo rm er < ^ra- lie H aynes, daugh ter o f th e la te

John and Louise B aker H aynes and w as bom and brought up in D ry Brook. G uests f « m th e D ry B rook a re a w ere M r. and M rs. O rson H s ^ e s , John D ̂ H aynes, M rs. N athan H aynes, M rs. Gwen C rum ling, JVlrs. John A sher and M rs. W illiam McCXunber. O th e r guests w ere M rs. John Robinson of A rkville, M rs. G arold Johnson of H alco tt C enter, M r. and M rs. Thom as Liddle of Andes, M r. and M rs. C arliton F inch and daughter, Debrfi, o f H igh F alls, John Flood o f K ingston, M r. and M rs. E dw ard C arson of H urley, M r. and M rs. M illard Rowe, M r. and M rs. Allen Rowe £ihd daugh ter, C andace, of W est H urley, M rs. Judson H aynes, M iss Louise H aynes, John O’K elly

Cubs W ill H ave C harter Review

Fleischm anns, Jan . 7.—A pack c h a rte r review m eeting fo r th e new com m ittee £md leaders of Cub Scout P ad c 31 w ill be held on W ednesday evening, Jan . 15, a t 8 o’d o c k a t the' hom e of D r. and M rs. W illiam Cohen.

D ouglas M oore of W alton w ill be p resen t to explain and d a ri^ y responsibilities and du ties of th e various m em bers.

A ll in te rested persohs a re in­v ited.

and W illiam R. OTCelly o f P lan k R oad.


TATTS Home Appliance CenterH O TFO IN T - KELVINATOR

W lilrlpoo l-W estiii^onse D ryers and W ashers C<HnmerclaI K efrigeratton

O m od Gorge, N . Y. TeL 4S91

C!onway Bros.Pyrofftx O m Service G as Space B eaten

Phoenicia, N . Y. Phone S41S

T anks f t A p^ianoes A vailable fo r bnm ediate In sta lla tio n



C<miplete Collision Service B o it,G la s8 In sta lla ttw is

A^BKVIULE T d . B larg. 2172

Storey Plumbing & H atingPLUM BING and H E A T IN a

CONTRACTOR G eneral M otors-D elco H eat

M ain S tree t - M argaretvffle • 08S7



S enior In terv iew B y C arol F redenburgh

On M ay 7, 1939, a t M argaret­v ille hosp ital a son, (3iene, w as born to M r. and M rs. C harles A. Snyder J r .

CSenel is six fee t ta ll, h as bliie eyes and brow n ha ir. H e w orks in Bussy*s on S atu rdays. I f you have a ttended any plays o r as- som blies a t school you m ay have seen Gene. H e is ou r s tage m ana­ger.

C5ene has partic ip a ted in base­ball, baske tba ll smd soccer. H e h as been in Hie fa ll p lay and also a m em ber of h is d a ss coim dl..

A fte r he g raduates he would like to be a d raftsm an a t IBM ,

M ena Jan . 13-17

M onday: Sloppy Joes on bun, fru it salad, p o ta to chips, gin­gerbread w ith w hipped cream , m ilk. O e a m of d iicken soup.

T uesday: 3oup, cold cu t sandw ich, m olded g rap e fru it salad, choco­la te pudding, m ilk. V egetable soup.

W ednesday: Spanish rice, b read and b u tte r, le ttu ce wedge, choice of fru it, m ilk. B eef noodle soup.

T hursday: H ot pork sandw ich, b u t­te red g reen beans, p ear salad, w hite cake, m ilk. C hidcen rice soup.

F rid ay ; B aked m acaroni and cheese, b u tte red peas, P a rk e r- house roUs and b u tte r, ice cream , m ilk. C3am chow der soup.

Kelly ComersB y M rs. R alph F e lte r

K elly C om ers, Jan . 7 M r. and M rs. W illiam H oyt of

H ensonville and M r. and M rs. Al­b e rt H oyt of P ra ttsv ille w ere Sun­day guests of th e ir m other, M rs. A nna H oyt.

M rs. John M orse w ent F riday to v isit M r. and M rs. W eldon M orse n ear Andes.

M r. and M rs. J a y Ck>nine of Andes and M rs. Jennie S tah l of H alcottviU e w ere N ew Y ear’s din­n e r guests of M r. and M rs. W il­liam V alk.

M r. and M rs. W illiam V alk v isited h is b ro ther-in-law and sis- ta r, M r. and M rs. W illiam K rom , a t (Thichester recently .

R oxbury C ream ery Is H andling Bulk M ilk

R oxbury, Jan . 6.—M r. and M rs. Lew is H iggins and R aym ond Johnston w 6re a t D unellen, N . J ., Dec. 27 and b rough t back th e bu lk ta n k tru c k fo r th e D elaw are C ounty Dciiries cream ery. The cream ery is p repared to give bulk- ta n k services to fa rm ers have p u t in bulk handling facilities.

P lan Show For M arch O f Dilnes

B ig Indian, Jan . 7.—M rs. E lea­no r E ignor has been selected as chairm an of th e annual polio drive fqr B ig Indian and O liverea. She has selected fo r h e r com m ittee: ] \to . L au ra Aley, M rs. C atherine (ireenberg and M rs. M argo Balm - er.

A stage show w ill be held Jan . 15 a t th e O nteora cen tra l school

8 p. m . fo r th is benefit. Con­tribu tions w ill be accepted of paintings, glassw are, lam ps, china, new o r used fo r an auction on Jan . 22 a t 8 P- Jn. a t th e parish halL A m em ber of th e com m ittee w ill knock a t your door fo r th e m o th er's m arch on th e 31st to collect fo lders a n d /o r donations.


A uthorized Sales and S i ^ c ef i r e s t o n e t ir e s

97 TMTidii Str^ D E im TeL 100

DUDY SKI SHOPS id and B oot R en tals

H enke B oots - Sim V alley Paricas and P a n ts N orth land S kis and Im ported Sw eaters

Goggles - Ski R acks - M ittens PINE HILXi TEL. S856


I f I t ’s Aat«Hnotlve T ry U s F b s t


HETBOHLS, INC.126 M ain S t D EL H I Phone 276

A & B TIRE SERVICE, INC.Serving D elaw are County

A sk Your Local G arage to Send U s Yonr T ires RECAVPING - VULCANIZING

A uthorized G oodyear D ealer W holesale-R etail D elhi TeL 394



A t OLD CA PITOL M OTORS K ingston’s O nly F o rd D ealer

800 B roadw ay Phone F ed era l 8-7800H om e Phcme: P h o en td a O verland 8-4481


U sed W D M odel 45 AlHs C halm ers 2 A llis C halm ers W C - 2 John D eere M od^ B

C ase M odel DC and Modcd C U ^ F o rage H arveste rs

180 E a s t S t. ONEONTA TeL SS80


JAMES S. FORD & SONAAA Tow ing Ihapeotioa S ta tion

G eneral R epairs on A ll M akes of C ars G as St E lec trio W dding

»CaU U s W hen Yon H ave C ar T ro n b l^ ’ S handaken Phone PhM oicIa 8474

RONEY EQUIPMENT CO.A llis C halm ers T rac to rs and Pow er U nits

W righ t Pow er Saw s Sales & Service N ew St Used M achines

Andes, N . Y .r-ToL 2821


ROSA FARM SALESM assey^H arris — F argnsoa

M inneapolis M oline — C ase T erra tra c k N ew H idland F a rm M atdilnery

W rigfat P ow er Saw s U pper M ain D EL H I TeL 414


‘ Sales - P a rts - Service

S M eredith D<dhi TeL 188



F o r Service C all

H eatingO U P ine HiU 2261


Ar t e s i a n w e l l d r il l in g

A ll W ork G naranteed

L. VANLOANp . O. Box 42, H lghm onnt, N . Y.

Phone P ine H ill 8041 4, 4>/i, 6, 8-In. W ells



FU R N ITU R E C atH cdlow R d Roscoe, N . Y.

TeL 28828

E I L E E N ’ SThe R ig h t S ty le a t th e R ig h t P rice

Open F rid ay and S a ta rd ay N ights U ntil 9

Phoenicia Phone 7343


Colonial City Carpet Co., Inc.ORIENTALS. l^O A D L O O M , DOM ESTICS

C ARFETINO O F A LL K INDS Cm nplete R ng Insta lla tiM i and R epairing

184 N . F ro n t S t. K ingston, N . Y. TeL 6261


R eligions Goods - S ta tu a ry - P ic tu res - G ifts R osaries - M issals - G reeting C ards

P ray e r Books 268 W an S t., K ingston, N . Y.

Opp. S t. J o s ^ h ’a C l^ardi. TeL K ingston 5447


P. J. GALLAGHERA C om plete Sto<& o f E L tO T R IO M OTORS

fo r A n Purposes B ELTS PULLEYS

N o Jo b Too L arge—o r Too Sm all C om m erclal-Indnatrial D m neetlc M otors

R eoalred nail Rewoond 17 SPRIN G _______________ K m n s T n w m it

F o r E x p ert C ustom Itlade

S L IP (Co v e r s and d r a p e r i e s

THE KINGSTON YARDSTICKSilks, C ottons, W oolens, U ^ o ls te ry F ab rics 42 N . F ro n t S t. K ingston, N . Y. TeL 5252


A. W. MOLLOTTA rrow S liirts • M cG regor l ^ r t m e a r

Itlanory and Dobbs H ats W o rsted Tex C lothes

802 W aU S t. K lngstim TeL 1780

ELSTON SPORT SHOPToys • G am es - S porting Ctoods

B i t ^ e s - R adios - E lec trica l A ppliances V ictor - RECORDS - Colum bia

260 F a ir S t. K ingston, N . Y. Phone 821


FLANAGANSM en’s and Boys’ O ofldng and F urnish ings

“E v e iy tlilng fo r D ad and th e L ad” H a rt S chaftner M arx Ss Thnley C lothing

D ress S n tts <or R en t 8S1 W an S t. mngstcMi. N . Y. T c^ 900

Greenwald’s Travel Service“O ver 50 Y ears of Service”

Tonrs, C ruises, H o td R eservations Steam ship - A lrilne T iiA ets

286 F a ir S t. K ingston, N . Y. Phone 816

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