andrew burton et al.2011

1 ON APPROACHES TO BUILDING THEORIES: PROCESS, VARIANCE AND SYSTEMS Andrew Burton-Jones Management Information Systems Division Sauder School of Business University of British Columbia [email protected] Ephraim R. McLean Department of Computer Information Systems J. Mack Robinson School of Business Georgia State University [email protected] Emmanuel Monod Management Information Systems Paris Dauphine University [email protected] Working paper, Sauder School of Business, UBC February, 2011 Acknowledgments We thank Omar El Sawy, Allen Lee, Stefan Lukits, Aazadeh Madani, and Frantz Rowe for their comments on earlier versions of this paper, as well as participants in a research seminar at UBC. Support was provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to the first author.

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Organizational informatics


Page 1: Andrew Burton Et Al.2011




Andrew Burton-Jones Management Information Systems Division

Sauder School of Business University of British Columbia

[email protected]

Ephraim R. McLean Department of Computer Information Systems

J. Mack Robinson School of Business Georgia State University

[email protected]

Emmanuel Monod Management Information Systems

Paris Dauphine University [email protected]

Working paper, Sauder School of Business, UBC

February, 2011


We thank Omar El Sawy, Allen Lee, Stefan Lukits, Aazadeh Madani, and Frantz Rowe for their comments on earlier versions of this paper, as well as participants in a research seminar at UBC. Support was provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to the first author.

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There has been growing interest in theory building in information systems. We extend

this literature by examining theory building approaches. We define an approach as a

researcher’s choice of the types of concepts and relationships used to construct the theory, and

we examine three approaches: process, variance, and systems. Although each one has been used

in past literature, discussions of them show some confusion. For instance, some researchers

suggest that there are only two approaches (process and variance). Others imply that one’s

epistemological orientation (such as positivist or interpretive) or goal (such as understanding or

prediction) determines one’s approach. Finally, others suggest that theories should be developed

using one approach only (such as a pure variance or pure process approach). In contrast to these

views, we explain why there is no one-to-one correspondence between one’s approach and one’s

methodology, epistemology, or theoretical goal, and we explain why researchers can often

benefit from combining approaches. We also suggest different ways of combining approaches

and illustrate how they can be used to improve research on information systems success.

Overall, our paper contributes by (1) clarifying the approaches that researchers can use to build

theory, (2) freeing researchers from strictures that they may perceive when building theories, and

(3) illustrating the feasibility of our suggestions for an important research domain.

Keywords: theory, epistemology, process, variance, system, explanation, understanding,

prediction, IS success.

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According to Glaser and Strauss (1967), the highest rewards in science go to those who

generate an important theory. Many researchers also consider a paper’s theoretical contribution

to be the main measure of its quality (Straub et al. 1994; Daft 1995; Sutton and Staw 1995). It is

widely agreed, however, that the information systems (IS) discipline is at an early stage of theory

building (Webster and Watson 2002). This is partly a product of our history. In the early years,

we were encouraged to adopt theories from other disciplines rather than develop our own (Keen

1980). During the 1990’s, our field placed great emphasis on research methods (Lee 1989;

Straub 1989; Klein and Myers 1999; Boudreau et al. 2001), but the tradition of borrowing

theories from other fields remained. Only recently has concerted attention been placed on

adapting and extending theory (rather than simply borrowing theory) from other fields (Truex et

al. 2006) and on building our own theories (Markus and Saunders 2007; Grover et al. 2008).1

To help support theory building efforts, researchers have recently proposed ways to

evaluate theory (Weber 2003), described the goals that different theories may have (such as

analyzing, explaining, predicting, and prescribing) (Gregor 2006), and outlined the elements

required of theories of system design (Gregor and Jones 2007). Our aim is to complement these

works by describing the basic building blocks of theory and the approaches that researchers can

use when assembling these building blocks to form a theory. We focus on two building blocks –

concepts and relationships among concepts – and we focus on three general approaches for 1 In addition to history, there are likely other reasons for the lack of theory in our field, such as the difficulty of theory building or the lack of training on it in doctoral programs.

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assembling these building blocks to form a theory – process, variance, and systems. Although

these approaches have been described in prior research, discussions of each one show a degree of

confusion. As a result, researchers may be unaware of the many ways they can go about

building theory. In this essay, we (1) clarify the approaches that researchers can use to build

theory, (2) explain how these approaches can be used, either alone or in combination, freeing

researchers from strictures they may have perceived based on past research, and (3) demonstrate

how these ideas can be used to improve theory in an important research domain (information

systems success). Overall, our paper is not about building specific theories, but rather about

choosing how to build theory. Our message is ultimately pragmatic. Because our discipline

studies very complex phenomena, the principle of requisite variety (Ashby 1958) reminds us that

we need an equally rich variety of approaches to build theories to account for these phenomena.

The intended contribution of our paper lies in helping researchers (and reviewers of research) to

understand the range of approaches available and use these approaches astutely.


“Theory” is notoriously difficult to define (Freese 1980; Sutton and Staw 1995; Lee

2004). We use the following working definition, which is consistent with previous definitions

(Weber 2003 p. iv; Gregor 2006 p. 616): a theory is an account of some empirical phenomenon.

Although researchers can construct a theoretical account for different reasons (such as to help

them explain, predict, or understand some phenomenon) and from different epistemological

persuasions (Orlikowski and Baroudi 1991), all theoretical accounts will consist of at least two

elements: “concepts” and “relationships among concepts.” In Table 1, we provide statements

from a wide variety of sources that support this view. We recognize that they are not the only

elements of theory. For example, to some, complete theories must contain boundaries (Dubin,

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1978; Weber, 2003), modalities (Kant, 1781; Giddens, 1984), moral context, and voice

(Pentland, 1999). Theories must also be expressed in some means of representation (Gregor

2006 p. 620). However, the focus of our paper is on concepts and relationships among concepts.

Table 1: Elements of Theory: Concepts and Relationships

Supporting Statements Reference

“Any theory has two components: the concepts or categories that the

theory employs, and the relationships…among these concepts.”

Maxwell 1992 p. 291

“… ‘theory’ means in all empirical sciences, the explicit formulation of

determinate relations between a set of variables.…”

Schutz 1973 p. 51-52

“Theory is about the connections among phenomena.” Sutton and Staw 1995 p. 378

“There are, then, theoretical terms, theoretical laws, and theories;

each may be analyzed by reference to the other two.”

Kaplan 1964/1998 p. 297

“Theorizing is how we think about the relationships among the

elements in the world that occupy our research attention.”

Van Maanen et al. 2007 p.


“A theory is a set of statements about the relationship(s) between two

or more concepts or constructs.”

Jaccard and Jacoby 2010 p.


We define an approach to building theory as a researcher’s choice of the types of concepts

and types of relationships that they use to construct their theory. Consider the technology

acceptance model (TAM) (Davis 1989). TAM consists of concepts such as “ease-of-use,”

“usefulness,” and “intentions to use an IT” and relationships such as there being a positive effect

of ease-of-use on usefulness, and a positive effect of ease of use and usefulness on intentions. At

the level of an “approach,” TAM consists of certain types of concepts (properties of things) and

certain types of relationships (one-way, seemingly deterministic relations) that some would

characterize as a “variance” approach, because variations in the properties is what drives the

relationships posed. This paper reviews three approaches that researchers can use: variance,

process, and systems. It is possible that other approaches could exist (such as “chaos theory”

approaches), but we believe these three can account for most theories that IS researchers

construct. Table 2 summarizes each one; more detailed definitions are offered later.

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Table 2: Three Theoretical Approaches as Espoused in IS Research

Approach Types of Concepts Types of Relationships Relevant References

Variance Properties of entities

that have varying values

Variation among the values of


Blalock 1969; Dubin 1978;

Mohr 1982; Bacharach 1996

Process Entities that participate in

or are affected by events

Sequences among events

(typically probabilistic)

Mohr 1982; Abell 1987; Abbott

1988; Monge 1990

System Wholes, parts, and

emergent properties

Interactions and parts and

reciprocal relationships

Churchman 1968; Forrester

1968; Checkland 1999

To further clarify the focus of our article, Figure 1 depicts a representation of research

inspired from classical epistemology. According to Kant (1781), research implies at least: (1)

human and social phenomena (such as users and IT systems); (2) perception of these phenomena

(such as perceptions of users’ beliefs about IT); and (3) a priori concepts and categories used to

construct theory (such as constructs and notions of causality). Since Kant, epistemology has

focused on (4) the influence of historical and socio-economical context on researchers (Foucault

1972; Kuhn 1996); (5) researchers’ goals (such as understanding, explanation, and predictions);

and (6) forms of theoretical expression. We merely add one’s theoretical approach as an

additional element to indicate the types of concepts and relationships that one uses when one

perceives and theorizes.

One’s theoretical approach does not determine what one chooses to perceive or theorize

about (e.g., natural attitudes, rational choices, or political pressures). Rather, it influences how

one perceives and theorizes about such phenomena (e.g., as variation among properties,

sequences of events, or reciprocal systemic processes). Sometimes one’s approach is so present

in one’s mind that it could be called a “worldview.” We use “approach” rather than

“worldview,” because “worldview” is used in phenomenology (Heidegger 1953) with various

meanings that may be misleading in our context. Moreover, the word “approach” implies a

sense of pragmatism that we believe is important. We recognize that for socio-historical and

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cultural reasons, researchers in a particular community may have common theoretical goals,

approaches, and forms of expression (Kuhn, 1996). Nonetheless, researchers should always be

willing to choose whatever approach, or combination of approaches, they deem most useful.

Figure 1: Distinguishing an “Approach” from other Aspects of Theory Building

The focus of our article—approaches to building theory—is not something new. After

all, any effort to create or extend theory will involve some approach. However, there are few

explicit sources describing these approaches. Moreover, as we will show, the few sources that

exist are only helpful up to a point. This might not have been so problematic in the past, because

IS researchers typically borrowed theory. However, as IS researchers are called more to build

theory, they will inevitably face the choice of what approach to use and how to use it. An

explicit description of these approaches and how to use them could help these researchers.

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Some History and Claims about Theoretical Approaches in IS

Despite the long history of the systems approach in IS research (Churchman 1968), a

review of IS journals may lead one to believe that there are only two theoretical approaches in

IS: process and variance. Coined by Mohr (1982), the process/variance distinction has enjoyed a

wide uptake in organization science (Pentland 1999; Poole et al. 2000) and IS research (Shaw

and Jarvenpaa 1997). Many IS doctoral students are introduced to the distinction via Markus and

Robey’s (1988) seminal article. The importance of the distinction is also emphasized in premier

journals. For example, Webster’s and Watson’s (2002 p. xix) editorial explains to authors that

“conceptual models are generally derived from variance (factor) or process theories….”2

If an approach is defined by the type of concepts and relationships that researchers use

when they theorize about some phenomena, then clearly it is something quite fundamental. In

fact, identifying the generic types of concepts and relationships that humans use to theorize about

the world is an extremely old, and hotly contested topic, spanning the disciplines of linguistics

(Lackoff 1987), sociology (Dumont and Wilson 1967; Drysdale 1996), psychology (Bruner 1986;

Medin et al. 2000; Markman and Gentner 2001), and ontology (Bunge 1977; Rescher 1996).

Researchers should be aware that Mohr (1982) was not drawing on these fields when he coined

the process/variance distinction. Nor did he base his distinctions in classical epistemology.

Mohr’s emphasis was pragmatic (pp. 4-5): he simply believed that different approaches were

suited to different types of research and he wanted to promote awareness of the process approach.

Like Mohr, we will not attempt to identify the elemental concepts that drive human

thought. We will, however, go a step further than Mohr, and review core elements of the

process, variance, and system approaches in light of past and current research. Our underlying

2 Likewise, in organization science, Chiles (2003 p. 288) writes that the process and variance approach are the “two fundamental types of theory in social science research.”

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objective is to clarify what we perceive to be some confusion regarding these approaches in

extant literature. Moreover, we are concerned that many researchers seem to assume that Mohr’s

distinctions are grounded in an accepted and agreed-upon philosophical basis. For example,

Table 3 includes statements by senior scholars that give great weight to Mohr’s distinctions. As

we explain later, we believe there is value in taking a broader perspective on these issues.

Table 3: Strong Claims about the Process/Variance Distinction in IS Research

Strong Claim Example

IS theories are generally one of two forms: process or variance Webster and Watson 2002 p. xix

Variance theories are causal; process theories are not DeLone and McLean 2003 p. 15

Variance theories are positivist; process theories are


Walsham 1995 p. 388; Wheeler 2002

p. 140

Variance theories and process theories should not be


Markus and Robey 1988; Seddon


Laws in variance theory provide prediction; laws in process

theory provide understanding

Wheeler 2002 p. 135


When one describes a theoretical approach, one can discuss how it is espoused or how it

is used. This section describes how each approach is espoused in the literature. In later sections,

we will explain why researchers need not always use these approaches in the way that they are

espoused, sometimes for good reason, but it is useful to describe how they are espoused first.

We are not aware of any paper that has described all three approaches in this paper.

Rather, different researchers tend to describe different approaches. Moreover, as Table 2

indicated, multiple researchers have described each one. Rather than describe each approach as

espoused by one researcher only, we attempt in this section to summarize the main points agreed

to by most researchers who espouse that approach. We take some pains to do so completely

because all three approaches are quite rich and no single source does justice to any one of them.

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Table 4 summarizes the key characteristics of each approach. Rows 1 and 3 were noted

earlier in Table 2 and concern the types of concepts and relationships in a theory. The remaining

rows consider two issues associated with concepts and relationships—time and causality—that

prior works have found helpful in differentiating approaches (Poole et al. 2000). In the next

subsections, we describe each approach and clarify the differences highlighted in Table 4.

Table 4: Espoused Differences among the Process, Variance, and System Approaches

Dimension Variance Approach Process Approach Systems Approach

1. Type of concepts

(also in Table 2)

Properties of entities that have varying values

Entities that participate in or are affected by events

Wholes (comprising parts) that have emergent properties

2. Change in concepts over time

Properties do not change over time (only their values change)

Entities change over time

Wholes, their parts, and their properties can change over time.

3. Types of relationships

(also in Table 2)

Variation among values of properties

Sequences among events (typically probabilistic)

Interactions among parts and reciprocal relationships

4. Time ordering in the relationships among concepts

Time ordering among independent variables (properties) is immaterial

Time ordering of events is important

Time ordering of events and properties are important

5. ‘Causal’ logic in the relationships among concepts

Causal logic based on necessary, sufficient, and efficient causality

Causal logic based on necessary, final, formal, and efficient causality

Causal logic based on material, final, efficient, and reciprocal causality

The Variance Approach

Mohr coined the term “variance” to describe the way that researchers view the world when

they see it comprised of independent and dependent variables. Different versions of this approach

have been described in social science (Blalock 1969; Dubin 1978; Bacharach 1996) and it is a

very popular approach because of the widespread statistical machinery available to test theories

created with this approach. For example, in a recent survey of IT impact research, about 80% of

articles in leading IS journals were found to have used a variance approach (Pare et al. 2008).

In terms of theoretical concepts, the variance approach focuses on properties of entities,

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often called variables or factors. It is assumed that these properties can have different values

even though the property itself has a fixed meaning. For example, an IT system might have the

property “system quality.” The meaning of system quality remains fixed over time even though

the values for any given system could change over time (e.g., from high to low) and different

systems could have different values at any point in time. According to Dubin (1978), the fact

that the meaning of properties remains constant over time is crucial for theories to be long lived,

because it allows different researchers to study the same properties in independent research

projects, thus leading to an accumulating body of knowledge about a phenomenon over time.

In terms of theoretical relationships, the variance approach focuses on variation among the

values of properties. The properties and their associations with other properties are assumed to

remain constant over time (perhaps reflect an underlying ‘law,’ Weber 2003), allowing researchers

to assume continuity of effect (Mohr 1982; Poole et al. 2000 pp. 32-33). For example, consider a

researcher who predicts that system quality (X1) and availability of resources (X2) explain users’

intention to use a system (Y). According to Poole et al. (2000 p. 34), a variance approach would

consider the temporal order of these X variables to be immaterial, because each one is assumed to

have an independent and continuous effect on Y.

Finally, in relation to causal logic, the variance approach is said to assume necessary,

sufficient, and efficient causality (Mohr 1982 p. 38). Each type can be explained using the prior

example of system quality, availability of resources, and intention to use a system. As espoused

in the literature, a variance approach would suggest that users’ intention to use a system will not

change unless there is a change in system quality or availability of resources (i.e., a change in the

antecedents is necessary). In addition, if the quality of a system changes or if the availability of

resources changes, the variance approach assumes that there will be a change in users’ intentions

(i.e., a change in the antecedents is sufficient). Finally, it is assumed that changes in system

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quality and availability of resources influence users’ intentions directly, without the need for

additional factors or events (i.e., they are efficient causes for the outcome).3

The concepts and relationships in the variance approach can be assembled in a wide

range of ways. For example, Dubin (1978 p. 78) distinguishes four different types of properties:

enumerative properties, which are properties an entity always has (e.g., a person’s age),

associative properties, which are properties an entity may have (e.g., a person’s income),

relational properties, which are properties an entity has in relation to other entities (e.g., a

person’s centrality in a group), and statistical properties, which describe an entity’s range of

values on a property (e.g., a person’s average monthly income). Shoemaker et al. (2004 p. 59)

give a similarly detailed treatment of different types of relationships. Researchers can also differ

in the emphasis they give to the different dimensions of causality, for example, emphasizing

sufficiency and thus searching for a complete set of independent variables, or emphasizing

efficiency and thus searching for mediating variables that explain how a predictor’s effect works.

A full examination of the range of ways that the variance approach can be used would merit its

own paper, but suffice to say, the variance approach is quite flexible.

The Process Approach

Despite the flexibility of the variance approach, Mohr felt it was ill suited to studying

organizational change. He advocated the process approach. Just like the variance approach, the

process approach has a long history independent from Mohr (e.g., Abbot 1983; Abell 1984). Since

Markus and Robey (1988) introduced this approach to IS, it has been used in a range of studies

(e.g., Newman and Robey 1992; Crowston 2000; Montealegre and Keil 2000), but it is still used

3 The notion of efficient causality stems from Aristotle. Poole et al. (2000, p. 42) explain “Aristotle distinguished four causes…material, formal, efficient, and final. Respectively they indicate that from which something was made (material cause), the pattern by which something was made (formal cause), that from which comes the immediate origin of movement or rest (efficient cause), and the end for which it is made (final cause)….”

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much less than the variance approach. For example, in their survey of IT impact research, Pare et

al. (2008) found that only 20% of articles in leading IS journals used a process approach and this

20% was almost entirely found in just one journal (Information & Organization). Similar

observations have been noted in other disciplines (Rescher 1996; Emirbayer 1997).

In terms of theoretical concepts, the process approach focuses on entities participating in

events. If the entities can act, they are often referred to as focal actors (Pentland 1999; Ramiller

and Pentland 2009).4 For example, the Coping Model of User Adaptation (Beaudry and

Pinsonneault 2005) explains how users adapt to IT events in their organizations. In this theory,

the focal actors are the users, and the events are the introduction of new systems or the

modifications of old systems. As Table 4 showed, the process approach assumes that entities, or

focal actors, change over time. For example, the introduction of a new system might make a user

concerned about his job security. This might lead the user to react differently to other events

(such as performance reviews) than he would have reacted in the absence of the new system.

In terms of theoretical relationships, the process approach focuses on accounting for an

outcome by reference to a sequence of events involving the focal actors. This sequence is

typically assumed to be probabilistic (Markus and Robey 1988, Mohr 1982). For example, in

Beaudry’s and Pinsonneault’s (2005) theory, one of the outcomes is exiting the company. They

explain that “exit” occurs as a result of the following probabilistic sequence of events: (i) the

user becomes aware of an IT event, (ii) perceives it to be a threat, (iii) perceives that they have

little control over it, and (iv) engages in self-preservation, by exiting the company. The sequence

is probabilistic rather than deterministic because it is possible that a different sequence of events

might occur. For example, Beaudry and Pinsonneault explain that when users perceive IT events

4 Some process researchers take a more extreme view, assuming no entities or focal actors (i.e., the whole world is processual), but this view is rarer than the view discussed here (Rescher 1996).

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to be threats, many outcomes are possible, exit being just one.

Finally, in relation to causal logic, the process approach is said to use necessary, final,

formal, and efficient causality. This differs from the variance approach in two ways. First, no

single event in a chain is considered sufficient to determine a subsequent event (Mohr 1982).

Second, events can be determined by the goals of focal actors (final causality) and/or their plans

(formal causality) (Poole et al. 2000 pp. 42-43). These four types of causality can all be seen in

Beaudry’s and Pinsonneault’s (2005) study. For example, users have no need to exit the

organization unless an event threatens them (necessary causality); the outcomes that occur are

driven partly by users’ goals to maintain their well-being (final causality) and their strategies to

adapt to events (formal causality); and each outcome has an immediate precursor, for example,

exit occurs as a result of a user engaging in self-preservation (efficient causality). As Table 4

showed, time is an important element in the causal logic too. For example, users appraise IT

events after the events occur, and take actions after they have appraised a situation.

As with the variance approach, the concepts and relationships in the process approach can

be assembled in many ways. For example, researchers can view entities as things that can

influence events, such as organizations that act, or as things constituted by events, such as

organizations constituted by patterns of actions (Langley 2009). Likewise, researchers can

distinguish routine events from events that start or end processes (Newman and Robey 1992)

and between events that can be examined in isolation and events that can only be understood as

part of a series (Peterson 1998). Different researchers can also emphasize different elements of

causality, for example, by placing more or less emphasis on final and formal causality depending

on the extent to which actors have power in the context being studied. Once again, our aim here

is not to identify every way that the process approach can be implemented, but rather to highlight

that researchers can use the approach in a wide variety of ways.

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The Systems Approach

The emphasis given to the process/variance distinction in IS research (Markus and Robey

1988; Shaw and Jarvenpaa 1997; Webster and Watson 2002) may suggest that they are the only

approaches. However, another is the systems approach. It derives from a conviction that the

world is comprised of wholes and interacting parts, not merely entities, properties, and events

(Boulding 1956; von Bertalanffy 1968). Mattesich (1978) explains:

“…the systems approach is based on the insight that the interrelations of certain components

may result in an entity (system) with its very own properties. Hence, this approach looks at

systems holistically, emphasizing the interrelations of the system’s components…, the

properties and boundaries of the system vis-à-vis its environment…., [and its] function or


The systems approach can be traced back to the debate between holism and reductionism in

Greek philosophy (Klir 1991 p. 24), but it advanced most rapidly in the two decades after the

second world war (Dubin 1978) when it had a strong impact on many academic fields. In fact,

many of our field’s forefathers were systems theorists (Churchman 1968; Forrester 1968; Trist

1981; Checkland 1999). Interest in the systems approach dissipated in the 1980’s and 1990’s, and

its use became rare, at least in North American IS research (Lee 2004). As one systems theorist

opined, IS researchers “continue to believe that there are such things as unilateral causation,

independent and dependent variables, origins, and terminations” (Abdel-Hamid 1988 pp. 397-

398). A similar trend occurred in organization science, as multilevel researchers noted:

“[D]espite the historical tradition and contemporary relevance of organizational systems

theory, its influence is merely metaphorical. The system is sliced into organization,

group, and individual levels, each level the province of different disciplines, theories, and

approaches” (Kozlowski and Klein 2000).

In the last decade, however, there has been renewed interest in the systems approach (Anderson

et al. 1999; Porra 1999; Clark et al. 2007; Rivard and Lapointe 2010).

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In terms of theoretical concepts, the systems approach focuses on wholes, parts, and

emergent properties that arise from interactions among parts. The fact that properties “emerge”

means that entities change and thus time is a key part of one’s theory. Multilevel research is a

good example. Multilevel researchers often create constructs to reflect emergent properties of

collectives, such as a group’s memory, by examining patterns of interaction among members of a

collective. Such researchers also study how properties emerge and entities change over time:

“The structure of a collective construct refers to the actions and interactions among

individuals that generate the collective phenomenon that a collective construct [reflects].”

“…collective properties [tend] to emerge and change more gradually than individual

ones …. For example, the emergence and change of collective usage is likely to be

gradual because changes in collective usage require coordination among individuals,

dyads, groups, and so on” (Burton-Jones and Gallivan 2007 pp. 661, 672) .

In terms of theoretical relationships, the systems approach focuses on the interactions

among parts of the system. Reciprocal relationships, known as feedback, are also typical. For

example, Clark et al. (2007) offer a causal loop to explain how executives respond to perceived

IT gaps by increasing commitment to systems. This increased commitment leads to reductions

in IT gaps, which then leads to reduced commitment to systems. This is known as “negative”

feedback because it leads to equilibrium. “Positive” feedback can also be posed to explain how

vicious or virtuous cycles arise (Garud and Kumaraswamy 2005). When specifying relationships

in the systems approach, time is also an important factor, as multilevel researchers have noted:

“Although researchers often assume that the effect of independent variables on

dependent variables is instantaneous, this may not be the case; especially in collectives,

the relationship between predictor and outcome variables may take time (e.g., days,

months or years) to emerge” (Burton-Jones and Gallivan 2007 p. 471).

Finally, in relation to causal logic, the systems literature does not contain much discussion

of necessary or sufficient causality, unlike the process and variance literatures. However, systems

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researchers often do invoke material, final, efficient, and reciprocal causality. Material causality

is invoked when a researcher explains how the “whole” comes into being. For example, Burton-

Jones and Gallivan (2007) argued a group uses an IT only when its members use it in an

interdependent fashion. Final causality is invoked when a researcher accounts for system-level

phenomenon by reference to the goals or aims of those in a system (Poole et al. 2000). For

example, Morgeson and Hofmann (1999) describe how collectives often organize themselves into

different configurations depending on the goal they wish to achieve. Efficient causality is invoked

when a researcher studies the mechanism by which a system-level outcome occurs, for example,

when a researcher concludes that a group’s use of a system enables the group to perform well by

helping it make better decisions (Sarker 2006). Finally, it is also typical for a systems researcher

to propose feedback effects, such as group members reflecting on their group’s performance and

revising their use of an IT so that the group can perform more effectively (reciprocal causality).

Just like the variance and process approaches, the systems approach can be implemented

in a wide range of ways. At the risk of oversimplifying distinctions among different traditions,

one can think of a continuum ranging from approaches that assume that systems are hard,

mechanistic, closed, and relatively predictable, to those that assume that systems are soft,

organic, open, and inherently unpredictable (Burns and Stalker 1994; Checkland 1999). As a

result, researchers can assemble systems theories in many ways, while still holding true to the

general characteristics of the systems approach that we have described.


The prior section showed how the variance, process, and systems approaches can be

described and distinguished using a fairly small set of dimensions: by the types of concepts and

relationships they use, and the closely associated issues of time and causation. This is a useful

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discovery because it highlights the essential similarity underlying each approach. We believe

their similarity has important implications for how researchers treat and use the approaches.

Theoretical Approaches are not Methodological Approaches

Although research requires a close interplay between theory and method, these two aspects

of research are distinct. However, when one reads discussions of process, variance, and systems

approaches, one often finds that the discussions mix theoretical issues with methodological ones.

For example, consider the widely held view, noted earlier in Table 4, that the time-ordering of

independent variables is immaterial in the variance approach. This stems from the argument that

the variance approach can be likened to a regression model (Abbott 1988). Although the time-

ordering of independent variables is indeed immaterial in a regression model, this is a statement

about a statistical technique, not a theoretical approach. We see no reason why researchers could

not use a variance approach to develop a theory in which there are temporal distinctions among

antecedent factors (such as relationships among a property at time 1, a second property at time 2,

and a third property at time 3) and then test it with a structural equation model rather than a

regression model, as Kim (2009) did. Likewise, there is no reason why a researcher could not use

a variance approach to develop a theory in which a construct has a discontinuous effect on another

construct over time (Shoemaker et al. 2004 p. 59). In short, researchers should not equate

theoretical approaches with methodological approaches because this may lead them to

underestimate the capabilities of the theoretical approaches they are examining.

Theoretical Approaches are not Meta-theoretical Perspectives

IS researchers often distinguish among meta-theoretical perspectives, such as positivist,

interpretive, and critical perspectives (Orlikowski and Baroudi 1991) and human and natural

science perspectives (Hirschheim 1985). Some researchers suggest that these perspectives are

associated with specific theoretical approaches, for example, that variance theories are positivist

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and process theories are interpretive (Walsham 1995; Wheeler 2002). Much like our discussion

of methods, we believe that theoretical approaches are distinct from metatheoretical positions.

For example, a key aim of interpretive research is to understand a social setting from the actors’

point of view (Lee 1991). Just as researchers use scientific concepts and theories to understand

the world, actors in day-to-day life use lay theories and concepts (Markman and Gentner 2001 p.

232). It would seem prudent not to assume that actors will only adopt one specific type of

concepts when thinking about the world, such as the type considered in the process approach.

Although people in their day-to-day lives do often think in terms of actors, events, and processes

(Bruner 1991), they also think in terms of relationships among properties of things, and among

wholes and parts (Zacks and Tversky 2001; Medin and Atran 2004). Therefore, being open to

multiple theoretical approaches could only help researchers, providing them with more conceptual

tools with which to understand and describe the way that actors themselves understand and

describe their social settings. A similar logic can be used for researchers who adopt a positivist or

critical perspective; all can benefit by being open to multiple theoretical approaches.

Theoretical Approaches are not Rules

The approaches we have outlined are categories or classes. That is, we can use them to

classify existing theory just as we can use them to guide the creation of new theory (Shaw and

Jarvenpaa 1997 pp. 72-73). Research on classification tells us that things can always be classified

in a multitude of ways and that individuals can be instances of a class even though they lack

properties of that class (Lackoff 1987). This has two key implications. First, as noted earlier, we

cannot say that the three approaches we outlined are the only approaches. Each one has examples

in IS research and each one has roots as far back as the ancient Greeks (Klir 1991; Rescher 1996).

This long history is probably a good indication that they are useful in some way. However, just as

“theory is a way of looking at the facts, of organizing and representing them” (Kaplan 1964/1998

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p. 309), the approaches we have outlined are simply ways of looking at theories, and how they are

organized and represented. Researchers could propose other ways of looking at theories and

thereby identify different approaches.

The second implication is that there is no reason why any single theory must exhibit all

characteristics of any one of the approaches we have described (just as there is no reason why all

animals classified as birds must fly). It is quite possible that a good theory will lack an element of

one of the approaches, or combine elements of more than one approach. In this light, consider the

following widely espoused views (Mohr 1982; Poole et al. 2000):

the variance approach involves sufficient causality; the process approach does not

the process approach involves final and formal causality; the variance approach does not

the variance approach and the process approach should not be combined

We believe that all of these views can and should be superseded. For example, assume that a

researcher constructs a theory that follows a process approach in every respect except that it

includes an event that is sufficient to cause a distal outcome, much like one domino falling can be

sufficient for many dominoes to fall. In contrast to past views, we would still say that this theory

followed a process approach (just as we would say that a non-flying bird such as a penguin is still

a bird). More importantly, we could not deny a theory’s legitimacy simply because it did not

follow some element of the process approach. For the same reason, researchers should feel free

to use a variance approach to develop a theory that includes elements of final causality, for

example, by having a construct to represent the influence of an actor’s goals. Researchers should

also feel free to construct theories that combine elements of different approaches, much like

nature has animals with characteristics of both birds and mammals (e.g., the Australian platypus).

Like all classifications, the approaches we outlined simply tell us what typically ‘goes together’ in

theories. Knowing what typically goes together is useful, but it should not be viewed as a rule.

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A Theoretical Approach is not Determined by the Researcher’s Goal

Several IS researchers have reviewed the goals of theory (Gregor 2006; Hovorka et al.

2008). We will briefly review three goals often mentioned in research and explain why each

approach can support each goal. The basic reason in each case is that each goal depends on

researchers specifying relationships among concepts, and this is done in each approach.

Explanation. Explanations say why something occurs (Salmon, 1998). The “why” in theories

is explained by the relationships among concepts in the theory (Kaplan 1964/1998 pp. 333, 346).

The strength of a theory’s explanation derives from the accuracy of these relationships.5

Because each approach we have outlined includes relationships, each one can provide a basis for

an explanation. The details of the explanation will differ in each case because the nature of the

relationships differs, e.g., a researcher might explain an outcome by referring to lawful relation

among properties (a variance approach), a sequence of events (a process approach), or

interactions among parts (a systems approach). The degree to which any of these explanations is

good depends on how well the relationships specified reflect the phenomenon being studied.

Prediction. Predictions foretell the state of a property or event (Dubin 1978), i.e., they say what

state or event will occur. Like explanations, they depend on a theory’s relationships. For this

reason, some argue that explanations and predictions are simply reverse logical operations (Suppe

1977). Intuitively, however, researchers can make predictions without being able to explain the

mechanisms involved—the intervening processes or intervening variables. Nevertheless, because

all three theoretical approaches contain relationships, all three can provide a basis for prediction.

Again, the strength of the prediction depends on how accurately the relationships specified in the

theory match the phenomenon being studied.

5 The strength may also depend on additional components in a theory (such as boundaries) (Dubin, 1978; Weber, 2003). As noted at the outset of our paper, however, these additional components are outside our paper’s scope.

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Understanding. There are two common meanings of understanding in research: scientific

understanding and verstehen. Scientific understanding refers to explanation (Salmon 1998;

Hovorka et al. 2008). For the reasons noted above, each approach can support scientific

understanding. Verstehen (a German term for understanding) is used by researchers who follow

phenomenological approaches (Schwandt 1997). According to past research, researchers

interested in verstehen tend to develop theories that differ from those developed by researchers

interested in scientific understanding in three ways: (1) they tend to use theories as sensitizing

devices rather than as objects to falsify (Klein and Myers, 1999), (2) they tend to ground their

research in ideographic rather than nomothetic details (Klein and Myers, 1999), and (3) they seek

to understand relationships among concepts but they do not assume strong lawlike relationships

(Maxwell 1992; Schwandt 1997). This third difference is the only difference that relates to one’s

theoretical approach; the preceding differences relate instead to how one uses an approach.

Moreover, as we note below, none of the theoretical approaches require researchers to specify

strong, lawlike relationships. Thus, researchers can use any one of the approaches to support

understanding. As with explanation and prediction, the extent of understanding gained in a given

study depends on how well the researcher’s theory fits the setting studied.6

Theoretical Approaches do not Determine Precision

Theoretical approaches are often distinguished in terms of determinism. For example:

“By their very structure, variance theories posit an invariant relationship between

antecedents and outcomes. This assumption may simply be too stringent for social

phenomena. … As Sutherland put it, “not all real-world phenomena will ultimately

become deterministic if we spend enough time analyzing them.” …In circumstances like

these, process theories may [be attractive alternatives]” (Markus and Robey 1988 p. 592)

6 As with theories that support explanation, theories to support verstehen may also need additional elements to support understanding, e.g., modalities and moral context (Giddens 1984; Pentland 1999). These are not central to the distinction among variance, process, and systems approaches, however, so are not considered here.

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The view expressed in this statement stems from the notion that the variance approach involves

necessary and sufficient causality, whereas the process approach involves necessary causality

only. Much like our previous arguments, we believe that this view can be broadened. A broader

view is useful because it allows us to see that the process approach also results in explanations

that are deterministic, just in a different way. As Mohr (1982 p. 59) explains: “To say that X is

necessary for Y is to say that Y is sufficient for X: If Y, then X.” In other words, for researchers

following a process approach, if the outcome of interest occurred, it can be determined, without

any doubt, that the prior event occurred, even if it was not observed. In other words, the causal

logic of necessity invokes its own kind of determinism. For this reason, the presence of

determinism per se is not the best way to differentiate among theoretical approaches.

A different way of thinking about this issue is to assess the precision of relationships in a

theory. We use the word precision according to its dictionary meaning of “exactness.” In all

three theoretical approaches, researchers can specify relationships in more or less precise ways.

For example, a researcher following a variance approach may use the logic of necessary and

sufficient causality as a heuristic device when thinking of antecedent factors but, in fact, have no

expectation that the antecedents are truly necessary and sufficient. Likewise, a researcher

following a process approach may use the logic of necessary causality when thinking of

precursor events to some outcome but may be completely open to the possibility that the

outcome might occur without the precursor events specified in the theory. In both cases, we

would simply say that the relationships specified in the theory have low precision. More

precision may be gained over time as research in an area progresses. For example, researchers

may identify additional mediating variables (in the variance approach), triggering events (in the

process approach), and important interactions (in the systems approach). Ultimately, however,

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philosophers remind us that relationships specified in social science will always be imprecise,

whatever one’s approach to theory building (Kaplan 1964/1998 pp. 351-355).

Revisiting Claims about Theoretical Approaches

Having reviewed and clarified each approach, we now briefly revisit some prior claims

about theoretical approaches. By increasing researchers’ awareness and understanding of

theoretical approaches, the authors listed in Table 5 contributed significantly to research. With

increasing calls on researchers to build and extend theory (Weber 2003; Markus and Saunders

2007), we think now is an important time to build upon their work and adopt a broader conception

of theoretical approaches. This broader conception would recognize that there is no one-to-one

relationship among research elements—such as researchers’ goals, metatheoretical positions,

theoretical approaches, and empirical approaches. Moreover, it would recognize that theoretical

approaches are guides, not rules that must be conformed to. Overall, the view we have advanced

is motivated by the fact that building good theory is difficult and researchers need all the

flexibility they can get.

Table 5: Broadening Conceptions of Theoretical Approaches

Conception Citation A Broader View

IS theories are

generally one of two

forms: process or


Webster and

Watson 2002

p. xix

At least three approaches to theory building are used in IS

research (variance, process, and systems). Researchers can

also combine them. There is no reason why researchers should

limit themselves to the process or variance approaches alone.

Variance theories are

causal; process

theories are not

DeLone and

McLean 2003

p. 15

Each approach to theory building offers causal logic, but

different dimensions of causality are addressed in each one.

While some dimensions of causality are common to each

approach (e.g., efficient causality), others are unique (e.g.,

material causality, which is unique to the systems approach).

Variance theories are

positivist; process

theories are


Walsham 1995p. 388; Wheeler 2002 p. 140

There is no one-to-one relationship between one’s theoretical

approach and one’s meta-theoretical position. Each approach

can be used with each position.

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Conception Citation A Broader View

Variance theories and

process theories

should not be


Markus and

Robey 1988;

Seddon 1997

Researchers can combine theoretical approaches. A theory can

also be built that follows one approach predominantly but fails to

follow certain characteristics of the approach. A theory should

not be judged by its conformance to an approach but by its

ability to help a researcher account for some phenomenon.

Laws in variance

theory provide

prediction; laws in

process theory provide



2002 p. 135

Researchers’ ability to explain, predict, or understand something

depends on the precision of the relationships specified in the

theory and the extent to which these relationships reflect the

phenomenon being studied. All three approaches allow

researchers to specify relationships, with various degrees of

precision. Thus, there is no one-to-one relationship between a

theoretical approach and any particular goal.

Considering Two Possible Counterarguments

Several criticisms could be made regarding our arguments. Two would be particularly fatal if

true. First, researchers might claim that our arguments are misguided, that is, they might argue

that researchers should not comply with our advice. Second, and in contrast, researchers might

claim that our arguments are not new, that is, they might argue that researchers are well aware of

the three approaches and use them fully. We believe that neither of these arguments is true. To

obtain evidence for our position, we reviewed all of the papers given “Best Paper” awards by MIS

Quarterly since 2000. Because MIS Quarterly weights the theoretical contribution of a paper

heavily, we could be assured that these papers provide reasonable examples of theory in IS

research. We then hired two independent and qualified coders to assess the theories developed in

these papers against a detailed set of coding criteria. The aim was to determine if these papers:

(1) contained at least some characteristics that were consistent with our arguments (because this

would refute the first criticism above) and/or (2) showed a complete understanding of the three

approaches (because this would support the second criticism). We omit the detailed results of this

review for space reasons, but they can be obtained from the authors upon request.

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The results of the review supported our position. For example, the coders found several

papers that used a systems approach (Lamb and Kling 2003), not just papers using a variance

approach (Dennis et al. 2008) or a process approach (Majchrzak et al. 2000). In addition, they

found that some papers used elements of more than one approach, e.g., the coders found that

Majchrzak et al. (2000) primarily used a systems approach but also used elements of the process

approach. These results suggest that our arguments do not contradict good research practice. At

the same time, the coders found evidence that our arguments are not completely understood by all

researchers. For example, none of the papers explicitly discussed all three approaches and

explained their reasons for using the approach that they used. Moreover, there were even papers

that explicitly stated that they adopted one approach but in practice appeared to have adopted a

different approach, e.g., Burton-Jones and Gallivan (2007, p. 659) stated that they used a variance

approach but the coders disagreed, finding that this article primarily used a systems approach.

Overall, it appeared from our review that our arguments are consistent with good practice in the

field but are, nevertheless, not simply a restatement of what researchers already know.


In addition to providing a description and analysis of theoretical approaches, we also wish

to provide guidance for how researchers can improve their use of theoretical approaches. Based

on our earlier analysis in Table 5, there are several ways we could do this. We decided to focus

on providing guidance for one of these areas: combining theoretical approaches. We chose this

because we believe it offers a particularly significant opportunity to improve theory in IS research

in light of the results in Pare et al. 2008 that researchers very rarely combine approaches. As

noted earlier, Mohr (1982) advised against combining variance and process approaches and

several IS researchers have restated his view (Markus and Robey 1988; Seddon 1997). Our view

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is more in line with those who point out benefits of combining approaches, e.g.:

I would argue that the insistence on exclusion of variables from process research

unnecessarily limits the variety of theories constructed. It may be important to understand

the effect of events on the state of an entity (a variable) or to identify the effect of a

contextual variable on the evolution of events (Langley 1999 p. 693).

Despite researchers such as Langley (1999) and Shaw and Jarvenpaa (1997) touting the

benefits of combining theoretical approaches over a decade ago, we are not aware of any

guidance on how to go about doing so. Instead, guidance on using theoretical approaches has

focused on each approach in isolation (see, e.g., Van de Ven 2007). Perhaps this is one reason

why so few papers explicitly combine approaches. For example, in their analysis of ‘IT impact’

research from 1991-2005, Pare et al. (2008) found only one article in their entire sample of 161

that combined approaches. The article they found combined the process and variance approach.

However, other combinations are possible. To highlight these opportunities for researchers, Table

6 highlights 12 different ways that combinations can be developed, and the benefits that can be

obtained from each one. Two of these combinations (#1 and #6) correspond to the combinations

referred to in Langley’s quote above, but all 12 combinations offer opportunities for research.

Table 6: Benefits of Combining Theoretical Approaches



Benefits that researchers can obtain by combining the original approach with:

Pure Variance Process Approach:

1. Improving understanding of concepts: Understanding whether the state of an entity

is affected by events or processes

2. Improving understanding of relationships: Understanding the process by which a

relationship among properties occurs

Systems Approach:

3. Improving understanding of concepts: Understanding whether the state of a

component (lower-level) property is affected by a higher-level property of the system

4. Improving understanding of relationships: Understanding whether a relationship

among properties is affected by a higher-level property of the system

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Benefits that researchers can obtain by combining the original approach with:

Pure Process Variance Approach:

5. Improving understanding of concepts: Understand whether the occurrence of an

event is affected by the state of a property

6. Improving understanding of relationships: Understand whether the influence of an

event in a process depends on the state of some property

Systems Approach:

7. Improving understanding of concepts: Understand whether the emergence of an

entity or the occurrence of an event hinges on a higher-level property of the system

8. Improving understanding of relationships: Understand the process by which a

system emerges or has effects

Pure Systems Variance Approach:

9. Improving understanding of concepts: Understand whether an emergent property

of a system is affected by a lower-level property of the system

10. Improving understanding of relationships: Understand whether interactions among

parts of a system depend on properties of the parts

Process Approach:

11. Improving understanding of concepts: Understand whether the existence of a

system or emergent property hinges on particular events or processes

12. Improving understanding of relationships: Understand whether interactions among

parts of a system follows a particular process

In addition to identifying specific combinations that researchers can seek and the benefits

that can be obtained from each one, we also suggest two strategies that researchers can use to

combine approaches (see Table 7). Each of these approaches has associated benefits and risks,

which we describe in turn below. The key for authors using either of these strategies is to

maximize the benefits while minimizing or accounting for the associated risks.

Table 7: Strategies for Combining Theoretical Approaches

Strategy Description Benefits Risk

Independent Theorize about the phenomena using two or more approaches independently





Hybrid Theorize about the phenomena once using a hybrid approach


Ecological validity

Reduced parsimony


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The first strategy in Table 7 is the independent strategy. This is based on Kaplan and

Duchon’s (1988) advice for multimethod research. In this strategy, a researcher builds a theory

from two or more approaches independently (e.g., process, variance, and/or systems). The

theories are then evaluated by conducting independent inquiries of propositions emanating from

each approach. If the results from each inquiry corroborate each other, more confidence can be

gained regarding one’s ability to understand, explain, and/or predict the phenomenon in question.

More importantly, this approach might lead to novel insights if different findings arise (Davis

1971; Kaplan and Duchon 1988).

Given that the independent strategy offers two strong benefits, it is not clear why it is

used so rarely. To our knowledge, only Sabherwal and Robey (1995) have used this strategy

explicitly. They conducted separate analyses of IS development practices from a process view

and a variance view and then corroborated the two sets of results. Admittedly, they concentrated

more on methods than theory, and only considered process and variance approaches (not the

systems approach), but it is still an exemplar. Perhaps the reason why the independent strategy is

used rarely is the effort that it entails. If the propositions and results are the same between

approaches, a researcher may consider this extra work to have been redundant. Alternatively, if

the propositions and results differ, the researcher may remain uncertain about his/her findings

and need to perform further research before submitting the research for review and publication.

The second strategy for combining approaches is the hybrid strategy. Several researchers

have recommended it (Shaw and Jarvenpaa 1997; Webster and Watson 2002), but it has not been

clear exactly what types of hybrids can be constructed and what benefits they offer. To help

address this problem, we highlighted several ways that hybrids can be constructed in Table 6 and

two benefits that be obtained in Table 7. The two benefits are related because theories are only

partial accounts of the world. The world is not limited to entities and properties, processes and

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events, or parts and wholes; rather, it contains all these things. Consequently, a hybrid strategy

enables researchers to obtain a more complete account of the part of the world that is of interest

to them. In addition to advancing theory, this also improves researchers’ ability to generalize

findings to practice. This is because practitioners operate in a world that contains entities and

properties, processes and events, and parts and wholes, not just one or two of these elements.

Thus, a hybrid strategy can enable researchers to build theories that offer more realistic

(ecologically valid) insights to practitioners.

As Table 7 shows, a major risk with the hybrid strategy is that theories constructing using

this strategy might lack parsimony. Thus, researchers must use a hybrid approach only if the

increase in understanding afforded by the more complex theory outweighs the loss of parsimony

that results. Another risk is that researchers may make errors in applying the hybrid strategy.

Two common errors are that researchers (a) apply a theoretical approach that is not applicable to

the setting studied (e.g., applying a systems approach when the phenomenon is not systemic)

(Morgeson and Hofmann 1999) or (b) transform one approach mistakenly into another approach,

thereby failing to obtain the benefit of the first approach (e.g., when a researcher attempts to use a

process approach but transforms the elements of the process into variables that he or she is used to

working with) (Poole et al. 2000). Neither of these errors is a necessary outcome of using a

hybrid strategy. Nevertheless, errors are perhaps more likely with this strategy given that it is the

most complex and there are few exemplars to learn from. The independent strategy can be

implemented by a research team made up of experts in each approach alone, but the hybrid

strategy requires researchers who are experts in combining approaches (a rare skill).

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In addition to providing general guidance for improving theory, we would like to provide

guidance for improving specific theories in IS. For two reasons, we use DeLone and McLean’s

(1992; 2003) IS Success Models as a case illustration (see Figure 2). First, determining IS

success remains an ongoing concern in practice and research. Although the field has several

accepted theories regarding IS adoption, there is less in the way of solid theory regarding

performance outcomes from using IS. Thus, this is an area in need of theoretical attention.

Second, D&M’s success model is one of the most well cited models in IS research, but has been

criticized for using a hybrid approach (Seddon 1997). Also, it was originally proposed merely as

a ‘model,’ not a theory. Moving it from being a model to a theory is a significant opportunity for

our field.

Reprinted by permission, W. DeLone and E. McLean, Information Systems Success: The Quest for the Dependent Variable. Information Systems Research, 3(1), 1992, pp. 60-95. Copyright 1992, The Institute of Management Science (INFORMS), 901 Elkridge Landing Road, Suite 400, Linthicum, MD, 21090 USA.

Figure 2: D&M (1992) IS Success Model: Original Form

The objective of the D&M model is to define IS Success. The model has two underlying

propositions: (1) the success of an IS depends on what dimension of success one examines, and

(2) the dimensions of success are related. Figure 2 illustrates each one. The six dimensions in the

model illustrate the first proposition, while the arrows between the dimensions illustrate the

System Quality

Information Quality


User Satisfaction

Individual Impact

Organizational Impact

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second. In the sections below, we examine what the D&M model would be (and could be) if the

model used the variance approach, the process approach, or the systems approach.7 We then

describe what theoretical approach we believe the D&M model actually utilizes and discuss how

this approach and others could be investigated more fully to improve theories of IS success.

Overall, our aim is not to criticize the D&M model. On the contrary, our analysis is motivated by

an opportunity that has always existed with their work—discovering what it would take to extend

their “model” into a “theory”—and identify ways that researchers could proceed in this endeavor.

The D&M IS Success Model from a Variance, Process, and Systems Perspective

In a variance approach, a model’s concepts are properties of things that vary. Figure 3

shows what the D&M model would become if it followed a pure variance approach. It is similar

to the original model, except that we explicated the relationships among the properties and we

excluded the link to ‘organizational impact’ because this link seems to imply a different level of a

social (organizational) system. Translating the D&M model into a pure variance form is useful

because it reveals how its underlying theory needs to be improved. We highlight several

improvements that should be made along these lines in Table 8, focusing particularly on

clarifying the concepts in the theory and the relationships among the concepts. To date, many

researchers have adopted the D&M model uncritically. Seddon (1997) undertook a notable

extension to the model from a pure variance perspective, but as Table 8 shows, much more

theoretical work is needed.

7 To conserve space, we rely primarily on diagrammatic representations of the D&M models. However, it should be clear that the conclusions would be the same irrespective of the formalism, whether diagram, narrative, or formulae.

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Figure 3: D&M (1992) IS Success Model: Variance Approach

A process approach requires that a model’s concepts be events that follow a probabilistic

sequence. Figure 4 shows what D&M’s model would become, according to DeLone and

McLean (2003 p. 16), if it followed a pure process approach. Explicating this process is useful

because it highlights the extremely simple process assumed by the D&M model. Moreover, it

reveals opportunities for improving the rigor with which the concepts and the relationships

among the concepts could be specified. We summarize several improvements that can be made

along these lines in Table 8. In short, translating the D&M model into a process form once again

reveals how its underlying theory can and should be improved.

Figure 4: D&M (1992) IS Success Model: Process Approach

Finally, a systems approach requires that a model’s concepts involve interacting parts and

emergent properties. Figure 5 shows what D&M’s model would become if it followed a systems

approach. The figure shows organizations (wholes) consisting of information systems and

individual users (parts). These parts interact through individuals using systems. These

interactions can then lead to changes in attributes of these parts, e.g., users become more or less

System Quality

Information Quality


User Satisfaction

Individual Impact

Consequences of system use

Use system s

Create system s

Consequences of system use

Use system s

Create system s

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satisfied with a system over time based on their interaction with it. Moreover, out of these

interactions can emerge a change in an organizational-level property, i.e., organizational impact.

Once again, transforming the D&M model into a systems form helps reveal improvements that

can be made to it. We summarize these in Table 8. DeLone and McLean (2003) acknowledged

the importance of feedback effects, but with the exception of Kanungo (2003), few have

examined IS success from a systems approach. This offers significant opportunities for research.

Figure 5: D&M (1992) IS Success Model: Systems Approach

Table 8: Theoretical Improvements to be made to the D&M Model

Approach Dimension Required Improvements

Variance Concepts It is not clear what “impact” or “use” mean, e.g., whether they refer to amounts of use and impact, or to specific types of use (e.g., effective use) and impacts (e.g., performance)

Relationships Necessary and sufficient causality is unclear because:

(a) the model does not explain the direction (i.e., positive or negative) of the relationships between concepts

(b) the model does not explain why the relationships among all concepts are mediated and linear, i.e., why there are no unmediated relationships or moderated relationships

Process Concepts The scope of each event in time is not clear, e.g., what “create system” includes/excludes

It is not clear what “consequences” mean, e.g., whether it refers to one or many events

Information system

Properties: System quality Information quality

Interaction between IS and user

(i.e., usage)

Individual user

Properties: Experience with using IS Satisfaction with IS Impact from using IS

Organizational system

Properties: Organizational impact of information system Emergent


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Approach Dimension Required Improvements

Relationships Final causality is unclear because the model’s final outcome (consequences) is ill defined

Formal causality is unclear because the model does not theorize how events are planned

Efficient causality is unclear because the model does not theorize how soon events occur after one another

Systems Concepts It is not clear what individual and organizational impact refer to (e.g., whether to performance or something else)

It is not clear why “organizational impact” is the only concept at a higher level (i.e., why there are no other emergent properties)

Relationships Formal and efficient causality are unclear (as noted also for the process approach above)

Material and emergent causality are unclear because the model does not explain exactly how impacts emerge at the organizational (whole) level from the individual (parts) level

Reciprocal causality is unclear because the only feedback in the model is between properties of an individual user (i.e., usage and satisfaction, shown in Figure 3). Presumably, the organizational impact of a system will have feedback effects on individual systems and users, but these are not shown.

What approach does the D&M IS Success Model use? According to DeLone and McLean

(2003), their model used the process and variance approaches. However, our analysis

demonstrates that it uses elements of all three approaches: variance, process, and systems. The

variance approach is evident in its use of properties such as system quality, user satisfaction, and

so on, rather than events. The process approach is evident in its conceptualization of three general

phases of success: creation, use, and consequences. The systems approach is evident in its

conceptualization of multiple levels of an organizational system. Nevertheless, as Table 8 shows,

the use of each theoretical approach in the D&M model could be improved. In a ten-year review

of their model, DeLone and McLean (2003) noted that many researchers have adopted the model

uncritically. Our analysis suggests that this strategy is unwise because the D&M model needs to

be refined and improved, as DeLone and McLean (1992, p. 88) noted when they first proposed it.

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Seddon (1997, p. 242) argued that by combining several theoretical approaches, the D&M

model created “a level of muddled thinking that is likely to be counter-productive to future IS

research.” Seddon suggested that the D&M model should use a pure variance approach.

Although useful contributions can be made from a pure variance perspective, we do not believe

that this is an inherent problem of the D&M model. As we have noted already, elements of

different theoretical approaches can and should be combined if it is useful to understand the

phenomenon of interest. In the case of IS success, it would seem that multiple theoretical

approaches would be useful because it is a very complex phenomenon. Properties such as system

quality and user satisfaction can reflect IS success, but the levels of these properties and their

interrelationships depend heavily on the timing of critical events (e.g., whether an IS is

implemented on time, whether users are trained before phasing out an old IS, and so on).

Moreover, IS success can differ in important ways across levels of an organization and links

across levels can be complex and reciprocal (Harris, 1995). For all of these reasons, we suggest

that each theoretical approach adds a layer of meaning to the nature of IS success and should

improve researchers’ ability to understand, explain, and/or predict it. In contrast to Seddon

(1997), therefore, our analysis suggests that the problem with D&M’s IS Success Model is not

that it combines theoretical approaches per se; instead the problem (and opportunity) is that the

particular combination they used could be clarified and refined and other combinations could be

sought. Pursuing such research would enable their work to move from being a model of IS

success to being a theory, which would be of substantial value to both research and practice.


Theorizing serves an important role in any discipline. To create or extend a theory, a

researcher must use a particular approach. This paper examines three archetypal approaches:

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variance, process, and systems. It also clarifies these approaches in light of past research.

Finally, it suggests how researchers could use these approaches in new ways to improve the

field’s ability to understand, explain, and/or predict an important IS phenomenon.

Research on theory building tends to be undertaken in two basic ways: in the field of

philosophy, researchers debate the logical and philosophical bases of theory (e.g., Suppe 1977);

and in applied fields, researchers try to analyze and improve theory building practices in their

own discipline (e.g., Mohr in management and Markus and Robey in IS). Our work is an

example of the second approach. Many years have passed since Mohr’s and Markus and Robey’s

seminal papers on theory building. Over that time, more research has come to light regarding the

nature of the process and variance approaches and research on the systems approach has once

again captured attention (Sawyer 2005). This makes it an opportune time to reexamine the

theoretical approaches available to researchers and understand how these approaches can be used.

Theories are just one part of research, and we focused on just one aspect of theories.

Moreover, to some, our focus on theories may seem misplaced (Greenwald et al. 1986).

Nonetheless, whatever one’s research interest or epistemological orientation, all researchers want

to improve their ability to understand, explain, or predict empirical phenomena. A more

sophisticated understanding of theoretical approaches can assist this process. It can help

researchers who wish to build new theories, by helping them understand the types of concepts

and relationships available to them; it can help researchers who wish to extend theories, by

enabling them to see additional types of concepts and relationships that may complement those

in the existing theory; and finally, it can help researchers in their reviewing roles, by enabling

them to see ways in which authors can clarify the concepts and relationships in a theory and

improve their justification.

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