angel blog

In a time of global upheaval, disconnection, and uncertainty, its a time to look reflexively at the deep  past to understand where we have come from, our roots, and were we are heading as a human species. Without t oo much emphasis on academia of how we humans have drastically altered t he Earth as huge  populations go after oil and other resource extraction methods that destroy the womb of Mother Earth, it is is important to check in emotionally of how this resonates energetically with us individually and collectively in order to see the alternatives. The answers are b eyond charts and stats and are d eep within us all if we choose to awaken to see it each moment we look deeply in the trees. In the Western worldview the earth is seen as a means to an end, a way to get greedy and profit from the "resources' extracted from our earth as a culture that is driven by consumerism machine, corporate agenda of profits over the need s of all sentient creatures on this planet. Further this unsustainable, materialistic and selfi sh individually preoccupied and obsessed cult ure is being exported globally in a very quick way that is unprecedented and is eroding traditional cultures as the elders pass a way and the children learn their values from their peers and an internet culture. Its time to listen to our elders. Basically this is degrading to body, mind, spirit. It perpetuates systemic inequalities, poverty ,  prejudice, and a worldview that is based on shallow superficial values and stereotypes that is the American Dream and many of the youth have come to believe that the only way to succeed in life is to  be competitive, survival of the fittest and to give in to the ideology of co nsumerism which is defining yourself by stuff and all that is driven by oil and ads...its time to q uestion this way of being.  Now the time has come for a paradigm shift, a great turning, or rainbow warriors or shambhala or whatever you want to call it when the global community worldwide begins to seriously critically question the validity of a system that kills us fearfully all and start to wonder if there is a life sustaining, simpler , more fulfilling life they is more meaningful and sustainable and is less fearful and more loving, less competitive and more co operative, less materialistic and more generous and giving. Its time for an attitude of gratitude. The time has \come for us to see the civilizations such as the ancien t Maya also did this too, they were driven at their pinnacle as Classic Maya urban society to be consumer driven and gave in to the  branding of their market products to identify with the gods and justify the unequal distribution of wealth, power and status and access to land, food, water,. The worldview changed from being one in alignment with Mother Earth and respect of all life and sentient creatures to one of where the land and its 'resources' was perceived as a means to an end and became very unsustainable. Thus this society like other advanced prehistoric societies met their demise much like we will too if we do not smarten up collectively and individually in our lifestyle choices and practices. The time is now. The Maya too were technologically advanced, intelligent, creative, complex and urban and had systemic inequalities between the rural classes and t he urban elites. However they too had famine, uprising, drought, flood, deforestation, soil erosion, desalination of the soil and lack of fresh water. However they did not have the industrial oil society so therefore their air was cleaner. They thought they would never fall and they d id and our civilization also thought it wo uld go forever and now it is collapsing.

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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The time is ripe for ingenuity, such as raw foods, yoga outlook, bike, solar, wind, perma-culture

guerillas sale scale gardening, farming subsistence strategies that are sustainable and life affirming that

are sustainable and encourage flourishing of life beyond the materialistic mentality of keeping up with

the Jones so to speak. In Western developed cultures the value system is around economics that is benton a mentality that is the old paradigm and serves the fearful ego and pain body and it is time for its

transformation in to love consciousness and evolution.

It is time for us humanity to use the social media, and documentary equipment that we all have,cameras to tell our own stories, our stories of us individually evolving, of us having the courage to

question and to act with commitment and integrity to a vision of society that is life affirming, awakened

compassionate, engaged. Many of the people interested in change are looking towards spiritual

 practices like meditation, yoga, etc to sweat lodge, prayer to question the dominant worldview and havethe courage to get in aliment energetically with the wisdom of the ancients, to be apart of an

interconnected interdependent web of life that is evolving and this positive transformation and

awareness is growing in all the social movements worldwide as humanity is awakening to its true potential.

This vision is in alignment with values of the elders of traditional cultures worldwide that respects allsentient creatures and gives all the forests and animals and people a common shared respect. It is time

for us to go beyond our self preoccupation and involve ourselves in committing o \to the grassrootscommunity of people who are waking to the magic of simple realization that all that arises is fresh and

is the essence of realization and that we are all basically, fundamentally unified as goodness and we

were all born to let go of our past and the aggression and the justifications for it, to let go of the greedymentality and to learn to share and care for each other, to learn to let go of the past ego and pain body

that has kept us all individually and collectively in our cocoons and isolated and learn to be more

courageous than that, to awakens to our higher purposeful. It is time to remember our true nature.

In a speedy, hyper ADD culture addicted to movement, to doing something, to being someone, manyare confused of their true purpose as a human, many are confused about their aspirations and dreams

after they have sacrificed their lives to the corporate driven society machine, after all the achievements

and the school and work and raising kids etc we are ll left wondering if we are truly living the life wewere meant to, whether we are truly living the life that is raising our light and capacity for love, joy,

 peace, contentment or if we are feeding the wolf of depression, despair and addiction with our 

thoughts, deeds and speech.

Long time we become disillusioned, numb , asleep, waking zombies and its unfulfillable and manysuicide or slowly do so in one form of a bother with addiction or crime or auto piglet conditioned

 behaviors. Its time for us to be braver than this and come out of our cocoon and be the butterfly, to

spread our wings and open our hearts and capacity to love and forgive ourselves and forgive thosearound us, those who have hurt us and those who are strangers that we judge do not do enough, who are

not enough in our mind and allow for the self and other to merge and see each other as one, vibrating

and unified community evolving towards a transformational of fear in to consciousness and energy that

is alive and sustainable in the real sense.

We are all so addicted to mental chatter, ego clinging, actives, and distractions of infinite amount that it

will take a leap of faith and commitment to the practice to coming other in meditation and study to

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learn how to awaken our spirit, mind and boy to a more wholesome life that is living life to the fullest.

Rather than contributing to the fearful ego we could give connection back to the land, to the earth at

each other and haves gratitude for all thew have and to contribute with creativity, music and

meaningful participatory engagement to re think and act from a place of genuine concern for allsentient creates with compassion and basic goodness, to see this in ourselves and all other people

around us. Its time to evolve, to awaken to our true potential old transforming fearful egos in the

magnificent light beings of love and consciousness that is our birthright, to question the lies that are inour minds that say different and awaken to the social movement of social change combined with

spirituality and alternative energy and social organization that is life affirming and sustainable rather 

than an oil driven society bent on making us all small. so its time few roes to raise our rainbow butterfly wings in a unified way and breathe in the love of our basic goodness that is shared by all


In Gratitude,

Angel Hamilton