anne frank biography equiana


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Page 2: Anne frank biography equiana

Anne Frank is a famous writer who wrote about her life during war .Even though she was known as Anne Frank her real name is Annelies Marie Frank.Anne Frank is famous because her diary. The diary is account by a Jew of life before the Nazis captured her. Her diary has informed us about what it was really like hiding from the Nazis and about life as a Jew in Nazi-occupied Europe during the war. Anne Frank wanted to be a writer, but never had the chance.

Page 3: Anne frank biography equiana

Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt in Germany, she was born on the 12 of June in 1929.She had a older sister called Margo, her dad was called Otto and her mother was called Edith. Her mom was a house wife and she hardly ever left the house. Her dad was a sales man. When Anne was 13 she and her family moved from Germany to get away from the war.

Page 4: Anne frank biography equiana

Anne Frank went into hiding on July 6th 1942 when her sister Margot received a call-up notice. It was a sad time for Anne's family as it was nearly time for people to be sent into concentration camps. Anne’s family planned to go into hiding a little later but they ended going in earlier. Otto Frank made a secret annex for the Frank family to hide. The Frank family were not the only people who hid in the annex there were also Mr Van Pels Mrs Van Pels, Peter Van Pels and a dentist called Fritz Pfeffer. The Frank family and the others hid for 2 years in the annex. A woman called Miep Gilles worked with Otto Frank brought them food. It was hard for them to live in the annex because they could not move during the day just in case somebody spotted them.

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On the 4th of August, 1944, somebody told the Germans where Anne and her family were hiding. The secret annex was ripped apart and Anne, her family and the people hiding were all taken to concentration camps. The concentration the Anne was taken to was called Bergen Belsen. That’s were Anne died .

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Otto Frank, who had been in a different concentration camp called Auschwitz, survived the war. When war ended, Otto returned to Amsterdam, Holland where he found Anne’s diary and got it published the first language it got published in was Dutch.