anne frank biography_dylan

Anne Frank biography

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Post on 31-May-2015




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• Anne Frank is famous for her diary which is named kitty. She had her diary for her 13th birthday and today is read in a published book by world wide readers.

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• Anne Frank was born on 12th June. Her parents were Edith and Otto she also had a big sister called Margot. Anne and her family and eight other people came to hide with them in a secret annex. The annex was built by Otto because his family were Jews they were being blamed for the loss of the war by Adolf Hitler Jews were being unfairly treated.

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• Anne and her family went into hiding in a room behind a bookcase in Otto's workplace the family and others had to stay in the annex for three years and they only went outside once through those three years. Otto had fitted tinted windows into the annex encase someone saw them looking out but they still couldn't look out of the window it was too risky, luckily they had brave friends to bring them food and water.

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• Sadly Anne Frank was captured with her family by the Germans on August 4, 1944 and even

worse , after the war only Otto survived Anne frank must of died from being cramped with other people who were ill, because Jews were barely given any food and water. Anne Frank died at the young age of 15, the rest of Anne's family were taken to different concentration camps so the family were never reunited with each other after the war.

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• In honour of Otto's dearly beloved daughter Otto felt that it was his duty to publish her diary, and still today people are reading Anne's diary in such interest and we all know her story, yet it is all down to her diary ‘kitty’.