annotating orthographic target hypotheses in a german l1 ...dipper/pub/bea17_web... · annotating...

Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pages 444–456 Copenhagen, Denmark, September 8, 2017. c 2017 Association for Computational Linguistics Annotating Orthographic Target Hypotheses in a German L1 Learner Corpus Ronja Laarmann-Quante Katrin Ortmann Anna Ehlert Maurice Vogel Stefanie Dipper {laarmann-quante, dipper} {katrin.ortmann, anna.ehlert, maurice.vogel} Ruhr-University Bochum Abstract NLP applications for learners often rely on annotated learner corpora. Thereby, it is important that the annotations are both meaningful for the task, and consistent and reliable. We present a new longitudinal L1 learner corpus for German (handwrit- ten texts collected in grade 2–4), which is transcribed and annotated with a target hy- pothesis that strictly only corrects ortho- graphic errors, and is thereby tailored to research and tool development for ortho- graphic issues in primary school. While for most corpora, transcription and tar- get hypothesis are not evaluated, we con- ducted a detailed inter-annotator agree- ment study for both tasks. Although we achieved high agreement, our discussion of cases of disagreement shows that even with detailed guidelines, annotators differ here and there for different reasons, which should also be considered when work- ing with transcriptions and target hypothe- ses of other corpora, especially if no ex- plicit guidelines for their construction are known. 1 Introduction Learner corpora cannot only be used to study the language of learners but they also have a strong connection to the development of educational ap- plications. NLP tools can be trained on learner corpora to be later used in ICALL (intelligent computer-assisted language learning) systems, to provide immediate analyses of errors occurring in the input text (Meurers, 2015; for some examples, see Barbagli et al., 2016). To enable high-quality analyses in such a scenario, it is crucial that the un- derlying training data have been annotated mean- ingfully and consistently. The identification and annotation of errors necessarily depends on a tar- get hypothesis, i.e. the assumed correct form of the learner’s utterance, be that stated implicitly or explicitly (Reznicek et al., 2013). The correct form itself can already serve as error annotation. This has the advantage that errors do not have to be cast into pre-defined categories, which might not capture all cases (Fitzpatrick and Seegmiller, 2004). However, as Reznicek et al. (2013) demon- strate, there is a possibly infinite number of tar- get hypotheses for a single utterance, depending on the linguistic level that is corrected (orthog- raphy, grammar, lexis, etc.). They argue further that the usefulness of a target hypothesis depends on the research purpose, and that its construction must be comprehensible and transparent to other researchers. In this paper, we present a new corpus resource which is tailored to research on orthography in texts produced by primary school children in Ger- many. It features a target hypothesis that strictly only corrects orthographic errors in order to keep them apart from other kinds of errors concerning grammar or semantics. Consider, for instance, the sentence in example (1): 1 (1) Dodo *est das Eis Dodo eats the ice cream The correct grammatical form of *<est> 2 in this context would be <isst> (3 RD.PERS.SG.PRES. of ‘(to) eat’). However, there are two kinds of mistakes in the form *<est>: Firstly, the <s> has to be doubled, which is unambiguously an error on the level of orthography (see e.g. Eisenberg (2013) on 1 The English translation in italics represents the intended meaning. 2 Angle brackets mark graphemes, the asterisk indicates an erroneous form. 444

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Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pages 444–456Copenhagen, Denmark, September 8, 2017. c©2017 Association for Computational Linguistics

Annotating Orthographic Target Hypothesesin a German L1 Learner Corpus

Ronja Laarmann-QuanteKatrin Ortmann

Anna EhlertMaurice VogelStefanie Dipper

{laarmann-quante, dipper}{katrin.ortmann, anna.ehlert, maurice.vogel}

Ruhr-University Bochum


NLP applications for learners often relyon annotated learner corpora. Thereby, itis important that the annotations are bothmeaningful for the task, and consistent andreliable. We present a new longitudinalL1 learner corpus for German (handwrit-ten texts collected in grade 2–4), which istranscribed and annotated with a target hy-pothesis that strictly only corrects ortho-graphic errors, and is thereby tailored toresearch and tool development for ortho-graphic issues in primary school. Whilefor most corpora, transcription and tar-get hypothesis are not evaluated, we con-ducted a detailed inter-annotator agree-ment study for both tasks. Although weachieved high agreement, our discussionof cases of disagreement shows that evenwith detailed guidelines, annotators differhere and there for different reasons, whichshould also be considered when work-ing with transcriptions and target hypothe-ses of other corpora, especially if no ex-plicit guidelines for their construction areknown.

1 Introduction

Learner corpora cannot only be used to study thelanguage of learners but they also have a strongconnection to the development of educational ap-plications. NLP tools can be trained on learnercorpora to be later used in ICALL (intelligentcomputer-assisted language learning) systems, toprovide immediate analyses of errors occurring inthe input text (Meurers, 2015; for some examples,see Barbagli et al., 2016). To enable high-qualityanalyses in such a scenario, it is crucial that the un-derlying training data have been annotated mean-

ingfully and consistently. The identification andannotation of errors necessarily depends on a tar-get hypothesis, i.e. the assumed correct form ofthe learner’s utterance, be that stated implicitlyor explicitly (Reznicek et al., 2013). The correctform itself can already serve as error annotation.This has the advantage that errors do not have tobe cast into pre-defined categories, which mightnot capture all cases (Fitzpatrick and Seegmiller,2004). However, as Reznicek et al. (2013) demon-strate, there is a possibly infinite number of tar-get hypotheses for a single utterance, dependingon the linguistic level that is corrected (orthog-raphy, grammar, lexis, etc.). They argue furtherthat the usefulness of a target hypothesis dependson the research purpose, and that its constructionmust be comprehensible and transparent to otherresearchers.

In this paper, we present a new corpus resourcewhich is tailored to research on orthography intexts produced by primary school children in Ger-many. It features a target hypothesis that strictlyonly corrects orthographic errors in order to keepthem apart from other kinds of errors concerninggrammar or semantics. Consider, for instance, thesentence in example (1):1

(1) Dodo *est das EisDodo eats the ice cream

The correct grammatical form of*<est>2 in this context would be <isst>(3RD.PERS.SG.PRES. of ‘(to) eat’). However,there are two kinds of mistakes in the form*<est>: Firstly, the <s> has to be doubled,which is unambiguously an error on the levelof orthography (see e.g. Eisenberg (2013) on

1The English translation in italics represents the intendedmeaning.

2Angle brackets mark graphemes, the asterisk indicatesan erroneous form.


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German consonant doubling). Correcting thiserror results in the form <esst>, which is the2ND.PERS.PL.PRES. form of ‘(to) eat’, though.Now, the level of the second error, which is theuse of <e> for <i>, is ambiguous. We see threepossible analyses: (i) Given that <esst> doesexist in the word’s inflection paradigm, it is clearthat only the grammatical context (agreement withDodo, a proper name) reveals it as an error. Onecould hence say that a wrong inflectional formwas chosen, which is not an issue of orthographybut of grammar. (ii) Similarly, one could say thatthe form was inflected like a weak verb (in whichcase esst would indeed be 3RD.PERS.SG.PRES),which is also a matter of grammar rather thanorthography. (iii) Finally, it is possible that thelearner could not discriminate the phonemes /I/and /E/. It is known that the discrimination andrepresentation of lax vowels poses a challenge toprimary school children, which is dealt with onthe level of orthographic competence (May, 2013;Thelen, 2010). Thus, even for this word alone twodifferent target hypotheses can be constructed:one which deals with orthography errors only(yielding <esst> as an acceptable word form ofthe intended lemma), and another one which dealswith errors (possibly) attributable to grammar(yielding <isst>).

With our work currently focusing on orthogra-phy, we annotated our corpus with the first typeof target hypothesis, i.e. the one that strictly onlycorrects orthographic errors. Keeping orthographyerrors apart from grammatical errors is importantfor two reasons: Firstly, the empirical questionswe are pursuing concern the relationship of wordproperties and spelling errors. Mixing up gram-matical and orthographic corrections would notallow to make statements about a child’s ortho-graphic competence only. Especially if we lookat surface properties of the original and the targetword like character n-gram frequencies, it is im-portant to base the analysis on the word that thechild in fact targeted, even if it is ungrammaticalin this context. To analyze the interplay of gram-matical and orthographic errors is then a possiblesecond step.

Secondly, with regard to tool building, there arenot many applications dealing with primary schoolchildren’s orthography yet (but see Thelen, 2010;Berkling and Pflaumer, 2014; Berkling and Laval-ley, 2015). Stuker et al. (2011) have shown, for

instance, that for German, the generic state-of-the-art spellchecker Hunspell does not work wellon spellings produced by primary school children.They proposed a phonetic-based approach com-bined with a language model. On their datasetof children’s texts, this approach turned out moresuccessful than Hunspell.

Robust spelling error detection and correctionis a prerequisite for fully automatic applicationsdealing with spelling errors, such as the spellingerror analysis tool we are currently developing(Laarmann-Quante, to appear). Such applicationsare needed to assist children individually in the ac-quisition of spelling competence. Our corpus shallprovide a basis for further developments in this di-rection.

Both for the study of learner errors as well asfor tool building, it is important that one can relyon the corpus annotations. Target hypotheses playa key role here. Rosen et al. (2014) (see alsoits discussion in Meurers, 2015) have shown thatdiffering target hypotheses among annotators ac-count for a considerable amount of disagreementin the choice of error tags. They conclude, in linewith Reznicek et al. (2013), that an explicit tar-get hypothesis is required for annotating learnererrors. While target hypotheses in general are saidto be hard to agree on (Ludeling, 2008; Fitzpatrickand Seegmiller, 2004), minimal target hypothe-ses, i.e. minimal form changes that are required tomake an utterance grammatical (Meurers, 2015),are generally presented as less problematic forinter-annotator agreement (see e.g. Reznicek et al.(2012) on the minimal target hypothesis in theFalko corpus). However, we are not aware of astudy which systematically evaluates the agree-ment on such a minimal target hypothesis in a cor-pus. As example (1) above has shown, even form-driven distinctions include ambiguities which canlead to inconsistencies in the annotated data.

We therefore conducted a detailed inter-annotator agreement study on a subset of our cor-pus to evaluate the expected reliability of the tar-get hypothesis annotations, and to raise awarenessfor potential inconsistencies, which even detailedannotation guidelines cannot fully cover. More-over, even though many learner corpora are builtfrom hand-written source texts, especially L1 cor-pora, errors or ambiguities that arise during thetranscription are hardly ever addressed (but seeAbel et al.,2014; Glaznieks et al., 2014). To deal


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with this issue, we also measured agreement onthe transcription of our hand-written source data.

The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-lows: Section 2 gives an overview of related work,Section 3 introduces our corpus, Section 4 ex-plains our guidelines for the transcription and thetarget hypothesis, Section 5 presents our study oninter-annotator agreement and Section 6 concludesthe paper with a summary and outlook. A fullexample of a transcribed and normalized text, in-cluding the scanned handwritten text, can be foundin the Appendix.

2 Related Work

This paper deals with the orthographic annotationof a new corpus resource with two main novelties:Firstly, our target hypothesis (which we call “nor-malization”) strictly only corrects orthographic er-rors, and secondly, we present a detailed analysisof the inter-annotator agreement for the target hy-pothesis. We review shortly how these two aspectshave been handled by other corpora. While thereis an abundant number of L2 learner corpora (seee.g. the ‘Learner Corpora around the World’ listmaintained by the Centre for English Corpus Lin-guistics3), L1 written corpora are still relativelyrare (see Abel et al. (2014) and Barbagli et al.(2016) for overviews). We restrict our discussionto an exemplary selection of corpora from both ar-eas.

Not all L1 corpora present an explicit target hy-pothesis (e.g. Parr, 2010) but if they do, they typ-ically only annotate one target hypothesis whichcorrects orthographic as well as grammatical andsometimes also lexical errors (Barbagli et al.,2016; Berkling et al., 2014; Berkling, 2016). Inthe corpora described in Berkling et al. (2014) andBerkling (2016), grammatical errors/correctionsget an extra mark to be excluded from ortho-graphic analyses but in the target hypothesis,only the grammatically correct form is given andspelling errors within the erroneous form are notconsidered. For instance, *<Dretet> is correctedto <tritt> ‘(he/she) kicks’ while an orthograph-ically correct (but grammatically incorrect form)would be <tretet>. Furthermore, one cannotsee how ambiguous cases are handled, e.g. *<erschlaft> is treated as an orthography error and cor-

3,last access on July 14, 2017

rected to <er schlaft> ‘he sleeps’, although thesame ambiguity applies as in example (1) above.4

Only in the Osnabrucker Bildergeschichtenkor-pus (Thelen, 2000, 2010), words which containboth grammatical and orthographic errors are as-signed two target hypotheses; e.g. *<ien> is as-signed both <ihn> (orthographically correct) and<ihm> ‘him’ (grammatically correct). However,decisions about grammatical and orthographic er-rors are not consistent. For instance, at one point(er/sie) *<seht> (instead of <sieht> ‘(he/she)sees’) is marked as a grammatical error, at anotherpoint as an orthographic one.

Two German L2 learner corpora are annotatedwith more than one target hypothesis: Falko(Reznicek et al., 2012) and EAGLE (Boyd, 2010).Falko treats orthographic and grammatical errorstogether at the first layer, though, and seman-tic/stylistic errors on the second. EAGLE providesa separate layer for spelling errors but only thoseresulting in non-words are considered.

All of the corpora have in common that therewas no evaluation of the annotated target hypoth-esis and we are only aware of one corpus in whichthe transcription was evaluated (Abel et al., 2014;Glaznieks et al., 2014). The authors also report anevaluation of the orthographic error annotation butleave open if the evaluation only concerns the er-ror categories themselves, or if the corrected formshave been evaluated as well. They achieved 80%accuracy, but state that they are not aware of num-bers to compare with.

3 The Corpus

In her dissertation, Frieg (2014) evaluated the pro-motion of language skills with the help of “gener-ative text production” in German primary schoolclasses. To this end, she collected freely writ-ten texts from 15 classes of 7 different schoolsin North-Rhine Westphalia/Germany over a timeperiod of over 2.5 years between 2010 and 2012.Children from grade 2–4, many of them with a mi-gration background, produced texts at ten differ-ent points in time. Every two to four months, thechildren were asked to write down a picture storyshown in a sequence of six pictures in their class-rooms.5 All the stories were taken from Schroff(2000) and deal with two children and their dog,

4The examples <Dretet> and <schlaft> are both takenfrom the corpus described in Berkling (2016).

5A sample text is shown in Appendix A.


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who experience different adventures. Over thewhole time course, eight different stories wereused. For more information on the data collection,see Frieg (2014).

Our corpus is based on scans of the origi-nal handwritten texts collected in that researchproject. Basically, we used all the texts forwhich parental consent was given and which con-tained at least 15 readable words.6 Moreover, weonly included texts for which the entire scan wasreadable. This means that scans of bad qualityor in which some lines were cropped were ex-cluded altogether. Overall, our corpus comprises1,845 texts7 written by 251 children (47.0% fe-male, 52.2% male, 0.8% unknown). On average,there are 7.4 texts (SD: 2.1) per child, with an av-erage length 109.3 words (SD: 49.9). From the1,741 texts that have been transcribed and normal-ized (i.e. assigned a target form) to date, 17.76%of the words contain one or more spelling er-rors (counted as mismatches of original and targetword, see Section 4).

Each text is annotated with the following meta-data: the child’s ID, the grade in which the textwas written, the ID of the class and school of thechild, the topic of the picture story, the child’sgender and age, language(s) spoken by the child,and whether they obtained additional tuition inGerman as a second language or in their mothertongue.

4 Transcription and NormalizationGuidelines

In this section, we present the most importantaspects of the guidelines we developed for tran-scribing the handwritten texts and for providingan orthographic target hypothesis, called “normal-ization”. The full guidelines are published inLaarmann-Quante et al. (2017).

4.1 Transcription

The general rule for transcribing the texts to type-writing is to stick as closely as possible to the orig-inal input and not correct any spelling errors orword separations. In certain cases, the transcriber

6This means in particular that for at least 15 words, onehad to be able to identify a target word. Some texts wereshorter than 15 words altogether and some texts consisted(primarily) of non-identifiable letter strings.

7The final number of texts will probably be a little lowerbecause we are still in the process of transcribing the textsand during this process some scans turn out to be unusable.

is asked to decide in favor of the child, i.e. give theorthographically correct option a higher weight: ifit is not possible to clearly decide which charac-ter(s) a stroke represents, whether a letter is up-percase or lowercase or if there is a space betweenwords or not. Example (2) gives an example ofsuch ambiguous cases. In the first word, the firstletter could be a<d> or a capitalized<D>. Sincethe word refers to a proper name, the transcriptionwith the uppercase letter <Dodo> is to be cho-sen. The second word could be read as <flpster>(a non-word) or as <fenster> ‘window’. In thiscase, the transcriber should decide for the existingword.


However, if a character is completely illegi-ble or non-existent, it is represented by an as-terisk (*), see example (3), which is transcribedas <ire Fre*ndin Lars> (with the target hypoth-esis of <Fre*ndin> being <Freundin> ‘(female)friend’).


As we are only interested in the actual text thechild wrote, graphical illustrations, comments ofthe teacher, blank lines and meta data like date in-formation, etc. are ignored. Also, words crossedout by the child are not transcribed. If the childindicated a permutation of words or an insertionof one or more words, the words are inserted inthe intended place. Besides the pure transcriptionof perceived characters, transcribers are asked tomaintain information about the formatting of thetext by marking the end of each line with a cir-cumflex (ˆ). At a later stage, this may help to ex-plain certain word separations. The end of head-lines is marked as well, to facilitate a subsequentgrammatical analysis, because headlines often areincomplete sentences.

4.2 Normalization

The aim of the normalization is to provide anorthographic target hypothesis, i.e. the orthogra-phically correct version, for each token. To decidewhether a word form is orthographically correct,


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the Duden8 is used as a reference. If the anno-tator cannot identify at all which word the childprobably meant, the child’s word is copied and aquestion mark (‘?’) is placed in front of it to markit as a non-identifiable target.

It is important that only errors are correctedwhich can be clearly attributed to orthography andnot to other phenomena such as sentence bound-aries, inflection, agreement, syntax, semantics,etc. Example (4) shows an example sentencewhich contains both orthographic and grammati-cal errors.

(4) Dodo bellt ein Vogel an Lea ist auf dem wegzu Schuhle auf einmal sid sie ire Fre*ndinLarsDodo barks at a bird Lea is on the way toschool suddenly she sees her friend Lars

Following our guidelines, the target hypothesisis (5a) and not (5b):

(5) a. Dodo bellt ein Vogel an Lea ist auf demWeg zu Schule auf einmal sieht sie ihreFreundin Lars

b. Dodo bellt einen Vogel an . Lea ist aufdem Weg zur Schule . Auf einmal siehtsie ihren Freund Lars

Any error which could be a purely grammati-cal one, like missing agreement (<bellt ein Vo-gel an>), false prepositions (<zu Schule>), is notcorrected.9 If a word contains both grammati-cal and orthographic errors, the orthographic er-rors are corrected but the grammatical errors arenot. For instance, in *<Lea ging fruh in dieSchuhlen> ‘Lea went to schools early’ the super-fluous <h> is corrected (<Schulen>) but not theinflection of Schulen (which should be Schule).10

Deciding in favor of the child is a principle thatis also pursued in the normalization. For instance,letter case and word boundaries are only corrected

8www.duden.de9The only exception is the confusion of <das> (arti-

cle/pronoun) and <dass> (conjunction) which is always cor-rected, because it is an error commonly counted in ortho-graphic annotation schemes (Fay, 2010; Thome and Thome,2004).

10Real-word errors can only be detected by considering thecontext. In such cases, the target word has to belong to the(probably) intended lemma. For instance, although <weg>is an existing word (‘away’), the context could make clearthat ‘Weg’ (‘way’) was meant, hence the real-word error iscorrected.

if there is absolutely no possibility that the child’sversion is correct. For instance, if the child wrotewords separately that could in fact be written sep-arately in a slightly modified context (as with verbparticles for instance), it is regarded as a syntacti-cal error and thus not corrected here. For example,<Ihr Hund wollte mit kommen> ‘Her dog wantedto come with her’ is not corrected to the morecommon form <mitkommen> because it wouldbe correct if there were some words in between(e.g.<mit in die Schule kommen> ‘come with herto school’. The same holds true for wrong lettercase, e.g. if the first word after a sentence bound-ary mark was not capitalized: As many childrenonly poorly mark sentence boundaries, one couldargue that it was the wrong choice of punctuationmark instead (e.g. a period instead of a comma).Letter case is only corrected if the child wrotenouns and proper names in lowercase, or if it cap-italized a word where one cannot at all argue for a(missing) sentence boundary.

Particular attention must be paid in cases ofnoun and verb inflection. Generally, a target wordhas to be an existing German word form. How-ever, if a child e.g. mistakenly inflects a verb asa weak verb instead of a strong verb (like tref-fen → *trefften instead of trafen, which is anal-ogous to meet → *meeted instead of met), thisis considered a grammatical (morphological) er-ror and, hence, is not corrected. Only the or-thographic errors in such forms are corrected toan extent that a plausible word form is obtainedwhich could be the result of an (incorrect) inflec-tion of this word or derivation from a related wordform. In some cases, the resulting word form doesexist in the inflection paradigm (<esst>/<lauft>for <isst>/<lauft> is 2ND.PERS.PL.PRES. of‘eat’/‘run’) so the child may have picked thewrong form. In other cases, the word form doesnot exist at all (e.g. *<Wander> for <Wande>‘walls’, *<springte> for <sprang> ‘jumped’).Here, the annotator is asked to mark the target hy-pothesis as non-existing by placing a tilde (∼) infront of the word (e.g.*schpringte→ ∼springte).

5 Inter-Annotator Agreement

To get a sense of the difficulty of the task, theeffectiveness of the guidelines as well as the ex-pected consistency of the transcription and nor-malization in the corpus, we conducted an inter-annotator agreement study.


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Transcription Normalization

Text ID #char perc κ #tok perc

025-201112-I-Schule 971 98.04 .99 179 94.41170-201112-IV-Weg 161 97.52 .99 31 83.87207-200910-II-Weg 414 75.12 .86 82 71.95324-201011-II-Jenga 314 95.54 .97 59 84.75331-201011-III-Seilbahn 411 94.89 .97 69 91.30416-201112-II-Fundbuero 891 98.54 .99 175 96.00427-200910-I-Eis 248 96.37 .98 51 92.16436-200910-I-Staubsauger 369 99.19 1.00 64 98.44486-201011-I-Frosch 536 98.13 .99 99 86.87604-201011-IV-Weg 712 98.03 .99 135 93.33

all texts taken together 5027 95.82 .98 944 90.78

Table 1: Number of characters (#char), percent agreement (perc) and Fleiss’ κ for transcription, andnumbers of tokens (#tok) and percent agreement for normalization among all four annotators for eachtext.

We pseudo-randomly picked ten texts from ourcorpus with the condition that the frequency distri-bution of the different topics was reflected in theselection. Four trained annotators then indepen-dently transcribed and normalized the ten texts.Transcription and normalization were carried outin a single step, i.e. a word was transcribed andthen immediately normalized. The advantage isthat firstly, as shown in example (2), normalizationdoes to some extent influence the transcription, socarrying out the two steps together should lead tomore consistent transcriptions and normalizations.Secondly, it turned out to be more time-efficient tocarry out both steps at once. The transcription andnormalization were written in a csv-file with onetoken per line. Clear technical mistakes were au-tomatically corrected so that, for instance, whites-pace that was accidentally added to a token wouldnot be taken into account when computing agree-ment.

5.1 Agreement on Transcription

To evaluate agreement on the transcription, wechose a character-based procedure. We interpretedthe transcription as an annotation task in which aregion of pixels in the scan has to be assigned atag. The tagset in this case consists of the letters ofthe alphabet, numbers and punctuation marks. Inaddition to raw percent agreement, we also com-puted chance-corrected agreement according toCohen’s κ (for pairwise comparisons) and Fleiss’κ (for comparisons of more than two annotators).

The transcription of each annotator was ex-tracted from the csv-file and transformed into onelong string with token boundaries indicated byspaces. The different transcriptions were then au-tomatically aligned.11 If one annotator transcribeda character (or a whitespace, i.e. a token boundary)where others did not, the missing characters wereindicated by a ‘#’ in the alignment. An exampleis given in (6), showing the scan and the transcrip-tions by the four annotators A1–A4.

(6)A1: mit#der Seil bahn und sie hate

A2: mit#der seil bahn und sie hate

A3: mit#der Seil#bahn und sie hate

A4: mit der Seil bahn und sie hate

Table 1 shows the agreement results for eachtext.12 Transcription agreement is generally veryhigh (mostly > 94%, κ > .97). One can also ob-serve a quite high variance with agreement rang-

11Only in the texts 207-200910-II-Weg and 331-201011-III-Seilbahn, parts of the alignments had to be corrected man-ually because in the former, one annotator accidentally leftout two lines, and in the second, one word led to so differenttranscriptions (see example (7)) that the automatic alignmentdid not produce the optimal result.

12#char refers to the maximum number of charactersthat were transcribed, i.e. if one transcriber transcribed acharacter where the others did not (= empty string), thiswould still count in the maximum number of characters.Agreement was computed with the software tool R andthe package “irr”,


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ing from 94.89–99.19%, indicating that there aresimple, clearly-written texts as well as texts thatare rather difficult to decipher. Text 207-200910-II-Weg sticks out with a much lower agreementresult than the others. This is due to one annotatoraccidentally skipping two lines in the scan.

The agreement figures in Table 1 representagreement between all four annotators, i.e. one an-notator with a deviant transcription already resultsin considerably lower agreement scores. Table 2shows the agreement between pairs, triples, andall four annotators. One can see that agreement ishighest among annotators A1, A2 and A4: both aspairs and triples, they achieved κ = .99 (Cohen’sκ in the case of pairs of annotators, Fleiss’ κ withtriples and all four annotators). These annotatorshad most experience with the texts and the guide-lines: at the time of the agreement study, A1 andA2 had been working in the project for half a year,A3 for one month and A4 for more than 2 years.All in all, one can conclude that the transcriptionsare very consistent.

Transcription Norm.Annotators perc κ perc

A1+A2 99.26 .99 97.03A1+A3 96.36 .96 93.43A1+A4 99.30 .99 97.35A2+A3 96.44 .96 93.01A2+A4 99.28 .99 96.29A3+A4 96.46 .96 92.80

A1+A2+A3 96.06 .97 92.06A1+A2+A4 98.93 .99 95.34A1+A3+A4 96.06 .97 91.84A2+A3+A4 96.12 .97 91.31

A1+A2+A3+A4 95.82 .98 90.78

Table 2: Agreement results for pairs, triples, andall four annotators for transcription and normaliza-tion

5.2 Analysis of Disagreements in theTranscription

After the agreement study, the four annotatorscame up with a gold standard and categorized eachdisagreement. They identified seven categories,see Table 3.13

13Percent figures in Tables 3 and 4 do not add up to 100%due to rounding errors.

Category Freq Perc

careless mistake (CM) 112 53%consequential error (CE) 28 13%upper-/lowercase (UL) 27 13%ambiguous case (A) 19 9%word boundary (WB) 11 5%guidelines not obeyed (G) 7 3%influence of normalization (N) 4 2%A or CM 2 1%

total 210 100%

Table 3: Sources of disagreements in the transcrip-tion

Careless mistakes (CM) have the largest sharewith 112 cases (53%) but 92 of them go back to thetwo missed lines by one of the annotators. Eight ofthe other 20 are due to forgotten linebreak marks,so only 12 actually refer to forgotten or confusedcharacters. Whenever a disagreement automati-cally led to another disagreement, this is countedas a consequential error (CE), e.g. if a linebreakmark was forgotten, consequentially the whites-pace following this linebreak mark was also miss-ing. Upper-/lowercase (UL) and word boundaries(WB) were often ambiguous (see example (6)).While most of them could be resolved by major-ity vote or a second close look, three cases wereparticularly ambiguous and could only be decidedafter long discussion.

Eight of the other 19 ambiguous cases (A) re-fer to punctuation marks (period, comma or justa spot on the paper?), the others to characters(e.g. <v>/<w>, <u>/<a>). The hardest caseis shown in example (7), presenting the scan andthe four transcriptions (it was agreed that the goldtranscription should be <Kn**lt>, and the targethypothesis, judging from the context, should be<knallt> ‘bangs’):

(7)Knalt, Kabolt, Ka*dt, Knalt

The seven cases of disagreement with regard tothe guidelines (G) refer to highly specific caseswhere the numbers of the pictures or an endingformula like “The End” were not transcribed al-though it was asked for in the guidelines.

Finally, in four cases the transcription was influ-enced by the normalization (N): an erronous word


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was transcribed without the errors, according tothe target hypothesis. It is often claimed that tran-scribing texts is difficult because one is temptedto correct errors when transcribing. Our figuresdo not support this claim, at least if one had sometraining (the overlooking of errors only happenedto the annotator with the least training). In onecase, the annotator had a different normalizationin mind which influenced the transcription, see ex-ample (8):


Three annotators transcribed <Eis getlt> andnormalized it as <Eis geteilt> ‘shared the icecream’, one annotator transcribed<Eis gellt> andnormalized it as <Eisgeld> ‘ice cream money’.

5.3 Agreement on Normalization

Agreement on normalization, i.e. the target hy-pothesis, was evaluated on a token basis. The nor-malized forms were automatically aligned token-wise, with a ‘#’ indicating a split/merge or miss-ing token. Choosing a correct target form fora transcribed word cannot be meaningfully inter-preted as a categorization task, given that the the-oretically possible number of targets is infinite.Therefore, chance-corrected agreement could notbe computed, so we only report raw percent agree-ment. Table 114 shows the agreement between allfour annotators for each text. One can see thatoverall, agreement is lower than for the transcrip-tions and that there is considerably more varia-tion across the texts (83.87–98.44%, without thetext with the two missed lines). The pairwise andthree-way comparisons of annotators in Table 2also show that agreement is highest among anno-tators A1, A2 and A4.

Since the annotators based the target hypothesison their own transcriptions, missing tokens in thetranscription automatically led to missing tokensin the normalization. Also, different transcriptionscould lead to different normalizations. Therefore,we additionally computed normalization agree-ment of all four annotators for words with uni-

14As with characters (see footnote 12), #tok refers to themaximum number of tokens in the normalization. Accordingto the gold standard, there were 939 target tokens in total,198 (21.1%) of which contained orthographic errors, i.e. thetranscribed and normalized token differed.

form transcriptions. Tokens that got the same tran-scription by all annotators (849 instances) showeda percent agreement of 96.70% (as compared totokens that were transcribed by all annotators butpossibly in different ways (912), with an agree-ment of 93.97%).

Normalization is clearly more demanding thantranscription but the results seem satisfying.

5.4 Analysis of Disagreements inNormalization

Again, after the agreement study, a gold standardwas constructed by the annotators, and seven cat-egories were identified to classify the disagree-ments, see Table 4.

Category Freq Perc

token not transcribed (NT) 28 33%token transcr. differently (DT) 16 19%other word was meant (O) 12 14%normalization wrong (W) 9 11%mistake was overlooked (MO) 8 9%unintuitive form req. (UF) 6 7%word boundaries (WB) 3 4%DT and UF 3 4%

total 85 100%

Table 4: Sources of disagreements in the target hy-pothesis

As discussed above, missing (NT) or differ-ent (DT) transcriptions have a big influence onthe agreement on the target hypothesis (44 cases,i.e. 52% in total). Twelve tokens were normal-ized differently (DT) in that target words with dif-ferent lemmas were chosen (e.g. <noch> ‘still’,vs. <nach> (preposition ‘to’)). Nine times a nor-malization was wrong (W): either a particular rulein our guidelines was not followed (e.g. *<hilt>was normalized to <halt> ‘holds’ instead of<hielt> ‘held’, which is phonetically more simi-lar), or the target form was not standard German(e.g. <ist Zuhause> instead of <ist zuhause>‘is at home’). In eight cases, a spelling mistakewas overlooked in the normalization (MO), andin six cases our guidelines were not followed inthat they required to choose a form which wasmarked in some way or not the most intuitiveone (UF): On the one hand, this concerns markedspellings that only recently have been adaptedby the Duden (e.g. non-standard <kuckt> for


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<guckt> ‘he/she looks’). On the other hand,our requirement not to correct grammatical er-rors and certain capitalizations was not obeyedin five cases (e.g. <wegfahrt> was changed to<wegfahrt> ‘drive away’, an agreement error);three of them were also mixed with a differenttranscription (DT and UF). Finally, three timesword boundaries could be interpreted in differentways (WB), e.g. Dann ist alles auf Mickel draufgefallen vs. draufgefallen ‘Then everything felldown on Mickel’.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we propose a way of annotating or-thographic target hypotheses in a new longitudinalL1 learner corpus of German with freely writtentexts from children of grades 2–4.

By annotating the corpus with a target hypothe-sis that strictly only corrects orthographic errors, itis tailored to research and tool development for or-thographic issues in primary school. Having a tar-get hypothesis for learner data is important in sev-eral ways: Firstly, it makes explicit what the anno-tator thought the child wanted to write. Secondly,it can be used to analyze in which way an ob-served spelling deviates from the correct spelling,and, hence, what kind of error the child made.Third, the standardized spelling can facilitate fur-ther (semi-)automatic processing of the texts.

Given the lack of evaluation of transcriptionsand target hypotheses in existing corpora, we con-ducted a detailed inter-annotator agreement studyon both tasks and discussed the sources of incon-sistencies. Although agreement was very high andshould allow for robust analyses and tool develop-ments based on our corpus, we showed that someambiguities always remain, even if the task onlyconcerns ‘minimal’ changes and detailed guide-lines are provided. Young children’s handwritinghas been shown to be difficult to decipher, andin some cases leading to different transcriptions.Similarly for normalization, different sources fordisagreements or errors on the annotator’s sidewere identified, which to some extent certainlygeneralize to other corpora and should be kept inmind.

When all texts are transcribed and normalized,our corpus will be made available15. It can be used


for theoretical research on spelling acquisition butalso in applied contexts, e.g. by teachers who wantto look up frequently misspelled words. It is alsointended for training, developing and evaluatingautomatic spelling correction and spelling assess-ment tools.

Our next step is to enrich the corpus with fur-ther annotations regarding word properties and or-thographic errors (Laarmann-Quante et al., 2016).We also started to work on tools for automaticspelling error analysis (Laarmann-Quante, 2016,to appear). In the long term, we plan to considergrammatical errors as well.


This research is part of the project Literacy as thekey to social participation: Psycholinguistic per-spectives on orthography instruction and literacyacquisition funded by the Volkswagen Foundationas part of the research initiative “Key Issues forResearch and Society”. We would also like tothank the anonymous reviewers for their helpfulcomments.


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A Full Example of Original Text, Transcription and Normalization

Original Text (Scan)

Figure 1: Example of an original text in the corpus


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Transcription and Normalization


Dodo Dodound undder derStaubsauger Staubsauger\h \hLars Larsstaubsaugte staubsaugte. .Dodo Dodoschlafte ˜schlafte, ,ˆ1 1Auge Augewar warofen offen. .Seine SeineKnochen Knochenlagen lagenˆunten untenauf aufden denTepich Teppich, ,und undLars Larshate hattedas dasmit mitden denStaubsauger Staubsaugerˆauf_gesaugt aufgesaugt. .Lars Larswolte wollteden denStabsau-ˆgerbeutel Staubsaugerbeutelausleren ausleeren. .Nur NurDodo Dodozite ˜ziehtean anLars LarsˆBein Bein, ,weil weiler erdie dieKnochen Knochenaufgesaugt aufgesaugthate hatte. .ˆDodo Dodozite ˜ziehtean anden denˆStaubsaugerbeutel Staubsaugerbeutel. .Lars Lars

CHILD (cont.) TARGET (cont.)

fragte fragtesich sichwarum warumˆDodo Dodoan anden denStaubsaugerbeutel Staubsaugerbeutelzite ˜ziehte? ?ˆDodo Dodozite ˜ziehtemit mitseinen seinenPfoten Pfotenden denˆStabsaugerbeutel Staubsaugerbeutelund undder derStaubsaugerbeutel Staubsaugerbeutelˆviel fielaus ausder derHand Handvon vonLars Lars. .Und Undder derˆStaubsaugerbeutel Staubsaugerbeutelist istgeplazt geplatzt. .ˆDodo Dodohate hattezwar zwarangst Angstvon vonden denˆGereusch Gerausch, ,aber aberden denKnochen Knochenhate hatteer erauch auch. .ˆUnd Undwar warglucklich glucklichauser außerLars Lars, ,er erwar warˆwutend wutend. .