annotations of a music magazine - task 1 - research and planning


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Page 1: Annotations of a Music Magazine - Task 1 - Research and Planning
Page 2: Annotations of a Music Magazine - Task 1 - Research and Planning

A masthead that links to the genre of the magazine and dominates the first horizontal third of the page. “Kerrang” links to the sound of an electric, rock guitar which shows it’s audience.

A main image and main coverline on the same topic of a band, sometimes an exclusive interview, but typically both the coverline and the image dominate the page as displayed by Kerrang.

Barcode, issue number and date for consumption purposes, also serves to specific subscription purposes as magazines can become collectibles.

The listing/name-dropping of bands that are going to be inside the magazine, gives the audience a taste of the content.

A majority of coverlines and features from within the magazine will be on the left-third of the cover, this is typical of any magazine but the types of features on a music front cover is plugs of competitions about gigs and snippets of inside-interviews with bands, as displayed.

Consistent colours are also conventional of any type of magazine cover, but with magazines like Kerrang which are for a rock audience. Bold colours like red and yellow connote danger and warnings which link directly to the genre by striking out at an audience-just like the music.

Page 3: Annotations of a Music Magazine - Task 1 - Research and Planning

Contents usually establish the regularity of a magazine, showing how fresh the content inside is. For a music magazine, this has advantages of the latest albums, hot bands to interview, festivals etc.

Different categories that break down a magazine are evident right from the contents page, this creates an index that caters specifically to the audience’s needs- they could go straight to the posters and find the band they like or jump right ahead to the competition section.

Advertisements for subscriptions- encourages a steady readership and shows if the magazine is hitting it’s target audience effectively.

Different shapes and teaser pictures to entice the audience also act as a more interesting presentational feature as they strike out to the audience, it also highlights key pages for the consumer to look at-possibly the latest update that they need to read, showing that the magazine is trying to keep its content fresh and keep up with what’s new.

Clear listing and columns are key conventions of magazines, it breaks down the page and makes it accessible to read, showing clear numbered references for the audience to use the product effectively.

Page 4: Annotations of a Music Magazine - Task 1 - Research and Planning

A main image that dominates one of the pages, typically the left is conventional of an interview-style double page spread. It clearly shows that the article is important due to its double-page size and the main image shows exactly who it’s about and makes it look pleasing visually.

Columns are traditional for this type of product and it divides the page so that more information can be packed in.

A large title at the top of the page with a font that strikes out is typical and looks effective on a page as it is the first thing that hits an audience. Paired with the large picture, it sets the topic and the colours set the layout of a page.

Drop Capital to show the start of an interview/section.

Change of colour and font style/type indicate who is talking and make the article accessible. This always conforms with the colour scheme, which in this case is red, white, and black.