annual camp 2005 scouts 13 th dublin rathfarnham

Annual Camp 2005 Scouts 13 th Dublin Rathfarnham

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Page 1: Annual Camp 2005 Scouts 13 th Dublin Rathfarnham

Annual Camp 2005


13th Dublin


Page 2: Annual Camp 2005 Scouts 13 th Dublin Rathfarnham


• 6th of July ‘till 16th of July 2005

• We leave the Den at 9:00 (9am) on Wednesday and scouts will be picked up in Glenshelane at Saturday the 16th on 14:00 (2pm).

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• This is going to be an annual camp.

• We will have 5 patrols.

• If any patrol does not have enough scouts going on the site they will be split up and put into the other patrols or merged with an other patrol.

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• The camp will be in Glenshelane, Co. Waterford.

• Directions will be given before Camp.

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• All 5 patrols of the scouts section of the 13th, Rathfarnham.

• If any of the patrols have less than 5 scouts going on the competition they will be split up and put in the other patrols or merged with another patrol.

• Minimum for a patrol is 5 scouts, maximum is 9 scouts.

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Site Development – Wednesday – 6th July

Day 1


8am The Kitchen Staff meets up early at the den this morning so that they can head off and get the site started before the scouts arrive down in the afternoon

Kitchen staff

10am The scouts load the van and the bus and head for Glenshelane


2pm Scouts arrive on site and have lunch. Kitchen staff

3pm Start building sites All

6pm Dinner Kitchen staff

7pm Buildng sites All

10pm Campfire All

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Thursday – 7th July

Day 2

8am Rise and shine! Have breakfast and do washing ups. All

9am Official opening by soutsmaster. All

9.30am Finish sites All

1pm Lunch QM’s

2pm Splatoon / watergames Jörgen / Andrew

6pm dinner QM’s

7pm Wood collecting / games Colm / Kirsty

10pm Campfire / supper All

Midnight Lights out All

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Friday – 8th July

Day 3

8am Rise and shine! Have breakfast and do washing ups. All

9am Dingy races / waterballon fights Séan / Alison

1pm Lunch QM’s

2pm Sports Day: Soccer / Volleybal / Dodgeball / Rugby

Per Patrol

Jörgen / Alison / Andrew

6pm dinner QM’s

7pm Stealth Games Jörgen / Kirsty

10pm Supper All

Midnight Lights out All

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Saturday – 9th July

Day 4

8am Rise and shine! Have breakfast and do washing ups. Make luches for during hike.


9am Build bridge over river / hike. Séan / Jörgen

1pm Lunch QM’s

2pm Hike Séan / Jörgen

6pm dinner QM’s

7pm Campfire / skids Alison / Kirsty

10pm Supper All

Midnight Lights out All

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Sunday – 10th July

Day 5

8am Rise and shine! Have breakfast and do washing ups. All

9am Of to church / After mass the scouts have some time off in town. All

1pm Lunch QM’s

2pm Go to beach / river Water games/ beat the tide / waterballoons Andrew / Colm

6pm dinner QM’s

7pm Games / PL’s night out Alison / Séan

10pm Supper All

Midnight Lights out All

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Monday – 11th July

Day 6

8am Rise and shine! Have breakfast and do washing ups make lunches All

9am Daytrip All

1pm Lunch QM’s

2pm Daytrip All

7pm dinner QM’s

8pm Games / Campfire Alison / Séan

10pm Supper All

Midnight Lights out All

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Tuesday – 12th July

Day 7

8am Rise and shine! Have breakfast and do washing up. All

9am Campfox / Relieves /Squirmish / rounders / Rugby / murderball / sardines Séan / Jörgen / Andrew

1pm Lunch QM’s

2pm Overnight hike All

7pm dinner QM’s

8pm Overnight hike Alison / Séan

10pm Supper All

Midnight Lights out All

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Wednesday – 13th July

Day 8

8am Rise and shine! Have breakfast and do washing up. All

10am – 11am

Scouts arrive back at campsite after overnight hike All

1pm Lunch QM’s

2pm Quiet afternoon for those who want to / games for the rest Jörgen / Andrew

7pm dinner QM’s

8pm Patrol challenges Colm / Kirsty / Alison

10pm Supper All

Midnight Lights out All

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Thursday – 14th July

Day 9

8am Rise and shine! Have breakfast and do washing up. All

9am Stealth games, Conquer towers Jörgen / Colm

1pm Lunch QM’s

2pm Rugby / water games / etc. Andrew / Séan

7pm dinner QM’s

8pm Spooky hike / trailseeking Jörgen / Alison

10pm Supper All

Midnight Lights out All

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Friday – 15th July

Day 9

8am Rise and shine! Have breakfast and do washing up. All

9am Patrol challenges / commando course Andrew / Colm

1pm Lunch QM’s

2pm Patrol challenges / commando course / break up camp Kirsty / Jörgen

7pm dinner QM’s

8pm Campfire / skids / prizes / scout of the year / etc. Jörgen / Alison

10pm Supper All

Midnight Lights out All

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Saturday – 16th July

Day 10

8am Rise and shine! Have breakfast and do washing up. All

9am Break up camp All

1pm Lunch All

2pm Leave back for Dublin All

6pm Arrival back in Dublin All

8pm Leaders night out!!! All

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• Make sure have a cooler box for you perishables (coolers, ice blocks).

• Make out a menu with your patrol, a shopping list and a budget. You might want to use a calculator while shopping.

• Check for allergies, vegetarians, coelics, etc. in your patrol and adapt your menu.

• Breakfast should be cereals & milk or sausages, rashers, etc.

• Lunch should be soup, sandwiches, crisps.

• Dinner should be a 3-course meal. (Starter, main course, dessert)

• Make sure you have enough matches, bin bags, tinfoil, cling foil, cleaning fluids, washing up liquid, tea towels, etc.

• Best thing to do is get a folder, with plastic pockets, and write everything out. Keep all receipts.

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Camping Equipment

1. Ruck Sack / Back Pack2. Strong Boots or Shoes (No Runners)*3. Wooly Socks4. Trousers or Tracsuit (No Jeans)*5. Shirt and Warm Jumper6. Waterproof Jacket and Leggings7. Gaiters (Optional)8. Warm Hat, Gloves, and Scarf9. Full Change of Cloths10. Packed Lunch and Hot Drink11. Torch12. Map and Compass (Optional)13. Camera (Optional)14. Insect Repellant and Sun Screen15. Sleeping Bag16. Foam Ground Mat17. Knife, Fork, Spoon18. Plate, Bowl, Mug

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How to Pitch an Icelantic• 1. Select a suitable site for your tent; it should be as flat as possible. Remove any pebbles,

stones and anything else you wouldn't want to sleep on! • 2. Unpack the tent from its bag carefully; check that dollies / main guys, all poles, pegs &

mallets are present. • 3. Assemble the ridge pole and place it exactly where you want the centre line of your tent

to be. • 4. Knock in a brailing peg at each end of the ridge pole. • 5. Now assemble the upright poles; you will need these to measure out where to put the

pegs for the main guys. • 6. Stand at one end of the ridge pole, facing outwards from where the tent will be. Put your

feet with the heels touching the brailing peg, one in line with the ridge pole and the other at right angles to it.

• 7. Hold one upright pole with its end in between your feet, as close to the ridge pole as you can get it. Lower it carefully onto the ground so that it cuts the angle made by your feet in half. Knock a large peg into the ground at the far end of the pole, ready for one of the main guys.

• 8. Repeat this process another three times, once more at the same end of the tent as the peg you have just knocked in but placing your feet facing towards the other corner, and twice at the far end of the tent. Your pegs should mark out a large rectangle if you have measured correctly.

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How to pitch an Icelantic• 9. Remove the poles and put them to one side where you can reach them easily - you will

soon need them again. Unfold the tent canvas and spread it out (with the doors still laced) roughly where your tent is to be pitched; the ridge of the tent should be parallel with the brailing pegs already in and the bottom of the doors roughly at the brailing pegs.

• 10. Carefully put the ridge pole in place inside the canvas (depending on your tent, you may have to take it apart again.) DO NOT STAND ON ANY PART OF THE CANVAS.

• 11. Insert the upright poles with the tent still on the ground and put the dollies and main guys on the spikes at the ends.

• 12. Unfasten the main guys, run the sliders down and drop one guy loosely over each of the four main pegs, with a Guide in attendance at each one.

• 13. Now get ready to lift the tent : you will need all the help you can rally! One Guide needs to be at each of the end poles and at least one at each end of the tent to see to the main guys. At a given signal, lift the tent steadily, with hands well apart on the uprights and keeping the ridge pole straight - if you have anyone tall enough to reach, enlist their help to steady the ridge pole too. (If your tent has a centre pole, you will need someone inside the tent to lift that also - she must take care not to stand or kneel on the canvas.) As the tent rises, someone will have to adjust the main guys to allow it to rise evenly and with all the poles straight. Make sure you keep the bottom ends of the uprights against the brailing pegs put in earlier.

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How to pictch an Icelantic

• 15. Make sure the doors are laced - if they have come apart, re-lace them. Loop the ends of the door laces over the brailing peg previously placed at the foot of the poles. Hold out the front corners and the roof corners of the tent and peg out the bottom corners with brailing pegs so that your tent is a perfect rectangle: the canvas should hang smooth and wrinkle - free whilst you are still holding the corners of the roof out. Do not put the guys over the pegs until the pegs are in place - NEVER hammer any peg whilst the guy is over it.

• 16. Now unfasten the side guys. Peg out the guys for the front corners first - choose the angles which make the tent hang neatest. Stand with your back to the tent when you knock the pegs in; the pegs should be placed so that the guys follow the line of the slope of the roof.

• 17. Peg out the side guys, keeping the pegs in line and equally spaced. Keep checking that your tent is still hanging square - don't be tempted to over-tighten the guys.

• 18. Put in brailing pegs around the bottom of the tent walls. (Brailing pegs go in vertically - all other pegs at an angle sloping away from the tent.) Loop the brailings over the pegs - some loops will require twisting to keep them in place.

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How to pitch an Icelantic

• 19. Stand back and inspect your tent : is it up straight? Is the canvas reasonably taut? Are the guys and pegs evenly spaced and in straight lines? Open the door - are the posts still vertical and in line? If anything needs adjusting, do it now! If you want to storm lash your tent, this is the best time to do it :

• 20. Now you can move all your belongings into your Patrol Tent and start

making gadgets! 

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How to pitch an Icelantic• Icelantic

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Menu Composition

  Balanced meals, please. Not many people will want an all-sweets or all-meat meal! Try to include as many food groups as possible. 

   There are two generally accepted methods of cooking a meal; One with different components or one where everything is mixed together (meat and pasta vs. stew, for example). Either of the two is fine, so long as the scouts are receiving the same amount of nutrition.

    At the end of the camp, it’s a sign of a well prepared patrol if they still have food left over. Not in huge quantities though! It’s always better to buy more than not to buy enough. Hungry scouts will never forgive you if you make that mistake.

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Menu Composition

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Axe & Saw

Anybody can use the axe and saw, but to do so without killing or damaging your fellow scouts requires a certain level of expertise. The axe and saw require respect at all times; remember mistakes can happen even in the hands of an expert. 

• Preparation: • Choose an area away from tents and people• Get an old plastic ground sheet and place it on the ground• Find an appropriate chopping block, the bigger the better and place it in the centre of the

sheet to catch wood chippings• Cordon off the area where you are chopping with boundary poles and sisal. The distance

should be just over twice the distance of your arm held out straight while pointing the axe outwards

• Use your pioneering skills to make a stand to hold the axe and saw firmly and off the ground 

• What to wear, and what not to wear:• Wear a strong pair of boots, hiking boots are ideal• Keep your Mafikeng scarf on you at all times, but tuck it away into the top your are wearing

or put it in your pocket• Make sure that you are wearing clothing that won’t get caught or get in the way of the head

of the axe or the teeth of the saw

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Axe & Saw• Do not wear shorts, it’s better that the axe or saw get caught in your trousers and not your

skin• Gloves are optional, but make sure you’re still able to keep a good grip of the axe or saw • Parts of the axe:• SHAFT – wooden part of the axe• SHOULDER – where the wood at the back of the axe rises to meet the head• FOOT – angled part at the bottom of the wooden handle• TOE – The horizontal part of the axe beside the foot• HEAD – widest end of the metal part • BIT – sharpened edge you chop with • CHEEKS – sides of the head• EYE – area where you put a wedge to keep the wood attached to the head • Using the axe:• Look at the head of the axe to make sure it isn’t lose • Whether you use one or two hands to grip the axe depends on whether you are confident

enough and have the strength to easily lift it over your head in a chopping motion• Place the wood you are about to chop squarely on the chopping block

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Axe & Saw• If you are chopping a dead branch it may be necessary to hold it down with one of your

boots, don’t put it right beside the area of branch you are about to chop• When chopping it is ideal that the axe blows to the wood are in a V-shape, chop the wood

at 45o to 60o degree angles for best results• Chopping the wood at a 90o angle will not only blunt the axe but will slow your progress• Never chop wood that is water logged or living as they smoke a lot and burn badly• Check that everybody around you is far enough away before you begin chopping, make

sure they are at least outside the boundary • Parts of the saw:• BLADE – metal strip which saws through wood• TEETH – sharp points along the metal strip• HANDLE – part you grip when sawing • Check the teeth of the saw before going on camp to make sure it isn’t too rusty• Remember to oil the blade after every major camp, this helps prevent rust from setting in• Start by using the saw to make a groove in the wood to prevent the saw from jumping along

the log• Once you are happy the saw won’t jump out you can start sawing through the log

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Axe & Saw

• There are two ways to saw. Firstly if you are not strong enough grip the handle with two hands and use you foot to keep the log steady – or secondly if you want to saw with one hand while holding your log with the other. Make sure your free hand is through the gap in the saw, so if the saw jumps up it won’t get caught on your free arm  

• Remember in the wrong hands the axe and saw can be deadly weapons, the axe and saw are not toys and should be treated with respect at all times:  

• You should not throw the axe

• Do not bury the axe head in a living tree

• Do not bury the axe head in the ground

• Maintain the axe and saw after each camp

• Don’t leave them out over night