annual report 61914 - city university of new yorkannual report. but an annual report can be much...


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Page 1: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As


Page 2: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As

A Letter From the President

Almost everyone knows Coney Island’s Cyclone rollercoaster. Riding the Cyclone combines the exhilaration of climbing to great heights with the scream-inducing fear of descending into deep valleys. This past year at Kingsborough was a lot like riding the Cyclone. We experienced both joyous highs and traumatic lows.

In October, Superstorm Sandy ravaged our campus causing millions of dollars of damage. Remarkably, through the eff orts of our entire college community, we were back in operation in only eight days. Resilience is often thought of in only physical terms; but our recovery from Sandy demonstrated a resilience of the human spirit. We showed that, even after experiencing grave challenges, by working together we could give our students the opportunity to get both their educational lives and their personal lives back in order.

Then came the spring! And spring lifted our spirits high with the announcement that we had been named a “fi nalist with distinction” by the Aspen Institute’s Community College Excellence Program. That designation meant that Kingsborough, after rigorous evaluations, was considered to be among the top four community colleges in the nation.

You will read much more about the year in this annual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As we look forward to celebrating Kingsborough’s 50th anniversary next year, we are now a college in transition. After nine years of leading our college to great achievements, Dr. Regina Peruggi retired from the presidency. She showed us all that leadership does make a diff erence. Though she will be missed, her work here will be a lasting legacy. During our college’s transition, I am proud to be serving as interim president. We will certainly be changing as an institution. I am confi dent, however, about change that is built upon our past strengths and our sense of community. That kind of change will lead our college to an even more promising future.

Dr. Stuart SussInterim President

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W e like to think that every year at Kingsborough is remarkable. But we are still trying to get our heads

around this one: In an emotion-charged 12 months, Kingsborough survived a hurricane that devastated the region; was named one of the Top Four community colleges in America by the prestigious Aspen Institute; and said goodbye to a president who radically altered our philosophy of serving students.Superstorm Sandy gave us no choice. But we sure fought back. After she uprooted trees, fl ooded classrooms and disrupted the lives of 2,500 Kingsborough students, we cleaned up our campus, threw open our doors, and connected our college family and community members with the help they needed to restart their lives. And the sun came out again, just like it always does.

Unlike Sandy, the Aspen Institute gave us a little warning. After making the list of the nation’s top 120 community colleges, we were invited to apply for the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. In the report that won us a spot in the top 10, we described in detail our arduous, intentional, decade-long campaign to integrate the college’s academic and social services. Our only goal, then and now, was to make our students more successful.

Though we didn’t know it at the time, our Aspen bid — which resulted in a $100,000 cash prize and the Top Four ranking — would serve as

a valedictory for President Regina Peruggi, who retired in 2013 after nine years of service. Peruggi’s work is a virtual mirror image of our epic journey to the Aspen Prize.

Arriving with a mandate to increase retention, graduation and transfer rates, she introduced an era of self-examination, experimentation and collaboration to the college. Her legacy is the network of programs that captivated the Aspen Institute: Learning Communities; Faculty Innovation Awards; Faculty Interest Groups; Single Stop. But more than that, it’s the attitude adjustment she brought to the way we connect with students. If they succeed, we succeed.

“Kingsborough earned this fi nalist-with-distinction recognition because it does an exceptional job with a highly diverse student body,” said Josh Wyner, executive director of the College Excellence Program, in announcing the award. “Half of its students are minority students. Over 60 percent of its students are receiving Pell Grants, meaning that they are low-income students. And yet the college is exceeding national averages in graduation rates. They’ve got nearly double the national average in terms of transfers to four-year colleges. And it’s done this in really intentional ways. Kingsborough builds a community that holds standards high.”

As the college gets ready to observe its 50th anniversary, we have much to celebrate. We’ve been tested by natural disasters, transformed by great leaders, and redeemed by the excellence of our faculty and students. We are resilient. We are renewed. And we are ready.

An Epic JourneyOU R MOM E NT I N TH E SU N

Page 4: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As

The AspenPrize forCommunityCollege


Page 5: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As

The Aspen Prize for Community College


Y ou know how newsrooms go silent when the Pulitzers are announced? Or how the whole world stops when the Olympics

name a new host city? March 19, 2013, was like that at Kingsborough.You could almost hear a pin drop as college administrators huddled around their computer screens, waiting for The Aspen Institute to announce its prestigious Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence.

This moment had been a long time coming.

In the run-up to the fi rst Aspen Prize, in 2011, Kingsborough made the list of the nation’s top 120 community colleges. This time, we reached the Top 10. Could we go all the way to the top?

The Aspen Prize for Community CollegeThe Aspen Prize for Community College

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Josh Wyner, executive director of the Washington-based policy institute’s College Excellence Program, appeared on live video-stream. We held our breaths. “The Aspen Institute is delighted to announce today that Kingsborough Community College in New York City has been named one of the top four fi nishers in this year’s Aspen Prize,” he said.

Hooray! Finally the world knew what we’ve been preaching all along.

In placing Kingsborough among the four best of the nation’s more than 1,200 community colleges, the Aspen Institute said it was wildly impressed by the college’s completion rate, its spirit of inclusiveness and commitment to students with high needs, and the way graduates’ salaries compare to the rest of the region.

It lauded Kingsborough’s willingness to experiment — to do whatever it takes to keep students on track. Over a decade, we virtually pushed the reset button on our college process, electrifying the connection between institution and students like never before. We tweaked every piece of the puzzle (academic, administrative, student-support) to make it more polished — more welcoming and accommodating — to our students.

We upped the number of Learning Communities to 50. We welcomed Single Stop, a program that acts as a virtual student response unit, putting benefi ts screening, legal aid, fi nancial counseling and tax prep into a single offi ce. We retooled the advisement process so that it starts at the earliest point of contact. We strengthened our follow-up methods. We rewarded faculty risk-takers.

This, as the Aspen Institute noted, is the new “business as usual” at Kingsborough. It’s building a community of listeners and problem-solvers who can humanize the academic experience. It’s saying to students, “Hey, we’ve got your back.”

It’s working. And The Aspen Institute gets it.

As a very proud President Peruggi said, not long after that perfect March day when time stood still for a moment: “Students are coming here, they are staying and they are graduating.”

“It lauded Kingsborough’s willingness to experiment — to do whatever it takes to keep students on track.”

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L ocated on a peninsula, Kingsborough enjoys a magnifi cent setting — a feature that unfortunately makes it especially

vulnerable to bad weather. So when Superstorm Sandy arrived in late October 2012, the college braced for — and took — a lashing. Then generosity rushed in.“We had fl ooded classrooms, debris washing up from everywhere – even decks from people’s houses in Breezy Point,” President Peruggi said at the time. But with its typically unsinkable attitude, Kingsborough quickly put itself back together, thanks to a hard-working Buildings and Grounds team, and turned to helping others.

Within a week, the staff returned to work. Students soon followed — many with heartbreaking stories. Kingsborough administrators reported that more than 2,500 students were directly aff ected by the disaster.

The college and the community responded to the devastation with open wallets, resourceful solutions — or sometimes just a hot meal. Professors turned to technology (Skype, PowerPoint, texting) to teach class and hold virtual offi ce hours. Hotlines were set up (one for faculty and one for students) to connect people with appropriate government agencies and other relief eff orts.



Page 8: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As


And Kingsborough threw open it doors to the community: Local residents were invited to come in, get something to eat, stay warm, take a shower, recharge their computers and cell phones, and fi nd out how they could get additional help. A makeshift food and clothing distribution center was created; stocked with donations from Food Bank NYC, National Grid, Walmart and Benjamin Moore; and manned day and night by volunteers. Ultimately, it reached more than 7,000 people.

Grants poured in from Single Stop USA, the Robin Hood Foundation, and the Petrie Foundation. Our own Sandy Relief Fund distributed $3,400 in MetroCards to needy students, plus another $34,000 to hard-hit faculty and staff . When it came time for the annual Walk-A-Thon, the college family laced up its sneakers and marched across campus, to the tune of $22,000.

In the end, the college raised more than $200,000 in Sandy relief monies.

Sometimes, even the smallest gestures seemed like tiny miracles, and brought glimmers of hope. At the clothing-distribution center, one shell-shocked student found a coat that fi t, but after noticing it had a price tag, she put it back. When an attendant kindly told her it was free, the woman fell to her knees, sobbing. It was the fi rst piece of warm clothing she’d had in a week.

“Sometimes, even the smallest

gestures seemed like tiny miracles,

and brought glimmers of hope.”



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Regina PeruggiA N A + L E G A C Y

In her nine years as president of Kingsborough (2004-2013), Regina Peruggi didn’t just transform the culture of the

college. She rewired the synapses of its brain. When the former president of Central Park Conservancy and Marymount Manhattan College arrived at Kingsborough, it was just another community college — good but not great. By the time she left, it was a nationally celebrated model of excellence.

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Sure, Peruggi was a champion of academic rigor, a dynamic fund-raiser, an innovative leader. But her enduring legacy will be the integrated support system she created for the college’s largely low-income and minority student base.

Realizing that students would never graduate if they couldn’t aff ord transportation, if they came to class hungry, if they couldn’t speak English, if they had to leave their kids alone, she institutionalized a community of care. (Among her innumerable accomplishments in the social-services realm: She launched the nation’s fi rst Single Stop offi ce at a community college and opened a campus Food Pantry.)

And for every nuts-and-bolts improvement she brought — from buses to computerized registration — she profoundly altered the status quo. She encouraged collaboration (Faculty Innovation Awards). She experimented boldly (Learning Communities). She even tried to set students up for success before they left high school (President’s Prep).

“Of all the important contributions she made, the one that has benefi tted us most is creating the environment where we feel comfortable taking risks,” says David Gomez, Kingsborough’s Vice President for Academic Administration.

Driving around campus on her red golf cart, no project was too big or too small for Peruggi. Here was a president who triumphed over challenges, refused to be intimidated and exceeded all expectations.



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Faculty-Student Mentoring ProjectJanine Graziano-King, Professor, English, and Director of Kingsborough Center for Teaching and Maria Bartolomeo-Maida, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences & Human Services

A Proposal to Serve the Literacy Needs and Goals of At-Risk Students through an Integrated Approach to Professional Eileen Ferretti, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Ronna Levy, Assistant Professor and Co-Director of Developmental Program, and Hope Parisi, Associate Professor and Director of Reading and Writing Center, English

A Healthier Future: Piloting the “Community Health Ambassadors Program”Jose Nanin, Associate Professor, Kevicha Echols, Instructor, Silvea Thomas, Professor, Herman Charles, Assistant Professor, Community Health Program, Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Working Toward the Healthy College Community: Diabetes Prevention and Management StrategiesBarbara A. Gattullo, Associate Professor, Diane McDevitt, Assistant Professor James Ahern, Assistant Professor, Nursing

Seasonal Stratification of Oxygen Isotopes in Jamaica BayJacob L. Mey, Assistant Professor, Physical Sciences

Students as Teachers: Hands-on Engagement of Student Researchers in Assessing the Effectives of the Case Study Teaching MethodKevin M. Bonney, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences

Developing Interactive Online Resources for Developmental English CoursesGene McQuillan, Professor, Amy Washburn, Assistant Professor, and John Yi, Adjunct Lecturer, English

THA Performance and Production Practicums and Community-based Theatre PiecesRyan McKinney, Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts, Communications and Performing Arts

Moving from Correction to Contrast: Utilizing Contrastive Analysis to Strengthen the Use of Standard Written EnglishDelia Hernandez, Lecturer, Education Program, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services

KCC Urban Farm-STEM Project: Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between KCC Urban Farm and Earth and Planetary SciencesMara Gittleman, KCC Urban Farm Coordinator, Center for Economic and Workforce Development, Kieren Howard, Assistant Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Department of Physical Sciences

Doing Gender: Towards a Civically-Engaged Women’s and Gender Studies Learning Community Alison Better, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services and Amy Washburn, Assistant Professor, English

Enriching and Preparing Students through Immersion in the KCC Reads/ Common Reading ProgramMaureen E. Fadem, Assistant Professor, English Department and Coordinator of KCC Reads/Common Reading

Immigration Hub Indira Kajosevic Skoric, Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy, and Political Science (in Collaboration with the AAC&U Brooklyn Public Scholars Project)





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Kingsborough became the fi rst college in Brooklyn to off er an Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic degree program. The two-year curriculum — approved by the New York State Department of Health’s Bureau of Emergency Medical Services — includes hands-on experience at area hospitals and trauma centers. At the college, students use a state-of-the-art simulation center with high-fi delity training manikins and a fully equipped ambulance, thus gaining the expertise to give the highest level of pre-hospital care.

COLLEGE HIGHLIGHTSYou might think that nothing would trump being ranked one of the Top 4 community colleges in the country by the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program, but we had an exciting year:

The Child Development Center celebrated its 40th anniversary with a ribbon cutting for a new playground and a party for past and present teachers, caretakers, and KCC student-parent alumni (some of whom brought their grown-up children). The center traces its roots to 1970, when a small group of student-parents formed the Day Care Collective, which campaigned for aff ordable childcare. Kingsborough’s president, Leon M. Goldstein, was so impressed with the collective’s detailed research that he procured a space and hired the center’s fi rst director and teachers, in 1972. The center currently provides on-campus care for children between the ages of 18 months and 9 years, off ering fl exible hours to meet the needs of students.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo recounted his State-of-the-State and Budget message to a standing-room-only audience on Feb. 13, 2013. President Regina Peruggi and Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz greeted the governor, and Dimitri Foster, an Honors student majoring in engineering, introduced him.

The fi rst KCC Reads Student Conference — featuring student-led panels, performances, and artwork based on this year’s common reading choice, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks — took place on April 29, 2013. The daylong event culminated in a keynote lecture by Dr. Christoph Lengauer, a researcher featured in the book, who spoke on “The Impact of Doing Better: An Interplay of Science and Empathy.”

The American Heart Association (AHA) recognized the college as an offi cial training site. Through our Continuing Education program, AHA-approved instructors teach life-saving courses such as fi rst aid, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an automatic external defi brillator (AED).

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On Sept. 12, 2012, less than two months before Superstorm Sandy, Kingsborough was the setting for “Brooklyn Under Water: Confronting a Landscape of Risk,” an interdisciplinary conversation about the future of Brooklyn’s waterfronts in the age of climate change and rising sea levels. Co-organized with the Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center at New York City College of Technology, the event featured speakers from a wide range of disciplines, including architecture, history, city planning, biology, and geophysics. At the same time, the KCC Art Gallery displayed a visual arts exhibit, “Brooklyn’s Waterfronts: Past, Present, Future,” showcasing work that contemplated the future of our local shores.

After a six-month restoration to the tune of $500,000, the college radio station, WKRB 90.3FM, re-opened with a Homecoming ribbon-cutting ceremony on Oct. 14, 2012. The makeover was conceived by Robert Herklotz, WKRB manager and Kingsborough alum (’95), and Dr. Cli� Hesse, professor and director of Media Technology & Management. Designed by KCC architect Marin Stancu, the newly confi gured space emulates a commercial radio station and includes a 20-seat “smart” classroom where media-technology courses will now be taught. The station also features two state-of-the art studios for production and on-air broadcasting, with digital equipment that rivals that of any major-market radio station in the country. Another bonus: The new Pro Tools audio-production suite allows students to work on a variety of audio productions, including music, public-service announcements, and station IDs.

The college hosted several speakers of note this year: Martha J. Kanter, Under Secretary of Education, delivered the keynote at Spring Convocation; Fabien Cousteau, grandson of famed undersea explorer Jacques Cousteau and star of PBS’s acclaimed Ocean Adventures, delivered EcoFestival’s keynote speech; and Elizabeth Yeampierre, a nationally recognized environmental justice leader and the fi rst Latina to chair the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, gave the Commencement address.

Head Coach Paul Watson was named Community College Volleyball Coach of the Year by the CUNY Athletic Conference. A Brooklyn native and alumnus of Kingsborough and Brooklyn College, Watson has been involved in KCC Athletics for more than a decade.

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A� ectionately called “Mom” by her younger teammates, Vlasta Safarova had already graduated from a specialized high school for athletics, earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education, taught physical education and coached volleyball coach for six years – in Azerbaijan – before immigrating to the United States. Coming here meant starting over — and learning a new language. Safarova attended ESL classes starting in 2005 and enrolled at Kingsborough in 2011. This year, the physical education major earned the coveted 2013 CUNYAC Schtolar-Athlete of the Year. She graduated with a GPA of 3.96; and according to Head Coach Paul Watson, her volleyball team had the best season in the history of the sport at KCC. The team won a CUNY Championship and went to state semi-fi nals. “In order to be a volleyball player, travel with the team, be here for practice, raise her family, and do so well in school,” Watson said, “I think it’s a phenomenal thing.”

Amin Garcia, a freshman criminal justice major, won gold medals in the men’s 110-meter hurdle at both the CUNYAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships and the NJCAA National Tournament – while maintaining a 3.60 GPA. Garcia also fi gured among the Wave’s top performers in men’s triple jump (CUNYAC Silver Medalist), shot put (CUNYAC Gold Medalist), and 400-meter hurdle (CUNYAC Community College 1st place). The Brooklyn native was awarded CUNYAC All-Star in men’s cross-country, indoor track, and outdoor track. He was also named CUNYAC Scholar-Athlete of the Month with Honorable Mention in January and HSS Scholar-Athlete of the Month for the month of May.

Three Kingsborough athletes took All-American honors at the NJCAA Outdoor Track & Field Championships: Kester Chase (men’s outdoor track and fi eld) earned his honor with a second place 48.78 fi nish in the 400-meter dash; Monique Flemming (women’s outdoor track and fi eld) earned All-American honors twice with a fi rst-place fi nish in the 400-meter hurdles (1:05.14) and second overall in the 400-meter dash (59.07); and Amin Garcia (men’s outdoor track and fi eld) fi nished fi rst in the 110-meter hurdles (15.02).

SPORTS BEAT Women’s Volleyball: 1st place CUNYAC regular-season standings and CUNYAC Community College Women’s Volleyball Champions. 3rd place in Region XV standings

CUNY All-Stars: Kerley Pierre, Vlasta Safarova, Kerissa Ellis, Joycelyn Roland, Allison Ahmed

Region XV First Team and All-Tournament Team: Kerley Pierre

Region XV Second Team: Vlasta Safarova CUNYAC MVP: Kerley Pierre CUNYAC Scholar-Athlete of the Year 2013: Vlasta


Women’s Cross Country: 2nd place in the Community College CUNYAC Championships

CUNYAC All-Stars: Monique Flemming, Daverly Beazer Men’s Cross Country: 2nd place in the Community

College CUNYAC Championships CUNYAC All-Star: Kerone White, Kester Chase,

Abdessamad Kharmaj

Men’s Indoor Track and Field: 2nd place in the Community College CUNYAC Championships. Amin Garcia ranked 6th in men’s triple jump at the Division 1 Level

CUNYAC All-Stars: Kester Chase, Michael Camacho, Amin Garcia, Kerone White

Women’s Indoor Track and Field: 2nd place in the Community College CUNYAC Championships

CUNYAC All-Stars: Addishia Dixon

Men’s Outdoor Track and Field: 2nd Place Finish at the CUNYAC Championships

CUNYAC AWvll-Stars: Kester Chase, Amin Garcia, Michael Camacho

Men’s 4x400-meter relay fi nished 3rd at the NJCAA Nationals Championships.

Kester Chase fi nished 2nd in the men’s 200-meter dash at the National Championships.

Amin Garcia won the 110-meter men’s hurdles at the National Championships.

Robert Kemp ranked 8th in the nation in men’s long jump. Kester Chase placed 4th in the nation in men’s triple


Women’s Outdoor Track and Field: 2nd place fi nish at the CUNYAC Championships

CUNYAC All-Stars: Monique Flemming, Daverly Beazer, Sharie Williams, Joycelyn Rolland

Women’s 4x400-meter relay fi nished 3rd at the NJCAA National Championships.

Monique Flemming won the women’s 400-meter hurdles and fi nished 2nd in the 400-meter dash at the NJCAA National Championships.

Women’s 4x800-meter relay ranked 8th at the NJCAA Nationals.

Women’s Tennis: The Wave fi nished the regular season in 3rd place, qualifying for the New York State Region XV Playoff s. Wave Captain Ekaterina Mosponova was named NJCAA Division III player of the year.

Baseball: 3rd place in CUNYAC 2013 Standings, 5th place in Region XV

CUNYAC All-Stars: Christopher Armenti, Jimmy Daley, Justin Baeirlein, Joseph Capparelli, Joseph Liotta

Men’s Tennis: 4th place in the Region XV Tournament

Men’s Basketball: 4th in the CUNYAC Standings CUNYAC All-Stars: Cashawn McFadden, Terrence


Women’s Basketball: 4th in the CUNYAC Standings CUNYAC All-Stars: Shae-Quana Brathwaite

Men’s Soccer: 4th place in the Community College CUNY Athletic Conference Tournament

CUNY All-Stars: Devorn Charles, Cassius Verneige, Jameson Ostine

Region XV All-Sportmanship Team: Jimmy Llanos CUNYAC Sportmanship Award: Jimmy Llanos

Kingsborough Athletics 2012-2013 Season Highlights

Vlasta Safarova

Amin Garcia

Kester Chase

Monique Flemming

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$991,785 FROM THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT to fund the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education program, which supports career-focused education, including work in health care career pathways, career skills development, careers in business and early childhood, and college-wide career initiatives.

$899,799 FROM NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION for On-Campus Discoveries in Science, a three-year project to strengthen science teaching in New York City and broaden the pipeline of qualifi ed science students through an innovative professional development program in biotechnology aimed at middle and high school teachers and their students.

$600,000 FROM UNITED STATES HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICES ADMINISTRATION SCHOLARSHIPS for Disadvantaged Students to provide scholarships for fi nancially needy nursing students who come from educationally or economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

$530,000 FROM THE ROBIN HOOD FOUNDATION for continued support of Opening Doors Learning Communities. This grant supports Kingsborough’s work to improve educational outcomes for low-income, high-risk college students through their participation in learning communities and provision of case management services.

$200,000 FROM NATIONAL SECRETARIAT OF MIGRANT AFFAIRS (SENAMI) to implement a collaborative program between Kingsborough’s O� ce of Continuing Education and the Ecuadorian government in order to provide training to Ecuadorians residents of New York, persons of Ecuadorian origin, or persons with a demonstrated commitment or contribution to the educational preparation of Ecuadorian communities in the United States.

GRANT SUMMARIESGrants are vital to the mission of Kingsborough. Support from governmental agencies, foundations, and corporations helps us to further the work of students and faculty. Recent grants to Kingsborough include:


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$120,000 FROM SINGLE STOP USA for continued support of the on-campus Single Stop center, which provides legal assistance, entitlement screening and enrollment, income tax fi ling assistance, and fi nancial literacy education for Kingsborough students and their families. Since its inception, Single Stop has enabled students and their families to receive almost $9 million in benefi ts, including over $4.8 million in tax returns.

$87,007 FROM NEW YORK STATE HIGHER EDUCATION SERVICES CORPORATION in support of the College Discovery Scholars Project, a structured program aimed at improving student retention and academic performance, fostering students’ smooth transition from high school to college, and providing co-curricular activities that will deepen learning and a sense of connectedness to the college and the students’ peers.

$35,000 FROM SIMONS FOUNDATION to fund collaborative research in mathematics by Dr. Alfredo Dolich, who works with international collaborators on model theory of ordered structures.

$30,000 FROM MERTZ GILMORE FOUNDATION for a two-year grant to support On Stage at Kingsborough’s dance presentations on its mainstage and family programming, and dance residencies for three dance companies, open rehearsals, a lecture and demonstration for public school elementary students, and a master class for Kingsborough performing arts students.

$25,830 FROM NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS for renewed support of On Stage at Kingsborough’s Main Stage and Art Smart programs, and Hot Summer Nights free summer concert series, which are attended by over 20,000 people each year.

$20,000 FROM CUNY CENTRAL OFFICE DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS for Transition to College, a program off ering year-long, comprehensive assistance through individual and group support services; concrete academic help; and optional peer mentoring for the increasing number of entering students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). It is expected that the program, which also educates the college community about ASD, will increase retention and the academic success of the participants.

$20,000 FROM NORTHFIELD BANK FOUNDATION to fund twenty scholarships for academically successful students from Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn in need of fi nancial support.

$20,000 FROM RICHMOND COUNTY SAVINGS FOUNDATION to provide up to forty scholarships for students in need living on Staten Island, ensuring they can stay in school and achieve their educational goals.

$5,000 FROM BJ’S CHARITABLE FOUNDATION to purchase items for Food for Thought, Kingsborough’s on-campus food pantry. This grant allows the pantry to provide free, nutritious non-perishable food for 1,500 people.

$5,000 FROM CON EDISON for campus and community sustainability programming, specifi cally: encouraging student stewardship through Responsibility to Care (R2C), a program that recruits and trains students to be environmental ambassadors; supporting student learning through integrating science, technology, engineering and mathematics into the KCC Urban Farm; and providing campus- and community-wide education on issues of sustainability through our annual Eco-Festival.

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The Kingsborough community extends beyond our campus borders. We have a responsibility to the borough of Brooklyn, and we are proud of the role we are playing in its revitalization. A gift to the Kingsborough Community College Foundation, Inc. - a charitable 501(c)(3) organization that exists solely to benefi t Kingsborough - will fund scholarships and support faculty and curriculum development. But it supports more than an institution. It supports a community.


Ambrose Monell Foundation

The Aspen Institute

The Carroll & Milton Petrie Foundation

Consortium for Worker Education

JPMorgan Chase Foundation

The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City

National Grid

The New York Community Trust

PSC-CUNY Research Award Program

Robin Hood Foundation

Single Stop USA

The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York

University of Arizona

SPONSOR’S CIRCLE$10,000 - $24,999


Caldwell Marine International, LLC

The City University of New York

CUNY Workforce Development Initiative

Estee Lauder Companies, Inc.

Facing History & Ourselves

Follett Higher Education Group

Food Bank of New York City

F.Y. Eye

Google Earth Education

May & Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.

Mertz Gilmore Foundation

The New York Community Trust Wallace Special Projects Fund

Northfield Bank Foundation

Richmond County Savings Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rudin

Mr. Mark F. Seruya

Southpole Foundation

Switzer Foundation

The Walter Kann Foundation

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE$5,000 - $9,999

Association of American Colleges & Universities

BJ’s Charitable Foundation

Borough of Manhattan Community College/CUNY

Bradford Portraits

Con Edison, Inc.

Dr. Karen Denard-Goldman

Ms. Alexandra Filonenko

Forest City Ratner Companies

The Honorable & Mrs. Rudolph W. Giuliani

Kingsborough Community College Auxiliary Enterprises

Mrs. Sheila C. Labrecque

Dean Thelma L. Malle

Ms. M. Michel Orban

Dr. Regina S. Peruggi & Mr. Gerard A. McCallion

The Post New York Alliance

Queens College/ CUNY

Simons Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. A.J.C. Smith

Sovereign Bank Foundation

Ms. Kelly Sullivan

TD Charitable Foundation

PLATINUM CIRCLE$1,000 - $4,999

Anonymous (4)

The Arun I. & Asmita Bhatia Family Foundation

Dean Peter H. Baker

Ms. Joan Bartolomeo

Mr. Allen & Dr. Elizabeth Basile



Page 18: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As



Dr. Uda M. Bradford

Prof. Loretta Brancaccio-Taras

Mr. Andrew H. Brimmer & Mr. Tom Molnar

Bronx Community College/CUNY

Concept Elite Salon

Connecticut Maritime Association Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. William Correnti

Mr. Michael A. Correra

Dean Paulette Dalpes & Dr. Kathryn Obear

Ms. Joan De Freitas

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Denard

Prof. Donald Donin & Mr. Dante Orsini

Eugene M. Lang Foundation

Dr. Scott E. Evenbeck

Farmer & Company

Mr. Edward & Dr. Susan Farrell

Dean & Mrs. Thomas G. Friebel

Ms. Betty Goetz

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Goldstein

Drs. David & Diane Gomez

Health Plus

Hostos Community College/CUNY

Mrs. Maryann Kann

Mr. Michael Kann

Dr. & Mrs. Saul W. Katz

Mr. William Keller & Ms. Lynn Steinberg

Kingsborough Community College Association, Inc.

Klearview Appliance

Mr. & Mrs. Armstrong Lim

Maimonides Medical Center

The Marine Society of the City of New York

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Marsh

Medgar Evers College/CUNY

Ms. JoAnne Meyers

Michael Towne Wine & Spirits

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation

Morgan Stanley Foundation

Ms. Suzanne Murphy

New Deal Lodge, Inc.

New York City College of Technology/CUNY

New York Community Bank Foundation

New York Life Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Newman

OPI Products, Inc.

Panda House at Manhattan Beach LLC

Pilo Arts Day Spa & Salon

Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Pobat

Ms. Lynda Richards

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Romano

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Sachs

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schleifer

Mr. Douglas Schwalbe

Mr. William Schwalbe

Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Schwarz

SEFA: CUNY Campaign for Charitable Giving

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Slattery

Societe Culinaire Philanthropique

Dr. & Mrs. Stuart A. Suss

TD Bank

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Thorne

The United Way

Victoria Loconsolo Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wagner

Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Walker

Dr. Barbara R. Walters

Ms. Gloriana B. Waters

Mr. Reginald Watkins

GOLD CIRCLE$500 - $999

Anonymous (2)

Mr. & Mrs. George Abi-Hassoun

Adelphi University

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Antonio

Astoria Federal Savings

Honorable Susan Avery

Bassett Pickle Works

Mr. Brandon Beckner & Dean Christine Buite-Beckner

Berkeley College

Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, Inc.

Mrs. Linda Biancorosso


Brooklyn College/CUNY

Bronx Lebanon Hospital


Ms. Marilyn Chernin

Coca-Cola Enterprises Bottling Companies

Dean Peter M. Cohen

College of Staten Island/CUNY

Community College National Center for Community Engagement

Mr. James A. Cross Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan M. Deutsch

DJJ Technologies

Ms. Micheline Driscoll


Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fabrizio

Dr. Richard N. Fox

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Frumkes

Ms. Laura F. Glazier-Smith

Mrs. Irmatrude Grant

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jeynes

The Katowitz/Radin Fund

Mr. Barry Kaufman


Dr. & Mrs. Baroukh E. Kodsi

Lehman College/CUNY

Dr. Melvin Levine & Mrs. Sheila Levine

Ms. Juanita Linares

Mrs. Donna Lutton

Marine Park Seaside Links, LLC

Mr. Frank Milano

National Society of Leadership & Success

New York Daily News

Dr. Mary T. Ortiz

Ms. Mary E. O’Shea

Queensborough Community College/CUNY

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Scavo

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Sidorovich

Silhouette Urban Mind Body Fitness

Ms. Joanna L. Silver & Mr. Kevin M. Organ

Denise H. Sutton, Ph.D.

Ms. Anne Alexis Cote’ Taylor

Ms. Andrea Velasco

Wellington Hotel NYC

Prof. William Winter & Ms. Deborah D. Tangen

Ms. Tara Yarczower

York College/CUNY

SILVER CIRCLE $250 - $499

Anonymous (3)

America the Beautiful Fund

Ms. Larian Angelo

Prof. Babette Audant

Drs. Jerry & Carla Beeber

Mr. Warren Benfield

Prof. Carol Biermann, Ph.D.

Biscuits & Bath Dog Retreat

Mr. Rodney O. Bolden

The Broadway Comedy Club

Ms. Heather A. Brown

C-CAP Careers Through Culinary Arts Program

Mr. Kwong F. Chan

Dr. Hwai-Yin Chang & Dr. Cheng Tai Chen

Mr. Anthony Corazza

Mr. Thomas Corichi

“It took nearly 13 years for me to go back to school. My plan included everything except one: how to pay for it. My tuition was paid using my checking account’s overdraft – at 29.99999%. Despite working fulltime, the payments were oppressive. My contributions are given so that any student that may be in the situation that I was in might find some relief.”REGINALD WATKINS, A.A.S. JOURNALISM, 1991

Page 19: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As



Mr. Wilson Cortes

Ms. Rosemarie Cozza

Dean Loretta S. DiLorenzo

Ms. Vickie DiMartino

District Council 37 - Local 384

Dr. Reza Fakhari

Mr. Nicholas & Dr. Dolores M. Fernandez

Mr. & Mrs. David Fishman

Ms. Elena I. Foronda

Ms. Joan Gallagher

Gargiulo’s Restaurant

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Goldberg

Mr. Barry & Dr. Rachelle Goldsmith

Harry K. Good III, Ph.D.

Mrs. Maureen Grant

Prof. Janine Graziano

Dr. Wayne R. Harewood

Dr. & Mrs. Cliff Hesse

Dr. Otis O. Hill

Ms. Susan Horowitz

Hunter College/CUNY

I. Janvey & Sons

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ingenito

Island Photography

Ms. Dorothy Isola

JPMorgan Chase

Kimberly Hotel

Dr. Beth E. King

Kingsborough Musical Society Chorus

Prof. Miriam Kittrell

Dr. & Mrs. Oliver Klapper

Mr. & Mrs. Zeco Krcic

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Fossum

Macro Digital Technology Corporation

Dr. Fred B. Malamet

Prof. & Mrs. John Manbeck

Prof. Maxine D. McGarvey

Ms. Lavita J. McMath-Turner

Prof. & Mrs. Michael V. Miranda

Dean John Mogulescu & Dr. Bonnie August

Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Morena

N.F. Gozo Corporation

Ms. Laura S. Norman

Drs. Norbert & Leslee Oppenheim

Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow


Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of New York, Inc.

Pirate Brands

Mr. Ronald Plotkin & Mrs. Maxine Plotkin

Ms. Jan Prokop &Mr. Donald Hamburg

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rasa

Dr. Barbara Ritchin

Mr. Martin G. Rosenthal

Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Rossi

Ms. Ruby L. Ryles & Mr. Jules Martin

Safe Coach, Inc.

Ms. Dana Signorile

Dr. Nicholas Skirka

Prof. Joan E. Standora

Stella & Charles Guttman Community College/CUNY

Ms. Evereene Steward

Ms. Kirstin Swanson

Tides Foundation

Tilles Center for the Performing Arts

Prof. Edgar Troudt

Verizon Foundation

Ms. Nina Vitucci

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wan

Washington Computer Services

Waters Crest Winery

Ms. Kathryn L. Wayler

WinterSown Educational

BRONZE CIRCLE$100 - $249


Mr. John L. Aaron

Ms. Marsha K. Allen

American Girl

American Multi-Cinemas Inc. - AMC Village 7

American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)

Ms. Elaine Arden

Asphalt Green

Dr. Marcia Babbitt

Ms. Denise Barbaria

Mrs. Lucy P. Bartocci & Mr. Gregory Bartocci

Bassett Caterers

Ms. Anna Becker

Ms. Camille Bellomo

Ms. Judith Berger

Bikram Yoga Bay Ridge

Mr. Howard Blady

Ms. Mavis Blair

Ms. Julie Block-Rosen

Ms. Marie Bongiorno

Mr. & Mrs. Arnezo Bracco

Dr. Rosa Mae Bradley

Mr. Rubin Braunstein

Ms. Natalia Bredikhina

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Brooklyn Brewery

Brooklyn Museum

Mr. Napoleon E. Brooks

Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Brosterman

Mrs. Dorris M. Broxton

Prof. Rosemary Bufano

Ms. Allitia Buite

Ms. Anita Cabrera

Mr. Christian M. Calienes

Ms. Maria Campanella

Canarsie Courier

Caramoor Center for Music & the Arts

Ms. Christine Cartolano

Mr. Joseph S. Castro

Ms. Lydia Cella

Cha Cha’s Cafe

Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex

Mr. & Mrs. Feliks Chernov

Ms. Mary Ann Chiacchiaro

Ms. Marie R. Cohen

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Cohen

Prof. Diego L. Colon

Conde Nast Publications

Mr. Paul Curiale & Ms. Deborah Malone

D. Coluccio & Sons Inc.

Ms. Patricia D’Agosta

Ms. Maureen C. Daly


Deno’s Wonder Wheel Amusement Park

Mr. Craig Diesslin

Ms. Elaine P. Drucker

Ms. Dorothy Duncan

Ms. Esmerilda Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Eisenberg

Mrs. Karimah Ellis-Wilson

Mr. & Ms. Steven Feiman

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fernandez

Mr. Gary Fiedel

Dr. Peter F. Fiume

Mr. Edgardo Flores

Ms. Faith Fogelman

Ms. Karen J. Fogler

Mr. Melvin J. Fontana

Mrs. Judith A. Fox

Prof. & Mrs. Sheldon Friedland

Mr. Theodore Friedman

Fushimi Japanese Cuisine

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Geller

Prof. Ronald Gerwin

Mr. Richard T. Ryan & Prof. Denise Giachetta-Ryan

Ms. Joyce Gibbs

Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Goldsmith

Mr. Martin J. Golloub

Gotham Comedy Club

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Greason

Mr. Keith Greenberg & Mrs. Marisol Ponte-Greenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Julian B. Grow

Mr. Antonio Guzman

Ms. Eileen Haber

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Haber

Harbor Fitness Center

Ms. Linda Hellow

Ms. Delia Hernandez

Ms. Lorris Hibbert-Smith

Ms. Maya Hinds

Prof. Susan Hom

Honest Tea

Mrs. Florence Houser

Prof. Donald Hume

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ivry

Jack Loconsolo & Co. Inc.

Ms. Larisa Kabbaj

Kaplan Early Learning Company

Prof. Anna Karpathakis

Prof. Laura Kates

Mr. Gary Katz

Mr. Michael Klein

Ms. Barbara Kowalski

Dr. Frances Kraljic-Curran

Mr. & Mrs. Perry Kravit

Mr. Pyi Kyaw

The Honorable Seymour Lachman & Prof. Susan Lachman

Ms. Barbara T. Ladman

Dr. Suzanne LaFont

Prof. & Mrs. Mohamed Lakrim

Mr. Mitchell Langbert

Mr. Daniel LaNoue

Mrs. Janice D. Lawrence

Le Cirque

Mr. & Mrs. Owen Lederhandler

Mr. & Mrs. Mikhail Leonovich

Mr. Bertram Lev

Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Levenson

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Levine

Mr. Michael M. Levy

Ms. Shing Liu

Mr. James Loughnane & Mrs. Violetta Loughnane

Ms. Cindy Lui

Madison Lee’s Cakes

Ms. Colleen M. Maeder

Mrs. Wendy P. Malliet

Manhattan Beer Distributor

Page 20: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As



Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. Marano, Sr.

Dr. Ann Marcus

Marine Florist

Prof. & Mrs. Theodore C. Markus

Martha Clara Vineyards

Mr. Julio Martinez

Mary’s Gone Crackers

Prof. Theresa Mastrianni

Dr. & Mrs. Fredric Mayerson

Mr. Stephen J. McAteer

Ms. Kerry McInerney

Ms. Leticia C. Messinger

The Honorable Melvin Miller & Dr. Elizabeth Miller

Mr. Daniel Moinester

Mr. Michael Morales

Mr. Juan Morales-Flores

Ms. Maxine Morris

My Turn Club

Mr. Jeffrey A. Naimoli

New York Aquarium

The New York City Ballet

New York Jets

New York Sports Club

Mr. Philip & Dr. Gloria Nicosia

Norman Keil Nurseries

NY Skyride

Mr. Walter Obando

Mr. Ron & Mrs. Irene Olson

Prof. Susan G. O’Malley

Ms. Vivian Ostrowski

Mrs. Margaret Pacelli

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Paduano

Ms. Judith E. Palmer

Ms. JoAnne Palmieri

Dr. Ronn Parker

Pastosa Ravioli

Ms. Susan A. Paul

Ms. Gwen Perlman

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Pero

Prof. Peter Pilchman

Pizza Boulevard

Ms. Arline Pollinger

Mr. John Powers

Ms. Reina Prestia

Ms. Jennie Raffa

Raphael Vineyard

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Repole

Ms. & Mr. Rena Rice

Ms. Susan Richards

Richmond Elevator

Ripley’s Believe It or Not!

Ms. Oneika Rodriguez

Ms. Zuleika Rodriguez

Mrs. Gila E. Rohr

Mr. Mark H. Rothberg

Ms. Barbara R. Sadownick

Ms. Joanne P. Sagherian

Mr. & Ms. Alexander Saladuchin

Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Sarmiento

Mr. Matthew Saronson

Mr. Howard Schain

Prof. Samuel Scherek & Ms. Madelonn Scherek

Dr. Judith Schlesinger

Prof. Marissa Schlesinger

Ms. Roseann Schwenzer

September Associates

Mrs. Alla Shafran

Ms. Barbara Shovlin

Prof. Dale Siegel

Mrs. Barbara A. Simmons

Ms. Rachel E. Singer

Prof. Franceska B. Smith

Ms. Yvonne Soden

Mrs. Madeline Sorel

South Street Seaport Museum

Mr. Brian Spaulding & Ms. Linda Perrotta-Spaulding

Prof. Susan Spivack

Mr. Levi E. Springer

Ms. Regina Strachan

Mr. Carl B. Straker

Dr. Petra Symister

Ms. Jaime Szymanski

Ms. Sarah Tannis-Joseph

Mr. Robert Tarallo

Ms. Stacy Teter

Ms. Ida R. Tobin

Top of the Rock

Dr. Max Tran

Prof. Angelo Tripicchio

Prof. August A. Tuosto

V & S Pizza Inc.

Vineyard Theatre

Mr. Robert Viscount

Voltaic Systems

W. W. Norton, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Weeks

West End Jewelers

Ms. Marilyn Whitehorn

Dr. & Mrs. Harvey S. Wiener

Ms. Jacqueline Williams

Ms. Marie Williams

Ms. Julianne Willis

Ms. Xiaoting Wu

Ms. Jennifer Wuotinen

Prof. Nikola Zlatar


Anonymous (5)

23 Supper Club

Ms. Navila K. Abbas

Ms. Irina Abinya

Ms. Louise Abrams

Mr. & Mrs. Marc Abrams

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Abramson

Ms. Annery S. Abreu

Ms. Gail Abt

Ms. Luz C. Acevedo

Ms. Cindy Adelstein

Mr. Neal Adelstein

Mr. Olatunji Adesoga

Ms. Sandy Adler

Ms. Pat Adrion


Adventurers Family Entertainment Center

Ms. Aba Agolli

Prof. James Ahern

Mr. Farhad Ahmad

Mr. Sam Akl

Ms. Stephanie Akunvabey

Ms. Joan Alagna

Ms. Samantha Albergo

Ms. Denese Alexander

Mrs. Frances Allen

Ms. Janice Allen

Mr. & Mrs. William Allen

Alley Pond Environmental Center

Mrs. Lisa Alleyne-Moore

Mr. Bernard Alpert

Mr. Errol Alphonso

Mrs. Deborah A. Alter

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Alwais

Mrs. Louise Amarosa

Ample Hills Creamery

Mr. Victor Andrews

Ms. Sandra S. Apfel

Ms. Susan Aranoff

Mrs. Vivette Archer

Prof. Carlos Arguelles

Ms. Joann Armetta

Ms. Laura Armour

Ms. Sharon Arthur-Emmanuel

Ms. Joan Asher

Ms. Iris Atiles

Ms. Jane Atlas

Mr. Arturo Atoyan

Ms. Louise T. Atsaves


Ms. Theresa Autunnale-Glantz

Mrs. Marine Avanesyan

Mr. Alexsandr Avdashenko

Aviator Sports

Mr. Joseph Azzone, Jr.

Ms. Alla Babakhina

Ms. Tamara Bachayeva

Ms. Elaine Bader

Ms. Oksana Bagdasarian

Mr. Mehmet Bagriyanik

Mrs. Yvette Bailey-Bristo

Mr. Abideen A. Bakare

Mr. Brian J. Ball

Mr. & Mrs. Saul Balter

Ms. Krystal Baptiste

Mr. Gerald Barmash

Ms. Julie Barnett

Prof. Michael G. Barnhart

Ms. Ruth Baron

Ms. Sheila Bartel

Dr. Maria Bartolomeo-Maida & Mr. Matthew Maida

Ms. Wanda A. Bartolotta

Mr. Peter Bartomeo

Ms. Barbara Bass

Ms. Diane Batri

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bayroff

Ms. Valerie Beale

Dr. Elsie M. Beaupierre

Ms. Gayle Becker

Ms. Margaret Belizaire

Ms. Tamara Bellomo

Ms. Anna Benfanti

Mr. John Benincasa

Ms. Tsubasa Berg

Ms. Joan Berger

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Berger

Prof. Boran Beric

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Berkman

Ms. Jennifer Berkowitz

Dr. & Mrs. Brian Berliner

The Honorable & Mrs. Aaron D. Bernstein

Mr. John Berntsen & Susan Berntsen

Mr. Michael J. Berry

Ms. Paulette Berry-Benjamin

Mrs. Anna Betancourt

Mr. & Mrs. Wasyl Bilyk

Ms. Kelly Binckes

Ms. Susan Birnestone

Ms. Jane Birzin

Ms. Alison Blachut

Ms. Gail W. Black

Mr. Anthony Blake

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Blatt

Mr. & Mrs. Zachariah Bloomfield

Ms. Anita Blumenson

Page 21: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As



Mrs. Catherine Blundell

Prof. & Mrs. John Blunt

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Blutstein

Ms. Andrea V. Bobrow

BODIES...The Exhibition

Ms. Jean Boggs

Mr. Alexander Bogomolnik

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bolte

Mr. Henry Bolus

Ms. Rosalie L. Boosin

Ms. Patricia Boothe

Prof. Anthony Borgese

Ms. Heather Bowles

Ms. Sarah Bradswich

Ms. Mary Brady

Ms. Larisa Braginskaya

Ms. Edna Braham

Mr. & Mrs. Max Braksmajer

Mrs. Frances D. Breen

Dr. Judith J. Brilliant

Ms. Lisa Brincat

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Briskin

Mr. Dimitri Brogen

Mr. Dmitry Brogun

Bronx Zoo

Ms. Brithney Broodie

The Brooklyn Dance Center

Brooklyn Roasting Company

Ms. Carola Brown

Ms. Grace P. Brown & Mr. James Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brucella

Ms. Marie Brucino

Mr. Christopher Brundage

Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Bruner

Ms. Noelle Bruno

Mr. Frederick Bryant

Ms. Gail Ann Bucolo

Mr. Armand Bueno

Mrs. Deanna Bueno

Build-A-Bear Workshop

Ms. Paola Bullock

Dr. William R. Burger

Ms. Mildred Burke

Mr. Mario Cabrera

Ms. Bernadine Cadogan

Ms. Donna M. Cafiero

Ms. Xiaoxin Cai

Mr. Richard P. Calcaterra

Mr. Luigi Calderone

Mr. Raymond Caldes

Mr. Stanislav Calise

Ms. Kim Camardesi

Ms. Angela Camillieri

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Campbell

Ms. Susan Cande

Ms. Erica Capece

Mrs. Angela D. Capriola

Mr. & Mrs. Julius Caputo

Ms. Gail Ann Cardazzone

Care Pharmacy

Mr. William P. Carey

Ms. Paola Carrasco

Mr. & Mrs. Nuncio Carrozzo

Ms. Seanna Carter

Carvel Cinnabon

Ms. Nicole Case

Ms. Pauline Cassino

Mr. Robert Cataldo

Mr. & Mrs. Oscar L. Cauci

Mrs. Linda Cavicchio

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cennamo

Mr. Joseph Censor

Ms. Rae Cestaro

Chadwick’s Restaurant

Mr. Tean Chai

Mr. Joseph A. Chaiken

Ms. Marisela M. Chan Liu

Mr. Ryan Chaney

Ms. Tamon Charles

Mr. Roman Chavnolusky

Ms. Martha Chemas & Mr. James Sarcone

Mr. David Chen

Ms. Klavdiya Chernyak

The Children’s Museum of the Arts

Ms. Tenzin Choetso Lama

Mrs. Angela Chowayou

Mrs. Margaret Christopher

Ms. Wendy Chu

Prof. Lucille Cichminski

Mr. Robert Cincinnati

Mr. Mario Cintron

Mrs. Josephine Cioffi

Ms. Angela Cipriano

Circles International Grille

Clearview Cinemas

Dr. Stuart Cochran

Ms. Alicia Cohen

Dr. Audrey J. Cohen

Mr. Irwin Cohen

Ms. Jason Cohen

Ms. Judith Cohen

Mrs. Marilyn Cohen

Mr. Stanley M. Cohen & Ms. Suzanne B. Ducat

Ms. Rose Coimin

Ms. Cherish-Marie Collins

Prof. Christina Colon

Ms. Catherine Commisso

Ms. Catherine Comperti

Ms. Anna Connolly

Ms. Bernadette Connolly

Mr. Joseph P. Consolo

Ms. Chrysanthy Constantinou

Mr. Robert J. Cooney

Mr. Barry Cooper

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cooper

Ms. Lorraine Cornelius

Mrs. Jeanie Corrado

Ms. Anna Corso

Prof. Eleanor Cory

Mr. Ronald Costello

Mr. Robert Cowan

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Coy

Ms. Svetlana Cozmit

Ms. Nareida Crandall

Ms. Toneeka Crawford

Mr. Rashawn Cream

Ms. Donna M. Cribari

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Crockett

Mrs. Anna Cromas

Ms. Diana Cruz

Ms. Brenda Cullom

Mr. Jay R. Cuna

Ms. Eileen Cunningham

Mr. Steven Cutting

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cutugno

Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Dachtera

Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Dagan

Mr. Mossimo D’Agoti

Ms. Virginia Daidone

Ms. Stephanie D’Amico

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dashman

Mr. & Mrs. Allen Dauber

Prof. Michelle Davidowitz

DaVinci Pizza

Mrs. Diane Davis

Ms. Lauren Dayan

Ms. Jennifer DeBonis

Mr. Guy DeFonzo

Ms. Dylanna DeGannes

Ms. Erika DelaCruz-Cabrera

Ms. Lisa Delange

Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeMaio

Mrs. Jacqueline DeMaria

Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeNicola

Ms. Maria DePaolo

Ms. Kristin Derimanova

Prof. John Descarfino

Ms. Josephine DeSimone

Ms. Lundie Desire

Mr. Karl Diamond

Peaches L. Diamond, J.D.

Ms. Michelle Dickson

Ms. Linda R. Diesso

Ms. & Mr. Carol DiFiore

Ms. Beatrice Diligent

Mr. Kenly Dillard

Ms. Renata Dimitrova

Mr. Salvatore Di Salvo

DiSara Restaurant

Mr. Joshua Dobbs

Ms. Marilyn Dobrin

“Kingsborough is an institution that provides important services and activities for students and the community.

It’s for this reason that I continue to support the college.”DEAN THELMA MALLE, (RETIRED), KINGSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE

Page 22: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As



Prof. Naxielly Dominguez

Mr. Lawrence G. Donnelly

Ms. Rita Donohue

Ms. Nicole Donovan

Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Dosik

Ms. Susan Dowd

Ms. Suzette Drayson-Kamerman & Mr. Gene Kamerman

Mr. Roland Drayton

Mr. John R. Driscoll

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Drucker

Damali K. Dublin

Mr. Paul Dufour

Ms. Heather Duhaime

Ms. Christina Duncker

Ms. Shirley K. Duran

Prof. Mary Ann Edelman

Mrs. Shranda Edmeade

Ms. Sheree Edmund

Prof. Susan Ednie

Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Edwards

Mr. Ricardo Edwards

Ms. Hanane Elabid

Mr. Mohamed Elhanafi

Ms. Lori Elkerdawy

Prof. & Mrs. Sidney L. Emerman

Ms. Yasmin Enoch

Ms. Evelyn W. Epps-May

Ms. Frances S. Epstein

Ms. Shirley Erskine

Ms. Alinda Etienne

Ms. Sandra Etienne

Mr. Anthony Fago

Ms. Barbara Fairweather

Ms. Libby Falcon

Ms. Gloria Faraino

Mr. Richard J. Faraino

Ms. Denise Farelly

Prof. Janice C. Farley

Ms. Kara Farley-Cahill & Mr. Matthew Cahill

Mr. Robert J. Fasano

Ms. Rosalie Fayad

Mr. Joseph Feit

Ms. Elsie A. Felder

Mr. Lance Felder

Ms. Nakia Felder

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Feldman

Ms. Stacey Feliciano

Mr. John Ferrante

Prof. Carmel Ficorelli

Prof. Sandy Figueroa

Mr. Alvin Finkelstein

Ms. Amy Finkelstein

Ms. Phyllis Fintz

Ms. Mary E. Fiorentino

Fiorentino’s Ristorante

Mr. Kenneth I. Fistel

Ms. Barbara Flisser

Ms. Myrna Flissler

Ms. Margaret T. Flood

Ms. Patricia Flood

Mr. Louis Flores

Ms. Gloria Fonte

Food Town

Mr. Frank Foray

Prof. & Mrs. Ronald L. Forman

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Fox

Ms. Kristin Fox

Mr. William Fox

Mr. William Fox

Ms. Mandy Fraley

Mr. Vito Francavilla

Mr. & Mrs. David Frank

Frank Anson Jewelers

Prof. & Mrs. David E. Frankel

Mr. Louis Frankel

Mr. Juan Franquiz

Freda’s Caribbean & Soul Cuisine

Ms. Marilyn Fried

Mr. & Mr. Randy Friedfertig

Prof. Delores Friedman

Mrs. Reva Friedman

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frubell

Ms. Annie Fu

Ms. Susan G. Fudim

Mrs. Lauren Fuld

Ms. Julia Furay

Ms. Zoya Furmanov

Mr. Travis Gabriel

Mr. Alexander Gafa

Ms. Theresa Gaglia

Mrs. Dorothy Gale

Mr. Howard Galin

Mr. Timothy Gallagher

Mrs. Lucrezia L. Gallelli

Mr. Isaac Gandelman

Ms. Elizabeth Garbuz

Mr. Roberto Garcia

Mr. Kevin Gayle

Ms. Sandy Gaynor

Ms. Beverly Gebara

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Gecht

Ms. Edeltruad A. Geisner

Mr. Jay Gelbein, CPA

Ms. Sandra Gelfman & Mr. Michael Bach

Ms. Susan Gellerman

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gevertzman

Mr. Muhammad Ghani

Ms. Marie Giardina-Walsh

Ms. Danielle C. Gill

Ms. Roslyn Gill

Mr. Bert Gilman

Ms. Diane Ginsberg

Ms. Hillary Ginsberg

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Girshick

Ms. Pearl Glaser

Ms. Sherrye Glaser

Mr. Mark Glass

Mrs. Gail Glass-Malley

Mr. & Mrs. Mel Glenn

Mr. Allen Glick

Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Glickman

Ms. Teresa Gochal

Mrs. Linda B. Godfrey-Bailey

Ms. Lola Goldberg

Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Goldenkranz

Mr. Bernard Goldfinger

Mr. Sanford Goldhaber

Ms. Helene P. Goldman

Ms. Frances Goldman-Levy

Mr. Marvin Goldsmith

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Goldstein

Ms. Maribel Gonzalez

Ms. Nelida S. Gonzalez

Mr. Nester Gonzalez

Mr. Roger Gonzalez

Ms. Rosemarie Goodridge

Ms. Roslyn Gordon

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Gordon

Mr. & Mrs. Leon Gortler

Ms. Janis J. Graham

Ms. Aida C. Gramieri

Ms. Emil Grandi

Ms. Elba Grau

Ms. Sonia Gray

Ms. Maura Graziano

Prof. & Mrs. Richard Graziano

Mrs. Caterina M. Greco

Mrs. Sharon Green

The Green Spa & Wellness Center

Ms. Beverly Greenberg

Mr. Neil J. Greenberg

Mr. Kenneth Greene

Greenhouse Cafe

Mr. Les Gribben & Prof. Carolyn Gribben

Mr. & Mrs. Nataniel Gridi

Ms. Tuesday L. Grimes

Prof. Louise Grinstein

Ms. Nancyann M. Grippo

Ms. Greta Grodskiy

Ms. Kristine Grosch

Ms. Shereen Grossman

Ms. Dorothy Gruen

Mr. Kevin Gubner

Ms. Diane Guido

Prof. Charles Guigno

Mr. Seymour Gurwitz

“I donate to Kingsborough to assist those who struggle to change their lives and futures through improved education. I feel satisfaction knowing that a modest donation can make a big difference to those in need – and that I have helped students realize the American Dream.”MICHAEL FARMER, CHAIRMAN, FARMER & COMPANY LLC, KINGSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION TRUSTEE

Page 23: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As



Mr. & Mrs. James L. Gustafson

Ms. Karen Guthertz

Mr. Jerome Haas

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Haas

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Haber

Prof. Brian Hack

Mr. Mazin Haddad

Ms. Moreen R. Halmo

Ms. Millie Halstead

Ms. Leila Hammer

Mr. Elliot Handler

Mr. John F. Hanley Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Hanley

Ms. Tiffany Harding

Ms. Rosalie Harman

Ms. Ave Harris

Ms. Aurelia Harrison

Mr. Matthew Harrison

Ms. Natasha Hayden

Ms. Patricia A. Hayes

Ms. Mary J. Healy

Mr. Alan B. Hecht

Ms. Myra Hecker

Mr. Rob Herklotz

Mr. Peter Hermida

Ms. Vanessa Hernandez

Mr. Keith Heron

Mr. Raheem Hicks-Pope

Mr. Kevin Hidalgo

Mr. Rommel Hidalgo & Mrs. Nicole D’Agosta-Hidalgo

Ms. Rae Ellen Higgins

Ms. Therese M. Higgins

Ms. Elizabeth H. Hildebrandt

Mr. George Hill

Mr. Joel A. Hilsenrath

Mr. Craig Hinkley

Mr. Warren Hirsch

Ms. Frances Hirschberg

Mr. Ivan Ho

Ms. Lanelle Hodnett

Ms. Irene Hoffman

Mr. Erich Hoffmann

Mrs. Lorraine Hofmeister

Mr. & Mrs. Sol Holtzman

Ms. Wendy Holuboff

Ms. Joanne Honigman

Mr. Gary Hopkins

Ms. Betty Horn

Ms. Barbara Horowitz

Ms. Etta Horowitz

Prof. & Mrs. Stephen R. Howard

Mr. Jia Huang

Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Hughes

Ms. Susan Huie

Ms. Sally Hunt

Prof. Deborah Hyland

Mr. & Mrs. Milton Hymowitz

Ms. Rachel Idelson

Dr. Despoina S. Ikaris

Mr. Alex Immella

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Imperato

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Iorio

Mr. Osama Iqbal

Mr. Sidney Irgang

Ms. Margaret Irizarry

Mr. Joseph Irving

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Irwin

Ms. Marcia Isaacson

Ms. Sharian Jacobs

Mr. & Mrs. William Jacobs

Mr. Michael Jacowsky & Ms. Donna Mostel

Ms. Kheisha James

Ms. Pauline James

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Jawitz

Ms. Natashia Jean

Ms. Sandra Jean-Baptiste

Mr. James Jeanty

Mr. Josef Jeremijan

Ms. Maya Jimenez

Ms. Rasheema Johnson

Ms. Terry Johnson

Ms. Toni S. Johnson

Ms. Mildred Jonas

Ms. Ashley Jones

Ms. Shirley Jones

Ms. Sharon Jordan

Mr. Clifford Joseph

Ms. Marisa Joseph

Mrs. Joselyn Josephs

Ms. Phyllis Kaley

Ms. Amanda Kalin

Prof. Laxman Kanduri

Mr. Daniel Kane

Mr. Lev Kanevskiy

Ms. Joyce K. Kantrowitz

Ms. Harriet Kaplan

Mr. Leonard Kaplan

Mr. Stanley F. Kaplan

Ms. Liorr Karasanti

Ms. Christine Karfitsas

Ms. Kamini Karran

Ms. Sandra R. Katz

Ms. Ensi Kaufman

Ms. Rajinder Kaur

Ms. Mona Kavowras

Ms. Svetlana Kazanskaya

Col. Daniel Keating

Ms. Diane Keating

Ms. Magnolia Keco

Prof. Charles E. Kee

Mr. Craig A. Keene

Ms. Kathryn Kelly

Mr. William M. Keniry

Mr. Stuart Kermes

Ms. Amy Kessler

Prof. Reabeka King

Mrs. Carol A. Kingren

Kingsborough Community College Urban Farm

Mr. Mark Kirsch

Ms. Ethel Kirschner

Mr. Richard Klauber

Ms. Lisa Klebanov

Mr. & Mrs. Melvyn Klein

Ms. Kathleen Klemm

Ms. Sabrina Knight

Ms. Frances Koch

Ms. Charlene Kohler-Britton

Mrs. Gloria Kolodin

Mr. Yevgeny Kolyakov & Mrs. Marina Kolyakov

Ms. Bonnie Konigsberg

Ms. Irene Konstantinou

Mr. Aleksandr Konstantinovskiy

Ms. Tina Kopel

Ms. Sara Koprak

Mrs. Merryl B. Koren

Mrs. Miriam Korfine

Ms. Marilyn B. Kostroff

Mr. Nabil Kouhi

Kouros Bay Diner

Ms. Olga Kozlova

Pat Kramer

Mr. & Mrs. Wilhelm Krapf

Mr. Maksim Kravtsov

Ms. Nancy L. Krinsky

Ms. Sabina Krivenko

Mr. Michael Kugler

Prof. Coleen Kumar & Dr. Sampath Kumar

Mr. Varun Kumar

L & B Spumoni Gardens Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent LaBarbara

Ms. Siu K. Lam

Ms. Fendja Larivaux

Ms. Marjorie LaRouche

Ms. Constance A. Lauria

Ms. Natasha Lauriston

Ms. Monika Lavi

Mr. Jeffrey Lax

Lt. Richard Lazarini

Mr. Wesley Leazard

Ms. Eleanor Lee

Ms. Samantha Lee

Mr. Jason Leggett

Ms. Nancy Leggio

Mr. Richard Legum

Ms. Naomi Lehrer

Ms. Sheila Leibowitz

Mr. Raymond Lenihan

Lenny & John’s Pizzeria

Mr. Michael Lentini

Ms. Ann M. Leonetti

Mr. Yefim Lerman

Mr. Harvey Lerner

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lerner

Mrs. Maureen Lerner

Mr. Robert Lescouflair

Mrs. Lorraine Lester

Ms. Lauren Levesque

Ms. Alissa Levine

Dr. Gail R. Levine

Ms. Judith Levine

Mrs. Phyllis Levine

Ms. Sheila Levine

Ms. Liberty Levinowitz

Ms. Dawn Levy

Mr. & Mrs. Marc Levy

Ms. Sue A. Levy

Ms. Karen Lewis

Mr. & Mrs. Warren Lewis

Feon Li

Ms. Zhiling Li

Liberty Science Center

Prof. Rachel B. Lieff

Ms. Antonia Lieggi

Ms. Sara Lillianfeld

Mr. Jeremiah Lindgren

Ms. Suzanne Lindsay

Mr. & Mrs. Efraim Lipnik

Prof. Rose Litvack

Prof. Manuel Lledos

Mr. Donald C. Loeb

Lone Star Bar & Grill

Long Island Children’s Museum

Mr. William Long

Mr. Antonio Lopez

Ms. Joan Lorber

Lord & Taylor

Ms. Jeanette LoSciuto

Ms. Rita LoSciuto

Ms. Sandra Lujan

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mackay

Mr. Alex Madrazo

Mrs. Shirley Maggin

Ms. Lily Mai

Ms. Rita Maida

Mr. Efren Maldonado

Mrs. Lyudmila Malikova & Mr. Yasin Lerman

Prof. Peter Malone

Dr. Florence Maloney

Page 24: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As



Ms. Loretta Man

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Mandel

Mrs. Andrea R. Mangone

Mr. Steve Manowitz

Ms. Dawn Manza

Mr. Charles Marcus

Mrs. Leah Marcus

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marcus

Ms. Rochelle Marcus

Mr. & Ms. Alex Margulis

Ms. Natalya Margulis

Maria’s Ristorante

Ms. Denise Marino

Ms. Georgia Mark

Mr. Jerome Markowitz

Ms. Mary Ann Markowitz

Marlow Candy & Nut Company

Ms. Kathleen Marquino

Prof. Laurel Marshall

Dr. & Mrs. Edward Martin

Ms. Karen Martin

Ms. Arelis Martinez

Ms. Patricia Martucci

Mr. Joseph Marvel

Masal Café

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Masi

Ms. Barbara Mason

Ms. Darriel Mason

Ms. Gloria Mason

Mr. Alex Matarese

Ms. Magdalena Matlak

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Matteo

Mr. William Mattes

Ms. Eden Mauro

Mayflower Sales Company Inc.

Ms. Ellie H. Mazur


Ms. Domenica Mazzola

Mr. Kevin J. McCarthy

Ms. Renee McClure

Mr. Gregory D. McCollum, Sr.

Ms. Diane McDevitt

Ms. Alexandra McDonald

Ms. Connie T. McGinnity

Ms. Alade McKen

Ms. Karene McKnight

Ms. Carol Ann McLinden

Ms. Jennifer M. McLinden

Mr. & Mrs. Brian McMains

Ms. Janet McMonagle

Ms. Carol McPhatter

Ms. Detrice McPhatter

Ms. Patti Mead

Ms. Imani Means

Mr. & Mrs. Joel C. Meisner

Mr. Luis Mejias

Mrs. Maria T. Mejias

Ms. Melissa Merced

Ms. Jacqueline Mero

Ms. Jonise Meyers

Mr. Corrado Mezzina

Ms. Marguerite Michaelson

Ms. Susan Michalowski

Ms. Daiana Mielnik

Mill Basin Kosher Deli

Mr. & Mrs. David Miller

Ms. Dina Miller

Ms. Kimberly Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Morris Miller

Ms. Colleen Mims

Mrs. Madeline Mineo

Mr. Herman Minor

Ms. Marites Miranda-Rolon

Mr. Alan Misonznick

Dean Brian Mitra

Ms. Linda Mizhquire

Mrs. Jennifer S. Mizrahi

Mr. Stephen Modell

Modell’s Sporting Goods

Ms. Kathleen Monahan

Ms. Loretta Montagnino

Ms. Therese Monulty

Mrs. Anita Moore

Ms. China T. Moore

Mr. Levy Moore

Ms. Carol Moragas

Ms. Wanda Morales

Mr. Mark Mordukhayev

Mrs. Arlene Moreno

Ms. Patrice R. Morgan

Mr. Souverain Morisseau

Ms. Barbara Morrison

Ms. Patricia Mosley

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Moss

Ms. Anastasiya Mukhanova

Ms. Beth Mulligan

Ms. Cynthia Murphy

Ms. Erin Murphy

Dr. Josephine Murphy & Mr. William J. Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Lovett D. Murray

Ms. Valetia Murray

Ms. Estelle Myers

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Nadel

Mr. Rich Najjar

Dr. Jose Nanin

Ms. Katharine Nareski

Ms. Madeleine Nash

Ms. Helen-Margaret Nasser

National Baseball Hall of Fame

Natural Balance

Mr. Gustavo Negrete

Ms. Helen Neiger

Mr. Colville Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Nemet

Ms. Michelle Nero

Ms. Bianca Neuweiler

New Jersey Devils

The New York Botanical Garden

New York City Fire Museum

New York Giants

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Newmark

Mr. George Nicolaidis

Mary Nieberg

Ms. Devon Nixon

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Nobile

Ms. Jennifer Noe

Ms. Christine Nolfo

Ms. Esther Nord

Ms. Rebecca Nova

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nunziato

Ms. Eugenia Nurenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Nurkin

Ms. Ailene Nusbacher

NY-NJ Harbor & Estuary Program

O Lavrador Restaurant

Mr. Patrick O’Brien

Mr. Steven O’Brien

Mr. Timothy D. O’Brien

Mr. Leon Ofman

Ms. Bridget Ofori

Mr. James Ogilvie

Ms. Bella Oksendler & Mr. Simon Zeldin

Olive Garden

Ms. Sylvia Olster

Ms. Cynthia Olvina

Ms. Elaina P. Olynciw

Ms. Kathleen O’Malley

Ms. Magella Oriental

Oriental Trading Company

Ms. Louise A. Oringer-Nissenbaum

Ms. Elaine Orlando

Ms. Veronika Orlova

Mrs. Christine Ortiz

Ms. Jeanette O’Sullivan

Dr. Michael Otten

Ms. Yelena Ovsyannikova

Ms. Joy Owens

Ms. Kathy Pacilio

Dr. Arnold Packer & Mrs. Loretta R. Packer

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Paduano

Ms. Angela Pagnotta

Ms. Lisa Paler

Ms. Janine Palludan

Ms. Shelean Palmer

Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Palumbo

Ms. Veronica Pancham

Papa Leone Restaurant

Mr. Matthew Papier

Ms. Aime Parada

Ms. Annie Paredez

Ms. Deborah Paris

Mr. John Parker

Parkway Flower Shop

Navneet Parmar

Ms. Susan Pascarella

Ms. Maria Patestas

Mr. Nicholas Patsis

Steva Patterson

Ms. Barbara D. Patzer

Mr. Barry C. Pearce

Ms. Marilyn Pearce

Ms. Betty Pearsall

Mr. Salvatore Pellettiere

Dr. Katia Perea

Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Perinelli

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pero

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Perrera

Perry’s Seafood Restaurant

Ms. Anna Pestovskaya

Mrs. Patricia A. Peterkin

Ms. Bonnie Peterman

Prof. Ken Peters

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Petralia

Ms. Maria Petrova

Ms. Leigh Petryssyn

Mr. James Phillips

Ms. Michelle B. Phillips

Ms. Laura Piascik

Ms. Francie Piechowiak

Ms. Linda C. Pierce

Prof. Caterina Y. Pierre

Mr. Jose Pierre

Ms. Nympha Pierre

Ms. Roberta Pike

Mr. Dhana J. Pinder

Mr. Dominick Pinto

Ms. Vicky Pitsirikos

Ms. Kristin Polizzotto Or

Mrs. Marisol Ponte-Greenberg

Mr. & Mrs. John Positano

Mr. Brian Potter

Mr. Louis W. Powsner

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Pozner

Ms. Susan Prasenski

Ms. Tiffany Pratts

Dr. Penny Price

Ms. Sharon Prince

Page 25: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As



Ms. Jennifer Pringle

Mr. Giovanni Provenzano

Ms. Jessica Pulaguachi

Mr. Tomasz Pulawski

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Puma

Tatjana Pushkar

Mrs. Ann M. R. Quaranta

Mr. Anthony Quaranta

Mr. Anthony Quartararo

Mr. James Quinn

Mr. Joel Quintalino

Ms. Carmen Ramirez

Ms. Enid Ramirez

Ms. Malider Ramos

Dr. Sandra E. Ramos

Ms. Samantha Ramsey

Mr. & Mrs. David Rapaport

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ratinetz

Ms. Lee Ravine

Refinery Handbags

Ms. Donna Regina

Ms. Rosemarie Reid

Mr. John Reilly

Mr. Wayne Reily

Ms. Judith E. Reiss

Ms. Jennifer Relay

Mr. Benjamin Resnick

Ms. Svetlana Reznick

Mr. Howard Reznikoff

Ms. Angela Riccardi

Ms. Adele Riccio

Mr. Emmanuel Richard

Mr. Puro Richard

Mr. Carlton Richardson

Prof. Eva H. Richter

Mrs. Sally Ricottone

Mr. & Mrs. John Ridge

Mrs. Dena Rigas

Ms. Paula Risolo

Mr. Joseph Rivera

Mr. Dominic Rivlin

Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Roberts

Rocco’s Calamari

Mr. & Ms. Gerald Rockower

Dr. Carmen D. Rodriguez

Mr. Isaac Rodriguez

Ms. Samantha Rodriguez

Ms. Veronica Rodriguez

Ms. Crystal Rodwell

Mrs. Tina Rogers

Mr. & Mrs. Stan Roher

Ms. Trina Roldan

Ms. Enid Roman

Ms. Annamaria S. Romano

Mr. Darry Romano

Mr. William T. Rooney

Mr. William Rosenblum

Mr. Tyrone Ross

Mr. John E. Rossi

Mr. Eric Rothenburg

Mr. Howard Rothman

Ms. Patricia Rotunda

Ms. Anna Rozenboym

Mr. Ronald Rubenstein

Ms. Janice Rubinsky

Mr. & Mrs. Pavel Rudnitskiy

Mr. Joseph Ruisi

Ms. Sarah Ruiz

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Russo

Mr. Peter M. Russo

Mr. William F. Ruvolo

Mrs. Christine Sabatini

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Saccoccio

Ms. Nerline Saint Elme

Ms. Marie Saint Victor

Ms. Nanda Salama

Ms. Joanne Salamone

Ms. Marlene Salazar

Mr. Ali Saleh

Salon da Noi

Mr. Charles S. Salup

Sam Ash Music

Ms. Sarah E. Samuels

Mr. & Mrs. David Sandgrund

Ms. Kathleen Santaly

Mr. Bernard J. Santangelo

Mr. Christopher Santangelo

Mr. Peter Santiago

Mr. Alexander Sapozhnikov

Mrs. Galina Sapozhnikova

Ms. Evelyn Saput

Prof. & Mrs. Gary B. Sarinsky

Ms. Linda Sarubbi

Ms. Felicetta Saulino

Ms. Gina Scaglione

Ms. Rosanne Scalice

Mr. Mary Scarpa

Ms. Jacqueline S. Scerbinski

Ms. Laura P. Schachne

Mr. Benjamin W. Schaeffer

Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Schain

Mr. & Mrs. Lester Schenker

Prof. Samuel Scherek

Mr. & Mrs. Ety Schinazi

Mr. Gabriel Schleifer

Mr. Alexander Schlossberg

Prof. Emerita Adele Schneider

Dr. Florence Schneider

Mrs. Lisa L. Schneider

Ms. Christine Schrader

Mr. Jean-Charles Schumann

Ms. Beverly Schustal

Ms. Frances Schwartz

Mr. George Schwartz

Mr. Harry Schwartz

Mr. Raymond Scipione

Mr. Frank L. Scott

Mrs. Shavone Sease

Ms. Pamela Seegraber

Ms. Ina Segaloff

Mr. Lance Sellers & Ms. Darya Fomina

Ms. Samantha Sena

Prof. Carol Seymour

Mr. Faizan Shahid

Mr. Joel Shantzer

Mr. Lance Shapiro

Ms. Susan F. Shapiro

Ms. Valentyna Shapran

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sharp

Shellshocked Movie: Saving Oysters to Save Ourselves

Ms. Alisa J. Sher

Ms. Lioudmila Sherman

Ms. Lili Shi

Ms. Oxana Shifrina

Ms. Elise Shill

Ms. Denisha Shrestha

Mr. & Mrs. Vitaly Shvarts

Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Siegel

Ms. Sharon Z. Siegel

Ms. Sheila R. Siegel

Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Silfen

Ms. Marie A. Siliati

Mrs. Audrey Siliati-Rojas & Mr. Djaudat Rojas

Ms. Grace Simmons

Ms. Ilene Simon

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Simon

Dr. Beth J. Singer

Ms. Indira Skorik

Ms. Kristen Sletten

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Small

Ms. Darline Smith

Ms. LaToya Smith

Ms. Rochell Smith

Prof. Thomas Smyth

Ms. Nicola Softleigh

Ms. Valerie Sokolova

Mr. Gary Sokolow

Prof. Michael Sokolow

Ms. Lila Sperber

Mrs. & Mr. Emmy Springer

Mrs. Leanne Staeger

Staten Island Children’s Museum

Mr. Richard M. Statfield

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stein

Ms. Francine Stein

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Stein

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Stein

Ms. Rosemarie Stender

Mr. Elton Stephens

Ms. Bracha V. Stern

Ms. Judi Stern

Mr. Ben Stewart

“I donate to give back to the place that has done so much for me for over 20 years—first as a student, then as a staff member.  It’s

allowed me to make a difference in the lives of KCC students.”TARA YARCZOWER ’97 , ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF FRESHMAN SERVICES

Page 26: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As



Ms. Iris Stewart

Ms. Susan Stonehill

Mrs. Edith Storch

Mrs. Toni Storz

Strike 10 Lanes

Ms. Tania Suarez

Ms. Deborah Sulinski

Ms. Tasha Sutton

Ms. Tasheka Sutton-Young

Dr. & Mrs. Farshad Tamari

Mr. Joseph Tammany

Mr. Kamran Tariq

Ms. Ferne Tauman

Ms. Sayel Tayar

Mr. Gregory W. Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Tepper

Ms. Erina Theodore

Mr. Sean A. Thill

Ms. Cristin Thomas

Mr. Damani Thomas

Mr. Antonio Thompson

Mr. Michael Thorgersen

Mr. Charles Tierney

Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Tishcoff

Ms. Elizabeth Tiso

Mr. Christopher Todd

Ms. Muyesser Topcuoglu

Ms. Erin M. Tornetto

Ms. Barbara Torney

Ms. Carole Torrens

Totonno’s Pizzeria

Ms. Angela Tricarico

Ms. Cynthia R. Tricarico

Ms. Louise J. Troisi

Mr. David Troy

True Citrus

Mr. Feliks Tsadkin

Mr. & Mrs. Joel Tuber

Mr. Jonathan Tucker

Mrs. Rosalie Tulino

Mr. & Mrs. Corey M. Turner

Tuscany Grill

Two Boots Brooklyn

Ms. Janet M. Unegbu

Ms. Judith Valdez

Ms. Jennifer Valentine

Ms. Philomena Valentino

Ms. Dahlia Valle

Ms. Peggy Vanderbeck

Mr. Johnnie Vann

Mr. Jason VanOra

Ms. Brenda Vargas

Ms. Rozalina Vaskevich

Ms. Tanya Vavitsas

Mr. Marat Vayntraub

Ms. Jessica Vega

Ms. Gail Velez

Mr. Frank J. Vento

Ms. Marilu Venturino

Mr. Joseph Verdino

Ms. Marie Versaggi

Ms. Elizabeth Vladimirov

Mrs. Sara G. Wagschal

Ms. Tzila Waksman

Ms. Glenda Wallace

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Wallack

Hua M. Wang

Wave Hill

Mrs. Kathleen Weaver

Mr. Richard W. Weaver

Ms. Regina Weber

Ms. Rita Weine

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Weiner

Mr. & Mrs. Seymour J. Weiner

Ms. Anita Weingarten

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Weininger

Mr. & Mrs. David Weinstock

Mr. Michael Weisenfeld

Ms. Barbara Weiserbs

Mr. Alfred M. Weiss

Mr. Evan Weissman

Mr. Alan Wendorf

Ms. Eileen Wheeler

Ms. Fern White

Mr. Jesse Whitehead

Ms. Nettie Wiener

Mrs. Frances Wiesen

Wildlife Conservation Society

Ms. Rose Wilkins-Lightfoot

Ms. Marie Williams

Ms. Maryan Williams

Mrs. Richelle Williams

Mrs. Maryjane Wisniewski

Ms. Ashley Withers

Ms. Audrey Wolfe

Mr. Eric Wollman

Mr. Robert Wong

Mr. Victor Wood

Dr. Stella Woodroffe

Mr. Marvin Wortzman

Mr. John Wowk

Mr. Xiaoqing Wu

Mr. Feliks Yablonovskiy

Ms. Priscilla Yee

Ms. Sarah Yomtov

Ms. Heidi Yu

Ms. Ilyana Yusim

Ms. Rosalie Zafonte

Ms. Christine Zagari-LoPorto

Mr. Igor Zalyapin

Mrs. Joanne Zambrio

Ms. Lori Zaussmer

Ms. Raya Zegel

Prof. & Mrs. Arthur N. Zeitlin

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Zerner

Ms. Michelle Zilkarov

Ms. Sheila Zimmerman

Mrs. Marina Zlobinskaya

Mrs. Felicia Zolondek

Mr. Igor Zubatov

Page 27: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As

FOUNDATIONThe Kingsborough Community College Foundation’s

Board of Directors draws its members from a wide range of professional and academic backgrounds.

These men and women have guided some of America’s most important organizations, and they bring

their expertise, their drive, and their wholehearted commitment to helping the college realize its vision of

the future.


VP, Customer Meter Services, National Grid

DR. REGINA S. PERUGGIPresident (ex-o� cio)

President, Kingsborough Community College (KCC)

MR. ROBERT V. EDGARVice President

VP, Donor Relations, The New York Community Trust


Executive Director, Budget and Financial Planning, KCC

DR. ELIZABETH BASILEExecutive Director (ex-o� cio)

Assistant VP, Offi ce for College Advancement, KCC


President, Brooklyn Economic Development Corporation

MR. SCOTT C. CANTONE (ALUMNUS)Principal, Bender Cantone Consulting, Inc

MR. MICHAEL CORRERA (ALUMNUS)Owner, Michael-Towne Wines & Spirits

MR. JAMES A. CROSS, JR.VP, Customer Analytics & Risk Management,

National Grid

MR. MICHAEL FARMERChairman, Farmer & Company LLC

MR. WILLIAM KELLERVP, Administration & Finance, KCC

MR. JOHN MANBECKProfessor Emeritus, KCC

MS. SUZANNE MURPHYVP, Development and External Aff airs, Teachers College

MS. M. MICHEL ORBANPartner, RRE Ventures


MR. MARK SERUYA (ALUMNUS)Senior VP, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

MS. JOANNA L. SILVERPartner, Harris Beach, PLLC

MR. JAMES P. SLATTERYBrooklyn Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project

MS. KELLY SULLIVANSenior Managing Director, Joele Frank,

Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher

EXPENDITURES Instructional Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . $52,204,035 . . . . . . . . . . 52.35% Extension & Public Service . . . . . . . . . . $2,297,782 . . . . . . . . . . . 2.30% Library & Organized Activities. . . . . . $2,550,209 . . . . . . . . . . . 2.56% Student Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,301,440 . . . . . . . . . . 12.34% Maintenance & Operations . . . . . . . . $11,738,206 . . . . . . . . . . . 11.77% General Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . $5,260,899 . . . . . . . . . . . 5.28% General Institutional Services . . . . . . . .$7,487,176 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.51% College Discovery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $570,064 . . . . . . . . . . . 0.57% Adult & Continuing Education. . . . . . . .$2,582,88 . . . . . . . . . . . 2.59% Technology Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,732,618 . . . . . . . . . . . 2.74%Totals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99,725,310. . . . . . . . . 100.00%

STAFFING (FULL-TIME) Fall 2012 Spring 2013Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .340 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349Librarians / Audio Visual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Total Faculty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

Non-Instructional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243Civil Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330

Total Full-Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 884. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933







FACTS & FIGURESFiscal Year 2013

Expenditure Data per CUNYfi rst as of 10/25/13Excludes fringe benefi ts and heat, light, and power.The Adult & Continuing Education Program is self-sustaining based upon tuition and fees collected.Staffi ng based on 11/23/12 and 5/10/13 Payrolls


Page 28: Annual Report 61914 - City University of New Yorkannual report. But an annual report can be much more than a mere chronicle of the past year. It can be a signpost to the future. As

KINGSBOROUGH COM M U N I T Y COL L EGE2001 Oriental Boulevard Brooklyn, New York, 11235

Writing: Wendell Brock | Photography: G. Steve Jordan | Design: S. Thill