annual report - takeda

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  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda



    A N N U A L R E P O R T 1999Year ended Ma rch 31, 1999

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Years ended March 31, 1999 and 1998

    Thousands of

    Millions of yen U .S . dolla rs (Note)

    1999 1998 1999

    For the years ended March 31:Net sa les ....................................................................................................... 844,643 841,816 $ 6,980,521

    P ercenta ge increa se ................................................................................... 0.3% 0.4%Net income.................................................................................................... 91,755 81,610 758,306

    P ercenta ge increase .................................................................................. 12.4% 14.3%Resea rch a nd d evelopment costs ................................................................. 77,487 79,039 640,388Capital investments..................................................................................... 29,241 34,091 241,661Depreciation and amortization.................................................................... 32,651 32,763 269,843

    Per sha re amounts (Yen a nd U .S. dol lars)(See Note 11 to the consolida ted fina ncial sta tements):Net income.................................................................................................. 103.52 92.97 $0.86Ca sh dividends ........................................................................................... 29.00 21.25 0.24

    At March 31:Tota l a ssets ................................................................................................... 1,326,999 1,296,202 $10,966,934Sh a reholders equit y .................................................................................... 907,373 829,381 7,498,950

    Num ber of employees................................................................................... 15,776 16,443Note: The U.S. dollar am ounts in this report represent tra nslat ions of J apa nese yen, for convenience only, at t he rat e of 121=U S$1, the approximate

    exchan ge rat e at March 31, 1999.


    ( Billion)








    ( Billion)
















    ( Billion)







    Takeda Chemical Industr ies, Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries

    Financial Highlights

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Takedas medium-term management

    plan is now in its fifth year. Is the plan

    proceeding on schedule?

    Amid intense global competition, weve

    continued to move forward with our

    medium-term management plan, which

    covers fiscal 1995 to fiscal 2000, to generate

    international growth as an R&D-driven

    pharmaceutical company. Since Takedabegan implementing the plan, both sales

    and profi ts have increased thanks to the

    solid performance of our pharmaceutical

    business overseas.

    However, overseas pharmaceutical

    companies, particularly the leading U.S.manufacturers, have achieved robust

    growth in the rapidly expanding U.S.

    market, and the gap between Takeda and

    these companies has been widening.

    Moreover, the speed and scale of changes in

    our operating environment have exceeded

    the projections we made at the time the

    plan was devised. These changes include the

    prolonged recession in Japan, economic

    turmoil in Asia, and increasingly stringent

    government policies to contain healthcare

    costs in Japan and other countries. To

    respond to these conditions, we have

    implemented a stronger revised medium-

    term plan for fiscal years 1998 to 2000 with

    the objective of creating a structure that will

    allow Takeda to make rapid strides toward

    becoming an international enterprise by the

    end of fiscal 2000.

    What issues are included in the revised


    The two main themes are strengthening

    growth strategies in our pharmaceutical

    business in global markets and promotingthe independence of our non-

    pharmaceutical businesses. Through

    focused investment of management

    resources in our pharmaceutical business,


    An Interview with the President

    Kun i o Ta k eda, President

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    we will further strengthen and promote the

    growth of this business, centered oninternationally strategic products. In non-

    pharmaceutical businesses, as part of our

    emphasis on cultivating high-value-added

    businesses and selectively allocating

    corporate assets, we are reexamining low-

    potential businesses and creating an

    operating structure centered on high-value-

    added core businesses to make non-

    pharmaceutical businesses truly


    What are some specific ways in which

    Takeda will strengthen growth

    strategies in its pharmaceutical


    Although weve achieved good

    performance overseas up to now, a large

    part of that is attributable to the rapid

    growth of TAP Holdings Inc., a U.S. affiliate

    accounted for by the equity method. So we

    have to bui ld on that momentum by

    establishing further international bases. We

    have already established two holding

    companies Takeda America Holdings,

    Inc. in the United States and Takeda EuropeHoldings Ltd. in Europe and we also

    added a second U.S. marketing company,

    Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.

    In August 1999, Takeda Pharmaceuticals

    America launched the antidiabetic agent

    pioglitazone hydrochloride (brand name:Actos). With once-daily dosing, Actoshas

    demonstrated its benefi ts in significantly

    improving glycemic control in Type 2

    diabetes. In addition, clinical data show that

    Actoshas a beneficial impact on lipids,

    lowering plasma triglycerides and raising

    levels of HDL the so-called good

    cholesterol. Unlike other antidiabetic

    agents, moreover,Actosdoes not raise levels

    of LDL cholesterol. With these

    characteristics,Actosshould help to further

    boost Takedas presence in the U.S.

    pharmaceutical market.

    What about the domestic market?

    Although the Japanese pharmaceutical

    market has been shrinking, Takeda has

    increased its market share by focusing on

    treatments for lifestyle-related diseases

    including hypercholesterolemia,

    hypertension and diabetes. In May 1999, we

    launched cerivastatin sodium, an HMG-

    CoA reductase inhibitor, under the brand

    nameCertaas a treatment for

    hypercholesterolemia.Certa, originallysynthesized by Bayer AG of Germany, is a

    competitive inhibitor of the enzyme HMG-

    CoA reductase that has proven effective in

    lowering serum cholesterol.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    In June 1999 we launched candesartan

    cilexeti l, an angiotensin I I receptorantagonist, under the brand nameBlopress.

    This product selectively binds to

    angiotensin II AT1 receptors and thereby

    suppresses the action of angiotensin I I to

    provide long-lasting and assured

    hypotensive action with once-daily dosing.

    In addition, an application for pioglitazone

    hydrochloride, an agent for the treatment of

    diabetes mellitus, has been filed.

    Please expand upon Takedas R&D

    strategy for its pharmaceutical


    Takeda is focusing on six core areas:

    diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, central

    nervous system disorders, bone and joint

    diseases, allergic diseases and infectious

    diseases. We have already achieved a

    number of successes in these areas. Themost recent is Actos, which we launched in

    the U.S. market. In the competitive

    thiazolidinedione class,Actoswas approved

    for use both as a monotherapy and in

    combination with insulin, sulfonylureas or


    Furthermore, we have implemented our


    Research (MPDR) strategy to bring the

    results of our research to the market more

    quickly. This strategy helps us set

    parameters in areas such as product

    originali ty, market need, continuity of

    therapeutic area strategies, profitability and

    investment risk, and then prioritize R&D

    accordingly. Thus we are better able to

    allocate resources to projects most likely to


    G L O B A L O P E R A T I O N S


    Takeda AmericaHoldings, Inc.

    Takeda EuropeHoldings Ltd.


    Takeda America Research &Development Center Inc.

    TAP Holdings Inc.

    Takeda PharmaceuticalsAmerica, Inc.

    Takeda Europe Research &Development Centre Ltd.


    Laboratoires Takeda(France)

    Takeda Pharma GmbH(Germany)

    Takeda Italia FarmaceuticiS.p.A.

    Takeda UK Limited


    Takeda Ireland Ltd.

    (This illustration shows Takedas pharmaceutical operations outside Japan)


    Tianjin Takeda Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (China)Takeda IMC Chemical Ltd. (Hong Kong)Takeda Chemical Industries (Taiwan), Ltd.Boie-Takeda Chemicals, Inc. (Philippines)Takeda (Thailand), Ltd.P.T. Takeda Indonesia

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    generate solid

    earnings andincrease the

    speed of R&D.

    To ensure a

    pipeline full of


    products, we are aggressively promoting

    licensing deals and research collaborations

    in addition to strengthening and

    accelerating our own research.

    What is Takedas strategy for its group

    of companies?

    Given the intense competition with U.S.

    and European pharmaceutical companies,

    we must take full advantage of the

    capabilities of the Takeda Group. We are

    therefore restructuring the Takeda Group

    portfolio and establishing the management

    framework necessary to support a strategy

    that maximizes group strengths.

    Specifically, we are evaluating the

    positioning and responsibilities of each

    subsidiary and affiliate in l ight of our group

    strategy and the changes in our operating

    environment to determine which should bestrengthened, liquidated or consolidated.

    Measures to reinforce our core businesses

    and raise management efficiency will

    include a sweeping restructuring of group

    companies and alliances with other


    What fundamental principles provide

    the framework for Takedas continuinggrowth?

    Takeda carries out all business activities

    on the basis of our corporate philosophy:

    contr ibuting to better health and quali ty of

    li fe for people throughout the world. This

    philosophy guides us in creating

    pharmaceuticals that meet the expectations

    of patients and healthcare professionals,and we strive to help people by delivering

    our products to global markets ever more


    In addition to an objective management

    system for executives and a performance

    evaluation system for divisions, we are also

    implementing various reforms to fairly

    reward employees who produce results.

    These include phasing in a merit-based pay

    system that is aimed at making Takeda an

    attractive company where employees feel a

    sense of challenge and satisfaction.

    Finally, we are committed to earning the

    understanding and trust of shareholders

    through timely disclosure of appropriate,

    extensive and clear information on

    operations and management.

    August 1999

    Kunio Takeda


    An Interview with the President

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    The following are some of the Pharmaceutical Discovery Research Divisions recent

    accomplishments. Discovery of a new anti-HIV drug candidate (CCR5 antagonist)

    Discovery of a prolactin-releasing peptide

    Discovery of Apelin, a new ligand for an HIV infection-related receptor

    Discovery of a gene for LLPL, a newly discovered enzyme related to atherosclerosis

    Development of a new manufacturing process for human growth hormone

    Pharmaceutical Research Division

    The Pharmaceutical Research Division focuses on keeping Takedas pipeline stocked with new

    drug candidates for global use by speeding up pharmaceutical research.

    The Pharmaceutical Research Division conducts research into the synthesis, drug action and

    pharmacology of investigational medicines for the core disease areas of diabetes, cardiovascular

    diseases, central nervous system disorders, bone and joint diseases, allergic diseases and

    infectious diseases.

    In the area of drug synthesis research, the utilization of advances in molecular pharmacology

    and molecular physiology is becoming increasingly important. For example, our researchers

    continuously try to uncover the seeds of breakthrough pharmaceuticals through detailed study

    of the structure and active relationships of compounds such as enzyme inhibitors and receptor

    antagonists. Moreover, in addit ion to analyzing compounds and conducting structural analysis,

    researchers employ advanced technology for molecular design, automatic synthesis andautomatic screening of new active substances.

    Currently the Pharmaceutical Research Division is focusing on the following.

    Establishing an efficient system for pharmaceutical research to accelerate priori tyresearch themes and advancethem to the next stage

    Evaluating safety at an earl ierstage of research to increase theprobability of creatingsuccessful new drugcandidates

    Enhancing Takedas pipeline bypromoting in-l icensingactivities and researchcollaborations.

    The Pharmaceutical Research Division contributes to the creation of new pharmaceuticals by

    using automated machines to synthesize novel compounds and derivatives.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    The progress of the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) is enabling the use of

    essentially the same clinical data in Japan, Europe and the United States. In response, Takeda has

    established the Global Development Committee to create global development plans and coordinate

    our tripartite development strategy. Based on Takedas MPDR strategy, which links research,

    development, production and marketing, the committee adds value through its activities at every

    stage, from product development to post-marketing, in accordance with the needs of the marketing

    and sales divisions in the above three regions.

    Since launching its fi rst international strategic product, leuprolide acetate, in the United States in

    1985, Takeda has increased this products potential by implementing a global rollout and adding

    new indications and formulations. In 1991, we launched lansoprazole in France and subsequently

    With progress of the ICH, Takeda America Research & Development Center Inc. has increased in

    importance as a vital component of Takedas global development strategy.

    Global Development Speeds Products to Market

    Takedas tr ipar t i te development organi zation is centered around the

    Pharmaceut ical Development D ivi sion in Japan; Takeda Ameri ca Research &

    Development Center Inc. and the Development Division of TAP Holdings Inc., a

    joint vent ure wi th Abbott Laborator ies, in the Uni ted States; and Takeda Europe

    Research &Development Centre Ltd. in the Uni ted Ki ngdom. Together these bases

    conduct effi cient development operat ions, focusing on the swi ft launch of new

    products in the global marketplace. At the same time, they help to maximi ze added

    value through clini cal development and post-marketing sur vei l lance.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Takeda Europe Research & Development Centre Ltd. in London, where the European Agency for the

    Evaluation of Medicinal Products is based, has contributed to development efficiency.

    have expanded the number of countries in which it is marketed and added new indications.

    Applications for the use of this product in the treatment of reflux esophagitis (maintenancetherapy) and eradication of Heli cobacter pyloriare currently being reviewed by the Ministry of

    Health and Welfare in Japan. Candesartan cilexetil, a drug for the treatment of hypertension

    marketed in Europe, the United States and Japan, is now in Phase III for the indication of

    congestive heart failure. Each of these products is marketed in countries around the world.

    Our new international strategic product is AD-4833 (pioglitazone hydrochloride), an agent for

    the treatment of diabetes mellitus. This drug is a member of a new class of antidiabetic agents that

    resulted from Takedas many years of research on diabetes. With one dose daily, AD-4833 reduces

    insulin resistance in patients suffering from Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. New Drug

    Applications were filed in Japan in December 1996, in the United States in January 1999, and in

    Europe in March 1999. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted AD-4833 priori ty review

    status and approved it in July 1999. AD-4833 was launched in August 1999 in the United States

    under the brand name Actos.

    Besides AD-4833, development is focusing on new treatments in the fields of diabetes,

    cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system disorders, bone and joint diseases, allergic diseases

    and infectious diseases. For example, TAK-778-SR, a treatment for bone fractures resulting from

    osteoporosis, is now in Phase I in Japan. TAK-661, a substitute for steroid treatment in bronchial

    asthma and atopic dermatitis, is in Phase II in Japan and Phase I in Europe. We are endeavoring to

    rapidly develop and deliver to the global marketplace candidate compounds that have been selected

    for both innovativeness and marketabil ity.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Overview of Product StatusProduct Description Indication / Formulation Country (Brand Name) Status

    Ca ndesa r t a n Angiot ensin I I H ypert ension J a pa n (Blopress) La unched

    cilexet il recept or a nt a gonist U .S . (Atacand) La unched

    (TCV-116) U .K. (Amias) La unched

    Germany (Blopress) Launched

    Other European countries Launched

    Congest ive hea rt fa ilure J a pa n & Europe P hase III

    U .S . P hase III

    P revent ion of rest enosis J a pa n P ha se II

    following P TCA

    D ia bet ic nephropa t hy a nd J a pa n P ha se II

    glomerular nephrit is

    (TCV-116C) Combination of H ypert ension E urope Approved 6/98

    TCV-116 a nd a diuret ic U .S . P hase III

    Leuprolide acetat e Luteinizing hormone-releasing Prosta te cancer , J apan (Leuplin) La unched

    (TAP -144S R) hormone (LH -RH ) a na log endomet r iosis, U .S . (Lupron Depot) La uncheduterine fibroids Europe (Enantone, others) Launched

    Asia (Enantone, ot hers) La unched

    Over 60 count ries La unched

    C en t ra l p re coci ou s p ub er t y J a p a n, U . S ., F r a n ce , L a u nch ed

    Germany & I ta ly

    Breast cancer J apan , Germany , Launched

    Ita ly & Fra nce

    K it -t ype once-mont hly G erma ny, U .S . & La unched

    inject a ble formula t ion J apa n

    Three-month sust ained-relea se U .S ., U .K ., G erma ny, La unched

    inject a ble formula tion Fra nce & I t a ly

    J a pa n P ha se II

    Four-mont h sust a ined-relea se U .S . La unched

    injectable formulation

    Kit-type t hree-month susta ined- U .S . La unched

    release injectable formulation

    Kit-type four-month sustained- U .S . La unched

    release injectable formulation

    La nsopra zole P rot on pump inhibit or Reflux esophagitis, peptic ulcers J a p a n (Takepron) La unched

    (AG-1749) and Zoll inger-Ell ison syndrome U.S. (Prevacid) La unched

    Fra nce (Ogast) La unched

    I ta ly (Lansox) La unched

    Germany (Agopton) La unched

    Over 90 count ries La unched

    Ma int ena nce t hera py a ft er U .S ., U .K ., Fra nce, La unched

    ulcer hea ling G erma ny & I t a ly

    Ma int ena nce t hera py for J a pa n Filed 1/99

    reflux esophagitis

    Era dicat ion of U.S. , U.K. , Italy , Launched

    H eli cobacter pylori France & Germany

    J a pa n Filed 2/99

    G a st r it is J a pa n P ha se II

    D yspepsia U .S . P ha se III

    U .K. La unched

    G erma ny Filed 1/99

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Product Description Indication / Formulation Country (Brand Name) Status

    L a ns opr az ole IV P r ot on pu mp in hib it or Postoperat ive invasive stress J a pa n Filed 7/96

    (AG -1749 IV) (I nject able for mula tion) U pper ga st roint est ina l J apa n P hase III


    Ma jor st ress exer t ed by J a pa n P ha se II

    operation or external st imulus

    P ioglit a zone Insulin sensit ivit y enha ncer Dia bet es mellit us J apa n (Actos) F iled 12/96

    hydr ochloride (monothera py an d combina tion

    (AD-4833) w it h sulfonylurea s)

    Dia bet es mellit us U .S . (Actos) La unched

    (monotherapy and combination

    w it h in su lin , su lfon ylu rea s E ur ope (Actos) F iled 3/99

    or metformin)

    Combination with Basen J a pa n P ha se III

    Combination with insulin

    Voglibose Disa ccha rida se inhibit or D ia bet es mellit us J a pa n (Basen) La unched(AO-128) U .S . P ha se III

    E urope Filed 3/98

    I mpa ir ed glu cose t olera nce J a pa n Pha se II

    Sera t roda st Thromboxa ne A2 B ronchia l a st hma J a pa n (Bronica) La unched

    (AA-2414) recept or a n t a gonist

    Cefozopra n B roa d spect rum B a ct eria l in fect ion J a pa n (Firstcin) La unched

    hy dr ochlor id e in ject able cepha losporin

    (S CE -2787) P edia t ric use a nd meningit is J a pa n (Firstcin) La unched

    Ceriva st a t in sodium H MG -CoA reduct a se H ypercholest erolemia J apa n (Certa) La unched

    (B AY w 6228) inhibit or [J oin t development

    wi th B ayer Yakuhin]

    TAK -147 Acet ylcholinest era se inhibit or D ement ia of Alzheimers t ype J a pa n P ha se III

    Risedrona t e B one resorpt ion inhibit or Ost eoporosis J a pa n P ha se III

    (NE -58095) [J oint development

    wit h Ajinomoto]

    TNP -470 Ant i-a ngiogenesis a gent Ma ligna nt t umor U .S . P ha se II

    TAK -603 Disea se-modifying Rheuma t oid a rt hrit is J a pa n , U .S . & E urope P ha se II

    ant i-rheumat ic drug

    Idebenone B ra in energy-met a bolism Dement ia of Alzheimers t ype G erma ny Filed 6/96

    (C V-2619) enha ncer I t a ly & Sw it zerla nd Filed 2/97

    Aust ria F iled 8/96

    U.S . P ha se II/III

    TAK -751S Verot oxin a dsorbent H emolyt ic uremic syndrome J apa n P ha se II

    (HUS) [Licensed from Synsorb]

    M or ph in e h y dr o- H ig h c on t en t /con ce nt r a t ion Severe pain due t o ca ncers J a pa n P ha se III

    chloride (MH-200) prepa ra t ion [J oint development ]

    TAK -661 E osinophil chemot a xis Bronchia l as thma a nd J a pa n P ha se II

    inhibitor atopic derma t it is E urope P ha se I

    MKC-231 Choline upta ke enhancer Dement ia of Alzheimers type J apan Ph ase II

    [J oint development

    with Mitsubishi]

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    In 1998, TAP continued its strong performance and achieved net sales that exceeded $2 billion.

    TAP is now the seventeenth largest U.S. pharmaceutical company in terms of sales, and expects to

    continue moving up the ranks as it fosters current products and introduces new ones.Net sales of the ulcer treatment Prevacid(lansoprazole), TAPs leading product, nearly doubled to

    $1.3 bil lion in 1998. One of the reasons for this outstanding growth is the expansion of the drugs

    range of uses. In 1998, TAP received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

    for Prevaciddelayed-release capsules for the short-term treatment of symptomatic gastroesophageal

    reflux disease (GERD), as well as new administration options that allow patients who cannot

    swallow a capsule to sprinklePrevacidon soft food or into juice. In addit ion, TAP introduced 10-

    and 14-day regimens of Prevpac, a new and convenient package for three medications used to treat

    Heli cobacter pyloriinfection in patients with duodenal ulcers. The package, which contains

    Prevacid, Biaxin(clarithromycin) and Trimox(amoxicillin capsules), provides a simplified, more

    convenient regimen for eradicatingH. pylori.

    The National Sales Meeting at TAP Holdings Inc. boosts sales force effectiveness and morale by

    gathering U.S. medical representatives (MRs) together to review the past years performance and

    determine strategic directions for the year ahead.

    Expanding Participation in Markets Worldwide

    Takeda markets i ts ethical dr ugs through a global marketing organi zat ion

    spanni ng Japan, the Uni ted States, Europe and Asia. In the United States, the

    worlds lar gest and fastest-growing pharmaceut ical market, Takedas marketing

    organi zati on includes TAP Holdings Inc. (a joint venture wi th Abbott Laboratori es),

    and the whol ly owned subsidiary, Takeda Pharmaceut icals America, Inc.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Lupron Depot(leuprolide acetate for depot suspension), TAPs synthetic hormone indicated for

    the palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer, endometriosis, anemia caused by uterinefibroids, and precocious puberty, posted solid sales growth in 1998. It continues to maintain i ts

    dominant position in most of these markets.

    In addition to these successful current products, TAP has an active pipeline. In June 1999, TAP

    filed a New Drug Application with the FDA for Uprima(apomorphine), an oral treatment for male

    erecti le dysfunction. Takeda and Abbott Laboratories will jointly develop and co-market

    apomorphine in countries outside the United States and Canada. TAP also plans to file an

    application for an adult formulation of the antibiotic Spectracef(cefditoren pivoxil) in 1999.

    TAPs research and development teams are focusing on developing a range of promising new

    compounds for use in medical fields such as urology, gynecology and oncology, and are also

    pursuing additional indications for current products. TAPs aggressive in-licensing efforts will

    continue to fuel the companys pipeline.

    Building on i ts momentum in the United States, in May 1998 Takeda established its second U.S.

    marketing company, Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. This company launched piogli tazone

    hydrochloride, an antidiabetic agent, under the brand name Actos in August 1999 after Takeda

    America Research & Development Center Inc. received FDA approval for it in July 1999. A

    treatment for lowering blood glucose levels that resulted from Takedas many years of research on

    diabetes mellitus, Actosis an insulin sensitizer for patients with Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent)

    diabetes. Takeda Pharmaceuticals America has built a sales force of more than 500 MRs to launch

    Actos. Takeda Pharmaceuticals Americas MRs have undergone extensive education on diabetes

    Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. recruited and trained more than 500 MRs in preparation for the

    launch of the companys first product, the new pharmaceutical Actos.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    mellitus and Actosto ensure the successful launch of this product. The company has also

    established a marketing organization, distr ibution capabili ties and other key business functions tofully support the U.S. commercialization of Actosand future products.Actoswill be co-promoted

    with Eli Lilly and Company, a leader in the U.S. diabetes treatment market.

    In Europe, subsidiary Laboratoires Takeda in France, affiliate Takeda Pharma GmbH in Germany

    and subsidiary Takeda Italia Farmaceutici S.p.A. in I taly have been increasing sales of original

    Takeda products each year, including the prostate cancer treatment leuprolide (brand name:

    Enantone), ulcer treatment lansoprazole (brand names: Ogast, Agopton, Lansox), and hypertension

    treatment candesartan cilexetil (brand names: Kenzen, Blopress). In addition, in April 1997 we

    established the U.K. subsidiary Takeda UK Limited, which is co-promoting candesartan cilexetil

    with AstraZeneca PLC in the United Kingdom under the brand name Amias.

    In Japan, Takedas Pharmaceutical Marketing Division, which is responsible for ethical drug

    marketing, has been making steady progress in strengthening Takedas market posit ion in the

    treatment of lifestyle-related diseases. Hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and diabetes are

    representative lifestyle-related diseases that are intricately related to the onset of arteriosclerosis.

    They show a high incidence of complications and exhibit increased synergism with arteriosclerosis

    as well. In May 1999, the Division launched the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor cerivastatin sodium

    Takeda Pharma GmbH ensures solid coverage of the crucial German market, where Takedas strategies

    include expanding market penetration for Blopress.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    under the brand nameCertaas a treatment for hypercholesterolemia. In June 1999, the Division

    also launched the angiotensin II receptor antagonist candesartan cilexetil under the brand nameBlopressfor treatment of hypertension. Now being marketed in Europe and the United States,

    Blopressis an ideal drug because in addition to its hypotensive action, it has an organ protective

    effect and rarely causes coughing, which is a common adverse reaction with ACE inhibitors used to

    treat hypertension. Moreover, we fi led an application for AD-4833 (pioglitazone hydrochloride), an

    agent for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. To ensure the acceptance of our products by specialists

    shortly after they are launched, we implement systematic promotions such as launch meetings,

    meetings for opinion leaders and medical conferences.

    Takeda is conducting regional launch meetings for Blopressin Japan.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Takedas Production BasesTakeda produces pharmaceuticals at three domestic plants the Hikari Plant, Osaka Plant and

    Shonan Plant. In Asia, the Company has plants in China, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia. In

    October 1997, we acquired a

    plant in Ireland and established it

    as a local manufacturing

    subsidiary, Takeda Ireland Ltd.,

    our first pharmaceutical plant in

    Europe. Takeda Ireland

    manufactures lansoprazole

    capsules, candesartan cilexetil

    tablets, pioglitazone

    hydrochloride tablets and other

    new products for the European

    and U.S. markets. It also

    manufactures drugs for clinical

    trials of candidate compounds

    under development.

    The Pharmaceutical Production

    Division manages the entire process from the chemical and pharmaceutical development researchstage through the production stage. This division works to minimize total production costs by

    analyzing domestic and overseas demand, cost and risk.

    Environmental ProtectionTakeda implemented the Responsible Care program in 1995 based on its Basic Principles on the

    Environment. Objectives of the program include reducing the volume of industrial waste treated

    off-site, reducing the amount of emissions of priori ty control chemical substances, and promoting

    energy conservation. Other focuses are conducting environmental audits for domestic plants and

    Tsukuba research laboratories, promoting resource conservation and recycling, pursuing

    development of environment-friendly products, and establishing occupational safety and health

    management systems.

    In December 1998, the Hikari and Tokuyama plants obtained the ISO 14001 certification for their

    environmental management systems. The Hikari Plant is Takedas main plant, manufacturing

    mainly bulk pharmaceuticals, vi tamins and agrochemicals. The Tokuyama Plant produces chemical

    products, including polyether polyols, polyester polyols, unsaturated polyester resins and succinic

    acid. Takeda will continue promoting acquisition of the ISO 14001 certification at its other plants.

    Global, Efficient, EnvironmentallySound Production


    Takeda Ireland Ltd., Takedas first European production base,

    produces drug products to keep up with our expanding sales in

    Europe and the United States.

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    (Ethical Drugs)

    In fiscal 1998, the Takeda Group

    focused its core Pharmaceutical

    business on discovering and

    developing original new drugs for

    global use, while also working to

    expand its marketing bases in the

    United States and Europe. These

    efforts fur ther advanced our mission

    to be an R&D-driven international

    company. Takedas sales of

    pharmaceuticals, including OTC

    drugs, increased 2.9 percent year-on-

    year to 597.5 billion (US$4,938


    In May 1998, we established the

    wholly owned subsidiary Takeda

    Pharmaceuticals America, Inc., as

    our second marketing base in the

    United States, the worlds largest

    market for pharmaceuticals. This

    move creates an organization to

    conduct marketing activities for

    Actos(piogli tazone hydrochloride),

    an antidiabetic drug developed by

    Takeda. Furthermore, in March

    1998, we established Takeda Europe

    Holdings Ltd., a holding company

    for our pharmaceutical business in

    Europe, and in September we

    established Takeda Europe Research

    & Development Centre Ltd. in

    London, where the European Agency

    for the Evaluation of Medicinal

    Products is located.

    Reviewing Takedas main

    products, leuprolide acetate

    (marketed as Leuplinin Japan,

    Lupron Depotin the United States

    andEnantoneand other names in

    Europe), a treatment for prostate

    cancer, endometriosis, uterine

    fibroids, breast cancer and central

    precocious puberty, is sold in more

    than 60 countries. We have steadily

    developed new formulations for

    leuprolide acetate in markets around

    the world. Following the original

    1 Month Depot, a dual chamber pre-

    fi lled syringe (DPS) launched in

    1995, an injectable three-month

    formulation, 3 Month Depot, was

    launched in 1996, and 4 Month

    Depot was launched in the United

    States in July 1997. As a result,

    leuprolide acetate contributed

    strongly to overseas sales in fiscal


    Sales are also expanding steadily

    in Japan, where leuprolide acetate

    contributes to effective patient

    Skilled MRs from

    Laboratoires Takeda in

    France give physicians

    detailed explanationsof new products,

    playing a key role in

    Takedas strategy of

    strengthening its

    operations in France.


    Review of Operations

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    treatments in a wide range of

    therapeutic categories.

    Launched in Japan in December

    1992 as a treatment for peptic ulcers

    and reflux esophagitis, lansoprazole

    (marketed under the brand names

    Takepronin Japan,Prevacidin the

    United States, andOgast, Agopton

    and others in Europe) has become

    the leading proton pump inhibitor

    because of its superior efficacy.

    Following its introduction in major

    European countries, lansoprazole

    was launched in the United States inJune 1995. Backed by favorable

    evaluations from healthcare facilities,

    lansoprazole achieved rapid market

    penetration, and further increased

    its contr ibution to results in fiscal

    1998. It is now sold in more than 90

    countries. New indications are being

    added to the product profile,

    including maintenance therapy

    following healing of erosive

    esophagitis and duodenal

    ulcers, eradication of

    Heli cobacter pylor iand


    gastroesophageal reflux


    In December 1997,

    Takeda launched a

    promising new product,

    candesartan cilexetil, a

    novel angiotensin I I

    receptor antagonist

    (AIIRA) for the

    treatment of essential hypertension,

    under the brand namesBlopressin

    Germany andAmiasin the U.K.

    Takeda originally discovered this

    compound, the first non-peptide

    AIIRA in the world. Its ini tial launch

    was followed by introductions in

    major countries including France,

    Italy and the United States in 1998.

    In 1999, candesartan cilexetil has

    been launched asBlopressin some

    Asian countries including Japan, and

    it is now marketed in 28 countries

    worldwide.In Japan, National Health

    Insurance (NHI) drug prices were

    significantly reduced for the third

    consecutive year in fiscal 1998. In

    addition, the pharmaceutical market

    has been affected by increased

    patient copayments resulting from

    revision of the NHI Law in

    September 1997. Consequently, the

    market in fiscal 1998 was virtually

    flat compared with the previous

    fiscal year. Starting from fiscal 1999,

    the fiscal policy for health insurance

    will become more stringent in

    response to the declining birth rate

    and aging of the population in

    Japan. Given the urgent issues raised

    recently by healthcare cost

    containment measures and the

    impact of health insurance reforms,

    we must be prepared for an even

    more severe operating environment.

    However, the graying of Japanese

    society is expected to increase theneed for pharmaceuticals, and the

    pharmaceutical industry has

    excellent potential. The market will

    increasingly favor drugs that are

    primary medical treatments and

    offer clear beneficial effects, as well

    as those that match the needs created

    by the aging society and changing

    lifestyles. Takeda has always focused

    on research and development of

    MRs at sales offices regularly attend practice study conferences to support the smooth market penetrationof new pharmaceuticals.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    pharmaceuticals that offer

    characteristics required by healthcare

    facil ities and on building their

    market presence.

    One example is Leuplin, a

    prostate cancer treatment for which

    we have added a succession of new

    indications, including endometriosis,

    central precocious puberty, uterine

    fibroids and breast cancer. Sales have

    expanded steadily, and we expect

    Leuplinto make an even larger

    contribution to results in the future.

    Basen, a disaccharidase inhibitor,was launched in 1994 as a diabetes

    treatment with a novel mechanism

    of action. It has become the first

    choice of many physicians in treating


    The addition of planned new

    indications for the ulcer treatment

    Takepronshould contribute to

    further growth in sales of this


    In fiscal 1999, the hyper-

    cholesterolemia treatmentCerta

    (BAY w 6228), an HMG-CoA

    reductase inhibitor, and Blopress, an

    angiotensin II receptor antagonist

    that provides a novel method for

    treating hypertension, have already

    been launched. We also plan to

    launch the insulin sensitivity

    enhancer AD-4833, for which we are

    awaiting manufacturing approval.

    Because these products have more

    concentrated activity, we expect

    them to gain a large share of the

    market in their respective

    therapeutic categories. Furthermore,

    we will take advantage of the launch

    of these drugs to educate patients

    and the general public on the cause,

    prevention, treatment and

    complications of lifestyle-related

    diseases, further boosting Takedas

    domestic market presence.

    Outside Japan, despite intensified

    competition accompanying the

    reorganization of the industry and

    the advancement of policies tocontain healthcare costs, markets for

    pharmaceutical products grew

    steadily in fiscal 1998. The efforts of

    TAP Holdings Inc., a U.S. affiliate

    accounted for by the equity method,

    to generate sales of lansoprazole in

    the United States contributed to net

    sales of US$2,062 million and net

    income of US$532 mill ion for the

    company. Lansoprazole sold strongly

    in Europe as well, while sales of

    leuprolide acetate, in the face of

    strong competition, increased over

    the previous fiscal year, a result of

    leuprolide acetates precise response

    to market needs. Moreover, as

    mentioned earlier, the hypertension

    treatment candesartan cilexetil was

    launched in France in September

    and in Italy in October 1998.

    In August 1999, the antidiabetic


    hydrochloride) was launched in the

    United States. We expect to expand

    sales of this product in other

    overseas markets as well. In addition,

    we are steadily carrying out

    development activities for

    apomorphine, a treatment for

    erectile dysfunction. TAP Holdings

    Inc. has submitted a New Drug

    Application with the U.S. Food and

    Drug Administration for

    apomorphine under the brand name


    To further develop its

    pharmaceutical business, Takedakeeps its pipeline full by efficiently

    allocating management resources

    toward selected therapeutic

    categories and focused development

    themes. A key to success in this effort

    is our MPDR strategy that

    emphasizes cooperation and

    collaboration among marketing,

    production, development and

    research divisions, as well as our

    framework for speedily resolving

    cross-divisional issues. We will

    continue strengthening our MPDR

    strategy to promote effective

    interdivisional cooperation in order

    to maximize the benefits from each

    divisions efforts. Employing this

    original business structure, we will

    advance our global strategy and

    further promote Takedas position as

    an R&D-driven international



  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda



    In the domestic

    OTC drug market in

    fiscal 1998, the lack of

    any foreseeable

    recovery in consumer

    spending, coupled with

    unfavorable summer

    weather, led to a large

    decrease in sales of

    health maintenance

    products. However,

    demand for remedies

    for colds, constipation

    and athletes foot was favorable. As a

    result, sales of the Consumer

    Healthcare business declined slightly

    compared with fiscal 1997.

    Sales ofAlinamin EX, part of the

    Alinaminline of vitamin B1

    derivative tablets, expanded steadily.

    In June 1999, we launched New

    Alinamin A, which contains more

    vitamins B6 and B12 than the current

    Alinamin A. This product wi ll add

    further strength to theAlinaminline.

    Sales ofAlinaminhealth tonics

    declined from the previous year

    because of weakness in this market

    segment. Following the easing of

    regulations in March 1999, three

    products includingAlinamin Vwere

    reclassified as non-pharmaceutical

    products, allowing them to be sold at

    retail stores other than pharmacies.

    By expanding sales channels, we

    expect to increase sales of these

    products in fiscal 1999.

    Despite many competing

    products, TakedasBenzabrand,

    which includes the cold remedy

    Benza Block, achieved a large sales

    increase over the previous fiscal year.

    Contributing to this gain were the

    January 1999 launch of Benza Block

    Cough Syrup, an antitussive/

    expectorant, and the February 1999

    launch of Benza AL, a remedy for

    allergic rhinitis.

    Takeda will fur ther develop the

    Consumer Healthcare business based

    on the goal of contributing to better

    health and quality of life. In fiscal

    1999, we will strengthen this

    business by aggressively developing

    and launching a steady stream of

    new products while continuing our

    efforts to earn the trust of

    consumers. We will also work to

    maintain solid relationships of trust

    with retailers and wholesalers.


    Takedas Bulk Vitamin and Food

    business is engaged primarily in the

    manufacture and marketing of bulk

    vitamins and food additives. We

    contribute to healthier life and better

    food culture through our

    involvement in the health

    supplements, food, beverage and

    livestock feed markets.

    With a broad lineup of bulk

    vitamin products that includes

    vitamin C as well as vitamins B1, B2,

    B6, folic acid and others, Takeda is

    one of the worlds leading

    manufacturers of water-soluble

    vitamins. Bulk vitamins are highly

    Preparations for the launch of New Alinamin A were based on an

    action plan that was ideally tailored to implement the marketing

    strategy for this brand.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    international products used in a

    wide range of applications. Takeda is

    therefore aggressively developing this

    business overseas through its

    subsidiaries in the United States,

    Europe and Asia.

    In the food additive business,

    Takeda manufactures and sells a

    variety of products such as flavor

    enhancers and food texture

    improvers. These includeRibotide, a

    ribonucleotide flavor enhancer

    originally developed by Takeda. Our

    full product lineup and superior

    quality assurance system have earned

    us a high level of reliance among our


    Results for fiscal 1998 were

    affected by intense price competition

    worldwide in addition to the

    prolonged economic slump in Japan.

    Consequently, net sales declined

    from the previous fiscal year to 78.3

    billion (US$647 million). A

    continued decline in prices and

    lower sales volume led to decreased

    sales of vitamin C the main

    product of the bulk vitamin business

    although this decline was partially

    offset by the beneficial effects of the

    weaker yen. Despite unfavorable

    market conditions, Takeda

    maintained market share and sales

    volume in the food additive business

    thanks to relatively firm demand.

    However, a sudden and sharp price

    erosion of Ribotideresulted in

    decreased food additive sales


    In fiscal 1999, though we foresee

    keener competition in the industry,

    we will work to strengthen our

    competitive edge by pursuing better

    efficiency in our production, sales

    and research activities.


    The mission of Takedas Chemical

    Products business is to contribute to

    greater convenience in peoples lives

    by supplying advanced polymer

    materials based on our technological


    Main products include

    intermediate materials for industrial

    use such as polyurethane (PU)

    resins, adhesives, toluene

    diisocyanate (TDI), polyethers,

    unsaturated polyester resins and

    compounds, organic acids andsynthetic latexes.

    Chemical Products segment sales,

    which include sales of the Life-

    Environment business, declined 6.0

    percent year-on-year to 110.5

    billion (US$913 million), due to the

    prolonged economic recession in

    Japan. Exports of TDI and sales ofadhesives increased, but depressed

    building and construction activity in

    Japan decreased sales of PU resins

    for coating and unsaturated

    polyester resins and compounds

    mainly used in the housing industry.

    In fiscal 1999, the Chemical

    Products business will directcontinous efforts toward sales

    expansion, R&D and production

    efficiency. We will work to expand

    sales of highly profitable products

    including PU resins and adhesives.

    Our research is focused on

    developing eco-friendly newTakeda participates in such events as Food Ingredients Europe, held

    in Frankfurt, Germany in November 1998.


  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    products such as water-based resins,

    PVC replacement materials, CFC-

    free PU rigid foam systems and

    recycling technologies. We plan to

    launch new PU dispersions, foodpackaging adhesives without

    purported endocrine disrupters, and

    reactive hot melt adhesives. We will

    also carry out capacity expansions of

    and cost reductions for TDI and

    maleic anhydride.

    One of our strategies is to

    strengthen our overseas activities.We are targeting a higher market

    share for food packaging adhesives

    in China and ASEAN countries and

    starting their sales in Europe and the

    United States. Expansion in the

    export of TDI and synthetic latex for

    gloves is also targeted.

    AGRO(Plant Protection and Animal

    Health Products)

    Takedas Agro business is

    aggressively working to

    expand sales in its two

    main product areas: plant

    protection products and

    animal health products.

    Core plant protection

    products include

    insecticides such asPadan,

    Bancoland Bestguard;

    fungicides such asValidacin

    andBlasin; and rice

    herbicides such asAward,

    Batl, Sheriff,Crush, The

    One, and Longet. All of

    these are proprietary products of

    Takeda. In fiscal 1998, overseas sales

    increased sharply

    despite the economic

    turmoil in Asia,

    backed by higher

    sales ofPadanand

    Validacinand the

    full- fledged start of

    exports of the wheat


    sulfosulfuron. In

    Japan, however, sales

    were strongly

    impacted by the

    reduction of rice

    fields, which is

    decreasing the scale

    of the domestic

    agriculture industry.

    The result was a moderate decline in

    total sales of plant protection


    The animal health products

    segment covers a broad range of

    markets from veterinary medicines

    to feed additives and drugs for

    fisheries. Fiscal 1998 sales decreased

    because of a rise in imports of

    livestock products and greater

    competi tion in the market for pet-

    related products.

    In the plant protection business,

    Takeda plans to expand sales of

    sulfosulfuron in major advanced

    countries. We will also continue

    developing world markets for TI-

    435, an insecticide with a broad

    spectrum of activity against

    agricultural pests at low application

    The Agricultural Research Laboratory screens plant protection

    products for effectiveness at its greenhouses while working to

    create breakthrough products.


    Takedas maleic anhydride plant has introduced the

    latest technology to detoxify exhaust gas.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda



    With the need for

    increased food production to

    support the expanding world

    population, continued

    growth is foreseen in the

    global market for both plant

    protection and animal health

    products. Takeda is well

    prepared to meet global

    market demand with a

    research organization that is

    steadily creating the seeds of

    new products.



    Takedas Life-Environment

    business is dedicated to contributing

    to the improvement of peoples lives

    and the environment with products

    such as activated carbon and

    preservatives for wood care and

    industrial use as well as

    environment-related products. The

    core mission of this business is to

    solve environmental problems and

    create comfortable living

    environments in fields such as water,

    air and housing.

    In fiscal 1998, sales of activated

    carbon for water puri fication

    expanded. Sales ofXyladecor, which

    is used for preservation and

    beautification of wood, also

    increased, particularly at consumer-

    oriented home centers. However,

    Takeda discontinued sales of several

    products, including boron products.

    As a result, Life-Environment sales

    decreased slightly from the previous

    fiscal year.

    In the field of activated carbon,

    we are focusing on strengthening

    sales of highly functional, high-

    value-added products such as

    molecular sieving carbon; sales of

    environment-related products such

    as carbon for dioxin removal; and

    marketing of exports in overseas

    markets. In November 1998, Takeda

    increased its ownership in Davao

    Central Chemical Corporation, a

    manufacturer of activated carbon

    from coconut shells in the

    Philippines, from 35 percent to 80

    percent, making the company a

    consolidated subsidiary.

    In the field of wood preservatives,

    Takeda is working toward the

    development and

    speedy market launch

    of safer, easy-to-use

    and environmentally

    sound products for

    such applications as

    water-based paints and

    ant-repellent systems

    with minimal

    environmental impact.

    In addition, as new

    housing starts are

    forecast to remain

    stagnant, we will focus

    on cultivating new

    sales routes to target

    general users. Demand from this

    sector has been increasing since fiscal

    1998, reflecting steady growth in the

    populari ty of gardening and do-i t-

    yourself projects.

    In environment-related fields, we

    will promote faster development of

    products that contribute to clean

    environments. In fiscal 1998, we

    launched two pollutant test kits,

    which measure the concentration of

    surfactants in water with a high

    degree of sensitivity. New product

    introductions planned for fiscal 1999

    include additional pollutant test kits

    and adsorbents to remove and

    reclaim defined ions such as

    fluorides or phosphates in sewage or

    drainage water.


    The Life-Environment Research Laboratory carries out a wide range

    of research to improve the environment, including the development of

    activated carbon technologies for eliminating offensive odors at thefacility.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Yuzuru TakagiGeneral ManagerPlanning & Coordination

    Corporate Planning Department

    Ken MatsumotoGeneral ManagerGeneral Affairs & Personnel Department

    Osamu Nishimura, Ph.D.General ManagerPharmaceutical Discovery Research


    Yasuhiro Sumino, Ph.D.General ManagerPharmaceutical Research Division

    Yasuhiko Hamanaka, M.D., Ph.D.General ManagerPharmaceuti cal Development Division

    Kiyoshi Kitazawa, Ph.D.General ManagerStrategic Development Department

    Pharmaceuti cal Development Division

    Shuji HiguchiManaging DirectorTakeda Europe Research and

    Development Centre Ltd.

    Mikihiko Obayashi, Ph.D.PresidentTakeda America Research and

    Development Center Inc.

    Makoto YamaokaGeneral ManagerMarketing Administration Department

    Pharmaceutical Marketing Division

    Katsumi NozawaGeneral ManagerEthical Products Marketing Management

    DepartmentPharmaceutical Marketing Division

    Naohide MuroPresidentConsumer Healthcare Company

    Hiroshi Uchiyama

    PresidentVitamin & Food Company

    Yoshiro NamazuPresidentAgro Company

    Atsuo Kobayashi, Ph.D.PresidentLife-Environment Company

    Hiroshi Akimoto, Ph.D.General ManagerIntellectual Property Department

    (as of J un e 29, 1999)


    Masahiko Fujino, Ph.D.


    Kunio Takeda


    Koichi Yanashita

    Hideyuki Nagasawa

    MANAGING DIRECTORSNobuto Nakamura, M.D., Ph.D.

    Mitsuo Yashiro


    Hiroshi Nagasaki

    Hisayoshi Okazaki, Ph.D.General ManagerPharmaceutical Business

    Development Department

    Ken-ichi NishinoPresidentChemical Products Company

    Teruji Ono

    General ManagerLegal Department

    Shozo NakamuraGeneral ManagerPharmaceutical Production Division

    Nobutaka SuzukiGeneral ManagerPharmaceutical Marketing Division

    Toshiyuki ArakiGeneral ManagerFinance & Accounting Department

    Yoshihiro NaraiGeneral ManagerCorporate Planning Department

    Yasuchika HasegawaGeneral ManagerPharmaceutical International




    Kunio Ueshima


    Masao Ariyasu

    Kiyoshi Taura

    Naoaki Yoshii

    Board of Directors, Auditors and Corporate Officers

    Left to right: Ko i ch i Yanash i t a , Senior

    M anagin g Di rector; Kun i o Ta k eda ,

    President; Masah i ko Fu j i no , Ph .D .,

    Chairman; and H i d ey u k i N aga sawa ,

    Seni or Man aging Di rector


  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda



    Net Sales Breakdown( Billion)









    Pharmaceut icalsBulk Vitamin & FoodChemical ProductsAgro Products an d Others












    Overseas S alesPercentage of Net Sales


    Consolidated Sales and IncomeThe business environment surrounding the Takeda

    Group grew more severe during fiscal 1998, the yearended March 31, 1999, due to the effects of global creditinstability and the Asian economic crisis. In the pharma-ceutical industry, Takedas principal business, a successionof large-scale mergers and acquisitions, especially bymajor companies in Europe and the United States, com-bined with borderless markets to usher in an era ofintense competition.

    Amid these trends, the Takeda Group, which aims to bean R&D-driven international enterprise, is developing itsglobal operations and drawing on the strengths of eachgroup company to improve consolidated financial resultsand raise the value of the Company.

    During fiscal 1998, Takeda continued to make rapidstrides in i ts global business. We established our own

    marketing company in the United States and filed a NewDrug Application for diabetes treatment AD-4833(pioglitazone hydrochloride) in Europe and the UnitedStates.

    The tough business environment in Japan continuedduring fiscal 1998 with no sign of economic recovery.Overseas, however, market conditions for ethical drugswere favorable, particularly in the United States.As a result, both net sales and income increased comparedwith the previous fiscal year.

    Net sales increased 0.3 percent to 844.6 billion(US$6,980 million) as increased sales of ethical drugs in

    overseas markets offset a decrease in domestic sales. Netsales to customers outside Japan totaled 175.2 bil lion(US$1,448 million), a year-on-year increase of 29.1percent, and accounted for 20.7 percent of total net sales,an increase of 4.6 percentage points from fiscal 1997.

    In income categories, operating income increased 7.0percent to 142.2 billion (US$1,175 million), reflectingTakedas success in expanding sales of high-value-addedproducts and other factors. U.S. affi liate TAP HoldingsInc., accounted for by the equity method, achievedgrowth in sales of the proton pump inhibitor lansoprazole(U.S. brand name: Prevacid), an international strategic

    product, which contributed strongly to a 9.3 percentincrease in income before income taxes and minorityinterests to 182.1 billion (US$1,505 million). As a result,net income increased 12.4 percent to 91.7 billion(US$758 mill ion).

    Net income per share was 103.52 (US$0.86), 10.55higher than in the prior fiscal year. Furthermore, returnon shareholders equity increased to 10.6 percent from10.3 percent. Takeda increased cash dividends per share to29.00 (US$0.24) from 21.25 in fiscal 1997.

    Segment Information

    The Companys operations, as explained in Note 12 of

    Overseas Sales( Billion; %)

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Net Income and Net Income per Share( Billion; )














    Net In come

    Net Income per Sh are











    Total Assets

    ( Billion)

    the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, areclassified into four business segments: Pharmaceuticals,Bulk Vitamin and Food, Chemical Products and Other.

    PharmaceuticalsIn keeping with its goal of being an R&D-driven

    international enterprise, Takeda focused efforts in i tspharmaceutical business on creating and developing

    original new drugs for the global market. At the sametime, the Company moved quickly to expand i ts market-ing bases in the United States and Europe.

    In the United States, the worlds largest market forpharmaceuticals, we established our second marketingbase, Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc., in May 1998.In Europe, we established Takeda Europe Research &Development Centre Ltd. in September 1998 in theUnited Kingdom, where regulatory affairs for theEuropean pharmaceutical market are centered.

    In January 1999 in the United States, and in March1999 in Europe, we fi led a New Drug Application for

    diabetes treatment AD-4833 (pioglitazone hydrochlo-ride). AD-4833, our newest international strategic prod-uct, was launched in August 1999 under the brand nameActosin the United States.

    Following introductions in the United States andEurope, in June 1999 we began sales of hypertensiontreatment Blopressin Japan.

    In Japan, where policies to contain healthcare costsmake market expansion difficult, Takeda successfullyexpanded sales of core products such as Leuplin, aluteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) analog,and Basen, a disaccharidase inhibitor for preventingpostprandial hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus.However, factors such as the withdrawal from the marketof Avan, a brain-energy metabolism enhancer, resulted ina decrease in domestic pharmaceutical sales.

    Outside Japan, sales of lansoprazole (brand name:Prevacid) in the United States contributed strongly tooverseas results.

    Total net sales of the Pharmaceuticals business there-fore increased 2.9 percent, to 597.5 billion (US$4,938million), and operating income from this businessincreased 8.2 percent to 132.7 billion (US$1,097 mil-lion). The Pharmaceuticals business thus increased itsweighting in the overall business of the Takeda Group.

    Bulk Vitamin and FoodIn April 1998, the U.S. manufacturing and marketing

    subsidiaries merged to bolster earnings potential in theNorth American market. However, pr ice declines forvitamin C and Ribotideled to a decrease of 5.4 percent inBulk Vitamin and Food business sales to 78.3 billion(US$647 mill ion).

    Although the Bulk Vitamin and Food business postedan operating loss of 0.6 billion (US$5 million), thisrepresented an improvement of 0.4 bil lion over the priorfiscal year, in part due to better performance at subsidiaryTakeda Food Products, Ltd.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Shareholders Equity & ROE

    ( Billion; %)
















    Shareholders EquityROE (Return on Equity)


    Chemical ProductsThe Chemical Products business, which includes the

    Life-Environment business, further developed i tsoverseas presence in fiscal 1998 with the acquisition ofactivated carbon manufacturer Davao Central ChemicalCorporation in the Philippines. However, the economicslump in Japan reduced demand related to housing andautomobiles. Consequently, sales in the Chemical

    Products business declined 6.0 percent to 110.5 billion(US$913 million), and operating income fell 13.4percent to 6.8 bill ion (US$56 million).

    Other BusinessesIn the Agro business, sales of agricultural chemicals

    and animal health products decreased due to weakdomestic demand. As a result, net sales of otherbusinesses decreased 4.2 percent to 58.2 billion(US$481 million), and operating income dropped 8.1percent to 3.2 billion (US$26 million).

    Financial Position and LiquidityAs of March 31, 1999, total assets were 1,326.9 bil-lion (US$10,966 million), an increase of 2.4 percentfrom a year earlier resulting primarily from an increasein marketable securities and investment securities. Totalliabilities, the sum of current and long-term liabil it ies,decreased 11.1 percent to 389.7 billion (US$3,221million) as conversion into shares of an issue of 1.9percent unsecured convertible bonds due in 1998reduced the current portion of long-term debt and

    income taxes payable decreased.Higher retained earnings resulted in a 9.4 percent

    increase in shareholders equity to 907.3 billion(US$7,498 million), which accounted for 68.4 percent oftotal assets, compared to 64.0 percent at March 31,1998. Shareholders equity per share increased 76.79from a year earlier to 1,020.35 (US$8.43).

    Net cash provided by operating activities decreased

    4.0 bil lion to 104.9 bil lion (US$867 mill ion). Thisdecrease in cash flow occurred despite increased netincome as accrued expenses and income taxes payabledecreased.

    Net cash used in investing activities increased 96.6billion from the previous fiscal year to 169.3 billion(US$1,399 million). This was due mainly to an increasein purchases of marketable securities.

    Net cash used in financing activities increased 3.2bill ion to 22.8 bil lion (US$189 million), primari lybecause of the increase in cash dividends paid for thefiscal year.

    Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the yeardecreased 85.9 billion to 313.7 billion (US$2,593mill ion) from a year earlier.

    Takeda will continue working to improve results anddeploy capital efficiently in order to maintain a soundfinancial structure.

    Year 2000 (Y2K) IssueTakeda recognizes the Y2K issue as a critical

    management concern, and has charged a director withresponsibili ty for ensuring that Takeda and i ts groupcompanies deal wi th it effectively. To prevent a materialadverse impact caused by external entities such assuppliers on its business operations, the Company isalso working to ensure their Y2K readiness.Remediation and replacement of information systemsand equipment have been progressing according to plan,with remediation and replacement of all critical systemsscheduled for completion in September 1999. TheCompany has also prepared a comprehensivecontingency plan detailing responses to foreseeablerisks. Expenses related to Y2K remediation are notexpected to have a material impact on the operations orresults of the Takeda Group.

    Legal ProceedingsThe Companys 100-percent-owned subsidiary,

    Takeda Vitamin & Food USA, Inc. (TVFU), whichmanufactures and sells vitamin bulks in the U.S.A.,submitted the documents regarding its vitamin businessto the U.S. Department of Justice according to certainsubpoena issued in May 1998.

    The Company and TVFU are among co-defendantswith other companies in class-action law suits broughtin the U.S.A. by plaintiffs claiming that they suffereddamages from an alleged conspiracy of price fixing andmarket allocations in the worldwide vitamins market.

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Takeda C hemical Industries, Ltd. a nd Consolidated Subsidiaries



    1999 1998 1997 1996

    For the years ended March 31:

    Net sa les ............................................................................. 844,643 841,816 838,824 801,341

    Operating income............................................................... 142,220 132,952 127,350 112,707Income before income ta xes and minori ty interests . . .. . .. . 182,142 166,649 147,985 125,787

    In come ta xes....................................................................... 89,019 83,368 75,094 64,837

    Minor ity int erest s .............................................................. 1,368 1,671 1,508 1,106

    Net income.......................................................................... 91,755 81,610 71,383 59,844

    Capital investments........................................................... 29,241 34,091 30,741 30,358

    Depreciat ion a nd a mortiza tion.. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . 32,651 32,763 31,473 33,255

    Resea rch a nd development costs . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . 77,487 79,039 71,754 68,006

    P er share am ounts (Yen an d U.S. dollars)

    (See Note 11 to consolida ted fina ncial st a tement s):

    Net in come ...................................................................... 103.52 92.97 81.52 68.35

    Cash dividends................................................................ 29.00 21.25 17.25 15.00

    At March 31:

    Cu rr ent a sset s .................................................................... 913,263 877,808 826,288 787,615

    P roperty, pla nt a nd eq uipment .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . 224,229 232,092 229,400 231,532

    Invest ment s a nd other a ssets . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . 189,507 186,302 165,087 153,086

    Tota l a sset s......................................................................... 1,326,999 1,296,202 1,220,775 1,172,233

    Cu rr ent lia bilit ies .............................................................. 280,058 324,735 292,873 299,032

    Long -ter m lia bilit ies .......................................................... 109,705 113,920 144,198 147,825

    Minor ity int erest s .............................................................. 29,863 28,166 26,565 25,467

    Sh a reh olders equ ity .......................................................... 907,373 829,381 757,139 699,909

    Num ber of sha reh olders .................................................... 54,059 59,008 71,172 81,278

    Num ber of employees ......................................................... 15,776 16,443 16,586 17,258

    Notes: 1. The U.S . dollar a mounts in th is report represent tra nsla tions of Ja panese yen, for convenience only, at the ra te of 121= US $1, the approximat eexchan ge rat e at March 31, 1999.

    2. In the year ended March 31, 1995, 35 previously unconsolidated subsidiaries accounted for by the equity method were consolidated. As a result, thenumber of consolidated subsidiaries t otaled 47 and 24 companies were a ccounted for by t he equity m ethod.

    Years ended March 31

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Thousands of

    Millions of yen U .S . dolla rs (Not e 1)

    1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1999

    771,667 727,845 720,140 709,686 691,409 697,915 689,381 $ 6,980,521

    95,285 88,434 76,675 67,963 70,297 78,145 87,931 1,175,372107,145 103,210 93,029 85,727 104,998 92,767 97,297 1,505,306

    54,424 54,520 43,827 50,603 58,902 54,849 57,173 735,694

    1,291 1,064 1,168 1,288 1,607 1,057 1,270 11,306

    51,430 47,626 48,034 33,836 44,489 36,861 38,854 758,306

    36,337 42,965 37,953 39,627 45,726 38,179 29,032 241,661

    29,768 27,922 27,508 26,199 23,718 21,185 17,805 269,843

    67,159 62,934 62,277 59,742 53,388 51,163 45,336 640,388

    58.74 54.43 54.98 38.74 50.98 42.28 44.77 $0.8614.00 13.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 0.24

    721,814 693,837 662,777 641,275 645,414 659,782 621,447 $ 7,547,628

    241,506 210,236 196,441 188,145 182,200 163,221 123,343 1,853,132

    147,428 148,350 147,427 149,134 135,385 129,854 141,846 1,566,174

    1,110,748 1,052,423 1,006,645 978,554 962,999 952,857 886,636 10,966,934

    275,636 271,498 249,853 261,689 273,902 304,478 277,677 2,314,529

    157,323 145,657 158,628 158,081 155,422 151,436 147,296 906,653

    24,666 21,407 20,508 19,484 18,342 16,846 12,606 246,802

    653,123 613,861 577,656 539,300 515,333 480,097 449,057 7,498,950

    87,897 89,384 88,446 89,349 87,329 82,282 72,873

    17,580 15,792 15,781 15,497 15,210 15,137 13,675

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    Thousands of

    Millions of yen U .S . dolla rs (Not e 1)


    Current liabilities:

    B a nk loa ns (Note 5)................................................................................. 9,361 9,509 $ 77,364

    Current portion of long-term debt (Note 5)............................................ 2,119 24,077 17,512

    Notes and a ccounts paya ble

    Tra de notes ........................................................................................... 11,277 12,373 93,198

    Tra de account s ..................................................................................... 80,154 78,287 662,430

    Due t o unconsolida ted subsid ia ries a nd a ffiliat es.. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. 21,603 20,101 178,537

    Tota l ....................................................................................... 113,034 110,761 934,165

    Accrued expenses .................................................................................... 68,464 76,014 565,818

    In come ta xes pa ya ble .............................................................................. 38,698 54,902 319,818

    Ot her curr ent lia bilit ies .......................................................................... 48,382 49,472 399,852Total current liabilities........................................... 280,058 324,735 2,314,529

    Long-term liabilities:

    Long -ter m debt (Note 5).......................................................................... 9,858 10,896 81,471

    Ret irem ent benefit s (Note 6) .................................................................. 93,961 96,909 776,537

    Reserve for SMON compensation (Note 7)............................................. 5,886 6,115 48,645

    Total long-term liabilities....................................... 109,705 113,920 906,653

    Minority interests .................................................................................. 29,863 28,166 246,802

    Commitments and contingencies (Note 13)

    Shareholders equity (Notes 8 a nd 14):

    Common st ock aut horized, 2,400,000,000 sha res;

    issued and outsta nding sha res with par va lue of 50 per share:

    Ma rch 31, 1999 889,272,395 sha res

    Ma rch 31, 1998 878,991,506 sha res................................................. 63,540 52,468 525,124

    Additi ona l pa id-in capit a l ....................................................................... 49,637 38,578 410,223

    Lega l reser ve ........................................................................................... 14,250 12,804 117,769

    Ret a ined ea rn ing s ................................................................................... 779,946 725,531 6,445,834

    Total shareholders equity ..................................... 907,373 829,381 7,498,950

    TOTAL ....................................................................................................... 1,326,999 1,296,202 $10,966,934

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    Takeda C hemical Industries, Ltd. a nd Consolidated Subsidiaries



    Thousands of

    Millions of yen U .S . dolla rs (Not e 1)

    1999 1998 1997 1999

    Net sales (Notes 3 a nd 12)........................................................... 844,643 841,816 838,824 $6,980,521

    Operating costs and expenses (Note 12):

    Cost of sa les (Note 3).................................................................. 435,787 443,292 449,228 3,601,546

    Selling, genera l a nd a dminist ra tive (Note 9).. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. 266,636 265,572 262,246 2,203,603

    Tota l .......................................................................... 702,423 708,864 711,474 5,805,149

    Operating income (Note 12)...................................................... 142,220 132,952 127,350 1,175,372

    Other income (expenses):

    Int erest a nd dividend income ... . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . 8,603 6,677 5,783 71,099

    In ter est expen se.......................................................................... (1,059) (1,808) (2,257) (8,752)

    Eq uity in ear nings of unconsolidated

    subsidia ries a nd a ffiliat es .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . 35,981 24,193 17,270 297,364G a in on sale of investment in a n a ffiliat e .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . 4,833

    Loss on sales and disposals of property,

    plan t a nd equipment .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . (332) (666) (37) (2,744)

    Exchange gains (losses).............................................................. (734) 1,328 968 (6,066)

    Ot her net ................................................................................ (2,537) (860) (1,092) (20,967)

    Tota l .......................................................................... 39,922 33,697 20,635 329,934

    Income before income taxes and minority interests......... 182,142 166,649 147,985 1,505,306

    Income taxes (Note 10):

    Cu rr ent ........................................................................................ 78,014 93,088 78,219 644,744

    Defer red ...................................................................................... 11,005 (9,720) (3,125) 90,950

    Tota l .......................................................................... 89,019 83,368 75,094 735,694

    Income before minority interests.......................................... 93,123 83,281 72,891 769,612

    Minority interests...................................................................... 1,368 1,671 1,508 11,306

    Net income................................................................................... 91,755 81, 610 71, 383 $ 758,306

    Yen U .S. dolla rs (Not e 1)

    Amounts per common share (Note 11):

    Net income .................................................................................. 103.52 92.97 81.52 $0.86

    Ca sh d ividends a pplica ble to t he yea r .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. 29.00 21.25 17.25 0.24

    See notes to consolidated financial sta tements.

    Year s ended Ma rch 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Takeda Chemical Industr ies, Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries



    Thousands of

    Millions of yen U .S . dolla rs (Not e 1)

    1999 1998 1997 1999

    Common stock:

    B a la nce, beginn ing of yea r ......................................................... 52,468 48, 948 48, 942 $ 433,620

    Sh a res issued upon convers ion of debt ...................................... 11,072 3,520 6 91,504

    B a la nce, end of yea r ................................................................... 63,540 52, 468 48, 948 $ 525,124

    Additional paid-in capital:

    B a la nce, beginn ing of yea r ......................................................... 38,578 35, 063 35, 057 $ 318,826

    In crea se due to conversion of debt ............................................. 11,059 3,515 6 91,397

    B a la nce, end of yea r ................................................................... 49,637 38, 578 35, 063 $ 410,223

    Legal reserve:

    B a la nce, beginn ing of yea r ......................................................... 12,804 12, 235 12, 235 $ 105,818

    Tra nsfer from r eta ined ea rnin gs . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . 1,446 569 11,951B a la nce, end of yea r ................................................................... 14,250 12, 804 12, 235 $ 117,769

    Retained earnings:

    B a la nce, beginn ing of yea r ......................................................... 725,531 660,893 603,675 $5,996,124

    Net income .................................................................................. 91,755 81,610 71,383 758,306

    Cash dividends paid; 24.75 ($0.20) 1999,

    18.25 1998 a nd 15.75 1997 (per sh a re)........ ........ ....... (21,885) (16,001) (13,792) (180,868)

    B onuses to dir ectors a nd corporat e a uditors .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. (239) (402) (373) (1,975)

    Tra nsf er to lega l reser ve ............................................................ (1,446) (569) (11,951)

    Effect on beginning reta ined earnings of cha nging from

    the equit y meth od to the cost met hod of a ccounting fora n investm ent in a cert a in former affilia te . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . (13,770) (113,802)

    B a la nce, end of yea r ................................................................... 779,946 725,531 660,893 $6,445,834

    See notes to consolidated financial sta tements.

    Year s ended Ma rch 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997

  • 8/10/2019 Annual Report - Takeda


    Takeda C hemical Industries, Ltd. a nd Consolidated Subsidiaries



    Thousands of

    Millions of yen U .S . dolla rs (Not e 1)

    1999 1998 1997 1999

    Operating activities:Net income ............................................................................................................................ 91,755 81, 610 71, 383 $ 758,306Adjustment s to reconcile net income to net ca sh provided by operat ing a ctivities:

    Depreciation an d amortiza tion ........................................................................................ 32,651 32,763 31,473 269,843Loss on sales an d disposals of property, plant and equipment...................................... 332 666 37 2,744Pr ovision for deferred income ta xes ................................................................................ 11,005 (9,720) (3,125) 90,950Undist ributed earnings of unconsolidated subsidiaries and affiliat es .......................... (7,998) (16,370) (16, 252) (66,099)Ga in on sale of investment in an affiliat e ....................................................................... (4,833) Cha nges in assets a nd liabilities, net of effects from consolidating

    a former affiliat e (Note 2):Decrease in notes an d accounts receivable ............................................................ 4,676 18,312 10,350 38,645Decrease (increase) in inventories........................................................................... (718) (4,643) 802 (5,934)Decrease (increase) in other current assets ............................................................ (384) 342 1,458 (3,174)Decrease (increase) in other assets ......................................................................... (4,853) (13) 3,553 (40,107)Increase (decrease) in notes a nd a ccounts pa yable ................................................ 2,273 (6,784) 2,140 18,785Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses ................................................................. (7,550) 3,593 5,527 (62,397)Increase (decrease) in income t axes paya ble .......................................................... (16,204) 12,042 (111) (133,917)Increase (decrease) in other current liabilities....................................................... 1,043 1,839 (13,175) 8,620Decrease in liability for retirement benefits........................................................... (2,948) (892) (1,079) (24,364)Increase in minority interests.................................................................................. 1,697 1,167 1,098 14,025Other ......................................................................................................................... 202 (98) (21) 1,669

    Net cash provided by operating activities........................................... 104,979 108,981 94,058 867,595

    Investing activities:P ayment for purcha ses of property, plant and equipment................................................. (28,932) (33,936) (31, 745) (239,107)P roceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment ...................................................... 1,085 89 2,492 8,967P ayment for purchases of investment securities ................................................................ (8,652) (337) (3,540) (71,504)P roceeds from sale of invest ment in a n a ffiliate................................................................. 5,488 P roceeds from sales of investm ent securities...................................................................... 1,199 1,350 911 9,909Decrease (increase) in investments in a nd ad vances to

    unconsolidated subsidiaries a nd affiliat es ........................................................................ 184 (78) 17 1,521Net increase in mar ketable securities ................................................................................. (134,187) (40,191) (13, 175) (1,108,984)Cash paid for acquiring a majority interest in a former affiliate,net of cash a nd cash equivalent s from consolidating t his subsidiary .............................. (5,078)

    Net cash used in investing activities..................................................... (169,303) (72,693) (45, 040) (1,399,198)

    Financing activities:Redemption of bonds ............................................................................................................ (215) (500) (600) (1,777)P roceeds fr om issuance of long-term debt ........................................................................... 2,256 2,708 1,995 18,645

    Repayment of long-term debt ..............................................................