annual report - the brisbane golf club · 2016-11-08 · dozen callaway golf balls with the final...

ANNUAL REPORT LADY MEMBERS 2015/16 The Brisbane Golf Club I nc.

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Page 1: ANNUAL REPORT - The Brisbane Golf Club · 2016-11-08 · dozen Callaway golf balls with the final prize being a set of Callaway golf clubs. We thank Jan for choosing to sponsor an



The Brisbane Golf Club Inc.

Page 2: ANNUAL REPORT - The Brisbane Golf Club · 2016-11-08 · dozen Callaway golf balls with the final prize being a set of Callaway golf clubs. We thank Jan for choosing to sponsor an

Notice of Annual General Meeting.......................4

Ladies’ Committee Office Bearers 2015/16 .....5

President’s Report ....................................................6

Captain’s Report ........................................................8

Saturday Ladies’ Report..........................................10

Competitions 2016....................................................12

Membership Category List... ..................................14

Lady Members.............................................................15


Page 3: ANNUAL REPORT - The Brisbane Golf Club · 2016-11-08 · dozen Callaway golf balls with the final prize being a set of Callaway golf clubs. We thank Jan for choosing to sponsor an


HON. SECRETARY HON. TREASURERMrs. L. Brandon Mrs. B. Singleton


COMMITTEEMrs. V. Cassidy Mrs. J. Johnson Mrs. V. McDonald Mrs. K. O’Callaghan




PRESIDENTMrs. S. Eagleton


The Annual General Meeting of Lady Members will be held on Saturday, 19 November 2016 at 1.00pm in the Tennyson Room at The Brisbane Golf Club.

BUSINESS1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, 17 November 2015. 2. Presentation and adoption of the Annual Report. 3. Declaration of Office Bearers and Committee for 2016/17.4. Transaction of any business properly brought before the meeting.

By Order of the Committee,L. Brandon

Hon. Secretary


Mrs. H. Placanica Mrs. V. Cassidy

Captain Vice Captain Mrs. A. Fell Mrs. E. Egerton

Hon Secretary Hon Treasurer Mrs. L. Brandon Mrs. B. Singleton

Saturday Ladies’ RepresentativeMrs. D Hall

CommitteeMrs. L. Gaskell Mrs. J. Johnson

Mrs. V. McDonald Mrs. K. O’Callaghan

Registered Office and Trading Address: 70 Tennyson Memorial Avenue, Yeerongpilly, Queensland 4105

Trading as an Incorporated Association I.A. No. 2440


Page 4: ANNUAL REPORT - The Brisbane Golf Club · 2016-11-08 · dozen Callaway golf balls with the final prize being a set of Callaway golf clubs. We thank Jan for choosing to sponsor an


The 120th year of The Brisbane Golf Club was a busy one. It is my pleasure on behalf of the Ladies’ Committee to present to you the highlights of 2016.

Our Opening Day was a huge success and included a compli-mentary lunch after nine holes of golf. The Bring and Buy was very profitable and a great launch to our charity, the West-ern Queensland Drought Appeal. This charity year has been most successful thanks to the efforts of my hardworking commit-tee, our generous donors and supportive members. To date we have raised approximately $9,500.00.

I would like to acknowledge Robbie McDonald for very gen-erously donating a beautiful wa-tercolour that she painted and framed. Ticket sales have been strong all year and this highly anticipated major raffle prize will be drawn at our Christmas Lunch. Pat Sloan also generous-ly donated one of her beautiful handcrafted quilts and this was raffled on Guest Day. The Trivia Night was also a very successful charity fundraiser.

The pennant season was off to an early start in April, commenc-ing just after Easter. This was quickly followed by ANZAC Day and once again the dawn ser-vice was very moving. We were lucky enough to secure the same bugler as last year who played the Last Post so beautifully again. This service is proving to

be very popular, with breakfast and golf following.

This year we acknowledged three ladies who have been members for 60 years and more. On our 20-Year Anniver-sary Trophy Day Helen Hudson, Julie Cockburn and Jan Bat-tersby received their 60-year membership badges, which had to be specially ordered as this milestone had not been achieved before. These women are truly inspirational as they are still playing regularly and are spirited, vital and passion-ate about their golf and the Club.

Our Club is always a popular venue on Guest Days and Open Days, and this year was no ex-ception. On Open Day, Stephen Dibb Jewellery again kindly donated the trophies and Vivi-enne Cassidy, Vicki McDonald and Avon Trimble worked hard for many weeks organising the inaugural “cent auction”. This was really profitable and our charity reaped the benefit.

Margot McNee and also Helen Hudson have worked very hard this year making jams to sell and this contribution is much appreciated. Irene Raymond continues her good work as library custodian and a tidy profit from book lending also swells the coffers. Robyn Cum-ming must also be mentioned for her Ikebana displays that continue to beautify the ladies’ locker room. Margot McNee

arrives most weeks with bunch-es of freshly cut flowers from her garden to also brighten up the locker room. Her gardening skills do not stop there though, as Margot and a small but dedi-cated group meet once a month to tend the Jacaranda and Cente-nary Gardens.

Melbourne Cup this year was generously sponsored by Barba-ra Lloyd and was a really enjoy-able day with a creative fund raising activity on the 3rd hole, and a delicious lunch held in the Members Bar with, or course, sweeps and raffles. Thank you to all of our sponsors, spenders and volunteers.

I can’t mention volunteering without acknowledging Vivienne Cassidy and Vicki McDonald and the incredible job they do in charge of membership. The majority of their work is taken up with the hugely success-ful Ladies, Let’s Golf program. These two warm and welcoming women marshal and muster our new players along with the assistance of many volunteer members. Our program is the envy of many clubs and it is due to the efforts of many. So thank you to all of you. The LLG Nine and Wine functions are now part of the folklore and fabric of this program at our Club as well.

I feel blessed to have worked with such a wonderful commit-tee. Helen Placanica, my Vice President, has been an invalu-able sounding board, supporter

and friend. Her role as editor of News from the Red Tees is so successful that I fear she may have a job for life. She does an amazing job and has an impres-sive nose for a good story. She is also chief photographer for every event and is a talented but very modest individual. I am forever grateful for her support.

Captain Ann Fell and Vice Captain Elaine Egerton are a great team and Ann tackles this demanding role with gusto, drawing on her wealth of experience to provide a varied program and to manage all golfing matters.

Kerrie O’Callaghan manages the trophies with ease. She does a great job and is always grateful to our donors. To Barb Singleton, our trusty Treasurer, and Lyn Brandon, our warm, bubbly and efficient Secretary, and Di Hall and Nat Cook, our Saturday Representative and offsider, I have loved working with you all.

Last but not least is Jenny John-son, who has the tough job of “House Person” often giving up her game of golf to decorate and prepare for events. She keeps our locker room supplies well stocked and generally nips at the heels of our obliging office staff.

At this point I would like to say a huge thank you to our office staff – Jen, Lauren, Peter and Judith. Thanks for your assis-tance and patience. To our bar staff, chef and kitchen staff, your hard work and cheerful attitude

is appreciated.

Director of Golf, Joe Janison, Reece, Helen, Lee, Gaz and staff, thank you for another year of attending to our games and assisting us in all aspects of golf operations.

Mitch Hayes and staff, thank you for presenting our course in pristine conditions at all times. Terry Campbell, your work and passion is increasingly obvious around the course. All of your combined efforts were show-cased at the Isuzu Queensland Open in October, and the members were so proud of our course.

To General Manager Geoff Kuehner, President John Kelly and the Club Committee, it has been a pleasure working with you again this year and I thank you for your consideration and respect. The communication and co-operation shown to the Ladies’ Committee has creat-ed a very harmonious working environment.

It has been an honour to serve as Ladies’ President for the past two years and I have formed some wonderful friendships along the way. I look forward to spending carefree time out with friends on our wonderful course.

Sue EagletonLadies’ President


Page 5: ANNUAL REPORT - The Brisbane Golf Club · 2016-11-08 · dozen Callaway golf balls with the final prize being a set of Callaway golf clubs. We thank Jan for choosing to sponsor an

B&DLGA again selected Ann Fell to represent the district in the annual Meg Nunn Salver, hosted this year by Sunshine Coast Burnett & District at Kingaroy, a four-day event where teams from the seven districts of Queensland play round-robin matchplay. Central Queensland & Central Highlands District won, with B&DLGA coming sixth. Next year the B&DLGA will host the event at McLeod Golf Club.

The Ladies, Let’s Golf program, instigated by Golf Queensland, continues to reap benefits for our Club. Beginner golfers progress through Bronze, Silver and Gold membership levels as they are supported in their journey by clinics with our professionals and by the many willing volunteers who accompany them on the course so that they learn the practical habits and etiquette of playing club golf. The Brisbane Golf Club has been the most successful in the state with this program. At the time of writing, we have 22 Bronze, 3 Silver and 7 Gold members who it is hoped will join the many ladies before them and upgrade to a 7-day or 6-day membership. Our many volunteers who give their time to this program epitomise the spirit of welcome and inclusivity that is The Brisbane Golf Club.

One of our goals this year was to grow the number of C Graders participating in stroke events. I am happy to report some success in this endeavour. Course management clinics were conducted during the year and were well attended. Another enticement could well have been the Insight Cup sponsored by Club member Jan Coetzee. This

was a yearlong race for points earned by a player in stroke events throughout the year. Monthly winners could forfeit some points won by taking a dozen Callaway golf balls with the final prize being a set of Callaway golf clubs. We thank Jan for choosing to sponsor an event “at home”. It has been exciting right down to the final month with any of the top ten on the leader board in contention for the prize.

For the first time this year we used MiTournament to receive outside entries to open A Grade events. Lynne Conroy won the Tanner Cup for the second time, and the Brisbane Cup was won by Kathryn Hillier, with Robyn Callaghan from Oxley Golf Club winning the Brisbane Salver for best gross.

Guest Day on 24 May saw a full field of 126 players begin the day with a morning tea of homemade delights thanks to our very capable Committee. Guests from 22 different clubs enjoyed playing our much-envied golf course and a delicious lunch followed in the Tennyson Room.

Open Day, originally programmed for 28 June, fell victim to the weather interruptions and was postponed until 2 August. 133 players took to the field in a shotgun start, with all visitors playing with members, and the general consensus of opinion was that the wait was well worth it.

We did not enjoy success in the “Challenges” this year. Despite

our home course advantage we lost to Indooroopilly, and Royal Queensland, which hosted our challenge in July, were pleased to take back that trophy. A great day of good golf and good company was enjoyed by all. Thanks to our members who represented our Club at those events.

As my first year as Ladies’ Captain comes to its end, I recognise that many lessons have been learned along the way. My “tour of duty”, only half done, seems to have taken on a life of its own. I must acknowledge the past Cap-tains who have always been willing to offer the benefits of their experience as new chal-lenges were faced. My Vice Captain, Elaine Egerton, has been a terrific partner in this process. Together with Presi-dent Sue Eagleton and with the help of our extremely capa-ble and hard-working Ladies’ Committee, we endeavoured to improve your golfing and membership experience at The Brisbane Golf Club. We are ably assisted in these endeavours by our wonderful staff. Thanks to Geoff Kuehner and his house and office staff, and to Joe Janison, Reece McRae and the Golf Shop staff for their willing assistance.

We have great plans for the coming year. Join us as we walk the fairways in 2017.Ann FellLadies’ Captain

Captain’s Report 2016 was the first of the three years which will see The Brisbane Golf Club host the Isuzu Queensland Open and the entire year was shaped by the preparations for this momentous event. Everything from programming our fixtures calendar to course preparations and to how we used and cared for our beautiful course all revolved around our eagerness to make this Queensland Open the best yet.

Our ladies were keen to get the season underway with good numbers in our competitions from the very beginning. Our 2016 season suffered several interruptions due to flooding caused by unseasonal winter rains at the beginning and end of June with several important events needing to be rescheduled which proved a difficult assignment in a full calendar. The first of these weather events prevented the completion of our Club Championship finals. It was many months before we could name our champion.

After much consultation and discussion, it was decided by the Ladies’ Committee that a two-year trial of a more inclusive format for the Ladies’ Club Championships would be undertaken as of this year. The trial format is based on two stroke qualifying rounds leading to qualifiers for the matchplay to be held in conjunction with the Men’s Championship events. What is new is that the first of the two qualifying rounds is split over Saturday and Tuesday with all players coming together for the second qualifying round on

Thursday. This means that the 7-day members can nominate to play their first qualifying round on either the Saturday or Tuesday. The trial will continue for 2017 in this format.

Our Senior Salver competitors were fortunate that their two rounds were completed at the conclusion of the qualifying rounds, with Jane Franklin the winner. With the Club Championship rounds played in May, it would be 19 July before the ladies’ finals could be played, having been twice postponed due to weather events. Our finalists are to be congratulated for their patience, and the thick morning fog in which play began did not deter them from the task. The C Grade final saw Kay Samios triumph over Marion Mationschek. B Grade was a great match with Amanda Harburg overcoming Sandy Priest. Lynne Conroy defeated Angela Fong in the A Grade final to win her tenth Ladies’ Club Championship. What a wonderful record.

Our Honour Board events always bring out the best in our golf and sportsmanship and this year was no different. We have begun to see the rise of some of our newer members to the well-contested matches. My thanks go to the members who assisted with refereeing finals matches during the year. It is always wonderful to see a gallery following these matches.

The 36-hole Foursomes Championship required a playoff to decide the winner

and this was not able to be played until 1 September. Kathryn Hillier and Lesa Lambert defeated Lynne Conroy and Ann Fell in the three-hole aggregate playoff.

We fielded teams in B&DLGA Pennants in Divisions 1, 2, 3 and 7, thus affording many players an opportunity to represent the Club. The Division 1 team finished sixth. The Division 2 team had a difficult task meeting the top teams from other clubs, coming sixth overall. Division 3 held their place by finishing fifth. Division 7 rallied with a great final match to also finish fifth.

The Interclub competition again provided valuable experience for those venturing into matchplay. However, there was much difficulty this year with so few clubs participating and the remaining clubs have decided to trial in 2017 entering the novice teams into Division 8 of BDLGA Pennants. This decision has been met with much approval by the players.

My appreciation goes to Joe Janison and his staff for giving us the benefit of their expertise in running the pennant clinics prior to the start of the pennant season. I also appreciate the spirit of the teams who go out to represent our Club each week of the season.

The B&DLGA Pennant competition for 2017 will take on a different feel. There will be no relegation or promotion following the results of the 2016 season and the season will get underway on 28 April, thankfully a little later than this year.


Page 6: ANNUAL REPORT - The Brisbane Golf Club · 2016-11-08 · dozen Callaway golf balls with the final prize being a set of Callaway golf clubs. We thank Jan for choosing to sponsor an

The Saturday ladies 2016 golfing season commenced on 30 January with a single stroke event which was also the first round of the Insight Cup.

The first of our Honour Board Events was the Nat Green Foursomes. The winners were Margot McNee and Perin Wood and the runners-up Christina Murray and Deb Calder. The Joan Fletcher Matchplay Championships was held in July. Insufficient numbers wishing to qualify in Division 1 meant this was not contested, with Helen Caris winning Division 2. This was Helen’s second win in this division. Unfortunately, Joan Fletcher was unable to attend the presentation this year.

As noted in the Captain’s report, this year saw a trial change to the format for the Club Championships. The feedback from the ladies who play the majority of their golf on Saturdays was positive, with many saying how good it was to get a chance to meet and play with the 6-day ladies. Congratulations to the winners, Lynne Conroy (A Grade), Amanda Harburg (B Grade), and Kay Samios (C Grade).

The final of Johnson Staines Ladies’ Fourball was played between Allison Cook and Natalie Cook versus Perin Wood and Jan Dixon. The winner wasn’t decided until the 18th hole, where Allison and Natalie prevailed.

The Cherry Cribb LVA event, the annual 7-day versus 6-day member competition, was conducted on 21 August 2016. The 6-day members came out winners and the event was another wonderful day where all lady members of the Club came

together and got to know one another.

We fielded teams in both Division 1 and 2 for the Weekend Pennants again this year. Division 1 performed much better, finishing third. Division 2, although not performing as well as last year, will remain in Division 2. A big thank you to all players and especially to those ladies who caddied. We are looking forward to more success next year.

September saw our annual Pennant and Caddie golf and lunch, hosted by pennant captain Barbara Singleton. Thanks must go to Barb and her offsider, Liz Foreman, who looked after Division 1, for their hard work in organising and managing our pennant teams this year. Their encouragement and dedication is very much appreciated by all.

We had three fun days during the year: an Irish-themed Stableford to celebrate St Patrick’s Day in March; an American Foursomes event to celebrate American Independence Day on 2 July with everyone encouraged to dress in “theme”; and a Pink Ball team event where one player in each team was required to use a pink ball on every hole with that score and the best other score counting, and with everyone wearing something pink.

Our annual Memorial Day was held in August. This event gives us the opportunity to reflect on our fellow members who are no longer with us. The winner on the day was Jenny Stanton.

The first of our Guest Days was held on 12 March and again it was sponsored by SmartProp


Realty. I would like to thank them, and Angela Fong, very much for their generosity and wonderful trophies. Representatives from SmartProp Realty were on hand to present the winners’ trophies.

Our Terry White Chemist sponsored day was held on 1 October. A big thank you to Natalie Cook and Terry White suppliers for a wonderful array of trophies. It was another success and our visitors all thoroughly enjoyed the day.

The Saturday ladies annual weekend away was held 28-29 October, with 31 ladies travelling to Twin Waters, with some playing golf at Mt Coolum and others lunching at Coolum on the Friday, with everyone participating in golf on Saturday at Twin Waters.

One of our Saturday ladies, Barb Singleton, was lucky enough to score the perfect shot on the 4th with a hole-in-one. I would like to thank Natalie Cook for stepping into the deputy’s role this year. Nat has also had to fill in for me on numerous occasions, many of them at very short notice.

I would also like to thank the ladies, both 7 and 6-day members, who have given up their time to help out with the Ladies, Let’s Golf program.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the staff in the Golf Shop and in the office for their assistance in making the Saturday competitions and events run smoothly. I would also like to thank chef and the bar staff for their friendly and efficient service throughout the year.Di HallSaturday Ladies’ Representative

Saturday Ladies’ Report

Hole-In-OneBarbara Singleton - 4th hole

(21 May 2015)

Pennant ResultDivision 1 - 6thDivision 2 - 6th Division 3 - 5th Division 7 - 5th

Interclub - 6th

Weekend Division 1 - 3rd Weekend Division 2 - 6th

EaglesJenny Johnson - 9th hole

(9 June 2015)

Julie Whan - 8th hole(14 June 2015)

Page 7: ANNUAL REPORT - The Brisbane Golf Club · 2016-11-08 · dozen Callaway golf balls with the final prize being a set of Callaway golf clubs. We thank Jan for choosing to sponsor an

Macartney Cup Foursomes Winners- H. Caris & L. LambertRunners Up- A. Lyons & J. Hefferan

Division 2- K. Estella & S. StandfieldRunners Up- S. Gargett & M. Keers

Nat Green trophyWinners- M. McNee & P. WoodRunners Up- D. Calder & C. Murray

Johnson Staines Ladies’ Fourball Winners- A. Cook & N. CookRunners Up- J. Dixon & P. Wood

EX-WAAF Cup Winner- M. Dowzer

Claire Kirkwood TrophyPresident’s Team

Cherry Cribb LVA6-day Lady Members

COMPETITIONS 2016Club ChampionshipsClub Champion- L. Conroy Runner Up- A. Fong

B Grade- A. Harburg Runner Up- S. Priest

C Grade- K. Samios Runner Up- M. Mationschek

Senior Salver- J. Franklin Runner Up- M. McNee

Joan Fletcher Matchplay ChampionshipDivision 1 Winner - Not contested Division 2 Winner- H. CarisRunner Up- M. Dowzer

54-Hole Event GrossA Grade- L. ConroyB Grade- A. HarburgC Grade- P. QuinnNettA Grade- L. ConroyB Grade- A. HarburgC Grade- R. Krimmer

Club Foursomes Championship Winners- K. Hillier & L. Lambert Runners Up- L. Conroy & A. Fell

36 Hole Nett winners- K. Singer & J. Wray

Violet Midson Memorial Trophy Winner- A. Fong Runner Up- J. Johnson

Nellie Hatton MBE Fourball Winners- M. Dowzer & A. FongRunners Up- K. Estella & S. Standfield

Kerry Cup Winner- A. Fong Runner Up- K. O’Callaghan

B Grade- A. HarburgRunner Up- L. James

C Grade- B. Folliott Runner Up- R. Cuming

FOB Cup Rest (414) Vets (384)

Heather Timms Memorial TrophyWinner- J. Nathanson

Weekend Memorial Salver Winner- J. Stanton

Best Gross Brisbane MemberWinner- L. Conroy (78)

J.M. Eden Cup Winner- L. Conroy (78)

Best Nett Year 2000 Cup Winner- B. Deane (59)

Medal of Medallists A Grade – M. McNeeB Grade – L. BrandonC Grade – P. CoxSaturday- Division 1- A. FongDivision 2- S. Campbell

Greatest Reduction in Handicap A Grade – A. FellB Grade – L. JamesC Grade – M. Langford-ElySaturday – V. Mounts

Putting A Grade – L. ConroyB Grade – B. LloydC Grade – J. Fisher Saturday-Division 1 – A. FongDivision 2 – J. Salzman


A Grade – K. HillierB Grade – C. GerbanasC Grade – P. QuinnSaturday- Division 1 – J. NathansonDivision 2 – M. Keers

Tanner Cup Winner- L. Conroy

Brisbane Cup Winner- K. Hillier Brisbane Salver Winner- R. Callaghan (Oxley Golf Club)

20-Year Anniversary Trophy Winner- A. Fell

The Insight Cup*Event not yet finalised*

Brisbane Shield2015Winners- F. Samios & K. SamiosRunners Up- A. Fong & V. Fong

2016 *Event not yet conducted*

Mixed Foursomes Winners- A. Fong & L. Kjeldal Runners Up- L. Lambert & J. Lett

WGQ International Bowl Division 1- L. Conroy Division 2- A. DignanDivision 3- V. Cassidy

Saturday- Division 1- K. O’CallaghanDivision 2- M. Dowzer

WGQ Brooch Division 1- L. Conroy Division 2- L. James Division 3- R. Krimmer

Saturday-Division 1- B. SingletonDivision 2- L. Ho

Gertrude McLeod Division 1- K. Hillier Division 2- M. DowzerDivision 3- V. Cassidy

Monthly Medals A GradeE. EgertonL. ConroyK. HillierL. ConroyM. McNeeL. LambertL. ConroyM. McNee

B GradeT. HopleyB. LloydK. SingerB. SingletonF. JeffersonK. DrewC. GerbanasL. Brandon

C GradeJ. BrownB. FolliottM. MationschekV. CassidyP. QuinnR. KrimmerP. CoxJ. Cartmill

SaturdayDivision 1P. WoodA. ShawM. DowzerM. DowzerK. O’CallaghanS. EagletonA. FongL. Francis

Division 2-E. RohlS. CampbellE. BurkettH. McCarthyL. HoL. HoJ. SalzmanB. Folliott


Page 8: ANNUAL REPORT - The Brisbane Golf Club · 2016-11-08 · dozen Callaway golf balls with the final prize being a set of Callaway golf clubs. We thank Jan for choosing to sponsor an

Honorary Life1973 Mrs. Jillian Hughes

Senior1956 Mrs. Jan Battersby1975 Mrs. June Callaghan1956 Mrs. Julie Cockburn1979 Mrs. Karen Crichton1985 Mrs. Cheryl Davies1979 Mrs. Beverley Deane1985 Mrs. Margaret Dowzer1957 Miss Nyrie Elcock1992 Mrs. Helen Gargett1952 Mrs. Helen Hudson2009 Mrs. Ruth Krimmer1974 Mrs. Ann McKim1984 Mrs. Christina Murray1959 Mrs. Lorna Murray1979 Mrs. Faye Perrin1981 Mrs. Kay Samios1957 Miss Norma Walker

Seven-Day2012 Mrs. Debra Calder2014 Ms. Allison Cook1992 Mrs. Susan Eagleton2014 Mrs. Christine Gray2014 Mrs. Jan Horgan2014 Ms. Susan Johnson2014 Ms. Vicki Mounts2014 Ms. Jody Pezet2015 Mrs. Anne Shaw1984 Ms. Jenny Stanton2007 Mrs. Patricia Tighe

Seven-Day Member Scale2005 Mrs. Trish Baldwin2001 Dr. Eileen Burkett1990 Ms. Susan Campbell2004 Mrs. Helen Caris2012 Mrs. Cathy Connellan2010 Ms. Natalie Cook2010 Ms. Shona Cox2007 Mrs. Jan Dixon

2008 Ms. Barbara Dodd2010 Mrs. Elaine Egerton2005 Mrs. Barb Ferguson1992 Dr. Joan Fisher1995 Mrs. Beverley Folliott2005 Mrs. Angela Fong1996 Mrs. Liz Foreman2010 Mrs. Leigh Francis1998 Ms. Susan Gargett2008 Ms. Carrie Gregory1995 Mrs. Di Hall2000 Ms. Catherine Hammond1986 Mrs. Robyn Harrison2010 Ms. Leng Ho2000 Mrs. Maureen Keers1990 Ms. Debbie Kember2009 Mrs. Sue Lewandowski1992 Mrs. Anne Marshall2000 Mrs. Carolyn Martin1998 Mrs. Heather McCarthy1987 Mrs. Margot McNee1971 Mrs. Jill McTaggart2012 Mrs. Catherine Morgan2000 Mrs. Janet Nathanson2011 Mrs. Kerrie O’Callaghan1988 Dr. Trish O’Connor2007 Mrs. Helen Placanica2008 Ms. Trisha Quinn1991 Mrs. Evonne Rohl2005 Mrs. Jan Salzman1998 Mrs. Barbara Singleton1990 Mrs. Vicki Smith2002 Ms. Perin Wood

Seven-Day Provisional2016 Ms. Katrina Johnson

Six Day1997 Mrs. Susan Agnew2016 Ms. Kathryn Ash2014 Mrs. Coleen Bell2014 Mrs. Simone Bennett2014 Ms. Jennifer Berkman2013 Mrs. Anabela Brigg2014 Mrs. Julie Brown


Category Description No.Honorary Life 1Senior 17Seven-Day 53Six Day 152Six Day Business 2Transition 7Junior 10-13 Years 4Junior 14-17 Years 2Ladies, Let’s Golf Gold 9Ladies Let’s Golf Silver 3Ladies Let’s Golf Bronze 20Remote 12Limited 56Retired Honorary 9Staff 1Ambassador 1

Total 349


2014 Ms. Helen Charlton2014 Mrs. Anne Clifton2014 Mrs. Maria Cocolas2016 Dr. Kathy Corbierne1998 Mrs. Karley Costello2012 Mrs. Sally Cottee1997 Mrs. Angela Cottrell2013 Ms. Amanda Croker2014 Ms. Nea Daniels2013 Mrs. Linda Dawson2013 Mrs. Frances Devlin1992 Ms. Carolyn Donkin2014 Mrs. Virginia Fraser2009 Mrs. Lindsay Gaskell2014 Mrs. Shiha Harris2008 Mrs. Kathryn Hillier2014 Mrs. Berenice Holmes2014 Mrs. Jodi Holmes2014 Ms. Jill Hutson2014 Mrs. Leanne James1997 Mrs. Joan Jell2014 Mrs. Ann Kim2012 Mrs. Helen King2014 Mrs. Julie Kirk1985 Mrs. Lesa Lambert2012 Mrs. Anne Landsberg2014 Mrs. Mardi Langford-Ely2005 Mrs. Charmaine Lee1971 Mrs. Rosalie Lewis2012 Mdm. Ping Liu2016 Mrs. Emily Lowes2012 Mrs. Susan Mackie2014 Mrs. Libby Marshall2005 Mrs. Danya McFarlane1999 Mrs. Carmel McMahon1991 Mrs. Liz McReynolds2014 Mrs. Kathryn Meredith2016 Ms. Sherril Molloy2013 Ms. Janice Morris2000 Mrs. Margaret Neale2007 Mrs. Michele Nelson2014 Mrs. Jan Phillips2013 Mrs. Alice Rankine2001 Mrs. Susan Rapson


Page 9: ANNUAL REPORT - The Brisbane Golf Club · 2016-11-08 · dozen Callaway golf balls with the final prize being a set of Callaway golf clubs. We thank Jan for choosing to sponsor an

1990 Miss Elizabeth Reilly2014 Mrs. Lynette Ryan2012 Mrs. Raeann Shields2005 Mrs. Kathryn Singer2005 Mrs. Patricia Sloan2014 Ms. Jenny Maree Somers2014 Mrs. Sally Standfield1996 Mrs. Liz Tanton2012 Ms. Birgitte Valbo2005 Mrs. Robin Vigar2016 Ms. Janine Walker2012 Mrs. Shelley Ward2014 Mrs. Karon Wikman2016 Ms. Joanne Wilson1998 Mrs. Maria Woodruff

Six Day Business 2010 Mrs Di Andrews2011 Mrs Joyce Cheney

Six Day Scale1997 Mrs. Julie Anning2000 Mrs. Rhonda Barry1993 Mrs. Rebecca Birdsall2008 Mrs. Robyn Bonifant2009 Mrs. Lyn Brandon2010 Mrs. Aleyne Cameron2007 Mrs. Gabrielle Carniel2001 Mrs. Judy Cartmill2008 Mrs. Vivienne Cassidy1987 Mrs. Jan Castrisos1998 Mrs. Barbara Chandler1990 Mrs. Genevieve Clarke1976 Dr. Linda Cockburn1996 Mrs. Lynne Conroy2009 Mrs. Cathy Cowell2008 Mrs. Prue Cox2008 Ms. Lexie Crooke1997 Mrs. Robyn Cuming2005 Mrs. Alison Dignan2010 Mrs. Kellie Drew2008 Mrs. Kerry Duce2001 Mrs. Janet Dupree2008 Mrs. Ann Edwards1990 Mrs. Robyn Elphinstone2006 Mrs. Tessa English2010 Mrs. Kerry Estella1991 Mrs. Ann Fell

1996 Mrs. Jane Franklin2004 Mrs. Catherine Gerbanas2000 Mrs. Julie Godfrey2009 Ms. Chrissie Gray-Buchanan2005 Mrs. Penny Griffith1996 Mrs. Anne Hackett2012 Mrs. Cheryl Hamilton1996 Mrs. Jan Hamilton2005 Mrs. Vicki Hansen1998 Mrs. Amanda Harburg2004 Mrs. Deb Harvey2007 Mrs. Colleen Hawes1991 Mrs. Sandy Haydock1998 Mrs. Janet Hefferan2012 Mrs. Linda Hill2006 Mrs. Pip Holmes1999 Mrs. Trish Hopley2007 Mrs. Helen Humphreys1996 Mrs. Joyce Ide2002 Mrs. Annette Ingbritsen1998 Mrs. Fay Jefferson1999 Mrs. Jenny Johnson2004 Mrs. Jan Lewington2010 Mrs. Barbara Lloyd1998 Mrs. Janet Lovell2005 Mrs. Liz Lucas2012 Mrs. Anna Lyons1995 Mrs. Marion Mationschek2002 Mrs. Renate Matthews2010 Mrs. Maria Maxson2011 Mrs. Michelle McDonald2005 Mrs. Vicki McDonald1991 Mrs. Annette McIlwain2005 Mrs. Margaret McIvor2004 Mrs. Takako Mori2005 Mrs. Sue Muir-McCarey1990 Mrs. Pat O’Shea2006 Mrs. Paula Porter2005 Ms. Margaret Price1980 Mrs. Sandy Priest1990 Mrs. Irene Raymond2005 Mrs. Heather Richards1993 Miss Jane Robertson1998 Mrs. Leona Stewart1997 Mrs. Alison Stump2005 Mrs. Margaret Tormey2010 Mrs. Avon Trimble

1998 Mrs. Jill Turner2001 Mrs. Suzan Turner1980 Dr. Kerry Vann2008 Mrs. Margaret Wallace1990 Mrs. Ann Warden2007 Ms. Julie Whan2012 Mrs. Alanna Wicks1988 Mrs. Jenny Williams2000 Mrs. Pauline Williams2005 Ms. Tina Winston2010 Mrs. Helen Woodhouse2001 Mrs. Julianne Wray

Transition 2015 Miss Emily Byrne2008 Miss Brooke Lambert2006 Miss Renae Michielsen2013 Miss Soryi Park2015 Miss Courtney Nash2008 Miss Sinead Dowdall2001 Ms. Sarah Howard

Junior Member2012 Miss Danica Martin2015 Miss Kiara Jayasuriya2015 Miss Keira Lam2013 Miss Saarsha Lucas2015 Miss Annabelle Nette2008 Miss Anna Lambert

Ladies Let’s Golf Gold2014 Ms. Carolyn Downey2015 Ms. Karen Gibson2014 Mrs. Julie Holmes2014 Ms. Kathy Laverty2014 Mrs. Donna Mary Parker2015 Mrs. Margaret Rogers2014 Mrs. Susan Ross2015 Mrs. Adele Shaw2014 Miss Amber Young

Ladies Let’s Golf Silver2016 Mrs. Leigh Clarke2015 Mrs. Carly Gillinder2016 Mrs. Catherine Reidy

Ladies Let’s Golf Bronze2016 Mrs. Catherine Albers2016 Ms. Suzanne Beckett2016 Mrs. Yvonne Butcher

2016 Mrs. Angela Curtain2016 Miss Lara Finlay2016 Ms. Emily Finley2016 Ms. Geri Geschke2016 Mrs. Sue Gillespie2016 Ms. Tomoko Higgins2016 Mrs. Jenny Ingram2016 Ms. Vicki Law2016 Ms. Skye Lewis2016 Mrs. Carmel McCoy2016 Mrs. Kerri McGuire2016 Mrs. Lynne Mellifont2016 Ms. Andree Millard2016 Ms. Brenda Paul2016 Mrs. Janine Shaw2016 Mrs. Kaz Suchting2016 Mrs. Kate Zahnleiter

Remote2010 Ms. Claudia Cockburn2014 Mrs. Laura Cunning2005 Mrs. Robyn Eastgate1992 Mrs. Fiona Elsdon2005 Mrs. Keiko Finnimore2013 Mrs. Juliet Hall1999 Mrs. Ayako Hisada1990 Mrs. Fusako Honda1996 Mrs. Fran O’Brien1997 Mrs. Mary Raptis1970 Miss Tina Tambakis2007 Mrs. Noriko Tsuji

Limited1992 Mrs. Ann Armstrong2002 Miss Tine Birkemose2001 Mrs. Kay Brassil1994 Mrs. Seini Brooks2003 Ms. Lynette Caldwell1974 Mrs. Jenny Chatterton2006 Mrs. Donna Cullen-Ward2007 Ms. Glenda Curtis1989 Mrs. Dianne Daly1990 Mrs. Dianne Devine2012 Mrs. Kathryn Downey1992 Mrs. Patricia Ferguson2007 Mrs. Jane Gibson1997 Mrs. Linda Goad1996 Mrs. Sandra Govenlock

2008 Ms. Ros Gregory1996 Mrs. Nerida Hackett2002 Miss Georgia Harburg1997 Miss Meg Harward2000 Mrs. Kim Howden1986 Miss Gail Hunter-Murphy2002 Mrs. Joanne Hutton2001 Miss Shasha Ingbritsen1991 Mrs. Barbara Kastrissios1996 Mrs. Rosemarie Kempton2005 Mrs. Heather Koenig1992 Miss Margaret Lambert2011 Miss Sarah Lewandowski1994 Mrs. Mieke Louie1978 Mrs. Judy Luxton2005 Mrs. Gem Mackenroth1990 Ms. Christine Maher1990 Mrs. Robbie McDonald2004 Mrs. Jenny McGarry2009 Mrs. Dianne McNamara1998 Miss Laura McTaggart2012 Miss Deborah Newell2008 Mrs. Stephanie Nicholson1976 Mrs. Susan Nutting2006 Dr. Gill Parmenter2012 Mrs. Bernadette Penrose1983 Ms. Madonna Perkins2012 Mrs. Shannon Pradella1992 Mrs. Gudrun Praser2008 Mrs. Emma Puttick2008 Mrs. Kathy Roel2012 Mrs. Michelle Sarri2003 Mrs. Anna Scott1979 Mrs. Susan Shand2013 Mrs. Moira Smith1998 Dr. Joanna Tait2014 Ms. Rebecca Tamayo1998 Mrs. Patty Watson1989 Mrs. Suzanne Watson1993 Mrs. Liz Wikman2005 Mrs. Nicole Zentveld

Retired Honorary1991 Mrs. Gill Anderson1973 Mrs. Trish Golledge1967 Mrs. Georgie Hamlyn1985 Mrs. Maureen Hickey1957 Mrs. Margaret Maher

1966 Mrs. Joyce Marjason1969 Mrs. Patricia McKeon1984 Mrs. Daphne Purssey1951 Mrs. Pat Vincent

Staff2016 Miss Jen King

Ambassador2014 Ms. Natalie Cook