annulll procumcnt pllm (or fy 2017 (2nd update) 2017 2nd update with annexes.pdfi i annulll...

. '-. , .. . . -. I I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~ of F.llch PronIremmt F.stlmoted Budl:et (PhI") Aeth1t)' Code (PAP) Procurement P'rognIm I Project Rnd-UH1'" MoM •• ! '"'='" Remaro -~- ••• ,Po Snb/Op N<rtl~ Contra" ••••••• (Brld De5aiption o(Prowt!m/Projert) •• f cn01 of Tolal MooE CO ••••• Rid~ A""1Ird Signing I"ROfIFSSIO:oo'AL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES '630030'_ Tn'.hnical Aelsulnce on the F.dllblishment of Rules on Retail MOO PuhlicBiddi"l ,,.,,. A."'" .. "", o.l"""r 1tO'6GM 8,000,000.00 8.000,000.00 Awtvltion Technical Assistance for the Dc\-clopment of Rqulatory Fnunewnrk l630030unooooo for I'.mf,rPn& TrclmolQ&ies sudlas Batt~. Stomgc S}"stml (BESS) and MOO PublicBicIclifll Jlli).' A_ A_ 0,,,,,,, 201]GM 30400,000.00 30400,000.00 DGR lind oIhel1l. NettAbled - PanofCnntln"""ClIpadtybulldlnzpnl&rImdIM ERefor 10300.000:lO000O Communirution and Rohmior Enhuneement '" SlIIIllv.lue ,." A."'" A."'" Oct •••• 201]GAA <499.000.00 499.000.00 ""~- Plocu'CUI(Ill N~~. !'an.of thoImplrmr%ltatlon ofERCSn'IteZlcPlIo :10'7- '0300'000:>000<lO Re!ouroe and Opcnltional Plann/II! '" SnWl\'~ ,,.,,. A._ A."'" Oct •••• ~"OAA 4199.000.00 499.000.00 7020 and Al"W'1IICI1 of~ ••••_lidlIl1d#t - 16300301020000O T~hni<':lll Asmtance for tM ~tion of Mnrkl1:An:lI}'lrisF~ "OO l'ublk BIcldIns ,,.,,. A_ .,"'" Oct •••• ~'7GM 34.soo,ooo,oo 34.500,000,00 for the Survril1,ma:: of the WESM Teehnlall AssIstance for the l)co,..:lopmenl of Guidelines for the ,630030~ Pmol'llllllltt lIlld CIIp:1bilityTest. on Ge:n~tins Fflcilities lIlld the .oo ""bile Blddln& , .. A_ A._ 0,,,,,,, ~'7GM 2,300,000.00 2,300,000.00 MDnnrr of R"portinr; to the Commi$$ion '630030'<nllOOOO Tf:Chnlcal AssIstance for the F.nhflncemmt of the Onlill" Compllance "oo P'UblkB~ , .. A,,!u$l A."'" Oct •• , ~17GM 4,tOO,ooo,oo 4,100,000.00 Filing Sj.'Sl"m fortht: MOS TcchnienlA$sist.once (orthe l)co,..:lopment of 1IMonitori"l!: and ,630030'<nllOOOO Complianee F~ fot the Gm~tion smor of tht: Electric "OO PubrlCIliddl,,& ,,.,,. A•••• ..- Oct."" ~,f>GM 6,;'6,,000.00 6,;'61,000.00 P!lW"r Industry 'f>30030'O%OOOOO Tcchnlail AssIstllrn:e for the Deo.-elopment of IIMonitori"l!: lind "oo PublicBkldl,,& ,,.,,. A."", A_ Oct."" .cn6GM 10,202.soo.00 10,202.soo.00 Reporting Sj.'SIemfor the Competili\-e Rrlnil Electridty Market TmnlenlA$!ri$tonceon the RC!View I Amlrtnnee ofthe Current Market ,530030'020000O ~ and the Efl"ectk".ness ofCompetltlon at the Retail Le\-el and "oo PublicBi<\d.l,,& , .. AOCU51 AotD51 Oct •••• '()l70M s.soo,OOO.OO s.soo,OOO.OO Monitorins Report S)'SIem for CREM

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Page 1: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

.'-.,.. . .-. I


AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update)F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon

P•• f"SChedlll~ of F.llch PronIremmt F.stlmoted Budl:et (PhI")Aeth1t)'

Code (PAP) Procurement P'rognIm I Project Rnd-UH1'" MoM ••! '"'='" Remaro-~-••• ,Po Snb/Op N<rtl~ Contra" ••••••• (Brld De5aiption o(Prowt!m/Projert)•• f cn01 of • Tolal MooE CO••••• Rid~ A""1Ird Signing


'630030'_Tn'.hnical Aelsulnce on the F.dllblishment of Rules on Retail MOO PuhlicBiddi"l ,,.,,. A."'" .."", o.l"""r 1tO'6GM 8,000,000.00 8.000,000.00Awtvltion

Technical Assistance for the Dc\-clopment of Rqulatory Fnunewnrkl630030unooooo for I'.mf,rPn&TrclmolQ&ies sudlas Batt~. Stomgc S}"stml (BESS) and MOO PublicBicIclifll Jlli).' A_ A_ 0,,,,,,, 201]GM 30400,000.00 30400,000.00

DGR lind oIhel1l.

NettAbled - Pan ofCnntln"""ClIpadtybulldlnzpnl&rImdIM ERefor10300.000:lO000O Communirution and Rohmior Enhuneement '" SlIIIllv.lue ,." A."'" A."'" Oct •••• 201]GAA <499.000.00 499.000.00 ""~-Plocu'CUI(Ill

N~~. !'an.of thoImplrmr%ltatlonofERCSn'IteZlcPlIo :10'7-'0300'000:>000<lO Re!ouroe and Opcnltional Plann/II! '" SnWl\'~ ,,.,,. A._ A."'" Oct •••• ~"OAA 4199.000.00 499.000.00 7020andAl"W'1IICI1of~ ••••_lidlIl1d#t-16300301020000O T~hni<':lll Asmtance for tM ~tion of Mnrkl1:An:lI}'lrisF~ "OO l'ublk BIcldIns ,,.,,. A_ .,"'" Oct •••• ~'7GM 34.soo,ooo,oo 34.500,000,00for the Survril1,ma:: of the WESM

Teehnlall AssIstance for the l)co,..:lopmenl of Guidelines for the,630030~ Pmol'llllllltt lIlld CIIp:1bilityTest. on Ge:n~tins Fflcilities lIlld the .oo ""bile Blddln& ,.. A_ A._ 0,,,,,,, ~'7GM 2,300,000.00 2,300,000.00

MDnnrr of R"portinr; to the Commi$$ion

'630030'<nllOOOO Tf:ChnlcalAssIstance for the F.nhflncemmt of the Onlill" Compllance "oo P'UblkB~ ,.. A,,!u$l A."'" Oct •• , ~17GM 4,tOO,ooo,oo 4,100,000.00Filing Sj.'Sl"m fortht: MOS

TcchnienlA$sist.once (orthe l)co,..:lopment of 1IMonitori"l!: and,630030'<nllOOOO Complianee F~ fot the Gm~tion smor of tht: Electric "OO PubrlCIliddl,,& ,,.,,. A•••• ..- Oct."" ~,f>GM 6,;'6,,000.00 6,;'61,000.00

P!lW"r Industry

'f>30030'O%OOOOOTcchnlail AssIstllrn:e for the Deo.-elopmentof IIMonitori"l!: lind "oo PublicBkldl,,& ,,.,,. A."", A_ Oct."" .cn6GM 10,202.soo.00 10,202.soo.00Reporting Sj.'SIemfor the Competili\-e Rrlnil Electridty Market

TmnlenlA$!ri$tonceon the RC!ViewIAmlrtnnee ofthe Current Market,530030'020000O ~ and the Efl"ectk".ness ofCompetltlon at the Retail Le\-el and "oo PublicBi<\d.l,,& ,.. AOCU51 AotD51 Oct •••• '()l70M s.soo,OOO.OO s.soo,OOO.OO

Monitorins Report S)'SIem for CREM

Page 2: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

Annum I"ron1rement '::.UlnlOr_I' ~ aO.17.lano Upollte}F.llergy RegI~~::mml~on

Sdoednle of ~:ach P'ron1remenl F..'itlmllted Budget (PhP)ActhilJI....'" SOIl"'" R"mllrk.~Code (PAP) ProaJrement ProJtmm I Project F.:nd-u..,. ~m_Ad~/Po SlIh/Op Notia! Contnlc ""'" (Brief Ddc:rlptlon of ~mfProjed)

•• r m'" '" • Totnl MOOR CO'AEB B~, ,....• SWlml


'fIjOII.ootl.DOOlXl Pes! Control Scrvi\'C$ "" Sman v.h>e Do~ 2O'7GAA 5'76.l)OO.oo 5'76,000.00-_.A1lem1tM

.tl:)I'>OU>Otl'DOOOOPurified Drlnkill3 Wllter Supply and Dt:1i\"n). "" =~ Do~ 2O'7GAA 215.760.00 :115.760.00

'03001OOO1DOOlXlSteurity~;ces (Mllin Offltt, VFO nnd MFO) "" ",blic Iliddilll: Do~ :tOllGAA 70598~0644 70598~0644 0I11hm.tlDl3 .J"I'Ma>ntrIC:l(JIDI:to.6 - DEC20.8)

'fIjOIIlOOO1DOOlXlJanitorial ~ice'l '''' PIlblkBiddIn& Do~ :to'lGAA 1,8060570.24 1,8060570.24 withedstifl&3 .ye:I'(mI1no(t(JIDI 2016. DEC20111)

'03DlllOOO200000 leT Gene",l Sc"ices '" PIlblk:BIddln; Do~ :to'7GAA 980,000.00 980,000.00. .- . . .

TRAVELUNG EXPF.N.SF-S .. - .'O3OO'OOO'llOOOOIAir TI'1l\~lfor 2017 ( for ERe Officilliand PCl1lOnncl) I '''' I ~ I Do~ I :tOI7GM I 10,000,000.00 I 10,000,000.00 I IOBM-PS; Gaounrn=l Fa=AQ;rftmeI11(GI'A)


Nes. rroc.-'0300'OOO2OOOOOCloud Computilll Services Subscription (ERe. Bu)"yoo",lcdlidly) '" Smanvl1lle ,., ,- ,.... '- :ro'7GM 175.000.00 175.000.00--,103001OOO2OOOOOIntund. Aett5S Subscription (2ombps Mllin Office, 12mbpsVFO

"' I'ublk:Bid4in; '"' ,- ••••• ,- :tOI7GM 1,600,000.00 1.600,000.00 PERGr:P1llIN '9-:t006 (WET'llomC'!, 8mbps MFO Offiee)

U1M Lia:nse RenewBland SlJllPOrtMllintcnancr (Mllin, VFO, MFO) N"I- Proe..103001OOO2OOOOOwith Upynde

., SlMnv.l~ - :tOl7GM 998.900.00 998.900.00-,Nqotblod-

103001000lDOOlXlShipment lind HllUlilll Se"ices '''' Smanv.l"" Jaly - I:I<=mhcr 2017GAA 160,000.00 160.000.00--,AIttm.lh-e -

'0300'OOO2OOOOOlqallnfommlion Ardllve (UA) SUbscription '" ~= - :rol7GAA 500,000.00 500,000.00Om"""'"A1tomatM-

10300'OOO2OOOOOPLDTISDN '" ~= JallWl'Y'"Dcumhcr :to'lGM 492,000.00 492,000.00 PERGPI'BRN19-2006(WETl)


103OOIOOO'DOOlXlSMS Gal~"IlY Subscription (with Mllillienanee It Support ServIces) '" ""'" "'N""" 2O'7GM 35.000.00 35.000.00

"""~""- ---_. - . --lN1U11ES EXPE. •••SF,S

Page 3: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

Annuall'rocu...,ment Pilln or FY 2017 (2nd Update)F..nergy R~latoryComml~on

PII~".CI""seh<':dllle of ElIch I'ronrement Estimated Budget (PhP)Artkit).

Code (PAP) Pnxu...,mcnt ProgrIlm I Projo:ct _U~ M"'''' ••••••• Remllrks-- '''{Po SobJOp N••••• "".- """" (Brief De:<mptlon ofProgmm/Pr'Ojo:ct)

"'''' cn of .r r T"" MOOE COrAEB 8M, A•••.•rd SipllnR

A1lcm.otl\"c.'03OD'OOD'OODOGElectricity So:rviees '''' -- DoM 2'O'70M 1.200,000.00 7,200,000.00 'Ell GPr! R.~'9"2006 (WEn)--A1lcm.orm..'03OD,ooo'OODOGWater So:rI.;ces '''' "'"" """ 20'70M 1,000,000.00 ',000,000.00 Ptt 0'1'11it.'1'9"2006 (WE'll)

ConltKtil'l& ..SUBSCRlP110N EXPF.NSF.s . .

Annunl Joum:ll Sub$o:ription (Market ReIDt<':dJournal); Sub$o:ription Al_'"103OOlooolOODOGJouma!sJPerlodiellJ{M~: TIme. NI:Io"'$\o-e-ek,The Emnomist, PAS/Joloo )!tthod- ". ". ". ". 2017GM 88,770.00 88,770.00

Re:lder's Digest, People W~}dy, FowerGrid Int1_ ..Al_'"

'03OO'oooIOODOGNewsp:lper Subscription for Mllin omee '''' Mtthod • """ 2'017CM 161,122.00 161,722.00


- --.

A1ltmllM:'03OD'OOO2OOOOOKe$po:l"SkyAV(Reno:wu119SLie, New 105 lie) '" "","". '., ". '., '., 2'O'1GAA 570,000.00 570,000.00_ ..

AIl""",~-103OD1000200000 In: Libri$ On-Line Subscription n, 0- '., '., '., '" 2'O'7GAA 153,256.00 153.2,56.00


AIlem:ollh-e-103OD1000200000 Maintenance of Audioc:odcs Mediant PIS "'"" '., ". ". '., ;><l17CM 100,000.00 100,000.00 PI!IlGPPfIRN'9-2006 (WEn)


Allcm.otM!-'03OD'OOO2OOOOOMlllntCI1llm:o:of AVAYAIP OfflC:C300 '" "'"" '., '" '., '., 2'O'7GAA 10,000.00 10,000.00 Ptt GPI'IIRN,<)-2006(W'F.Tl)

Om_•• TrendMicro Inlersam M~~ Security Lko:nse Renl:lo11l(so Lie) '" "","". '., '., '., '0' 2'O'7GM 100,000.00 100,000.00_ ..

Allornam.:10300lOOO2'n<:IO'XITrendMicro Pmtlll Prot~ Li= Rene •••.nl (so Li<:tIl$l'$) '" ::..t'llu~. '., '., '., '., 2'017GM 75..000.00 75..000.00


Ne;. Proc:.-103001000200000 Media Monilori~ Seniee '" sm.lnv~ '" '" '" '" 2017GM >120,000.00 >120,000.00


Page 4: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

Ann= Procurement Plan lor W 201' ~2nO Up<1.IItCJEnc'1O' R~llltory Commlulon


SChedule ofF ..•eh Pro<:un:mcml Estimated Budget (PhP)AdM".Code (PAP) PToc:urcment Program I Project P.nd-Uon- M••••'" ••••••• Ikm.llTU

Protul"ftnm, ArhfPo Snb/Op Notl..., C<m~, """" (Brid Description ofProgrnm/Project)Mf •• of of , TCltn! MOOE CO,,,. Rid. A•••••rd SilCflmr:

Annual Report digilllVoffm. Prlntil1& JetVlc:o:s Includil1& loyoutil1& N"I- Pm:.-'O:JOOlooo:lOOOOO "' S••••nv.llle J," ". ,.. ,.., 20110M 300,000.00 300,000,00

(minimum of3SQ plItes) """"-Corporale Plan Manual ond Stmtq;ic Plllnni,,&lnfommtion Cnmpaip;n

Nq. I'roc:.- ror ERe CofpontePlao for :lOl1 <30 copIeI); ERC wort10:J001000:1'00000 Maleriab fOT:l017 onwards to be distn1nll.ed to 1M Commission

"' s••••n'.•!"" Aur;a!l - De«mber 2O'7GM 300,000,00 300,000.00 P1In conlln!ns ClmJoIidaled .•~r hn 130 copits);Memben (diploJ/offsct printint ll6\;~ includilt& lay outil1&- """"~, I'cncvIoo Ptan (minimum lIf40 alp!es)minimum of 40 p:l&e.'l each)


10:)001000'00000 N't:WSpIIP'" AdvI':rtI5l!:menl '" Sman \'11"" """ no~ "'" '"" 2O'7GAA 1,000,000,00 1,000,000.00 Ind ather m.ted ••••n ••.•P'OC:Ultmenl

IO:JOO'_ Audio-V"sUlll ProductIon (AW) - F.RC ID(lnlr. Version) '" PubIle BldclinI A."", ""'=b ""'=b ""- 2017GM 1.SOO,OOO.OO 1.SOO,OOO.OOa a


'lI:JOOIOOOIOOOOO Offiee sp:lCe for Main Offiee '" wseoflleal noM 2017GM 22,5:26,913.96 22,5:26,913.96...,."Nq. !'roe.-

IlI:JOOlOOOlOOOOOOffieesp:lCe for Mindarulo Field Offiee (MFO) '" tnseafRnI '"" '"" A."", A_ :m17GM 639,01,3.85 639,013.85 SAC Reoo (ll0ll1b 10MOIllb)uttlID.De«1nber 2017...,."Nq. I'roc:._

103001000100000 Offtee5pllO'! forV"~'8S Fidel 0ffia0:(VFO) '" _."." '"" '"" """" """" 2017GM 1,800,000.00 1,800,000.00 SAC ItesD (llonth 10Montb) umln De«1nber 2017...,."NtJ,. !'roe.-

IOJOOIOOOIOOOOO Photoropybl& &rvl~ '" SmaDVIh>e '"" '"" A."", A_ 20IlGM 604,800.00 604,800.00-, - - - - - -REPAIRS AND l'<tAL'IoTE.-,'ANCf.

Nq. !'roe.- for arpoillind Mllntenar= (PIns Ind Semcr) af tables,IlI:JOOlOOOIOOOOOFumil~ lind FIXtures '" SmaDVl1ue MNeeded 2017GM 231,000.00 231,000.00 dWrI, c:obIneu aod ether furnltm. aod Ib:iIll'rS

"""-'Nq. I'roc:.- fot ~lI Ind Malntenanee af 0If>da1 MOIOI'Vehldn

'0300'000100000 MoiorVehicle '" SmaD\'a1uc Ail Needed 201]GM 893,000.00 893,000.00 (!'arts,. Labor aod Materla\Jl

"""-'Nq. I'm::.- fot atpall1.nd )lalnleft>nee af AIr CIlndl!lonelllnd other

'0300'000'00000 Offiee Equipment '" SmaDVIIue NN=lol 2O'7GM 315.000.00 ---_.

Page 5: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~


Annual l"rocuremenl l'lon fo ••FY 2017 (2nd UpdlIle)F.nel'llY Regul.tol')' Comml.'i.-don


Scl>rdnl", of lll'Ieh Procn""'~t EstlmDted Bud!:"" (PhP)Adh.ityCode (PAP) Proa.rement PrognlmJ Proj«t E:nd.U ••••• Mod<: of

_.RemJll'M-~AdsfPo Sub/Op Notlee ContJ'JIe •••••••• (Brief Description o(Progrnm/ProJert)

.or ~or or • Total MOO' COIAI'.H Rid~ A~" Sigoln&

N~ Proe.. For RepaIn ,lid ~Wnl •••• """ at, •. ) Met.,.Ttsrln;c,63OO3Q'03tJOOlXl Technio'li lind Sci~tlfie TestlTl& EquIpment

""sman \'alue ••••Needed 201,GM 830,000.00 830,000.00PRlcun:=1

F,qulp!llefll;b.llemtifieltlr;m afTtsl. Equlp1llClll

N~ Proe.. (or Repoln and M.iIItena""" d computers (Pam and103001000200000 leT Rcplllrllnd Mllinlena~ n, Sm.n\'.~ "'N""", 20170M 470,000.00 470,000,00 S<nicn): IitItOJIS,primm, K3nnm and OIberICf ._.

equlplMfll; ICT In!~ and 0I1l1Cl:IIter.


'ft3<I03O'03OOOOO Meter Sticker -~nceTest"" - Do~ 2O'70M 4,100,000,00,OO

""'"1630030lo:JOOOOO "'-, Public Bkldi"t Do~ 2OI,GM 1".700,000.00 "'.700.000.00

Nfl. Proe. • ..".."" ""=,163OO:)o'o:JOOOOOOampMder ,w SflIllIV.tu. Odo'" Odo'" 2O'70M 200,000,00 200,000,00- " "1'14 Proe..

'6J00301Q300000 Rrport of MdtrTest"" ","",," Do~ 2O'70M 102,000.00 102,000.00

""'"- --SUPPIJ F.5 AN [) MATERIALS (Non-CSF.1 - -,- AlternatM:

Other Common Office Supplies -~""""'. 2l'>'7GAA IA39.38S.8:Z IA39.:J8s.8:z Cillldld:.Ill!d 1Iud&r!:~ Annr:<"""- -AllernatM:'63OO3"'OJDlIDOO Common Boob ". """"', ""7GM 50,000,00 50.000.00-"""""'O3OO'OOOlOOOOOCar Supplies '''' ~el~- :>(I'7GM 270,000.00 270.000.00 ConfOl"lc\aIl!d1IUl%et;See •••••""" "B"

Mern:l1M:Electriml Supplil:!! PIl5/CIIS Mttbod- ""7(;AA 27.000.00 27,000.00 CoMrIIidalftl Jll>d&tt;Sft •••••""" "C"

,=""'0300'000'00000 Janitorinl SUpplies '''' Mtthod- M~"'" 'l'O'7(;M 90.000.00 90,000.00

All.maIM:C~lJpcntJy I Fumltu~ I F"lXtU~ ,- Mrtbad- 'l'017GAA 186,'}1)O.oo 186,900.00 ~lftI ~ SeeAnnr:<"O"m

AI_IM:-'0300'000'00000 Fl)~ Drocll\ll"l:!l &: TlUp:lulin Printill& r", Sm;lnv.1ue 'l'O'7GM 16,800.00 16,800.00



Page 6: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

AnnulIl Procurement Plnn Cor ttY 2017~2nd Updnte)F.nergyR~ntorycammmlon

Pa~1 .CI

SdIedu~ ofl' ..••eh Procurrment F.stlmntcd BudJlct (PhP)AC1hity

Code (PAP) Pnlc:uremenl I'J'ownm / 'Project End.Usn' MoM"r ,.",.. RCmJlru-~-A"{PoSlIh/Op N"tlcc C<m~, """'" (Brief Description o(Progrnm/Project)dOr ~'" or , Total 1tIOOF. coIAER .'" A~", SlDtl"ll

A11,,",.~''03001_ c..mplll~ MlIl.en,,1s "' Sm.aDV.lul: 2O'7GM 200,000.00 200,000.00~-,

"'="'"'D300'lJOII'OOOOO MedicillC.'lllfld Drup ,~

~2O'7GM 15.000.00 15,000.00


N~I'I'oc.. """=b """=b'03OO'lJOII'OOOOO Humnn Resouroe (IlR) Plnnnins "" SmaD Value OtlO~f 0,,,,., 2017GM 360,000.00 360,000.00 Cmou1id.1"""B~ for 2OJ1UII 3 ~"'OCIll"""",1 tt tt

N~ Pnx:.. N01o-emh N_b'03OO'lJOII'OOOOO P1lInniJlK, 8ud&et (HR) PInnniJII: ,~SlIIID \'al ••• Odo~r OC1o~r 2O'7GM 322.soo.00 322.soo.oo ConJoIlclaI"" B~ far 2OJ1U1\ 3lbr1i-, tt "

Nez. Proc...'03OO'lJOII100000 Mid }'e:lr IUses:lmenll'rognlm ,~SlIl.lllv.m., ''''' - ''''' ''''' 2O'7GM 593.050.00 593,050.00 o:m~I"" B\1dteI: 383 Pu; 2 ~ ICthilies--,

Nq. 1'Ioc..'03OO'lJOII'OOOOO Ileahh lind Wenness ,~SmaDVatue 'oJ, 'oJ, A_ •••••• 2017GM 426,400.00 4260400.00 ~"""Bud.&et; ~""""". W<d for WOlt;CIUl-,

N"Io 1'Ioc.. D=mb< D=mb< D=mb< D=mb<'D300'lJOII'oootlO YetIr'-End PerfOl'tllllJlee ~ J'ro&nIm ,~SmaDV.l"" 2O'7GM 593.050.00 593.050.00 ComoIlc!al"" B1>dIt1; 3fI:JpU; :rdm aetMtieI-~, , , ,

Nq. I'l'oc..103OO1lJOllloootlO OpenIlional P1anni"l: pel" So:r.iee ,~sman Value Jg]y. Dctem~r 2'O'7GM 459,('00.00 45<).600.00 ~I"" 1Iud&c!far 911atdlcs--,

0;m0aI!da1"" 1IDd#! see Anne:<T; OAD~1ftl~ for lheNq. 1'I'oc.. GAD FOCIIrol~l Syuem: GADTRlnIn& for lhe EJlC

'03OO'lJOII'oootlO GADTndnlnp ,~SIll3DVal"" Jg]y. N01o•••••ber 2O'7GM 5.992.sso.00 5.992.sso.00 F~ Info DinomInJ.tIon ColllJ'liln (OAD) (Clltm-, Focused); In!o DialIm!noUon Coml"'!&n (SC) {Client,.....,Nq. 1'I'oc..

OlI1dIdll"" B~ for 2da}, aaMlIcs; P'nlfesslon::llfeeand ll"Ilnlnz malo:riall and eenifal!on I""'bIe; Hold

'03OO'lJOII'ClOOOO S~ MOl1ll!ement '" Small Vah>e ' 'oJ, 'oJ, A_ A_ w'7GM 380,7S0.oo 380,750.00 a=modation f« MF'Oand VFO;V•••.•••al EltC 1I•••rtnr;--, Room; 3ft:! pax.

Nq.I'I'oc.. COn3IoIidII""B~ (or 6dIys aetMllet; Hold'03OOllJOII'OOOOO T1-oinings (VIsion, Mission and VnJues) FAS/I"IS Smanv,l"" OtIo~r OtIo~r OtIo~r OtIo~r 2017GM 785,750.00 785.7S0.oo a=modatlon: 3fl3 pili.---. - ..-- .OTHP.R TRAININGS . .


Page 7: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~


Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2017 (2nd Update)Energy Regulatory Commission


Schedule of Each Procurement Estimated Budget (PhP)Activity

Code (PAP) Procurement Program I Project Ilnd-User Mode of Sl>mceo RemarksProcu",ment Ads/Po Sub/Op Notice Contrae ,=" (Brief Description ofProgramjProjeet)

~of =of of , Total MOOE CO••m Bids A~",Signing

Neg. P,no.-103001000100000 Cultural Dod Athletic per GAA 2017 Sec.43 ,~Small Value July '"" July July 20l7GAA 644,500.00 644,500.00 Consolidated Budg'l; 383Pax; 2 days activity


Neg. Pro<.'103001000'00000 Orientation Program(Pag-ibig, GS18, esc, PhiIHealth, GPPB) ,~Small V.lue July - n"""mber 2017GAA 227,500.00 227.500.00 Consol;dale<llluogel; 3S3p.x; 0 day" activit;es


Con,oM.led Budget: Rules Govern;ng the Execution,Review .~d E,.•lu.tion of Power supply Agreement'(PSAs) Emered inlo by Dis\nlmtion Utiliti", (Dus) for the

Neg. Pmc.- Supply ofEle<tIidty 10 their Clptive Market; Rule Changes103001000100000 PSA-TW'GI (TECHNICAL TRAININGS) FAS/PSA July- Dee"rober 20l7GAA 282,000,00 282,000.00 in ERC"sRat. Making Methodologies and the M.nner of

Pro<:l1remenl Contracting Bilateral Generation Contr.leto, Submitting thesam. to open oomp"titive bidding project. oomume,,;Regulatory Updau.s; Quarterly ••••'."ment; Mid-YearAssessmenl

Neg. Proc.- Consolidated Budget :Trllining I Regular COn••.•ntiom &103001000'00000 Market Operation Se,",~ce (MOS) FAS/MOS SmallV.lue July - December 20l7GAA 563.471.40 563.471.40


Neg. Pro,,- Con.ohdated Budget: Mediation TrainingjCOn ••.•ntion. Il<103°01000100000 Consumer Service Division (CAS) FM>jCAS Sm.l1Volue July- December 20'7GAA 500,000.00 500,000.00

Procurement Semina'"

Cornolidllted Budget Trllining (In house and Outsource)-(Stand.rdizing the Timelines lor Effe<tive ~,olution of

Neg. Proc,- Resolution of lsso.d Show Couse Ordcrs;Review of

103001000100000 investigation and Enforcement Division (lED) FAS/lED Sm.l1Value Jnly- December 20'7GAA 106,800.00 106,800.00Reqnired Docum.nts for Ihe Filing of COnsolid.ted

Procurem.nt Application."; "UpdlItes on the RVs Conducted and Room.for Improvement;Reviewof Qu.rterly T.rgets andAccompli,hmenls; "Ye'r-end A,.,se"m.nt Program";"Stralegic Planning"; AIlnuallnventory of Co, •• " )

COnsolidaled Budget Seminars and Tninings - SeparateTraining Venue •• nd &.1"" not e,,,,,,eding ',000,000.00

Neg. Proc.- each; Re,ource and Operational Planning; Communicalion

10300UXlO100000 Planning and Infonnation Services (PIS) FASjPIS Sm,n Value July- Deoember '017GAA 5,362,500.00 5,362,500.00 and Beh,vior Enhan""menl Troining; CREST External,

Proruremenl IUI"mal and Medla)

Pili' 7 APP FoR 2017 _2n~ Updole

Page 8: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~


Annual Proa1~mfitt PllUllor. toY%OI~(:nQUp(lllteJEnt!rg)' RegulntoryCommls.odon

PIIS!", CitySchedule ofF.edl Pnxurentf!nl E.'rtl.mllled Budgt1. (PhP)

ActhityModtof """'" . Reml'lrk.~

Code (PAP) Procuremtnt PrtIJtMlIn I ProJm l!ntI-u ••••.- Ad~/Po SlIbjOp Notice C<m~, ,..,." (Brief Description of ~m/Projed).of mof ., , Totnl MOOR COL<EB B'''' A•.•••• S~lnz

CofdoIIdJu<lIlUll;et-l!eporm~ \'..-, on<!_ DOl=mIb& '.000.00o 00"'" - (o""plrIr!lzftWon andrff..u.. TtclulbI wt!Ib>p; _ ao..mInr;lb< EnM!Ilft,RtW:wond£~ of ra-rSu;rply ~ (P'SAs)Entrml Into (Om)1mu.. m;rpIyofd«lrIdtrto tbtl1CIIpcM_ (CrbdDono>; """'" hll"f 0fIu.. Implommlatlonof~_~(nRjfo< P'rMtttr0wn0dD.ttrIdIy 1IIMIlutloonUtlIIlItsundtr tho Rub forSt!Iln&OImibuIloft••••'bMin:r;RIl•• (RllWlO(Cc't!u(0-010); <l.""'-_ OIlthoOtfrnllionmel~ ofO>nn<'<llo:l••••••••forCuslomm 01'l'RnornIaIonP'm'klrr, I••••••••• I!ItTarlIhQlI<ItI'ItlI Roltt;N•••."'lid •.•of asEC.WIt(,-)-~o:•••l'l:IlIdtsof

Ne&- I'l'oe.. 1lSEC-WI (\.'boy2sJll_>: 1Il'IalIIotIImof RtlkoonI'nodrn:IaI~ l1.=ft: 1IftIIiul ••••of 1\uIto••••

1~IOOOlOOOOO ~tory Opemtioll5 &"ic:e (ROS) Techn;""l Tm;ni~ PIIS/Roo S_O\".tae Joly. o-mbel' 2017GM 1,859,650.00 1,859,650.(10 _ ~{VIstyooJM~l:Rtlkotoe-rn--, I!IoStttillaof RtpImd $oIu It=< S)'mm TmtlI'f••.u..!'nI'I'\doftoID.ttrldly _lIlf lbmtl __ byE3em1<~ nn-,r. ••••,.••IJol!ndanoo);l1nlfonnOIhtrawz", (I.Jn<mJ\'baytf)llnda_l:RuIr a..nvo In !;Re. RIl.1ol.lJn:A~,~.nd ltlt lI.n •••.•ofO>n:n<thlf,IllaltnlOtn<mion Conn1o<tJ,S\IlIm!nq!h< _to ••••••••• 1"\11"'"---~M __ l:_""'MoptInal!l<_ondProeeo!Ilm00¥mll"I tho lJtIlhdoft and ~ ofltlr~~~~(Lmml,I\'iD.NM_l:TaJtJfGlldo hlh(Um>fl,I\'IsoyoJlollndo•••l:R~ 1.Ipdat•• "'!d.,"•• r _rod",,""J


Office Equipment - - . --,,~.•. ""=b 8ept=b'6300'DOD'OOOO2 Refrigerator <.3-4Cll ft./ 8cu ft.J6ft) 1Il¥""pu(\" Mmod- A_ A."", :tcll,CM '75.399.00 '75.399.00~ " "","",,,,

,,~.•. ""=b ""=b'OJOO'OOO'OOOOO E1mronie Type .•••riter '" M.lhcd - A."", A_ 2O"CM 36,000.00 36,000.00

•••••• " ",,~.•.8ept=b Scplemb

IOJOO1DOD100000 &"pomted Cooler ,,. MC1hod- A_ A_ 2O.,CM 3°,000.00 3°,000.00

•••••• " ",,~.•. ""=b ""=b'OJOO'DOD'OOOOO HU\')'lluty Floor polisher l6ineha ,,. M""""- A_ A."", 201,CM 225,000,00 225,000.00

'".''''' " "A1lcmalM: ""=b Scpl ••••b

1630030,o'OlXIOI Portable Air-eoooilioner/Dry Air Cookr MOO Method- A."'" A."", 2O"CM 30,000.00 3°,000.00","",,,, " "


Page 9: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

AnnulIl PI'ocurement ':UlJ\ .0r_.rY 20.1' ~2I10upollle}F.nergy Re,;utnto~~mmISSIOn

PIIS;':. CiSd:,,~dn~of Ead:t Pn:>et!"'tnent F.litJmllte<! Budget (PhP)Adh""

Code (PAP) Procuremell1 ProgrIlm I Projeet_u_ Mode ••f s•••••.••••• Remllro..•.•.~~ Aoh/Po Sob/Op Notice Contrtte "'""" (Brief l)elttiptlon of Program/Projce:t)

"'"' ('nof "' • Totlll MOOR 00'ARB Bid! A•.••• '....""

AlltfNtM: Soptnnb Soptnnb'6]OO3Il'O'0D0Cl' Air Furifi('J" ,,~ )lethlxl - A,,,,,, A_ 2O,,0M 60,000.00 60,000.00

"""""~ ~

MemJtfot:""'""b ""'""bAir CDott'TIWATAfE''ll.pomtt'd. Cooler/E''ll.pmnm't: Air-Condilioner PASfROS )lnbod- A_ .".... 2O'1GM '50,000.00 150,000.00

""""'"~ ~

'0300'000100000 All'l.'Ond!lloni~ Unit! (40 units) '''' I'uhlic Biddlna '". ''''' A",,,,, A'''''' 2O'1GM 6,000,000.00 6.000,000.00

- --Tccim;all nnd Scientific Equipment --'63OO3Tl'CljOOOOClMeterTl'm EquiplDl'fll. vro PubIiI:IlIdd1ns

"""2O,,0M 50000.000.00 50000,000.00

.630030'CljOOOOCl MetcrTl'm I'.quipmml."'" ..... """", """ ~u"'" 6,300,000.00 6,300,000.00

'630030lO3OOOOO Voltltge nndCunenl Source"'"

I'ubIicIlIddIIll: ''''' .".... A_ ""'""b 2O'10M 2,200.000.00 2.200,000.00~ICT Equlpmern

._- .. - - ._- - - - -- - --- - -- -- -- --_ .. .._- - -

~U!pmenl ofan Jnlmn<'C Portnb1l' PC(CN3) Propl'lty Checker Nq. Proo:,- Sopll'll1b ""'""b lCf 1"-",,, S)'slemEnIlfl_"""1 willi bon:odc radi:I;'03001000:00000o '" SmaII\'aluc A_ A_ 2O'6GM 500.000.00 500.000.00App1ie:ttion 'ro""",,,," ~ U <l'!D&1fI~ 1'orU~ PC)

~Nq. Proe..

""'""b SoplcmbHigh Speed. Sainnft1l SmalI\'ah>e A""'" A_ 2O,,0M 996.000.00 998.000.00_. ~ ~

103001000:00000o Sm"~ '" fublil: Iliddllll: ""'""b ""'""b Cd_ Cd,,", ••• ,6GM ~Nq. Proe.-

'0300'000000000 KVM Swildi '" SlIl&ll\'aluc ". ". A_ A_ 2OI,GM 390.000.00 390.000.00-,

oJ'P FORZ011_1lld_

Page 10: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~


Annual Procurement Plan ror FY2017 (2nd Update)Energy Regulatory Commission

Pasig, City

Schedule of Each Procu~ent Estimated Budget (PhP)Activit}'

Code (PAP) Program I Project Modeo! Sour"" of RemarksProcurement l'r<Ieuftment Ads/Po Sub/Op Notict: Con~, ~ (Brief Description of Program/Project)

stor en of •• • TM~ MODE COL<EB Rids Award Signing

Neg. Proe.- Novemb N_b10300'000200000 Network Switches 'm Srnan Value October October 20l7GAA 250,000.00 250,000.00

Procurement " "Alternative

103001000200000 Wireless Microphone ,m Method - 'ill, Jul}" A_ "'"," 2017GAA 4°,°00.00 40,000.00ShoppingAltern'li,,,

10300100O'!ooooo 3-Axis Handheld Gimbal Stabilizer ,m Methoo- July Jill, August 2o'7GM 27,500.00 27.5°0.00ShoppingAlternative Septemb Seplemb

LCD/LED 'IV IIDS(\'FO{'''''I' Method- August August 2017GAA 265,000.00 265,000.00OW"". " "Shopping

Neg. PI'O<.- De<embe Deoembe Dee"mbe D_""'0300'000200000 UPS (Data Center) ,m Sm.ll V,lue 2017GAA 500,000.00 500,000.00Procurement

, , , ,Alternative Septemb Sep1embLCD Projector ""'I"''' Method- ",,,,,, Aul(Usl 2016 GAA 2.50,000.00 250,000.00Il'.~'m' " "Shopping

Alternative Septemb SeplembProjector Screen PIS/ROS Method. August August 2o'7GAA 13,000.00 13,000.00Shopping " "

'0300'000200000 Data Center Improvement '" Public Bidding Jill, 'ill, A""," Augusl 20'7GAA 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00

Data Loss Prevention '" Public Bidding October OctoberNovemb Novemb

20'7GAA 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00'0300'000'00000" "

10300'000200000 IP Telephony Improvement PIS Public Bidding Jill, July August August 2017GAA 9,'06,000.00 9,206,000.00

IS Maintenance & Support (ERC Portal Enhancement and Migration, Neg_ Proc.- S.ptemb Septemb'0300'000200000 '" SmallValu. August "''''" 2o'7GAA 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00Exchange Migraticmj Procurement " "

10300'000'00000 Supply, deliv,,')' and Installation of Earthquake Protection Anchors for 'm Public Bidding July July August August 2017GAA 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00all Data Center Equipment

Neg. Proc..10300'000200000 Time Monitoring System (BiOMETRICS) PIS Sm.ll V.lue August '""'" A""," August 2016GAA 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

Procurementtemah,,, Septemb SeplembDigital Camera ,"Ult"'I'" Method- October October ,o,6GAA 250,000.00 250,000.00

" "Development of FASTRAC (Financial & Administrative System with Neg. Pro<.- Septemb Septemb'0300'000200000 '" Small Value October Octob.r 20'6GAA 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00Time-Keeping, Revenue, Accounting and Collection) Proeurem.nt " "

N.g. Pro<.- Septemb Septemb'°3001000200000 AnalyticaIjBusiness Intelligence Tools '" Small V.lue October October 2016 GAA 800,000.00 800,000.00Procurement " "

F'ogo10 APP fOR 2017 -'nO Updolo

Page 11: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~


Annual Procurement Pllln for""" 2017 ~2nd UpdllU,)F.ner'JtYRf':gU11llory Commmion

Pa~ 0"SdIedule nfF..,ch Procu",~1 F~mated Budgct (PhP)AdMt}.

Code (PAP) Proeurement Program I Project Rnd.tllIn" Modcof ,.",~ Rcmark.~Proc:urnnft\1 AIh/Po StIbfOp Notice Conl",c •••••• (Bl"Icl'Dc=:rlption of PrognImfProJert)

no' ,.'" '" • T."" MOOR COIAfm •••••• Award SlpIlnlt

Net- !'roe.. ""=b Sl:ptrmb103OO'ooo'lOOOOOPrinten: "' Sma"Value A••••• A> •••• 2O.6GM <481,000,00 481,000.00

"""'-' n n

Net- Prot.- ""=b ""=b10;)001000200000 lOP "' Small \'."'" Oct.'"' 0''',", 2O,6GAA 350,000.00 350,000.00

"""'-' " "- .. - -- -Furniture nnd Fixture -

r:lGC>f1lS/ ""=b ""=bModul~r ROS{Ff',S/C Pablk:BIdd!n& Ck!.ober Oct.,", 'J017GAA ,5,109.000.00

" " """~""'6J0030'010000' PutdUI~ of ANSI D.2.smarl Grid Meter Pnckax<:(boob) ~ M.mocI. Aprl> Aprl> "'~ Ap~ :<l17GM 750000.00 75.000.00

-"'Nq. Pnll:.- ""=b ""=bCombi-Rolkr Blinds",., Plastic Chain Meclulnism ~-s"",nva!ue Oct_ Oct_ W17GM 395.000.00 395.000.00Pn;cu•••••••ll " "AIlcmllM: ",,=b ",,=b16J0030I0100001 Too_ "" ~fethod- Oct.,", Oct_ 20'70""" 26,000,00 26,000.00- " n

N"I. hoe.- ""=b ""=b'&]0D30'Q3OClOOOfuodmm "'" sman Value Oct_ Oct_ :WllGM "0,000,00 40,000.00P1OC<ueme>I\ n n

Nq. Prnc.. ""=b ""=b10;)001000100D00 Medial! Bed '" s~nv.lue Oct_ <kIo"". 2011GM 10,000.00 10,000.00_. n n

N'S- I'roe.. ""=b ~ptemb'03OO'OOO'OODODVoaun Oeaner(Hemy Duty) '" SrnlInvollle Oct_ Odober 2011GM 80,000.00 80,000.00

"""=-' n n

Fumitun: nnd Fixtlln: -- ",,=b ""=b Oct.,", CIlnsolld.1tedB~ SeeMI1I:Il"E"- PublicBlddln:!: Oct.,", 2O'1GM 4.3$3.320.00 4.353.320.00• " ", , , , , ,SURTOTAL (Non-CSF.llcm!i) 238.344.848.71 183,104.629.11 55.240,219.00

- - - ~.~~n:"",nt lhm DBM-PS (DBM Circulnr,Common.U~ Suppll~ and Equipment 16,774,171.95 16,774,171.95 ,,COl\'11NGF.NCYFUND (4%) JO,204.760.83

TOTAL (CSF. + NON-CSF. +COl\'11!'OGEN"CVFUND) 265.32~M8149

Page 12: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

Annual Procurem",nt Plan fol'"FY2017 (2nd UpdatdEnergy Regulatory Commission

Pasig, CitySchedule of Each Procurem",nt Estimated Budget (PhP)Activity

" Mod",,,f Sml1""'of RemarksCode (PAP) Procurement Program / Project End-U.",r Procuremenl Ads/Po Sub/Op Notice Contrae _ ... (Brief Description of Program/Project)0.' en of ., , Total MOOE CO

Will Bids Award Signing


~~G£-~;£etariat €hairperson


~~~~f-=O "C~.h"

L NDAN. G S ONO. MONTA1'l"EROfficer-I hargeFi. ministrativeService RACVice-Chainnan



0/ EIT Officer-In-Chargeof ERe


~G,~ VBACMember

P••• 12 APP FOR 2017. 2nd Updoto

Page 13: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

i .,......


.. Estinlated Budget (PhP)

Code (PAP) Procurement Program / Project End-Us"r Ads/P" Sub/op N"ti"" ConlracSource of

~'""nof ., , Funds Toml MOOEWill Bids A.=d Signins

OTHER COMMON OFFICE SUPPLIES -- -103001O00lO0000 Black Box for TV '" July-December 2017GAA 1,500.00 1,500.00

163003010:1:00000 Blender MO' July-December :1:017GAA 2,000.00 2,000.00

163003010JOOO01 Bread Toaster RO' July-December 2017GAA 2,000.00 2,000.00

103001000100000 Cash Box '" July-December 2017GM 3,000.00 3,000.00

163003010300000 Chessboard ,",,0 July-December 2017GAA 1,000.00 1,000.00

103001000100000 Coffee MakerFAS/ROS/C July-December 2017GAA 7,707-41 7,707-41

"103001000100000 Coleman Cooler (Budget Hearing Use) '" July-December 2017GAA 2,°90,00 2,090,00

103001000200000 Containers 'lli July-December 2017GAA 3,000.00 3,°°0.00

10300]000200000 Cordless Phone f Dual Cordless Telephone PIS/IED July-December 2017GAA 22,000.00 22,000.00

1630030103°0000 Dart Board '""0 July-December 2017GAA 6,000,00 6,000.00

)63003010100001 Food tray ROS/IED July-December 2017GAA 2,900.00 2,9°0.00

Foot Pedal OGCS/PIS July-December 2017GAA 16,000.00 16,000.00

1630030]0100001 MugswfERCLogo RO' July-December 2017GAA 3,900.00 3,9°0.00

103001000100000 Oven Toaster FAS/MOS July-December 2017GM 11,500.00 11,500.00

103001000100000 Pocket Wifi Device FASfROS July-December 2017OM 16,000.00 16,000.00

Psycho~i~~C Examination Materials - Intelligence Exam. Materials and '" July-December 20170M 100,000.00 100,000.0010300lO00100000 Personali Exam. Materials

103001000100000 Rice Cooker 1.8 liter Capacity FAS/IED July-December 20170M 4,200,00 4,200,00

163003010300000 Scrabble Set ,",,0 July-December 20170AA 1,000.00 1,000.00

163003010300000 Stationary Bike '""0 July-December 20170AA 10,000,00 10,000.00

163003010300000 Coffee Maker CA' July-December 2017OM 15,707.41 15,707.4'

163003010100001 Suction Cap hook (clear 1.5" dia.) RO' July-December 20170AA 5°0.00 500.00

Page 14: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

" ",'

Estimated Budget (PhP)

Code (PAP) Procurement Program / Project End.User Ads/Po Sub/Dp Notice Contl"ac Soureeof810r enof "' , Fun'" To"" MOOR~ Bid. Aw"", Signlng

103°01000200000 Technical Support Communication device (Walkie Talkie) P>S July-December 20J6GAA 18,000.00 18,000.00

163003010100001 Thermal Imaging ROS July-December 2017GAA 140,000.00 140,000.00

103001000100000 Tripod ",S July-December 2017GAA 8,000.00 8,000.00

163003010100001 Turbo broiler MOS July-December 2017GAA 5,000.00 5,000.00

163003010300000 Weights/Dumbells vro July-December 2017GAA 10,000.00 10,000.00


Tablewares (including Glasswares & Cutery) AS/MOS/V July-December 2017GAA 84,020.00 84,020.00FOjCMJ/OOTe

PID/PlS/M .Microwave Oven (Black color 23litters capacity OSjFA5jCA July-December 2017GAA 42,298.00 42,298.00


Dish Dispenser/Cabinet PISjROSje July-December 2017GAA 38,332.00 38,332.00

'"TV Mount (Bracket) (SX55"and lX43") P>S Au_ 2017GAA 30,000.00 30,000.00

Rubber Moulding pm September ,,017GAA 5,000.00 5,000.00

Panasonic Interactive Panaboard (USB325) Thermal Film ROS July-December 2017GAA 2,399.00 2,399.00

Panasonic Interactive Panaboard (USB32S) Writing Utensils ROS July-December 2017GAA 3.432,00 3.432.00

Magnets ROS July-December 2017GAA 600.00 600.00

Waterproof BAGfor Gadgets ROS July-December 2017GAA 270,000.00 270,000.00

64GB USB Flash Drive P>S July-December 2017GAA 86,000.00 86,000.00

Waste Bin mD July-December 2017GAA 6,300.00 6,300.00

Wall Clock mD July-December 2017GAA 3,000.00 3,000.00

Monocular mD July-December 20l7GAA 315,000.00 315,000.00

Page 15: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

Estimated Budget (PhP)

Code (PAP) ProcurenJent Program / Project End-User Ads/Po Sub/Op Notice Contrac Source of00' en of 0'

, Fill"" Total MODEwm Bids Aw=d Signing

RollingWhite Board lED July-December 2017GAA 21,000.00 21,000.00

PIS/OGCS/HI Handy Portable Digital Recorder and Voice Recorder FAS/MOS/ July-December 2017GAA 119,o00.00 119,000.00



Page 16: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~



.. EstiInated Budget (PhP)

Code (PAP) Procurement Program / Project End-Us"r Ads/Po Sub/Op Notice C"ntracSoure", of

"0' en of '" , F=d< Total MODE~,Bids Aw,,", Signing



10300lO00l00000 Car Battery FA.< July-December 2017GAA 105,000.00 105,000.00

lO300IOOQlOOOOO Car Tires FA.< July-December 2017GAA 165,000.00 165,000.00

. .. TOTAL ... . 27°,000.00 27°,000.00

Page 17: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

, ','


.. F.stimntcd Budget (PhP)

Code (PAP) Procurement Program I Project F.nd-U.ttr Adstpo Sub/Op Notlee Contrlll~ Souroeof

"0< ~O< "' • funds Totnl MOOEwm "... A~",SipU"II

Electrical Supplies.

103001000100000 Automatic Rechllrgnble Emergenc)' Light 'AS JuIy.Dca:m.ber 2017G•••••• 24,000.00 24,000.00

163003010300000 Round Meter Base CAS July-December 2017GM 3.000.00 3,000.00


-C-27,000,00' 27,000.00.

Page 18: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

.' .ANNEX"D"

.. Estimated Budget (PhP)

Code (PAP) Procurement Program I Project JUh/Po SuhfOp Noll ••• Con_ Sou",,"o(

00' ~'" '" • Fum" Totnl MOOEWID Bid, A~'" SlpdnS


1°3001000100000 Accoustic Ceiling Board FAS July-December 2017CAA 4,000.00 4,000,00

103001000100000 Aluminum ladder FAS July-December 2017GAA 16,000.00 16,000,00

103001000100000 Clll'pet Extractor FAS July-December 2017GAA 70,000.00 7°,000,00

163003010100001 Glass Boam St"" 39" x 1/4 with 12.smm hole@thecomers ROS July-December 2017GAA 8,500,00 8,500.00

163003010100001 Glass Holder (Stainless Steel Stand-off 80mm long& 10mm bolt) ROS July-December 2017GAA 2,400.00 2,400.00

163003010200001 Mirror (full.body sired) MOS July-December 2017GAA 5,000.00 5,000.00

103001000100000 """ tArt 'AS July-December 2017GAA 16,000.00 16,000.00

103001000200000 Repainting ofDJR. Room (Paint lind Materials) ,~ July-December 2017GM 5,000,00 5.000.00

163003010100001 Exhaust FanfDuct Fan MOS July-December 2017GM 10,000.00 10,000,00

103001000100000Imported Carpet with C!lrpet underlay gripper including instaUntion of FAS July-December 2017GM 50,000.00 50,000.00new carpet and remm'll1 of old carpet and underl!ly gripper

. TOT"'..

'186,900.00 J86,900.00

Page 19: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

Schedule of Each Estimated Budget (PhP)Procurement Activitv

Code (PAP) Procurement Program/ End-User eon"" Source

Project AdsjP SubjO Notice of Fundsostof pen of of ct Total MOOE COlAEB Bids Award S~in

Furniture and Fixture (Consolidated)

Table fur (Executi,-e/ f'AS/PIB/RJJS{Vc""rerenoe/Cenler /CI.riOll /Pli nler /Compnler /Mull; FO/CAS/OGCS

~017GM S9~,7S0.00 S9~,7SO.00

Purpose/F olding/Coffoe)

OGCS/ROS/FASCha;rs (Sofa/Swivel/Offioe;V;,itor jSteel/Conrereoce/Gang Chair) jPlBjVf'O/lJ!.D/C ~017GAA ~857,070.00 1,857,070.00


163003°103<'0000 Benoh box for wailing lounge ~ September - Ootober ~017GAA 20,000.00 20.000.00

163003010'>00000 M.ga2ine Rack "m 2017GAA 50,000.00 50,000.00

103001000100000 MedIcine C.b;n<t ,~ 2017GAA 20,000.00 ~O,OOO_OD

Cabinet< (1.!llera1{V«tkal/FillinglMo bile Pe<lestal/SteelOGCS/RJJS/FAS

Shel,'es/Book Shelves)jPlBfVFOfIEDjC 2017GM 1.8'-3,500.00 1,8'-3,500.00


". . -. . =" 4,353,320.00 4,353,320,00

. .


Page 20: AnnUlll Procumcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) 2017 2nd Update with Annexes.pdfI I AnnUlll Procu""mcnt Pllm (or FY 2017 (2nd Update) F.nergy RCJ:Ulalory Commlnlon P•• f" SChedlll~

., ,'" , ..:..•,


&timl'ltC(! Budget (PhP)Code (PAP) Procurement Progrnm I Project End-User /I.<bfPo 8ubjOp Notice C<m~, Sour=o(

.'" ~o, '" • """'" To"" MOOE..."" "'" ••••••• m.",",TRAlNINOSAND SEMINARS







GAD Troining for the GAD FocnJ Point System

GAD Troining for the ERC Employees

Info Dissemination Campaign (GAD) (Client Focused)

Info Dissemination Campaign (SC) (CUent Focused)










2017 GAIl.









-. . TOTAL 5,992,550.00 5,992,550.00