answers for pmp activity book v3

PMP work book answers V3 2012 1 Chapter 01 Exercise 01: Question Answer Question Answer i. Procurement Management KA ii. Integration Management KA iii. Cost Management KA iv. HR Management KA v. Risk Management KA vi. Quality Management KA vii. Communication Management KA viii. Time Management KA ix. Scope Management KA x. Quality Management KA xi. Risk Management KA xii. Procurement Management KA Knowledge Area Process Group What Process Comes Before? What Process Comes After? Two inputs Two Tools and Techniques Two Outputs 1. Time Planning Estimate Activity Durations Control Schedule Refer PMBOK page no 131 2. Scope Planning None Define scope Refer PMBOK page no 104 3. Communication Monitoring & controlling Manage stakeholder expectation None Refer PMBOK page no 244 4. Cost Monitoring & controlling Determine budget None Refer PMBOK page no 167 5. Risk Monitoring & controlling Plan risk responses None Refer PMBOK page no 274 6. Procurement Closing Administer procuremen t None Refer PMBOK page no 314 7. Integration Execution Develop project Monitor and control Refer PMBOK page no 73 Exercise 02:.

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Chapter 01

Exercise 01: Question Answer Question Answer

i. Procurement Management KA ii. Integration Management KA

iii. Cost Management KA iv. HR Management KA

v. Risk Management KA vi. Quality Management KA

vii. Communication Management KA viii. Time Management KA

ix. Scope Management KA x. Quality Management KA

xi. Risk Management KA xii. Procurement Management KA

Knowledge Area Process Group

What Process Comes Before?

What Process Comes After?

Two inputs Two Tools and Techniques

Two Outputs

1. Time Planning Estimate Activity Durations

Control Schedule

Refer PMBOK page no 131

2. Scope Planning None Define


Refer PMBOK page no 104

3. Communication Monitoring & controlling

Manage stakeholder expectation

None Refer PMBOK page no 244

4. Cost Monitoring & controlling

Determine budget

None Refer PMBOK page no 167

5. Risk Monitoring & controlling

Plan risk responses

None Refer PMBOK page no 274

6. Procurement Closing Administer procurement

None Refer PMBOK page no 314

7. Integration Execution Develop project

Monitor and control

Refer PMBOK page no 73

Exercise 02:.

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management plan

project work

8. HR Executing Develop project tam

None Refer PMBOK page no 217

9. Quality Executing Plan quality Quality


Refer PMBOK page no 191

Exercise 03:

Process Knowledge Area Process Group

1 Identify stakeholder Communication Initiation

2 Quality assurance Quality Execution

3 Develop charter Integration Initiation

4 Identify risk Risk planning

5 Collect requirement Scope Planning

6 Conduct procurement Procurement execution

7 Cost control Cost Monitoring & controlling

8 Plan communication Communication Planning

9 Estimate activity resource Time Planning

10 Acquire project team HR Execution

11 Integrated change control Integration Monitoring & controlling

Exercise 04: Indicate the statements given below refer to operations or projects.

Question Answer 1. Project

2. Project

3. operation 4. Project

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5. operation

6. Project

Exercise 05:

Question Answer 1. Resource

2. Cost

3. Quality 4. Time

5. Risk

6. Scope

Exercise 06:

Question Answer 1. Scope

2. Cost

3. Scope 4. Time , cost

5. Cost

6. Resource

7. Time ,Quality

Exercise 07

Question Answer 12 Program 13 Project 14 Portfolio 15 Project 16 program Exercise 8: Question Answer 1. Portfolio manager 2. Project manager 3. Project manager 4. Portfolio manager 5. Portfolio manager 6. Project manager

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Exercise 09:

Question Answer 1. Market demand 2. Business need 3. Customer request 4. Technological advancement 5. Legal requirement

Exercise 10:

Question Answer 1. √ 2. √ 3. √ 4. X 5. x 6. √ 7. √

Exercise 11: Question Answer 1. Performance 2. Personal 3. Performance 4. Performance 5. Personal 6. Knowledge 7. Personal

Exercise 12:

Question Answer 1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. No 6. Yes 7. No 8. Yes 9. Yes 10. No 11. Yes

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12. No

Chapter 02


Ex 02

Ex 03

Ex 04

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Ex 05

Ex 06 Ex 07

1. Sequential 2. Iterative 3. Overlapping

1. √ 2. x 3. √ 4 x 5. √ 6. x 7. x 8 √

Ex 08 Ex 09

1. Functional

2. Functional

3. 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 T 8 F 9 F 10 T

Weak matrix

4. Projectized

5. Balanced matrix

6. Strong matrix

7. Functional

8. Balanced matrix

9. projectized

10. Strong matrix

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Chapter 3

Exercise 01

1. Product 2. Product 3. Product 4. Project 5. Project 6. Project 7. Product 8. Project 9. Project 10. Product

Exercise 02

1. Monitoring & Controlling 11. Monitoring & Controlling 2. Executing 12. Initiating 3. Planning 13. Planning 4. Planning 14. Monitoring & Controlling 5. Monitoring & Controlling 15. Initiating 6. Initiating 16. Executing 7. Monitoring & Controlling 17. Monitoring & Controlling 8 Initiating 18. Closing 9. Monitoring & Controlling 19. Closing 10. Planning

Exercise 03

1. Quality Management 2. • Quality

Quality assurcontrol

• ance Plan quality

3. 4. 5. 6. Scope Management 7. • Control scope

Define scope Create WBS

• •

Indentify requirements Verify scope 8.

9. 10. Communication Management 11. • sManage takeholder Distribute information

Report performance 12.

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Plan coIdentify stake

13. • mmunication • holder

14. Time Management 15. • e Estimat

activities Define activities Monitor &

activity duration • Sequence• • control schedule

Estimate activity resources Develop schedule 16.


18. Cost M anagement 19. ost

Cost budget • Estimate c

• Control cost20. 21. 22. Human Management Resource 23. • Acquire project team Plan human resources

anage project team • Develop project team M24. Integra ment tion Manage 25. Integra

nagement plan . Devel

ject xecution

• ted change control • Develop project ma• op Charter

Direct and manage proeMonitor and control project work Close project or phase

26. Risk Management 27. Develop Risk

• Quantitative risk analysis g

Identify risks ualitative risk analysis

• response Risk management plannin

QMonitor and control risk


29. Procurement Management • Conduct procurement • Plan procurement lose procurement

Administer procurement C30.

31. 32 33

Chapter 04 – Project Integration Management Part I

Exercise 01

1. Close project or phase 2. Monitor and control 3. Develop project charter 4. Develop project management plan 5. Integrated change control 6. Direct and manage execution

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rcise 02

Refer PMBOK page no 73

1. √


2. √ 3. X 4. √ 5. X 6. √ 7. √ 8. X 9. X 10. √ 11. √

Exercise 06

Factor Concept 1. SOW 2. Mathematical method 3. Expert judgment 4. Business case 5. charter 6. Benefit measurement method

Exercise 07

Exercise 08

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. F

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Project A Project B Payback period 4 years 3 Years Best project

Exercise 09

20% A B 1 ($35,000) ($45,000) 0.833 $16,660 $12,495 0.694 $10,410 $6,940 0.579 $8,685 $14,475 0.482 $4,820 $7,230 NPV $5,575 ($3,860) Best Project

xercise 10

1. √


2. X 3. X 4. √ 5. √ 6. X

Chapter 04 – Project Integration Management Part II

Project Integration Management – Part II

1. SOW, Business case, contract ,EEF,OPA

PMBOK 4th Edition page 81

Business need, product scope description ,strategic plan

To justify the project that it serves business purpose

Market demand, Organizational need, customer request, technological advance, legal

requirement, ecological impact, social need

6. PMBOK 4th Edition page 81

7. Corrective action, preventive action, defect repair

9. 4 years





8. Change control board

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11. 47,663.85Rs

Exercise 02

Exercise Exercise 04

ercise 05

1. Value engineering

10. 1,331,000Rs

12. Project A

Chapter 05 – Project Scope Management Part I

Exercise 01



2. Value analyzing 3. Product breakdown 4. Alternative identification

1. x 1. x 2. x

2. x 3. x 3. x 4. x 4. x 5. x 5. x 6. X 6. X 7. x 7. x 8. X

9. X 10. x 11. x

1. Nominal group technique 2. Delphi technique 1. Require documment ent 3. Plurality 4. Participant observer

2. Require traceab ity matrix ment il3. Require t management plan men

5. Prototype

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Chapter 05 – Project Scope Management Part II

1. PMBOK 4 edition 115

2. 1. Decomposition


2. Control account 3. Code of accounts identifier 4. WBS dictionary 5. Phases , deliverables , Sub projects


Exercise 01



3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. Discretionary

6. Waste of resources 7. OBS 8. CWBS 9. Scope statement 10. Scope statement , WBS , WBS dictionary

Chapter 6 - Project Time Management- Part I

Activity on nodes method

Activity on arrows method

Exercise 02

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2. Mandatory 3. External 4. Mandatory 5. Mandatory 6. Discretionary 7. Mandatory 8. Discretionary

Exercise 03

SS 2. FF 3. SF 1.

Exercise 04

1. Bo Estimate activity resource ttoms up 2. Alt is Estimate activity resource ernative analys3. Published estimating data Estimate activity resource 4. Pa ate Estimate activity duration rametric estim5. 3 p Estimate activity duration oint estimate6. An Estimate activity duration alog estimate 7. Exp Estimate activity duration ert judgment

xercise 05


. 21 days

4. 7 days

, D,H,I = 7

1. True


1. 03

2. 3

5. A,B,C = 7

6. Critical path doubles

Exercise 06

2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False

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Chapter 6 - Project Time Management- Part II

ave planning

. Uses FS relationship , use dummy activities , arrow represent activities, Critical path can

v mmy

3. endency

4. 5. istrating return

. Alternative identification

. Published estimating data

. Resource break down structure


0. Three point

1. Student syndrome

3. Critical chain project management

Develop project management plan

project , urgencies ,


fficient information to crash

, Network diagram


sted for resource constraints


1. Rolling w


run o er a du

External dep


Law of dmin







12. Total float calculation




16. Calculating free float

17. Initial stages of the

18. When there is an unce

19. No su

20. Summary activities that represent several activities 21. Milestone chart , Bar chart

22. Start ,A,B,G,Finish

23. Total time taken to complete an a

24. 50/50, 0/100, 80/20 25. Schedule adju

26. 12-18 days

27. Duration - 3 Float- 1

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Project Cost Management – Part I

Activity 1

Activity 2

1. 100 il

Chapter 7

1. Bottoms up

2. Three point

3. Analogues

4. Parametric

5. Expert judgment

m2. 75 l mi3. 70 mil 4. 78 mil 5. -5 mil 6. 8 7. EV/PV 8. EV/AC 9. BAC/CPI 10. EAC-AC 11. BAC-EAC 12. BAC-CV/EAC-AC

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Project Cost Management – Part II

1. Cost management planning

2. Sunk cost

3. Three point

KU- Contingency , UU-Management reserve

. Project management planning process

. Variable cost

. To measure progress and report to senior management

. Analogues – less accurate, less expensive ,quick to create

Bottom up – accurate, costly, time consuming

Chapter 8

Pr t I Activity 01

g – to determine control limits


a. cost

. Quality assurance – to find solution to quality problems

6. Statistical sampling

7. Flow charting






oject Quality Management – Par

1. Cost benefit analysis

2. Cost of quality


a. Quality plannin

b. Quality controlling – to see if the process is stable

4. Bench marking

Quality planning – to determine no of test and their


Activity 02

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r diagram Histogram Force field analysis

arts Run charts Control charts Floecharts

Co Affinity diagrem

4. Delay to deliver and damaged cover

th and 2 rd control

4. No

Activity 05

Positive Negative No relation

4. Phase 3


Cause & effect Scatte

Parato ch

st benefit QFD/house of quality

Activity 0 3

1. Delay to deliver and damaged cover

2. Other

3. 90.3

Activity 04

1. No, on 8 3 process is out of

2. 35

3. 5

Activity 06

1. Histogram

2. Frequency of occurrences

3. 180

Activity 7

Driving RestricGram new customers Lack of staff Increase recognition Recruitment cost Increase market share Less awareness about the certification Negative attitude Initiative cost

Activity 8

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ication, Skills, Transport , Procedure

a. Incorrect program b. Not up to date

resent of a process showing s tionships

rocess Purpose

Fishbone analysis Ishikawa diagram Cause & effect

1. Commun2.

Activity 9 1. A graphical rep teps and their rela2.

PQuality planning To identify possible problems , areas Quality assurance To improve the process Quality control To analyze defects

Activity 10

1. –4 1 2. –

3. -2 4. -3

5. –66. –5

2. To guide inspection pr3. Quality control

ocess during quality control

4. Review, quality audit, p h

Project Quality Management – Part II

lity ality de lity lity assurance

6. Quality assurance 7. Quality assurance 8. Quality control

eer reviews, walk throug5. DOE

hapter 8C

1. Qua2. Qu3. Gra4. Qua5. Qua

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Control chart 13. Measures 14. Measures 15. Metrics

17. To determine control limits mine no of tests and their cost

ine sample type, sample size and intervals fy possible step for defects

cessary action to facilitate implementation of new quality initiatives

ies , process configuration , process matrices, target for improvement best practices , identify gaps , to bringing others experiences to improve the are experiences with others .

e waste and improve process efficiency t cause

ine if this process is stable rrence

Human Resource Management – Part I

and responsibilities , Quality roles and responsibilities, Risk roles and

9. Cost benefit analysis 10. Bench mark11. DOE 12.

16. Metrics

18. To deter19 To determ.

i20. To ident21 To take ne.22. Preventio n cost 23 Appraisal .24.

ointernal failure cost

25. External failure c26 Preventive cost


27. Preventive cost 28. Process boundar 29. To ide ntifying

process , to sh30. To eliminat

ro31. Identify 32. To determ


33. To identify frequency of occu34. To identify vital few 35. To determine the trend in the process 36. To identify the relationship 37. Kizen 38. JIT

Chapter 9 - Project • RBS • Organization Structure • WBS • OBS 1. RAM 2. To assign work to team members 3. WBS level , Activity level 4. Communication roles


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xercise 03 ersonal worth, social recognition Self esteem

EPFulfilled potentials Esteem Friendship, families attachments Belongingness Steady employment security Water ,air ,Food Physiological Exercise 04

Hygin e Motivation

• achievement

• recognition

• work itself

• responsibility

• advancement

• policy

• relationship with supervisor

• work conditions

• salary

• p with subordinates relationshi

Exercise 05

• Expectation theory

2. Y

3. Z

5. Staff acquisition, resource calendar , staff release plan, training need, recognition and rewards, compliance, safety

6. 1. - 4

-7 3. -5

1. - 3

2. -1

3. -2

1. X


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5. -1

Chapter 9 - Project Human Resource Management – Part II




9. Acquisition

10. Negotiation

11. Virtual team

13. Ground rule

14. Co location

ed , on line, on the job

e problem

tify alternative solutions

t the best option

op a plan


te the result

4. -2

6. -3 7. -6

1. Hierarchy type chart

atrix based chart 2. M

3. Maslow’s th

4. Expectation

5. Two factor theory

6. Theor X y

7. Theory Y

8. Pre assignm

12. Facilitate team, counseling , clarifying roles

15. Class room, computer bas

16. Formal & informal

17. Comforting

18. Forcing

19. Avoid

20. Issue log


a. Define th

b. Iden

c. Selec

d. Devel

e. Develop a plan for evaluating solutio

f. Evalua

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Chapter 10 - Project Communication Management – Part I

1. -

2. -

3. -


xercise 5








Sender Receiver Massage


Feed back

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2.Language, Attitude, Physical defects, Mental defects, Pass experience

3.Noise, Distance, Language, Weak channels

Exercise 06

1. 3

2. 6 3. 1 4. 4 5. 5 6. 2 7. 7

Exercise 07

1. 3

2. 10

8. 1-interactive

- Push

Chapter 10 - Project Communication Management – Part II

1. Formal written

2. Informal verbal

3. formal written

4. ormal verbal

5. / interest grid, power/influence grid , influence / impact grid , salience model

, external, suppliers , resistor , neutral

8. To develop suitable strategies and deal with them





Para lingual

6. Power

7. Internal

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rmation , availability of technology , duration of the project , expected staffing ,

ical location

10. information clear and complete. So that

11. Making sure that the information is received in its entirety understood , correctly,

12. Pull communication

13. Informal verbal

egotiation skills, writing skills, public speaking

nflicts, active listening overcoming resistant to change

t – Part I

utral, risk averse


9. RBC

10. Numerical & relative

11. Risk management plan

12. Technical , external , project management

13. Risk threshold

15. Watch risk

t matrix

9. Urgency of info




14. Change log

15. Presentation skills, n

16. Causal / electronic method

17. Building trust resolving co

Project Risk Managemen

1. Risk event , risk probability amount at stake

2. Risk tolerance

3. Known risk

4. Risk taker , risk ne

5. Risk thresho

6. Scope ,time ,cost , quality

7. To prevent biases

8. Pure risk

14. Probability impact matrices

16. Low risk

17. High risk

18. Moderate risk

19. Quantitative analysis

20. Probability impac

21. Trigger

22. Cause , risk , effect

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risk process

ss existing risk , close risk


ment – Part I

skills, can manage risk associated , core


23. Decision tree

24. Identify

25. Identify new risk, reasse

26. Secondary risk

27. Transfer

28. Acceptance

29. Avoid

30. Mitigate prob

31. Acceptance

Project Procurement Manage

1. True

2. False

3. 4.




Cheaper , can use people in organization, can learn new

project work



Low High High Moderate high

8. When the scope of work cannot be well define




of intent

20. iation ,mediation, Arbitration ,mitigation

21. 22. urchase order

9. When there is a preferred seller

10. When there is a preferred seller


12. Bid

13. Quantitie

14. Proposed

15. Bidder conference

16. Independence estim

17. Privity

18. Contested ch

19. Letter




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23. Mutually , default ,

24. Performance functional design

25. Guarantees that contract scope is de