answers r within

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  • 8/12/2019 Answers R Within


    The plains of Kansas can be rather bleak on an

    overcast, freezing day in the dead of winter, but my

    mind was on more important matters and my car was

    purring along the freeway, comfortably warm inside.

    That was twenty years ago and I was on my way to a

    life changing adventure.

    A few months earlier on a bright summer day in

    Seattle, as I looked out past the hills to the mountains

    on the horizon, sunlight dancing on the lake just infront of me, I heard a still small voice clearly saying:

    If you want to make anything meaningful with your

    life, youll have to leave the city you love.

    Youre right, God, I immediately replied,

    instantly knowing the source of my guidance, Im

    here for the wrong reasons. I loved the Pacific

    Northwest, and my family and friends were an

    important part of my reluctance to leave. But, I was

    wasting my life, going sideways mostly, hardly on a

    path that was Upward Bound, and I had been praying

    for guidance and direction, willing to change, but not

    knowing where to go or what to do.

    Between that summer afternoon illumination

    and this solo winter trek to the Heartland and Kansas

    City, a flurry of events occurred propelling me to

    fulfill the Divine Guidance I had received. I wasoptimistic and faith filled, but still facing completely

    unknown conclusions another hundred miles down

    the road. I had applied for ministerial school, but

    had no idea whether I would be accepted, and in any

    case, needed a job and some income just to continue

    living. I figured Kansas City was the best place to

    seek employment; after all, I couldnt work

    Issue # 31


    Photo by Art Holt

    UPWARD BOUND J *O *U *R *N *A * L


  • 8/12/2019 Answers R Within


    somewhere else and still attend ministerial school

    there too.

    All the way from Seattle, I was aware that a

    winter storm was out in front of me heading east and

    another was brewing on the Pacific Coast ready tofill in my tire tracks. I seemed to be encased in a

    calm weather bubble the whole way, making driving

    easy and providing what I like to call windshield

    time to contemplate a variety of thoughts. One such

    thought stuck out in my mind. I was eager to get to

    Unity Village because I wanted to find out whether

    Unity had a position on some hard issues, like right

    to life vs. freedom of choice, or euthanasia, or the

    death penalty in criminal justice. I tried to make myown determination about which end of those

    spectrums I favored and whether my views would be

    in accordance with Unitys positions. I couldnt

    figure out why I hadnt heard anything on these

    subjects, either in church services or in their

    devotional literature.

    About then I caught up with the snowstorm that

    had slowed its pace to a crawl, and the rest of that

    day my focus was completely concentrated on road

    conditions and being able to safely arrive at a

    friends house before night fall. My contemplation

    would have to wait.

    Arriving safely that evening, my attention was

    diverted to new friendships of the small welcoming

    group, and settling in. Once again there was a flurry

    of events, meetings, interviews and news of an

    opening I hadnt dreamed could be possible, that

    captured all my attention. And, in what seemed like

    an overnight development, I was hired as theEditorial Director and accepted in the Ministerial

    School program at the same time.

    I hadnt forgotten my question, however, and

    soon had an opportunity to ask for an answer. What I

    got was both a surprise and a disappointment; it felt

    like avoidance of the question and a rather pathetic

    response. It took quite a while for me to comprehend

    and embrace the answer fully.

    The answer lies within, I was told. We each

    must seek and find our own answers to this and every

    other important question.

    What a cop-out! I wanted someone in authority

    to tell me the answer so I would know how torespond if-and-when I was asked the same question

    later. What do they mean, the answer lies within

    each one of us? Oh, I was well aware that there is a

    simple process of praying and meditating and being

    open to that still small voice but this was a question

    that was bigger than my personal stuff, it was

    monumental by comparison and it required a

    monumental reply.

    Jesus neither condemned nor condoned theactions of others, they said. Take the example of

    the woman accused of adultery. The scribes and the

    Pharisees brought her to Jesus and said the Law of

    Moses demanded that she be stoned to death. What

    do you say, they asked? Let him who is without sin

    among you be the first to throw a stone at her, Jesus

    replied. One by one they all left, beginning with the

    eldest, leaving the woman alone with Jesus. To her

    He said, No one has condemned you...neither do I;

    go and do not sin again.

    In calling for the elders to contemplate their own

    sins, Jesus was asking them to reflect and pray about

    their own lives, asking if they were worthy of passing

    such a severe judgment and taking on the action of

    executioner. For the few who might have believed

    themselves to be free of any previous sin, the thought

    of stoning this woman very likely would eliminate

    their virtue, and not wanting to take a chance, they

    passed the judgment onto the others. For the rest, aquick review was sufficient to recognize that none of

    their lives were above fault. For everyone, however,

    it was the act of turning within in prayer that led to

    the inner guidance and a peaceful solution.

    As for my mentors, Go into the silence and

    pray, they told me, and wait for your answer.

    Sometimes the answer comes when you least expect

    it, but youll know when it comes, and youll know

    U P W A R D B O U N D J * O * U * R * N * A * L


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    that it is the right answer for you.

    The Schools executives went on to explain that

    every single day, in the hundreds of calls they

    receive in the Silent Unity Prayer line,*people ask,

    even demand, advice on the problems they face,wanting someone else to solve the problem for them.

    The people at Silent Unity are trained in prayer and

    their soothing voices and calm demeanor have

    comforted and lifted more people than you can

    count. Reports of miracle healings arrive every day.

    But, they are not trained psychologists, medical

    doctors, financial advisors, lawyers or therapists and

    to give someone what might seem to be helpful

    advice would be inappropriate. Helping callers get

    calm and guiding them to use the one resource that

    has all the answers for every situation and condition

    is the most powerful gift that can be given. Prayer is

    the answer, whatever the question.

    I thought about what I had been told, but was

    reluctant to discuss my negative feelings about the

    answer I had been given because I didnt want to

    show my ignorance or find that I was all alone in my

    reaction. Finally, one day it dawned on me that I

    understood how correct the answer was all along. Iremembered that sunny afternoon in Seattle and the

    Still Small Voice that gently redirected my life and

    realized that was exactly the same thing. The

    answer iswithin you.

    I had prayed for guidance to redirect my life, to

    find fulfillment, to begin again with something

    meaningful, to be of service, to do something

    worthwhile and to make some kind of contribution

    that would make the world just a little bit better thanI had found it. I certainly received my answer to

    prayer, that guiding voice came from somewhere

    deep inside me, and the world had jumped through

    hoops, turning events into wonderful opportunities,

    and opportunities into practicality; travel,

    accommodations, employment and scholarship in a

    little more than 90 days. My answer definitely came

    from within me in direct response to my prayers and

    my quiet time of meditation. If it worked for me, it

    would work for anyone, anywhere, anytime.

    Over and over throughout the Bible we are given

    that same message, repeatedly. Ask and it shall be

    given, seek and you shall find, knock and the doorshall be opened, (Matt 7:7). Whatever you pray

    for, believing, you shall receive, (Matt 21:22). And

    on it goes.

    It explains why we dont take official

    positions, whatever the subject, because the answer,

    the correct answer that is, could be different for

    every individual concerned, and its not my place or

    the denomination I represent, to dictate what that

    position should be. Only God knows for sure and the

    answer thats right for you is yours for the asking.

    Eventually I was able to have a conversation

    with a trusted friend exploring the subject of our

    inner guidance. The supposition was made that in an

    ego frame of mind or an attitude of hatred and

    bitterness, what might seem like guidance could

    actually be a disaster in the making. That stopped us

    for the moment, but once again the answer lay in the

    mind-set of the person asking for guidance. God

    doesnt give us evil answers to our questions, but its

    up to us to get out of our ego state, set aside our

    prejudices and honestly seek a Divine solution. If we

    take just a few moments to get centered and follow a

    few simple steps we will quickly reach a place of

    higher consciousness where we can connect with our

    Divine Source.

    There are no hard and fast rules or a process that

    must be followed to the letter. It is simple, logical,

    and easy.I begin by finding a place where I can be quietly

    alone and sit undisturbed for ten minutes to half an

    hour. I like a comfortable chair in the den, but a solo

    walk in a park or on a beach works just as well.

    Automatically, I relax and take a long deep

    breath, becoming aware of the life giving air passing

    through my nostrils, and feeling it fill my lungs and

    chest; then the physical release of my tensions as I let

    U P W A R D B O U N D J * O * U * R * N * A * L

    3*Silent Unity Prayer line: 1-800-669-7729 day or night

  • 8/12/2019 Answers R Within



    the air slowly return to the atmosphere around me.

    Peace, be still, I often say, or Into Your Presence,

    Lord, would I enter now. Another breath and I

    begin to feel that everything is going to be just fine.

    Then I find myself saying something like, Not my

    will, but Yours, God. I release all my fears,

    judgments and expectations.

    Thats called Relaxation and it is step one.

    Step two is Conversation or more appropriately,bringing my stuff to the table. I like to talk with God,

    as though it is someone who loves me and is patiently

    willing to hear me ramble on. Its a quiet

    conversation, words softly spoken; raising questions,

    wondering about possibilities or admitting Im

    clueless about the next step...just willing. I remember

    past conversations and express my gratitude for being

    able to talk about it and for the way it turned out.

    Sometimes this Conversation can go on for 15 or 20

    minutes, but most often it is only five or six minutes.

    Then things get quiet. Its step three,

    Contemplation. There is no need to speak another

    word, Ive said all I need to say. And through past

    experience I have learned that God is way ahead of

    me. God knew everything I was going to say before I

    ever said it. I just needed to express it to get it off my

    chest. And I also know that my answer will come as

    soon as Im ready to hear it. It could be immediately;

    sometimes I get the answer before I

    can finish asking the question.

    That part of the prayer process is the

    fourth step called Realization,

    because in most of my prayers Ihave received some level of

    knowing. And then sometimes I

    get the still, small voice a few days

    later when Im driving my car

    quietly through the countryside.

    Even so, it comes and I know it will,

    so I just rest and enjoy the quiet for a

    while. When I feel the nudge, I

    begin the process of returning to a

    more earth bound consciousness and

    turn my attention to the fifth and final step,

    Thanksgiving. It begins with returning my

    conscious awareness to my breathing, similar to the

    deep, slow breaths I used at the beginning. In my

    mind I start speaking words of gratitude, giving

    thanks not just for answered prayer, but for the

    opportunity to have such a special time apart from the

    world, surrounded and enfolded in Gods loving

    presence. It has been a special time, given just forme, and I feel very privileged to have had the

    experience. God doesnt need my words of

    appreciation, but I need to feel and express them.

    And so it goes. My desire to be part of an

    official position, to have someone telling me what my

    attitude should be, or for my need to be right and to

    tell others what they should do or should believe, no

    longer influences my thinking. My job is not to tell

    you what your behavior should be, its simply to help

    you understand how you can get the answers for

    yourself that are appropriate for you...and perhaps for

    you alone. If I have been able to find my answers

    from the still small voice within, I am confident that

    you can and will as well. The next time I start

    pontificating, youll do me a big favor if you remind

    me Your Answer Lies Within.

    God bless you,


    U P W A R D B O U N D J * O * U * R * N * A * L

  • 8/12/2019 Answers R Within


    A Christmas Story...December is a time of joy and celebration, and I invite you on a mystical voyage in your imagination. Relax, let

    us see Christmas in a new light.Christmas Eve. Outside winter has set upon the land, a soft, light blanket of snow freshly covers the

    evergreens and the lawns and the roof-tops in the neighborhoods. The shops are sparkling with bright andcolorful lights, signaling the festiveness and the glitter of the season. Horse drawn carriages glide along the streets,with couples sitting close together beneath the warming blankets of wool and fleece, while the melodies ofChristmas music drift through the crisp night air.

    It's a time of merriment, laughter, and family gatherings. It's a time for traveling, to be together with family andfriends. A frenzied time of shopping, and wrapping, and decorating your home. But it's also a fire in the fireplaceand a mug of spiced cider; candles flickering on the mantel reflected in the silver and gold ornaments hanging onthe tree. It's a time of gift giving, of thinking of others more than yourself. It's a time to love and forgive, and befilled with joy and peace, like no other time of the year...a time of joyful celebration.

    And yet, on that night two thousand years ago, in a little town called Bethlehem, the people in the inns, on thestreets, and in the homes were not celebrating, for they were unaware there was anything to celebrate; they were ina state of anxiety about the roman census. There were no festive lights filling the town, or happy carolers singing

    joyous songs; just a few torches anchored to the corners of adobe-clad buildings, casting flickering shadows on thenearly empty streets, and in the clear but moonless sky, darkness abounded.

    As the night progressed, people began to settle down on their straw filled cots, children nestled together toshare their warmth with each other while a small dog curled up at their feet; in the window the cat, waking up forthe night, sat watching the path below. The conversation between mother and father came to an end and they toobegan to settle down for the night.

    Out on the edge of town a young man walked beside the donkey which carried his very pregnant and beautifulyoung wife, along with a small bundle of their clothes and other simple possessions. This was the end of their longjourney, but the hour was late, and the inns were now full.

    All was quiet and the couple who had arrived too late for a room, made themselves as comfortable as theycould in a shed that they shared with the resident farm animals. Together they gathered fresh straw and covered it

    with a small clean blanket they had carried just for this occasion. The mother-to-be prepared to give birth; herhusband kneeled at her side.One by one in some of the dwellings -- an elderly woman here - a couple together next door, and a man down

    the street -- all lay awake in the silence of the night, with a growing sense of God's presence, stronger than it hadever been before. What was the feeling? Anxiety of the unknown? Yes, a little, but somehow more a growingsense of peace, of harmony, of greatness, of expectation, of wonder ...of Light.

    In the sky overhead three stars that had been getting closer together each night for the past week, cametogether now as one, illuminating the sky and the earth below with a light brighter than a full moon, yet softer thandusk. It was as though the light of the bright star cluster brought with it a special quality, a warmth, and a sense ofcontentment, a knowing.

    Silently, other individuals became more alert to a clearness in the air, a great sense of awareness andanticipation. Laying in their darkened rooms, their eyes focused through their open windows, one-by-one theywere drawn to rise from their beds and stand in silent awe, to close their eyes, their attention going deep withintheir own inner being, to a place they had never been before, and yet a place they now realized had always beenthere for them.

    This was a special moment, a moment of magnitude never experienced before and available only to those whohad entered into the silence in peace and with expectation.

    For down the street and around the bend in the little dirt road, in a shed only a hundred paces past the lastbuilding at the edge of town, human-kind was at the point of transformation. In this little manger only blocksaway from the people held deep in their inner silence, the baby Jesus was born into the world.

    And in the silence, in the hearts of all who listened, the Christ Spirit was born ...And it was good."and unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, who is Christ the lord."And so it is. Amen.

    M E D I T A T I O N


  • 8/12/2019 Answers R Within


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    Perhaps nothing has come to symbolize Christmas like a living room decorated with a tree and

    colorful stockings hung on the mantel. Its a celebration filled with bright colors, merriment and familygatherings. With all its Christian religious significance, it has also become a universal coming togetherof all kinds of people and a myriad of beliefs. When Jesus said we should love one another, perhapshe was asking us to carry our Christmas feelings of oneness into all the other days of the year as well.

    Thank you God, for such a rich reminder of Your presence all about us, all the time.

    Christmas Ice sculpture at the Gaylord Palms Hotel in Orlando, near Disney World,

    December, 2006. Photo by Art Holt

  • 8/12/2019 Answers R Within


    Words to live by: We are guided by our knowledgethat our thoughts and words create our reality. Let us acknowledgeanother word that will impact our lives in wonderful ways if we give it

    its proper due. The word... Opinion

    What is your opinion? We all have them. Some

    people express theirs frequently, others keep them tothemselves. While we tend to think of peoples

    opinions as expressions of criticism, we need to be

    aware that we have positive opinions of support, of

    faith, of friendship and trust as well. We also have

    political and religious opinions, financial, legal,

    medical, scientific and literary opinions...and more.

    All of our opinions have an effect on our lives.

    Why? Because they are an expression of our beliefs.

    You can actually tell a lot about a person when youlisten to their opinions because they are also revealing

    what they believe to be true, whether it actually is or is

    not. It also appears that the more vocal a persons

    opinions, the less likely they are to listen to or entertain

    a differing perspective. Because to do so means they

    would have to give up an error belief.

    As parents we need to know that our opinions

    become our childrens beliefs, at least until their

    rebellious teen age years, when our opinions meet a

    brick wall as they reject almost everything we say,

    searching for what is meaningful to them. Still, when

    all is said and done, the positive opinions we have

    instilled in our children when they are young will carry

    them through and help build their character as adults.

    As a minister I realize that virtually all of the things

    I have written in the past 30 issues of Upward Bound

    Journal are my Spiritual opinions. I would love to think

    that they have been helpful in your understanding of

    your Spiritual nature, and I hope that some of themhave caused you to question both my opinion and your

    own understanding. Most of all I hope they have been

    more of a contribution than an hindrance.

    Our of our most valuable freedoms is the freedom of

    expression. So when you express your opinions please

    remember that others need to have the same freedom to

    express theirs as well.

    But, thats just my opinion.Art Holt

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    A Unity Publishing Ministry

    Rev. Arthur Holt,

    Unity Minister

    Dottie Holt,

    Licensed Unity Teacher

    Upward Bound of Unity, Inc.

    10870 SW 71st Circle

    Ocala, FL 34476

    Phone (352) 861 -5518

    Email: [email protected]

    Upward Bound Journalis a Unity publishing ministrybased on Biblicalteachings and dedicated to writing and presentingspiritual, inspirational, and metaphysical principleswhichempower people to enrich and transformtheir lives.

    For more information about Upward Bound check our


    Issue # 31Upward Bound Journalis of Upward Bound of Unity,Inc.

    Member: Association of Unity Churches International, SunCoastUnity Ministers Association, and affiliated with: Unity School ofChristianity and Silent Unity, publishers of Daily Word.Upward Bound of Unity, Inc. is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), charitablecorporation sustained entirely byyour tax deductible gifts.

  • 8/12/2019 Answers R Within


    Thank You for Your Support

    Sometimes we take a spiral path on our upward bound journey, with unexpected twists andturns, challenges as well as opportunities. So it pays to keep our faith and trust that God has aplan for each one of our lives that is not only unique, but far better than anything we could everimagine for ourselves.

    We pray you are and will continue to benefit from our Upward Bound Journal. Its onlythrough your support that it is possible to continue on with our publishing ministry. Ourwish is simple, to provide an electronic copy like this to everyone who would enjoy it, whereever the internet goes. Please help whenever you can.

    Richest blessings, Rev. Art & Dottie Holt

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