“kunagurzah”, leongatha€¦ · give me a good description of your doings etc. i think gwen...

1-6-14 “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha Dear Mavis, Yours safely to hand. I can see you don’t write many letters or else the blue writing paper would have disappeared before this. Glad you like being at the MLC & I suppose you lucky beggar had a good time at Greens Blacks or some other colour while poor me gets nothing else but rain & mud. Today is the seventh day of rain in succession & likely to continue. The mornings are very cold and fetching cross (?) is goodo. I say have they dossed you yet or tipped you out of bed or broken you in some other way yet. If not is about time. Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are you taking you will find “Bridge” interesting also cards and will be able to pass easily. During the last week I have done a bit of visiting & also had visitors to see me that’s the reason we finished all our bread & butter etc. & have none left for breakfast. The porridge is also done & the cream cash does not call until about 1:30pm tomorrow. The only thing we have to fall back on is Pancakes & Johnnie Cake. Sugar done too, latest report. A couple of young ladies called in the other day & had afternoon tea with me. My chef had a fine cake with biscuits on hand and after eating the lot (My word they can eat up this way) we sat around the stove in the kitchen & talked. P.S. These ladies were over 40. Dad is giving me a visit perhaps the end of this week. I suppose you have seen him by this. Don’t forget to take a Rim up here some time. Its only 78 miles from Town & the scenery is beautiful will send you a Post Card showing you Mt Eccles near where I am in Jack. I am in the side of it. We generally get some breezes at night they come up against the side of the kitchen at about 50 miles per hour where the pace is checked a little, although it comes in at about 30 knots & when one is sitting in the stove trying to keep warm he discovers the wood is wet and won’t burn. I suppose you’ll think this writing is awful so it is but considering my icy cold frozen feet & only half a tea & wet wood etc. etc. there is an excuse I will ring off with good luck & lumps of Detention. Your loving cousin George My chef is writing to Scotland & is sending two books perhaps you heard the names Stocking our Selection & Our new Selection By Steel Rudd I wonder what they think of Australia.

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Post on 04-Aug-2020




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Page 1: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


“Kunagurzah”, Leongatha

Dear Mavis,

Yours safely to hand. I can see you don’t write many letters or else the blue writing paper would have disappeared

before this. Glad you like being at the MLC & I suppose you lucky beggar had a good time at Greens Blacks or some

other colour while poor me gets nothing else but rain & mud. Today is the seventh day of rain in succession & likely

to continue. The mornings are very cold and fetching cross (?) is goodo.

I say have they dossed you yet or tipped you out of bed or broken you in some other way yet. If not is about time.

Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her

by this. What subjects are you taking you will find “Bridge” interesting also cards and will be able to pass easily.

During the last week I have done a bit of visiting & also had visitors to see me that’s the reason we finished all our

bread & butter etc. & have none left for breakfast. The porridge is also done & the cream cash does not call until

about 1:30pm tomorrow. The only thing we have to fall back on is Pancakes & Johnnie Cake. Sugar done too, latest

report. A couple of young ladies called in the other day & had afternoon tea with me. My chef had a fine cake with

biscuits on hand and after eating the lot (My word they can eat up this way) we sat around the stove in the kitchen &

talked. P.S. These ladies were over 40.

Dad is giving me a visit perhaps the end of this week. I suppose you have seen him by this. Don’t forget to take a Rim

up here some time. Its only 78 miles from Town & the scenery is beautiful will send you a Post Card showing you Mt

Eccles near where I am in Jack. I am in the side of it. We generally get some breezes at night – they come up against

the side of the kitchen at about 50 miles per hour where the pace is checked a little, although it comes in at about 30

knots & when one is sitting in the stove trying to keep warm he discovers the wood is wet and won’t burn. I suppose

you’ll think this writing is awful so it is but considering my icy cold frozen feet & only half a tea & wet wood etc. etc.

there is an excuse I will ring off with good luck & lumps of Detention. Your loving cousin George

My chef is writing to Scotland & is sending two books perhaps you heard the names Stocking our Selection & Our

new Selection By Steel Rudd I wonder what they think of Australia.

Page 2: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are




Dear Mavis,

I suppose you would like a letter in some shape or form and as the night is one of the warmest we have had I am

taking the opportunity and writing many letters of importance take a note of the last two words. I had a letter from

your mother last mail the drought must be very serious in the Valley and Sth Riverina at present. At Nathalia there is

no grass, no crops and the stock and horses have to be hand fed. At Dookie it is exactly the same. Now down my way

everything is nice and green and plenty of rain. The week that I was in Melb there were 530 points of rain registered

at Leongatha. Now at Dookie the rainfall for the year has been only 4.7 inches against 12.75 for the same period last


Wesley have got a good stack in football haven’t they wond three matches in successioin beating Geelong G S,

Xavier a Scotch Colleges. I see it would take the DAC team to beat them.

As soon as I got back from Melb another tooth started and kept me awake for a couple of nights so had to visit the

Dentist at Leongatha and the gum was so much swollen that he could not inject anything. The only thing he could do

was to introduce the cold steel – I was glad when it came out I can tell you.

Tried to make a loaf of bread the other ngiht but had to use the axe to break it and failed. Also made a Johnnie Cake it

was a beauty it rose so much that it flattened against the top of the oven. Will make you one someday. Have you been

over to Green Sh yet if not you ought to go when you get the chance.

See the wattle trees up here are coming out whgich tells of and Early Spring which I am hoping for well Mavis I think

this is all trusting you are enjoying yourself and will drop a line occasionally.

Your loving cousin


Page 3: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

13 – 11-1915

No 3164, 11 Rein, 6 Batt, 2 Mt Brigade, AIF, Egypt

Dear Mavis

We landed at last after anchoring for two days outside Suez. From there we took the train to Pinetown and marched

that evening to our camp at Heliopolis when I am now but we are moving again in a day or two. We had a grand sight

in the train journey a water channel ran close to the line and the Suez Canal a little further off. On the other side was

bare desert & for days before landing we didn’t see a growing thing but this land is very fertile when irrigated. It

grows maize & sugarcane & fruits to perfection. The natives also animals are very strange to us live on anything &

live in mud houses called a village (all together) & the fowls and pigeons roost on the roof. We have several villages

a few hundred yards from our camp. The animals consist of donkeys, mules, buffalo, camel, fat tailed sheep, goats

with lop ears & very small fowls. The natives are just as funny. Arabs, Egyptians, Sudanese etc. etc. Every race in

Europe are to be found here. In the town of Heliopolis there are some lovely buildings one a hospital that used to be

an hotel contains 1500 rooms. Tomorrow I am trying to get to the Pyramids for a trip. Some of the native Moslems

are fine places. Above are the Egyptian figures which I have picked up already and can write them as easily as our

own. Their money we soon got used to all Piastres 1= 1 ¼ 4 ½ to 1 s/ 9 ½ =1/-/- get a few less for silver as you can

see. I have crossed the Nile River twice it is a fine River about 500 yards across. We are only 5 miles from the City

of Cairo which we make for when drill is over. There are found all European Races & natives. The Sultans Palace is

a beauty. The native police are funny in their ways they never tell one to get out of the way just give him a crack with

a stick or throw a stone at him. Well Mavis will write again after the trip.

Your loving cousin, George

Page 4: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

Heliopolis Camp, Egypt

Dear Mavis, Wishing you and brothers a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year From George

Heliopolis Camp via Cairo Egypt

Aunt Nell & Uncle Jack

Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year From George

Page 5: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are



Dear Uncle Jack

Just a line to let you know I am still on my feet. This card is the Railway Station Cairo you can imagine the size. It is

a beautiful building. You ought to see the farmers of this country they hold a few acres but the soil is very fertile.

I’ve seen Egyptian clover (native Lucerne) far better than any growth in Australia and cabbages which have heads 2

feet in diameter. The maize is all white grain and cooked cobs form one of the native foods along with sugar cane.

We see some very fine Biplane flights over our camp daily. The Aviation Corps is only a few hundred yards off us.

There were three up today. Glad you’re having a good harvest. You ought to see them ploughing here. They use a

peculiar shaped single F (very old pattern) and a pair of buffaloes. Do a lot of acres in a long time. I hope all are well.

During the Neck a large number of Australians came in. We have been here 9 weeks now time soon passes enjoying


Your nephew, George

Page 6: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


Abbassia Camp

Dear Aunt Nell,

I am trying to scribble a few lines in my tent but with talking and footballing it is difficult. I am knocking out a goodo

time. Thanks very much for cake etc. I ate it Xmas day. How did you enjoy the Melbourne trip? Hope Tommie’s eye

is better again by this. We expect a move before very long but don’t know much only rumours. Glad you’re having

great fun with scammo? And harvesting. What I can hear the country is looking well in every part. This card is the

bridge over the Nile (Kash-el-nil) it is about 500 yards across and mounted with 2 bronze lions at each end. I have

been across it a number of times. It is very fine work to look at. A portion opens from 3-3:30 PM each day to allow

boats to pass. Our prequest? Barracks are just near the tree this end. Hoping all well.

Your nephew George

Remember me to Misses Crane and Mrs Richardson

Page 7: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


Aerodrome Camp

Dear Mavis

Our mail not yet collected so I will put this with the other. The cards are not up to much but can’t get decent ones here

but they will explain... This mosque is now in ruins and the other side of the Dead City that I wrote about. This

building Khalif is about 2000 years old. They are all called tombs as under the domes are the graves of the Sultan

family mother in law etc... All these tombs inside are kept in good order and are painted up each year. To go into

those mosques one pays ½ PT into some of the later ones, one has to take his boots off as the floor is polished marble.

IN these some beautiful pillars are seen marble, granite and alabaster notice the crescent on the top of all mosques it

stands instead of a cross on our churches I have been to the top of this good minaret 150 feet high although it doesn’t

look it 170 steps

Your loving cousin, George

Page 8: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


Aerodrome Camp Heliopolis

Dear Aunt Nell, Your New Year Card to hand

safely it’s a very good one, thanks. Always

please to hear from you. Letters are getting a

little irregular now. Talk of an Australian

winter today is very cold and rain is falling.

Am still having a good time. This car is the

mosque opposite the citadel with a beautiful

gold plated roof the builder had his eyes put

out to prevent him building another one like it.

You should try the chees made from goats.

Also Buffalo cow milk. I bet Mrs Thomas

never had its equal

Your loving nephew George

Page 9: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


Aerodrome Camp


Dear Mavis,

Quite a long while since I’ve

heard from you over three weeks.

We have again moved to the

above only a few hundred yards

this time and now we sleep in

huts covered with grass matting.

This card shows you a Obelisk

with the ancient symbols on the

sides. This one is about 2 miles

from our camp. These are very

ancient. Old manuscripts say

there are five of them in Egypt

and only four have been found up

to date. One they have taken to

London but this remains as good

as when placed there. You see a

buffalo cow here this is the

animal that supplies us with milk

butter and chees is pure white

with a kerosene taste goodo

Love from George

Page 10: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

Sweet seventeen (eh what) [23 Jan 1916]

Prezzon Camp


Dear Mavis

I spent a lovely Xmas with not droll(?) and

box of cakes etc. Thank your mother for

them. They came in very good order. We

were all delighted when the Heads lined us

up and said that Billies were to be given out

and then up came loads of them. I got one

that was packed in Tasmania and contained

many useful articles including a pudding,

boot laces, chocolate etc. I am posting a

small packet with this which I hope you’ll

get safely. On Xmas night we went to Cairo

for a few hours but that city was in

darkness. Am writing this in the tent so

excuse. This PC is how the Egyptian

woman carries her babe (not in the arms)

Wishing you many Happy Returns of the


With much love Geo

Page 11: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


At Aerodrome Camp, Heliopolis

Dear Mavis,

I am still getting along fairly well and still here. We haven’t had any mails now for some time but expect them daily

as there must be two vessels in from Australia. This card is the Holy Carpet which is renewed every year and place

over the Tomb of Mohammed in Mecca. It is seen here in procession just commencing its Routh march. The old

cover is taken off the tomb, cut into strips and sold to the natives as lucky charms. The mosque here is the one of the

Present Sultan of Khedive of Egypt. I hope you are enjoying yourself. Remember me to all, With love your loving

cousin George

Page 12: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

4 March

Dear Mavis

In my last I mentioned that I had no letters form you for some time and then received two but today I had the pleasure

of getting three more from you. 10 pages to read. My word the harvest must be good this year to be taking so long. I

notice there are heavy yields throughout the country. We have had a couple of sandstorms lately. Nathalia dust

couldn’t compare with these. Sometimes we get a rash? But water does not trouble us as long as we get our water

bottles full. I haven’t met Ern yet. Think he must be having a good long holiday in England.

With much love, George

Page 13: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

4th evening

The Sands

Dearest Mavis

Again! I will try and scribble a line or two by my little lamp which is made of string twisted together and the fat from

our bacon every morning, it makes a good light, try it. We are getting some warm weather now and all are getting as

brown as Ghurkas. Just had a bath today in a pannikin and made two towels dirty in the drying process. I have had

several long rides on camels. They remind one of the ocean wave. Thanks very much for the parcel which will come

to light when parcels are issued shortly. Remember me to all. Had a letter from Green Shul. I believe Dad is getting

a motorcycle.. I suppose he’ll run up to Nat on it. Good night much love, George

Page 14: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

18th afternoon

Aerodrome Camp

Dear Mavis

Good afternoon. Again for the second time with another mosque this time one of the best known and very old, one of

the best sights here is Tombs of the Mameloukes. These were ancient rulers of this part and buried beneath these

domes. The Citadel is seen in the background with its two high minarets. Around these mosques you can see an

Egyptian Cemetery in the walls in the open note the peculiar stile of tombstone with the two standing stones. Where

we are camped now we can see one about 2 minutes’ walk is a cemetery with hundreds of these quaint graves. We

have been on our sorting excursions but will leave until later very interesting you would have liked to be with us.

Weather here is just beginning to warm up again. Hope all are well in Nathalia. We had a fine concert in camp.

Went to the Sack Kilher the other night enjoyed the play. Will have to close this time with love Your loving cousin


Page 15: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are
Page 16: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are
Page 17: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are
Page 18: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are
Page 19: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are
Page 20: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are
Page 21: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

16 April 16

Dear Mavis,

I suppose you’ll know long before you get this

that we are now somewhere in France and as

usual having a goodo time, only it’s a little bit

too cold in Frogland. There is beautiful

scenery here and very pretty little farms. Talk

about eggs milk etc. the chaps fairly rush the

luxuries being quite at home being away from

the black saedas (?) of Egypt. Well May will

write first chance. Hoping all are well much

love George


My Dear Mavis, Still in France. I would like to meet the gent who gave it the name of “Sunny France” I haven’t

much news just now in fact practically none. In best of health Hoping all home are the same. Remember me to all I

know. Thinking of taking on a Duck farm here. Well goodbye for present

With heaps of love George

Page 22: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

Blank postcard

Page 23: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


Somewhere in Belgium

Dear Mavis,

Received today two of your letters one dated 7-4-16 and the other 3-3-16 fancy a little over a month’s difference but

nevertheless goodo. By Jove you made me laugh by saying Angry was settled down at last. Oh cripes it’s funny. The

chap deserves a DSO or VC or something to cheer him up. Angry a Mrs she’ll be too proud to speak where you

asked? Or did you go without an invitation? Did you try the cake if not why not. Don’t forget to send me some. Have

just come to conclusion that the Hubby is a brave man. You ought to see some of the Farms over here. Was at one

the other day and saw a grandfather clock which is over 200 years old and still keeping perfect time the works are only

3 or 4 wheels and weights nearly all farmhouses have the date of building on the side also an image of the Catholic

faith. These houses are queer shaped thatched roof but very clean inside. These all contain a dog wheel which is 16

feet in diameter and worked tread mill fashion by large dogs. This turns a churn etc. Butter making is easy over here.

Doges are also trained to pull carts etc. The cattle over here are beauts being the famous Flemish breed. A rich red in

colour and good milkers one peculiar custom is that they milk these cows in paddocks without bails and as many times

a day as milk is needed. I have seen the herd milked five times. May be because war time v rush of milk looks funny

to us. All harvesting and hay making is done by women and ‘gals’ One can call into any farmhouse and get a drink of

coffee or milk for one penny bread and margarine same price butter and things are fairly cheap but cannot get a good

feed (Australian) since leaving Australia. Only what I call afternoon tea. By the way looking out one of my window

(excuse) I see the cook messing up some dough but has to stop and get someone to scratch for him as his hands are

full goodo quite appetising. This land is not quite alive as Egypt but bad enough. We can get baths occasionally. In

Egypt we often used to swim in the Suez Canal until the dirt blocked it up and dredges had to be employed. Heard the

first band today for over 3 months it arrived? At 2:30am a Tommie’s fife and drum it was good. I happened to be in

gas guard at the time and awake. Sending a booklet of Trench Sketchings by Capt Bandfather an officer over here

he’s a character. You’ll see how we are enjoying ourselves over in the trenches and can imagine us when Fritz strafes

but that’s nothing to it when our boys strafe him. Ok I am enjoying myself a treat the coldfooters who …

Page 24: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


Alexandra Hospital, Cosham, Hampshire

My dear Mavis

It seems a long while since writing a letter of any descriptions so here goes. You see I’m at the same old place and

getting on fine. Yesterday & the day before I was actually out of bed and wheeled my frame about in a fine extension

leaf chair but today they have me in bed again it’s because they are too busy as a red cross train arrived this morning

and they cleared about a dozen out of our ward and sent them to the Huts (wards further along) and made room for

others. The beds were soon filled all arm and leg wounds. When in the chair I got permission to go on the balcony for

a while and when there got my first view of old England on one side is the garrison Fort and one the other side

Portsmouth a couple of miles off with small farms in between we even saw a very large hare run across the hospital

lawn. I was longing for a shot but was told there was a fine of 5 pounds. Hares here are protected and then there’s a

licence to get. One Australian left the ward this morning but still there are six of us left. We are the only Australians

here 37 in all and all came together in the Red Cross trains and boat. Later we will go elsewhere to the Australian

Base. We are well looked after and the people are too kind and treat us well. Last Sunday I had my locker packed

with apples pears grapes bananas cigarettes chocolate and the Australian Club sent me full shaving outfit brush &

comb & chocolate and last week they sent me tooth brush and past chocolate cigarettes and matches and toilet bag.

Then people gave us addresses to call on them when out for theatre parties tea etc. others came with cakes for our

supper. I can tell you it is goodo. Quite different from the French people.

Another funny thing a chap here got a glass eye had it in for the day and took it out and lost it, has not seen it since,

going back again tomorrow for another. Well Mavis I would like to write a longer letter but cannot just now. Worked

out to get letter have to had one for over six weeks now but will bet a bundle shortly as they advised me that address

has been received at base and letters will be forwarded shortly. Write to Battalion address not to hospital. Have you

ever heard from Ern yet. Goodbye for present. With love Your loving Cousin Geo

Since being knocked it just over a month now will be walking about shortly. Remember me to all at home and to Mr

& Mrs Richardson.

Page 25: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


Alexandra Hospital, Cosham, Hampshire

My dear Mavis

Very pleased to get your letter 22-7-16. It chased me over France as usual and finally found me here. You ought to

see the envelope one mass of addresses etc. So your mother doesn’t seem to care for shells so she you ought to see a

few from 18 to a few hundred lbs in weight. Quite a number came very close to me in fact many a time the dirt has

come in and nearly buried me great sport but one shell came too close and knocked me out in the same (?) round in

Pozieres. Getting on well in fact never better but still in bed making slightly over six weeks now but daily rise for a

couple of hours and go as far as to hobble about so that’s not too bad. The Hospital a grand place and the treatment

excellent but the tucker is absolutely rotten. Never thought they live like it in England. Only for the visitors and what

we buy we would sure to stave. To commence the day we get washed at 4am every morning. Beds made at 4:45 am.

Temperatures taken at 5:30. The chaps who get up get called at 6am and no sleep till breakfast at 7:30 as the floors

etc. have to be swept before food. One just gets to sleep and it’s something like this: Wake up, wake up and take your

sleeping draught. Now breakfast has arrived we get porridge sometimes without sugar, sometimes a little but most

times very very little. Next some get boiled eggs every morning and then there use to be fresh once but a long while

ago. I am one of the lucky ones I got bacon and eggs until I asked to be put off eggs and so get bacon marked on my

diet board. 4 oz. but when I’m lucky I serve an ounce. Bread butter. What? Never seen butter here yet all margarine

tastes like cart grease so I don’t eat that and asked to be put on jam but as them have 75,000 tins of marmalade in

stock I buy my own and get it brought in. We mostly get dinner half cold and for tea lucky if we can get enough

bread, for supper we get a mug of cocoa the best feed for the day. So you can draw your own conclusions what it’s

like for food. Not allowed to have money or a watch in possession. I have both and they’ll not get them either. Our

own hospital at Boulogne one could get anything one wished by as this is a Military Hospital and other ones are VAD

and Red Cross it makes all the difference. Sorry if this bores you but I must write something interesting or else I

wouldn’t have a letter written at all. Haven’t heard from Ern yet. I wonder where he is. You must have had a great

time at the Dentists by the way I am out of bed sitting up writing this page. How is the singing and what note can you

take now, a 1 pound one what what ? Do you sing rags or what a great little song is when Uncle Joe play a rag on his

old banjo one gramophone plays this one at least 40 times a day we all know it. The last few days we have had dreary

weather but till then it has been beautiful. Yesterday was visiting day so have a large supply of fruit in stock. How do

you like dancing have you tried the Fox trot yet. It’s quite a novelty I believe. Parsons (?) and all have the craze of

course you can’t do it without rage music etc etc.

Dad said in a letter I suppose you’ve been to Paris and London by this especially in your spare days off. What?

We’ve never had a minute to ourselves yet. Hope to get here this time thought I see by the papers that you’ve had

floods up your way even up to 10 metres fallen at Ballan and Goulburn very high. I hope the harvest is good this year.

It’s just as well the rain is falling early hope it does not damage growing crops. I get some very good yarns in with the

Canadians and of course ring it in I suppose they do the same. Got a great spasm just now a fellow came to me and

said your name Sims I said it was so he told me that he would massage (or something like that ) me in a few minutes

so I can expect some joy when they commence bending my leg. Today’s paper tells us of another Zepp raid over

London and one tonight down this makes four down since I’ve been here. Goodo. Did I tell you we had one right

over this hospital on 26th Sept. Great excitement but it did no damage our anti-aircraft and search light drove it off. It

came from over the Isle of Wight and right over Portsmouth. Well May this is all I can write just now. Hope all at

Nathalia are in the best of health. Remember me to all goodbye for present. With love your loving cousin George.

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Alexandra Hospital, Casham, England

Dear Auntie and Uncle,

Very pleased you wrote to me at last – have been expecting it for months. I see by the papers large rains are falling up

your way. Hope the harvest will be a top notcher this year. It’s quite difficult for me to think of harvest this time of

the year for over here now it’s beginning to get cold and rain falls every morning. The chaps say snow this month.

The harvest in France was a record one and all crops looked lovely especially wheat oats and rye. What do you think

of this post card the boys who took refuge at Pozieres and drove Fritzy before them like a flock of sheep. Our boys

sent prisoners through our lines all day long. I counted nearly 200 and got tired. In our trench which we had to hold

the 4th Batt drove Fritz out as we jumped in great sport I can tell you. Our officers said at least Fritz first? One was

8000 shells in continuous for 147 hours they only managed to get about four shells into the trench. This card shows

you the captured trophies taken by one of the English Regiments – note caps helmets bayonets and pistol and the

French soldier on the right hand corner very pleased with himself. My word they have fought well at Yerdma? And

Fritz hasn’t got a possible chance to get through now he’s done his dash right through. No doubt we’ll be home for

Xmas but I won’t say which year. Well this is all just now Remember me to all I remain your affectionate nephew,


Got 2 letters from Mavis and one from Jack yesterday morning will answer soon.

Page 27: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


Alexandra Hospital

Cosham Hampshire

My dear Mavis

Yours came to light this morning dated 3 Aug and a few days before one dated 22 July. You see just nine weeks old

very pleased to get this better late than never they say. Winter has just commenced over here and the mornings are

getting very cold. We feel it especially. Yesterday they issued the Australians with an extra blanket. Tres bon. But I’ll

take another one sometime. I have moved out of Aharven ward and sleep in Marquess and got to the dining room for

tucker etc. Myself I am getting on fine and can hobble about quite a lot and getting well quickly. The fur of us are

still here. One Australian here has had bad luck he lost his right leg about a month ago and the other day they had to

amputate the other foot. He got wounded by an aeroplane bomb. His home is in NSW.

In our Marquess we have a fine time, six in all and talk of mixtures on Australian, 1 Welsh, 1 Scottish guards, 2 from

Sussex & one from Lancashire and to hear their dialects it’s great. We still get excellent treatment and a little better

grub. Have been here seven weeks today and eleven days before I got here making nearly nine weeks now I suppose

name has appeared in paper before this. Before I forget congratulate Richards (?of Heathcote) for me will you – don’t

forget, We have had several comments here lately ….. from camps some will send some when …. Not someday. One

family was ……… Venn and was very good….. we all got invited out to an at home at Southsea the other day and

after a lot of argument the Colonel allowed eleven of us to go down on a Red Cross ambulance we got there at 3:15

and had to leave for prison at 5:30 but we had a really good time. The motor ride was about ……. Portsmouth free

time and southern

I have never heard form Ern can’t trace him at all. Dave Sims is over here somewhere. I believe on a howitzer battery

but don’t know where he is either. Still tractors some in – bring everything still even tomatoes as well as numerous

other things. It’s over 12 months since I sailed now but I’ll get back for Xmas but not sure which year yet. Well

Mavis I am just about “napu” not so much else I wish I could write some news but think I’ve done well getting so far.

Will send photo of at home when I get them. Don’t forget that phot of yourself. Hoping all are well. Remember me

to Mr & Mrs Richardson, Mrs Hosking, Miss Muntz and others too numerous to mention.

With love your loving cousin George

Page 28: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are


Alexandra Hospital


My dear Mavis

Just a few lines this time as news in scarce here just now. I am still anchored ashore but expect to move shortly to one

of our own joints as last night appeared a notice in army notes which said all Australians fit to travel must leave as

soon as possible. I will be glad when I get away for a change. I have just been called away to change my linen and

have come back looking a freak in my shirt – has no collar & I have 3 buttons on each cuff, a coat (blue) with no

buttons& a pair of socks that I had to put on with a shoe horn & about 3 sizes too small.

We are having rotten weather just now eight days of rain and wind etc. & as cold as charity. Am out of the wards now

and am in Hut III a very comfortable building with games of all kinds. After lights out last night we had a concert

amongst ourselves and one sang “Mother fetch a mallet there’s a fly on baby’s nose”. Great success. Another recited

the 11.69, on the London Smashem line etc. Then we all had a chorus Three Blind Mice and the Colonel called in to

see what the row was about and nearly fell over a chair which caused roars of silence. Oh we knock out a good time

in this Prison(?) sometimes.

Well how are you getting on with singing? So you know my old Kentucky Home the parody goes something like this:

Way down in our old Camp, That’s where we get the Cramp, This sleeping in the damp, And we never have a lamp

etc. etc.

We have all sorts of chaps here English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh, Canadian, Australians & Yankees & a few more

foreigners. There is another Australian mail in so expect a few letters in a day or two. Can you do the Foxtrot or the

Gaby glide all the rage over here or the Goose step I only tried to dance once and stepped on a young ladies knee.

You would have laughed to see another chap and myself the other day in the rain. We were out walking or trying to

but we both had to stop for a spell three times before we could reach cover by that time the rain ceased. Am getting

on fine. Well, Mavis Remember me to all at Nathalia also to Wm Shine. Hoping you are having a good time and

don’t forget to catch each mail. Your loving cousin George

Mary’s address is 188 Auburn Rd, Auburn

Don’t forget to forward that photo of yourself someday. No I have never hear of Jack Chambers for ages.

Heather from Scotland

Page 29: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

Harefield Park Middlesex New Years Day

Dear Aunt Nell

Thank you very much for cakes & biscuits which were very nice. I fancied that I was back again in Yalea. The

biscuits were packed well & hardly any were broken. This card gives you an idea of Trench life drawn by Capt. B

Page 30: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

Basinns father the army cartoonist whose work has surprised the World. Note the Bully Beef tin, Macintoshes & Fire

bucket in the air & the look on the faces typical aint they then we have the artillery Observer in a very pleasant

position I had a letter from Dave Sims this morning he was only two miles from me when I was at Cresham but didn’t

know. Grandmother’s people have invited me to Cornwall & Wales on the third. Granny’s sister’s relations have

invited me to Davon. Great isn’t it to see them. I am going down first chance when I get furlough which ought to be

shortly. They sent me a parcel from Cornwall for Xmas. We had a good time here was out to a Xmas tree the other

night given at Mr Stedalls Estate. It was some class & very flash. We in blues felt very untidy but enjoyed ourselves.

Had a letter from Mrs Lewis. I believe Ern is back with the Sixth Battalion. The weather was very cold with snow for

Xmas. How is Tommy’s eye getting on also Kitch & others. Hope harvest a great success. No news as usual from

your nephew George.

Mr J Hayes “Chenalls” St Erth Hayle Cornwall wish to be remembered to you.

Weymouth 14-2-1917

Dear Aunt & Uncle,

I have just changed to another Hospital or Conot. Home after spending 14 days of furlough in seeing relations in

Cornwall, Devonport and Wales and had the time of my life. They were very pleased to see me to take me all over the

place to Hayle, Penzance and St Ives. I saw all Uncle James Henry’s children cousins Minnie & Julia (St Erth)

Cousins Hettie, Frank & Harry at Devonport and Cousins Millie in Wales. Her Husband is a cousin one of Aunt

Elizabeth’s children. His name is Edwards. He & C Millie took me to see all relations in South Wales. They live in

Abertredon and will send a photo to you that we had taken together that is if I don’t spoil it. I saw all Trevaskis

families at ---------- and Uncle Johnson. He is very old but strong and hearty yet. Just like Uncle Dick in speech and

Page 31: “Kunagurzah”, Leongatha€¦ · Give me a good description of your doings etc. I think Gwen Morris is still at the MLC. I suppose you have seen her by this. What subjects are

manner. We had a good time there also went to Abedare in Wales to see all the Whites families. I forget how they


Am getting the