gwen harley portfolio

Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle. WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando. FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park. IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington. KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia. PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany. NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando. FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando. FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego. CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco. CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont. IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County. CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore. MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL PORTFOLIO Gwen Harley

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This portfolio documents my professional work since graduation from University.


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Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL


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Gwen Harley

2322 W Huron

Chicago,IL 60612

(m) 312.488.1127

(e) [email protected]

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Jones Lang LaSalle corporate

San Diego, California USAWestmont, Illinois USA

Carrington Collegehigher education

Branding DevelopmentMesa, Arizona USA

The COOPco-working space

freelance schematic design collaboration with designer Crystal Grover

Chicago, Illinois USA







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CORPORATE Jones Lang LaSalle

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Jones Lang LaSalle is a global real estate services f i rm special iz ing in commercial proper ty management, leasing, and investment management.

JLL’s merging and aquis i t ions in 2006 resul ted in a rol l out of projects across the US. The cl ient wanted to proceed forward with a refreshed design/planning and branding strategy and also focus on LEED ini t iat ives in hopes of LEED cer t i f icat ion for a major i ty of their projects.

The design development of the Chicago Headquar ters space served as a model for future project rol l outs across the US. The design layout introduced open off ice environments which provided a major i ty of employees with a v iew and natural l ight , hotel ing areas for employees that work remotely ( therefore resul t ing in less square footage used) and moveable par t i t ions which al lowed for future f lexibi l i ty wi th in the space.

Three standard f in ish palet tes were developed in order to provide custom design opt ions for off ice branches, whi le providing a uni ty f rom space to space. Al l products chosen were evaluated for their recycled content and group pr ic ing agreements wi th manufactures.

JLL San Diego, CA 12,400 sqft

JLL Westmont, IL 30,000 sqft

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Jones Lang LaSal le typical finishes

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Jones Lang LaSalleSan Diego,CA

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Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego was awarded LEED Si lver in November of 2009. The project ut i l izes standard f in ishes and displays the typical spat ia l layout ut i l iz ing an open off ice environment focusing pr ivate off ices and meet ing rooms towards the core of the space and workstat ions and open off ice meet ing spaces towards the glassl ine.

Jones Lang LaSal le San Diego, CA

JLL San Diego, CA 12,400 sqft

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Jones Lang LaSal le San Diego, CA

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Jones Lang LaSal le San Diego, CA

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Jones Lang LaSalleWestmont, IL

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Jones Lang LaSalle Westmont remained consistent wi th previous projects by ut i l iz ing the spacial layout seen in typical JLL projects. The team rooms and copy areas are focused towards the core of the space and also used to create a rhythm and cont inui ty in the space thus prevent ing a “sea of workstat ions” whi le promot ing wayf inding and a sense of community at the open off ice meet ing areas.

The design standards and spat ia l layout were key to keep the language of the space consistent wi th previous projects. The Westmont project pushed the standards and aesthet ic fur ther by incorporat ing key graphic and design elements that promote corporate ident i ty and wayf inding.

Jones Lang LaSal le Westmont,IL

JLL Westmont, IL 30,000 sqft

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Jones Lang LaSal le Westmont,IL

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Jones Lang LaSal le Westmont,IL

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Jones Lang LaSal le Westmont,IL

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HIGHER EDUCATIONCarrington College

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Carr ington Col lege Mesa,AZ 30,000 sqft

Carrington College, formally known as US Education, was acquired by a major online university aff i l iate- Devry University. Carrington provides training in the f ield of healthcare such as nursing, medical, dental, physical therapy,veterinary care and pharmacy.

As a result of the economic downturn, the market started to see an influx of people returning back to college to study a new trade or for training to enhance their current skil ls. Carrington College required a new branding identity and presence in order to compete with other universit ies in the market.

The design intent focused on user experience concentrating on way-finding through use of color, key design elements and graphics. Potential students are frequently taken on a tour of the facil i ty so it was essential to create an dynamic environment that al lowed them to view current students working throughout the space.

With a t ight budget and vastly approaching move in dates, we had to establish a branded interior identity and f loor plan that promoted community, professionalism, and stimulation throughout the space.

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Carrington College Mesa, AZ

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Carrington College Mesa, AZ

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user experienceadministration

financial aid



dental lab

medical lab

First Floor

Second Floor









typical floor finishes and accent paint @ lab

typical floor finishes and accent paint @ classroom

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proposed branding elevations




03 08


06 07


Carrington College Mesa, AZ

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Carrington College Mesa, AZ

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Carrington College Mesa, AZ

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t Flo





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Carrington College Mesa, AZ

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The COOP Chicago,IL 2,000 sqft

The Coop is a co-working space nest led in the heart of the popular Meat Packing Distr ict in downtown Chicago. By day the distr ict is bust l ing wi th factory workers on fork l i f ts and the cobblestone streets are f i l led wi th wooden crates wai t ing to distr ibute some of the f inest meats to the c i ty. By evening the who’s who of Chicago f lock to the distrc i t for some of the c i t ies top restaurants and dance clubs.

The Coop focuses on providing an off ice or meet ing space for people of var ious discipl ines who ei ther work remotely or are possibly t ravel ing for work and need a more formal set t ing than say their typical coffee shop. The environment in the off ice changes frequent ly wi th the c l ients ranging from graphic designers to journal ists who rent workspaces based on a dai ly, weekly or monthly basis. The space has to be f lexible to provide environments for var ious working and meet ing sty les throughout the space.

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The COOP schematic design

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The COOP Chicago,IL

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The COOP Chicago,IL

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Gwen Harley

2322 W Huron

Chicago,IL 60612

(m) 312.488.1127

(e) [email protected]

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Jones Lang LaSalle corporate

*San Diego, CA 12,400 sqftWestmont, IL 30,000 sqft

Orange County, CA 8,000 sqft*Atlanta, GA 40,000 sqft

San Francisco, CA 25,400 sqftDetroit, MI 4,800 sqft

*Chicago,IL 40,000 sqft*Washington, D.C. 67,000 sqft

Seattle, WA 3,400 sqftBaltimore, MD 19,400 sqftPalo Alto, CA 10,000 sqft

Philladelphia, PA 12,800 sqftKansas City, KA 4,500 sqft

*Parsippany, NJ 12,800 sqft

Merrill Lynchcorporate

Chicago, IL 15,000 sqftLexington, KY 4,000 sqft

Baxter Credit Unioncorporate

Vernon Hills, IL 75,000 sqft

Carrington Collegehigher education

Chicago, IL 15,000 sqftMesa, AZ 55,000 sqft

Career Education Collegehigher education

Tinley Park, IL 30,000 sqftIndianapolis, IN 27,000 sqft

Orlando, FL 15,000 sqft







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OBJECTIVEEXPERIENCEAugust 2010 - August 2011Freelance Language Instructor,Design Consultant, Design ResearchPrague.CZ•English language consultant for various Czech companies in the field of project/construction management, marketing, medicine, banking, advertising and telecommunications. Gained valuable experience in foreign relations, presentation and networking skills. •Met with local designers to learn more about the design market and culture in Czech Republic.•Independent research on European design trends and culture.

February 2006-August 2010IA Interior Architects, Chicago.ILIntermediate Designer•Worked with corporate and higher education clients on design development and implementation of interior renovations, build-outs, corporate headquarters and interior branding. Experience with test fitting, construction documents, construction administration, materials selection and working on LEED projects.•Resource Librarian July 2007-February 2010Met with product representatives to evaluate, update and bring in new materials, finishes, furniture and lighting. Coordinated product presentations for the firm as well as industry events outside the firm.•Promoted while with in from Junior Designer to Intermediate Designer

August 2005-May 2006Peckham and Wright Architects, Columbia.MOIntern Designer•Independent study of LEED design. Maintained materials library and assisted in field measurement and construction documents.

June 2005-August 2005State of Missouri, Design and Construction Columbia.MOIntern Designer

gwenharley 2322 W Huron Chicago,IL 60612312,488,[email protected]

To obtain a design position in order tocontribute my professional design knowledge, skills and experience towards the goals and needs of the company, as well as gain vauable knowledge and skills to further my professional development as a designer. EDUCATIONMay 2006 University of Missouri-ColumbiaCollege of Human Environmental Sciences, Architectural StudiesBS HES Interior Design SKILLS

Proficient in ADT, AutoCAD, Photoshop, InDesign, SketchUp, Powerpoint, Pages, Word EXTRACURRICULAR

•Guest Interior Design blogger for •Photography •Chicago based charity organization volunteer - Dining by Design, Canstruction, Stitch, Red Moon Theatre •Volunteer with Romadrom a not for profit language teaching based organization in Prague.

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IA Interior Architects225 West Wacker Drive

Chicago,IL 60606

Carolyn Miller | Principal, Project Manager(e) [email protected]

(m) 312.488.5200

Ruben Gonzalez | Associate, Project Manager/ Architect(e) [email protected]

(m) 312.488.5200




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Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Jones Lang LaSalle San Diego.CA Westmont.IL Orange County.CA Career Education College Atlanta.GA San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL Carrington College Parsippany.NJ Seattle.WA Kansas City.KA Merrill Lynch Detroit.MI Philadelphia.PN Baltimore.MD The COOP Indianapolis.IN Orlando.FL Tinley Park.IL Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago.IL Mesa.AZ Pella.IA Career Education College Lexington.KY San Francisco.CA Chicago. IL